Optimal Location and Capacity of Distributed Generation Based On Scenario Probability
Optimal Location and Capacity of Distributed Generation Based On Scenario Probability
Optimal Location and Capacity of Distributed Generation Based On Scenario Probability
methods according to rated capacity couldn’t meet various values associated with scenario probability. The approach
operational modes. DG planning results likely adapt to some may be described as (1):
operation mode, other operation modes are probably worse
off inversely. The key of planning natural energy DG sitting
{ }
m i n or max E ⎡⎣ F ( Si ) ⎤⎦ =
penetration rate, nDG is total number of DG. k th iteration, respectively; c1 and c2 is study factor, each value
D. Single Scenario Objective function is set to 2; ω k is weight function, it is used as following:
The general formulation of a single scenario planning model ω − ωmin
ω k +1 = ωmax − max ×k (10)
is expressed: iter
⎛ nnode ⎞ r (1 + r ) m where ωmax and ωmin are the maximum and minimum weight
f = min { ⎜ ∑ ci xi ⎟ m
+ ω PLoss +
⎝ i =1 ⎠ (1 + r ) − 1 respectively, ωmax = 0.9 , ωmin = 0.4 in this paper. k and
iter are the k th count and maximum iteration count,
μ1 ∑ [max( vi − vmax , 0) + max( vmin − vi , 0)] +
i =1 respectively.
nbranch In this paper, each node’s DG injected capacity is
μ2 ∑ max( P − P
i =1
i i max , 0) } ( 6) represented by particle:
⎡ x11 x12 x13 ... x1N ⎤
where μ1 and μ 2 is punished factor, ω is weight coefficient of ⎢x x22 x23 ... x2 N ⎥⎥
power losses. P = ⎢ 21 (11)
⎢ # # # ... x3 N ⎥
E. Multi-Scenario Objective function ⎢ ⎥
⎣ xM 1 xM 2 xM 3 ... xMN ⎦
The synthetic indexes of planning model involved a set of
where P is particle population, M is population size, N is
possible scenarios:
total number of nodes, xij is the j th node’s total DG capacity
⎛ n ⎞
{ }
m i n E ⎡⎣ F ( Si ) ⎤⎦ = min ⎜ ∑ Pk f k ⎟
⎝ k =1 ⎠
(7) in the i th particle.
The procedure of planning by PSO is shown in Fig.1:
where n is alternative scenario number, pk is probability of
the k th scenario, f k is objective value of the k th scenario Input distribution system data ;
according to (6). PSO algorithm parameter
IV. PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM Randomly initial velocity and position
of all particles ; Set iteration counter
Many conventional optimization techniques such as the
gradient methods, linear programming, quadratic Print out location and
K>Kmax ?
programming and dynamic programming have been size of DG , End
system planning. However, due to the complexity of the Run the power flow in selected every
problem, these methods may fail to find the global optimal scenario; obtain voltage , loss and
other data
solution [18].
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is an efficient approach
Evaluate objective function (7),
for optimization problems. It is proposed by Kennedy and Record Pbest and Gbest
Eberhart in1995, inspired by social behavior of bird flocking
[19]. The PSO as an optimization tool provides a population-
based search procedure in which individuals called particles Update particle position and velocity
change their position with time. In a PSO systems, particles
fly around in a multidimensional search space. During flight,
each particle adjusts its position according to its own Y
Stopping criteria ok ?
experience (this value is called Pbest), and according to the
experience of a neighboring particle (this value is called N
structure is shown in Fig.2. The DG is planned into this Optimal results are shown in Table I. Results include
system. System voltage is 12.66kV. Substation bus 0 is slack installed DG’s location and the number of equipment in
node. The original total real power and reactive power loads relevant site. The number in bracket is the number of
are 3715kW and 2300kvar. In planning level year, the growth installed DG corresponding to the site of load bus.
rate of power demand is 5%. The total planning capacity of
DG is no more than 25% of total loads. Voltage normal range TABLE I
is permitted from 0.95p.u to 1.05p.u. Type of DG is chose as
constant power factor (0.95) wind turbine. Rated power of
Scheme Results
each DG unit is 100kW. Investment cost is 20 ×104$ per wind
1 16(1), 17(1), 31(3)
turbine. DG serving time is 20 years, discount rate is 0.1. The
2 15(1), 16(1), 17(1), 31(3)
punished factor μ1 and μ 2 is set to 1000,weight coefficient
3 15(1), 16(1), 17(2), 30(1), 31(4)
are determined as ω =12 by trial and error ,in equation (6). 4 17(3), 30(1), 31(4)
18 19 20 21
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Scheme 1, 2 and 3 used single scenario of power output to
optimize DG’s capacity and size. Scheme 1 took DG power
output as rated production. Scheme 2 considered that DG
power output is the 75% of rated capacity. Scheme 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 regarded DG power output as 50% rated capacity. Scheme 4
made use of synthetic indexes to optimize planning. Method
22 23 24
of Scheme 4 involved a set of possible scenarios effecting
Fig. 2 33-bus distribution system planning result.
From Table I, we can found that the sites of DG are all
In order to better explain the proposed methodology in close to end of radial network’s feeder. It is concluded that
section II, the case of 3 scenarios has been considered: DG connected to end of feeder can better enhance voltage
Scenario I: DG output is equal to rated power; Scenario II: level.
DG output is 75% of rated power; Scenario III: DG output is It is important to notice that 3 approaches lead to different
50% of rated power. The probability of each scenario is 0.48, choice results. Scheme 1 has 5 DG; Scheme 2 has 6 DG; 9
0.39 and 0.13, respectively. DG in scheme 3; 8 DG in scheme 4.
The comparisons of four solutions are shown in Table II. Scheme 3 can adapt well to three scenario operation.
Table II shows, using planning results of Scheme 1 to Network loss is smallest, whereas cost of investment is in top
connect DG units to test network, network loss is 0.1437MW, rank.
no voltage is out of limits when DG units run in Scenario I, Although Scheme 4 didn’t take on optimal cost and
namely rated output state. However, when Scenario II and network loss on account of each scenario probability in
Scenario III happened, the number of abnormal voltage nodes different scenarios, this approach solution is the best on the
is six and ten, respectively. It is shown that scheme 1 average of future.
couldn’t adapt to wide-range power output fluctuation. From Scheme 4, we can notice that all constraints can be
Using Scheme 2, test systems can normally operation all satisfied, no matter which scenario happened. Scheme 4
when has smaller loss and better voltage quality compared with
DG output changes from 75% to 100% of rated power. But Scheme 1 and 2.
there still exist nine abnormal bus- voltages for Scenario III. Scheme 3 has lower loss than Scheme 4, but investment
cost rise. Moreover, Scheme 3 occurring probability is lower,
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generated is investigated. As the uncertainty of DG output
power, Scenario probability methodology is introduced to
establish synthetic planning model. The proposed method is VIII. BIOGRAPHIES
applied to IEEE-33 bus distribution system. Planning DG Ding Xiaoqun was born in Danyang in China, in October, 1956. He
embedded in distribution system can well adapt various graduated from Southeast University.
He studied and living in Virginia Tech and Univ in the USA for about four
operational modes of DG output. Network energy loss and
years. Recently he mainly engages in artificial intelligence application of
investment cost is optimal in whole planning level year. power system analysis and control, teaching and scientific research in fault
diagnosis of electric equipment and automation of distribution network field.
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