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We all are spirit and ego, the spirit simply loves

life and people, and is endlessly curious about exploring and experiencing the world. This force
is free, creative, expressive, abundant and playful. We feel warmth, serenity, centered and
connected to the world when we let the spirit force to exert itself. Were fulfilled, fully selfexpressed, and every moment is a magical moment and the life is joy when we let the spirit force
to take over. On the contrary the practical, cautious, judgmental, and protective force is the ego
force. The ego force like to control, it views the as a potentially harmful place, fears being hurt
and exposed, thus remains separate, isolated and closed from others. It blames, criticizes,
compares, and makes excuses.
The ego is formed in the mind. The mind system is Manas, Citta, Ego and Buddhi. Buddhi is all
understanding and learning you have formed till date. It has all laws of Dharma and your belief
system. Through Ego you filter what you allow in your life. Citta is the store bank for all
memories/experiences. Some experiences are neutral while others are colored with pleasure/pain.
These memories collect together as a pattern to form an Ego body which has components of
unfullfillment/ lack/victimization/ wants and desires. The adverse emotions and experiences tend
to connect and create an ego (a sense of unique identity) that hides our true self.

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