Delineating History in Literature: Monisha Saxena
Delineating History in Literature: Monisha Saxena
Delineating History in Literature: Monisha Saxena
Monisha Saxena
Assistant Professor, Department of English, D. A. V. Post Graduate College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Literature has played an important role in History. On many occasions, it became a medium of propaganda. How-
ever, it has always been ofpivotal importance in History. The American Revolution was highly influenced by pamphleteers
like Tom Paineand John Dickinson. As they were widely read, they are believed to have triggered the Declaration of Indepen-
dence by America. India too has followed the same example. Literature in the form of a poem was brought out by Bankim
Chandra Chatterjee who composed ‘Bande Mataram’ in the 1870’s. Gandhi brought out his newspaper ‘Harijan’ in 1932,
seeking to spread socio-political awareness amongst Indians and to foster unity for a common cause. The protagonists of
pre-independence literature were ordinary men and women who rose to a heroic stature after joining the freedom struggle.
Far from being educated or intellectuals, they hailed from different castes and classes. Though they came from all over India,
speaking different languages, they were united by one ideology – the quest for a better quality of life and freedom. The first
step in this direction was freedom from the British. Hence, literature then served to unite people for a common cause.
The present paper serves to highlight this historic epoch and its representation in literature. For this purpose, I have
taken up two eminent works – Anandmath by Bankim Chandra and Kanthapura by Raja Rao. The former demonstrated the
most powerful example in the modern history of how art could influence real life to such a tremendous extent, especially in
an artistically oriented civilization like that of the Hindus. The second novel depicts the village as mentioned in the title,
which organizes passive resistance against the British as preached by Gandhi. The winds of change start blowing against the
backdrop of the freedom struggle.
Kanthapura is a bold attempt at the assimilation of contemporary history into the freedom struggle. It takes up the
impact of Gandhi on the Indian masses. Through Moorthy, the novel introduces almost all the major events in our freedom
movement. Gandhi’s voice is used to lead the plot onwards. The Civil Disobedience Movement including the Dandi March,
Satyagraha, Non- Cooperation Movement, the campaign against untouchability using the ‘charkha’ or spinning wheel and the
adoption of ‘khadi’ by the people, find vivid mention in the narrative. The novelist renders Gandhi’s influence on people with
skill and understanding. Kanthapura becomes India in microcosm and the narrative is the story of rural India, responding
to the call of the Mahatma for liberty. Rao has made conscious use of myth as part of his narrative technique to delineate
the impact of Gandhi on the illiterate rustics of an obscure village. By virtue of his legend-oriented genius, Rao’s treatment
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of the freedom movement satisfies the aesthetic instinct and demand for relevance. He harmonizes the Puranic myths and
popular rites and rituals to transform a local legend into an artistic creation. ‘Kanthapura’ is not simply a political novel just
as Gandhi’s struggle was not exclusively a political movement.
The novel portrays India’s resurgence under Bapu’s leadership through the intermingling of myths and facts, legends
and history. Though Gandhi is not directly presented as one of the characters in the novel, the entire action is sustained
by his spirit. Moorthy is an ardent ‘Gandhiman’. He abandons his studies at college along with his western clothes. This
action is an illustration of numerous youths in India who renounced their education and comforts in their zeal to free the
country. Moorthy’s transformation aptly fits into the Puranic structural pattern of the novel, at the same time bringing out
Gandhi’s greatness who produced thousands of Gandhi’s throughout the country. All major activities of this time like Nehru’s
progressivism, Gandhi’s round table conferences, picketing of toddy booths, fasts by Gandhi’s followers and police atrocities
on demonstrators, are integrated into the fabric of the novel. Thus, at one level, the novel functions as a real narrative grounded
in historical facts. At another level, it transcends the historical and temporal limitations to raise itself to the level of timeless,
eternal myth.
Gandhi is presented as an incarnation of Lord Krishna who has come to uplift the Indians. He would kill the snake
of the foreign rule as Krishna had overpowered the serpent, ‘Kaliya’. The Gandhian movement is elevated to a mythological
plan. Mother India is the Goddess of well – being who is shown as the enslaved daughter of Brahma. So, Seva incarnates
itself as Gandhi to free the Mother from the clutches of foreigners. Rao illustrates a fine analogy of Ram and Ravana, the
former standing for the Mahatma and the latter, for the British Government. Mother India or freedom is also compared to
Sita. Gandhi is presented as Ram and Jawaharlal as Bharata, Ram’s brother. Like Ram, Gandhi leads an exiled existence to
free the motherland. He abandons his home to traverse the length and breadth of the country. Like Ram, he goes to Lanka ie.,
Britain, to get freedom for Sita ie. India. In this way, the freedom movement is depicted as a struggle between divinity and
the devil.
The next work in question is ‘Anandmath’ or The Abbey of Bliss by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya (also called
Bankim Chandra Chatterji). Published in 1882, it was inspired by and even incorporated various patriotic acts of the Marathi
revolutionary and freedom fighter, Vasudev Balwant Phadke. The Sanyasi Rebellion of the late 18th century forms the
background to this Bengali novel. Because of its nationalist fervor, the book was banned by the British authorities throughout
their rule. In the book, Vaishnavism is the strongest element that lays the foundation of a Bengali Hindu nation. Indians feel
that the Hindu identity is threatened because of the Nawab’s indifference and inaction. The Bengali Hindus unite to assert
their identity collectively and to secure national space. The writer obscures the lines between religion and regime to portray
Hindu nationalism.
Inspired by the devastating Bengal famine of 1770, the novel constructs the sentiment of Hindu nationalism among
the Sanyasis in Bengal. The story begins by introducing the couple Mahendra and Kalyani who are facing starvation in their
village due to the famine. It creates a ‘Dharmic’ code which justifies violence in the service of the Motherland, to shape up
militant nationalism. The idea of the nation in the book is strictly confined to Bengali Vaishnavas. The land is personified as
Mother and the Vaishnavas, her Children. The writer has usedthe song ‘Vande Matram’ ie. I bow to thee, Mother to arouse
patriotism in the Children who feel a sense of unity through the idea of ‘collective’ Mother. The first two stanzas of this song
became the national song of India after independence. ‘Archetypal’ patterns of anti-colonial discourse are used to construct
the idea of nation and nationalism. A personification of the land as Mother, focus on lawlessness in foreign rule, national
dissent and remonstration led by a committed hero and the use of religious imagery recur in the novel under study. The idea
of land as Mother acts as an integrative force in the book.
It can well be called the first political novel is written in India. It was important for many extra-literary reasons,
especially for the tremendous impact it had on the subsequent national movement in Bengal and other parts ofIndia. In the
20th century, it got translated into major regional languages of the country. Commenting on the appeal of this work, a Tamil
critic recognized a national purpose in Bankim, which transcended regional loyalty. The writer was attempting regeneration
of the Hindu ethos, particularly of the Bengali people and recovering their lost glory. Despite this, the book had an all-
India appeal partly as for the first time, a revived Hindu religious fervor was fused with a new found nationalistic zeal. ‘Bande
Mataram’ gradually attained the status of an unofficial national anthem. The emotive, highly charged language of its narrative,
motivated generations of freedom fighters. For the first time, the Hindu concept of the mother goddess with its connotation of
Shakti was linked with the idea of the country as a political unit. The symbolic power of this fusion was far-reaching.
‘Mother’ is not an embodiment of India but of Bengal which was a province of the Indian subcontinent. Notably,
the clear concept of Bharatvarsha as a whole becomes clear in Kanthapura. It alludes to the fact that nationalism in India was
more provincial in the beginning. Later on, it spread its wings with the rise of British power in the country. The protagonists
in both the novels rise above the common man’s comfort and leisure for a national cause. They are not keen to be released
from jail as they adhere to a specific ideology. Satyananda, the founder and main Guru of Anandmath, refuses to come out
of prison as “ the santans must face a test today” (Chatterjee 160). Moorthy in ‘Kanthapura’ refuses a defense counsel as
“between Truth and me none shall come” ( Rao 92). Each hero is expected to follow a code of principles to fulfill nationalist
aims during the freedom struggle. In ‘Anandmath’, the aim is “to chastise the wicked” and “to protect the good” (151). In
‘Kanthapura’, the aim is to “slay the serpent of foreign rule” (18). The Muslim characters are given minimum space in the
nationalist discourse. Bankim portrays them as foes of the Mother. Raja Rao portrays them as the archetypes of ‘good’ eg.
Imam Khan and ‘bad’ eg. Bade Khan. Major women characters are depicted as three dimensional. Through Shanti, Bankim
shows that women are partners of men in virtues and great deeds. In Kanthapura, women are encouraged to participate in the
freedom struggle within set boundaries.
Nation, a psycho-spiritual concept, is based on the collective self-consciousness of a people. In creative space, Indian
fiction presents a number of strains of Indian national movement. Both the books are chosen, politically represent different
periods of time and construct the history of our movement for independence. The novelists have not purely relied upon what
is mentioned in the academic discourse of history. Rather, they have constructed meta-narratives to develop their versions
of Indian nationalismon the canvas of fiction. They have artistically created their own settings, characters, and sentiments
to focus on specific aspects of nation and nationalism. In the narratives under study, religion-cum-Dharma emerges as the
chief characteristic that psychologically differentiates ‘us’from ‘them’ ie. the British. Religion plays a significant role in
national integration. It is a potent identity marker, deeply rooted in myths and traditions. The works under study entwine
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Monisha Saxena
religion cum Dharma and nationalism in one discourse. Deviations from historical facts are found in ‘Anandmath’. However,
as Bankim himself admitted, a novel was a novel and not history. The novel was not meant to be docufiction ie. a factual
account dressed up in the garb of a novel. The novel is important for the successful creation of the atmosphere of a particular
period of history, suffused with national sentiment. Tagore also acknowledged the work as a legend of our freedom struggle
while its unmistakable passion testified Bankim’s vision of a free India.
At first glance, Mahendra, the hero, who is a wealthy zamindar, findsthe sanyasis to be robbers. By portraying
this story of violence in the colors of nationalism, the novelist has given a new shape to the historical rebellion cum war of
independence in the backdrop of Vaishnavism. He has artistically brushed away the basic materialistic motives of the real
ascetics mentioned in academic history. In fact, the novelist has replaced the historical sanyasis with the nationalist santans, an
outcome of his imagination and about whom, there is no reference in the history of Bengal. It is the novelist’s construction of
truth on the literary canvas which is otherwise missing in academic history. Through this revolutionary masterpiece, Bankim
definitely created the fuel and fire for the Indian national movement. In the words of Sri Aurobindo, he gave us the religion
of patriotism. ‘Bande Mataram’ was banned like the novel, Anandmath. Yet, the worship of Mother India or Bharat Mata
once instituted, was here to stay. Across the Indian political spectrum, regardless of ideological differences, the idea of the
sacredness of the Motherland was widely accepted.
1. Chatterji, Bankim Chandra. Anandmath. Trans. Julius J. Lipner. Oxford : OUP, 2005. Print.
3. Ali, Ahmed. “ Illusion and Reality: The Art and Philosophy of Raja Rao.” Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Leeds,
July 1968, No. 5.
4. Neena.K. Francis, Dalit Literature by Non Dalit Writers, IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Humanities,
Arts and Literature(IMPACT : IJRHAL),Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2017, Pp 85-88
5. Mercanti, Stefano. The Rose and The Lotus : Partnership Studies in the Works of Raja Rao. Boston : Brill, 2009. Print.