GROUP 2 Body Mechanics
GROUP 2 Body Mechanics
GROUP 2 Body Mechanics
Sleeping On Side
Place pillow between knees. Use cervical support
Lie on back to pull socks or slacks over
feet, or sit and bend leg while keeping
back straight.
Log Roll
Lying on back, bend left knee and place left arm
across chest. Roll all in one movement to the right.
Reverse to roll to the left. Always move as one unit.
Laundry Basket
Squat down and hold
basket close to stand. Use
leg muscles to do the work.
Brushing Teeth
Place one foot on ledge and one hand on counter.
Bend other knee slightly to keep back straight.
Housework: Vacuuming
Hold the vacuum with arm
held at side. Step back and
forth to move it, keeping
head up. Avoid twisting.
Lower yourself onto toilet by bending knees
and using hand support. An elevated toilet
seat may be more comfortable if you are tall.
Avoid reaching around and twisting.
Avoid Twisting
Avoid twisting or reaching
back. Pivot around using
foot movements, and bend
at knees if needed when
reaching for articles.
Housework: Bed
Use light bedding,
such as a down
comforter. Place
one knee up on
bed to reach when
making bed. Use
extra-depth fitted sheets, and squat
down when tucking corners.
Good posture is important. Avoid slouching and
forward head thrust. Maintain curve in lower back
and align ears over shoulders, hips over ankles.
Bend at hips and knees, not back. Posture-Sitting
Keep feet shoulder-width apart. Sit upright, head facing
forward. Try using a roll to
support lower back. Keep
shoulders relaxed, and avoid
rounded back. Keep hips level
with knees. Avoid crossing
legs for long periods of time.
Work Positioning
Position yourself close to work, Reading
whether standing or sitting. When reading, hold material
Avoid straining forward at neck in tilted position and maintain
or waist. good sitting posture.
Getting Into/Out of Car
Lower yourself onto seat, scoot back, then bring in one leg at a time.
Reverse sequence to get out.