Blockchain For The Automotive Industry
Blockchain For The Automotive Industry
Blockchain For The Automotive Industry
Blockchain is the technology which is sell the car becomes relatively easy. Owners no
nowadays becoming too much famous and longer need a third party; they can directly use
growing very fast , it is one knd of system smart contracts between the two to facilitate
which can be used to store the data or the transaction.
infoemation in the block which are link
using cryptography. This block are secure Financial Transactions:
by cryptographic hash of the previous block
. This total system is decentralized. This In a cars lifetime, there are several times
technology can bring thr automation when recurring payments take place e.g. car
insurance, car parking or car inspection fees.
industry at different level , including the
These can be automated with smart contracts,
storage of user dada , ease of transactions thus reducing user intervention. Paying tolls
between dealer and car buyer , etc . can also be added to smart contracts with
national toll agencies, easing this process as
Base of blockchain well. Electric car companies can also provide
the option of charging electricity with crypto
When a user buys a car from the dealership,
payments, adding better accessibility.
the user gets assigned a public key / private
key combination and the user can use those
Automotive Security & Privacy
keys for every transaction they make on the
As connected and autonomous vehicles
private company permissioned blockchain.
continue to develop increasing the lines of
Some of the usage of blockchain are software code needed to control the vehicle
mentioned below. and increasing the number of connected
devices in the ecosystem, the number of
User friendly cars: potential security vulnerabilities have also
been increasing. Experts at CSIRO,
University of New South Wales and Virtual
In case of car buyer dealer will provide a private
Vehicle Research Center addressed car
key to the user or buyer of car , the user uses
security using blockchain technology with
their private key to unlock or lock the car every
time. There is only private key that will match
research suggesting that smart car
the car’s public key and the owner will have connectivity should adopt a decentralized
access to it. With the use of smart contracts, model to avoid issues associated with a
owner can give temporary access to other users single point of failure. They propose a
(family members) or to a parcel shipping service system where data can be securely
like UPS to place the parcel in the trunk of the exchanged between vehicles, smart homes,
car in their absence. All of these actions and the software vendors and others, as well as
data associated with it is part of the provide car owner privacy with blockchain
permissioned blockchain i.e. only participants technology ensuring proper access control,
approved within the blockchain can interact. This identity management and data integrity. An
gives high data protection and security to the interesting approach to automotive
owner. The opportunity to lease a car or even cybersecurity is the combination of
blockchain technology with Software
Defined Perimeters (SDPs), which is a new
approach to cybersecurity that is designed to
provide on-demand, dynamically
provisioned secure network segmentation
that mitigates network-based attacks by
creating perimeter networks anywhere in the
world, whether it is in a cloud or a data