"Q" A Farce in One Act

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The New Sin.

Love — and What Then ?

The Tide.


The Angel in the House.

{with Eden Pkillpotts).

Price IS. i^et paper ; 25. net cloth.

" Q," the story on which this play is founded, may be

found in Mr. Stephen Leacock's Nonsense Novels^ published
by Mr. John Lane, The Bodley Head, Vigo Street, W.

^CI.D 4 2 75S

JAN 14 1916 "^


Jack Anneri-y — an amateur.

George Gnoof — a spiritualist.
Blight — a butler.
Dora Dnieper — a revue girl.

The Fee for each and every representation of this play by

Amateurs is One Guinea, payable in advance to —
Messrs. Samuel French, Ltd.,

26, Southampton Street,

Strand, London,

or their authorized representatives.

No performance may be given unless a written permission

has first been obtained.

All the costumes, wigs and properties used in the per-

formance of plays contained in French's list may be hired or
purchased reasonably from Messrs. Charles H, Fox, Ltd.,
27, WeUington St., Strand, London.

This play was first performed al the London Coliseum on

November 29, 1915, with the following cast : —

Jack Annerly .

George Gnoof .


Dora Dnieper .

The play produced by Mr

, My. Charles Hawtrey.

. Mr. Miles Malleson.

. Mr. E. W. Tarver.

. Miss Mona Harrison.

Charles Hawtrey.




The scene is the sitting-room of Jack Annerly's

chambers. It is smartly furnished, the essentials
being doors r. and l.c, table c. ivith chairs to r.
and L. of it, and a large screen up r. against wall.
When the curtain rises Blight, the butler, backs into
the room from the door l.c. followed by Dora Dnieper.
Blight is a grave, side-whiskered person, DoR.i
vivacious and very prettily dressed.

Dora {as she enters). I don't care twopence what

you say, Blip;ht. I must see him to-night.

Blight. He'll never forgive me.

Dora {seating herself R. of table c). Look here.

Blight. Jack Anncrly owes me /50 !

Blight. Owes it to you !

DoR.v. Well, he promised me it. And — as usual —

I spent it before I got it. Now to-night I want /50
badly. All I've got in the world is ^d. {She connts
the coppers in her bag.) The landlord of my flat has
got to have £50 by twelve o'clock to-night or my
furniture goes into the street.

Blight. Thcv all sav that, miss.

Dora. What!

Blight. Er — ahem ! — I beg your pardon. Of

course not. But really I dont think you'll get your
£50, miss. And you'll get me into awful trouble
for letting you in. Good lord, there's his latchkey.
Whatever shall I do ? j

10 "Q."

Dora. Leave it to me, Blight. You won't get

blamed. I'll hide behind this screen and you must
pretend that you know nothing about me.

{Dora hides behind screen up r. Enter Jack Annerly

L.c. He is in evening dress, overcoat and silk hat.
In his hand he has a letter which he Jias just picked
up on the mat and opened.)

Annerly. Blight, can you lend me £50 ?

Blight. No, sir.

Annerly. If I don't find £50 by twelve o'clock

my furniture will be turned into the street. And all I
have at the moment is 4^.

{He counts coppers in his pocket.)

Blight. Dear m.e, sir.

Annerly. Yes, Blight, 4d. I've got to raise

£49 19s. M. in a hurry — or my furniture goes for good.
My furniture. That includes your bed.

Blight {helping Annerly off i&ith his coat). I

suppose it does, sir.

Annerly. Haven't you really got any money ?

What about ^-our wages. I always pay them.

Blight. Yes, sir. But you always borrow them

back again.

Annerly. True. The world is black to-night,

Blight. I might get Dora Dnieper to let me have her
spare room, but the little cat's in the same predica-
ment. I believe she gets thrown into the street to-
morrow as well.

{There is a ring at the front door bell.)

[Bligrt goes of l.c. Annerly goes to table above door

R. takes cigarette and lights it. Dora comes out
quietly from behind screen. Blight returns.)

Blight {wavi^ig Dora back). It is the gentleman

from the floor below, Mr. George Gnccf, sir.
Annerly. That bore.

"Q." 11

Blight. He is a govcnimcnt servant and a spirit-

ualist, Sir.

Annerlv. a spiritualist ! Do you tbiak he's got

any money ?

Blight. At least £1,200 a year Chief Inspector

of Returned Empties, sir.

ASwiiRLV. Ah, show him in, Blight. A spiritu-

alist, eh ?

(Blight shows in Mr. George Gnoof, a low-browed,

chinlcss, idioUc-looking icU >u), zc^earitig glasses and
rei slippers)

GxooF {gushingly). Ah, my deor Annerl}- ! I

heard you pass my floor and I thought I would take
the liberty of inviting myself io smoke a' pipe with
you. {He ca-rie3 a large calabash pipe.) ■

Annerly. My dear Gnoof — in fact I will say my

dear George, you are most welcome. You come
most opportunely. I wisli to consult ycu. Take a

Gnoof {silling l. of lahlc c). This is indeed an


Anxerly. Not at all. Blight, leave us. And on

no account disturb us for at least half an hour. I
wish for a peaceful communion of tliought with Mr.
Gnoof. Tliis is most flattering.

{Exit Blight l.c.)

Annerly {silling r. of table). Listen, George.

You arc a spiritualist.

Gnoof. A humble votary, shaU I say. I certainly

pay my subscription to an occult magazine.

Annerly. That is v.h.y I wish to consult you.

Now first of all is your mind perfectly composed ?

Gnoof. I tliink I may say, my dear Annerly, that

it is.

Annerley. Good. I have your attention ! . . .

Last night — I saw — Q.

12 "Q."

Gnoof. Indeed.

Annerly. Yes, I saw 0.

Gnoof. Not, of course, a billiard cue ?

Annerly. No, no. 0. The — er — somethingth

letter of the alphabet.

Gnoof. I know. I know. A round O with a

wiggle on it.

Annerly. Precisely. But as 3'ou have already

guessed I use merel}' as a symbol for a personality.

Gnoof. Quite so.

Annerly. Now, my dear George, you believe in

the supernatural. You believe in phantasm.s of the
dead ?

Gnoof. Phantasms ?

Annerly. Yes. Phantasms. Or, if you prefer

the word, phanograms, or say if you will phano-
grammatical manifestations, or more simply psycho-
phantasmal phenomena. Well, last night I saw the
phanogram of 0.

Gnoof. Good gracious !

Annerly. Yes. I saw Q as plainly as if he were

standing here. But perhaps {rising and pacing the
room.) I had better tell you something of my past
relationship with O and 3'ou will understand exactly
what the present situation is. When I first knew Q —
don't you think 3'ou ought to take notes ?
{He is now above fable c.)

Gnoof. Indeed, yes. A mcst valuable suggestion.

{He produces notebook and pencil and puis down all
that Annerly says in shorthand.)

Annerly. When first I knew O he lived not very

far from a small town which I will call X (Gnoof
makes a note) and was betrothed to a beautiful and
accom.plishcd girl whom I will call M.

Gnoof. One moment. I strongly suspect that

Q and M are not the real names of your acquaintances,
but are in reality two letters of the alphabet selected

•Q." 13

almost at random to disguise the names of your


Anni:rlv. You liave guessed correctly. When Q

and I

Gnoof {puzzled). 1 ?

Annerly. Yes, I. Me. Myself.

Gnoof. Of course.

AxxLRLV. When O and 1 hrst became friends he

had a favou.rite dog which if necessary I might name
Z (Gxoor makes a note) and which followed him in
and out of X on his daily walk.

GxooF. In and out of X !

Anxerly. Yes. In and out.

GxooF. This is really very extraordinary. That

Z should have followed Q out of X, I can readily
understand, but that he should first have followed
him in seems to pass the bounds of comprehension.

AxXFRLY (s////;?f' on hack of (able). My dear friend,

1 can sympathize with you in your bewilderment,
but that is not the most extraordinary part of the
stor\-. O and Miss — {/le pauses io glance at Gxoof's
notebook) — Miss M were to be married. Everything
was arranged. The wedding was to take place on
the last day of the year. Exactly six months and
four days before the appointed day — I remember the
date because the coincidence struck me as peculiar
at the time — came to me late in the evening in great
distress. He had just had, he said, a premonition
of his own death. {Comes down R.) Tliat evening
while sitting with Miss M on the verandali of her
house he had distinctly seen a projection of the dog
R pass along the road.
GxoOF. One moment. Did you not say that the
dog's name was Z ?

Axxi-RLV (jroii'ning). Quite so. Z, or more

correctly Z R. since O was in tlio hal)il, pirliaps from
motives of affection, of calling him R as well as Z.
Well then, the projection or phanogram of the dog
passed in front of them so plainly that Miss M swore

14 "Q."

that she could have beheved that it was the dog

himself. Opposite the house, the phantasm stopped
for a moment and \^•agged its tail. {He laag.i his
fingey.) Then it passed on and quite suddenly dis-
appeared around the corner of a stone v/all as if
hidden by the bricks. What made the thing still
more mysterious was that Miss M's mother who is
partially blind had only partially seen the dog.

Gnoof {repeating and writing). " — had only

partially seen the dog." Yes ?

Annerly {moving tip stage). Tliis singular coin-

cidence was interpreted by O no doubt correctly, to
indicate his own approaching death. I diti wh.at I
could to remove this feeling, but it was impossible
to do so, and he presently wrung my hand and left me
firmly convinced that he would not live till morning.
{Sits R. of table c.)

Gnoof. Good Heavens ! And he died that night ?

Annerly. No. He did not. That is the inex-

plicable part of it.

Gnoof {sympathetically). Tell me about it.

Annerly. He rose that morning as usual, dressed

himself with his customary care, omitting none of his
clothes — ^make a note of that ! — and" walked down
to his office at the usual hour. He told me afterwards
that he remembeed the circumstances so clearly
from the fact that he had gone to the office by the
usual route instead of taking any other direction.

Gnoof. Stop a moment. Did anything unusual

happen to mark that particular day ?

Annerly. I anticipated that you would ask

that question, but as far as I can gather absolutely
nothing happened.

Gnoof {breathless with excitement). And did he

die the next night ?

Annerly. No, he did not.

Gnoof {after a pause). Mv dear Annerly, our
relations, of course, have hitherto only been of a
formal character, and I must not assume too great

"Q." 15

an intimacy, but you can imagine how eager I am to

hear the rest of this astounding narrative.

Annerly. You shaH. O went to his office each

day after that with absohite regularity. He saw
Miss M regularly and the time fixed for their marriage
drew nearer each day.

GxooF. Each day ?

Anxerly. Yes, every day. Ft)r ; ome time before

his marriage I saw but little of him, but two weeks
before that event I passed O one day in the street.
He setmed for a moment about to stop, then he
raised his hat, smiled and passed on.

(iXOOF. One moment. If you will allow me a

question that seems of importance, did he pass on,
and then smile and raise his hat, or did he smile in
liis hat, raise it and then pass on afterwards?

AxxERLY {rising and moving down r.). Your

question is quite justified, though I think I can answer
with perfect accuracy that he first smiled {he smiles),
then stopped smiling {he also stops), and raised his
hat {he lifts his hand), and then stopped raising his
hat (At' loiicfs his hand) and passed en. {He crosses l.)

GxooF. Gocd. {He jols it doiin.)

Annerly. However, the essential fact is this.

On the day appointed for the wedding, O.and Miss
M were duly married. {He is now just h^of GxooF.)

GsooF {gasping). Impossible. Duly married, both

of them !

AxNERF.v. Yes. Both r-t th.e s:nre tim.e. After

the wedding Mr. and Mrs. O

GxooF {perplexed). Mr. and Mis. ?

AxxKRi.v. Yes. Mr. and Mrs. 0, h r after the

wedding Miss M took the name of C), left England and
went out to Australia, where they were to reside.
Then, until last night {he crosses R.) I heard nothing
whatever of Q for a year and a half.

GxuoF {trembling with excitement). And last

night ?

AxxERLV {very quietly). Last night O appeared

16 "Q."

in this room, or rather a phantasm or psychic mani-

festation of him. He seemed in great distress, made
gestures which I could not understand and kept turn-
ing his trouser pockets inside out.

Gnoof {who has his pencil sticking out of his month).

His trouser pockets ?

Annerly. Yes, hke this. {He illustrates the

behaviour of Q in the matter of the trouser pockets.)
I was too spellbound to question him and tried in
vain to divine his meaning. Presently the phantasm
seized a pencil from the table — {He snatches the
pencil from Gnoof's mouth) — and wrote the words
" forty-nine pounds, nineteen shillings and eightpence
to-morrow night, urgent." {He ivrites this on table.)

Gnoof {rising, walking round to back of table and

scrutinizing the inscription). How do you interpret
the meaning which Q's phanogram meant to convey ?

Annerly. I think it m.eans this. Q, wlio is

evidently dead, meant to visualize that fact, meant
so to speak to deatomize the idea that he was de-

Gnoof. Demonetized ? {They are side by side

behind table.)

Annerly. Yes, stony. Suffering from cramp in t he


Gnoof. Cramp in the kick ? What on earth is

that ?

Annerly {pettishly). Oh, it means broke to the

wide. {He moves r.). You really ought to go out
more. ... Q is evidently in urgent need of the
sum of forty-nine pounds nineteen shillings and

Gnoof. And how do you intend to get it to him ?

Annerly. Ah ! ... I intend to try a bold and

daring experiment, which, if it succeeds, will bring
us into immediate connexion with the world of
spirits. My plan is to leave the money here upon
the edge of the table. Then, if after the necessary
ritual has been observed it has gone, I shall know that

"Q." 17

Q has contrived to deastralize himself and lias taken

the money. The only question is do you happen to
have forty-nine pounds, ninteeen and eightpence
about you ? I myself, unfortunately, have nothing
but small change.

GxooF. My dear Annerly, by a piece of rare good

fortunte I happen to-day to have drawn my month's
salary. Here it is, a hundred pounds in notes.

Ann'ERLY {to himself). Splendid ! . . . . Now

let us place fifty pounds of them on the edge of the
table. It is fourpence more tlian wants but I
dare say he'll find some use for it, especially in a world
of spirits. Now I want you to follow my instruc-
tions implicitly. First of all we place the table in
the middle of the room. It is already there. The
chairb — {he picks up chair R. of table and Gnoof picks
up that on l.) — must be carefully set against the wall
and so placed that no two of them occupy the same
place as any other two. [They place the Iwo chairs
against back i.all.) The pictures and ornaments
about the room are to be left entirely undisturbed.
The waste paper basket (Gnoof dives under the table
after the basket) p.uist be reversed so that its contents,
if any. rest on the floor of the room instead of the
wicker base of the basket. (Gnoof reverses the
waste paper basket.) Good ! The ritual also pre-
scribes that one of the participating parties shall
take oft his boots.

Gnoof {climbing out from under the table). Oh,

may I ?

Annerly. Yes, 1 thought of you.

Gnoof {as he takes off his slippers). I must admit

to you, my dear Annerly, that I am not without mis-
givings about the success of the experiment. {He is
kneeling with his arms resting on l. of table.) My own
mental temperament and disposition may not be of
the precise kind necessary for its success.

Annerly {standing above table). My dear friend,

pray have no alarm on that score. I am sure that

18 "Q"

the event will show that for psychic v/ork of this

character your mind is a media — {he puis a finger on
Gnoof's joreliead) — or if the word is better, a trans-
parency of the very first order.

Gnoof {beaming with delight). Do you really

think so ?

Annerly. I do. Now it only remains for us to

bind up our eyes and await the advent of Q in the
adjoining rooms. According to the ritual sixty
seconds is ample time for the spirit to manifest itself
and you had better count the seconds on 3'our side,
noiselessly of course, until you reach sixty. You
will wait in that room {indicating right) and I in the
hall {indicating l.c). There are no other means
of access to the room so that if the money goes we
shall know that it has safely reached Q. Now before
we put on the eye-bandages kindly perform these
psychic exercises wth me. {He proceeds to make
ridiculous wavings in the air with his hands, all of
which Gnoof repeats.) Good. Now tie this round
your head. {They both bandage their eyes and proceed
on tiptoe toivards their respective doors.)

Gnoof {as Annerly opens the door l.c). Oh,

Annerly, my dear fellow, if we should fail. Doesn't
your very soul tremble at the possibility ?

Annerly {looking back). My dear Gnoof, I think

I may express myself as quietly confident.

{He goes off l.c. and Gnoof goes off r. Immediately

they are off Dora Dneiper rushes out from behind
the screen, grabs the banknotes which she thrusts into
her bag and with a mumbled " Where are those four
coppers ? " extracts four pennies from her bag and
places them on the side of the table. She then darts
back behind the screen. Noiv the door l.c. opens
and Annerly conus in. He has pushed the bandage
■up from his eyes to the top of his forehead. He tip-
toes doivn to the table where he stares at (he four pence
as if he had been stung.)

•Q" 1!)

Annerly {beside himself with surprise and disgust).

Great Scott ! The blessed stuff has gone. Four
coppers ! What the devil !

(The voice of (ixooF /,s heard off r.)

Gnoof (caHitig). Annerly, Annerly, the sixty

seconds arc up and I have heard rustlings.

Annerly {replacing his bandage and going through

door L.). So have I ! So have I. I think we've
waited quite long enough. Come along in, Gnoof.

(Gnoof and Anxkrlv enter from r. and l.c. They

both go do'u.'n to the table removing their eye-bandages.)

Gnoof {with a ivild yell of delight). It's gone !

It's gone ! The fifty pounds are gone. And look,
Annerly, my dear, dear fellow, he has honourably left
us fourpence change. What a triumph ! It is
wonderful. Epoch making. To think that we are
in direct monetary communication with the spirit

Annerly {who has been peering all round, under the

table and elsewhere in search for the missing notes).
Yes, yes, it's certainly very remarkable. In fact it's
the damned funniest thing I ever struck in my life.

Gnoof. And this fourpence ! These four bronze

coins ! They have come from the astral sphere. We
must have two each, my dear Annerly, and set them
in gold and diamonds to suspend from oiir watch

Annerly {crossing r.). Oh, I don't uant the

damned man's coppers.

Gnoof. And the glorious part of it is, of course,

that what wo liave done once we can do again.

Annerly {turning sharply). What's that ?

Gnoof. I say that there seems no reason why

there should not be a renewal of our inter-communica-
tion with the spirit world.

Annerly. By Jove, yes. That is one redeeming

20 "Q."

feature of the situation. You have another fiftjr

pounds about you, haven't j'ou ? -

Gnoof. Certainly, my dear fellow. But alas, alas !

Annerly. What are you alassing about ?

Gnoof. How can we dare. We must wait until

we are asked. Your friend would probabty regard
it as a liberty and decline to take away money which
he did not need. We must not pauperize Q.

Annerly. I wish you wouldn't be so beastly


Gnoof. But I ask you, dare we repeat the experi-

ment if you don't receive a second invitation ?

Annerly {suddenly becoming transfixed). By Jove,

Gnoof, there is 0.

{He points to the hack oj the pit and gazes aivay in the
distance as if fascinated by a vision.)

Gnoof {funning from l. to r. and getting beside

Annerly). Where ? Where ?

Annerly {in an ecstatic state). Over there. Over

there by the wall. He is passing through it.

Gnoof {agonized). Oh where ! I wish I could

see him.

Annerly. You've never been introduced so he

cannot reveal himself to you.
Gnoof. But surely ^

Annerly. Don't talk. The phanogram is com-

municating with me. He seems to be in distress
again. Look. He is making signs. (Annerly
affects to repeat the gestures of the phanogram, putting
up Jiis ten fingers five times to indicate fifty pounds.)
He is crossing ! He is crossing ! He has crossed
the bar !

Gnoof. Gone into the bar.

Annerly. Certainly not. Crossed the bar ! Don't

you know your Tennyson ?

Gnoof {beside himself with excitement). But what

can it mean ? What can it mean ? Show me those

signs again. (Annerly does so.) How do you

interpret them ?

Annkri-V. I suspect, in fact I may say that I am

confident that O for some reason which we cannot
fathom, wishes us to leave another fifty pounds for

Gnoof. By Jove, I beheve you've hit it.

Annerly. I think I have. At any rate let us

try. We can but fail. . . . Now place the notes
on the table as before. (Gnoof does so.) Let me see.
We have all the furniture correctly adjusted. It only
remains for us to perform the psychic exercises,
put on our eye-bandages and leave the room for
sixty seconds.

{He makes similar gestures as before, Gnoof doing

them conciirretctly. They then tiptoe r. and l.)

Gnoof {stopping). Annerly, my dear, dear friend,

I feel sure we shan't succeed again.

Annerly. You are too modest. All will be

well as long as you keep your mind so poised as to
readily offer a mark for any astral disturbance.

{Exit Gnoof r. Annerly, who is determined this

lime to see xvhat really does happen to the money,
pulls off his bandages and waits by the door L.c,
DoR.\ Dnieper runs out from behind the screen
and goes down to the table. Annerly hears her and
comes out just as she grabs the notes.)

Annerly {hissing under his breath). So it was you,

you little devil, was it ? How the dickens did you
get here ? Hand over those notes.

DoR.\. Not hkely.

Annerly. Oh yes, you shall, you little thief !

DoR.\. That's the put calling the kettle blacky

isn't it. Jack ?

Annerly. You're an impudent little hussey. Hand

over those notes or I'll take them by force.

22 "Q."

Dora. If you lay a finger on me I'll give the show

away to this idiotic friend of yours.

Annerly {pleadingly). Look here, Dora, I must

have the money. My sticks'll be chucked into the
street if I don't pay. You had the first fift}'. Give
me the second and we"l call it square.

Dora. I'll make a bargain with you. Listen !

Annerly. Look out. Here he comes.

(Gnoof ent:rs from r. walking elahorately on tip-toe

ivith his eyes bandaged.)

Gnoof {in a hushed whisper). I heard voices.

Are you there, Annerly ?

Annerly. Yes, Gnoof. Just here. I believe Q

is still in the room. {He is hustling Dora behind the
screen.) Perhaps we had better not uncover for the

Gnoof. Certainly not. Let us give the phano-

gram plenty of scope.

Annerly {after hiding Dora safely). The sounds are

gone. I think we may safely uncover.

(Gnoof snatches off his bandage and gives a ivild yell

of delight when he sees that the notes are gone.)

Gnoof. It is wonderful ! Wonderful ! We have

succeeded again. I must report this extraordnary
happening to the Society of Psychical Research.

Annerly. Oh no, no ! You mustn't dream of

doing such a thing. I am almost certain that it would
break off our relations with Q. In fact, he as good as
told me so. There is no harm in telling you now
that the sounds, you heard to-night were the voices of
Q and me. O wishes us to gather together all the
capital that wc can and to send it across to him in crder
that he may be able to organize a corporate associ-
ation of phanograms.

Gnoof. If only it were pos:^ible to-night. But

alas ! I only had that paltry hundred on me.
"Q" 23

Ann'Erly. No. Not to-night. Not on any

account to-night. O does not wi-^h it, but to-morrow
night certainly.

Gnoof. Really. To-morrow night !

Annerly. Yes, dear friend. To-morrow night.

Here arc your slippers {he is showing him off the door l.)
and mind, bring all the money that you have — but
no more.

Gnoof. No more ?

Annerly. On no account. O is most strict

about that. No one is to send more money than he
actually possesses. Good night.

Gnoof. Good night, my benefactor.

{Exit Gnoof l.)

(Dora bursts from behind screen and taking Annerly's

hands dances round joyfully xvithjiim.)


JAN2ii 1916


Daily Mail. — Uncommon quality of genuine humour. . . .

The fun was prodigious.

Daily Express. — A deliciously funny satire.
Daily Telegraph. — Successful. . . . Amusing. . . . Must

be seen.
Daily Chronicle. — Better than usual. . . . Ingenious. . . .

You must go to the Coliseum and find out for yourself.

Evening News. — Complete success. . . . Genuinely

humorous Most delightful humour. . . . The

audience was convulsed.

Town Topics. — That raya avis, a really funny sketch. Kept

the house delightedly giggling all the tinie.

Stage. — The most wittily written sketch of the several Mr.

Hawtrey has given us.

Queen. — Should prove a big success.
Sunday Herald. — A delicious farce. . . . Plums of wit. . . .

Spiritualism is more genially and wittily burlesqued

than ever before.

Observer. — Another good thins !

Butler & Tanner Frome and London

Is. 6d. net

Adventure of Lady Ursula

AU-of-a-Sudden Peggy |

An American Citixen

Bear Leaders

Beauty and the Barge

Billy's Little Love Affair

Brace of Partridges

Brixton Burglary

Captain Swift

Cassilis Engagement

Charity that Began at Home

Country Mouse

Dr. Wake's Patient

Duke of Killicrankie

Facing the Music

Fascinating Mr. VanderveWt


Importance of Being Earnest

In Chancery

Jedbury Junior [mant

Lady Huntworth's Erpejri-

Lady Windermere's Fan

Liberty Hall
Little Damozel

Lucky Miss Dean

Marriage of Kitty

Mice and Men

Miss Elizabeth's Prisoner

Miss Hobbs

Mollentrave on Women

Mr. Hopkinson


Mr. Preedy and the CouaiMs

Naked Truth

New Boy


Oh ! Sueannah !

One Summer's Day



Perfect Lover

Peter's Mother

Pilkerton's Peerage

Private Secretary

Public Opinion

Return of the Prodigal


Royal Family

Second in Command

Sir Anthony

Snug Little Kingdom

Speckled Band

Squire [Browa
Strange Adventures of Miss

Sunlight and Shadow

Tantalising Tommy

Two Mr. Wetherbys

Walker, London

Walls of Jericho

When We were Tweniy-Ona


Wisdom of Folly

Witness for the Defene*

Woodbarrow Farm

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The Barrier

Builder of Bridges

Case of Rebellious Susan

Dancing Girl

Fascinating Mr. Vanderveldt

The Hypocrites

John Glayde's Honour

Joseph Entangled


Manoeuvres of Jan*
Mollentrave on Womea
Mrs. Dane's Defenee
Perfect Lover
Perplexed Husband
Silver King
Walls of JerUko


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