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Can Concrete Be Bendable?
The notoriously brittle building material may yet stretch instead of breaking
Victor C. Li
484 American Scientist, Volume 100 © 2012 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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Figure 1. Concrete is not known for its ability to bend, but as this experimental example shows, special formulations of the material can be both flexible
and strong. The key is not to prevent cracks completely, but to allow the formation of distributed microcracks that can continue to bear an increasing
load. The material has been successfully used in buildings, bridges and repairs of roadways and other infrastructures such as irrigation channels. It
may also have future uses in structures that self-repair and self-monitor for damage. (All images are courtesy of the author, unless otherwise indicated.)
other recent case was the uncontrolled traffic jams often associated with road re- Given that concrete brittleness com-
spewing of radioactive water into the construction amounts to 4.2 billion hours promises safety, durability and sus-
Pacific Ocean from a 20-centimeter- per year. In addition, the production of tainability, it seems natural to ask: Can
long concrete fracture in the crippled cement needed for concrete construction brittle concrete be made ductile, so that
Fukushima No. 2 nuclear power plant is responsible for about 5 percent of the when stressed it can stretch and bend
following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake manmade carbon dioxide released to the some without fracturing? This funda-
and tsunami in Japan. Civil infrastructure atmosphere—an out-of-proportion con- mental question becomes even more ur-
could be made much more resilient if tribution to global warming potential. gent with increasing development and
concrete brittleness could be suppressed. The current practice of repeatedly repair- associated infrastructure worldwide. But
Apart from the safety concerns of ing concrete structures due to cracks and before we attempt to answer that ques-
concrete infrastructure exposed to ma- surface spalls (where pieces break off) is tion, it may be helpful to ask a related
jor hazards, there are also economic, decidedly unsustainable. The National one: Why is concrete brittle?
social and environmental implications Academy of Engineers has identified de-
associated with infrastructure deteriora- caying infrastructure in the United States Origins of Concrete Brittleness
tion under normal service conditions. In as a grand challenge of the 21st century. Cracks grow from preexisting defects
2009, the American Society of Civil Engi- For concrete construction, brittleness or flaws in concrete and stop propagat-
neers gave an average score of D for U.S. is synonymous with deterioration and ing only if the material can find other
civil infrastructure. It is estimated that poses significant costs. Despite the many means to dissipate the energy due to an
a five-year investment of $2.2 trillion is advances in concrete technology, brittle- applied load. Concrete does not possess
needed to restore infrastructural health. ness remains the biggest obstacle to it such mechanisms, so cracks result in an
In the category of roads alone, the es- becoming a truly miracle material for unstable fracture and rapid loss of load-
timated time lost by motorists stuck in civil infrastructure. bearing capacity. © 2012 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2012 November–December 485
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initial flexural crack initial flexural crack
inclined cracking multiple cracking
Figure 2. When a conventional steel-reinforced concrete member is bent (left, showing the side in tension), an initial crack forms in the center, which
can induce a failure in the bond between the steel and concrete and local sliding of the reinforcement (dashed line) relative to the concrete, often
resulting in inclined cracking that spalls (or breaks off) the concrete covering the steel. Subsequently the steel reinforcement may buckle when the
member flexes in the opposite direction during cyclic loading (black arrows), as in an earthquake. The concrete core then loses confinement due to
the buckled reinforcing steel and fails by crushing. When concrete is replaced by Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC), the initial flexural crack
initial flexural crack neutral axis initial flexural crack neutral axis
spreads into a band of multiple microcracks (right). This smeared-out microcracking allows the reinforcement to deform in sync with the ECC, so that
no relative sliding of the steel inside the ECC occurs. Thus the ECC cover remains intact, and the integrity of the structural member is maintained.
Defects in concrete come in different required to separate the gel is relatively mechanism in steel can blunt the crack,
forms. The interface between the stone low. A crack initiated from a defect and suppress crack propagation and lead to
aggregate and the cement binder is penetrating the binder finds little resis- tensile ductility. The lack of such energy
relatively weak because this region has tance to turning into a fast fracture, re- dissipation mechanism in concrete re-
porosity and
a larger amount
inclined local
cracking crystals
calcium hydroxide
in the bulk binder. Air bubbles and re-
strained shrinkage cracks also serve as
initial defects. In the bulk binder, the gel-
sulting in a brittle concrete.
multiple cracking
For comparison, structural steel has
a built-in energy dissipation mecha-
nism, based on the dislocation of bonds
between its constituent atoms, which
sults in a brittleness akin to that of glass.
Over the past several decades, a sig-
nificant amount of effort has been ex-
pended to make concrete “stronger” by
eliminating preexisting flaws. Limiting
like compound formed by the hydration results in crack propagation resistance the size of the aggregates can minimize
reaction with cement and water, calcium several orders of magnitude higher than the defects at the interface between them
silicate hydrate, resists the penetration that in concrete. Even in the presence and the cement binder. Alternatively,
of a propagating crack, but the energy of a preexisting defect, the dislocation this weak, porous interfacial transition
SH c
4 b
TR a
stress (megapascals)
20 a b
1 ED
–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 c d
strain (percent)
Figure 3. In a stress-strain curve, the material is stressed until failure to determine its strength. This curve for ECC has three regimes before
failure: elastic deformation (ED), transition regime (TR) and strain hardening (SH); the regime labeled d with a sharp decline is after failure
(or loss of load capacity). Color-enhanced images of ECC (right, a–d) show the evolution of cracking patterns at corresponding points on the
curve. The initial crack is not necessarily the one that caused final fracture failure, showing the distributed nature of cracking within ECC. The
transition and strain-hardening regimes do not exist in the stress-strain curve for ordinary concrete, even if it is fiber reinforced.
486 American Scientist, Volume 100 © 2012 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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zone can be made denser and stronger
by including in the concrete mix par-
ticles of “microsilica” 100 times smaller
than Portland cement grains. The flaws
inside the cement binder can also be
minimized by tightly packing the pow-
der, lowering mix water content to re-
duce capillary-size pores that form as
the material cures, or applying shear
pressure and chemical additives dur-
ing manufacturing to “squeeze” out any
trapped air voids. The use of particles
that reduce local stress concentrations
also lowers the likelihood of initiating
a crack at such a location. Although
such techniques are successful at pro-
viding higher strength in tension and
particularly in compression by delaying
the initiation of a fast-running crack, the
material remains, and usually becomes
even more, brittle. The increase in the
amount of elastic energy stored and
Figure 4. A conventional reinforced concrete column (left) subjected to a cyclic sideways drift similar
then released when a crack finally does to what might occur during an earthquake shows severe bond splitting between reinforcement and
propagate is not compensated with any the concrete matrix, and spalling. An ECC column (right) under the same loading conditions shows
significant increase in energy dissipa- microcracking (red and green marker lines) but remains intact, even without shear reinforcement.
tion. In essence, the focus on eliminating
flaws instead of introducing energy dis- stead, a ductile concrete is just as stiff as known as Engineered Cementitious
sipation mechanisms leads to a high- normal concrete under normal service, Composite (ECC), popularly known
strength but more brittle concrete. but yields and deforms without loss as “bendable concrete.” First I will de-
Fiber-reinforced concrete, which con- of load-bearing capacity under severe scribe some unique characteristics of
tains a network of short strands usu- conditions. Tiny “microcracks” in the this material at the macroscopic scale,
ally made of steel, glass or polymer, can material are inevitable, and indeed, such then I will detail some mesoscopic and
significantly enhance fracture toughness, small, distributed flaws allow the struc- microscopic phenomena that underlie
the amount of energy (per unit area) ture to resist catastrophic collapse. the macroscale tensile ductility.
dissipated at the crack tip as the crack For a material to exhibit tensile ductil- The ductility of materials is tested by
extends. Fibers can effectively introduce ity and not just toughness, it should be measuring the strain value (how much
new mechanisms to dissipate energy, resilient to severe loading and maintain materials can stretch) under increas-
such as chemical debonding at the fiber– its load-carrying capacity. All materials ing tensile deformation until the mate-
matrix interface, or frictional sliding as have an elastic limit beyond which they rial finally loses its load-bearing capa-
strands pull partway out of the material. cannot be stressed without incurring ir- bility. Thus, ductility is quantified by
However, such mechanisms are limited reversible damage. When loads exceed this maximum strain value, or the strain
to a small region on the fracture plane this limit, ductile materials undergo volu- capacity. In the laboratory, a rectangu-
near the tip of a propagating crack. The metric inelastic deformation, meaning that lar test specimen is held on its ends by
result is a modified failure mode from they are permanently altered throughout hydraulic grips and pulled, while the
brittle catastrophic fracture failure in their bulk but they still don’t fall apart. A load and stretching of the specimen are
conventional concrete to what’s called material possessing such capability will monitored. The load is then converted to
a quasi-brittle tension-softening frac- also be highly damage tolerant. When stress by dividing by the cross-sectional
ture failure in fiber-reinforced concrete. high stress concentration is present, such area of the specimen, and the stretch-
In this failure mode, the load-bearing as that induced by the acute geometry of ing is converted to strain by dividing
ability drops gradually rather than cata- a notch cut into its side, a ductile materi- by the original length of the specimen.
strophically as the fracture opens. al has the ability to redistribute the stress The resulting stress-strain curve quan-
Fiber reinforcement reduces, but to the adjacent volume of material, thus tifies the mechanical behavior of the
does not eliminate, the brittleness of preventing catastrophic failure from the material under load. (The stress-strain
concrete. “Ductile concrete” is thus development and unstable propagation curve is used instead of a load-stretching
usually considered an oxymoron. The of a crack (see Figure 5). In essence, the curve because the latter depends on the
construction of bridges and buildings material becomes notch insensitive. The specimen’s geometric dimensions.) For
out of ductile concrete has seemed to fracture mode of failure is delayed in a brittle materials, this curve is basically
be an impossibility—until recently. tough material by extending the elastic a straight line, terminated by a fracture
limit, but is suppressed in a truly ductile in the specimen that causes sudden un-
Properties of Ductile Concrete material by inelastic deformation. loading. The strain capacity of normal
Concrete is not rubber and never will Over the past two decades, my re- concrete, a brittle material, is about 0.01
be—it certainly wouldn’t make a good search group at the University of Michi- percent. A typical stress-strain curve for
building material if it were floppy. In- gan has developed a ductile concrete ECC is shown in Figure 3. The curve is © 2012 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2012 November–December 487
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of load-carrying capacity at one of the
already formed microcracks. The crack
pattern developed is unique to ECC.
Damage Tolerance
The ability of ductile ECC to redistribute
strain under high-stress concentrations
is illustrated by a notched specimen
tested under tension. Figure 5 shows the
diffused damage in a volume of mate-
rial surrounding the notch tip. Instead of
localizing into a sharp fracture, as would
be the case for a brittle or quasi-brittle
material, ECC redistributes the stress
and strain through its inelastic deforma-
Figure 5. Colorized images of ECC under ten- tion ability. The onion-shaped damage
sion with one (left) or two notches (right) show zone expands outward from the notch
that the microcracks formed spread away from tip toward the boundary of the speci-
the notches, which redistributes the high- men. The microcracks are curved to ori-
stress concentrations at the notch tips. ent normal to the local principal tensile
stress directions around the notch tip.
made of three characteristic regimes: in ECC also serves to dissipate the en- In some tests, microcrack damage is ob-
the linear “elastic-deforming” regime ergy introduced by an applied load. served to reach the specimen boundar-
(during which time the material can re- The transition regime on the curve ies even when the specimen is as large
cover its shape if the stress is removed), spans a strain range from 0.01 to about as 361 millimeters long by 300 millime-
a “transition” regime with a gradual 1 percent, as stress continues to rise. Be- ters wide and 61 millimeters thick. In
reduction of effective stiffness (the tan- yond the elastic limit, the larger preexist- contrast, ordinary fiber-reinforced con-
gent of the stress-strain curve as it bends ing flaws are activated first, followed by crete shows fracture localization only
over), and the almost-linear “inelastic initiation of microcracks from smaller on the plane of the material ahead of the
strain-hardening” regime with signifi- and smaller flaws. This behavior implies notch, with fibers in the concrete bridg-
cantly lower effective stiffness (the slope of a statistical distribution of flaw sizes. If ing across the crack tip on this plane.
the stress-strain curve beyond the elastic flaws were of a uniform size, the stress- The volumetric distribution of inelastic
limit). The elastic-deforming regime ter- strain curve would be a bilinear line response of ECC around a notch is in-
minates at a strain value of about 0.01 with a kink at the end of the elastic limit; dicative of a truly ductile material.
percent, similar to the strain of a nor- the transition regime would be a single The notch insensitivity of ECC is
mal concrete at catastrophic failure. The point at the kink, beyond which inelastic best revealed in a double edge-notched
strain-hardening regime terminates at deformation would occur at a constant specimen tested in tension. Microcrack-
about 2 to 5 percent strain, depending on stress level. The flaw size distribution ing initiates around the notches. Instead
the specific version of ECC. This tensile plays an important role in the progres- of localizing into a fracture plane, the
strain capacity in ECC is two orders of sive development of microcracks as the damage zone expands and extends
magnitude higher compared with that in specimen is loaded. away from the width-reduced section
normal concrete, making ECC the most Figure 3 also shows the developing of the specimen. A notch-insensitive
ductile concrete in full-scale application. microcrack pattern at different stages material is expected to show a linear
The strain-hardening regime of the of loading. The repeated load-drops in decrease in maximum load with notch
curve for ECC is associated with the the transition and strain-hardening re- depth, whereas a notch-sensitive mate-
activation of a large number of almost gimes are associated with the formation rial is expected to show a faster drop in
parallel microcracks that grow in a di- of microcracks, which grow in number load capacity. Interestingly, the double
rection normal to the tensile loading as the applied tension on the specimen edge-notched ECC specimens show
axis, and emanate from a pre-existing increases. As new microcracks develop, strengths slightly above the expected
flaw population in the material. Un- the distance between them narrows, linear decrease. These observations sug-
like fully developed cracks in concrete until they reach saturation at a spacing gest that the tensile strength of ECC is
or ordinary fiber-reinforced concrete, of about 1 millimeter. The microcrack determined by the weakest microcrack
these microcracks continue to carry width increases almost linearly with plane that would have been spontane-
an increasing amount of load until the strain up to about 1 percent, after which ously activated first in a standard test
composite strain capacity is reached. it stabilizes despite further straining, specimen. This plane may be one with
The controlled opening of these micro- typically at a value of less than 100 mi- the least amount of bridging fibers when
cracks is the source of tensile ductility crometers, depending on the particular fiber dispersion is less than uniform in
in ECC. They allow the material to dis- mix composition of the ECC. We have the specimen. The pre-notching removes
sipate a growing amount of energy due designed an ECC with crack widths this natural selection process, resulting
to an increasing load before any one that have been limited to about 20 mi- in a higher strength value by artificially
flaw can develop into a major fracture. crometers. Microcracks do not convert forcing the failure into the reduced sec-
Much like a crumple zone in a car dur- into a true fracture until the material’s tion of the specimen. The spreading of
ing an accident, this inelastic straining strain limit is reached, reflecting the loss damage away from the reduced section,
488 American Scientist, Volume 100 © 2012 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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otherwise eliminating defects by tight
particle packing and other means.
Indeed, in some special versions of
ECC when the natural flaw size distribu-
tion is not amenable to microcracking as
described, our group has shown that the
introduction of artificial flaws is benefi-
cial. A case in point is a version of ECC
developed for rapid repair that attains
high strength early in its curing process:
Small polystyrene particles (with a maxi-
mum diameter of about 4 millimeters)
that do not bond well with cement were
intentionally added to the mix to restore
the tensile ductility. Without the artifi-
cial flaws, this composite would exhibit
tension-softening behavior like that of
normal fiber-reinforced concrete. In other
Figure 6. Fibers bridging across a microcrack (the width of the image is about 5 millimeters)
provide load-bearing capacity. The rising load with crack opening allows other defect sites to words, “good defects” with a controlled
initiate additional microcracks. size range are critical to the tensile ductil-
ity and damage tolerance of ECC.
as well as the slightly higher normalized cracks, and microcracks originate from The range of initial flaw size in ECC
load capacity compared with the linear preexisting flaws in the material, con- allows for the gradual development of
reduction with notch depth, together trolling the flaw size in ECC is critical. multiple microcracks at increasing ten-
present strong evidence of notch insen- Specifically, microcracks need to be initi- sile load. The statistical distribution of
sitivity of ECC. The notch-insensitive, ated from these flaws before the load- the flaw size therefore governs the speed
damage-tolerant behavior of ECC ren- carrying capacity of the microcracks is at which the effective stiffness steps
ders the measurement of fracture tough- exhausted. This limitation implies that down as inelastic deformation increases.
ness a moot point, because the brittle the flaws should not be too small, or The general shape of the tensile stress-
fracture failure mode is suppressed. they will be delayed in activating the strain curve of ECC, particularly the
microcracks until much more stress has transition and strain-hardening stages,
Good Defects been applied. Initiation at this high stress is controlled by the flaw size statistics.
The description of the tensile stress- will result in a major localized fracture. Although the flaw size of ECC should
strain curve and ductility of ECC indi- The not-too-small flaw size concept in not be too small, it also cannot be too
cate the importance of the initial flaw ECC design is in direct contrast to the large. Excessive flaw size will lead to a
population. Because inelastic deforma- development of high-strength concrete reduction in the first crack strength—
tion derives from the opening of micro- that aims at minimizing flaw size and the tensile strength at which the first
microcrack forms in a specimen. Large
7 flaw size also reduces the compressive
strength of ECC. Thus the concept of an
6 optimal flaw size range emerges.
The load-bearing capacity of the mi-
crocrack planes is borne by fibers bridg-
ing them. The number of fibers in this
stress (megapascals) © 2012 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2012 November–December 489
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microcrack has formed, the load trans-
fer capability of the bridging fibers al-
lows additional stress to be applied to
the specimen, which in turn triggers
additional flaws to initiate new micro-
cracks. In other words, the shape of the
nonlinear stress-crack opening relation
provided by microcrack bridging fi-
bers at the mesoscale plays a domi-
nant role in the multiple-microcracking
pattern and tensile strain hardening in
ECC on the macroscale.
The capacity of the bridging fibers
governs the tensile load capacity of the
existing microcracks in the multiple
cracking process. There is statistical vari-
ation in the fiber bridging capacity from
one crack plane to another, which is as-
sociated with the imperfect dispersion of
Figure 8. Fibers bridging cracks are modeled as springs. In the flat-crack propagation mode fibers inside the composite. The ultimate
(bottom) designed into ECC, the microcrack extends under tensile loading (black arrows) with tensile strength of ECC is reached when
stress and crack width at constant values. In the common Griffith mode (top), as the crack the capacity of fiber bridging on any of
extends, its opening continuously widens and its ability to bear a load decreases correspond- these microcrack planes is exhausted.
ingly as fibers in the widest center section break or pull out from the matrix. When the capacity of the bridging
fibers is limited, smaller initial defects
dicative of the bridging fibers inter- is distinct from the more common will not be activated to form addition-
acting with the surrounding matrix. mode called Griffith crack propagation, al microcracks. Thus, the peak value
They provide inelastic energy absorp- where the maximum crack opening of the stress-crack opening relation
tion that enhances the ability of the scales with the square root of the crack depends on the volume content of fi-
microcracks to propagate without length. During steady-state flat-crack bers, the diameter of the fibers and the
breaking the fibers or pulling them propagation, the microcrack extends strength of the fiber. Together with the
out, as the width of the microcracks with the crack width fixed, except for initial flaw size distribution, these pa-
reaches a constant value soon after a small region at the crack tip, so the rameters determine the density of mi-
crack initiation. This mode is known fibers remain intact and attached to crocracks and have a direct bearing on
as a flat-crack propagation, and it the surrounding matrix. Once a flat the composite tensile ductility.
7 embedded
load (newtons)
10.2 5.1
millimeters millimeters
200 micrometers
0 1 2 3 4 5
crack opening (millimeters)
Figure 9. A test to see the load that a single model PVA fiber can withstand before it pulls out of a sample ECC-matrix block (inset) shows multiple stag-
es. At the first peak of the graph (left), the adhesive bonding between fiber and matrix is broken, dropping the load abruptly. However, surface abrasion
as the fiber slips out (shown in micrograph at right) leads to an increase in resistance until a larger second peak is reached, and continues at a decreased
rate until the fiber completely pulls out at the end of the graph. If the fiber were more tightly adhered to the matrix, the first peak would be higher, but
then the fiber would break immediately, so there would be no added load-bearing ability from surface abrasion and associated fiber slippage.
490 American Scientist, Volume 100 © 2012 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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Fiber Behavior
The interaction between fibers and mi-
crocracks is complex, especially when
fibers cross the crack at an inclined an-
gle, as would be the case for most fibers
when they are randomly oriented inside
the mortar matrix. However, the most
important and fundamental interaction
that supports the desirable nonlinear
stress-crack opening response derives
from debonding and sliding of each
individual fiber during the opening of
the crack. If the fibers did not slip some-
what, they would break instead of bridg-
ing the crack. If the fibers slip excessive-
ly, however, composite action is lost, so
the microcrack loses its flat crack shape
and turns into a macroscopic fracture.
The nature of fiber debonding and
sliding inside the composite is best Figure 10. The 41-story Nabeaure Yokohama Residential Tower (left) was completed in 2007. It
studied using a single fiber pullout set- contains four ductile, energy-absorbing ECC coupling beams (right, yellow) on each floor, which
will reduce damage to core walls (green) during an earthquake and stabilize the building.
up, where an individual fiber emerg-
ing from a small slab is pulled until the
whole fiber comes out. The pullout force matrix tunnel, with the deep end of hydrophilic surface chemistry, as most
must overcome the adhesive bond be- the fiber experiencing the most dam- other polymer fibers repel water, and
tween the fiber and the matrix material age as it undergoes the most sliding hydrophobic strands pull out with little
to begin the slippage process. In ECC, before exiting the matrix. The peeling resistance from cement. However, the
slippage is not a simple frictional process causes a “bulking” effect on the remain- hydrophilic surface of PVA fiber also
but involves a slip-hardening response, ing bonded fiber, jamming it against makes it bond too strongly to the ce-
meaning that the sliding resistance of the matrix tunnel and requiring greater ment matrix: The chemical structure
the interface between the fiber and the forces to pull the fiber out. This fiber of PVA favors complex cluster forma-
surrounding mortar increases as sliding surface abrasion-bulking-jamming tion with metal hydroxides. As a re-
progresses. This slip-hardening response mechanism is responsible for the slip- sult, pure PVA fibers tend to rupture
(as shown in Figure 9) of the fiber–matrix hardening phenomenon observed in when pulled from a cement matrix.
interface at the single fiber level governs single fiber pullout experiments. So the PVA fiber designed for use in
the details of the stress-crack opening re- To control the fiber–matrix adhesive ECC contains a thin coating of a cus-
lation at the composite’s mesoscale level, debonding and slippage process, the tom hydrophobic material. This surface
so it must be carefully controlled. surface chemistry of the fiber must be coating, 10 to 100 nanometers thick, is
The highly nonlinear slip-hardening systematically tailored. In ECC, a strong enough to dramatically alter the inter-
response is a result of deliberately en- slip-resistant process is preferred over action between the PVA fiber and the
gineered damage to the fiber as it slips strong chemical (adhesive) bonding. cement matrix. The coating material
against the matrix material. Figure 9 Breaking strong chemical bonds does and thickness on the PVA fiber are cho-
shows abrasion on the PVA fiber after not dissipate as much energy as slip sen to allow a limited amount of adhe-
it has completely slid out of the ma- processes involving inelastic mecha- sive bond that breaks before a pulled
trix. During sliding, the fiber surface nisms, such as surface abrasion, bulking fiber ruptures and supports the slip-
is progressively “peeled” by the rough and jamming. PVA fiber is valued for its hardening process.
Figure 11. An ECC link-slab was cast on a bridge deck in southeast Michigan in 2005 (left). The “jointless joint” is nearly seamless (right) and
has not required any maintenance since installation, unlike conventional bridge deck expansion joints that need frequent repairs. © 2012 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2012 November–December 491
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cracking. A link-slab made of ECC has
replaced a conventional concrete ex-
pansion joint on a bridge in southeast
Michigan. Standard expansion joints
need frequent repair, sometimes annu-
ally for some heavily traveled bridges.
The ECC link-slab connects to the adja-
cent concrete bridge slabs using rebar
and partially connects to steel girders. It
a b performs the normal function of an ex-
pansion joint by stretching via its inelas-
a b tic tensile deformation when the bridge
a b girders expand in length in response
to a rise in temperature, and returning
to its original size by closing the micro-
cracks when the bridge girders contract
in length in response to cooler weather.
Unlike conventional expansion joints,
however, the ECC link-slab does not jam
or leak chloride-laden water through
the joint. The ECC link-slab, acting as
a “jointless joint,” has remained in the
same condition as when it was installed
in 2005—no repair has been necessary.
c d
c d Smart Infrastructure
The tensile characteristics of ECC lend
c d
themselves to a number of novel func-
tions that could support smart civil infra-
structure. These include, for example, the
functionalities of self-healing and self-
sensing. Self-healing ECC is envisioned
to contribute to future concrete construc-
tions that perform self-repair without
any human intervention when damage
occurs to the structure. The self-sensing
functionality enables structural health
40 micrometers monitoring by self-reporting damage
(and healing) to remote control stations.
40 micrometers
Figure 12. Time-lapse photographs (a–d) show an ECC test piece undergoing self-healing. Both functions, currently undergoing
40 micrometers
Micrographs show the crack faces and fiber surface immediately after cracking (bottom left) research at the University of Michigan,
and with new healing products formed after 36 hours of immersion in water (bottom right). depend on the damage-tolerant nature
of ECC. The new concrete technologies
Infrastructure Resilience an earthquake, these coupling beams with smart abilities are expected to fur-
The damage-tolerant behavior of ECC, experience large shear deformation, un- ther contribute to safer and more dura-
specifically its tensile ductility and its dergoing microcracking and dissipating ble civil infrastructure with lower carbon
self-controlled narrow crack width, the energy imparted into the building and energy footprints.
have been translated into infrastruc- by the seismic event. Because shear de- A time-lapse photo sequence of an
ture advances in several recent full- formation is essentially a combination ECC specimen shows that it can undergo
scale applications. of diagonal tension and compression, self-healing (see Figure 12). The specimen
The tensile ductility of ECC has been the coupling beams develop two sets was previously damaged in a loading
used in precast beams in the core of sev- of diagonal microcracks under seismic machine and underwent self-healing of
eral tall buildings in Japan to enhance cyclic loading, and limit the load placed its microcracks when exposed to cycles of
the buildings’ resiliency against large on other parts of the building. Damage- wetting and drying in the laboratory. The
earthquakes. The 41-story Nabeaure tolerant ECC coupling beams retain healing process is revealed under a scan-
Yokohama Residential Tower in Ja- load capacity and preserve the building ning electron microscope as new chemi-
pan, complete in 2007, was built with integrity and occupant safety. cal products grew on the surface of the
this design. (This building is in Tokyo, ECC with a tight microcrack width bridging fibers inside the crack, as well
which did not experience much dam- contributes to infrastructure durability as on the crack faces. The chemical prod-
age from the Tohoku earthquake.) ECC by minimizing or delaying freezing and ucts are found to be a mixture of calcium
beams were positioned to couple the thawing damage, chloride penetration silicate hydrate and calcium bicarbonate,
corner core walls of the structure, so (from road salt) and the resulting rusting formed when water and air (carrying car-
four were used on each floor. During of steel reinforcement bars, and fatigue bon dioxide) entered the microcracks and
492 American Scientist, Volume 100 © 2012 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
with permission only. Contact
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ter self-healing. A sharp drop in reso- resistivity of the material. When volt- tion Research Record 2164:1–8.
nant frequency is observed after initial ages (resulting from an electrical current
damage, but almost complete recovery stimulus) are measured on boundary
is seen with just a few wet-dry cycles. points surrounding a damaged area, the For relevant Web links, consult this
Another critical test of mechanical prop- data can be inverted to create a conduc- issue of American Scientist Online:
erty recovery is done by reloading the tivity map of the medium within this
healed specimen under tension. It has boundary. This electrical impedance to- issues/id.99/past.aspx
been found that the original stiffness, mographic (EIT) imaging technique is © 2012 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2012 November–December 493
with permission only. Contact