Elementary - Grammar

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1 | Nouns, Articles, Quantifiers ......................................................................................... 03

2 | Pronouns .......................................................................................................................13

3 | Possessives ....................................................................................................................18

4 | Present Simple ..............................................................................................................26

5 | Present Continuous.......................................................................................................37

6 | Future 1 .........................................................................................................................46

7 | Future 2 .........................................................................................................................54

8 | Past Simple 1 .................................................................................................................62

9 | Past Simple 2 .................................................................................................................68

10 | Past Continuous ............................................................................................................74

11 | Conjunctions .................................................................................................................79

12 | Modal Verbs 1 ...............................................................................................................84

13 | Modal Verbs 2 ...............................................................................................................91

14 | Present Perfect 1...........................................................................................................98

15 | Present Perfect 2........................................................................................................ 103

16 | Present Perfect 3........................................................................................................ 109

17 | Tenses ........................................................................................................................ 115

18 | Adjectives & Adverbs ................................................................................................. 124

19 | Comparisons (Adjectives) .......................................................................................... 132

20 | Questions ................................................................................................................... 139

21 | Prepositions ............................................................................................................... 145

22 | Gerunds & Infinitives 1 .............................................................................................. 152

23 | Gerunds & Infinitives 2 .............................................................................................. 159

24 | Passive 1 ..................................................................................................................... 164

25 | Passive 2 ..................................................................................................................... 172

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Exercise 1: Write the plural in the correct column.

radio child roof fox deer photo life woman

thief watch giraffe knife leaf person tooth lorry
lady mosquito sheep mouse glass tomato vase ox
loaf box boy goose bus fish dish body

-s -es -ies -ves irregular

radios, …………….…. …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………
…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………
…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………
…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………
…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………

Exercise 2: Write the singular and plural in the Exercise 3: Write the correct form of the
correct column. nouns in brackets.
0. I met some interesting (man) men at the
Singular Plural Plural Singular
nouns nouns nouns nouns meeting last night.
0. basket baskets 0. butterflies 1. I need some (match) ……………...... to light the
1. sunglass 1. foxes
2. The baby got two new (tooth) ……………...... .
2. baby 2. cliffs 3. The farmer loaded his cart with a lot of fresh
3. dress 3. flashes vegetables. His cart was pulled by two (ox) ......
………...... .
4. bush 4. parties
4. Alex saw some (mouse) ……………...... running
5. cage 5. shirts
across the floor.
6. key 6. roses 5. If a houseplant is given too much water, its
7. myth 7. feet lower (leaf) ……………...... turn yellow.
6. I caught several (fish) ……………...... in the lake.
8. flower 8. clocks
7. On our trip in the mountain countryside, we
9. scarf 9. geese saw some (wolf) ……………......, (fox) ..................
10. church 10. seasons ....., (deer) ……………...... and wild (sheep) .........
11. 11. ........ .
dolphin potatoes 8. New scientific (discovery) ……………...... are
12. 12. made everyday throughout the world.
policeman Housewives
9. The north side of the island has no (beach)
13. wife 13. bridges ……………...... .
14. hat 14. dishes 10. There are only steep (cliff) ……………...... . No
one can climb these steep walls of rock.
15. elf 15. man

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Exercise 4: Rewrite the sentences in the plural. COUNT/ Exercise 5: Put a circle around
NON COUNT the uncountable nouns below.

0. There is a wooden chair in the kitchen.

house luggage cup cat
There are wooden chairs in the kitchen.
1. There is a woman in that band. advice painting table car

................................................................................ . cinema ketchup news tea

2. I have got a big schoolbag. holiday banana bed cigar
................................................................................ .
tennis doctor office pen
3. Victor wears a watch on each arm.
................................................................................ . park coffee shoe shirt
4. There is a pretty butterfly on the window. book jumper toast sock
............................................................................... .
bread museum exam cloud
5. My foot is hurting.
................................................................................ . snow lemonade city apple

6. I have a tooth taken out. money television coat watch

................................................................................ . bike school salt clock
7. She is a famous actress.
cheese teacher ball rain
................................................................................ .
8. There is a white goose in the garden. nose homework milk chair
................................................................................ . water information hour sugar

Exercise 6: Add final -s/ -es to the nouns in Exercise 7: Complete the sentence with a
bold if necessary. Do not add or change any singular or a plural form of be.
other words.

0. Isabel always has fresh eggs available because 0. The news is on Channel Five at 9 o’clock.
she raises chickens in her yard. 1. These loaves ………….….. really fresh.
1. I had chicken... and rice... for dinner last night. 2. I think Maths ………….….. the most difficult
2. Outside my window, I can see a lot of tree..., subject.
bush..., grass..., dirt... and flower… . 3. The works of Shakespeare ………….….. still
3. Brian gave me some good advice… . Nadia also popular.
gave me some good suggestion… . 4. Everyone says that money ………….….. hard to
4. Yoko learned several new word... today. She come by these days.
increased her vocabulary... today. 5. The people I know ………….….. on holiday at the
5. Window... are made of glass… . moment.
6. Mr Chu wears glass... because he has poor 6. The traffic ………….….. really terrible this evening.
eyesight… . 7. The waiters in the restaurant ………….….. very
7. It took me a lot of time... to finish my professional.
homework.... I had a lot of assignment... 8. The bread ………….….. delicious.
8. I have been in Mexico three time.... I’ve spent a 9. Some policemen ………….….. organizing road
lot of time... there. traffic to avoid any accidents.
9. I like to experience different season… . I like 10. The milk you brought yesterday ………….….. still
both hot and cold weather… . fresh.
10. I bought some chair… , table… , and desk… . In
other words, I bought some furniture… .

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Exercise 8: Complete the sentences with the given nouns, adding final -s/ -es if necessary.
advice luggage music river thunder change rubbish traffic stuff homework
1. I have some coins in my pocket. In 6. Paul has pens, papers, notebooks, a clock, scissors, and
other words, I have some ………….. some other things on his desk. He has a lot of …………..…......
…...... in my pocket. on his desk.
2. The Mississippi, the Amazon, and the 7. The children got scared when they heard …………..…......
Nile are well-known …………..…...... . during the storm.
3. I like to listen to operas, symphonies, 8. I didn’t feel good. Ann said, ‘You should see a doctor.’
and folk songs. I enjoy …………..…...... . Martha said, ‘You should drink fruit juice and rest.’ I got
4. The street is full of cars, trucks, and …………..…...... from two people.
buses. It is full of …………..…...... . 9. Tonight I have to read 20 pages in my history book and
5. I put some empty juice cartons and write an essay. In other words, I have a lot of …………..…...... .
broken bottles in the waste can. The 10. Anna took three suitcases, a bag, and a cosmetics case. In
can is full of …………..…...... . other word, she took a lot of …………..…...... on her trip.


Exercise 1: Add a/ an if necessary. Write Ø in the blank if the noun is non count.
0. A bird has wings. 9. …..... gold is a metal.
1. …..... animal needs food. 10. …..... bridge is a structure that spans a river.
2. …..... food is a necessity of life. 11. …..... valley is an area of low land between two
3. …..... concert is a musical performance. mountains.
4. …..... opera is a musical play. 12. …..... health is one of the most important things
5. …..... music consists of a series of pleasant in life.
sounds. 13. …..... knowledge is a source of power.
6. …..... cup is a small container used for liquids. 14. …..... tennis is a sport.
7. …..... island is a piece of land surrounded by 15. …..... tennis player has to practice long hours.
water. 16. …..... tree needs water to survive.
8. …..... homework is a necessary part of a 17. …..... water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen.
course of study. 18. …..... grammar is interesting and fun.
Exercise 2: Some of these sentences need a/ an. Correct the sentences where necessary.
0. Joe goes everywhere by bike. He hasn’t got car. 8. We need petrol. I hope we come to petrol station
He hasn’t got a car. soon.
1. Helen is listening to music when I arrive. ………………………………………………………………....…….…
………………………………………………………………....……… 9. I wonder if you can help me. I have problem.
2. We went to very nice restaurant last weekend. ………………………………………………………………....…….…
………………………………………………………………....……… 10. I like your suggestion. It’s interesting idea.
3. I clean my teeth with toothpaste. ………………………………………………………………....…….…
………………………………………………………………....……… 11. John has got interview for job tomorrow.
4. I use toothbrush to clean my teeth. ……………………………………………………………….....………
………………………………………………………………....……… 12. I like volleyball. It’s good game.
5. Can you tell me if there’s bank near here? ………………………………………………………………....….……
………………………………………………………………....……… 13. Liz doesn’t usually wear jewelry.
6. I don’t like violence. ………………………………………………………………....…….…
………………………………………………………………....……… 14. Jane was wearing beautiful necklace.
7. When we were in Rome, we stayed in big hotel. ………………………………………………………………....…….…

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Exercise 3: Complete the sentences using the following words. Use a/ an where necessary.

key coat sugar blood question

biscuit moment decision accident interview

0. It wasn’t your fault. It was an accident. 6. ‘I had ........................................ for a job

1. I couldn’t get into the house because I didn’t yesterday.‘ ‘Did you? How did it go?’
have ........................................ . 7. The heart pumps ........................................
2. It’s very warm today. Why are you wearing ................ through the body.
.........................? 8. Excuse me, but can I ask you ......................
3. Do you take ........................................ in your coffee? ......................?
4. Are you hungry? Would you like ................................. 9. I’m not ready yet. Can you wait ..................
...........? ........................., please?
5. Our lives would be very difficult without .................... 10. We can’t delay much longer. You have to
................. . make ........................................ right now.

A/ AN/ THE Exercise 4: Put in a/ an or the.

1. a. This house is very nice. Has it got ………. garden? 4. a. There isn’t ………. airport near where I live.
b. It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in ………. garden. ………. nearest airport is 70 miles away.
c. I like living in this house, but it’s a pity that ………. b. Our flight was delayed. We had to wait at
garden is so small. ………. airport for three hours.
2. a. Can you recommend ………. good restaurant? c. Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to
b. We had dinner in ………. very nice restaurant. get to ………. airport?
c. We had dinner in ………. best restaurant. 5. a. ‘Are you going away next week? ‘ ‘ No
3. a. She has ………. French name, but in fact she’s English, ………. week after next.’
not French. b. I’m going away for ………. week in
b. What’s ………. name of that man we met yesterday? September.
c. We stayed at a very nice hotel – I can’t remember c. Gary has a part-time job. He works for
………. name now. three mornings ………. week.

Exercise 5: Put in a/ an or the.

1. We enjoyed our holiday. ………. hotel was very expensive.

2. ‘Can I ask ………. question?’ ’Of course. What do you want to ask?’
3. You look very tired. You need ………. holiday.
4. ‘Where is Tom?’ ‘He’s in ………. bathroom.’
5. Jane is ………. interesting person. You must meet her.
6. We stayed at a very nice hotel – I can’t remember ………. name now.
7. A: Shall we go out for ………. meal this evening?
B: Yes, that’s ………. good idea.
8. It’s ………. nice morning. Let’s go for ………. walk.
9. Peter and Mary have got two children, ………. boy and ………. girl. ………. boy is seven years old and ……….
girl is three. Peter works in ………. factory. Mary hasn’t got ………. job at the moment.
10. Amanda is ………. student. When she finishes her studies, she want to be ………. journalist. She lives
with two friends in ………. flat near ………. college where she is studying. ………. flat is small but she likes

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Exercise 6: Put in a/ an or the where necessary.
1. Would you like apple? 7. My sister has just got job in bank in Manchester.
………………………………………………………...………………. ………………………………………………………...………….…….
2. Could you close door, please? 8. Sun is star.
………………………………………………………...………………. ………………………………………………………...………….…….
3. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. It was 9. Moon goes around earth every 27 days.
mistake. ………………………………………………………...………….…….
………………………………………………………...………………. 10. I’m fed up with doing same thing every day.
4. Excuse me, where is bus station, please? ………………………………………………………...………………..
………………………………………………………...………………. 11. I don’t usually have lunch, but I always eat good
5. There were no chairs, so we sat on floor. breakfast.
………………………………………………………...………………. ………………………………………………………...…………….….
6. Have you finished with book I lent you? 12. Next train to London leaves from Platform 3.
………………………………………………………...………………. ………………………………………………………...…………….….

Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with a/ an/ the or Ø.

1. ……… beef is a kind of ……… meat.
2. ……… beef we had for dinner last night was excellent.
3. Jim is wearing ……… straw hat today.
4. Jim likes to wear ……… hats.
5. ……… hat is ……… item of clothing.
6. ……… hats are ……… items of clothing.
7. ……… brown hat on the hook over there belongs to Mark.
8. Everyone has ……… problems in ……… life.
9. My grandfather had ……… long life.
10. That book is about ……… life of Helen Keller.
11. Tommy wants to be ……… engineer when he grows up.
12. The Brooklyn Bridge was designed by ……… engineer.
13. John Roeblin is ……… name of ……… engineer who designed the Brooklyn Bridge. He died in 1869 from
……… infection before ……… bridge was completed.
14. ……… people wear ……… jewelry to make themselves more attractive.
15. ……… jewelry Dinna is wearing today is beautiful.
Exercise 8: Put a tick () if you think the underlined word is correct. Make it correct if you
think it’s wrong.
0. I’m not sure what she does, but I think she’s a ...... doctor.
1. I saw the …..…….. thousand different things when I was on holiday.
2. Be careful !That perfume costs £100 a …..…….. bottle.
3. We must invite him to the party. He plays a …..…….. piano and a …..…….. guitar.
4. A: What does John do?
B: I’m not sure, but I think he is the …..…….. teacher in a school.
5. She likes to drive at the …..…….. hundred miles an hour.
6. I play the …..…….. violin in an orchestra. They pay me £80 the …..…….. day!
7. I’ve got the …..…….. hundred jobs to do before we leave.
8. A: Is my handbag in the living room?
B: No, it isn’t. I saw it in a …..…….. kitchen.

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SOME/ ANY Exercise 1: Complete with some or any.
1. If there are ……………. words you don’t 6. My neighbour doesn’t speak ……………. foreign
understand, use a dictionary. languages.
2. With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel 7. Those apples look nice. Shall we buy …………….?
on ……………. train you like. 8. Thank you, but I don’t want ……………. help from
3. Can you give me ……………. information about your you.
hometown? 9. Can I have ……………. milk in my coffee, please?
4. I’m so sorry but there aren’t ……………. cheese left. 10. I didn’t have ……………. money, so I had to
5. Do you know ……………. famous people? borrow ……………. .

Exercise 2: Put the words in brackets in the correct order to make sentences.
0. A: Can I help you, sir?
B: Yes, please. I’d like to buy some furniture for my living room. (to buy/ for my living room./ furniture/
I’d like/ some)
1. A: Shall we go into town this afternoon?
B: Why? ……...………………………………......….………....……...........……. . (any/ shops open today./ aren’t/ There)
2. A: ……...………………………………......….………....……...........…….? (Can I/ cheese/ please?/ some/ have)
B: Of course. How much would you like?
3. A: ……...………………………………......….………....……...........……. . (any/ in Cambridge?/ museums/ Are there)
B: I don’t know. We can find out at the Tourist Information Centre.
4. A: I’d love to go to South America.
B: Really? ……...………………………………......….………....……...........……. . (you/ speak/ Spanish?/ Do/ any)
5. A: I’m hungry! We haven’t eaten all day.
B: Wait a moment! ……...………………………………......….………....……...........……. . (money/ with us./ We
haven’t/ any/ brought)
Exercise 3: Put in a/ an/ some/ any where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space
0. I’ve seen some good films recently.
1. What’s wrong with you? Have you got ……..........….. headache?
2. I know a lot of people. Most of them are ……..........….. students.
3. When I was ……..........….. child, I used to be very shy.
4. Would you like to be ……..........….. actor?
5. They don’t need ……..........….. money because they’re going to bring their lunch to school.
6. I bought ……..........….. cheese but I didn’t buy ……..........….. bread.
7. ……..........….. birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.
8. I’m tired. Did we have ……..........….. time to take a nap?
9. I’ve been walking for three hours. I’ve got ……..........….. sore feet.
10. He doesn’t feel very well this morning. He’s got ……..........….. sore throat.
11. Maria speaks ……..........….. English, but not very much.
12. It’s a pity we don’t have ……..........….. camera. I’d like to take ……..........….. photographs of that house.
13. Those are ……..........….. nice shoes. Where did you get them?
14. I want to wash my hair. Is there ……..........….. shampoo?
15. I don’t believe him. He’s ……..........….. liar. He’s always telling ……..........….. lies.

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Exercise 4: Tom and Tina are writing a MUCH/ Exercise 5: Write much or many in
shopping list. Complete the dialogue with MANY front of these nouns.
a/ some/ any/ no. 0. How much snow?
Tom: We haven’t got any eggs so we need to 1. How ............ tables? 11. How ............ watches?
buy some. 2. How ............ cats? 12. How ……....... homework?
Tina: No, no. There are 1……...….. in the fridge, 3. How ............ petrol? 13. How ............ times?
but there’s 2……...….. cheese. 4. How ............ advice? 14. How ............ information?
Tom: OK, cheese. Now, we’ve got 3……...….. 5. How ............ cigars? 15. How ............ toast?
fruit in the sitting room but we haven’t 6. How ............ sugar? 16. Not ............ news.
got enough for the weekend so we need 7. How ............ buses? 17. Not ............ exams.
to buy 4……...….. more. What else? 8. How ............ books? 18. Not ............ luggage.
Tina: We want to have 5……...….. salad for 9. How ............ food? 19. Not ............ children.
lunch, I think. 10. How ............ cups? 20. Not ............ museums.
Tom: Yes, of course. So we need 6……...….. Exercise 6: Write much or many. Write the plural
lettuce. Oh, and 7……...….. tomatoes be form of the underlined nouns if necessary.
cause there aren’t 8……...….. in the kitchen.
0. There isn’t much money money in my bank account.
Tina: We must buy 9……...….. bottle of oil as
1. I haven’t got ……….… ……….… mail lately.
2. There aren’t ……….… ……….… hotel in my hometown.
Tom: OK, and I want to buy 10……...…..
3. There isn’t ……….… ……….… traffic today.
newspaper because there’s 11……...…..
4. There aren’t ……….… ……….… car on the road today.
football match on TV this afternoon but I
5. I can’t go with you because I have too ……….…
don’t know what time it starts.
……….… work to do.
Tina: But there are 12……...….. football matches
6. I couldn’t find ……….… ……….… information in that
today because the weather is so bad. We
can go and see 13……...….. film instead.
7. How ……….… ……….… homework did the teacher
Tom: Oh, all right. Anyway, are there 14…….......
more things to put on the list?
8. I haven’t met ……….… ……….… people since I came
Tina: No, I think that’s everything. I hope you've
got 15……...….. money because I haven’t
9. I think there is too ……….… ……….… violence on
got 16……...….. .
Tom: OK. Put 17……...….. coat on and get
18 10. There is too ……….… ……….… furniture in Anna’s
……...….. shopping bag and we’re ready.
living room.

Exercise 7: Fill in the blanks with much/ many/ How much/ How many.
1. I made so ............................. mistakes that I failed the test.
2. ‘............................. money did you save last year?’ ‘I didn’t save so ............................. money last year.’
3. There are ............................. papers to type but I don’t have ............................. time to type them.
4. ‘I want to make a cake but I don ’t have ............................. sugar.’ ‘............................. sugar do you
5. I don’t have ............................. butter to make an omelette. But I have ............................. eggs.
6. ............................. cars are there at the garage?
7. Sam didn’t spend ............................. time to build that house.
8. ............................. time do you need to get ready?
9. My English teacher doesn’t give ............................. homework.
10. Lawrence didn’t find ............................. evidence to find the robbers.

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Exercise 8: Write the questions. Use How much/ How many.
1. ..............................................................................? 5. ..............................................................................?
There are four bottles of milk there. There isn’t much water in the jar.
2. ..............................................................................? 6. ..............................................................................?
There are three kilos of apples in the basket. There are ten toys on the floor.
3. ..............................................................................? 7. ..............................................................................?
There isn’t much butter in the fridge. There are two packets of tea.
4. ..............................................................................? 8. ..............................................................................?
There are five chairs in the room. There isn’t much bread in the basket.

Exercise 9: Underline and correct the mistakes.

0. These carrot are sweet. carrots 5. You can take four potato from ...................
1. I don’t like teas at all. ................... the basket.
2. I’d like to cut some pear for this salad. ................... 6. Do you eat meats? ...................
3. There is much waters in this jar. ................... 7. There is much rices in this dish. ...................
4. How many sandwich have you ................... Where is breads?
bought? 8. These berry are very sweet. ...................

MUCH/ MANY/ A LOT OF/ LOTS OF Exercise 10: Circle the correct answer.


Much and many are usually used for questions (?) and negatives (-). Much and many are
sometimes used in affirmative clauses in more formal style. A lot of and lots of can both be
used for affirmatives, negatives, and questions.

1. We’ve got a lot of / many food in the fridge. 6. I haven’t got much / many money.
2. Are there a lot of / much people in the park today? 7. Hurry up! We haven’t got a lot of / many time.
3. There isn’t much / many milk in Cosmo’s bowl. 8. Are there much / many cinemas in your town?
4. There aren’t much / many biscuits in that packet. 9. Do much / a lot of tourists come here in the fall?
5. There isn’t a lot of / many apple juice in the fridge. 10. Have you got a lot of / many homework?

Exercise 11: Fill in the gaps with a lot of, much or many.
1. There are ............................ birds in the sky! 6. Are there ............................ apples on the tree?
2. I haven’t got ............................ homework today. 7. Jane has got ............................ money in her purse.
3. John hasn’t got ............................ CDs. 8. Is there ............................ bread in the cupboard?
4. There aren’t .............................. cars in the street. 9. Are there ........................... children in the park?
5. There is ............................ sugar in the bowl. 10. We are early. We have .............................. time.
Exercise 12: Complete the answer with a lot, much or many.
1. Have you got any money? 5. Are there any eggs in the basket?
Yes, ………...…………...…............................................ Yes, ………...…………...…...........................................
2. Is there any milk in the fridge? 6. How much salt did you put in the soup?
Yes, but not ........................................................... Not ….....................................................................
3. Have you got any vegetables? 7. Did you get any presents for your birthday?
Yes, but not ........................................................... Yes, ………...…………...…............................................
4. How many letters have you typed? 8. How much did your dress cost?
Not ……….............................................................. .. Not ….....................................................................

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Exercise 13: Reorder the words.

1. is/ a/ of/ lot/ in/ the/ milk/ carton./ There/ 9. haven’t/ bread./ got/ We/ much/
……..………………………………………..………..…..…….....…….. ……..………………………………………..………........…......
2. Are/ many/ cinema/ people/ there/ at/ the/ today?/ 10. are/ the/ a/ There/ lot/ of/ in/ animals/ zoo./
……..………………………………………..………..…..…….....…….. ……..………………………………………..………........….....
3. money./ has/ He/ a/ got/ lot/ of/ 11. street?/ Are/ many/ shops/ in/ there/ the/
……..………………………………………..………..…..…….....…….. ……..………………………………………..………........….....
4. isn’t/ much/ There/ sugar/ in/ coffee./ this/ 12. isn’t/ much/ There/ soup./ pepper/ in/ the/
……..………………………………………..………..…..…….....…….. ……..………………………………………..………........….....
5. there/ Is/ much/ juice/ in/ the/ orange/ jug?/ 13. children/ lot/ The/ have/ toys./ got/ a/ of/
……..………………………………………..………..…..…….....…….. ……..………………………………………..………........….....
6. has/ lot/ She/ of/ books/ in/ got/ her/ a/ bag./ 14. there/ Is/ much/ in/ tea/ the/ cup?/
……..………………………………………..………..…..…….....…….. ……..………………………………………..………........….....
7. you/ Have/ got/ friends?/ many/ 15. has/ lot/ got/ a/ of/ rings./ She/
……..………………………………………..………..…..…….....…….. ……..………………………………………..………........….....
8. packet./ There/ many/ aren’t/ biscuit/ in/ the/

Exercise 14: Fill in the gaps with much, many or a lot of and one of the words form the list.

shops friends money giraffes

snow time rice suitcases

1. This sweater doesn’t cost ........................................................................................................................... .

2. Maria is very popular. She has .................................................................................................................... .
3. Do you spend .............................................................................................................. studying for exams?
4. How .....................................................................….............……………………....………….. are there in the zoo?
5. I haven’t got .................................................................................................................................. with me.
6. There isn’t ...........................................................…………..............…………………….……………. in the cupboard.
7. This shopping centre is very big. There are ……........................................................................................... .
8. There is ...................................................................................................... outside. Let’s build a snowman.


Exercise 15: Fill in the blanks.

1. a little - a few: 5. a little - a few:

We have got ............................... oranges. Mrs Aktepe got ............................... photos of the trip.
2. a little - a few: 6. a little - a few:
We have got ............................... money. They have got ............................... butter in the tub.
3. a little - a few: 7. a little - a few:
She has got ............................... friends. Mr Blank has got ............................... money this month.
4. a little - a few: 8. a little - a few:
There is ............................... cheese in the Gary has got ............................... pencils in his pencil box.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 11

Exercise 16: A friend is visiting you. Rewrite the questions you ask your friend, using a few or
a little instead of some.

0. Would you like some coffee? Would you like a little coffee?
1. Would you like some biscuits? ………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Shall I make you some sandwiches? ………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Would you like some cheese? ………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Can I bring you some cream cakes? ………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Would you like some milk in your coffee? ………………………………………………………………………………..
6. Would you like some more sugar in your coffee? ………………………………………………………………………………..
7. Can I bring you some tea? ………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Shall I bring you some coke? ………………………………………………………………………………..

Exercise 17: If the given noun can be used to complete the sentences, write it in its correct
form (singular or plural). If the given nouns cannot be used to complete the sentence, write Ø.

1. Helen bought too much ……...…......... 6. I read a few ………..................................

shoe .....Ø..... novel ………………….………….............…...…
salt ……………...………..…………...….......... poem ………………….……......…….........……
equipment …………………….…...….......... biography……….……….…..…...…..........…..
tool ……………………………….…....….......... poetry ………………….………...……..........….

2. Sam bought a lot of ……..................….. 7. The author doesn’t have many ….….….
stamp .....stamps..... idea ……………………...………...…...............
rice …………………………………...…............ theory ………………..………...……...............
stuff ………………………….……...…............ knowledge ……………………...…….............
thing ……………………………......…............ imagination ……………..…………….............

3. They eat a little ……................….......... 8. We don’t need much ………...................

cream ………………………......…..……........ sleep …………………………...….…................
cherry …………………………..…...……........ information …………………...……...............
candy ……………………………...…...…........ fact …………………………...……….................
sugar ……………………………......……........ help …………………………..……….................

4. Jack bought lots of ……...................….. 9. Jack bought a few ………........................

bread ……………………………..............…… furniture ……………….………...….…...........
loaf of bread …………………..............…… desk ……………………………….…..…............
fish …………………………….…..…..........….. goose …………………………….…....…...........
ox ……………………….…..….…..............….. bookshelf …………………………....…...........

5. I bought some ………............................

orange juice ………….……........……........
paper ……………..……...……......……........
honey …………………………….....……........
chalk ……………………….……......……........

12 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use



Exercise 1: Read the conversation between Melanie and Rita. Then say what the underlined
pronouns mean.
Melanie: Have 0 you been in that shop? E.g: 0. You - Rita
Rita: No, not yet.
Melanie: Nor have I, but 1 it looks interesting. There’s a lovely 1. it - ……………………………….
dress in the window, and 2 it isn’t expensive. 2. it - ……………………………….
Rita: Laura bought some jeans there. 3 She said 3. She - ……………………….…..
4 4. they - ……………….………...
they were really cheap.
5 5. You - …………………..….……
Melanie: You ought to go along there and have a look, then.
6 6. We - ……………….…………..
Rita: We’d better go now or we’ll be late.
7 7. I - ………………….…………….
I told Mike and Harriet we’d meet
8 8. them - ………….….………….
them at half past five.
9 9. he - ……………………..……...
Melanie: Oh, Tom said he’s coming too.

Exercise 2: Use the correct subject pronoun. Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with object
0. Leila is my sister. She is an avid reader. She pronouns.
usually reads different genres of books. 0. I am writing an email to John. I’ll text him to let
1. Alan is my cousin. ............ is watching a detective him know.
film on TV and ............ is addicted to it. 1. Who is the woman in the black coat? Do you
2. The computer is worth $1500. ............ costs me know ..............?
an arm and a leg . ............‘ve spent a month’s 2. Where’s David’s wife? I need to talk to .............. .
salary buying it. 3. We are going for a drink. Would you like to come
3. I have bought several pictures. ............ are with ..............?
drawn by very famous artists. 4. He is cracking some jokes to cheer us up. He
4. Look at that yellow dog! ............ is rolling in the always makes .............. laugh.
grass. 5. My neighbor is a photographer. Let’s ask ..............
5. My sister and I are going shopping. ............ are for his advice about color films.
going to buy that stunning top but ............‘ve 6. Let me tell you about the story I read yesterday. I
realized that ............ can’t afford it. like .............. a lot.
6. The roses are in my mother’s garden. ............ are 7. Lily rarely reads comics. She is not keen on ...........
now in full bloom. ........ at all.
7. John is on the way home. ............’s just had a 8. The boy has made a terrible mistake and his
long working day. ............ needs some rest. friends are not happy. They are not going to
8. Liza is English. ............ likes to travel around the forgive .............. .
world. ............’s been to 17 countries so far. 9. She doesn’t like hot sunny weather. It keeps ........
9. Diana has no sisters but ............ has got two twin ...... mad.
brothers. 10. Mary usually goes on foot to school. She finds ...
10. Have ............ got a car, Sue? ........... very convenient.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 13

Exercise 4: Fill in the gaps with the correct Exercise 5: If the sentence is right, you put a
subject or object pronoun. tick (). If the sentence is wrong, underline the
0. A: Does your brother play football? mistakes and correct them.
B: Yes, He plays it all the time. He thinks it’s a 1. Where is Monica? I can’t find it anywhere. ............
brilliant game. 2. Would you give me your address, please? ............
1. A: Does Susan eat chocolate? 3. There are Jill and Jack. Let’s ask us about the ............
B: Yes, …………. eats …………. all the time. homework.
…………. says ………….’s her favourite food. 4. Sam, can I help her? ............
2. A: Do your parents know Mr Jones? 5. There is a policeman. We can ask them the ............
B: Yes, …………. know …………. very well. …………. way to the station.
lives next door to …………. . 6. Where’s your classroom? - It is on the ............
3. A: Does Claire like David? first floor.
B: No, …………. doesn’t like …………. very much. 7. Where’s Christopher? - He is at home. ............
…………. says ………….’s too noisy. 8. Has he got green eyes? - Oh no, we are gray. ............
4. A: Do you listen to rock music? 9. Where is my bag? - She is over there.
B: Yes, …………. listen to …………. all the time. 10. Whenever the pupils have got a break, you ............
…………. think ………….’s fantastic. are not in the classroom.
5. A: Does Tony enjoy fishing? 11. She is my best friend so I tell she ............
B: Oh, yes. …………. enjoys …………. very much. everything. ............
…………. says …………. relaxes him. 12. Let we go to the cinema.

Exercise 6: James is talking about himself Exercise 7: Write these sentences using subject
and his family. Put subject pronouns (I, and object pronouns instead of the underlined
you, etc.) in the gaps. words.
Hi! 0 I am James and 1….…… live in Australia. 0. John and I saw Peter yesterday. He bought John and
……… have got two brothers. 3…….…’re called me a cup of coffee.
Pete and Mike. My mother works at the hospital. We saw Peter yesterday. He bought us a cup of coffee.
…….… is a doctor. My father works in the sports 1. David and Mike are arriving today. I’m meeting David
shop. 5…….… works very hard. The shop makes a and Mike at the station.
lot of money, and 6….……’s always full of people. ………………………………………………………………..……………..…
Now put the object pronouns (me, you, etc.) in 2. I’m looking for Mary. Have you seen Mary? Mary isn’t
the gaps. at home.
On Saturdays I work for my father. I help 7…….… ………………………………………………………………..……………..…
in the shop, and he gives 8…….… some money. 3. John and I saw a film called The Tiger yesterday. Have
On Sundays we go to the beach. We have two you seen The Tiger?
dogs, and we take 9….…… with us. We also take a ………………………………………………………………..……………..…
ball and they play with 10…….… on the beach 4. Come to the swimming pool with Joanna and me.
while we swim in the sea. Joanna and I are leaving now.
Now put object or subject pronouns in the gaps. ………………………………………………………………..……………..…
At the moment I’m at university. I’m studying ………………………………………………………………..……………..…
business. 11….……’s an interesting subject. Two of 5. George and Jane are meeting Paul today. Paul is
my school-friends are at university with 12….…… . having lunch with George and Jane.
Our teachers are good but 13…….… give 14….…… a ………………………………………………………………..……………..…
lot of work to do. Next week 15….…… are all ………………………………………………………………..……………..…
taking our first exams. I want to get good marks 6. There’s Jack! Jack’s got a heavy suitcase. Shall we help
in 16….…… . Jack?

14 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 8: Tim and Lucy went to a restaurant last night for a meal. Make sentences about what
happened while they were here. Write two sentences using the given clues.
0. The waiter/ give/ the menu 3. The waiter/ give/ the bill
(her) The waiter gave her the menu. (Tim) ……………………………………………………….....………
(to Lucy) The waiter gave the menu to Lucy. (to Tim) ...................................................................
1. The waiter/ fetch/ some wine 4. Lucy/ lend/ some money, because he didn’t have
(them) ………………………………………………....….…….….. enough to pay the bill
(for them) .............................................................. (Tim) ……………………………………………………..…...………
2. The chef/ cook/ a special meal …………………………………………………………………………...
(them) ……………………………………………………......…….. (to Tim) ..................................................................
(for them) ............................................................... ................................................................................
Exercise 9: Rewrite sentences in two way, putting the words in brackets in the correct place.
0. She wrote a letter. (me) → She wrote me a letter.
She wrote a letter to me.
1. They send an invitation. (us) 5. My uncle sold his camera. (me)
………………………………………………..……………………..... ………………………………………………..……………………......
…………………………………………………..…………………..... …………………………………………………..…………….…….....
2. Sheila gave a present. (Mike) 6. She left a message. (you)
………………………………………………..……………………..... ………………………………………………..………………….….....
…………………………………………………..…………………..... …………………………………………………..…………….…….....
3. I made a sandwich. (her) 7. Mary sent some flowers. (them)
………………………………………………..……………………..... ………………………………………………..………………….….....
…………………………………………………..…………………..... …………………………………………………..…………….…….....
4. Tom bought a newspaper. (Sally) 8. Shall I get a drink? (you)
………………………………………………..……………………..... ………………………………………………..………………….….....
…………………………………………………..…………………..... …………………………………………………..……………....….....

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with appropriate reflexive pronouns.
1. Everyone drew self-portraits. I drew a picture 6. Olga, you drew a picture of …….......……………,
of ………….......……… . didn’t you?
2. Ali drew a picture of ………….......……… . 7. Lara and I drew pictures of ………..….....………,
3. Rosa drew a picture of ………….......……… . didn’t we?
4. The children drew pictures of ……………….......… . 8. When one draws a picture of …….......……………, it
5. We drew pictures of ………….....…..…… . is called a self - portrait.
Exercise 2: Fill in the gaps with appropriate reflexive pronouns.
1. I cooked ………………… a meal and then I watched television. 7. Alan cooked …………….. a snack when
2. I’m sure he’ll enjoy ………………… on his trip. he got home.
3. I cut ………………… while I was preparing the vegetables. 8. She makes all her clothes .................
4. We amused ………………… by playing cards while we were ...… .
waiting for the plane. 9. The students organized the concert
5. She put the plates on the table and told them to help ....... ………………… .
……….… to the food. 10. We painted the whole house .........
6. Tom hurt ………………… when he was playing football. …………… .

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 15

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct verb tenses and appropriate reflexive
pronouns in the correct place.
0. Be careful with the knife or you/ cut/. → Be careful with that knife or you’ll cut yourself.
1. It was a very nice trip and we/ enjoy/ very much/. 5. She/ make/ a sandwich and ate it in the kitchen/.
It was a very nice trip and we …….......................... ………………..…………...................…..….…..…..…...........
.............................................................................. . ........................................ and ate it in the kitchen.
2. I/ burn/ while I was taking the dish out of the 6. You/ paint/ room/? - Yes, it took me three days to
oven/. do it.
I …………….....……………….......................................... ………………..………...........................…....…...…..….…..
…....... while I was taking the dish out of the oven. ……..............? - Yes, it took me three days to do it.
3. He didn’t have lesson. He/ teach/. 7. If you don’t help me, I/ have to/ do/ it/.
He didn’t have lessons .......................................... If you don’t help me, ………….….......................……..
............................................................................. . .............................................................................. .
4. I think I/ buy/ a new coat tomorrow/. 8. He/ type/ letter/ and then he posted it/.
............................................................................. ……………………………...………......................................
.……………..……...............…... a new coat tomorrow. ........................................... and then he posted it.
Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the correct verb tenses and correct reflexive pronouns.
Put reflective pronouns at the end of the sentence.
0. She is a very successful singer. She/ write/ all her songs/.
She is a very successful singer. She writes all her songs herself.
1. Could you post this letter for me? No, I’m sorry, I 5. I hope you like that present. I/ choose/ it/.
won’t have time. You/ have to/ post it/. I hope you like the present. .....................................
No, I’m sorry, I won’t have time. .......................... ................................................................................ .
............................................................................. . 6. Do you like this meal? I/ invent/ the recipe/.
2. Nobody helped us, so we/ carry/ all our luggage/. Do you like this meal? .............................................
Nobody helped us, so ........................................... ............................................................................... .
............................................................................. . 7. Don’t ask me to help you. You/ must/ do/ it/.
3. This is an excellent photograph. You/ take it/? Don’t ask me to help you. .......................................
This is an excellent photograph. ........................... ............................................................................... .
............................................................................. . 8. What a tasty dish! You/ make/ it/?
4. She was wearing a dress that she/ make/. What a tasty dish! ...................................................
She was wearing a dress that ............................... ............................................................................... .
............................................................................. .

Exercise 1: Put in the correct word from the box in each gap.

no one 1. She didn’t say ………….….…… about her job when I spoke to her.
anyone 2. ………….….…… phoned you today, but he didn’t tell me his name.
anything 3. I’m sure you’ll find it ………….….…… in the house if you keep looking.
nothing 4. I had to go to the cinema on my own because I couldn’t find ………….….…… to go with me.
everyone 5. She said that ………….….…… was fine and she was very happy.
something 6. Can I speak to you for a moment? I want to discuss ………….….…… with you.
somewhere 7. Unfortunately, I couldn’t help. There was ………….….…… I could do about the problem.
everywhere 8. I looked ………….….…… but I couldn’t find it.
everything 9. She married ………….….…… she met when she was a student.
someone (x2) 10. ………….….…… was out of the office so there was ………….….…… to answer the phone.

16 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 2: Circle the correct verb form in brackets.
0. I’m afraid I know / knows / don’t know / doesn’t know anything about this subject.
1. I rang the doorbell but nobody was / were / wasn’t / weren’t in.
2. I asked a lot of people, but nobody knew / didn’t know the answer.
3. I have seen / has seen / hasn’t seen / haven’t seen anything so lovely before in my life!
4. I ate / didn’t eat anything for lunch yesterday.
5. Nothing interesting have happened / has happened / hasn’t happened / haven’t happened since the
last time I spoke to you.
6. He loves football. Nothing else is / are / isn’t / aren’t important to him.
7. She said / didn’t say anything about her plans for the future.
8. Have tried / Has tried / Haven’t tried / Hasn’t tried .............. Nick .............. anything new this year?
Exercise 3: Bill and Sheila are going on holiday with their children, Penny and Dan. Put the
correct words from the box in the spaces, but note that you do not need one of the words.
Bill: Has anyone seen the big blue beach ball? I can’t find it 0 anywhere .
nobody Penny: Have you looked in the cupboard under the stairs?
nothing Bill: Yes, there’s 1 ………….......………..…… there. Only a box.
anywhere Penny: And did you look in the box?
everyone Bill: Of course. I’ve looked 2 ………….........…………… .
someone Penny: Well, it must be 3 …………….......……..…… .
anybody Bill: Come on, 4 ………..……….....…..……, let’s help Dad find the blue beach ball!
somewhere Penny: But 5 ………………..….......…… could find it last year, or the year before.
everywhere Bill: Surely 6 …………….........………… has seen it?
Penny: Do you know what I think? I think we’ve never had a blue beach ball.
Exercise 4: Put the right form of a word beginning with some-, any-, no-, or every- into the
Dennis: Have you read 0 anything interesting lately?
Sarah: Yes, 1 …………..…………. lent me a novel last week and I really enjoyed it.
Dennis: What was it about?
Sarah: It was about 2 …………………..…. who goes to visit Australia. She likes to go 3 …………………..…. alone.
While she’s travelling around on her own, 4 ……………..………. terrible happens to her. She loses
………..……………. - including her passport and all her money. She doesn’t know 6 ……..……………….
who can help her, and she’s got 7 ……..………………. to stay.
Dennis: What happens then?
Sarah: I’m not going to tell you 8 ……………..………. else! You should read the book yourself.
Dennis: It sounds like a very depressing book! I’d prefer to read 9 ……..………………. funny.
Sarah: No, read it. It’s great fun. And 10 ……………..………. wonderful happens at the end.
Exercise 5: Change each of these sentences into a sentence with the same meaning. Use the
word in brackets with the underlined adjective or with else.
0. A strange thing happened yesterday. (something) Something strange happened yesterday.
Let’s listen to some different music. (something) Let’s listen to something else.
1. You won’t find better food in any other place. (anywhere) ........................................................................
2. Is there a cheap place we can go for lunch? (anywhere) ........................................................................
3. Let’s sit in a different place. (somewhere) ........................................................................
4. I’d like a hot drink. (something) ........................................................................
5. How about trying a different recipe? (something) ........................................................................
6. Why don’t we play some interesting games? (something) ........................................................................
7. Let’s ask a different person. (someone) ........................................................................
8. Is there an old person in the room? (anyone) ........................................................................

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Exercise 1: Write the correct possessive Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with appropriate
adjectives on the lines. possessive adjectives.

1. you ………….. book 1. Margaret can’t walk and …..……….. leg is in plaster.
2. Mary ………….. book 2. ‘Have you heard about Ben?’ ‘He has broken …..………..
3. you and Mary ………….. books arm.’
4. your wife ………….. car 3. Look! The dogs are wagging …..……….. tails.
5. the man and I ………….. books 4. The exam is coming. The students are studying for
6. the machine ………….. cord …..……….. exams.
7. Bob, Jo, and Sue ………….. father 5. Musician Louis Armstrong was famous for …..………..
8. my watch ………….. battery smile.
9. the firemen ………….. ambulance 6. Brad entered …..……….. painting in a contest.
10. it ………….. bone 7. I wanted to read that book, but a number of …..………..
11. we ………….. team pages are missing.
12. the boy ………….. test 8. My aunt and uncle have sold …..……….. house.
13. the men ………….. suits 9. The Inuit built …..……….. igloos out of snow blocks.
14. my daughter ………….. shoes 10. How did Florida get …..……….. name?
15. his nephew ………….. watch
16. Alan and Tom ………….. pet Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with correct possessive
17. a herd of sheep ………….. fur adjectives.
18. Ted, Bob, and I ………….. homework
1. Do you like ……...……… job?
19. mice ………….. teeth
2. I know Mr Watson, but I don’t know ……...……… wife.
20. people ………….. outfits
3. Alice and Tom live in London. ……...……… son lives in
4. We’re going to have a party. We’re going to invite all
……...……… friends.
5. Anna is going out with ……...……… friends this evening.
6. I like tennis. It’s ……...……… favourite sport.
7. ‘Is that ……...……… car?’ ‘No, I don’t have a car.’
8. I want to contact Maria. Do you know ……...………
9. Do you think most people are happy in ……...……… jobs?
10. I’m going to wash ……...……… hair before I go out.
11. This is a beautiful tree. ……...……… leaves are a
beautiful colour.
12. John has a brother and a sister. ……...……… brother is
25, and ……...……… sister is 21.

18 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 4: Write personal pronouns or possessive adjectives.
0. …..... name is Neil. I am a teacher. 0. My
1. Is that your brother? What is …..... name? 1. …………….….…
2. …..... are Kate and Betty and we are French. 2. …………….….…
3. …..... am from India. Are you from India too? 3. …………….….…
4. We are from Hanoi. …..... city is amazing. 4. …………….….…
5. Those are my nieces. …..... are 7 years old. 5. …………….….…
6. Ted and Laurel are friends. …..... are at school. 6. …………….….…
7. Tom and Jeans are his friends. …..... backpacks are in the dining room. 7. …………….….…
8. This is a rabbit and …..... name is Toby. 8. …………….….…
9. My father is 57 years old and …..... is an engineer. 9. …………….….…
10. Is she a singer? …..... voice is awesome. 10. …….………..…
11. Rose and I are classmates. …..... books are on the table. 11. …….………..…
12. My sister’s shirt is beautiful. …..... is pink and white. 12. …….………..…
13. Anna’s jeans are long but …..... shirt is short. 13. …….………..…
14. That is Mike with …..... dogs 14. …….………..…
15. Amina, my aunt, is a teacher. …..... is very friendly and hardworking, too. 15. …….………..…
Exercise 5: Complete the sentences. Use correct possessive adjectives with these words.

job coat house husband homework

key name flight handbag honeymoon

1. James doesn’t like ……………….............................……………… . It’s not very interesting.

2. I can’t get in. I don’t have ……………….............................……………… .
3. Sally is married. ……………….............................……………… works in a bank.
4. Please take off ……………….............................……………… and sit down.
5. ‘What are the children doing?’ ‘They’re doing ……………….............................……………… .’
6. ‘Do you know that man?’ ‘Yes, but I don’t know ……………….............................……………… .’
7. We live in Barton Street. ……………….............................……………… is at the end on the left.
8. Gerry and Mary got married last week. They went to Hawaii for ……………….............................……………… .
9. We had a chat while we were waiting for ……………….............................……………… .
10. Anna lost ……………….............................……………… while she was on her holiday.
Exercise 6: Write a tick () if the sentence is correct. If there is a mistake, underline and
correct it.
0. Kathy’s family now lives in a new house. Its a large two - story building with a It’s
pool, a big pack porch, and a garden.
1. The new house is much bigger than they’re old house. .................................
2. She loves being outdoors, and she enjoys taking care of the roses in his garden. .................................
3. Her husband Leon does not like to work in the garden. .................................
4. Leon likes to take care of the pool, and she cleans it once a week. .................................
5. Kathy and his husband have two children. .................................
6. The two boys spend most of his favorite time in his rooms playing video games. .................................
7. Eric and her brother also enjoy swimming in the pool. .................................
8. They also have a pet, called Lucy. It’s fur is black and yellow. .................................
9. They like cuddling Lucy in her free time. .................................
10. Lucy often waggles his tails a lot when Eric arrives home. .................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 19

Exercise 7: Write sentences with the given words using possessive adjectives.
1. She/ my/ sister./ favourite/ genre/ music/ Indie 6. Her/ dad/ doctor./ jobs/ keep/ him/ busy/ all/
rock./ time./
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
2. They/ her/ parents./ house/ at/ corner/ street./ 7. Those/ my/ little/ puppies./ eyes/ look/ adorable./
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
3. Look/ at/ giraffe/ over/ there./ distinctive/ spots/ 8. I/ 16/ years old./ birthday/ on Tuesday./
help/ them/ hide/ predators./ ..............................................................................
.............................................................................. 9. Look!/ That/ man/ my/ uncle./ name/ Dan./
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
4. They/ my/ lecturers./ lessons/ engaging/ dynamic./ 10. She/ not/ made up/ her/ mind/ yet./ We/
.............................................................................. waiting/ decision./
5. You/ smart/ child./ eyes/ bright/ like/ stars./ ..............................................................................
............................................................................... ..............................................................................

Exercise 1: Put correct possessive adjectives and correct possessive pronouns in the gaps.
1. This car belongs to me. This is ………………….… car. 7. That key belongs to her. This is ……………….…… key.
It’s ………………….… . It’s ………….………… .
2. That ticket belongs to you. That’s …………….……… 8. That boat belongs to them. That’s …………….………
ticket. It’s ……….…………… . boat. It’s …………….……… .
3. This house belongs to them. This is …………….……… 9. Those coats belong to us. Those are ……….………….…
house. It’s …………………… . coats. They’re …………….……… .
4. These cups belong to us. These are …………….……… 10. These pens belong to me. These are …………….......
cups. They’re ………….………… . ….. pens. They’re …….……………… .
5. Those books belong to him. Those are ………………. 11. That watch belongs to him. That’s …….………………
…… books. They’re ………….………… . watch. It’s ………….………… .
6. That bag belongs to me. This is ……….…………… bag. 12. These photos belong to you. These are ................
It’s …………….……… . ……… photos. They’re ………….………… .
Exercise 2: Read the information below. Then complete the conversation with the words from
the box.
Three friends are in a café. Amy orders a large cappuccino and a tuna sandwich. Olivia orders a cup of tea,
a pasta salad and a piece of carrot cake. Maria orders a cola, a cheese omelette and a piece of carrot cake.

Hers hers mine mine is my Olivia’s ours yours that yours

Waiter: Here, we are. One large cappuccino. Amy: Oh, that’s 4 ……………...……, too. Olivia, take your salad.
Amy: That’s 0 mine, thanks. Waiter: OK, two carrot cakes. Who are they for?
Waiter: And a cup of tea. Olivia
1 & Oh, they’re 5 ……………...…… . Hmm, they look good.
Amy: Maria, isn’t that ……………...……? Maria:
Maria: No, 2 ……………...…… the cola. Waiter: And, finally, a tuna sandwich. Is 6 ……………...……,
Waiter: Whose is the tea, then? madam?
Amy: I think it’s ……………...…… . Maria: No, I think it’s 7 ……………...…… . Amy?
Olivia: Yes, that’s right, it’s mine. Amy: Oh, yes. Thanks.
Waiter: What about this pasta salad? Maria: Where’s 8 ……………...…… cheese omelette?

20 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Complete each sentence with a possessive adjective or possessive pronoun.

1. Lisa drove …………… car to the top of the hill. 6. The cat licked …………… bowl clean.
2. ‘You took …………… coat home last night.’ ‘I 7. They claim the money is all …………… .
know, I’m sorry. I thought it was …………… 8. Unfortunately, the town has lost …………… only
because they’re both black.’ cinema.
3. ‘Is this bag ……………?‘ ‘Oh, yes, thank you. I 9. Isn’t Alaska noted for …………… salmon?
nearly forgot it.’ 10. I don’t agree with their solutions. We’ve come
4. ‘Julie and Frank are so lucky. …………… house is up with better ideas. Let’s adopt …………… .
beautiful.’ ‘Yes, and it’s so much bigger than 11. It is not their house. …………… has got a red front
…………… . We envy them.’ door.
5. I have borrowed the Ipad from Lucy. It is not 12. Travis and Beth bought …………… mother a
……………, it is …………… . beautiful shawl from China.

Exercise 1: Rewrite the underlined nouns in the sentences below to make them possessive.


 We use -‘s mostly for people or animals. (Tom’s computer; the cat’s tail.)
 Sometimes, we use of for people, instead. (What was the name of the man who phoned you?)
 For things, ideas, etc., we normally use of. (The door of the garage, not the garbage’s door.)

0. The baby toy is on the floor. 7. The country economic situation may lead to a
The baby’s toy is on the floor. reduction in people salaries.
1. Suzy dolls have red hair. …………………………………………………….……...…...……….
…………………………………..……………….………..…..….…… ……………………………………………………..……..…...……….
2. The dog ball goes to the street. 8. What’s the Prime Ministers wife name? I’ve
…………………………………..……………….………..…...……… forgotten.
3. The teacher will return the students tests ………………………………………………………..…..…..….…….
tomorrow. 9. In the UK, you can usually buy women perfumes
…………………………………..……………….…….…..…..……… at a chemist.
…………………………………..……………….………...…..……… …………………………………………………………....…...……….
4. Tony sister has just been off the swing. …………………………………………………………....…...……….
…………………………………..……………….………..…..….…… 10. Mark and Sarah children are staying at their
5. Did you read yesterday newspaper? grandparent.
…………………………………..……………….………..…..….…… …………………………………………………………....…..….…….
6. We have to provide four weeks holiday every …………………………………..……………….………..…..….……
year by law. 11. Tess husband works at Microsoft head office in
…………………………………..……………….………..…...……… California.
…………………………………..……………….………...…..……… …………………………………………………………..…....….…….
7. The country economic situation may lead to a 12. Is Marian niece a teacher at the boys school or
reduction in people salaries. the girls school?
…………………………………..……………….………...…..……… …………………………………………………………....…...……….
…………………………………..……………….………...…..……… …………………………………………………………....…...……….

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 21

Exercise 2: What is another way of Exercise 3: In some of these sentences, it would be
saying these things? Use ‘s. more natural to use – ‘s or -/ Change the underlined
parts where necessary.
0. a hat for a woman 0. Who is the owner of this restaurant? → OK
a woman’s hat 00. Where are the children of Chris? → Chris’ children
1. a name for a boy 1. Write your name at the top of the page.
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
2. clothes for children 2. Have you met the son of Mary and Dan?
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
3. a school for girls 3. We don’t know the cause of the problem.
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
4. a nest for birds 4. Do we still have the newspaper of yesterday?
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
5. a magazine for women 5. What’s the name of this street?
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
6. the bicycle of Carlos 6. The friends of your children are here.
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
7. The dog of John 7. The garden of our neighbours is very nice.
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
8. The car of John and Ann 8. I work on the ground floor of the building.
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
9. The ears of the cats 9. I couldn’t go to the party of Catherine.
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
10. The wedding of my sisters 10. What’s the name of the woman who lives next door?
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
11. The feathers of a bird 11. Have you seen the meaning of this expression?
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................
12. The fur of the sheep 12. Do you agree with the economic policy of the government?
………………………………………….................... ………………………………………….....................................................

Exercise 4: Choose the correct words in bold. In one place, both answer are possible.

Review: Garlic and Shots Restaurant

It was 0 the end of a working week / a working week’s end and several of us decided we wanted a good
night out. So, John, Lou, Charles, 1 Charles’ / Charles’s cousin and I got into 2 the car of Lou / Lou’s car
and went to 3 London Soho district / London’s Soho district looking for an unusual restaurant. We
found one. Garlic and Shots is a really interesting place to eat. Clearly, 4 the idea of the restaurant / the
restaurant’s idea is that all of the food contains garlic, and I mean all of the food ! You can eat garlic
bread, garlic pasta, garlic drinks and even garlic ice cream! The 5 food’s variety / variety of the food
is amazing, but of course you have to a 6 garlic lover / garlic’s lover. We all had two
courses, drinks and coffee (garlic coffee of course) and the 7 bill’s size / size of the
bill wasn’t bad for central London.

22 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 5: Read each sentence and write a new sentence beginning with the underlined words.
0. The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled. 5. Tourism is the main industry in the region.
Tomorrow’s meeting has been cancelled. ……………………………………………………………………….......
1. The storm last week caused a lot of damage. 6. Look at that spider! Its web is large enough to
…………………………………………………………………….... cross the entire river.
2. The only cinema in the town has closed down. ………………………………………………………………………......
………………………………………………………………………. 7. Look at the bat! Its leg bones are so thin that it
3. The weather in Britain is very changeable. can’t walk.
………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………...…...
4. Look at the kangaroos! Their large back legs 8. Look at the dolphin! Its calf swims so close to its
are so powerful. mother.
………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………....…...


Exercise 1: Which words and expressions in the box go with this/ these, and which go with
that/ those?
This/ These: ………………………………....…….………….……..
finished happening now here
distant just about to start near
That/ Those: ……………………………………………....……..….
unwanted said before over there

Exercise 2: Put this or these in the gaps. Exercise 3: Write this, that, these or those on
the lines. Use the given clues in the brackets.
0. I’d like to buy this book, please. How much is it?
1. Could you tell me where …………………… bus goes, 1. (here) …………………. books are easy to read, and

please? they have good vocabulary.

2. (here) Is …………………. paper the best? I want to
2. …………………… questions are difficult. Could you
help me? buy the best kind of paper.

3. …………………… sandwiches are mine. Yours are on 3. (there) …………………. postcards are very beautiful.

the table. 4. (here) In …………………. class, we have two tests

4. …………………… is wonderful! I love a hot bath after every week. They’re never hard.

work. 5. (there) …………………. Sweater is perfect for your. I

5. Have you got some cheaper pens? …………………… think you should buy it.

are very expensive. 6. (here) Peter likes …………………. car the best. It’s
really nice.
Put that or those in the gaps.
7. (there) Are …………………. stamps rare? They’re
6. Look at …………………… clouds. I’m sure it’s going to really expensive.
rain. 8. (here) We have …………………. kind of fruit in my
7. Did you enjoy …………………… film? I thought it was country, too.
boring. 9. (there) …………………. people are from Paris. They
8. Let’s cross the road. …………………… taxi is free. speak French.
9. …………………… flats are all very expensive, because 10. (there) I think …………………. questions are really
they’re in the centre of town. difficult.
10. …………………… was beautiful! I was so hungry. 11. (here) …………………. computer is easy to use.
12. (there) …………………. nine books are not for you
and me. They’re for Jose.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 23

Exercise 4: Put in this/ that/ these/ those.
1. Why am I living in …………………. Country? 9. Tell her to stop …………………. shouting.
2. Get me …………………. box from the table. 10. …………………. was a great party – thanks.
3. Ugh – …………………. potatoes taste burnt! 11. Who said …………………. ?
4. What was …………………. noise? 12. Why did she marry …………………. idiot?
5. Who are …………………. people over there? 13. Do it …………………. way, not like ………………….
6. Come …………………. way, please. 14. Listen – you’re not going to believe ...............
7. Isn’t …………………. weather great? ………… .
8. Did you hear …………………. explosions in the night? 15. Look at …………………. . Jamie gave them to me.

Exercise 5: Put this/ that/ these or those in the gaps in these dialogues.
Jim: It’s very pleasant to sit here on 0 this terrace in the middle of 1…………………… mountains.
Ann: Yes, and the food is good. 2…………………… grapes are delicious.
Jim: Delicious, yes, but 3…………………… one’s bad. What are 4…………………… people over there eating?
Ann: Oh, 5…………………… is fondue. It’s made with cheese. You see, they take one of 6…………………… little
pieces of bread and then dip it in 7…………………… pot with the cheese in it.
Jim: We can try 8…………………… if we come again.
Ann: All the local restaurants serve it. So if we don’t come back here, we can have it at 9……………………
little restaurant in the village.
Jim: Yes, but in the village you don’t have 10…………………… wonderful view of the mountains.

Exercise 1: Read and circle.
(Mine / My / We) sister and I love comedy films. 2(We / Ours / Our) favorite film star is Ben Stiller. We
like him because 3 (he’s / his / he’s) a very good actor and he’s very good-looking, too. 4(He’s got / His /
Has) short dark hair and 5(her / his / he’s) got eyes are blue. My sister and I 6(have / has / ‘s got) all his
films on DVD. 7(Mine / I’m / My) favorite film is ‘Night at the Museum’ and 8(hers / her / she’s) is ‘Meet
the Parents’. They’re very funny.

Exercise 2: If the underlined words are correct, put a tick (). If they are wrong, write the
correct words.
1. Look at the sky! Its going to rain. .....................................
2. My daughter argues all the time with his new boss. .....................................
3. Those photos on the table are the mine. .....................................
4. I met a friend of me at the shops. .....................................
5. The childrens’ toys were on the floor.
6. I can’t do this exercise. Its very difficult.
7. I like all of that writers’ books.
8. People’s opinions often change.
9. The workers’ wages are very low so they are very unhappy. .....................................
10. They were talking about the world’s problems. .....................................
11. Shall we give that cat it’s food? .....................................
12. She stayed with some relatives of hers in Spain. .....................................

24 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Underline and correct the mistakes if necessary.
1. The forest’s trees are old. ................ 7. I don’t know the church of the height. ................
2. Hers cap is too big for her. ................ 8. The parcels of the postman were ................
3. The tails of the mice aren’t grey. ................ changed. ................
4. Have you read the newspaper’s ................ 9. I have forgotten my school’s address. ................
headline? ................ 10. Their’s house is next to our. ................
5. The roof of our tiles are brown. ................ 11. This pen is my. That one is yours. ................
6. ‘Does this book belong to ................ 12. ‘Does this basket belong to your ................
Maggie?’ ‘Yes, it’s her’. cat?’ ‘Yes, it’s its.’

Exercise 4: Create sentences with the given words. Use of, or ‘s to express possessive.
0. have to/ How many/ our class/ we/ do/ change/ desks
How many desks of class do we have to change?
1. Friends/ are/ my son/ always/ in trouble 6. too/ The voice/ yesterday/ was/ your radio/ loud
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
2. less/ the desert/ need/ Plants/ water 7. interesting/ Our teacher/ are/ lessons
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
3. had to/ the cat/ cut/ nails/ She 8. in September/ The beginning/ is/ the school
.............................................................................. years
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
4. know/ about/ your children/ you/ pastime/ Do/ ..............................................................................
anything 9. searched/ his uncles/ We/ for/ keys
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
.............................................................................? ..............................................................................
5. is/ 200,000/ about/ The population/ this town 10. island/ natural/ admire/ the/ We/ beauty/ this
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

Exercise 5: Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use two or five
words in your answer.
0. I don’t have a calculator. Can I borrow yours?
Can I borrow your calculator? I don’t have one of my own.
1. One of my uncles has given me tickets to the music festival next weekend.
An ……………....................................…………..……… has given me tickets to the music festival next weekend.
2. My grandparents had a villa in Spain and they used to spend every summer in it.
My grandparents used to spend every summer in ………………......................................………..……… in Spain.
3. I bought two yoghurts. I’ve eaten mine and yours is in the fridge.
………………………..................................................................................……… is in the fridge. I’ve eaten mine.
4. ‘Do you need a towel?’ ‘No, I’ve brought one of mine, thanks.’
‘Do you need a towel?’ ‘No, I’ve brought a towel ……………………….........................................………, thanks.’
5. Have you met Louise? She’s one of Laura’s friends.
Have you met Louise? She’s a ………………………....................................................................................……… .

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Exercise 1: Put full forms of be in the gap.
0. I am a student from Brazil and I am twenty years old.
1. My father …………….. a teacher and my mother …………….. a nurse.
2. My parents (not) …………….. rich but they support me as much as they can.
3. My mother (not) …………….. Brazilian. She …………….. from America.
4. My little brother …………….. two. He has got lovely blue eyes.
5. My older brothers, Ted and Nick, (not) …………….. students. They …………….. in the army.
6. Ted …………….. married and Nick …………….. still single.
7. Ted’s wife …………….. from Russia and she …………….. a housewife.
8. It …………….. often very hot in Brazil and it …………….. rarely stormy.
Exercise 2: Use short form of be.
0. I’m a doctor.
1. I (not) …………….. a bank manager. 11. It …………….. a bunch of flowers.
2. He …………….. a student. 12. The sheep …………….. in the field.
3. Lily and Tom …………….. cooks. 13. The goose …………….. hungry.
4. They (not) …………….. in the park. 14. The women …………….. teachers.
5. It (not) …………….. cold today. 15. Your shoes …………….. clean. They (not) …………….. dirty.
6. We …………….. from Paris. 16. It …………….. eight o’clock.
7. We (not) …………….. from Bordeaux. 17. I …………….. a bit lonely these days.
8. You (not) …………….. twenty one. 18. I don’t know why I …………….. so tired this week.
9. She …………….. twenty four. 19. She …………….. excited about her birthday – it’s sweet.
10. John …………….. a good dancer. 20. The fat oxen …………….. roasted.

Exercise 3: Write questions and finish the answers.

0. you/ Indian? Are you Indian? No, I’m French.
1. you/ hungry? ................................................................ No, …………….. thirsty.
2. she/ your sister? ................................................................ No, …………….. my mother.
3. I/ late? ................................................................ No, …………….. on time.
4. they/ from America? ................................................................ No, …………….. from Canada.
5. he/ a tennis player? ................................................................ No, …………….. a footballer.
6. you/ happy? ................................................................ No, …………….. sad.
7. she/ at home? ................................................................ No, …………….. at work.
8. he/ twenty? ................................................................ No, …………….. eighteen years old.
9. you/ thirteen? ................................................................ No, …………….. fifteen.
10. burger/ good? ................................................................ No, …………….. really tasty.
11. they/ firemen? ................................................................ No, …………….. policemen.
12. these fish/ alive? ................................................................ No, …………….. no longer alive.

26 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 4: Look at the pictures. These people are saying who they are. Write sentences,
choosing the correct jobs from the box, as in the example.

a farmer an artist a teacher a scientist a pop star a photographer

a dentist a doctor a film star a footballer a policeman a bank manager

Names: I’m Paolo and this is Federico.

Nationality: We’re from Italy and we’re Italian.
Jobs: I’m a policeman and Federico is a footballer.

Names: ...................................................................................
Nationality: ............................................................................
Jobs: .......................................................................................

Names: ...................................................................................
Nationality: ............................................................................
Jobs: .......................................................................................

Names: ...................................................................................
Nationality: ............................................................................
Jobs: .......................................................................................

Names: ...................................................................................
Nationality: ............................................................................
Jobs: .......................................................................................

Names: ...................................................................................
Nationality: ............................................................................
Jobs: .......................................................................................

Exercise 5: Write the questions using the answers as hints.

0. (name?) What’s your name? Paul.
1. (nationality?) ………………………………………..........................................…........... I’m Australian.
2. (age?) …………………………………………………........................................................ I’m 30.
3. (job?) ..........…………………………………………….................................................... I’m a lawyer.
4. (married?) …………………………………………………................................................. Yes, I am.
5. (wife/ a lawyer?) ……………………………………………............................................ No, she’s a designer.
6. from? ……………………………............…………………............................................... She’s Italian.
7. favourite colour? ………………………………………................................................. She loves pink.
8. which sport? ……………………………………………................................................... She is interested in tennis.
9. your birthday? ……………………………………………................................................ March 18th.
10. your parents? ………………………………………….…............................................... Not very well.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 27

 ‘Have got’ and ‘have’ are used interchangeably indicating possession, relationships, illness, etc.
but ‘have got’ sounds more natural in conversations.
 Fixed expression with ‘have’ that can not be replaced with ‘have got’ (have breakfast, have
dinner, have a good time, have difficulty, etc.)

Exercise 1: Make statements (+), negatives (-) or questions (?) about Sharon. Use ‘have got’.
000. a TV (+) 000. She’s got a TV.
00. any boyfriends (?) 00. Has she got any boyfriends?
0. a horse (-) 0. She hasn’t got a horse.
1. a brother (?) 1. ..........................................................................................................
2. a car (-) 2. ..........................................................................................................
3. three dogs (+) 3. ..........................................................................................................
4. a lot of money (-) 4. ..........................................................................................................
5. long hair (?) 5. ..........................................................................................................
6. any sisters (-) 6. ..........................................................................................................
7. a nice flat (?) 7. ..........................................................................................................
8. a good job (+) 8. ..........................................................................................................
9. problems with her family (+) 9. ..........................................................................................................
10. much free time (-) 10. ........................................................................................................
Exercise 2: Underline the mistakes and correct them if the sentence is wrong and tick () if the
sentence is correct.
0. We‘ve got a holiday in Mexico every year. 7. We’ve got a large garden.
have a holiday ...............................................................................
1. Paul’s got a sister in Scotland. 8. I’ve got a bath at ten and I go to bed at eleven.
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
2. She is tired, but she doesn’t have a cold. 9. They’ve got two dogs.
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
3. I haven’t got lunch everyday. 10. Have got a good weekend!
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
4. Have you got a shower everyday? 11. Have you got a motorbike?
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
5. Do you have a headache? 12. David starts work at 8 o’clock and he has got a
............................................................................... break at 10:30.
6. I have got a holiday in Spain every year. ...............................................................................
............................................................................... ................................................................................

28 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Put ‘have got’, ‘has got’, in correct form: affirmatives, negatives or questions. Add
words if necessary.
1. ‘Have you got an aspirin? ………..……...................… a terrible headache.’ ‘I’ll just look. I think .....................
…...................… some in my bag. Oh, no, sorry, ………..……...................… any.’
2. ‘How many brothers and sisters ………..……...................…?’ ‘Just one brother.’
3. ‘We ………..……...................… a new car.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yes. ………..……...................… four – wheel drive, power
steering and anti-lock braking.’ ‘Fascinating.’
4. ‘I’m afraid ………..……...................… some bad news for you.’ ‘Oh, no. what is it this time?’
5. ‘Why ………..……...................… dark glasses on?’ ‘………..……...................… something wrong with my eyes.’
6. ‘………..……...................… dirt on my nose?’ ‘No, but ………..……...................… something funny in your
7. ‘Sally ………..……...................… a new boyfriend.’ ‘What’s he like?’ ‘Very good – looking.’ He’s quite tall,
and ………..……...................… big dark brown eyes and a lovely smile. But she says ………..……...................…
a terrible temper.’
8. ‘………..……...................… any ideas why Rob wants to see us?’ ‘Not really. Maybe ………..……...................…
a problem with Sarah again.’
9. ‘You ………..……...................… a new flat, haven’t you?’ ‘Yes, and it ………..……...................… a view of the
10. ‘………..……...................… anything to drink?’ ‘Only water. Is that OK?’

Exercise 4: Here are some ‘contact’ advertisements from a magazine. Write sentences about
some of the things that the people ‘are’ and ‘have got’ (according to them). Use at least six
given clues to describe each person.

E.g. The man in advertisement 1 is handsome. He has got an athletic build. ..................................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 29

Exercise 1: Put the verbs into the correct column in the third person singular.

go buy cry say push drop watch smash worry freeze

dry fly try mix wish kiss drive reach sneeze bounce

-s -es -ys -ies

freezes, ............................ watches, .......................... buys, ................................ flies, ................................
......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ........................................
......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ........................................
......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ........................................
......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ........................................

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the affirmative form of the verbs from the box.

set like rise meet cycle travel

read give cost drive start understand

1. I drive but my sister …..........................…… . 6. My dad …..........................…… two books every

2. The Sun …..........................…… in the east and ..... week.
.........................…… in the west. 7. I …..........................…… geography more than
3. The Prime Minister …..........................…… abroad science.
in his own private airplane. 8. My favourite TV programme …..........................
4. It …..........................…… $20 million to be a space …… at half past ten.
tourist for one week in the International Space 9. The teachers at our school …..........................……
Station. us lots of homework.
5. The European Commission …..........................…… 10. We …..........................…… swimming because
in Brussels. it’s fun and good exercise.
Exercise 3: Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets.
1. They wish to speak to you. (He) 9. They usually catch the 8:10 bus. (She)
............................................................................... ................................................................................
2. Buses pass my house every hour. (It) 10. I mix the ingredients together. (Rob)
............................................................................... ................................................................................
3. They worry too much. (She) 11. The carpets match the curtains. (The carpet)
............................................................................... ................................................................................
4. I always carry an umbrella. (Anna) 12. They lie in bed all day. (Ted)
............................................................................... ................................................................................
5. These hens lay brown eggs. (This hen) 13. Your children rely on you. (Your child)
............................................................................... ................................................................................
6. Rubber balls bounce. (A rubber ball) 14. They snatch ladies’ handbags. (Peter)
............................................................................... ................................................................................
7. These figures astonish me. (This figure) 15. They do exercises every morning. (Jake)
............................................................................... ................................................................................
8. Elephants never forget. (This elephant)

30 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 4: There are sixteen mistakes in the text. Can you find and correct the other fifteen?
Annie 0 speakes and writs three languages, and workes in an import - export office. She replys to letters
and emails, and she spends a lot of time answerring the phone. It’s not very interesting work, and she’s
not very good at it: she trys hard, but she keeps forgeting things and makeing mistakes. She wishs she
could change her job, so she’ begining a computer course. She goes for lessons every evening, and she’s
lookking forward to completeing the course and geting her certificate. At the weekends she teachs karate.
She really enjoyes that, and is hopping to open her own school one day.
Corrections: 0. speakes → speaks 8. ............................................................
1. ............................................................ 9. ............................................................
2. ............................................................ 10. ...........................................................
3. ............................................................ 11. ...........................................................
4. ............................................................ 12. ...........................................................
5. ............................................................ 13. ...........................................................
6. ............................................................ 14. ...........................................................
7. ............................................................ 15. ...........................................................

Exercise 5: Complete the text with the affirmative form of the verbs in the box.

lay live find hold sleep hatch return (x2)

stand (x2)
eat dive feed come breed provide keep (x2)

Emperor penguins 0 live in the Antarctic. The sea 1…..........……… all their food, so they are good swimmers.
They 2…..........……… under the water and 3…..........……… their breath for up to 20 minutes. When the
weather is very cold, the penguins 4…..........……… in a group. This 5…..........……… them warm. The Emperor
is the only penguin that 6…..........……… in winter in Antarctica. Each female 7…..........……… on egg in May or
June. They then 8…..........……… to the sea to feed. Each male then 9…..........……… with an egg on his feet.
His feet 10…..........……… the egg warm. He 11…..........……… most of the time and 12…..........……… no food for
13 14 15
about 65 days. When the egg …..........………, the female …..........……… back and …..........……… her
16 17
mate. Now the females …..........……… the young penguins. The male …..........……… his time eating. After
a few weeks, the male 18…..........……… to the family, and then both parents 19…..........……… the chick.


Exercise 1: Complete the sentences by putting in the verbs. Use the present simple. You have
to decide if the verb is positive or negative.
00. Claire is very sociable. She (know) knows lots of people.
0. We’ve got plenty of chairs, thanks. We don’t (want) want any more.
1. My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He (speak) .................................................. French.
2. Most students live quite close to the college, so they (walk) .................................................. there.
3. My sports kit is really muddy. This shirt (need) .................................................. a good wash.
4. I’ve got four cats and two dogs. I (love) .................................................. animals.
5. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He (eat) .................................................. breakfast.
6. What’s the matter? You (look) .................................................. very happy.
7. Don’t try to ring the bell. It (work) .................................................. .
8. I hate telephone answering machines. I just (like) .................................................. talking to them.
9. Matthew is good at badminton. He (win) .................................................. every game.
10. We always travel by bus. We (own) .................................................. a car.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 31

Exercise 2: Complete the text with the negative form of the verbs in brackets.
Two families, the Montagues and Capulets, live in Verona, Italy, but they 0 (get on) don’t get on with each
other. Romeo, son of Montague, thinks he is in love with Rosaline, but unfortunately she 1 (love) ................
......…..….....…… him. He goes to see her at a party at the house of his enemy Capulet, but there he sees
Juliet, Capsulet’s daughter. She 2 (know) …....................……..…… his name because he has a mask. Tybalt,
one of the Capsulet family, tries to fight with Romeo, but Capsulet 3 (allow) …...................……..…… this.
However, Tybalt 4 (agree) …...................….…..…… with him, and 5 (forgive) …..................……....…… Romeo for
coming to the house. Romeo manages to talk to Juliet, and he kisses her. They 6 (understand) …..................
……....…… that their families are enemies. When Romeo learns the truth, he 7 (care) …..................……..…..…
that his love for Juliet could be very dangerous. Later he goes back to the house and stands in the garden.
Juliet is standing on the balcony talking to herself about Romeo, but 8 (see) …...................……..…… him
below in the garden. After he talks to her, they soon show their love for each other, and agree to get
married. However, they 9 (realize) …....................……..…… that a terrible tragedy is about to happen.


Exercise 1: Change the following these affirmative sentences into questions.
0. We change planes at Moscow. Do you change the planes at Moscow?
1. You watch TV too much. ......................................................................................................
2. She washes the floor every week. ......................................................................................................
3. These seats cost $10. ......................................................................................................
4. Daisy fishes in the lake every Sunday. ......................................................................................................
5. The river freezes in winter. ......................................................................................................
6. Amber often uses this computer. ......................................................................................................
7. Anthony pushes the door open. ......................................................................................................
8. They kiss their mother. ......................................................................................................
9. She dresses well. ......................................................................................................
10. She cuts her husband’s hair. ......................................................................................................
11. You fry everything. ......................................................................................................
12. The sheep eat grass hungrily. ......................................................................................................
13. Some schoolgirls wear uniforms. ......................................................................................................
14. She dances in competitions. ......................................................................................................
15. She rubs sun lotion all over her face. ......................................................................................................
Exercise 2: Make sentences using underlined words as clues.
1. ……………………………………………………………….........….? 6. …………………………………………….........…………………….?
Cuckoos don’t build nests. I owe him $5.
2. ………………………………………………………..…….........….? 7. …………………………………………….........…………………….?
The last train leaves the station 11:30. I always write with my left hand.
3. …………………………….........…………………………………….? 8. …………………………………………………….........…………….?
He usually speaks so quickly that I don’t These workmen receive their wages every Monday.
understand him. 9. …………………………………………………….........…………….?
4. …………………………………………….........…………………….? I wonder what they talk about.
Ann makes all her own clothes. 10. ………………………………………………….......……………….?
5. …………………………………………….........…………………….? The fire smokes horribly.
I usually go to work by bus.

32 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: You are on holiday, and you are in a Tourist Information Centre. Ask questions
using the table below.

Do you stop at the railway station?
Does the sports centre finish before 11 pm?
all the banks start here?
the number 38 bus sell maps of the city?
the restaurants change tourists’ money into pounds?
the concert sell souvenirs?
the sightseeing tour have a roller coaster?
the museum have a swimming pool?
the theme parks serve typical English food?

0. Do you sell maps of the city?

1. ...............................................................................? 5. ...............................................................................?
2. ...............................................................................? 6. ...............................................................................?
3. ...............................................................................? 7. ...............................................................................?
4. ...............................................................................? 8. ...............................................................................?


Exercise 1: These sentences have words in wrong places. Correct the sentences.
1. Often I play basketball after school. 6. Our dog usually doesn’t like playing games, but he
................................................................................ enjoys always football.
2. There are lots of people usually at the swimming .................................................................................
pool. .................................................................................
................................................................................ 7. My brother watches never sport on television.
................................................................................ .................................................................................
3. My sister always is happy at weekends. 8. I listen occasionally to music on the radio.
................................................................................ .................................................................................
4. Do sometimes your parents play tennis with you? 9. I’m almost everyday sleepy in the morning.
................................................................................ .................................................................................
5. We go horse riding usually with our friends. 10. I go out hardly ever on Monday nights.
................................................................................ .................................................................................


Exercise 1: Match the sentences with its usage in present tense.

1. She works in a bank. 1 - ........ a. a general truth

2. They usually eat out on Saturdays. 2 - ........ b. a timetable
3. Wool comes from sheep. 3 - ........ c. a permanent situation
4. The Sun rises in the east. 4 - ........ d. a programme
5. The bus arrives at 5 o’clock. 5 - ........ e. a repeated or habitual action
6. The film starts in 10 minutes. 6 - ........ f. a law of nature

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 33

Exercise 2: Complete the sentence with the affirmative or negative form of the verb in brackets.
1. The plane (leave) leaves in half an hour but Nick (not/ be) ………..................… at the airport yet.
2. My best friend (love) ………..................… science fiction films but they (not/ interest) ………..................…
3. I (not/ study) ………..................… chemistry because it (be) ………..................… difficult.
4. I (not/ dance) ………..................… because I (look) ………..................… stupid.
5. The Sun (not/ go) ………..................… round the Earth, the Earth (go) ………..................… round the Sun!
6. My new computer (do) ………..................… lots more things than my old one, and it (not/ crash) .............
...............… .
7. My dad (not/ have) ………..................… any qualifications but he (have) ………..................… a really good
8. Fire (need) ………..................… oxygen to burn. It (not/ burn) ………..................… without oxygen.
9. My teacher (not/ own) ………..................… a mobile phone because some people think they (be) ............
............… bad for your health.
10. According to scientists, animals (live) ………..................… longer if they (not/ eat) ………..................… too

Exercise 3: Complete the conversation. Put in the present simple forms.

Rita: (you/ like) Do you like football, Tom?
Tom: (I/ love) I love it. I’m a United fan. 1 (I/ go) ........................................ to all their games. Nick
usually 2 (come) ........................................ with me. And 3 (we/ travel) ........................................ to
away games, too.
Rita: Why 4 (you/ not/ come) ........................................ to a match some time? I’m afraid football 5 (not/
make) ........................................ sense to me – men running after a ball. Why 6 (you/ take) ............
.............................. it so seriously?
Tom: It’s a wonderful game. 7 (I/ love) ........................................ it. United are my whole life.
Rita: How much 8 (it/ cost) ........................................ to buy the tickets and pay for the travel?
Tom: A lot. 9 (I/ not/ know) ........................................ exactly how much. But 10 (that/ not matter) ...........
.............................. to me. 11 (I/ not/ want) ........................................ to do anything else.
Rita: (that/ annoy) ........................................ you? No, 13 (it/ not/ annoy) ........................................ me.
I just 14 (find) ........................................ it a bid sad.

Exercise 4: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

1. ‘Joich vallahava enstiuz sanscholowu.’ ‘……………….. .’ (I hope not / I know / I don’t understand)
2. ‘Is your English getting better?‘ ‘……………….. .’ (I hope so / I know / I see)
3. ‘I’m sorry, we’re late.’ ‘……………….. .’ (I don’t know / It depends / It doesn’t matter)
4. ‘Do you like dancing?’ ‘……………….. .’ (I don’t remember / I see / I don’t think so)
5. ‘Do you understand?’ ‘……………….. .’ (I see / I think so / I don’t remember)
6. ‘Meat is bad for you.’ ‘……………….. .’ (It doesn’t matter / I don’t agree / I don’t understand)
7. ‘The car’s broken down, so we’ll have to walk.’ ‘……………….. .’ (I don’t mind / I don’t know / It depends)
8. ‘Where does your boss live?’ ‘……………….. .’ (I don’t remember / I see / I don’t think so)

34 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 5: Choose the best verbs from the boxes to complete the sentences.

own deny mean consist depend concern contain recognise

owe lack appear matter impress imagine include not deserve

0. ‘Can you do me a favour?’ ‘It depends.’ 9. I …...…….........…..….. you’d like a rest room.
1. This jam …...…….........…..….. of 50% sugar, 10% 10. We’re going to be late, but I don’t think it ….......
fruit, and a lot of other stuff. .........…..….. much.
2. If that cake …...…….........…..….. nuts, I can’t eat it. 11. I’ll pay you what I …...…….........…..….. you
3. I’m too good to you. You …...…….........…..….. me. tomorrow, if that’s OK.
4. The soup’s nice, but it …...…….........…..….. salt. 12. ‘How much money is the company making?’
5. I wonder who …...…….........…..….. that dog. ‘That doesn’t …...…….........…..….. you.’
6. No need to tip – the bill …...…….........…..….. 15% 13. There …...…….........…..….. to be a problem with
service. the train.
7. ‘Don’t we know that man?’ ‘Maybe, I don’t …..... 14. The police are questioning three men about the
….........…..….. him.’ attack, but they …...…….........…..….. everything.
8. Do you know what ‘incomprehensible’…............. 15. ‘I’ve got my own helicopter. ‘You don’t …............
......…..…..? ......…..….. me.’

Exercise 6: Complete the book review with the present simple of the verbs in the box.

be link know think arrive provide

do live take agree bring connect

Sepulchre is Kate Mosse’s follow – up model to her bestseller Labyrinth. It 0 takes the same idea of two
stories from different times which 1 ............................. with each other. The first story takes place in the
late nineteenth century. Léonie Vernier 2 ............................. in Paris with her mother and older brother,
Anatole. Then an aunt in the south – west of the country invites Léonie to stay with her. Léonie 3 (not) ......
...................... her aunt but she 4 ............................. to go, with her brother. When they 5 .............................
things 6 (not) ............................. as they seem…
In the second story, Meredith Martin is a young American university professor. Her research takes her to
Paris, where she 7 ............................. the sad story of Léonie and Anatole. 8 ............................. the novel .....
.................... nineteenth-century France to life? Yes, I think it 9 ............................. . 10 ............................. it ...
.......................... a good successor to Labyrinth? No, I 11 (not) ............................. so. The two stories 12 (not)
............................. as well as the stories in Labyrinth; the second one didn’t add anything, really.

Exercise 7: Re-order the sentences below.

1. and/ David/ newspaper/ the/ Richard/ read/ every 5. leaves/ The/ every/ 8 am/ train/ morning./ at/
day./ ................................................................................
................................................................................. 6. Saturdays./ usually/ He/ goes/ bowling/ on/
................................................................................. ................................................................................
2. want/ We/ to/ a/ movie/ see/ tonight./ 7. twelve/ Sun./ months,/ the/ Every/ Earth/ circles/
................................................................................. the/
3. They/ school./ English/ study/ at/ ................................................................................
................................................................................. 8. celebrates/ year./ her/ The/ birthday/ twice/ a/
4. always/ She/ purse./ forgets/ her/ Queen/
................................................................................. ................................................................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 35

Exercise 8: Use the words given to make true statements with doesn’t or don’t where necessary.
0. water/ boil/ at 100. → Water boils at 100.
1. rice/ grow/ on trees. 9. elephants/ eat/ meat.
................................................................................ .................................................................................
2. chicks/ hatch/ from eggs. 10. fish/ walk/ on land.
................................................................................ .................................................................................
3. kangaroos/ live/ in Spain. 11. the sun/ set/ in the east.
................................................................................ .................................................................................
4. plants/ need/ water to grow. 12. bees/ give milk.
................................................................................ .................................................................................
5. rain/ fall/ from clouds. 13. caterpillars/ turn into butterflies.
................................................................................ .................................................................................
6. astronauts/ travel/ in submarines. 14. wool/ come/ from sheep.
................................................................................ .................................................................................
7. cows/ lay/ eggs. 15. plants/ produce/ oxygen (O2)/ and/ absorb/
................................................................................ carbon dioxide.
8. pandas/ live in/ Italy. .................................................................................
................................................................................ .................................................................................

Exercise 9: Look at the pictures and write the instructions for boiling an egg.

You put water in a saucepan. Then you …………………………………………………..........................................................


36 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use


Exercise 1: Add -ing to the verbs.

1. read................... 7. rob..................... 13. pay................... 19. forget ............... 25. offer..................

2. swim.................. 8. shop................... 14. dry.................... 20. admit................ 26. answer..............
3. enjoy.................. 9. put..................... 15. try..................... 21. employ.............. 27. prefer................
4. sit....................... 10. have................. 16. die.................... 22. rage................... 28. open..................
5. lie....................... 11. agree................ 17. run................... 23. begin................. 29. upset.................
6. come.................. 12. study................ 18. tie..................... 24. happen.............. 30. visit....................

Exercise 2: Complete the sentence with the present continuous affirmative form of the verb in

go use rise stay train listen chase leave stand search become study (x2)

0. Look, all the people are leaving.

1. The Earth ‘s temperature …………..........…..…....… because people …………...........…..…...… too much energy.
2. She …………..........…..…....… economics and he …………..........…..…....… philosophy.
3. You …………..........…..…....… too close to the road.
4. We …………..........…..…....… in a lovely hotel by the beach.
5. I …………..........…..…....… to the supermarket now, do you need anything?
6. The cat …………..........…..…....… the dog.
7. Technology …………..........…..…....… cheaper all the time.
8. Pawel and Marek …………..........…..…....… for the football game next week.
9. Manuel …………..........…..…....… to music in her room.
10. Many scientists …………..........…..…....… for life in other parts of the universe.

Exercise 3: Complete the text with the affirmative present continuous forms of the verbs in
Good afternoon, everybody. I 0 (speak) am speaking to you from Mount Surprising, the giant volcano. A
team of scientists 1 (visit) ………….…......…...........……. the volcano, and I’m here for Big TV, just in case
anything exciting happens. I 2 (stand) ………….….....…............……. here near the top of the crater, and 3 (look)
………….…......…............…. down into the volcano. At the moment the four scientists 4 (climb) ………….….........
...........……. down into the crater. It doesn’t look very dangerous, I must say, but they 5 (wear) ………….......
.....…...........……. special clothes and a rescue team 6 (stand by) ………….….....…............……. just in case! A
little of smoke 7 (rise) ………….…......…...........……. from the volcano, but that’s normal. Now the scientists
(set) ………….…......…...........……. up their equipment. They 9 (try) ………….…......…...........……. to collect some
gas, which will help them understand what exactly (go on) ………….….....…............……. under the volcano.
11 12
Wait a minute! Something (happen) ………….…..................……. . The ground (shake) ………….….................
........……. . The four scientists (climb) ………….…......…...........……. out of the volcano as quickly as they can.
They (shout) ………….…......…...........……. something as well. I think it’s time to leave!

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 37

Exercise 4: Complete the sentence with the negative present continuous form of the verbs
in brackets. Use contractions.

go send point respond receive

have work give up produce head for

1. As you know, the Marina space mission …………...….......……....................…. according to plan.

2. As far as we can tell, the spacecraft …………...….......……....................…. the moon.
3. We can’t be sure because at the moment it …………...….......……....................…. us any useful information.
4. Some of the equipment on the spacecraft …………...….......……....................…. properly.
5. As a result, we …………...….......……....................…. radio signals.
6. It seems that solar power panels …………...….......……....................…. at the Sun.
7. So as a result, they …………...….......……....................…. enough power.
8. And at the moment Marina’s computer …………...….......……....................…. to our signals.
9. We are trying to correct the problem but we …………...….......……....................…. any luck.
10. However, we …………...….......……....................…. hope.

Exercise 5: Make questions in present continuous. Then, make a short answer using the given

0. Paul / scratch / his head (Y) Is Paul scratching his head? Yes, he is.
1. the weather in your country / change (N) ...............................................................................
2. less snow / fall / in winter (N) ...............................................................................
3. people / worry about this (N) ...............................................................................
4. summer / get hotter (Y) ...............................................................................
5. Bart / sunbath / by the pool (Y) ...............................................................................
6. they / do anything to help (Y) ...............................................................................
7. the children / play / hopscotch (N) ...............................................................................
8. Greg / stretch / his arms (N) ...............................................................................
9. the changes / become a problem (N) ...............................................................................
10. it / grow / warmer or colder (Y) ...............................................................................
11. they / demonstrate / against / low wages (Y) ...............................................................................
12. you / apply / manager’s job / when / he / retire (Y) ...............................................................................

Exercise 6: Complete the questions:

0. ‘Those people aren’t speaking English.’ ‘What language are they speaking?’
1. ‘Bill’s writing something on the wall.’ ‘I can’t see – What ……………………...……….............……….………………..?’
2. ‘The train’s stopping!’ ‘Why …………………...……………….……….............................................................………..?’
3. ‘They’re studying now.’ ‘What ……………………...……………......................................................….………………..?’
4. ‘They’re playing a game.’ ‘What game ……………………..………...........................................……….………………..?’
5. ‘I’m going now. Goodbye.’ ‘Wait! Where …………………................................…...……………….......………………..?’
6. ‘Nadia’s telephoning somebody.’ ‘Who ……………………...…………….......................................…..………………..?’
7. ‘The baby’s eating something.’ ‘What ……………………...……………...........................................….………………..?’
8. ‘Sue’s working as a secretary.’ ‘Where ……………………...……………….……..........................................…………..?’
9. ‘I’m cooking something good.‘ ‘What ……………………...……………….…...........................................……………..?’
10. ‘I’m not living with my parents.’ ‘Where ……………………...………………......................................………………..?’

38 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 7: Complete the phone conversation with present continuous forms of the verbs in
Will: Hi, Amy. It’s Will. Are you busy?
Amy: Hi, Will. No, (I/ watch) I’m watching TV – nothing important. It’s good to hear from you. What
(you/ do) …………………….....….............…….. these days?
Will: That’s why 2 (I/ phone) …………………….....….............…….. .
I’ve just changed my job – I’m now a ‘recipe tester’.
Amy: What fun! (you/ cook) …………………….....….............…….. all the times?
Will: No, I’ve only just started, so (I/ work) …………………….....….............…….. with another tester.
(I/ not/ cook) …………………….....….............…….. the food yet!
Amy: It’ll be really interesting , though. (I/ find) …………………….....….............…….. work really boring now.
Will: Amy, (you/ always/ complain) …………………….....….............…….. about your job, but it’s really great!
Amy: Oh, year, standing in the street in the cold and wet, trying to persuade people to talk to me.
Actually, 8 (I/ not/ spend) …………………….....….............…….. much time outside at the moment as
(I/ plan) …………………….....….............…….. a new project. But I really want to get into acting.
Will: Yes, 10 (you/ always/ say) …………………….....….............…….. that, but you never do anything about it.

Exercise 8: Complete the description with the present continuous form of suitable verbs. Use
the negative where necessary.
Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy by David Hockney, 1970
This is a painting of two people and their cat. Mr Clark 0 is sitting on a chair.
Mrs Clark 1 ………..…….......……........... near him. They 2 ………..……....................
......... at each other, but at the viewer. Mrs Clark 3 ………..…….......……...........
a long dress. Mr Clark’s got trousers and a jumper, but he 4 ………..…….........
…........... shoes. Percy is on Mr Clark’s lap and he 5 ………..…….......……...........
something in the garden. The sun 6 ………..…….......……........... Outside, but
the room is bit dark. We can see part of a picture which 7 ………..…….......……........... on the wall behind Mrs
Clark. There’s a vase of lilies on the table, and a book 8 ………..…….......……........... beside it.
Exercise 9: Look at the table of changes in household spending in the UK. Use the words below
+ because to write sentences.
0. domestic fuel/ increase/ most/ oil prices/ go up.
Domestic fuel is increasing the most because oil CHANGES IN HOUSEHOLD
prices are going up. SPENDING
1. communication/ decrease/ most/ equipment/ get Food and drink + 9.2 ↑
cheaper. Clothes -6.6 ↓
.................................................................................... Domestic fuel (electricity, gas, etc.) +65.0 ↑
Transport +9.4 ↑
2. the cost of clothes/ decrease/ the UK/ buy/ clothes
from China. Communication (equipment,
phones, etc.) -28.5 ↓
Eating out +13.5 ↑
3. transport costs/ go up/ fuel prices/ get higher.
4. food and drink/ go up/ cost of transporting them/ increase.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 39

Exercise 10: Finish B’s sentences. Use always or constantly with present continuous.
0. A: I’ve lost my pen again. 6. A: I’m angry about Tea! He’s left his dirty clothes
B: Not again! You’re always/ constantly losing your on the floor again.
pen. B: Typical! ...............................................................
1. A: The car has broken down again. ........................................................................... .
B: The car is useless. It ……….……………….................... 7. A: I’m really not happy with Diana, my sister! She’s
............................................................................ . borrowed my clothes without asking me again.
2. A: Look! You‘ve made the same mistake again. B: Oh, sorry! ………….................................………….....
B: Oh, no, not again! I ......................……………………... ........................................................................... .
............................................................................ . 8. A: Look! She’s bragged how much money she earns
3. A: Oh, I’ve forgotten my glasses again. again.
B: Typical! ............................................................... B: Typical! ...............................................................
............................................................................ . ........................................................................... .
4. A: Look! Sue‘s messed up the kitchen again. I can’t 9. A: Tina is not a modest girl! She’s tried to show me
stand to have Sue for a roommate one more day. she’s smarter than me again.
B: I can’t, either! ……………………………………………........ B: I’m not surprised at all! ...............…………............
............................................................................ . ........................................................................... .
5. A: Look! Martin’s left his dirty dishes on the table 10. A: What an annoying noise! Peter’s cracked his
again. knuckles while I’m trying to study again.
B: Oh, No, not again! ................................................ B: It distracted me a lot, too! ................................
............................................................................. . ........................................................................... .
Exercise 11: Internet exercise. Use a search engine (E.g. Google) to find the facts containing
some of the expressions in the box. Write the sentences.

‘is changing’ 1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

‘are going up’ 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
‘is getting worse’ 3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
‘is getting better’ 4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
‘is getting cheaper’ 5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
‘is becoming a problem’ 6. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
‘is becoming impossible’ 7. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
‘is getting more expensive’
8. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Exercise 1: Match the sentences 1-5 with the correct meaning, A or B.
0. Craig works in an architect’s office. A. This is a temporary position.
B. This is his permanent job.
1. Rhona is staying with her aunt this weekend. A. She usually lives somewhere else.
B. This is her permanent home.
2. Max sings with a band on Friday evenings. A. This is a changing situation.
B. This is something he does regularly.
3. Steve can’t talk now. He’s interviewing someone. A. This is an action in progress.
B. This is something he does regularly.
4. More men are looking after their children these days. A. This is a permanent position.
B. This is a changing situation.
5. Berlin is one of Germany’s sixteen states. A. This is a fact - something permanent.
B. This is a changing situation.

40 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 2: Circle the correct form.
1. Vegetarians are people who don’t eat / are not 9. - What are you looking / do you look at?
eating meat. - A strange bird.
2. Look out! My husband comes / is coming. 10. I stay / ‘m staying with John for a few weeks
3. Some people still think the sun goes / is going round until my flat’s ready.
the earth. 11. We usually stay / ‘re usually staying with
4. I play / I’m playing tennis every weekend. Peggy when we go to Chicago.
5. Who sits / ‘s sitting in my chair? 12. Can you explain why water always runs / is
6. What happens / is happening in golf if you lose the running downhill?
ball? 13. What do you do / are you doing with my coat?
7. An alcoholic is a person who drinks / is drinking too 14. Nobody gets / is getting up early for fun.
much and can’t stop. 15. Not many passenger planes fly / are flying
8. Look! She wears / She’s wearing the same shoes as me. faster than sound.

Exercise 3: Underline the mistakes and correct the sentences, or write ‘Correct’.
0. Look! It rains. It's raining.
1. I’m getting tired. ............................................
2. I’m watching TV every evening. ............................................
3. I’m not knowing Alicia’s address. ............................................
4. Food gets very expensive these days. ............................................
5. A man’s going into a shop, and he’s asking for a newspaper. But the ............................................
shopkeeper not there. ............................................
6. ‘The sun goes round the earth.’ ‘No, it doesn’t.’ ............................................
7. I’m not feeling very well. ............................................
8. We’re seeing the bank manager at two o’clock. ............................................
9. I’m not understanding what she wants. ............................................
10. It’s getting late. ............................................
11. Sarah needs help with her homework. She don’t understand the maths. ............................................
12. Don’t go in there! That sign means ‘danger’! ............................................
13. Yves is very good-looking. He got blue eyes and black hair. ............................................
14. Do you have got any tickets left for tomorrow evening? ............................................
15. I feel terrible; I think I’m having a cold. ............................................
16. Children have often difficulty in sharing their toys. ............................................
17. This laptop has a number of interesting features. ............................................
18. Sorry, but we don’t any lamb steaks today. ............................................

Exercise 4: Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the box in simple present or present progressive.

agree catch up cause have go up know think use

We 1……………………..…..…. energy for three main things: electricity production, heating and transport. For
the first two, we 2……………………....……. options such as solar and wind power, or natural gas. But oil is still
the world’s number one source of energy, and for transport at least, there is currently no alternate. In
China, domestic energy consumption 3……………..………..……. year by year and demand in similar regions
……………………..…..…. fast. We 5…………………..…..……. how to use energy more efficiently now than in the
past but the worldwide rise in demand 6……………..………..……. concern among experts. Some experts
…………..…………..……. that oil supplies will start to fall within the next twenty years. Most experts
……………..………..……. that we need to find a new source of energy soon.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 41

Exercise 5: Here are some exchanges from an interview between an American journalist and a
French film star. Decide whether to use the present simple or present continuous.
1. ‘How do you start work on film?’ ‘I (read) ………………..…...…… the script and (make) ………………..…...…… notes.
2. ‘I (make) ………………..…...…… notes of our interview. I hope you don’t mind.’ ‘No, that’s OK.’
3. ‘What languages (you speak) ……….………..…..……?’ ‘English, French and Spanish.’
4. ‘I’m glad we (do) ………………...…..…… this interview in English. My French isn’t very good.’
5. ‘Who (play) ………………..…...…… that guitar?’ ‘My son, when he has time.’
6. ‘Who (play) ………………...…..…… the piano upstairs?’ ‘My sister. She’s got a concert tomorrow.’
7. ‘What (she play) ………….……..…..……?’ ‘I think it’s a piece by Mozart.’
8. ‘(she play) ………………...…..…… anything else?’ ‘The violin. She’s very musical.’
9. ‘Your daughter’s very keen on sport, isn’t she?’ ‘She (play) ………………...…..…… tennis.’
10. ‘Where is she now?’ ‘She (play) …………….…..…..…… tennis, as usual.’
11. ‘What’s the delicious smell?’ ‘My husband (cook) ………….……..…..…… .’
12. ‘Is that usual?’ ‘Yes, normally I (shop) ………………...…..…… and my husband (cook) …….…………..…..…… .’
13. ‘What a lovely clock!’ ‘It (not work) ………………..…...……, I’m afraid – it’s been broken for years.’
14. ‘Could I use your phone?’ ‘I’m afraid it (not work) ……….………..…..…… at the moment.’
Exercise 6: Complete Neil and Jack’s conversation about their flatmate, using the words in
brackets. Decide whether to use the present simple or present continuous.
Jack: You know, Laurence has been in the flat for three months now. What 0 (you/ think) do you think of him?
Neil: Well, actually, 1 (I/ get) ………………….….…………… really fed up with him. I mean, 2 (he/ always/ take) .........
………….….…………… my food from the fridge.
Jack: And mine. And 3 (he/ never/ do) ………………….….…………… the washing – up! It’s not fair. Perhaps we
should ask him to leave.
Neil: Well, I’m not sure that he wants to stay. 4 (he/ not/ seem) ………………….….…………… very happy here.
Jack: Mmm. 5 (he/ have) ………………….….…………… any friends? He doesn’t go out much.
Neil: Mmm… You know that 6 (he/ have) ………………….….…………… about three showers a day.
Jack: That’s because 7 (he/ work) ………………….….…………… on a building site at the moment.
Neil: True, but the gas and water prices 8 (go up) ………………….….…………… all the time. We can’t afford this
three showers a day.
Jack: I know, but 9 (he/ have) ………………….….…………… some good points, too. He’s quiet and 10 (he/ usually/
pay) ………………….….…………… the rent on time. Look, I’ll have a word with him about the showers and
so on, and we’ll see how it goes.
Exercise 7: Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the box in simple present or present progressive.

write do think care live belong appear

build get seem take lose change understand
Dear Editor!
I 0 ‘m writing this letter because it 1……………………..…… to me that far too many changes 2……………..……………
place in my country these days, and, as a result, we 3……………..…………… our identity.
I 4……………..…………… in a small town but even this town 5……………..…………… before my eyes. For example,
town authorities 6……………..…………… a burger place where my favorite restaurant used to be. Our culture
……………..…………… to everybody, and I 8……………..…………… why the town leaders 9 (not) ……………..……………
to preserve it. They simply 10 (not) ……………..…………… .
In fact, I 11……………..…………… of starting an action group. I 12……………..…………… on a TV show on Friday
evening to make people aware of how importance this issue is. It’s time for us to start doing something
before it 13……………..…………… too late.

42 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 8: Look at the pictures and numbers, and write sentences with often and now.

1. short stories 2. newspaper 3. magazine 4. biography 5. poems

6. notice 7. cookery 8. comic 9. autobiography 10. grammar

0. (2, 1) She often reads newspapers, but now she’s reading a short story.
1. (3, 4) He ……………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………...
2. (5, 9) She ……………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………..
3. (8, 10) She ……………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………
4. (1, 7) He ……………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………..……….
5. (4, 2) I ……………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………..………..
6. (2, 6) They ……………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………...
7. (3, 5) He ……………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………...
8. (2, 3) She ……………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………….….…..

Exercise 9: Rearrange the words to make correct sentences.

0. wear/ weekend./ at/ clothes/ the/ I/ casual/
I wear casual clothes at the weekend.
1. today/ an/ having/ I/ early/ as/ lunch/ appointment./ have/ I’m/ my/
2. same/ at/ the/ do/ every/ I/ shopping/ week./ time/ the/
3. sister/ doing/ your/ her/ What/ alone!/ are/ Leave/ you/ to/
4. is/ television/ on./ her/ star/ Fiona/ because/ watching/ favorite/ film/ is/
5. long/ hard/ they/ teachers/ get/ work/ holidays./ but/
6. as/ company’s/ is/ now/ it/ Chief/ The/ improving/ has/ new/ financial/ Executive./ situation/ a/
7. is/ happy/ he/ thinking/ retiring/ because/ anymore./ Serge/ isn’t/ at/ of/ work/ early/
8. help/ something/ happens/ her/ work./ every/ colleagues/ Sarah/ bad/ at/ seeks/ from/ time/

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 43

Exercise 10: Form sentences in present simple or present continuous with the prompts.

0. Everybody/ know/ world’s rainforest/ disappear.

Everybody knows that the world’s rainforests are disappearing.
1. Although/ rainforests/ cover/ only/ six per cent/ Earth’s land surface/
they/ contain/ about/ 50%/ all species/ life/ on/ the/ planet.
2. They/ also/ remove/ carbon dioxide (CO2)/ from/ air/ and/ produce/
oxygen (O2).
3. As/ they/ important/ why/ they/ vanish?
4. Most/ scientists/ agree/ there/ two/ main/ reasons.
5. In/ some/ forests/ big/ companies/ cut/ down/ more/ more trees/ and/ this/ cause/ damage/ to/ land.
6. In/ other/ places/ another/ kind/ deforestation/ happen.
7. Here/ farmers/ burn/ more/ more/ of/ forest/ and/ use/ land/ feed/ cattle.
8. Now/ governments/ understand/ problem/ they/ begin/ control/ these/ activities.

STATE Exercise 1: Tick () the sentences which are correct. In some pairs, one sentence
VERBS is correct. In other pairs, both sentences are correct.

0. What do you think of my hair?  What are you thinking of my hair? ………..
1. You look great today! ……….. You’re looking great today! ………..
2. Do you enjoy your meal? ……….. Are you enjoying your meal? ………..
3. I think of selling my car. ……….. I’m thinking of selling my car. ………..
4. Where do you live? ……….. Where are you living? ………..
5. I don’t believe his story. ……….. I’m not believing his story. ………..
6. The students seem tired today. ……….. The students are seeming tired today. ………..
7. He weighs 80 kilos. ……….. He’s weighing 80 kilos. ………..
8. How often do you play volleyball? ……….. How often are you playing volleyball? ………..
9. My brother looks for a new job. ……….. My brother is looking for a new job. ………..
10. I don’t understand what you mean. ……….. I’m not understanding what you mean. ………..

44 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 2: Check the verbs in the list; write A for action, S for state or A/ S for action/ state.
Then complete the conversation with the verbs in the present simple or present continuous.
Use each verb once only.
appear A/S be …………….………. enjoy …………….………. feel …………….……….
go …………….………. go well …………….………. have …………….………. know …………….……….
like …………….………. see …………….………. visit …………….……….

Juliet: I 0 feel exhausted after all that shopping!

Karen: So do I. I usually 1 ……..………….........…… a coffee after shopping. This café looks nice.
Juliet: Hmm. I 2 (not often) ……..………….........…… shopping, but I really 3 ……..…....……….....…… it when I do!
Karen: Let’s sit here. Show me your new dress again. That’s really nice. 4 ……..………….........…… it for a
special occasion?
Juliet: No, I just need to cheer myself up!
Karen: Oh, why? Everything 5 ……..………….........…… with your job, isn’t it?
Juliet: Well, not really.
Karen: Why’s that? You usually 6 ……..………….........…… to be so happy in your work.
Juliet: Well, I was at first but as you know, I 7 ……..………….........…… my family in Scotland whenever I can,
and these days, now that Dad’s quite ill, I 8 ……..………….........…… them every weekend, so I’m leaving
work early every Friday to get to Scotland. My boss 9 (not) ……..………….........…… that, although I work
longer on other days, so we’re always arguing at the moment.
Karen: That’s a shame. What are you going to do?
Juliet: Honestly, Karen, I 10 (not) ……..………….........…… . I really like the job, but I need to be with my
family at the moment, too.

Exercise 3: Write a verb from the box in the correct form, present simple or present continuous,
in each group.

0. A. Hiroki is smelling the flowers. have look think appear

B. These flowers smell good. see feel smell weigh

1. A. I ……………………….….……… Roberto is a kind man. 5. A. Sue ……………………….….……… the cat’s fur.

B. I ……………………….….……… about whether to B. The cat’s fur ……………………….….……… soft.
take up a career in singing. C. I (not) ……………………….….……… well today.
2. A. I ……………………….….……… a butterfly. Do you D. I ……………………….….……… that it is important to
……………………….….……… it too? respect other’s opinions.
B. Jane ……………………….….……… a doctor about 6. A. Anna ……………………….….……… a car.
her headaches. B. I ……………………….….……… a hard time, but Olga
C. Jack and Ann ……………………….….……… each ……………………….….……… a good time.
other. They go out together every weekend. 7. A. I ……………………….….……… my first teacher.
3. A. Tina ……………………….….……… out the window. ……………………….….……… you ……………………….….
She sees a butterfly. ……… yours?
B. Kathy ……………………….….……… cold. I’ll lend her B. Aunt Sara's looking through an old picture
my coat. album. She ……………………….….……… the
4. A. My favorite actor currently ……………………….…. wonderful days of her childhood.
……… at the Paramount. 8. A. The piano is too heavy for me to lift.
B. Sam……………………….….……… to be asleep. Let’s It ................…………………… too much.
not disturb him. B. The grocer ……………………….….……… the bananas.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 45



Exercise 1: Write sentences. Use the words in brackets and the correct form of will.
0. A: Do you want to come to the cinema with us this evening?
B: Sure! (I/ meet/ you at six) I’ll meet you at six.
1. A: Did you call Peter last night?
B: Oh, no! I forgot. (I/ call/ him now) .....................................………………............................................……… .
2. A: Why is Anna crying?
B: I don’t know. (I/ ask/ her) ………………..…………................……..................................................................… .
3. A: This computer is very good. And it isn’t really expensive!
B: You’re right. (I/ buy/ it) …………………..………………........……......................................................................… .
4. A: It’s raining.
B: Really? (I/ get/ my umbrella) ……...……………………….....................…....................................................…… .
5. A: It’s cold.
B: The window is open. (I/ shut/ it) .………………...................…….................................................................. .
6. A: Anna, your phone is ringing.
B: Oh! (I/ answer/ it) ………………………….....................…...........................................................................…… .
7. A: Here is the menu. Would you prefer fish or chicken?
B: I hate fish. (I/ have/ chicken) ……………...................…………………..........……....................…..................….… .
8. A: They look heavy! (I/ carry/ one of the suitcases/ for/ you) …………….……….……..…….........................…… .
B: Thank you!
Exercise 2: Put in won’t and the verbs in the box.

do be help rain work know catch happen

be cut lend come have feed speak have

0. Can you wait for me? I won’t be very long.

1. There’s no need to take an umbrella with you. It …………............……… .
2. I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. It …………............……… again.
3. Don’t ask Amanda for advice. She …………............……… what to do.
4. I’ve asked Paul to talk to the landlord, but he ……..............……… it.
5. Watch out! The shop …………............……… responsible for any property loss.
6. Unless he runs, he …………............……… the train.
7. If petrol pump attendants go on strike, we …………............……… any petrol.
8. I don’t like that man and I ……….............……… him.
9. My husband …………............……… the hedge for some time, because he’s got a lot of other jobs to do first.
10. Peter says that he ……..............……… to our party. He doesn’t approve of parties.
11. She says she …………............……… me any book, because I never gives books back.
12. I’ll work under anyone except my brother. I …………............……… under him.
13. I …………............……… that boy in my class. He is too far noisy.
14. He is so angry with his sister that he …………............……… to her.
15. I …………............……… that dog again. He always tries to bite me when I come near him.

46 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: What do you say in these situations? Write sentences using the prompts.


 Will you…? is used to make a request; that is, to ask someone to do something
for us. (Will you open the door for me, please?)
 Shall I/ we….? is used to make an offer, a suggestion or to ask for suggestions,
instructions. (Shall I give you a hand with those bags?; Where shall we go now?)

0. You and a friend want to do something this evening, but we don’t know what.
You ask your friend: What shall we do this evening?
1. Your friends are going to go on a holiday near the 6. You and a friend are going on holiday together,
beach and need to make a reservation. but you haven’t decided where.
You ask your friend: .............................................. You ask him or her: ................................................
…………………………………………………....…......... (make) ………………………………………………........................ (go)
2. Your friend is going out and you want to ask her 7. You are a friend are going out. You haven’t
to buy you some milk. decided whether to go by car or to walk.
You ask your friend: .............................................. You ask him or her: ................................................
………………………………………………...................... (buy) ………………………………………………........................ (go)
3. You have been fed up with Italian dishes and 8. You friend wants you to phone later. You don’t
want to try Indian ones. know what time to phone.
You ask your friend: .............................................. You ask him or her: ................................................
………………………………………………...................... (try) ……………………………………………….................. (phone)
4. Your friend have just bought a bouquet of flower 9. You are preparing for the exam tonight. You want
and you wonder where she wants to put it. your sister to do the washing up.
You ask your friend: .............................................. You ask her: ..........................................................
………………………………………………...................... (put) ………………………………………………........................ (do)
5. You try on a jacket in a shop. You are not sure 10. You want to discuss your work with your
whether to buy it or not. classmate after class.
You ask your friend for an advice: ........................ You ask him or her: ................................................
………………………………………………...................... (buy) ………………………………………………................ (discuss)

Exercise 4: Read these famous failed predictions. Then complete the sentence using will with
the verb in the box. Add the words in brackets to your answers when necessary.

be want come crash claim reach destroy have to continue cause (x2)

1. We are in September 1914: according to most newspapers in Britain and Germany, the war 0 will be
over by Christmas. They cannot imagine that the war 1 ...................................... until 1918, and 2 .............
........................... the lives of about 9 million in the military and a further 7 million civilians.
2. We are in 1919: according to geologist Albert Porta, the conjunction of six planets 3 ................................
............... the Sun to explode. In fact, the Sun 4 (probably) ...................................... the Earth one day,
when it becomes a red giant in about 4.5 billion years.
3. We are in 1977: according to Ken Olson, head of a computer, people 5 (never) ...................................... a
computer in the home. Latest predictions (2005) suggest that computer ownership 6 ..............................
................. 1.3 billion machines worldwide by 2010.
4. We are in 1999: according to many scientists, computer 7 ...................................... and 8 ...........................
...................... chaos on the first day of the new millennium.
5. And one to look forward to: according to the Aztec calendar, the world 9 ...................................... and
end on 22rd December 2012. We 10 ...................................... wait and see.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 47

Exercise 5.1: Match sentences with their responses.
0. Why can’t I play with the Bunsen burner? 0-i a. Oh no, I forgot. I’ll telephone for them
1. I have bought a loom. 1 - ..... now.
2. Put away these books, please. 2 - ..... b. Sorry, I won’t do it again.
3. I can’t write on this black board. 3 - ..... c. Yes, there’s the bell. I’ll see you tomorrow.
4. Why are you peeling a big of garlic? 4 - ..... d. No, you’ll hurt yourself. I’ll do it.
5. I don’t understand this problem. 5 - ..... e. I’ll hand it on Monday, I promise.
6. Please stop throwing things, George. 6 - ..... f. I‘ll go and get some sticks.
7. Shall I move this desk? 7 - ..... g. I believe they’ll get married.
8. I still haven’t got your project! 8 - ..... h. Ok, I’ll explain how to do it.
9. Is that the end of the lesson? 9 - ..... i. It’s dangerous. You’ll burn yourself.
10. The fire has gone out. 10 - ..... j. Are you going to do some weaving?
11. Sally and David are in love. What do you think 11 - ..... k. I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll send him some
about it? grapes.
12. Did you remember to book seats? 12 - ..... l. Yes, it does. I think she’ll like it.
13. He has just been taken to the hospital with a 13 - ..... m. Shall I put them in the cupboard?
broken leg. n. I am going to put it in the stew.
14. I’ve bought Rosa this picture. Does it look good? 14 - ..... o. I hope I will.
15. Do you think you will pass the exam? 15 - ..... p. I’ll clean it for you.
Exercise 5.2: State their uses by filling the sentences in the box below.

To make an offer. ....................................................................

To warn or threat something. i, .................................................................
To promise something. ....................................................................
To show an on-the-spot decision. ....................................................................
To indicate predictions about the future. ....................................................................

Exercise 6: Use future simple when necessary to finish the sentences.

Top predictions for life 100 years from now
0. Oceans/ extensively/ farmed/ not/ just/ for/ fish. → Oceans will be extensively farmed and not just for fish.
1. According to/ Ian Pearson/ we/ need/ feed/ 10 billion 5. According to Kennny/ there/ be/ only/ a few/
people/ so/ we/ need/ much/ more ocean farming/ regional/currencies/ by the middle of century.
for fish. ................................................................................
...................................................................................... ................................................................................
...................................................................................... 6. Martin/ predict/ people/ all be/ wired to/
...................................................................................... computers/ to/ make/ brains/ work/ faster.
2. Dev/ believe/ we/ have/ ability/ communicate/ ................................................................................
through transmission. ................................................................................
...................................................................................... 7. Alister/ believe/ nanorobots/ flow/ around/
...................................................................................... human/ body/ and/ be/ able to/ record/
3. The futurologist Ian/ think/ we/ probably/ have/ memories.
technology to/ be able to/ control/ weather. ................................................................................
...................................................................................... ................................................................................
...................................................................................... 8. Bill/ think/ there/ only three languages/ in the
4. Pearson/ expect/ Antarctica/ be/ open/ for/ business. world/ English/ Spanish/ Mandarin.
...................................................................................... ................................................................................
...................................................................................... ................................................................................

48 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 1: What would you say in these sentences? Use these expressions in the box.
rain lose crash not stop throw up get drenched

0. The sky is full of dark clouds. 3. You are playing Scrabble. The game is nearly over
It’s going to rain. and you are 100 points behind.
1. Now it’s starting to rain. There’s nowhere to .............................................................................. .
shelter, and you haven’t got an umbrella. 4. You can see a plane coming down. It’s out of
............................................................................... control and falling to the ground.
................................................ in the pouring rain. .............................................................................. .
2. You fell awful. There’s a terrible feeling in your 5. You are waiting for a train. There’s one coming,
stomach. but you don’t know if it’s the one you want. It’s
.............................................................................. . travelling very fast.
.............................................................................. .
Exercise 2: Write sentence with going to and the words in brackets.
0. It’s Rowland’s birthday next week. (send him a card) 6. I need to get more exercise. (walk to work
I’m going to send him a card. from now on)
1. Look at those dark clouds. (rain very soon) ………………………………………………………….......………
……………………………………………………………………….......... 7. I’m very tired this evening. (have an early
2. John forgot his wedding anniversary. (be in trouble) night)
……………………………………………………………………….......... ………………………………………………………….......………
3. This room is a mess. (who/ help me tidy up?) 8. We haven’t got any money. (how/ get home?)
……………………………………………………………………….......... ………………………………………………………….......………
4. Alex and Tony can’t afford to stay in a hotel. (buy a 9. I need to use the car early tomorrow morning.
tent) (buy petrol tonight)
……………………………………………………………………….......... ………………………………………………………….......………
5. This fish tastes horrible. (not come to this restaurant 10. My parents dislike flying. (travel to Prague by
again) train)
……………………………………………………………………….......... ………………………………………………………….......………
Exercise 3: Read the information about environment problems and their solutions. Then make
five statements about what you’re doing to do and five about what you’re not going to do to
solve these problems.
There are a number of things we can do if we want to help our planet. For example, if we stop wasting
paper, and recycle paper and cardboard, we’ll save some of the millions of trees which are cut down every
year. As far as the problem of rubbish is concerned, if we recycle bottles and cans and organic waste, and
stop taking plastic bags from the supermarket, this will all make a big difference. We also have to stop
making unnecessary car journeys so as to cut down air pollution. Try walking or using a bike instead, and if
you buy local fruit and vegetables, this reduces lorry traffic to supermarkets. Water is another problem,
and we should all take showers, not baths, to save water. Finally, we need to stop using so much energy,
so try changing to low – energy light bulbs, and turning off unnecessary lights.
1. .............................................................................. 6. ..............................................................................
2. .............................................................................. 7. ..............................................................................
3. .............................................................................. 8. ..............................................................................
4. .............................................................................. 9. ..............................................................................
5. .............................................................................. 10. ............................................................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 49



In many cases, be going to + infinitive and will + infinitive can be used interchangeably to predict
future events. However, in some cases, they are used differently.
 Use be going to + infinitive if you make a prediction about the future because you have evidence
now that supports you in making that prediction. (A weather forecast might say: ‘It is going to
be sunny tomorrow. Temperatures are going to be between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius.’)
 Use will + infinitive if you are guessing. You don’t have any evidence in the present telling you
what the future is going to be. (Your horoscope might say: ‘Today you will get a phone call. The
person who telephones you will offer you the job of your dreams.’)

Exercise 1: Use will and/ or be going to with the verbs in brackets.

‘Look at the cat. She can’t

‘I don’t think we are get down.’
going to get a seat.’ ‘Oh dear. I ........................
.................... get a ladder.’

‘Don’t seat so close to ‘I’ve used this machine

the TV, you .................... before, the photo .............
....................................... ..........................................
get a headache.’ come out in a minute.’

‘That ball ........................ ‘I .......................................

........................................ .................................... call
land in the water!’ for an ambulance.’

Exercise 2: Use will and/ or be going to with the verbs in brackets.

0. Sue (graduate) will graduate/ is going to graduate in June. After that, she (begin) will begin/ is going to
begin work at an electronics firm.
1. Fred (be) ……...............................……….… at the meeting tomorrow. I think Jane (come) ...........................
..............……….… too.
2. - Can you give Ed a message for me?
- Sure. I (see, probably) ……...............................……….… him at the meeting this evening.
3. - Mr Swan (be/ not) ……...............................……….… here next term. He has resigned.
- Who (be) ……...............................……….… the new teacher? Do you know?
4. Yes, Ms Mary Jefferson. Ms Jefferson (teach) ……...............................……….… the same courses Mr Swan
taught: English, algebra, and geometry. I (be) ……...............................……….… in her algebra class.
5. In what ways (affect) ……...............................……….… the damage we do to our environment today .........
.......................……….… the quality of life for future generations?
6. Look at those dark clouds in the sky. I think it (rain) ……...............................……….…!
7. Pink is her favourite color so I think she (love) ……...............................……….… this pink scarf that I have
bought her for her birthday.
8. John has studied for weeks for this test. I think that he (pass) ……...............................……….… it.
9. It’s already 11 o’clock. We (miss) ……...............................……….… the train.
10. I think that my family (visit) ……...............................……….… me in Vietnam this year.

50 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

EXPRESSING Exercise 3: Use be going to if you think the speaker is expressing a prior
FUTURE ACTIONS plan. If you think she/ he has no prior plan, use will.


 Will is used to describe on-the-spot decisions.
(Child: I’ve torn my trousers. Mom: I’ll mend them for you.)
 Be going to is used to describe intentions, plans or ambitions.
(I haven’t bought any cigarettes because I’m going to give up smoking.)

0. A: This letter is in French, and I don’t speak French. Can you help me?
B: Sure. I (translate) will translate it for you.
1. A: Do you want to go shopping with me? I (go) ........................................ to the shopping mall downtown.
B: Sure. What time do you want to leave?
2. A: Who wants to erase the board? Are there any volunteers?
B: I (do) ........................................ it!
3. A: Why does he have an eraser in his hand?
B: He (erase) ........................................ the board.
4. A: How about getting together for dinner after work?
B: Sounds good. Where?
A: How about Alice’s Restaurant or the Gateway Café? You decide.
B: Alice’s Restaurant. I (meet) ........................................ you there around six.
A: Great.
5. A: Do you have plans for dinner?
B: Yes. I (meet) ........................................ a coworker for dinner at Alice’s Restaurant. Do you want to join
6. A: This light doesn’t work. The bulb is probably burned out. Do we have any new light bulbs?
B: I (get) ........................................ one for you.
A: Thanks.
7. A: I (enroll) ........................................ in the community college next spring.
B: Oh? I didn’t know you wanted to go back to school.
A: I need to sharpen my skills so I can get a better job. I (take) ........................................ a course in word
8. A: Uh, oh! I’ve spilled coffee on my shirt!
B: Just a minute! I (get) ........................................ a damp cloth for you.
9. A: Janice, do you want to come with us?
B: I can’t. I have to study.
A: Oh, c’mon. You can’t study all day and all night.
B: All right, I (go) ........................................ with you. I guess I can finish this study tomorrow.
10. A: I (sell) ........................................ my bicycle. I have to.
B: What? Why? You need your bicycle to get to work.
A: I know. But I need money right now to pay for my baby’s doctor and medicine. I can walk to work.
11. A: How do you spell ‘accustomed’?
B: I’m not sure. I (look) ........................................ it up for you.
A: Thanks.
B: Here it is. It has two ‘c’s but only one ‘m’.
12. A: What .................................... you .................................... (eat) tonight? What food have you bought?
B: I haven’t bought any food.
A: Well, why don’t you come to my house?
B: I ........................................ (cook) us something nice to eat.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 51

MIXED Exercise 4: Put the verbs in will or be going to.
0. You’ve bought a lot of paint. (decorate) Are you going to decorate your kitchen?
1. ‘Why are you getting out Jack?’ ‘We have a puncture and I (change) ….........................……...………… the
2. ‘Look what I ‘ve just bought at an auction!’ ‘What an extraordinary thing! Where (put) …......................
you …...................... it?’
3. ‘What (do) …...................... you …...................... when you grow up?’ ‘I (be) ….........................……...
………… an acrobat in a circus.’
4. I’ve just enrolled at the local technical college. I (attend) ….........................……...………… pottery classes
next winter.
5. ‘Why are you carrying a corkscrew?’ ’I (open) ….........................……...………… a bottle of wine.’
6. ‘(bath) …...................... you …...................... your dogs?’ ‘Yes, (help) …...................... you …......................
7. What are all those notes for? (give) …...................... you …...................... a lecture?
8. Why do you want a candle? (explore) …...................... you …...................... the caves?
9. If I catch some fish, (cook) …...................... you…...................... them for me?
10. (sign) …...................... you …...................... here, please?
Exercise 5: Form correct sentences using will/ shall or be going to.
Mary and Nigel run a shop together. They are having money problems.
Mary: I don’t know what 0 (we/ do) we’re going to do. We’ve hardly made any
money for ages.
Nigel: I think we should advertise. We can send out leaflets. Yes. 1 (That/ probably/
get) ….........................……...………… our name more widely known. But do
you think 2 (people/ come) ….........................……...………… into the shop?
Mary: Well, we could try advertising in the local paper. That might be better.
(I/ phone) .......................…...................… and find out their rates. And what
about local radio?
Nigel: Good idea. 4 (I/ phone) ….........................……...………… them?
Mary: OK, thanks.
Mary: We haven’t got enough money to pay for all the advertising we need. I’ve
been in touch with the bank. 5 (I/ see) ….........................……...………… the
manager on Friday.
Nigel: (he/ give) ….........................……...………… us a loan, do you think?
Mary: I hope so.
Manager: So you want to borrow some money. How do you want to spend it?
Mary: (We/ advertise) ….........................……...………… on local radio and in the
paper. We’ve planned it carefully. We only need $2,0000.
Manager: Very well. 8 (The bank/ lend) ….........................……...………… you the
money. But you must pay us back in three months. Can you do that?
Mary: (We/ do) ….........................……...………… it, I promise.
Manager: Now , go and see the loans clerk and 10 (he/ help) ….........................…...
…….…… you fill in the necessary forms.
Mary: Thank you for your help.
Manager: You’re welcome.

52 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 6: Use will or going to + the verb in brackets.
0. Next year you have to choose between two lessons, either biology or a second foreign language. Make
your decision.
I’ve made up my mind. (do) I’m going to do biology.
1. You have to miss school to see the dentist, but you promise your teacher to be back at two o’clock.
What do you say? (be)
2. You are doing an experiment in science, and you can see that it isn’t going well. (work)
3. You are near the light switch and it’s getting dark. You offer to turn the lights on. (turn)
4. Your teacher asks you who you want to sit with. You decide to sit with Helen. (sit)
5. Andrew is holding a suitcase at the airport. There are shorts and T- shirts, sunglasses and a travel guide
in his suitcase. What is he going to do? (go)
6. I am putting on my hat, gloves and scarf. I have car keys in my bag. My friend is waiting for me in a
restaurant in the city centre. Where am I going? (have)
7. Paul is sitting in a reception area reading magazine. He is surrounded by sick people. He feels very
unwell. Who is he going to see? (see)
8. It is December. Mary is shopping. She is standing outside holding something large and green. She is
looking for money to pay for her purchase. When she gets home she is going to cover her new purchase
in lights and decorations. What is she going to buy? (buy)
9. Ann is going to make a big chocolate cake but she has run out of flour, oil and eggs. What is she going to
do? (buy)
10. Bill has fallen out with his girlfriend for ages and after all, he thought it was him to blame for the
argument. What is he going to do? (make an apology)
11. Bella can’t stop staring at those pretty shoes. But she has planned
to save for a holiday to Thailand this year. What is she going to do?
(not buy)
12. It’s Lara’s mother’s birthday next week. She is really confused about
what to buy her. She thinks her dad might be of great help. What is
she going to do? (ask)

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Future forms
 Will It’s late. I’ll take a taxi home. (an on - the - spot decision)
 Be going to I’m going to spend six weeks in the US. (an intention, a plan)
 Present Continuous I’m starting work in September. (an arrangement)
 Present Simple The plane arrives at 8 am. (a timetable)


Exercise 1: Fill in the gaps with shall, will or be going to with the verbs in the box.

buy climb put get cut spend do (x2)

meet ask (x2) become stay open make have

0. A: It’s too hot in here. 8. A: Could I speak to Jim, please?

B: You’re right. I will open a window. B: Wait a minute. I ………….........……..........… him
1. A: …………....……......… I …………....……......… the for you.
baby to bed, now? 9. A: What are your plans for the weekend?
B: Yes, he looks a little tired. B: I ………….........……..........… some time with
2. A: Have you seen Lucy recently? my friends.
B: No, but I ………….........……..........… her for lunch 10. A: What are you doing on Friday night?
later today. B: Oh, I …………....……......… probably ………….......
3. A: Have you done the shopping yet? …......… at home with my family.
B: No, but I …………....……......… probably ………….... 11. A: Have you tidied your room yet?
……......… it tomorrow, after work. B: No, but I promise I ………….........……..........… it
4. A: …………....……......… we …………....……......… Mr this afternoon.
Perkins for help with the project? 12. A: Look at that boy!
B: That’s a good idea. Let’s ask him now. B: Oh yes! He ………….........……..........… the tree.
5. A: Why are you buying flour and eggs? 13. A: Jason is very clever for his age.
B: Because I ………….........……..........… a cake. B: Yes. He says he ………….........……..........… a
6. A: I have decided what to buy Mum for her doctor when he grows up.
birthday. 14. A: I’m too tired to cut the grass.
B: Really. What …………....……......… you ………….... B: Don’t worry! ………….........……..........… it for
……......… for her? you.
7. A: Did you ask Jackie to the party? 15. A: What have you bought?
B: Oh no! I forgot! I ………….........……..........… her B: A screwdriver. I ………….........……..........… my
tonight. ear fixed.

54 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use


Exercise 1: Use present continuous to complete the sentences. Use any verbs that make sense.

0. A: How about going across the street for a cup of coffee?

B: I can’t. I am meeting Jennifer at the library at 5:00.
1. A: Why are you in such a hurry?
B: I have to be at the airport in an hour. I ……………...............…… the 4 o’clock plane to New York. I have
an important meeting there tomorrow.
2. A: We got an invitation in the mail from Ron and Maureen. They ……………...............…… a dinner party
next Saturday evening. Do you want to go? I’d like to.
B: Sure. I always enjoy spending time with them. Let’s call and tell them we ……………...............…… .
3. A: Your cough sounds terrible! You should see a doctor.
B: I know. It just won’t go away. I ……………...............…… Dr. Murray later this afternoon.
4. A: Have you seen Jackie?
B: She’s just left. She has some shopping to do, and then she ……………...............…… to the health club
for her yoga class. She should be back around 4:30.
5. A: Where are you and your family going for your vacation this summer?
B: Ontario.
A: Are you planning to fly?
B: No, we ……………...............…… so we can take our time and enjoy the scenery.
6. A: We’re going to a soccer match next week.
B: Who ……………...............…………………...............……?
7. A: I see you’re smoking. I thought you stopped last month.
B: I did. I don’t know why I started again. I ……………...............…… again tomorrow, and this time I mean it.
8. A: I’ve bought a piano. They are delivering it this afternoon.
B: Where ……………...............…… you ……………...............…… it?
A: I ……………...............…… it in the dining room.

Exercise 2: Complete each sentence using a verb from the list in present continuous form.

arrive come give hold leave

meet pick up serve show take

0. We are holding a science fair next weekend. There will be displays of students’ work, and a guest
1. Professor Tamsin Anderson ……….......................….…..……… from Cambridge to talk to us.
2. She ……….......................….…..……… a talk on the Genome Project on Saturday morning.
3. In the afternoon she ……….......................….…..……… us a film.
4. Then at 5:30 we ……….......................….…..……… tea and cakes.
5. ‘Have you heard from Dr. Anderson?’ ‘Yes. She ……….......................….…..……… at 6:00 on Friday evening.’
6. ……….......................….…..……… anyone ……….......................….…..……… her at the station?’
7. ‘David and his parents ……….......................….…..……… her ……….......................….…..……… and ....................
............….…..……… her to the hotel.’
8. ‘And after the conference?’ ‘She ……….......................….…..……… on Sunday at 12:30.’

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 55


Exercise 1: Complete each sentence using a verb from the list in present simple form. Then
match each sentence with a description of where you might read or hear it.

close rise expire leave continue

retire open start take off take place

1. Mrs Douglas ………...……..….. at the end of this term, and we 1 - ..... a. Cinema door
wish her all happiness for the future.
b. Advertisement
2. There has been a change to the schedule and your flight now 2 - .....
………...……..….. at 18:40. c. Airport check - in desk
3. The exhibition ………...……..….. until 31 December. Don’t miss it! 3 - .....
d. News announcement
4. The match ………...……..….. at three o’clock, so please be here 4 - .....
by two. e. Travel information desk
5. The opening ceremony ………...……..….. on 27 July. 5 - .....
f. CD - Rom leaflet
6. Saturday 18 March. The sun ………...……..….. at 6:08. 6 - .....
7. The license for this software ………...……..….. one year from the 7 - ..... g. School newsletter
agreement date.
h. Newspaper review
8. This offer ………...……..….. on 30 September so buy now to avoid 8 - .....
disappointment! i. Notice on a sports club
9. The 4:30 to York ………...……..….. from Platform 1. Cross the 9 - .....
notice board
footbridge at the end of this platform.
10. Doors ………...……..….. at 18:00. 10 - ..... j. Diary


Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into will, present simple or present continuous.
0. A: I (see) am seeing Roger at seven o’clock tonight.
B: Really? I thought he was out of town.
1. A: (you/ do) …………...…….....……… anything on Friday morning?
B: No, I’m free.
2. A: I (go) …………...…….....……… to the cinema. There’s a new film on. Do you want to come with me?
B: What time (the film/ start) …………...…….....………?
3. A: Helen (have) …………...…….....……… a party the day after tomorrow. (you/ go) …………...…….....………?
B: As a matter of fact, I haven’t been invited.
4. A: The new exhibition (open) ……………...….....……… April 3rd and (finish) …………...…….....……… on May 31st.
6. A: Excuse me, what time (the train/ leave) …………...…….....………?
B: At half past three, madam.
7. A: Michael Jackson (give) …………...…….....……… a concert at the Olympic Stadium next week.
B: I know. I (want) …………...…….....……… to get a ticket.
8. A: I’m really thirsty.
B: I (get) …………...…….....……… you a glass of water.
9. A: Are you looking forward to your party?
B: Yes. I hope everyone (enjoy) …………...…….....……… it.
10. A: My brother has just returned from America.
B: Oh good, we (ask) …………...…….....……… him to our next party.

56 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use


Exercise 1: Use present continuous where possible in the following sentences and put the
remaining verbs into be going to form.


 Present continuous is mainly used for very definite arrangements in the near future.
 Be going to is also used for planned future actions but can be used more widely.

0. He (have) is having an operation next week.

1. It’s very cold. I (light) ……………….....................…...……….. a fire.
2. We (have) ……………….....................…...……….. some friends to lunch tomorrow.
3. A: (go) ………………................…….. you ………………................…….. to the auction tomorrow?
B: Yes, I (go) ……………….....................…...……….. but (not buy) ……………….....................…...……….. anything.
4. I’ve reminded you once; I (not do) ……………….....................…...……….. it again.
5. I (have) ……………….....................…...……….. my hair cut this afternoon.
6. Our class (start) ……………….....................…...……….. German next term.
7. I (spend) ……………….....................…...……….. a few days in London next week.
8. The Town Council (build) ……………….....................…...……….. a new school here.
9. A: What (do) ……………….....................…...……….. you?
B: I (tell) ……………….....................…...……….. the truth.
10. The Queen (open) ……………….....................…...……….. Parliament next month.

Exercise 2.1: Cliff Turner has his own business and it is doing well. He has already decided to
expand. Look at the prompts and say what he is going to do, as in the example.

0. employ more staff 3. increase production

He’s going to employ more staff. ……………………………………………………………………………
1. advertise in newspaper and magazines 4. move to bigger premises
…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………
2. equip the office with computers 5. open an office abroad
…………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………...…………………………

Exercise 2.2: Cliff is always busy. Look at this schedule and say what his arrangements are for
the next few days. Make sentences, as in the example.

 Wednesday 12 : fly to Montreal
He is flying to Montreal on Wednesday 12th.
 Thursday 13 : give an interview to The Financial Times
 Friday 14 : have lunch with sales representatives
 Saturday 15 : have a meeting with Japanese ambassador
 Sunday 16 : play tennis with Carol

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 57

PRESENT CONTINUOUS Exercise 1: Indicate the meaning expressed by the bolded verbs by
vs. PRESENT SIMPLE writing in the future, now, or habitually in the blanks.
0. I am taking four courses next semester. in the future
00. I am taking four courses this semester. now
000. Students usually take four courses every semester. habitually
1. I’ll mail this letter at the corner when I take Susan home. …..…………………….....……….....
2. My brother’s birthday is next week. I am giving him a sweater. …..…………………….....……….....
3. Shh. The broadcaster is giving the latest news about the crisis in England. …..…………………….....……….....
I want to hear what she’s saying. …..…………………….....……….....
4. When I graduate, I’m going to return home. …..…………………….....……….....
5. When students graduate, they receive diplomas. …..…………………….....……….....
6. I’m tired. I am going to bed early tonight. …..…………………….....……….....
7. When I am in New York, I’m going to visit the Museum of Modern Art. …..…………………….....……….....
8. When I am home alone in the evening, I like to read or watch television. …..…………………….....……….....
9. A: Are you busy? …..…………………….....……….....
B: Not really. …..…………………….....……….....
A: What are you doing? …..…………………….....……….....
B: I’m writing a letter to my folks. …..…………………….....……….....
A: When you finish your letter, do you want to play a game of chess? …..…………………….....……….....
10. A: What are you doing after work today? …..…………………….....……….....
B: I’m playing tennis with Brown at the health club. And you? …..…………………….....……….....
A: I’m meeting Smith for a round of golf. …..…………………….....……….....
11. Tony will arrive at eight tomorrow evening. …..…………………….....……….....
12. Tony is going to arrive at eight tomorrow night. …..…………………….....……….....
13. Tony is arriving at eight tomorrow evening. …..…………………….....……….....
14. Tony arrives at eight tomorrow evening. …..…………………….....……….....
15. When Tony arrives, we’ll have a party. …..…………………….....……….....

FUTURE FORMS Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into present simple or future simple.


Will or be going to is NOT used in a time clause. The meaning of the clause is future, but the simple
present tense is used. (Bob will come soon. When Bob comes, we will see him.)
(Linda is going to leave soon. Before she leaves, she is going to finish her work.)

1. ‘I’m going to the gym tonight.’ ‘Well, while you (be) 7. ‘When (you/ pay) ………..………...…… the rent?’
are there, I (do) ………..………...…… the shopping.’ ‘When I (get) ………..………...…… my pay cheque.’
2. ‘(you/ call) ………..………...…… me when you ……….. 8. ‘What are your plans for the future?’ ‘I want to go
………...…… (get) home?’ ‘Yes, of course.’ to university after I (finish) ………..………...…… school.’
3. ‘As soon as John (come) ………..………...…… in, tell 9. ‘If you (pay) ………..………...…… for dinner, I (pay) ......
him to come to my office.’ ‘Certainly, sir.’ …..………...…… for the theatre.’ ‘Okay, that’s a good
4. ‘I’m exhausted.’ ‘Me too. I wonder if David (come) idea.’
………..………...…… to help tonight.’ 10. ‘Can you give this message to Mike, please?’ ‘Well,
5. ‘Are you going to visit Aunt Mabel this afternoon?’ I’ll try, but I doubt if I (see) ………..………...…… him
‘Yes, I (visit) ………..………...…… her before I (do) ...... today.’
…..………...…… the shopping.’ 11. ‘How old is your sister?’ ‘She (be) ………..………...……
6. ‘Is George going to eat dinner with us?’ ‘No, by the twelve next month.’
time he (get) ………..………...…… home it (be) ……….. 12. ‘What are you doing tonight?’ ‘I (probably/ watch)
………...…… very late.’ ……………….....……. TV after dinner.’

58 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 2: Use will or present simple.
0. Peter is going to leave in half an hour. He will finish all of his work before he (leave) leaves.
1. I’m going to eat lunch at 12:30. After I (eat) …………………….........…, I (take, probably) …………………….........…
a nap.
2. I’ll get home around six. When I (get) …………………….........… home, I (call) …………………….........… Sharon.
3. I’m going to watch a TV program at nine, but before I (watch) …………………….........… the program, I (write)
…………………….........… a letter to my parents.
4. Gary will come soon. I (wait) …………………….........… here until he (come) …………………….........… .
5. I’m sure it will stop raining soon. As soon as the rain (stop) …………………….........… I (walk) ..........................
..........… to the store to get some films.
6. Don’t jump out of the aeroplane until the pilot (say) …………………….........… . ‘Go!’
7. I’m a junior in college this year. After I (graduate) …………………….........… with a B.A. next year, I (intend)
…………………….........… to enter graduate school and work for an M.A. Perhaps I (go) …………………….........…
on for a Ph.D after I (get) …………………….........… my Master’s degree.
8. I (listen) …………………….........… to English language tapes while I (sleep) …………………….........… tonight. Do
you think it will help me learn English faster?
9. ‘How long (you, stay) …………………….........… in this country?’ ‘I (plan) …………………….........… to be here for
about one more year. I (hope) …………………….........… to graduate a year from this June.’ ‘What (you, do)
…………………….........… after you (leave) …………………….........…?’ ‘I (return) …………………….........… home and
(get) …………………….........… a job. How about you?’ ‘I (be) …………………….........… here for at least two
more years before I (return) …………………….........… home and (get) …………………….........… a job.’
10. I’m so excited for the meetup with my friends tonight. After I (finish) …………………….........… my dinner, I
(go) …………………….........… to a comedy gig with them.

Exercise 3: Complete the text with present simple or will form of the verb in the box below.

The future of our solar system

The Sun 0 (continue) will continue much as it is today until 1 (enter) ………….....………………. its red giant phase
in 4 to 5 billion years. Then, the core 2 (grow) ………….....………………. smaller and hotter until it finally 3 (finish)
………….....………………. burning the fuel in its nuclear core. When this 4 (occur) ………….....………………. the core
(become) ………….....………………. so dense that helium fusion will begin. When the helium atom 6 (collide) ...
……….....………………., they 7 (form) ………….....………………. carbon (from 3 helium atoms) and oxygen (from 4
helium atoms). When this process 8 (begin) ………….....………………., the Sun 9 (produce) …………...........………….
enormous amounts of energy. The Sun 10 (grow) ………….....………………. large as this energy 11 (increase) ........
….....………………. . It 12 (be) ………….....………………. over a hundred times its present size by the time it 13 (stop)
………….....………………. growing. This is why we use the term red giant. As the Sun 14 (expand) …………..............
…………., it is probable that it 15 (absorb) .....……................…....……. the Earth. When the Sun 16 (use) ...............
....……..………. up all its energy, it 17 (become) ………….....………………. a small white dwarf, and 18 (not make) …..
……….....…………..……. any more energy. After a few billion years, when it is completely cool, it 19 (be) ............
..........………………. just a cold dark object.

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Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with your own words.
0. When I ………. later this afternoon, I ………. .
When I go downtown later this afternoon, I’m going to go to the bank and the post office.
1. After I ………. tomorrow morning, I ………. . 5. I’m not going to ………. until my friend ………. .
................................................................................ ................................................................................
................................................................................ ................................................................................
2. Tomorrow, I ………. before I ………. . 6. When I ………. tomorrow, I ………. .
................................................................................ ................................................................................
................................................................................ ................................................................................
3. I ………. when ………. next year. 7. While I’m visiting ………. next week, I ………. .
................................................................................ ................................................................................
................................................................................ ................................................................................
4. As soon as class ………., I’m going to ………. . 8. I’ll ………. after ………. .
................................................................................ ................................................................................
................................................................................ ................................................................................

MIXED Exercise 1: Match the two parts of the sentences.

0. I’ve checked the timetable; our next exam A .we’ll see the doctor.
1. The government has announced that the election B. is leaving tomorrow.
2. The train to Edinburgh C. is on Tuesday.
3. My friend from university D. is going to make a speech.
4. We’ll go to the chemist’s after E. we’ve seen the doctor.
5. When we get to the hospital F. leaves at 4:45.
6. The Lord Mayor is standing up. He G. will take place in May.

Exercise 2: Underline the correct form.

0. ‘Be careful with that test cube. It will break / it breaks.’

1. ‘The egg is cracking. The baby bird will come out / is going to come out / comes out.’
2. ‘Can you hurry up please? The film will start / is going to start / starts.’
3. ‘Carry this very carefully.’ ‘Don’t worry. I’m not dropping it / I won’t drop it.’
4. ‘We’re playing / We’ll play football this afternoon. Do you want to play too?’
5. ‘This dictionary costs $50, but the red one is cheaper.’ ‘Oh, I’ll take / I’m taking / I’m going to take the
red one.’
6. ‘Have you decided about next year yet?’ ‘Yes, I’m studying / I’m going to study / I’ll study journalism.
Well, that’s the plan anyway.’
7. ‘Ok, bye for now.’ ‘Bye, I’ll see you / I’m going to see you / I’m seeing you at the same time on Friday.’
8. I am sure that I am going to recognize him / will recognize him / recognizes him.
9. You pay and I owes you / am owing you / will owe you.
10. He’ll have / has / is having her car repainted next week.
11. When we’ll finish / is finishing / finish our exam, we’ll have a holiday.
12. When the bell rings, I take / is taking / will take the meat out of the oven.
13. As soon as I hear from him, I will let / is letting you / let you know.
14. My father will be furious when he is going to see / sees / is seeing what you have done.
15. He isn’t going to let / won’t let / isn’t letting you out till you have finished your homework.

60 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Read the email. Put the verbs in the correct tenses: present simple, present
continuous, be going to or will.
Carrie: I’m so excited about
Thursday’s trip. I’ve just
had Jeremy’s email with
the details. Subject:
Subject: French
French Society
Society Day
Day Trip
Trip to
to Paris
Eddy: Oh, I haven’t , but I’m so Here are the details for Thursday’s day trip to Paris.
pleased we (sit) are sitting  08:40
Here are the details
Departure from St Pancrastrip
for Thursday’s day to Paris.
International. (Train 9010)

 12:15
08.40 Departure
Arrival at Paris Gare du Nord International(Train
from St Pancras International. 90 10)
together on the train. Shall
 20:05
 12.15 Arrival at Paris
Departure fromGare
NordInternational station.
International. (Train 9059)
we meet up and have a 
 21:54
20.05 Departure
Arrival at London St Pancras International. (Train 9059)
from Paris du Nord International.
coffee before the train  21.54
Looking Arrival
forward at London
to seeing St Pancras
everyone International.
on Thursday.
(leave) ……………................ Looking forward to seeing everyone
And don’t be late for the train! on Thursday.
…………? And don’t be late for the train!
Carrie: No, we can get coffee on
the train. But why don’t come to my house? get a taxi to the station together. The train 2 (leave)
……………........…………………. at 8:40 so perhaps you should come here at about 8:00.
Eddy: OK. What time 3 (arrive) ………………… it ……………........…………… in Paris?
Carrie: At quarter past twelve.
Eddy: Perfect. Just in time for lunch! Do you know where we 4 (eat) ……………........…………………?
Carrie: Not exactly, but I know Jeremy’s organized everything. We 5 (have) ……………........…………………. lunch
at a place he knows near the Louvre. Apparently it’s very nice but not too expensive.
Eddy: That sounds great. I’d like to go to the museum after we 6 (have) ……………........…………………. lunch.
Carrie: Good idea. But don’t forget Jeremy 7 (take) ……………........…………………. us to the Eiffel Tower at 5:00.
Eddy: I’m sure there’ll be time. When do we have to be back at the station?
Carrie: The train back to London 8 (leave) ……………........…………………. at five past eight.
Eddy: How long 9 (be) ……………........…………………. the trip back?
Carrie: The train 10 (get) ……………........…………………. back to London just before 10:00, so less than two hours.
Exercise 4: What do you say to your friend in these situations? Use the words given in
brackets. Use present continuous, going to or will.
0. You have made all your holiday arrangements. Your destination is Jamaica.
Friend: Have you decided where to go for you holiday yet?
You: I’m going to Jamaica. (I/ go)
1. You have made an appointment with the dentist for Friday morning.
Friend: Shall we meet on Friday morning?
You: I can’t on Friday. ……………………….....................……..…………………… . (I/ go)
2. Your friend has two young children. She wants to go out tomorrow evening. You offer to look after the
children. Friend: I want to go out tomorrow evening, but I haven’t got a baby sitter.
You: That’s no problem. ……………………….....................……..…………………… . (I/ look after)
3. You have already arranged to have lunch with Sue tomorrow.
Friend: Are you free at lunchtime tomorrow?
You: No, ……………………….....................……..…………………… . (have lunch)
4. You and a friend are reading. It’s getting a bit dark and your friend is having trouble reading. You decide
to turn on the light. Friend: It’s getting a bit dark, isn’t it? It’s difficult to read.
You: Yes, ……………………….....................……..…………………… . (I/ turn on)
5. You and a friend are reading. It’s getting a bit dark and you decide to turn on the light. You stand up and
walk towards the light switch. Friend: What are you doing?
You: ……………………….....................……..…………………… . (I/ turn on)

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Exercise 1: Was/ Were. Exercise 2: Was not (Wasn’t)/ Were
not (Weren’t).
1. I ………..…….. in the hospital with my mom yesterday.
2. The snow storm ………..…….. so raging that many trees ....... 1. These fish ………..…….. fed two days ago.
…..…….. struck down. Poor them!
3. We ………..…….. really pleased to perform our own song at 2. I ………..…….. excited about the live show.
this stage. 3. The Smiths ………..…….. optimistic about
4. This pair of shoes ………..…….. too small for me. their business.
5. ………..…….. your brothers as tall as you? 4. ………..…….. bookshelf painted yesterday
6. These trousers ………..…….. old and worn out. morning?
7. She ………..…….. both smart and easy-going so we liked to 5. These mice ………..…….. so hungry but
talk to her so much. they gnawed anything they saw.
8. ………..…….. you and your friends interested in Art? 6. Mary and John ………..…….. hard working
9. The lecturer ………..…….. passionate about his presentation. enough to pass the exams.
10. James’ dreams ………..…….. so scary that he did not want 7. It was your birthday. ………..…….. you
to tell anyone. happy about that?
11. My computer ………..…….. out of battery so I could not 8. This river ………..…….. clean to live nearby
finish my essay in time. so we moved into the suburb.
12. ………..…….. the atmosphere more polluted last year? 9. Medical facilities ………..…….. arranged in
13. Her advice ………..…….. helpful for all of us. correct order which made the doctors
14. Our Earth ………..…….. created from a big bang. frustrated.
15. Their office ………... beautifully decorated with a lot of 10. ………..…….. his parents angry at him for
flowers and balloons. breaking that ancient statue?


Exercise 1: Put the verbs in the right column of their past simple form.

play study look enjoy invite try site locate place need
live watch wish wash call visit work tidy start write
like dry ski betray arrive die collect rain fix call

-ed -d -ied
played, ……………………………………. ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………
………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………
………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………
………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………
………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………
…………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………….

62 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 2: Complete the crossword. Use the past Exercise 3: Match a verb with its past
simple affirmative form of the verbs in the box. simple form.
ask carry cry drop jump 1. go 1 - ……. a. began
pay play stop use dry
2. bring 2 - ……. b. drew
DOWN 3. begin 3 - ….... c. taught
1. The taxi stopped in front of the gate of the park.
4. bite 4 - ….... d. went
6. When the cat heard a strange sound, it
5. cut 5 - ….... e. fought
immediately .................... out the window.
8. Tina .................... her eyes out when she knew that 6. teach 6 - ……. f. ate
she failed to pass the final test. 7. draw 7 - ……. g. brought
9. George .................... out his research two months ago. 8. fight 8 - ……. h. found
10. Mr James .................... me whether I liked playing
9. eat 9 - ……. i. cut
sports or not.
10. find 10 - ……. j. bit
2. We .................... hide and seek around my house’s 11. fly 11 - ……. k. kept

garden. 12. pay 12 - ……. l. sold

3. Jane .................... her clothes by the heating machine 13. sell 13 - ……. m. lost
because they were still wet in this humid weather. 14. understand 14 - ……. o. read
4. Tom .................... his wallet in the taxi so he was
15. lend 15 - ……. p. flew
broke now.
5. He .................... all the bills before we left the hotel. 16. keep 16 - ……. q. put
That was so kind of him. 17. read 17 - ……. r. fell
7. I ................... my saving money to buy new shoes and 18. put 18 - ……. s. understood
clothes for my holiday trip in the UK. 19. lose 19 - ……. t. tent
7 1 6 20. fall 20 - ……. w. paid
T Exercise 4: Correct the verb in past simple
tense. Tick () if it is correct.
9 1. drived ................ 13. sung ................
2 2. blew ................ 14. rised ................
3. threew ................ 15. run ................
E 4. broked ................ 16. bited ................
D 5. flied ................ 17. bended ................
6. eated ................ 18. feeded ................
7. learnt ................ 19. chated ................
5 10 8 8. layed ................ 20. studied ................
9. falled ................ 21. leaved ................
10. brought ................ 22. choosed ................
11. buyed ................ 23. layed ................
12. hurted ................ 24. striked ................

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Exercise 5: Put the verb in the correct spaces. Exercise 6: Complete the article with the simple
past form of verbs from the box.
heard jumped went shouted were (x2) be name break enter grow up
ate lived started broke caught win give start become practice
1. A group of thirty overseas students …….…………. Danny Way – A professional skateboarder
to the island of Tunamo in the Pacific Ocean for Danny Way is one of the most famous skateboarders
their summer vacation. in the world. He 0 was born and 1 ……………………. in
2. A ranger …….…………. their voices bouncing from Portland, Oregon. He 2 ……………………. skateboarding
the cliff. at the age of four. He 3 ……………………. skateboarding
3. One night a cat …….…………. out the window and as much as possible, and soon he was very good at
…….…………. the glass. it. He 4 ……………………. his first competition at the age
4. The next night there …….…………. hundreds of of 11, and surprisingly, the judges 5 …………………….
birds. him first prize. Between 1986 and 2009, he
5. Nobody …….…………. there and they …….…………. ……………………. many medals. The magazine
a new society. ‘Where are you?’ he …….…………. . Thrasher 7 ……………………. him the Skater of the Year -
6. There were no hamburgers left here. Somebody twice! In 2005, he 8 ……………………. the first person to
…….…………. all of them. jump over the Great Wall of China on a skateboard!
7. The birds …….…………. everywhere. But Danny has had some hard times, too. He gets
8. The spiders …….…………. eight adults and two injured a lot, and in 2008 he 9 ……………………. his
kids in their web. back. But after 20 years, he’s still skating.

Exercise 7: Write past simple sentences. Exercise 8: Write the verbs in past simple sentences.

0. I help my parents at home. 1. They (study) ..................................... French two years ago.
I helped my parents at home. 2. She (not want) ..................................... to come to her
1. I teach my little brother how to draw. friend’s party as she was so tired.
................................................................. 3. Anna (not cook) ..................................... very well though
2. I ride my bike to school in the morning. she was interested in it.
................................................................. 4. (not listen) ..................................... you to classical music?
3. I have to catch a bus when I am late. 5. Tarrot (pay) ..................................... so much attention to
................................................................. the teacher’s speech.
4. I go shopping with mom at weekend. 6. Ryan (fall) ..................................... from the tree and (break)
................................................................. ..................................... his arm.
5. I feed my cats and dogs by myself. 7. (compete) .......... they ..................... fairly with other teams?
................................................................. 8. Her parents (not treat) ..................................... them equally.
6. I ring to talk to dad in the evenings. 9. Why (your family travel) ..................................... by train but
................................................................. not by plane?
7. I pay attention at class for understanding 10. The barber (not need) ..................................... to think
the teacher clearly. much before creating such a great hairstyle like this.
................................................................. 11. Jonas’s brothers (swim) ..................................... very well
................................................................. and they were chosen to compete for our school’s team.
8. I read comics before bed time. 12. Cows (give) ..................................... birth to baby cows
................................................................. while chicken (lay) ..................................... eggs.
9. I drink orange juice after lunch. 13. They (do) ..................................... morning exercise by
................................................................. walking three miles everyday last month.
10. I sleep at 10 pm and wake up at 6 am. 14. My ants (sew) ..................................... curtains on last
................................................................. weekend.
15. Charlie and Melly (rest) ..................................... from their
work at home.

64 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 9: Complete the questions in past simple tense.
1. (they/ arrive at) .............................................. the airport late?
2. (she/ study) .............................................. Geography on Monday last week?
3. (the students/ clean) .............................................. the classroom yesterday?
4. (What/ he/ do) .............................................. to escape from that fire?
5. (When/ you/ be) .............................................. back from you business trip last month?
6. (How long/ it/ take) .............................................. you from your old house to school?
7. (They/ be) .............................................. disappointed about the results of baseball match?
8. (The police/ be) .............................................. worried for the victims who were caught by the terrorists?
9. If you (lose) .............................................. the contest (what/ you/ do) ..............................................?
10. (That/ be) .......................................... right that she wished she had been to Australia?
11. (Where/ they/ visit) .......................................... during their trip to Thailand last year?
12. (How/ it/ feel) .............................................. when you won the first prize of the lottery?
13. (this policeman/ ask) .............................................. the residents for more information about the
accident happening last night?
14. (the weather/ be) .............................................. cold in Bangkok from June to December?
15. (Why/ they/ receive) .............................................. that parcel? It wasn’t theirs.

Exercise 10: Write the right form of the verbs in past simple tense.
1. The girls (come) ................................... to the class the earliest.
2. We decided that we (not go) ................................... for a picnic by cars but by motorbikes.
3. (she/ not make) ................................... her decision to stay at home to study History?
4. What (she/ respond) ................................... to that nameless letter?
5. What (they/ not do) ................................... yesterday?
6. I (lend) ................................... her my cellphone because hers was out of battery.
7. The teachers (agree) ................................... to let us delay the examinations.
8. Some teenagers (not like) ................................... to go to school because they had too much homework.
9. If you (can/ not see) ................................... the subtitles, you should zoom out the screen.
10. How (he/ feel) ................................... about the play performed by their close friends?
11. We (not give up) ................................... on this environment project although it was hard to start.
12. Lucy (read) ................................... ‘War and Peace’ in silence.
13. As soon as the bell (ring) ................................... she ran inside and got the phone.
14. He (not eat) ................................... those bars of chocolate. He was allergic to cacao.
15. (They/ forget) ................................... how to cook Thai hotpot?
16. When (she/ lend) ................................... you her car?
17. Juliet (not lie) ................................... about her being late yesterday morning.
18. The wind (blow) ................................... so strongly that she (shut) ............................... the door tightly.

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Exercise 11: Underline and correct the mistakes in these sentences. Three of them are
correct, then tick ().
1. I had quite a nice time. I play some games with my neighbours. ..………………………...
2. I went with my cousins to the mountains and we climb the hill. ..………………………...
3. Some days it was too hot but on others it rain. ..………………………...
4. The weather was very bad, it was very cold, it also snow in the evening. ..………………………...
5. Yesterday I watched a football competition with Carol. ..…………………………
6. I went to Tokyo in Japan. The weather was windy. ..………………………...
7. The show was so boring. I don’t like it at all. ..…………………………
8. Do you see the sports championship yesterday? ..………………………...
9. Did you buy a mobile at the weekend? ..………………………...
10. Unfortunately, she cuts herself while cooking last night. ..………………………...
11. What did she learned from her students? ..………………………...
12. Maria liked playing sports and go to the library after that. ..………………………...
13. Unlike me, John studyed Math and English very well. ..………………………...
14. It suddenly stoped raining which saved our camping. ..………………………...
15. Becky didn’t wanted to join Art club because she liked Science more. ..………………………...

Exercise 12: Rearrange and add suitable words to make correct questions.

1. time/ open/ the/ what/ shop/ Now match the questions to the answers.
.............................................................................? a. Yes, I did. a - .....
2. think/ what/ customer/ the/ b. No, he didn’t. b - .....
.............................................................................? c. They phoned all our customers. c - .....
3. work/ yesterday/ to/ go/ you/ d. Yes, she did. d - .....
.............................................................................? e. He wasn’t very happy about it. e - .....
4. the/ week/ come/ office/ she/ to/ last/ f. At six o’clock. f - .....
.............................................................................? g. Sure, they did. g - .....
5. yesterday/ what/ do/ staff/ the/ h. Yes, she really loved it. h - .....
.............................................................................? k. They decided to go to Phu Quoc island. k - .....
6. he/ job/ his/ enjoy/ m. About 25 minutes. m - .....
7. where/ go/ for/ the students/ a picnic/
8. you/ to go/ how long/ to school/ last/ it/ week/
9. want/ she/ come/ to our party/ to/
10. that/ know/ the prize/ they/ they/ won/

66 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 13: Rearrange the characters to form a verb in past simple tense and then write its
original form in the next column. The first character is in bold.

0. utc cut cut

1. nlesto ..................... ..................... 11. ookt ..................... .....................
2. rotew ..................... ..................... 12. ypedt ..................... .....................
3. werth ..................... ..................... 13. newt ..................... .....................
4. nwo ..................... ..................... 14. dieduts ..................... .....................
5. dlot ..................... ..................... 15. okeps ..................... .....................
6. odost ..................... ..................... 16. unr ..................... .....................
7. tas ..................... ..................... 17. ghthtou ..................... .....................
8. tlfe ..................... ..................... 18. agthtu ..................... .....................
9. otughf ..................... ..................... 19. ith ..................... .....................
10. ekwn ..................... ..................... 20. edjoyne ..................... .....................

Exercise 14: Write the correct form of the verbs in past simple tense and match the two
halves of the sentences.

1. I (watch) ......................................................... 1 - ..... a. spaghetti for us on Friday. It was very nice.

2. We (not go) .................................................... 2 - ..... b. because of the viruses.
3. Will (admit) .................................................... 3 - ..... c. us to use smart phones much, instead she
4. They (break) .................................................. 4 - ..... encouraged us to read books.
5. The computer (not work) .............................. 5 - ..... d. his flight to England till he got better.
....................................................................... e. a film with friends last night. It was so
6. My mother (not allow) .................................. 6 - ..... funny.
....................................................................... f. to the gym yesterday as it was closed for
7. When Janet (be) ........................................... 7 - ..... holiday.
............................................................... five, 8 - ..... g. table tennis yesterday. She’s very good at
8. How long (you/ spend) ................................. it.
....................................................................... 9 - ..... h. the glass window while playing basketball.
9. My mother (play) .......................................... 10 - ..... i. she could sing tens of songs.
10. I (study) ....................................................... 11 - ..... k. the flowers yesterday? They looked so bad.
11. My brother (cook) ....................................... 12 - ..... l. that he played video games all morning
12. I (practice) ................................................... 13 - ..... yesterday.
13. Jack (have to) .............................................. m. the year end party so much. We had a
....................................................... postpone blast together.
14. Why (Thomas/ not water) ........................... 14 - ..... n. on studying English at the last weekend?
....................................................................... o. for my Chemistry exam at the weekend.
15. We (enjoy) ................................................... 15 - ..... p. the piano every day last week.

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Exercise 1: Write the verbs in the right column of its ending ‘ed’ pronunciation.
landed jumped kissed attached looked cleaned
booked crashed arranged started attracted pretended
dived needed watered presented prefered protested

/id/ (after /t/, /d/) /t/ (after /k/, /s/, /tʃ/, /ʃ/, /f/, /p/) /d/ (after all other sounds)

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer.

1. A. watched B. studied C. pushed D. kissed
2. A. buzzed B. reduced C. closed D. posed
3. A. preteanded B. nodded C. wanted D. climbed
4. A. typed B. stopped C. clicked D. played
5. A. listened B. practiced C. answered D. entered
6. A. discussed B. sewed C. breathed D. stayed
7. A. tossed B. switched C. dived D. fixed
8. A. kissed B. maintained C. wished D. matched
9. A. hoped B. seized C. raced D. placed
10. A. painted B. blended C. picked D. attended
Exercise 3: Complete the story by filling in the blanks with the past simple tense of the verbs.
The Hare and the Tortoise. Who do you think will win the race?
One day the hare and the tortoise decided to have a race. The hare 1 (know) ................... that he 2 (can) .....
............... run faster than the tortoise. But the tortoise 3 (be) .................... more intelligent than the hare.
‘Yes, I’ll race you’, 4 (say) .................... the clever tortoise. The tortoise 5 (have) .................... a clever plan.
He 6 (find) .................... his brothers and sisters and he 7 (tell) .................... them to wait in different places
along the path of the race. So they all 8 (hide) .................... behind the trees along the path. The race
(begin) ....................! The tortoise 10 (run) .................... as fast as possible. But the hare 11 (be) ...................
....... faster, of course. ‘This will be a very easy race’ 12 (think) ................... the hare. So the hare decided to
have a rest, and he quickly 13 (fall) .................... asleep at the side of the road. Suddenly, the hare 14 (wake
up) .................... and he 15 (see) .................... a tortoise ahead of him! ‘How did he get ahead of me?’ the
hare asked himself. In fact, it 16 (be) .................... not his friend tortoise, it 17 (be) .................... the tortoise’s
sister. But to the hare, all tortoises look the same. The hare 18 (run) .................... past the tortoise easily.
Soon, he 19 (can't) ................... see the tortoise, so he 20 (sit) .................... down and 21 (have) ....................
another rest. Then the hare 22 (get up) .................... and continued the race. But - as the hare happily
(come) .................... around the last corner before the finish line - his friend the tortoise crossed the line
and 24 (win) .................... the race!

68 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 4: Read about Michael Johnson. Put the verbs into the past simple and fit them in the
passage about him.
He won 5 Olympic gold medals. He 1...................... 6 world records. He ran 200 meters in 19.32
seconds and 400 meters in 43.18 seconds. He was born in Texas and he has lived all his life
be there. His dad 2...................... a truck driver. Everybody at school was amazed by his running
talent. His high school coach said that his feet never 3...................... to touch the ground. He
went to college and 4...................... for a degree. While he was at college, he 5...................... that
he could make a career in athletics. He was world No.1 at 200m and 400m by the age of 23. At
the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, Johnson was the first athletic ever to win both the 200m and the
400m finals. The 200m final was his favourite race. ‘That was as close as I’ve ever got to the
perfect race.’ he 6...................... . He soon became one of the highest paid athletes of all time. In
1997, he 7...................... a 6-year deal with Nike worth $12 million. He was wearing special shoes
when he 8...................... the 400m final at the Sydney Olympics in 2000 - they had pieces of real
gold sewn into them. He 9...................... in 2001 at the age of 33 when he was still at the top.
Exercise 5: Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. Ann/ at/ home/ yesterday/ Was/? ...........................................................................
2. successful/ presentation/ Was/ the/? ...........................................................................
3. doctor/ your/ father/ Was/ a/? ...........................................................................
4. they/ exams/ pass/ colors/ Did/ the/ with/ flying/? ...........................................................................
5. resit/ When/ she/ her/ English/ exam/ did/? ...........................................................................
6. turn/ did/ Why/ they/ down/ me/ for/ that/ job/? ...........................................................................
7. those/ Were/ sheep/ hungry/? ...........................................................................
8. Where/ borrow/ you/ books/ did/ these/? ...........................................................................
9. wrong/ Was/ counter/ about/ bills/ the/ your/? ...........................................................................
10. Who/ last/ night/ picked/ you/ up/? ...........................................................................
11. What/ meaning/ song/ the/ this/ was/ of/? ...........................................................................
12. graduates/ Were/ these/ happy/ their/ degrees/ with/? ...........................................................................
13. video/ games/ Was/ playing/ good/ for/ children/? ...........................................................................
14. could/ What/ he/ rescue/ his/ family/ do/ to/? ...........................................................................
15. did/ When/ receive/ they/ their/ visas/ Australia/ to/? ...........................................................................
Exercise 6: (Internet searching skill needed) What did these people do? Use a search
engine (Eg. Google, Wikipedia,...) to find out the answers, if necessary.
Correct the mistakes about the facts make write paint climb
using the prompts in the box. build invent discover compose
00. Galileo write ‘Hamlet’. Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter.
0. Shakespeare discovered the moons of Jupiter. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
1. Mozart built the Eiffel Tower. ……………………………………………...……………………………
2. Leonardo da Vinci directed ‘Ivan the Terrible’. ……………………………………………...……………………………
3. Alfred Nobel wrote the song ‘Help’. ……………………………………………...……………………………
4. Sergei Eisenstein built the Taj Mahal. ……………………………………………...……………………………
5. Gustave Eiffel wrote ‘Pride and Prejudice’. ……………………………………………...……………………………
6. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay composed ‘The ……………………………………………...……………………………
Marriage of Figaro’. ……………………………………………...……………………………
7. Marie Curie first climbed Mount Everest. ……………………………………………...……………………………
8. John Lennon and Paul Mc Cartney discovered radium. ……………………………………………...……………………………
9. The novelist Jane Austen painted the ‘Mona Lisa’. ……………………………………………...……………………………

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 69

Exercise 7: Change the following sentences into past simple tense to make them less direct.


Past simple is used to express an invitation/ asking for plans/ intention in a less direct and more
formal way. (We wonder if you feel like coming out with us.)
(We wondered if you felt like coming out with us.)

1. I think you will like to see my holiday photos. 6. We hope you will stay for dinner.
………….…………………….……..………………………………..... ………….………………………...………………………………….....
………….…………………….……..………………………………..... ………….………………………...………………………………….....
2. How many days do you intend to stay? 7. Are you planning to be here next week?
………….…………………….……..………………………………..... ………….………………………...………………………………….....
………….…………………….……..………………………………..... ………….…………………….…..………………………………….....
3. We can ask Peter to help us. 8. Will you tell Annie to come to my office?
………….…………………….…..…………………………………..... ………….………………………...………………………………….....
………….…………………….……..………………………………..... ………….…………………….…..………………………………….....
4. I think it will be a good idea to invite Simon. 9. It may be a good idea to apologize.
………….…………………….……..………………………………..... ………….………………………...………………………………….....
………….…………………….…..…………………………………..... ………….…………………….…..………………………………....….
5. I wonder if you need any help. 10. How much time do you need for the answers?
………….…………………….……..………………………………..... ………….………………………...………………………………….....
………….……………………...……………………………………..... ………….…………………….………..…………………………….....
Exercise 8: Make simple past questions for the underlined parts.
0. Sarah and her baby came out of hospital yesterday.
When did Sarah and her baby come out of hospital?
1. They spent two hours doing their homework before going swimming.
2. We gave Anna and Tim our timetable about the next semester.
3. They arrived at the airport at 10 pm last night.
4. They searched for international student groups on the Internet.
5. My father used to take me to school when I was ten.
6. They decided to move to Chicago in 2010.
7. She wasn’t aware of what the teacher said in the class last week.
8. These ants left their saliva on the path to guide other ants to go on the right way.
9. Anna was cheerful when she welcomed her new baby sister last week.
10. Lily used to listen to the radio very late at night when she was at college.

70 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 9: Choose the correct preposition/ time expressions in each sentence.
1. Danish’s mother was born in Africa on / in / at 1970.
2. My parents moved back to England in / since / when I was five.
3. We lived in Bristol ago / for / last three years.
4. I left college two years ago / when / for and then I did my own business in Education.
5. I found this flat in the city center for / Ø / in last year. It is a nice flat and I love it.
6. My parents got married in / on / Ø 30 years ago.
7. When I was in the UK, I used to go for walks in the park in / at / last weekends.
8. It snowed heavily in the last / last / in past two months and we could not go out often.
9. In / On / At Saturday evening we went out to a concert.
10. Most Vietnamese people lived in the countryside in the past / last / end.
Exercise 10: Choose the correct adverbs or time expressions from the box to fill in the gaps.

ago everyday yesterday 5 years ago at the moment

today last year last Friday for 2 hours the day before yesterday

1. I drank too much ................................. so today I feel exhausted and do not want to do anything.
2. The last time I met her was ................................. Now I can hardly recognize her.
3. No one is allowed to enter the room because the candidates are taking the test ................................. .
4. The deadline for the assignments was yesterday. You should have completed them ................................. .
5. Mariana often wears uniform to school but ................................. she is wearing a beautiful dress.
6. Excuse me, can I meet Mr John? - Unfortunately, he flew to London 2 days ................................. .
7. Tina is an American gymnast. She has to follow strict exercises ................................. .
8. I can’t believe this washing machine is out of order. I bought it .......................... and I’ve just used it for
only one year.
9. All the students have been in the test room ................................. and no one seems to finish.
10. He invited me for a movie ................................. but I denied his offer.

Exercise 11: Complete the sentence with used to + a verb from the list.

do act help study teach explain

set take work write spend compose

0. Charles Dickens, the novelist, used to write until early in the morning, and then go for long walks across
1. William Shakespeare ................................................ in some of his own plays.
2. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant ................................................ exactly the same things at the
same time every day, so that people ................................................ their watches by his actions.
3. The novelist ................................................ English in the Italian city of Trieste.
4. The doctor ................................................ in a special soundproof room.
5. The teacher ................................................ clearly about the students’ homework.
6. Mia ................................................ her free time studying and playing sports.
7. The ancient Chinese students ................................................ the tests in a large yard.
8. Vietnamese poets ................................................ their poems with the inspiration from natural beauties.
9. Jane ................................................ their parents with housework when she was small.
10. John ................................................ French really hard when he was in college.

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Exercise 12: Rewrite the sentences using used to.
0. John went swimming everyday after school last year, but now he doesn’t.
John used to go swimming everyday after school last year.
1. Harry liked playing basketball, but now he doesn’t.
2. Her family went to her hometown on Tet holiday, but now they do not.
3. Tom and Tim were excited to watch fireworks, but now they do not.
4. His kids loved watching cartoons, but now they don’t.
5. Sheeran wasn’t afraid of snake, but now he is.
6. Charlie’s friends flew the kites in the field, but they don’t like it anymore.
7. My parents didn’t go to the church on Sundays, but now they do.
8. The housekeeper was talkative, but now he is so quiet.
9. We loved to go to the park at weekends, but now we don’t.
10. My sister was allergic to seafood, but now she can eat it.
Exercise 13: Circle and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
1. My mother uses to cycle around the lake in front of our house. ................................
2. Her grandchildren did not used to clean her house when they visited her. ................................
3. Where did they uses to study for their finals? ................................
4. What things used to be different on the past? ................................
5. From the beginning, all continents used to be form one large land mass. ................................
6. They didn’t used to dine out in that restaurant because it was too expensive. ................................
7. Why did these nurses used eat lunch at 1 pm? ................................
8. Obviously, there was used to be forest covering a third of the Earth. ................................
9. Animals such as hippopotamus and rhinoceros used to exists in Northern Europe. ................................
10. Many mountains in Europe used to were active volcanoes. ................................

72 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 14: Complete the sentences by using past simple tense/ used to + verb.
00. Last summer, the river that (run) ran through the town dried up.
0. When I was small, I (do) used to do gardening with my Grandparents.
1. Asian people (not celebrate) ..................................... Christmas about 20 years ago.
2. (they/ walk) ..................................... to school when they were in high school?
3. Why (Tom/ not pass) ..................................... the driving test last week?
4. I did not know what (happen) ..................................... last night in nearby the store.
5. She (swim) ..................................... in the early mornings when she was a university student.
6. (you/ not close) ..................................... the door when you left the office last night?
7. How many subjects (these kids/ learn) ..................................... in the last semester?
8. Henry (not come) ..................................... home late last night.
9. In high school, Tim (not cycle) ..................................... to school, he (catch) ..................................... the bus
01 instead.
10. Mary (explore) ..................................... her world in the library as a teenage girl.
11. Last week, Mary (win) ..................................... the Spanish speaking contest at my school.
12. When (your mother/ wake up) ..................................... when you were living in Sanfrancisco?
13. When Nancy and Sheeran were in love, they (cook) ..................................... for each other at weekends.
14. Last night I (see) ..................................... an extremely rare phenonmenon of blue moon and supermoon.
15. While we were living in London, we (have) ..................................... bread and hot chocolate for breakfast.
Exercise 15: Underline and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
0. Sally didn’t wants to go to school with her brother. want
1. The garden keeper fed the dog very carefully past week. ...............................................
2. Did you graduated from your high school 2 months ago? ...............................................
3. Where did you go on your holiday trip next month? ...............................................
4. David repaired the washing machine in Sunday morning. ...............................................
5. In four months ago, George didn’t pay the electricity bills so the power ...............................................
was cut down.
6. She won a full scholarship to Singapore last years. ...............................................
7. Did they make a decision to leave the US morning yesterday? ...............................................
8. They successfully passed the Science exams with excellent scores in the ...............................................
two weeks ago.
9. What did happened with these rose trees while I was not around? ...............................................
10. You made me feel so disapointed. You ruined everything I prepared ...............................................
on yesterday for the final presentation.
11. Did she decides whether to go or stay at home? ...............................................
12. The bus stopped ago a few hours because of running out of petrol. ...............................................
13. When was he start the second semester last year? ...............................................
14. Did you enjoy the concert last night? – Yes, I enjoyed. ...............................................
15. I didn’t had a chance to meet Anna when she flied to Singapore. ...............................................
16. We used to were good friends at high school. ...............................................
17. How many lessons did you learned last week? ...............................................
18. Lina did learnt my heart the vocabulary list. ...............................................
19. Mike and his family was keen on giving parties on summer vacations. ...............................................
20. I dreamt of being a superstar last day. It was a wonderful dream. ...............................................

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Exercise 1: Look at the pictures and write down Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with
what these people were doing last week. past progressive verbs.
Use these verbs: lie, swim, go on, play, dance, listen, 0. (The kids/ study) The kids were studying
watch, drive. quietly in the classroom.
Use these phrases: on the beach, volleyball, in the pub, to 1. When I walked in, (the children/ fight) .........
a band, a taxi, a picnic, TV, in the pool. ..................................................................... .
2. What (you/ do) ..............................................
........................ in my office when I came in?
3. He had an accident while (he/ drive) ............
............................................................... fast.
4. At 9:00 on Sunday (we/ watch TV) ................
................................... with our best friends.
5. When I saw him, he was holding a paper,
but (he/ not read) .........................................
..................................................................... .
6. Where (she/ go) ............................................
.............................. last night when I called?
1. ..........................................................................................
7. I cannot remember what (I/ do) ...................
2. ..........................................................................................
3. .......................................................................................... ............................ at 6:00 on February 18th.
4. .......................................................................................... 8. When I looked out of the window, (it/ snow)
5. .......................................................................................... ............................................................. again.
6. .......................................................................................... 9. (Janet’s family/ cook) ....................................
7. .......................................................................................... ......................... dinner at their home when
8. .......................................................................................... we came.
10. (I/ live) .........................................................
Exercise 3: Simple past or past progressive?
............................. happily in Poland with my
1. I lived / was living in France for eight years.
parents from 2011 to 2012.
2. Sue lived / was living in France when her uncle died.
11. My brother had to drive to work because
3. At 6:15, when you phoned, I had / was having a
(the trains/ not run) ....................................
................................................................... .
4. We watched / were watching TV all evening.
12. How fast (you/ drive) ..................................
5. Matt talked / was talking TV when Anita came in.
...................... when the police caught you?
6. My father worked / was working hard all his life.
13. When I saw Peter, (he/ stand) ....................
7. They got married while they studied / were studying
at London University.
outside and looking at my window.
8. I met Selvie while I travelled / was travelling in Japan.
14. (Somebody/ sing) .......................................
9. Maria excelled / was excelling in Math at both high
............ in the library when I went upstairs.
school and university.
15. Why (John’s colleagues/ write) ...................
10. When I last saw him, he taught / was teaching
.............................. a warning letter for him?
French for his students.

74 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 4: Simple past or past progressive. Put in the correct verb forms.
0. They (tell) told the police that they (play) were playing cards at 10:00.
1. When I (go) .............................. out of the house, I took my umbrella because it (rain) .............................. .
2. This morning I (read) .............................. the newspaper before I went out.
3. (watch) .............................. you .............................. the football match last night?
4. When I (walk) .............................. into the room, they (talk) .............................. about the clothes.
5. At 8 o’clock yesterday morning I (swim) .............................. in the sea.
6. I walked up to the classroom window and (look) .............................. in. The teacher (talk) .........................
......... but nobody (listen) .............................. .
7. The telephone (ring) .............................. as usual, while I (have) .............................. a bath.
8. This time last Friday I (lie) .............................. on the beach. (lie)
9. Why (come) .............................. you .............................. home early yesterday?
10. When I first (meet) .............................. John, he (travel) .............................. round the world.
Exercise 5: Put the verbs in brackets into Exercise 6: While/ When.
the past simple and the past continuous. 1. ............. my father was reading a book, my mother
A. Charlie Chaplin (become) ................................. was looking at the family album.
one of the best-known personalities in America 2. ............. Susan entered the living room, everybody
within two years of his first appearance in began singing ‘Happy Birthday’.
motion picture. He (be) ................................. so 3. ............. the teacher came into the classroom, some
famous that no studios could afford to pay him students were arguing with each other.
so he 3 (appear) ................................. only in 4. I arrived home, ............. all the guests were having
films which he (produce) ................................. tea and biscuits.
himself. 5. ............. she was a little girl, she visited her relatives
B. It (happen) ................................. at ten o’clock with her mother.
last night. John (sit) ................................. in his 6. I liked working in group and pairs ............. I was a
cozy living room with his wife and children. They secondary school student.
(watch) ................................. the evening news 7. ............. Sue was waiting for the 12 o'clock train,
on TV when suddenly the lights 4 (go out) ........... she met an old friend.
...................... and everything in the house 8. The Pearsons were having a large breakfast .............
(become) ................................. quiet. the doorbell rang.
C. The boys (play) ................................. football 9. The sun was rising ............. we reached the summit
on the river bank while the girls (talk) ............... of the mountain.
................... . Everyone (enjoy) .......................... 10. What were you doing ............. the teacher looked
.......... the picnic when suddenly they 4 (hear) .... at you suddenly?
............................. a loud cry from further up the 11. ............. the train left, Thomas was rushing to the
river. They all 5 (rush) ................................. to station.
see what was wrong. 12. The electricity went off ............. we were watching
D. In prehistoric times, people (live) ..................... a horror film.
............ in caves. They (hunt) ............................ 13. ............. Mathew was going to the library, he saw a
....... animals which they then (use) .................. car accident on Mapple Street.
............... for food and clothing. They (make) ... 14. The baby girl started crying ............. his mother
................................. everything by themselves was combing her hair.
and they 5 (have) ................................... very 15. ............. the mother was doing the washing up, the
simple lives. twins were sweeping the floor.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 75

Exercise 7: Put the right form of the verbs in past simple or past continuous.
1. While I (walk) .............................. down the road, I (see) .............................. Bill.
2. While I (read) .............................. the newspaper, the cat (jump) .............................. on to the table.
3. Alan (meet) .............................. Helen while he (travel) .............................. in Morocco.
4. Sally (break) .............................. her leg while she (ski) .............................. .
5. While I (shop) .............................., somebody (steal) .............................. my car.
6. The police (stop) .............................. me while I (drive) .............................. home.
7. I (hear) .............................. an interesting report on the radio while I (have) .............................. breakfast.
8. Dad (go) .............................. to sleep again while he (watch) .............................. TV.
9. When I (leave) .............................. the house I took my coat because it (snow) .............................. .
10. The telephone (ring) .............................. while I (cook) .............................. lunch.
Exercise 8: Put the verbs in brackets in the Exercise 9: Underline the correct form.
past simple or the past continuous. Which 1. While he took / was taking a bath, Archimedes
was the longer action in each sentence? discovered / was discovering the principles of
0. They (clean) were cleaning the window when it density and buoyancy.
(start) started to rain. 2. When Edouard Benedictus, a French scientist,
Longer action: cleaning the window
worked / was working in his laboratory, he
1. As he (drive) ......................... to work, he
dropped / was dropping a glass bottle which had
(remember) ......................... that his briefcase was
some plastic inside - and invented / was
still at home.
Longer action: ......................................................... inventing safety glass.
2. Melanie (cook) ......................... dinner when her 3. Columbus arrived / was arriving in America while
husband (come) ......................... home. he tried / was trying to reach the Far East.
Longer action: ......................................................... 4. Alexander Fleming discovered / was discovering
3. I (hear) ......................... a loud crash as I penicillin by accident while he looked / was
(do) ......................... the garden with my Mum. looking at some old experiments.
Longer action: ......................................................... 5. While Hiram Bingham climbed / was climbing in
4. She (type) ......................... a letter when her boss the mountains of Peru in 1911, he discovered /
(arrive) ......................... . was discovering the lost city of Macchu Picchu.
Longer action: .........................................................
6. While Isaac Newton sat / was sitting under an
5. While her dog (dig) ......................... in the garden,
apple tree, an apple fell / was falling on his head,
it (find) ......................... a bone.
and he understood / was understanding gravity.
Longer action: .........................................................
6. Mary (ride) ......................... her bicycle when she 7. While Dr. Harry Coover tried / was trying to
(see) ......................... a tiny kitten going lost. invent a new kind of plastic, he made / was
Longer action: ......................................................... making a very soft substance which stuck / was
7. While we (take) ......................... the test, the head sticking things together. It was Superglue.
teacher (hit) ......................... the drum to inform 8. While he observed / was observing the Moon
that the time for the test was up. through his telescope, Galileo realized / was
Longer action: ......................................................... realizing that it has mountains and craters.
8. When we (watch) ......................... the dance of
Swan Lake, Mia (burst) ......................... into tears
because she felt so moved.
Longer action: .........................................................
9. My laptop suddenly (stop) ......................... working
as I (complete) ......................... my assignments.
Longer action: .........................................................

76 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 10: Put the right form of the verbs in the blanks.
1. While Barbara (look) ......................... at the 6. Mick and Charlie (leave) ......................... the bank
pictures, she (notice) ......................... that when the police (surround) ......................... them.
Mike was portrayed in one of these. 7. When the parade (cross) ......................... the main
2. Cathy (wash) ......................... the dishes street, everyone (stand) ......................... on the
when she (drop) ......................... a glass. sides of the roads waving national flags.
3. The kids (play) ......................... in the garden 8. When I (leave) ......................... for London, I (be)
when their Dad (come) ......................... with ......................... so excited that I hardly slept.
a lot of new toys for them. 9. While the geese (find) ......................... for food, the
4. While Robert (drive) ......................... home, ducks (come) ......................... back their place with
he (get) ......................... a flat tyre. full of food.
5. Miley (sing) ......................... her favourite 10. The teacher (correct) ......................... our exams
songs while her sister (draw) ......................... when Tom (ask) ......................... her to go home
a beautiful landscape picture. as he felt terribly sick.
Exercise 11: Tick () if the verbs are correct, if not, correct it. Rewrite the sentences starting
with the given words.
0. When the war broke ...... out, we lived were living in Warsaw.
While we were living in Warsaw, the war broke out.
1. She drove .................. very fast when the accident happened .................. .
While ..............................................................................................................................................................
2. We are just waiting .................. for John when Mary came .................. .
While ..............................................................................................................................................................
3. While the scientist was working .................. in his laboratory, a friend was coming .................. to see him.
When ..............................................................................................................................................................
4. Father smoked .................. his pipe while mother was reading .................. a magazine.
While ..............................................................................................................................................................
5. When she was making .................. her mind to buy this house, she was taking .................. to her mother
on the phone.
While ..............................................................................................................................................................
6. Molly participated .................. in the cheerleader team and she was organizing .................. the Singing
contest during this time last year.
While ..............................................................................................................................................................
7. Mike was flying .................. to Spain to see his grandparents while he was studying .................. in Havard
Business School.
When .............................................................................................................................................................
8. The police was investigating .................. the fire while the victims was being sent .................. to hospital.
While ..............................................................................................................................................................
9. The athletes were celebrating .................. their winning in the finale when they were receiving ................
.... big presents from their fans.
While ..............................................................................................................................................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 77

Exercise 12: Underline the mistake and correct it. Tick () if it is correct.
0. When you woke me up I had a wonderful dream. 0. was having
1. When I got to the party everybody had a great time. 1. ...............................
2. This time yesterday I was playing tennis with my dad. 2. ...............................
3. Everyone was knowing that she was unhappy. 3. ...............................
4. We lived in New York when I was small. 4. ...............................
5. Emily didn’t wait for us when we are paying the bills. 5. ...............................
6. Tim could played the piano very well. His father taught him last year. 6. ...............................
7. When I grew up, nobody was having a car. 7. ...............................
8. We were on the wrong road. It went to Birmingham, not Manchester. 8. ...............................
9. When I was seeing Joe, she was talking to Anna. 9. ...............................
10. Tony broke his arms while he played basketball last week. 10. .............................
11. When the music started, everyone stood up. 11. .............................
12. I wondered if you were free this evening. 12. .............................
13. I was smoking when I was younger. 13. .............................
14. The Moreton family was living in that house for 200 years. 14. .............................
15. When the police were stopping him, he was attacking people. 15. .............................

Exercise 13: Match two halves to make a complete sentence, then give the correct form of the
verbs in the brackets.

1. I (make) a sandwich a. when they (run) out of money to continue it.

2. Jelly (send) a text message b. when the strong wind (wake) her up.
3. John (break) his racket c. when he (see) the question.
4. Jay and Nila (do) research d. the crowd (rush) in.
5. When the police (come) and caught them, e. when I (cut) my finger.
6. Vicky (have) a beautiful dream f. when they (get up).
7. Andrew (know) the answer immediately g. when she (touch) the wires.
8. Sarah (have) an electricity shock h. while he (play) tennis.
9. When the doors (open), i. when his phone (stop) working.
10. The campers (see) that the sun (rise) k. the gangsters (try) to find ways to escape.

1. .......................................................................................................................................................................
2. .......................................................................................................................................................................
3. .......................................................................................................................................................................
4. .......................................................................................................................................................................
5. .......................................................................................................................................................................
6. .......................................................................................................................................................................
7. .......................................................................................................................................................................
8. .......................................................................................................................................................................
9. .......................................................................................................................................................................
10. .....................................................................................................................................................................

78 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use



Exercise 1: Fill in the blank with or, and or but.
1. Shopping is one of my lifetime hobby ………… I 6. Should we invite all the customers ………… V.I.P
don’t have any financial support from my partners to attend the seminars on Thursday in
parents. the beginning of next month?
2. The new athlete ignored all the advice from the 7. It was an important appointment so I managed to
coach ………… he failed the competition. arrive at the venue 30 minutes early …………
3. All of the movie crew members were attacked waited for him in one hour.
by the terrorists ………… none of them was 8. The scientists predicted that the human could
injured. create new language ………… which might replace
4. Reading is an excellent way to increase your existing languages.
vocabulary range ………… improve your language 9. Watch out! The slippery road is very dangerous,
comprehension. drive carefully ………… slowly ………… you will make
5. Somebody told him that the property downtown a terrible unexpected accident.
Dubai was worth buying due to its convenient 10. My sister prepared nothing for the exam …………
location ………… reasonable price. she still made it successfully.

Exercise 2: Join the sentences to make meaningful sentences.

......... 1. Tour de France is an annual bicycle race primarily A. and participants from other parts of the
held in France, world.
......... 2. The race has been held since its first edition in B. or the young rider classification for the
1903, riders under age of 26.
......... 3. The tour attracts thousands of riders in France C. and occasionally making passes through
......... 4. The number of the riders in each team is usually nearby countries.
nine, D. but it was stopped for the two World
......... 5. Besides the general classification garners, there are Wars.
other contests, for example, the mountains E. and the number of the teams is between
classification for climbers 20 and 22.
......... 6. In 1976, the first prize was an apartment offered by F. but in 1988, the prize was a car and
a race sponsor, 500,000 francs in cash.
......... 7. The riders participating in the tour can compete in G. and he died after crashing at high speed.
the period of 21 day-long segments H. but Bradley Wiggins was the first one to
......... 8. A motorcyclist gave a dangerous demonstration in do so in 2012.
La Roche Sur Yon to entertain the crowd I. and he was the fourth and most recent
......... 9. Not every riders from Tour de France could achieve rider to win a stage my more than 20
gold medal in Olympic in the same year minutes.
......... 10. Jose-Louis Viejo beat the peloton in 22 minutes 55 J. or 23-day period which covers around
seconds in 1976, 3,500 kilometers.

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Exercise 3: Read and complete the sentences with although or because.
1. She joins a lot of music festival in town a. …….......... she is a big fan of country music.
b. …….......... she is really busy with her current projects.
2. She doesn't want to invest more money in that company
a. …….......... she was the first founder and inventor of the product.
b. …….......... the industry she is in no longer makes profit in the near future.
3. He decided to stay longer in the hospital
a. …….......... he is diagnosed with an infectious disease.
b. …….......... a number of workers are waiting for his appearance at the year end party.
4. I was not able to accomplish the mission
a. …….......... it was beyond the ability and capability of our team members.
b. …….......... the sponsors suggested me researching more in the core market.
5. Mr Tam gets used to smoking recently
a. …….......... he is fully aware of its direct disadvantages on his health status.
b. …….......... he is having terrible problem with family and colleagues.
6. He is absolutely a generous and polite man a. …….......... those are the traditional features of his family.
b. …….......... he nearly possesses nothing.
7. She is late for the train to her hometown
a. …….......... she gets stuck at the heavy traffic jam in the center of the city.
b. …….......... the taxi driver tries his best to drive as fast as possible to the train station.
8. James couldn’t find his suitcase a. …….......... he has looked for it for 3 hours.
b. …….......... he couldn’t remember when was the last time he saw it.
9. After 3 hours writing the resignation email, she didn’t dare to send
a. …….......... she wasn’t certain of her own final decision.
b. …….......... she has to get it done as quickly as possible.
10. To be honest, our car looked more elegant than their car
a. …….......... our car is the brand-new version which is launched this year.
b. …….......... the price of the car is much lower than their.


Exercise 4: Which of these sentences are True or False.
 If it is True, write 
 If it is False, write , underline the wrong word then correct it.
.......... 1. Because we took an umbrella before we left the building, we got extremely wet. .....................
.......... 2. On the way home, they were really hungry so they immediately made a giant .....................
pizza ever to fill the stomach.
.......... 3. He wants to look for a new pair of shoes, although he goes to the most modern .....................
shopping mall in city.
.......... 4. The dress looks very beautiful because it is made of luxurious cloth from England. .....................
.......... 5. Jason cannot drive car well although he passes the driving exam and gains the .....................
license plate.
.......... 6. We decided to move out of here although our neighbors are usually making noise .....................
at midnight.
.......... 7. When he was waiting for her, he felt very nervous so he made hundred phone ....................
calls to her.
.......... 8. The kids didn’t want to play outside although the playground is full of trash. .....................

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Exercise 5: Complete the following sentences with because, so or although.
1. The chef of the restaurant prefers adding cream in the cake, ………….....… cheese is not his taste.
2. He couldn’t take part in the annual meeting ………….....… he already took note the schedule down in his
personal notebook.
3. It was raining heavily outside, ………….....… he carefully took out a raincoat ………….....… put it on quickly
………….....… he was so late for the class time.
4. The travellers continuously climbed the mountain ………….....… the thunderstorm was coming outside.
5. We will have a serious final test the following day, ………….....… I have to invest more time in reviewing
and revising.
6. After leaving the office, we decided not to go to the supermarket ………….....… we had bought enough
food since the beginning of the month.
7. The neighbors told be not to stay worried ………….....… they already notified the police about the
burglary ………….....… the police would come in to solve the case.
8. The students all had good marks for Math exam ………….....… they are very relaxed and delighted.
9. I apologised all the staff in my company ………….....… I didn’t complete my duty carefully.
10. It is impossible for a 12-year-old kid to write a great story about love ………….....… she has never ever
11. I am not interested in that company ………….....… I am not really into the working environment there.
12. There should be a reason for his absence last week ………….....… no one took care of it.
13. He was a responsible student in the class ………….....… he always helped people.
14. The manager blamed him several times ………….....… he didn’t change anyway.
15. It was a beautiful Sunday ………….....… the family took a direct flight to Vancouver to enjoy the holiday.

Exercise 6: Complete the sentences using while or when.
1. The children were having lunch ……….…..….. we arrived.
2. ………...…….. I received the message from my grandmother, I rushed to the hospital.
3. He was at the headquarter of her company …..…….…….. he met some of his old friends.
4. ……….…..….. we are standing on the main street waiting for the greenlight to turn, someone calls my
name impolitely.
5. The criminal was watching the TV broadcasting his crime and hunted post ..……….…….. the police
entered the house ……….…….... he was arrested easily.
6. In last summer ……….…..….. I was cycling past some villages, I saw some people in their gardens planting
trees and several different kinds of flowers.
7. Susan is selecting some toys for her baby’s first birthday party ………...…….. Anna get in ………...…….. gave
her a big surprise.
8. The G565 train departed ……..….…….. Thomas was rushing to the train station.
9. ……….…..….. our puppy was running to come inside, it started to rain cats and dogs.
10. ………...…….. I am using my personal laptop, it stopped working without any reason. I fixed it ……..….……..
it didn’t operate, then I realized that the battery ran out of power.

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Exercise 7: Complete the text with possible conjunction. One of the conjunction could be used

so but and when while because although

My name’s Tony 0 and I'm a photographer. I work for a big newspaper in the city. Yesterday morning I was
going to a hotel in town 1 …………………….. I wanted to take some pictures of famous singers. I was walking
past the bank and I suddenly decided to go in 2 …………………….. I needed to get some money to buy lunch
later. 3 …………………….. I was inside I knew something was wrong. There was a man wearing a black
sweater. I couldn't see his face. A woman was putting money into it 4 …………………….. he was holding a big
plastic bag. I knew then that he was stealing the money 5 …………………….. I shouted ‘Stop that right now!’
He turned round.
…………………….. I took his picture, he was not very surprised! He just dropped the money and then, before
I could catch him, he ran out of the bank. Everyone thanked me. Then a policeman arrived and asked me
lots of questions. Someone told him that I had a picture of the man. But the policeman asked, ‘Why did
you take his picture, are you a foreigner 7 …………………….. a citizen of this city?.’ I felt stupid. Then the
policeman took my camera away 8 …………………….. I didn't get my photos of famous people that day.

Exercise 8: Complete the sentences with possible conjunction.

or so and but when while because although

1. Chris was so scared ……….......……… he saw a horror movie last night.

2. Ms Moore loves to cook pasta ……….......……… it is her children’s favorite dish.
3. Hannah was speaking to her husband ……….......……… the telephone rang.
4. Dorothy is not excited about the trip ……….......……… it is the first time she has ever traveled to Japan.
5. ……….......……… Smith went out of the house, the storm started to come.
6. Kevin usually wears white T-shirt to school, ……….......……… everyone calls him White Boss.
7. John fell asleep ……….......……… he was reading a comic book.
8. ……….......……… Mr Green waters flowers in his garden everyday, all of the flowers die without any
reason, ……….......……… he is very sad.
9. Vivian broke the milk glass ……….......……… her mom was buying some food at the supermarket.
10. Peter will never come to my birthday party ……….......……… he doesn’t want to meet Jason ……….......
……… he doesn’t like me too.
11. Mandy and Sandra didn’t understand ……….......……… they didn’t ask for any help.
12. Hurry! We have to catch the bus ……….......……… come to the meeting on time.
13. Oliver forgot everything about the story, ……….......……… he told a lie.
14. Bob didn’t want to stay here ……….......……… no one cared about him. He shouted out loud ……….........
……… there was no one answering him.
15. Nick has been to Los Angeles ……….......……… he didn’t remember which restaurants he had visited.

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Exercise 9: Make sentences using your own knowledge.
1. I don’t eat any meat because …………...…………...... 6. Kids are eating ice cream while …………….……....……
……………………………………………………………...………… . ……………………………………………………………...……..…… .
2. He has a headache so ………………………….……………. 7. When the teacher entered the classroom, …….……
…………………………………………………………….....….…… . ……………………………………………………………...……..…… .
3. They really enjoy traveling although ………….….…. 8. We had hoped to go to Spain but ……………….……….
……………………………………………………………...…..…… . ……………………………………………………………...……..…… .
4. She wants to eat another piece of cake and ….…. 9. Although learning English is hard, ……………….……...
……………………………………………………………...….….… . ……………………………………………………………....…….…… .
5. He runs so fast to catch the train but ……...…...…. 10. She puts on her rain boots because ……….………….
……………………………………………………………...…..…… . ……………………………………………………………....…….…… .
Exercise 10: Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences.
1. very/ chocolate/ are/ Flowers/ common/ and/ presents/.
2. up/ to/ didn’t/ want/ times/ wake/ I/ several/ called/ Although/ friends/ my/ me/.
3. happy/ danced/ all/ Because/ night/ was/ he/ he/.
4. father/ My/ will/ travel/ because/ Paris/ next/ he/ month/ really/ wants/ to/ to/.
5. producer/ singer/ Justin/ Bieber/ is/ a/ famous/ and/.
6. I /magic/ love/ is/ Harry Porter/ don’t/ favorite/ My/ book/ because/.
Exercise 11: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bracket.
1. I walked along the street. I found out that I got lost. (and)
2. The famous painting was stolen last night. No one even realized. (although)
3. The scientists hasn’t invented the new medicine. They needed to research more. (so)
4. The security tries to look after the jewelry novel. It is taken away. (but)
5. The football players are very tired after the game. They had a late dinner. (so)
6. Jack is the winner of the cooking contest. He is the most talented candidate. (because)
7. The security attacked the theft. He took him to the office. (and)
8. The customers sent complaint letter to the manager. No one replied. (but)

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A. Can/ Could/ Be able to - ABILITY

Exercise 1: Read the information about Bill Gates then decide the following statements are
True (T) or False (F).


An America business, investor, 1. Bill Gates is able to work in
investment business. ...........
author, philanthropist, co-founder
of Microsoft Corporation. 2. He could be known as one of the
world’s richest man.
Included in the Forbes list of the 3. He wasn’t able to enroll to Lakeside
1987 - now ...........
world’s wealthiest people. school.
Passed entrance exam to Lakeside 4. He couldn’t use the school computer
13 years old ...........
school. well.
Used school computers proficiently. 5. He couldn’t come to math class. ...........
Was excused from Math classes to 6. He was able to write the first
pursue his interest in computer. computer program when he was 10. ...........
14 years old Wrote the first computer program. 7. He could create games for the
Created games for users and the computer and users fight against each ...........
computer. other.
Made traffic counters based on Intel 8. He was able to make traffic counters
17 years old when he was 17 years old. ...........
8008 processor.
Scored 1590 out of 1600 on the 9. He wasn’t able to study at Havard
18 years old because his SAT wasn’t good enough. ...........
Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT).
Enrolled Havard in law. 10. He couldn’t continue studying at
Havard when he was 20 years old. ...........
20 years old Quited Havard.

Exercise 2: Can/ Can’t/ Could/ Couldn’t.

0. Sarah is two years old. She can’t write.
1. Peter is twenty three. He ............................. drive a car.
2. Mr Thompson is 70 years old. He ............................. see very well so he wears glasses.
3. When I was three years old, I ............................. count to ten.
4. When Kate was four, she ............................. read a newspaper. We were surprised.
5. Last year, I ............................. dance at all so I hardly joined parties at school.
6. His English has been improved a lot. Now he ............................. speak English in lots of situations.
7. ............................. he walk to school in that rainy day? It was awful.
8. Selena ............................. complete the test in time. She is afraid to get a low mark.
9. ............................. Johnson speak three languages when he was in high school?
10. ............................. she play baseball in that dress? It looks heavy.
11. Bill almost ............................. make his class presentation because he was so nervous.
12. Recently they have taken up painting. Now they ............................. paint colour and oil paintings.
13. I ............................. answer your phone yesterday because I was cooking.
14. It was cold yesterday so we ............................. go out.
15. I ............................. tell you because it’s my secret.

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Exercise 3: ‘Be able to’.
I. Tick () if the verbs are correct. If not, correct them.
1. She is able to climb ..................................................... the tree even if it has no branches to step on.
2. Malinda and her friends are able to enter ..................................................... the museum for free when
they were in high school.
3. I believe she was able to pass ..................................................... the test with flying colors.
4. Were the kids able cook ..................................................... dinner themselves?
5. The witnesses was able to give ..................................................... the police reliable evidences.
6. Were you able can lend ..................................................... him some money in case he was in trouble?
7. They’ll be able to win ..................................................... the match if they focus on these penalties.
8. He’d like to be able to dance ..................................................... as well as his brother does.
9. Janet should be able to ..................................................... aware of these dangerous snakes.
10. Alan lost his key so he wasn’t able to get ..................................................... home.

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of ‘Be able to’.
1. A: I heard your sister wanted to take yoga lessons. (start) ................................ she ................................?
B: Yes, she was. She can do the meditation now, but she (do) ................................ the upside down.
2. A: Why are you taking dance lessons?
B: I want to (dance) ................................ at my wedding!
3. A: (find) ................................ you ................................ Mrs Suraikin at the studio yesterday?
B: No. But I thought she left for home. Where (go) ................................ she ................................, huh?
4. A: (speak) ................................ you ................................ Russian as a child?
B: Yes, I was. But now I (remember) ................................ much.
5. A: (will/ play) ................................ they................................ football in such cold and snowy weather?
B: Yes, I think they will.

Exercise 4: Fill in the gaps with can/ can’t, could/ couldn’t or was/ were able to.


 Was/ Were able to (manage to do): ability that we had in the past in a particular situation.
It shows that someone did something, but with effort.
(It was a very difficult test, but Meryl was able to answer all the questions.)

0. When I arrived, I could see a few people waiting for the train.
1. After saving their money for ten years, they .............................. buy a new house last month.
2. Sam and Beth .............................. speak Italian fluently, can’t they?
3. .............................. you tie your shoelaces when you were four years old?
4. It was a very tricky question, but Paul .............................. answer it.
5. I .............................. hear what they were saying because the music was too loud.
6. Although it was difficult, the children .............................. build a tree house.
7. Susan .............................. come to the phone. She’s busy.
8. The bus was stuck in the traffic congestion but finally the driver .............................. get out of that mess.
9. Jenny didn’t know how to play tennis, but now she .............................. play it very well.
10. The storm swept everything away over one night but they .............................. survive.

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Exercise 5: Choose the correct answer in each sentence.
1. I ...................understand what he was saying because he was speaking Spanish.
a. couldn’t b. can c. can’t
2. Steven ................... walk when he was one year old.
a. can’t b. can c. could
3. ................... you stay here till he gets better, please?
a. couldn’t b. can c. can’t
4. We ................... go out for a meal for it was raining heavily.
a. could b. was able to c. couldn’t
5. When you are older, ................... you live by yourself?
a. can b. could c. can not
6. ................... he ................... overcome that fever last night?
a. was - able b. is - able to c. was - able to
7. Anne ................... type since she went to college.
a. could b. can c. were able to
8. The door was locked so I ................... go inside.
a. will be able to b. wasn’t able to c. can
9. We arrived at the shop just as it was closing, so we ................... do our shopping.
a. was able to b. couldn’t c. can’t
10. My brother ................... drive yet. He’s too young.
a. can’t b. wasn’t able to c. couldn’t

Exercise 6: Read this review of a dance performance. There are ten mistakes in the use of
‘can’, ‘could’, and ‘be able to’. The first mistake is already corrected. Find then underline
and correct nine more.

How 0 They Can Do That?

Last night was the first time I saw the group Pilobolus perform. And what a performance it was! I
would like to can tell you that I can’t understand it at all. However, I can to say that the experience was
Pilobolus is a very unusual group. The performers have no background in dance. When they began,
they thought, ‘Maybe we can’t dancing, but give it a try’. So they just made interesting shapes with
their bodies. Sometimes, they moved together and can form a single unit.
My friend and I had great seats. We could saw the entire stage. The sound system, though, had a few
problems, and we didn’t able to hear the music clearly. Some audiences asked: ‘Is it dance or is it
gymnastics?’. You can decide for yourself. Many people weren’t able to got tickets for the first two
performances of this series, but they can still be buy tickets for next week.
This is the type of dance performance everyone can enjoys.

0. Can they 5. .......................................................

1. ....................................................... 6. .......................................................
2. ....................................................... 7. .......................................................
3. ....................................................... 8. .......................................................
4. ....................................................... 9. .......................................................

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B. Can/ Could/ May - PERMISSION
ONE - MINUTE LESSON less formal
 Use the modals can, could and may to ask permission. Can I borrow your book?
 Notice that when you use could for permission, it is not Could he come tomorrow?
the past.
 USAGE NOTE: May is more formal than can and could. May I leave now, Dr Lee? more formal

Exercise 1: Make questions with Can I...?

DON’T SAY THIS! SAY THIS! (to your sister, a friend, a waiter, your secretary,...)
0. Lend me your pen. (borrow) Can I borrow your pen (please)?
1. I want a glass of water. (have) ......................................................................................................
2. I want some more coffee. (have) ......................................................................................................
3. I’ll put my coat here. (put) ........................................................................................................
4. I am going to use your pencil. (use) ........................................................................................................
5. Give me some bread. (have) ......................................................................................................
6. Show me those photos. (look at) ...................................................................................................
7. Take a picture of me. (take) .......................................................................................................
8. Pass me that book. (pass) .......................................................................................................
9. I’ll turn on your radio. (turn on) ..................................................................................................
10. Open the window. (open) ......................................................................................................
Exercise 2: Make polite questions with Could I... ?
DON’T SAY THIS! SAY THIS! (to a stranger, a teacher, a boss, an older person,...)
1. I need to use your calculator. .................................................................................................................
2. I’m leaving early today. .................................................................................................................
3. I want to take your photo. .................................................................................................................
4. Lend me your newspaper. .................................................................................................................
5. I’m going to turn on TV. .................................................................................................................
6. Open the window. .................................................................................................................
7. I want to hand in my papers. .................................................................................................................
8. I need a copy of this report. .................................................................................................................
9. Give me that laptop. .................................................................................................................
10. I’ll sit here. .................................................................................................................
Exercise 3: A teacher is telling her class what to do. Complete the text with ‘may’ and verbs from
the box.
do talk have leave exchange
use (x2) take inform not talk not leave

Please work in groups. You 0 may talk in group, but please talk quietly. You 1 ...................................... to
another group, and you 2 ...................................... the room. You 3 ...................................... your dictionaries.
If you want to use other books, you 4 ...................................... them from the shelf; but only one person 5 ....
.................................. the group at a time. Each group 6 ...................................... the computer for twenty
minutes; I will tell you when it is your turn. If you finish before the time is up, you 7 ......................................
other work, but please work quietly. If you have any troubles while working together, first, you 8 .................
........................ a talk with one another politely. Then, if that cannot be solved, you 9 ....................................
....... me of that problem. Depending on each situation, you 10 ...................................... your team members
if you wish. I’ll consider that carefully before making any decisions.

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Exercise 4: Put the beginnings & ends together. Add can/ could/ may and the verbs from the box.

be sit have send borrow

turn on
use lend take leave go out
0. If you don’t have a torch, 0-E A. ................ I ................ it back?
1. Our teacher said that 1 - ..... B. ................ you ................ your earphones for a moment?
2. Only teachers 2 - ..... C. ................ ................ on the front row.
3. If you’re cold, 3 - ..... D. ................ you ................ me your weekly working
4. Hey Max, 4 - ..... schedule, please?
5. Good morning sir, 5 - ..... E. you can borrow mine.
6. I’m sorry, you’re sitting on 6 - ..... F. ................ I ................ with my friends tonight?
my place, G. ................ I ................ another pair of chopsticks, please?
7. When you’re bored, 7 - ..... H. we ................ ................ early on Friday afternoons.
8. Our boss tells us that 8 - ..... I. we ................ ................ late for maximum 10 minutes.
9. Mommy, 9 - ..... K. you ................ ................ on the heating.
10. Excuse me, 10 - ..... M. you ................ ................ my iPad to watch movies.
Exercise 5: ‘Are you a good roommate?’ Exercise 6: Make suitable request for permission in
Take this short quiz to find out. these.
1. You want to use your roomate’s computer. 0. You are visiting a close friend and you want to make
You say: yourself some coffee.
a. May I use your computer tonight? Can I make myself some coffee (please)?
b. Can I use your computer tonight? 1. You are visiting an acquaintance and want to use the
c. Am I using your computer tonight? rest room.
2. You don’t have any food in the house. You ..........................................................................................
say: 2. You are at a party given by people you hardly know.
a. Why can’t you make dinner for me? You want to see their garden.
b. I don’t mind eating your food at all. .........................................................................................
c. Can I have some of your food? .........................................................................................
3. You may not have time to wash the dishes 3. You are visiting people you know very well. You want to
tonight. You say: make a phone call.
a. I can’t wash the dishes. ..........................................................................................
b. Can I wash the dishes tomorrow? 4. You are at a blind date. You want to know your
c. Could you wash the dishes for me, please? partner’s name.
4. Your roommate asks you: ‘Could my best ..........................................................................................
friend stay here for some days?’. You 5. You want your boss’ signature in some reports.
should say: ..........................................................................................
a. Can she stay in the hotel instead? 6. You want a person standing next to you to push the
b. Sure. button to get off the bus.
c. I’m sure she could, but I don’t like her. ..........................................................................................
5. You want your roommate’s permission to ..........................................................................................
hold a party. You ask: 7. You are eating at a restaurant. You want the waiter to
a. Could I have a party in our room on introduce new dishes.
Saturday? ..........................................................................................
b. Maybe we could have a party here on ..........................................................................................
Saturday. 8. You want your mother to go shopping with you.
c. I’ll hold a party in our room on Saturday. ..........................................................................................

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Exercise 7: Circle/ underline the most suitable answer.
1. I have an appointment with the dentist at 4:00. Would I / May I / Can I leave half an hour earlier?
2. John, you’re nearest to the window. Could you / Could I / May I open it, please?
3. Can you / May you / Could you take this note to the teacher’s room for me?
4. Those books must be heavy. May not you / Could you / Can you carry some for me please?
5. Can you / May you / You could let me have your project tomorrow?
6. I haven’t got any time. Can I / Could I / May I have your signature now, please?
7. Teacher, can I / could I / may I go out for a moment?
8. You are doing your exam. You cannot / can not / may not open your books or notebooks.
9. Good evening, lady. May I / Can I / Why couldn’t I be your dancing partner tonight, please?
10. Pardon? Could you / May you / Can you pass me the menu, please?

C. Should/ Shouldn’t - ADVICE

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with Should/ Shouldn’t.
1. Students ........................ go to class every day. 6. Jack, you ........................ eat too much candy.
2. You ........................ cut classes. 7. They ........................ talk so loud in the library.
3. We ........................ waste money on things we 8. Mary ........................ apologize to Jim.
don’t need. 9. You ........................ work too much, you need to
4. It’s raining. You ........................ take your rest sometimes.
umbrella with you. 10. Children ........................ obey to their parents
5. People ........................ be cruel to animals. and teachers.
Exercise 2: Match two halves to make complete sentences.
1. What do you think I should do? 1 - ....... a. Yes, you should. She’ll understand.
2. Should I tell my mother? 2 - ....... b. There’s a cafeteria right in this campus.
3. Do you think that he should leave 3 - ....... c. I think you should wear your black dress.
here? d. I think you should go to the police.
4. Where should we have lunch in Paris? 4 - ....... e. I really think you should. A little change
5. What should I wear to the party? 5 - ....... will be nice.
6. Should I cut my hair? 6 - ....... f. No. There’s no reason for him to do that.
7. What should I ask him? 7 - ....... g. Just keep calm. Everything’ll be alright.
8. What do you think she should do? 8 - ....... h. Well, she really should quit that job.
9. Why should we go by train? 9 - ....... i. Anything you are confused about.
10. What should we do now? 10 - ....... k. Because it’s cheap and safe.

Exercise 3: Choose the best verbs, and complete the sentences with should/ shouldn’t.
1. In the airport, you ............................................. your baggage with you. (keep / run / stop)
2. I think everybody ............................................. a foreign language. (work / learn / teach)
3. You ............................................. everything in the newspapers. (write / learn / believe)
4. You ............................................. fruit or vegetables everyday. (drink / eat / sell)
5. Doctors say you ............................................. . (work / smoke / get up)
6. Advertisements ............................................. the truth. (tell / sell / break)
7. Small children ............................................. with knives. (think / play / write)
8. Parents ............................................. their children’s secret letters. (read / cook / lie)
9. People ............................................. their cars fast in towns. (drive / run / walk)
10. You ............................................. always ............................................. what you think. (say / pay / play)

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 89

Exercise 4: Make questions with should I, the question words and verbs from the box.


What time How much turn off invite
How many How far phone react
Where What wake walk
When Why pick give
How Who tell put
1. ........................................................................................................... Johnny? - Tell him I want to see him.
2. .................................................................................................. when I see her? - Just be happy as normal.
3. ............................................................................................ you up from your work place? - At about 7:00.
4. ............................................................................................................................ the oven? - In 20 minutes.
5. ............................................................................................................. these books? - On the shelf, please!
6. ................................................................................................................ every morning? - At least 2 miles.
7. ...................................................................................................... to ask about the discounts? - Ms Molly.
8. ....................................................................... her up early? - Because tomorrow is her first day at school.
9. ................................................ friends .................................................... in my next party? - It’s up to you!
10. ............................. time ............................... her to finish this exercise? - I think it should be 30 minutes.
Exercise 5: Read the article, then tick () on the correct column.
Email, bulletin boards, and chat rooms open up a new world of communication - and, sometimes,
misunderstanding. To avoid problems, you should know these simple rules of netiquette:
 When should you post to a bulletin board or chat room? Newbies shouldn’t jump in right away - they
should wait a little first. Look through old messages for answers to common questions. After that, post
when you have something new to say. You should keep your post short and simple.
 Should you use capital letters to make a strong statement? NO! A MESSAGE ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS
SEEMS LIKE SHOUTING. You should follow the normal rules for capital (big) and lowercase (small) letters.
 Did someone make you angry? You really should not reply right away. Count to 10 first. Remember do
not flame people when you do not like their messages. You should never forget that people on the
Internet are real people with real feelings.
 Emoticons help express your feelings smartly. You should learn how to use them.
 Internet safety is part of netiquette. When you post to a group or a chat room, you should always use a
screen name. Never give your real name or other personal information.
Practice these five rules of netiquette, and most of your emoticons will be smilies!
Read the statements. Check Should or Should not. Should Should not
1. Read some messages before you post. .......................... ..........................
2. Reply immediately when you’re angry. .......................... ..........................
3. Use all capital letters in your posts. .......................... ..........................
4. Use emoticons to show feelings. .......................... ..........................
5. Use your real name in chat rooms. .......................... ..........................
6. Learn the rules of netiquette. .......................... ..........................
7. Always flame people when you don’t like their messages. .......................... ..........................
8. Write long, complicated messages. .......................... ..........................
9. Think about people’s feelings when you post a message. .......................... ..........................
10. Never let your personal information public. .......................... ..........................

90 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use



MUST Exercise 1: Fill in must/ mustn’t.
1. You ...................... tidy up your room. 10. He can hardly stand firm. He ...................... go
2. It’s late. You ...................... make so much home and rest.
noise. 11. You ...................... play the music too loud.
3. We ...................... be at home by 9 o’clock. 12. We ...................... do more exercise to keep fit.
Dad’s so strict about our timeline. 13. You ...................... help your mother clean the
4. You ...................... smoke here. house.
5. You ...................... cheat in a test. 14. You ...................... annoy your little sister.
6. I ...................... finish this essay today. It has 15. You ...................... bite nails.
to be handed in tomorrow. 16. I ...................... repair my car today. Travelling by
7. Passengers ...................... talk to the driver bus is terrible.
whilst the bus is in motion. 17. We ...................... give up because we almost get it.
8. You ...................... be hurry or you’ll miss the 18. You ...................... play with fire.
last train. 19. You ...................... watch TV while studying.
9. This is a dangerous tour. Children ................. 20. You ...................... feed these animals without
……. be accompanied by an adult. permission of the guard.
Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences in brackets, using must/ mustn’t.
1. Have some fish. It’s wonderful.
You ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………...
2. Don’t tell lies. It’s bad.
You …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…...
3. Passengers: Do not open the door while the train is moving.
Passengers ………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………….…...
4. Come for dinner with us one evening next week.
You …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…...
5. All staff: show your identity cards when you enter the building.
All staff …………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..
6. It’s necessary to go to bed early in these cold days.
You ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...
7. Follow the instructions when using this machine.
You …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…...
8. Do not do the test in pencil!
You …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…...
9. Place your shoes on the shelf.
You ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………...
10. Touching these statues is forbidden.
You ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 91

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with must and verbs from the boxes.

be go pay stay stop write clean hurry study speak

1. Father: You .................................... at home by 6. Tax office: You .................................... the tax now.
eleven. 7. Teacher: Your daughter .................................... harder.
2. Teacher: You .................................... in ink. 8. Boss: You .................................... politely on the
3. Friend: We .................................... - we’re late. phone.
4. Doctor: You .................................... smoking. 9. Mother: You .................................... to bed now.
5. Sister: You .................................... the house. 10. Police: You .................................... right here!

Exercise 4: Match the two halves of a sentence together. Add must with the verbs in the box.

go see read have come give watch give up

1. Smith’s latest book is his best, I think. 1 - ...... A. I .......................... her tonight.
2. I haven’t heard from Annie for ages. 2 - ...... B. You .......................... it. Shall I lend it to you?
3. I’ve left my handbag in the restaurant. 3 - ...... C. My mother made it, you .......................... a piece.
4. This cake is delicious. 4 - ...... D. You .......................... it. It’s perfect for Halloween night.
5. ‘Harry Potter’ is a wonderful film. 5 - ...... E. We .......................... for a walk this weekend.
6. I’ve got a lot of work to do tomorrow. 6 - ...... F. You .......................... me your phone number.
7. I’d like to see you again. 7 - ...... G. I .......................... back and get it.
8. The woods are full of flowers. 8 - ...... H. I .......................... early.

HAVE TO Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with have to or has to and verbs from the box.

do like read wear carry practice be (x2) have (x2) know (x2)
1. An accountant ................................................. good with numbers.
2. Builders ................................................. heavy things.
3. A soldier ................................................. a uniform.
4. Students ................................................. a lot of books.
5. A kindergarten teacher ................................................. children.
6. Cooks ................................................. very clean hands.
7. A politician ................................................. good at speaking.
8. Footballers ................................................. a lot of training.
9. A secretary ................................................. a good memory.
10. A gardener ................................................. about flowers.
11. Doctors ................................................. about drugs.
12. A musician ................................................. a lot.
Exercise 2: Put the two halves of a sentence together. Add Do/ Does ...... have to.
1. ‘Mary’s a swimming teacher.’ 1 - ...... A. ‘................................... finish it today?’
2. ‘Here is some work for you and Anna.’ 2 - ...... B. ‘................................... speak Spanish?’
3. ‘I want you to go to your aunt’s party.’ 3 - ...... C. ‘................................... tell you now?’
4. ‘Jo and Alex work for a Mexican firm.’ 4 - ...... D. ‘................................... stay until the end?’
5. ‘When would you like to spend your holiday?’ 5 - ...... E. ‘.................................... teach small children?’
6. ‘We are going out tonight.’ 6 - ...... F. ‘................................... pay it all now?’
7. ‘That will be 250 Euros.’ 7 - ...... G. ‘................................... travel a lot?’
8. ‘Peter works in marketing.’ 8 - ...... H. ‘................................... get dressed?’

92 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Fill in the gaps with don’t/ doesn’t have to, didn’t have to or won’t have to.
1. Tomorrow is Saturday, so I ............................................ go to school.
2. We bought a takeaway pizza last night, so we ............................................ cook dinner.
3. Tom and Mary have got a washing machine, so they ............................................ go to the launderette.
4. Steve passed his driving test, so he ............................................ take it again.
5. Sally is very rich, so she ............................................ work.
6. They bought tickets in advance, so they ............................................ wait in the queue.
7. Jane’s mother wakes her up every morning, so she ............................................ use an alarm clock.
8. I read the materials for these subjects last week, so now I ............................................ read them again.
9. Sam never makes a mess, so he ............................................ tidy his room very often.
10. Next Monday is the National Independence day, so we ............................................ take classes.

MUST/ Exercise 1: Circle the right Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with have to/
HAVE TO answers. has to/ must.
1. You have to / must wear a tie if you want 1. You ..................... put these matches out of your children’s
to go to that restaurant. It's one of their reach. They are so dangerous.
rules! 2. Mr Brown says we ..................... talk loudly on making
2. I have to / must go away on business, my speeches.
boss wants me to visit our firm in Japan. 3. I ..................... go to the bank. I have some money to
3. Don't be silly, you must / have to take withdraw.
these tablets four times a day! 4. The wedding is taking place very soon tomorrow morning.
4. Our head teacher says we have to / must We ....................... get up early.
wear uniform at school. 5. Mary’s dog wasn’t fed last night. She ..................... feed
5. I must / have to work on my English: I him now.
want to speak English fluently. 6. He ..................... join the military this year.
6. This room is a mess, I must / have to find 7. There isn’t anything left in the fridge. We ..................... go
time to clean it! shopping.
7. The tomorrow show is very important. 8. Our examiner says ‘No talking!’, so we ..................... keep
We have to / must be on time. silent during the test.
8. You have to / must do that Jane, it’s 9. Students ..................... wear school uniform on Mondays.
demanding! 10. It starts to rain heavily, you ..................... take your
9. You must / have to stop driving so fast or umbrella.
you’ll have an accident! 11. I ..................... go now. The train is about to leave in a
10. I must / have to remember to post that minute.
letter before five o’clock. 12. ‘You ..................... go with her.’ asks the leader.
Exercise 3: Tick () if it is correct. Cross () if it is incorrect then make it right.
1. Mary has to study hard for the upcoming exams. 6. To become a famous artist, you must practice
........ ................................ painting everyday. ........ ................................
2. Bill is so unfit. He must do more exercise and eat 7. She must swim in the morning to avoid intense
healthy food. ........ ................................ sunlight. ........ ................................
3. All students must take off shoes before entering 8. Amy and Neil have to save money to buy a new
the library. ........ ................................ house. ........ ................................
4. Tom must study French to communicate with his 9. Everyone is waiting for me. I must go.
French customers. ........ ................................ ........ ................................
5. The captain demands that we must stay still in 10. Linda’s laptop is really expensive so she must
the boat. ........ ................................ protect it carefully. ........ ................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 93

Exercise 4: Complete each sentence including the word in bold.
1. It isn’t necessary to wait for us.
have to You .............................................................. wait for us.
2. Taking pictures inside the museum is forbidden.
must You .............................................................. inside the museum.
3. Is it necessary for you to leave so early?
have to Do ................................................................ so early?
4. No one is allowed to enter this room.
must You ................................................................ enter this room.
5. It is necessary for you to complete the report before midnight.
must You ................................................................ before midnight.
6. Wearing helmets while riding a motorbike is compulsory.
have to We ................................................................ while riding a motorbike.
7. Keeping pets in the building is forbidden.
must You ................................................................ in the building.
8. You don’t need to clean the house. Ellen did it.
have to You ................................................................ clean the house anymore.
9. It is said that it’s your duty to invite the guests for the seminar.
have to You ................................................................ for the seminar.
10. Participating in the next meeting is compulsory.
have to You ................................................................ participate in this meeting.
11. I’ve bought lunch for both of us.
have to You ................................................................ buy lunch anymore.
12. Copying others’ results is not allowed in the test room.
must Students ................................................................ copy others’ results in the test room.
13. Feeding the animals here is forbidden.
must You ................................................................ here.
14. It’s time for you to go now. There’s no time to waste.
must You ................................................................ now. There’s no time to waste.
15. His boss demands that he arrive before 7 am.
have to He ................................................................ before 7 am.

Exercise 5: Mustn’t or don’t have to?

1. You ..................................................... pay John - you have no right to do this.

2. You ..................................................... pay John - I’ve already paid him.
3. You ..................................................... stay up late tonight - you’ve got school tomorrow morning.
4. You ..................................................... stay up late to wash the dishes - I’ll wash them later.
5. We ..................................................... leave the door open - there are a lot of important materials inside.
6. We ..................................................... leave the door open - Peter has got a key.
7. You ..................................................... write to Mike about this - I’ve already written for him.
8. You ..................................................... write to Mike about this - It’s confidential information.
9. You ..................................................... drive so fast - If you do, the police will stop you.
10. You ..................................................... drive so fast - we’ve got a lot of time.

94 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 6: Choose the right answer.
1. You look so pale. You .......... spend more time resting and doing exercise.
A. should B. don’t have to C. must D. have to
2. You .......... use Germany regularly to be fluent in this language.
A. has to B. must C. must be D. should be
3. I told Emma about the meeting, you .......... tell her anymore.
A. didn’t has to B. must C. shouldn’t D. don’t have to
4. To survive in this area, you .......... learn how to swim.
A. shouldn’t B. must C. have to D. have to be
5. The police require him to give up fighting. He .......... put his weapons down.
A. have to B. should C. must D. has to
6. Residents here .......... raise pets. This is forbidden.
A. mustn’t B. should C. has to D. doesn’t have to
7. Your phone is running out of battery. You .......... recharge it.
A. should B. had to C. must D. has to
8. Last year she .......... take the driving license test to own this car.
A. have to B. had to C. must D. should
9. It is suggested that we .......... eat too much meat at dinner.
A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. didn’t have to
10. Olivia .......... work on Friday evening.
A. have to B. should C. has to D. must


Use Example
> 90%  Must (+)/ Can’t - Couldn’t (-) That must be the doctor at the door.
This can’t/ couldn’t be the right way to go.
~ 50 - 60 %  Can/ Could It’s 7 pm already. She can/ could arrive in a few
~ 30 %  May You should talk to your doctor first, that diet may
be dangerous.
~ 20%  Might I will be at your party and Lucy might be with me.

MUST/ CAN’T/ COULDN’T Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with Must/ Can’t/ Couldn’t.

1. There are ants on these plates. They .................................. be clean.

2. There are foot prints on snow. There .................................. be someone being here.
3. Dr. Simon has gone to Australia for his business. He .................................. be at his office now.
4. Those milk cows look happy and healthy. They .................................. be raised very carefully.
5. Why do you bring your cellphone into the test room? You .................................. be punished for this.
6. Milan’s got an A in History. She .................................. be bad at this.
7. The shop has closed but there are some sounds from TV inside. Someone .................................. forget
to turn it off before leaving.
8. Gina doesn’t have breakfast and lunch today. She .................................. be active enough to play tennis.
9. It’s 8am already and she is still on bed. She .................................. be late for school.
10. Ryan .................................. hurry this morning. He forgets his backpack at home.

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Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentence so that it contains the word in capitals.
1. I’m sure you know the difference between a duck and a chicken! (MUST)
2. If a substance does not contain hydrogen, then we are sure it isn’t an acid. (CAN’T)
3. When we pour a lot of water in a fire, I am sure it stops burning. (MUST)
4. It is impossible for me to sleep under such a bright light. (COULDN’T)
5. If there comes a strange sound from the oven, then we are sure it isn’t working. (CAN’T)
6. Sarah wears high-end clothes and jewelry, I am sure she is very rich. (MUST)
7. He is no way an artist because his works look like a mess. (CAN’T)
8. Lily is crying her eyes out, she surely knows that her friend has gone away. (MUST)
9. His phone is still here. I’m sure he is not meeting his customers. (COULDN’T)
10. This voice is so sweet. It is impossible to be Mike’s voice. (CAN’T)


Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with May be/ Maybe.


 May be (means Might be): Modal verb. (He may be late today.)
 Maybe (means Perhaps) : Adverb. (Maybe he’ll take the train.)

1. …………….......…...…. her nephew will go to the snowmobiling later today.

2. His stepbrother …………….......…...…. the first person to do scuba diving in her family.
3. It …………….......…...…. possible to cause pain to your teeth.
4. …………….......…...…. one day I will learn and do waterskiing.
5. Her sister …………….......…...…. the last person that she tells about her uncle's death.
6. My father …………….......…...…. able to fix my tablet which is out of work.
7. If my grandmother needs help …………….......…...…. I will help her.
8. It …………….......…...…. the heaviest traffic jam I have ever seen.
9. …………….......…...…., if you practice enough, you will learn sailboarding.
10. John: Mom, where are my inline skates?
Mom: They …………….......…...…. in your room or on the stairs.

96 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences with May (sentences 1-5) and Might (sentences 6-10).
1. Perhaps Sarah’s ill. .............................................................................................
2. Probably we won’t go out. .............................................................................................
3. Perhaps it won’t rain. .............................................................................................
4. I think Anna needs help. .............................................................................................
5. Perhaps the baby’s hungry. .............................................................................................
6. I am not sure if she’s married. .............................................................................................
7. Possibly I win a lot of money in the lottery. .............................................................................................
8. Perhaps he doesn’t want to talk to you. .............................................................................................
9. I don’t know. Probably you’re not right. .............................................................................................
10. Perhaps a rich man falls in love with me. .............................................................................................

Exercise 3: Rewrite each sentence with the word in capitals.

1. If the world becomes warmer, it is possible that Europe will change a lot over the next century. (COULD)
2. It is possible that there will be now snow-covered mountains in Europe by then. (MAY)
3. And it’s possible that areas in the south of Europe will become deserts. (COULD)
4. It’s also possible that heavy rain will become normal in northern Europe. (MIGHT)
5. It’s possible that southern Europe will be always short of water. (COULD)
6. It’s possible that there will be some benefits for some people. (MAY)
7. It’s possible that summer becomes longer and hotter. (COULD)
8. It’s possible that some species of plants and animals will become extinct. (MIGHT)

Exercise 4: Fill May not/ Might not (Mightn’t)/ Could (Couldn’t) in the blanks.


 May not/ Might not: Express possibility that something will not happen.
 Could not: Express the idea that something is impossible.

1. It is raining heavily. I ………………............…....…... dry my clothes outside.

2. Their plane may take off 30 minutes earlier. We ………………............…....…... see them when they arrive.
3. My mother ………………............…....…... catch a bus to work. She might drive instead.
4. Kate is exhausted. She ………………............…....…... continue the match tomorrow.
5. The police are making fences around the palace. We ………………............…....…... go inside.
6. The storm is coming soon. I ………………............…....…... go to school tomorrow.
7. Emma’s at an important meeting and it lasts till 2 pm. She ………………............…....…... have lunch with us.
8. Teddy has gone on his business trip. He ………………............…....…... join our party tomorrow night.
9. Jenny doesn’t look so confident. She ………………............…....…... be sure about her answer.
10. It’s sunny now. There ………………............…....…... be raining this afternoon, but who knows.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 97


Exercise 1: Circle the right past participle form of the verbs.

1. begin - began / begun 9. lead - leaded / led 17. keep - kept / kepted
2. become - become / became 10. hear - heared / heard 18. forget - forgetten / forgotten
3. come - came / come 11. leave - leaved / left 19. know - knew / known
4. give - given / gave 12. read - red / read 20. pay - payed / paid
5. learn - learnt / learnned 13. take - tooken / taken 21. sit - sitted / sat
6. put - put / putted 14. break - broke / broken 22. write - wrote / written
7. stand - stood / standed 15. eat - ate / eaten 23. shut - shutted / shut
8. drink - drunk / drank 16. fall - fell / fallen 24. tell - told / telled
Exercise 2: Fill in the gaps with the present perfect in the affirmative form.
1. We (be) ................................. to Paris for two weeks. 10. They (live) ................................. in Hanoi since
2. Joan (wait) ................................. for Bob for a 2000.
quarter of an hour. 11. She (win) ................................. a large amount
3. The students (visit) ................................. the gallery. of money on the lottery.
4. Marry and I (finish) ................................. our work. 12. They (play) ................................. in many films.
5. Susan (buy) ................................. a new car recently. 13. David (finish) ................................. typing his
6. Tim (be) ................................. to the horse races. report.
7. They (wash) ................................. their car. 14. Look! Somebody (steal) .................................
8. I (take) ................................. a lot of photos in the statue in the park.
Oxford. 15. She (teach) ................................. . History in
9. You (forget) ................................. your number. England for 15 years.
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box.

do cut win bear draw bring break

eat fly lose keep give catch arrive
1. My cat ................................ three mice within this morning.
2. There’s no way you can contact Hugo because he ................................ to America already.
3. I see Jenny and her mother eating dinner here when I ................................ just ................................ .
4. The streets look totally different. They ................................ a lot of trees recently.
5. Tim says he ................................ the main responsibility for this project.
6. Mint’s girlfriend ................................ a place for their wedding party – on the beach.
7. I don’t know what happened to Ginn. She ................................ silent since yesterday.
8. You don’t have to be worried about your backpack because I ................................ it to the guard.
9. This year ................................ so much joy and success to me. I hope the next year will also treat me well.
10. Jack ................................ the audiences’ attention by his excellent performance.
11. Stop it if you don’t want to be laughed at. You ................................ three big pizzas, two bowls of
noodle and lots of biscuits.
12. I ................................ my bike. Someone’s stolen it.
13. My sister is a billionaire now as she ................................ the Master Chef’s championship.
14. These machines ................................ down. It may take a week to repair them.
15. I feel so tired. I ................................ the gardening so far.

98 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 4: Fill in the gaps with the present perfect in the negative form.
1. I (not/ write) ............................................... the invitation letters to my friends yet.
2. Tim and Joe (not/ decide) ............................................... where to go on their holiday.
3. It (not/ start) ............................................... snow.
4. The cat (not/ jump) ............................................... onto the table.
5. I (not/ visit) ............................................... Egypt before.
6. We (not/ enter) ............................................... the castle to see how beautiful it is.
7. They (not/ tell) ............................................... Anne about it.
8. Steven (not/ walk) ............................................... through the park.
9. Teacher Sam (not/ mark) ............................................... our papers yet.
10. Mrs Smith is angry because her daughter (not/ clean) ............................................... her room.
11. Jason and Tonny (not/ learn) ............................................... the new words before they come to school.
12. I’m sorry I (not/ make) ............................................... breakfast for you.
13. My boss (not/ phone) ............................................... the helpline yet.
14. We (not/ study) ............................................... Chemistry until we go to grade 8.
15. My family (not/ go) ............................................... skating this year.
Exercise 5: Match Column A with Column B.
1. Jerry hasn’t typed 1 - ....... a. her husband to her hometown.
2. She hasn’t chosen 2 - ....... b. the letter yet.
3. We haven’t played 3 - ....... c. at that restaurant again.
4. We have never eaten 4 - ....... d. the door, it’s still open now.
5. Susan hasn’t taken 5 - ....... e. the university she wants to study.
6. The police haven’t investigated 6 - ....... f. how many people are waiting outside.
7. I haven’t been 7 - ....... g. the accident yet.
8. There hasn’t been 8 - ....... h. tennis together.
9. They haven’t known 9 - ....... i. any fights among us.
10. Tan hasn’t shut 10 - ....... j. to New York.
Exercise 6: Complete the passage and then answer the questions.
James Royce 1 (love) ..................................... skating since he was a little boy. He began skating when he was
10, and he 2 (not stop) ..................................... since that time. James 3 (be) ..................................... a
professional skater now for several years. He and his family 4 (live) ..................................... in Canada for a
long time and they 5 (not have) ..................................... any intention to move to anywhere else. They
(not take) ..................................... a vacation for many years, but they 7 (go) ..................................... to
several skating contests since James turned pro. James 8 (skate) ..................................... in four international
contests since last year. He 9 (win) ..................................... two second-place prizes since then. Since he was
a child, he’s wanted to be professional. His dream 10 (come) ..................................... true since then.
1. Has James Royce liked skating since he was small? .......................................................................................
2. Has he stopped skating? .................................................................................................................................
3. Has he been a pro now for several years? ......................................................................................................
4. Have he and his family left Canada? ...............................................................................................................
5. Have they taken a vacation for a long time? ..................................................................................................
6. Have they gone to any skating contests? .......................................................................................................
7. Has James participated in four international contests since last year? ..........................................................
8. Has James won two first-place prizes since then? ..........................................................................................
9. Has he wanted to be professional in skating? ................................................................................................
10. Has his dream come true? ............................................................................................................................

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Exercise 7: Use the prompts to make a question.
1. You/ ever/ see a humming bird? ........................... 5. You/ ever/ take a trip to the Sahara Desert? .........
................................................................................ ................................................................................
It’s the smallest bird in the world. It’s one of the hottest places in the world.
2. You/ ever/ read War and Peace? ........................... 6. You/ ever/ climb to Fansipan? ...............................
................................................................................ ................................................................................
It’s one of the longest 19 -century novels. It’s the highest peak in Indochina (including
3. You/ ever/ visit San Marino? ................................. Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia).
................................................................................ 7. You/ ever/ travel to China? ....................................
It’s Europe’s second smallest country. ................................................................................
4. You/ ever/ swim in the Pacific Ocean? .................. It’s the most populated country in the world.
................................................................................ 8. You/ ever/ ski in Antarctica? ..................................
It’s the largest ocean in the world. ................................................................................
It’s one of the coldest places in the world.
Exercise 8: Make present perfect questions.
1. John/ leave? 9. Why/ Andy and Sarah/ work together?
................................................................................ ................................................................................
2. We/ pay? 10. What/ you/ say to Mike?
................................................................................ ................................................................................
3. Tim/ phone? 11. Why/ everybody/ stop talking?
................................................................................ ................................................................................
4. Why/ Fiona/ go home? 12. You/ see/ Martin anywhere?
................................................................................ ................................................................................
5. Where/ you/ put the keys? 13. Who/ take/ my coat?
................................................................................ ................................................................................
6. You/ hear the news? 14. The postman/ come?
................................................................................ ................................................................................
7. The dogs/ come back? 15. How long/ they/ run?
................................................................................ ................................................................................
8. What/ Barbara tell the police?
Exercise 9: Choose the right question words to fill in each blanks and complete the questions.

How What Where How long How much

Why Which How far How much How many
1. ................................................................... (she/ go) in this competition? – To the finale.
2. ................................................................... (the candidates/ do)? – They’ve done so much voluntary work.
3. ................................................................... (places/ you/ visit)? – A lot, mostly in Europe.
4. ................................................................... (car/ he/ decide to buy)? – The one in red.
5. ................................................................... (they/ waste on clothes)? – About $2,000 per month.
6. ................................................................... (you/ be) recently? – I’m good. Thanks.
7. ................................................................... (Kinkle/ be) today? – At the art gallery with his mom.
8. ................................................................... (she/ practice) the violin? – Almost 9 years.
9. ................................................................... (you/ be) so worried? – Because I’m afraid of failure.
10. ................................................................... (advice/ he/ give) you? – Nothing. He’s totally ignored me.

100 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 10: Read the first sentence. Then decide of the second sentence is True (T) or False (F).
1. I’ve already given many parties. 9. Ling Ling has already completed her presentation.
........ This will be my first party. ........ Ling Ling is preparing for her presentation.
2. I haven’t baked the cake yet. 10. We have visited Greece several times.
........ I plan to bake a cake. ........ This is not our first trip to Greece.
3. The guests have finished lunch. 11. Adventure vacations have been become very
........ I’m surprised that the guests are eating popular.
this time. ........ They are popular now.
4. Has Jenna left already? 12. I have never been to Himalayas.
........ I’m surprised that Jenna left. ........ I went to the Himalayas a long time ago.
5. Have you had a cup of tea yet? 13. I’ve just returned from China.
........ I don’t know if you had a cup of tea. ........ I was in China a short time ago.
6. Carlos has already met my sister. 14. Greg asks you, ‘Have you ever been to Costa
........ I need to introduce Carlos to my sister. Rica?’
7. What? Has Tim been married to Sushi already? ........ Greg wants to know when you were in Costa
........ I can’t believe that Tim and Sushi have Rica.
been spouses. 15. Marta asks you, ‘Have you ever read any good
8. They haven’t done their homework yet. travel books lately?’
........ This has been the most difficult homework ........ Marta wants to know the travel books you
they’ve ever had. read last year.
Exercise 11: Complete the sentence using a verb from the list in present perfect simple form.
1. We ................................................. information leaflets to all parents.
2. We ................................................. information posters in every classroom. put show
3. We ................................................. over five tonnes of litter for recycling. send plant
4. We ................................................. fifteen trees in front of the school. install recycle
5. We ................................................. 50 light bulbs with energy-saving bulbs. replace remove
6. We ................................................. 25 ink tubes from computer printers. collect organize
7. We ................................................. three films about how to save energy.
8. We ................................................. signs on all the doors reminding people to turn off the lights.
9. We ................................................. five new energy-saving heaters.
10. We ................................................. teams of students to turn off unused lights.
Exercise 12: Read these sentences about fish. Then put the verb in brackets into present perfect
simple form.
1. About 15% of protein eaten by humans (always come) ................................................... from fish.
2. Recently, however, the number of fish (fall) ................................................... .
3. Several things (cause) ................................................... this problem.
4. Most scientists agree that governments (not do) ................................................... enough to stop it.
5. This means that fish populations (grow) ................................................... smaller.
6. Many fish (not reproduce) ................................................... fast enough to replace their numbers.
7. The population of North Sea cod, for example, (reach) ................................................... a dangerous level.
8. EU laws (reduce) ................................................... the numbers of fishing boats.
9. As a result, many fishermen in traditional fishing ports (lose) ................................................... their jobs.
10. In recent years, fish in the UK (become) ................................................... expensive, and many people
(stop) ................................................... eating it.

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Exercise 13: Complete the passage by choose the right form of the verbs in past simple or
present simple.
At the moment, scientists agree that the world’s climate 1...... warmer over the past 50 years, but they
disagree about the causes. Some believe that human activities 2...... climate change. They argue that for
1,000 or 2,000 years before 1850, when records 3......, the temperature was more or less stable. Short
warm or cold periods 4...... during that time, but the climate always 5...... to the same level. However, since
the Industrial Revolution, human beings 6...... more and more fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. In 1800 the
atmosphere 7...... around 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide (CO2). Since then there 8...... an increase
of about 31%. This extra carbon dioxide 9...... the world’s temperature because of the greenhouse effect.
Other scientists disagree that human activities over the past 50 years 10...... global warming. They point
out that volcanoes and other natural processes 11...... CO2 into the atmosphere, and that human activity
...... a rise in CO2 of only three percent.
1. A. become B. has become C. has became
2. A. caused B. have caused C. has caused
3. A. have began B. began C. have begun
4. A. occurred B. have occurred C. has occurred
5. A. have returned B. has returned C. returned
6. A. burned B. have burned C. has burned
7. A. have contained B. contained C. has contained
8. A. was B. has been C. have been
9. A. has raised B. have raised C. raised
10. A. caused B. has caused C. have caused
11. A. always released B. have released always C. have always released
12. A. has contributed B. have contributed C. contributed

Exercise 14: Read these comments found on a hot-air ballooning website. There are twelve
mistakes in the use of the present perfect and adverbs. Then circle and correct them.

We has received many comments from our clients. We’d like to share some with you. Comments:
 Britta Kessler, Germany: I have always be afraid of heights. But after I saw the beautiful photos on
your websites, I knew I had to go hot-air ballooning! This have been one of the best experiences of my
life. Thank you!
 James Hudson, Canada: We’ve returned just from the best vacation we’ve ever have. I’ve told all my
friends about your company.
 Antonio Vega, Mexico: I’ve always wanted to go up in a hot-air balloon. I was not disappointed!
 Bill Hampton, USA: I just gotten my photos back! Fantastic!
 Amalia Lopes, Brazil: I’ve never went on hot-air ballooning, but after visiting your wonderful website
I’ve decided to sign up!
 Pat Calahan, Ireland: We gave out parents a balloon trip as an anniversary gift. They’ve just wrote
that it was fantastic. They’ve ever been very adventurous, but now they want to go rafting!
 Lydia Hassan, New Zealand: You have ever seen the face of a kid on a hot-air balloon ride? The cost of
the ride: a lot. That look on her face: priceless!
 May Roa, Phillipines: I broke my leg last month, so I haven’t lately been able to do sports – boring!
Your mountain balloon trip has just gave me a lift – in more than one way!

102 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use



Exercise 1: Fill in the gaps with Since/ For.

1. …….......... ten minutes 11. …….......... a number of years

2. …….......... a long time 12. …….......... you were born
3. …….......... the end of the month 13. …….......... half past three
4. …….......... a few years 14. …….......... yesterday
5. …….......... I left school 15. …….......... one year
6. …….......... Friday 16. …….......... a month
7. …….......... last night 17. …….......... almost two years
8. …….......... 1 o’clock 18. …….......... a few days
9. …….......... three months 19. …….......... I met you
10. …….......... I arrived Mexico 20. …….......... they knew the truth

Exercise 2: Fill in the gaps since/ for.

1. Mariana has lived in Sao Paulo …….................... 1995 and she hasn’t moved to anywhere else .................
........ about 10 years.
2. She has been a sportwriter …….................... four years, but she’s also written about cuisine .....................
........... nearly 2 months recently.
3. …….................... June she has written several articles about skateboarding. Asian food has also become
her favourite topic to write …….................... her trip to Thailand and Vietnam.
4. Skateboarding has been very popular in Brazil …….................... many years. Almost every teenager has
been keen on this sport …….................... they knew how to skate.
5. I have talked to her twice …….................... she started her job. However, we haven’t met each other ......
.................... ages.
6. She loves to cook, but she hasn’t had time for it …….................... she was promoted. Her husband has
done the cooking for the whole family …….................... then.
7. She has been married to one of her colleagues …….................... 2009, they have been together ...............
............. around 9 years.
8. They’ve had their own house …….................... two years, and they’ve been parents …….................... July.

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Exercise 3: Thomas is applying for a job as a college sports instructor. Look at his resume then
complete the interview using since/ for.

Thomas Edison
387 East Travis Street
San Antonio, Texas 7284
Education Jobs
2005: M.A Physical Education (University of Texas) 2005 - present: Sports trainer (private)
2008: Certificate (American College of Sports Medicine) 2007 - present: part-time physical education
teacher (high school)
Skills Awards
Speak Germany, Portuguese and Spanish 2005: Silver medal in Texas Photography Contest
Martial Art: Black belt in Tae kwon do (2 months ago) 2008: Teacher of the Year Award
Other Interests Memberships
Travel, photography 2008 - present: member of National Education Association (NEA)

0. (How long/ have your M.A. degree) INTERVIEWER: How long have you had your M.A. degree?
THOMAS: I’ve had it since 2005.
1. (have anymore training since you got your M.A.)
INTERVIEWER: ..........................................................................................................................................
THOMAS: ..........................................................................................................................................
2. (How long/ be a physical education teacher)
INTERVIEWER: ..........................................................................................................................................
THOMAS: ..........................................................................................................................................
3. (How long/ get your black belt in Tea kwon do)
INTERVIEWER: ..........................................................................................................................................
THOMAS: ..........................................................................................................................................
4. (win any awards since then)
INTERVIEWER: ..........................................................................................................................................
THOMAS: ..........................................................................................................................................
5. (How long/ be a member of the NEA)
INTERVIEWER: ..........................................................................................................................................
THOMAS: ..........................................................................................................................................

ALREADY/ JUST Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with just/ already/ yet.

1. Peter’s here. He’s ………….…… arrived. 9. We’ve ………….…… visited a lot of countries recently.
2. Has Paul started his new job ………….……? We haven’t recovered from jetlag.
3. Their plane has not landed ………….…… . 10. Have you ever entered the White House ………….……?
4. Look at these newly painted doors. Sully has 11. What a surprise! You’ve ………….…… come back!
………….…… done it. 12. Finally! She and her best friend have ………….……
5. Ned has ………….…… fed his pets. You don’t found each other since this morning after 10 years of
have to do it. losing contact.
6. Her hair is still wet. She’s ………….…… washed 13. The police haven’t arrested the suspects ………….…… .
it. 14. Have the James invited their guests to the party .......
7. My mother hasn’t been to Australia …………. …….…… ?
…… . 15. I’ve ………….…… finished my homework. I can go to
8. Have you paid the bills ………….……? sleep now.

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Exercise 5: Tick () if the word in bold is correct. Cross () if it is not and correct the mistakes.
1. I haven’t cooked dinner yet because I get home really late. ..........................................
2. What’s wrong with you? I’ve yet spent the whole day rearranging the ..........................................
bookshelf and now you are ruining everything. ..........................................
3. You guys have yet made my day! I’m so moved, thank you! ..........................................
4. Have you yet been to the UK? Yes, I have. Twice since last year. ..........................................
5. They’ve already applied for the scholarship. I really hope they will succeed. ..........................................
6. She hasn’t baked the cakes already. She’s always slow. ..........................................
7. Oh God! You’ve already got wet. Why didn’t you bring your umbrella? ..........................................
8. We haven’t decided where to take photos on our graduation day yet. ..........................................
9. Has Ellen signed the contract already? – I think she has. ..........................................
10. Paul is still waiting for Sally but he’s just gone home. ..........................................
Exercise 6: It is eight o’clock in the morning. Look at the table and say what Angela has (not)
done. Use present perfect verbs with already, yet and just.
0. She has just had a cup of coffee. Have a cup of coffee 7.50
1. …………………………………………...…………………………….…………………................. Get dressed 
2. …………………………………………...…………………………….…………………................. Do housework 
Write letters 
3. …………………………………………...…………………………….………………….................
4. …………………………………………...…………………………….…………………................. Phone mother 7.52

5. …………………………………………...…………………………….…………………................. Clean kitchen 

6. …………………………………………...…………………………….…………………................. Read newspaper 

7. …………………………………………...…………………………….…………………................. Make toast 7.55

8. …………………………………………...…………………………….…………………................. Listen to the radio 
9. …………………………………………...…………………………….…………………................. Water the flower 
10. …………………………………………...…………………………….…………………............... Turn off the lights 7.59

Exercise 7: Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect simple with already/ yet.
1. We’re too late. The bus (leave) ……………………………...........………….. .
2. I won’t go anywhere this weekend because I (not do/ my art project) ……………………………...........………….. .
3. Can you see the notice board? (the plane/ land) ……………………………...........…………..?
4. Come on! I can hear the band. The concert (start) ……………………………...........………….. .
5. Steve must be in Paris now, but we (not hear/ form him) ……………………………...........………….. .
6. Tim looks so pale. (he/ see a doctor) ……………………………...........…………..?
7. I am so proud of you. You (prove) ……………………………...........………….. to everyone that determination is
more than anything.
8. I am so relieved to inform that the snowstorm (stop) ……………………………...........………….. .
9. Look at this mess! Why (you/ not/ clean the house) ……………………………...........…………..?
10. I am so nervous for the tomorrow presentation because I (not/ prepare very well for it) ........................
……........……...........…….. .

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Exercise 8: Read Filan’s party-planning checklist. Write statements about the things that has
already done and the things he hasn’t done yet. Use contractions when possible.

Things to do

 pick a date  write a guest list  plan the menu  clean the house
 choose a time  send invitations  pick out music  borrow some chairs
 find a location  ask friends to help  shop for food
0. He’s already picked a date.
1. ……………………………………………………………………………. 6. …………………………………………………………………………..…
2. ……………………………………………………………………………. 7. ………………………………………………………………………….….
3. ……………………………………………………………………………. 8. ……………………………………………………………………………..
4. ……………………………………………………………………………. 9. ……………………………………………………………………………..
5. ……………………………………………………………………………. 10. …………………………………………………………………………..

Exercise 9: Fill in the blanks with ever/ never or Ø. Some sentences have more
than one correct answer.

1. Windsurfing? What’s it like? I have ……….….. 6. That’s the most dangerous thing I have ……….….. done!
done this before! 7. He’s ……….….. jumped out of an airplane with a
2. Have you ……….….. acted in a play before? parachute twice.
3. I have ……….….. been to Korea for three times. 8. Living in the jungle – the craziest idea I have ……….…..
That’s a wonderful country. had!
4. I have ……….….. rented a car from this garage 9. Have you ……….….. flown around the world? – Not yet,
because they usually charge a lot of money. but I hope that will soon come true.
5. Have you ……….….. ridden a camel? It’s so 10. She hasn’t ……….….. cried that much before. It must
much fun, you should try it. be a very sad story.
Exercise 10: Tick the correct answer.
0. This is the first time I have seen a thrilling movie.  I have never seen a thrilling movie before.
….… I haven’t ever seen a thrilling movie.
1. Have you ever travelled alone? 5. The last time I saw a puppet show was in June.
……. Haven’t you travelled on your own? ……. I have never seen a puppet show since June.
……. I am asking if you have ever travelled on your ……. I have seen a puppet show since June.
own? 6. The last time I talked to him was in our Art
2. I have never eaten cherry. Does it taste good? project.
……. This is the first time I have ever eaten cherry. ……. I have ever talked to him once in out Art project.
……. I haven’t eaten cherry. ……. I haven’t talk to him since we met in our Art
3. I have fixed this car only once. It has worked really project.
well since then. 7. I haven’t decided where to go on the next
……. This is the second time I have ever fixed this car. vacation yet.
……. I haven’t fixed this car another time since the ……. I still don’t know where to go on the next
first one. vacation.
4. I have come back to Paris twice since I first visited ……. I haven’t gone anywhere since the last vacation.
it in 2000. 8. I have never ridden a horse.
……. I have ever visited Paris twice. ……. This is the first time I have ever ridden a horse.
……. I have ever visited Paris three times. ……. I haven’t ridden a horse.

106 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 11: Complete each sentence with one of the time words in the list. You will need to
use some words more than once.

for yet ever just never since already

In the laboratory…
A: Haven’t you left .........................………..?
B: No, I haven’t. I have 2 .........................……….. researched very carefully about this experiment but there’s
been no answers 3 .........................……….. .
A: I see. I have felt the same way. This is the most difficult one I’ve 4 .........................……….. had recently.
B: How long have you been here?
A: 5 .........................……….. 4 hours already!
B: How patient you are! By the way, have you checked the results of the last experiment 6 ..........................
……...? Our teacher’s 7 .........................……….. posted them 8 .........................……….. a few hours ago.
A: Of course I have. I’ve been so excited because I’ve 9 .........................……….. had such a high score.
B: Hard work pays off. You’re the most hardworking student I’ve 10 .........................……….. known.
A: Oh, thank you for your compliment. But I think everyone here has put a lot of effort in studying,
including you.

Exercise 12: Complete the sentences in present perfect with since/ for/ already/ yet/ just/
ever/ never.
1. We (not watch) ……………….…...........................………. TV ……………….…....……. Monday.
2. Jack (work) ……………….…...........................………. as a chef before. He’s really bad at cooking.
3. ……………….…....……. almost five months recently, I (write) ……………….…...........................………. two
4. They boy (not eat) ……………….…...........................………. anything ……………….…....……. six hours.
5. We (study) ……………….…...........................………. Chinese ……………….…....……. three years.
6. We (not hear) ……………….…...........................………. from him ……………….…....……. more than nine years.
7. Michael (be) ……………….…...........................………. a singer before. This is the first time I have ever seen
him singing.
8. Bill (not turn) ……………….…...........................………. to his hometown ……………….…....……. .
9. Hey! I (book) ……………….…...........................………. the tickets ……………….…....……. . Here are the code
10. This is the first time I (see) ……………….…...........................………. ……………….…....……. a dolphin perform
with a ball.
11. (Milan, make) ……………….…...........................………. a toast
for breakfast ……………….…....…….?
12. The Browns (travel) ……………….…...........................……….
to Egypt twice.
13. What (you do) ……………….…...........................……….
……………….…....……. you finished high school?
14. I (taste) ……………….…...........................………. Korean
food before. Is it good?
15. I (know) ……………….…...........................………. Pam
recently in my college’s workshop.

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Exercise 13: Rewrite the sentences using the given words.
1. It hasn’t snowed in my country.
NEVER .....................................................................................................................................................
2. I graduated from my high school 5 years ago.
FOR .....................................................................................................................................................
3. Peter went to Los Angeles for his business trip last week.
SINCE .....................................................................................................................................................
4. We didn’t rehearse for the competition yesterday. Today we don’t have time either.
YET .....................................................................................................................................................
5. Our lawyers found enough evidences to solve this case two days ago.
ALREADY .....................................................................................................................................................
6. Last month, I saw Mr President making a speech at my university.
SINCE .....................................................................................................................................................
7. There’s no way he has given me that money. He’s so mean.
NEVER .....................................................................................................................................................
8. They didn’t inform me of his promotion.
YET .....................................................................................................................................................
9. The last time I sang that song was 10 years ago.
FOR .....................................................................................................................................................
10. The party is ready. Yesterday Mom and Dad prepared everything.
ALREADY .....................................................................................................................................................

Exercise 14: Read this online bulletin board. There are fifteen mistakes in the use of
present perfect with already, yet, just, ever, never, since and for. Underline the mistakes
and correct them.
Ask the Party Planner!
1. Doug asked: Help! My party is next week and I haven’t 0 figure out the food already! I’ve ever given
any party before so I’ve felt so nervous. I have yet wasted three days worrying, and I still don’t have any
ideas. What should I do?
Advice: Don’t panic! Your guests haven’t yet arrived, so there’s still time. Ask everyone to bring
something! (You’ve already invite people, right?) Or order pizza. I have ever meet a person who doesn’t
like pizza. Partying is one of the relaxing things we’ve never done, so cheer up!
2. Rosa asked: I’d like to find a ‘theme’ for my next birthday party. I’ve researched for two days ago but I
can’t come up with anything interesting. I’ve already have had a pasta party (10 kinds of pasta), and I’ve
yet give a movie party (everyone dressed up as a movie character). Any ideas?
Advice: Sure. I’m suggesting a very nice idea for your party. This has made my friends and myself really
happy for we first played it. Ask each guest to bring a baby photo of him – or herself. Collect the photos.
People then try to match the photos with the guests! Your guests will love it! If you haven’t never did this
together, it’s time!

0. figured 4. ………………………………. 8. ………………………………. 12. ………………………….….

1. ………………………………. 5. ………………………………. 9. ………………………………. 13. ………………………….….
2. ………………………………. 6. ………………………………. 10. ………………………….…. 14. ………………………….….
3. ………………………………. 7. ………………………………. 11. ………………………….…. 15. ………………………….….

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Exercise 1: Correct () or not (×)?

0. My father has changed his job.  11. Sorry – I’ve forgotten your name. ………
1. Andy has gone to Scotland last week. ……… 12. I’ve forgotten Mike’s birthday last Tuesday. ………
2. Look what Peter has given me yesterday! ……… 13. Everybody has gone home at 10 o’clock. ………
3. I’ve seen a great program last night. ……… 14. There’s nobody here! What has happened? ………
4. I think everybody has arrived now. ……… 15. Sally has left school in 2006. ………
5. When have you talked to Ann? ……… 16. When have you arrived in London? ………
6. We’ve bought a new car in April. ……… 17. I think Mary has missed the train. ………
7. I’ve met my wife when we were students. ……… 18. What have you done so far? ………
8. Look what Peter has given me! ……… 19. We have flown to Thailand 20 minutes ago. ………
9. He has been so nervous since she was here. ……… 20. She’s won two gold medals in tennis in her entire
10. Mary has written to me three weeks ago. ……… career. ………

Exercise 2: Present perfect or simple past?

Circle the correct verb form.
1. Did you ever go / Have you ever been to Wales?
2. I never read / have never read any of his books.
3. Our team won / has won two matches this year.
4. Our team won / has won two matches last year.
5. Shakespeare never went / has never been to Athens.
6. I haven’t bought / didn’t buy any clothes this year.
7. Julia stayed / has stayed with us last year.
8. I worked / have worked very hard yesterday.
9. I never saw / have never seen a ghost.
10. When did John phone / has John phoned?

Circle the correct time phrase.

1. She’s been to the doctor twice this month / last month.
2. I’ve driven this car many times since / in 2007.
3. Jane passed her exams with flying colors in this semester / in the last semester.
4. Steve loves his job. He’s done it since / for he was twenty years old.
5. Caroline’s bought a lot of clothes this year / two years ago.
6. Rick finished the course six months ago / already.
7. George has arrived! – Really? When / How long did he get here?
8. Recently / Yesterday we have rented an office near the Thames.
9. She phoned me very late last night. What’s happened to her lately / yesterday?
10. I missed my puppy like crazy. I haven’t seen him for ages / last year.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 109

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs either in past simple or present

1. A: I (go) ...................................................... to the new gym yesterday.

B: It’s good, isn’t it? I (go) ...................................................... there a few times.
2. A: (you/ write) ...................................................... to Simon lately?
B: Yes, I (write) ...................................................... him a letter last week.
3. A: How long (you/ be) ...................................................... married?
B: Only for six months. I (get) ...................................................... married last December.
4. A: I (not/ see) ...................................................... Sam for a long time.
B: Really? I (see) ...................................................... him yesterday at the swimming pool.
5. A: (you/ type) ...................................................... the report yet?
B: Yes, I (finish) ...................................................... it half an hour ago.
6. A: Mary (know) ...................................................... Steven for ten years.
B: When (they/ meet) ......................................................?
7. A: (you/ ever/ play) ...................................................... rugby?
B: Yes, I have. I (play) ...................................................... for the first time last week.
8. A: James (write) ...................................................... a new book last year.
B: I know. I (read) ...................................................... some great reviews about it in the newspaper.
9. A: The Smiths (not/ book) ...................................................... the hotel since they decided to have a trip.
B: Don’t worry! They have some friends who (host) ...................................................... them last year.
10. A: (she/ ever/ swim) ...................................................... in the sea?
B: I think she has. Trips to the beach (be) ...................................................... her favourite since she
was small.

Exercise 4: Complete the letter that Sam has written to Margaret telling about herself. Circle
the right form of the verb.

Dear Margaret,
Thank you very much for your letter which I 1 received / have received last week. I 2 have been / was
really happy to hear from you after all this time. I’ve got a lot of news to tell you about myself. I 3 have
got / got a new job nine months ago. I work as a reporter for our local TV station now. I 4 have had /
had many interesting experiences so far. When I first 5 started / have started work, the manager
asked / has asked me to interview our old school headmaster. He 7 was / has been so surprised to
see me with a microphone in my hand! Last month, a fire 8 has broken out / broke out in a big factory
in the area. I 9 was / have been the only reporter who 10 managed / have managed to talk to the
owner! That 11 made / has made me feel very proud.
As you can see, I enjoy my job very much. I 12 have met / met a lot of people and I 13 have had / had
the opportunity to see lots of new places. I 14 bought / have bought a new car because my old one
has broken down / broke down a couple of weeks ago.
I have to go now because they have just informed me
that I have to fly by helicopter to Middle ford.
Write to you later.
Keep in touch.

110 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 5: Match the two halves of each sentence then give the right form of the verbs in

1. Mr and Mrs Patel (win) ......................................... two a. Yes, I saw one when I (go) .......................
free tickets ..................... to Kenya in 1996.
2. First, Robert (brush) ......................................... his teeth, b. I miss them a lot.
3. (you/ ever/ see) ......................................... a lion? c. to Paris in a TV show last week.
4. I (not/ see) ......................................... my family for two d. and (break) ......................................... his
years, arm.
5. Where’s John? e. then he (go) ......................................... to
6. My sister (not/ play) ......................................... the violin bed.
7. I (already/ see) ......................................... this film. f. Let’s watch something else.
8. Last week, Fred (fall) ......................................... off a g. to get Tom Cruise’s autograph.
ladder h. He (go) ......................................... fishing
9. I (never/ hear) ......................................... such a moving with his father since this early morning.
song before. i. I almost cry.
10. Jennifer (always/ want) ......................................... j. since she was twelve.

1. .......................... 3. .......................... 5. .......................... 7. .......................... 9. ..........................

2. .......................... 4. .......................... 6. .......................... 8. .......................... 10..........................

Exercise 6: Read the information about Joe and Maria. Then circle the letter of the sentence (A
or B) that best describes the situation.
1. It’s 2005. Joe’s family moved to Houston in 1995. They still live there.
A. Joe’s family lived in Houston for 10 years. B. Joe’s family has lived in Houston for 10 years.
2. Last year Joe and Maria enjoyed their vacation in Canada.
A. They had a good time. B. They’ve had a good time.
3. Joe is telling his friend about his present job. His friend asks,
A. ‘How long were you there?’ B. ‘How long have you been there?’
4. Joe is telling Maria that the weather in Los Angeles has been too hot for the past five days.
A. The weather is uncomfortable now. B. The weather is comfortable now.
5. Joe studied the piano for 10 years, but she doesn’t play it anymore.
A. Joe has played the piano for 10 years. B. Joe played the piano for 10 years.
6. Maria wants to move to Los Angeles from Boston, but she must find a job first. She is interviewing for a
job in Los Angeles, she says,
A. I lived in Los Angeles for 2 years. B. I have lived in Los Angeles for 2 years.
7. This month Maria and Joe have met once in Boston and once in Los Angeles. They will meet once more
in New York.
A. They’ve seen each other twice this month. B. They saw each other twice this month.
8. Maria’s mother visited Maria in Boston. When she got home, she wrote,
A. ‘It was a great trip.’ B. ‘It’s been a great trip.’
9. Maria and Joe haven’t emailed each other this week.
A. Joe’s computer was broken. B. Joe’s computer has been broken.
10. Joe travelled to Turkey for the first time last year on his summer trip.
A. Turkey was the first country Joe travelled to. B. Joe has travelled to Turkey once.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 111

Exercise 7: Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.
1. Kate hasn’t phoned her mother for a week. 5. It’s years since Mr Smith went on holiday.
(phoned) The last time ……..……………….......….... (hasn’t) Mr Smith ……………............…………...........
………. .......................................... was a week ago. ................................................................ for years.
2. They have never visited Vienna before. 6. John hasn’t come back his country since Easter.
(time) It’s the ……………………............................... (came) The last time John ……..……............……….
……..........................................................… Vienna. ......................................................... was at Easter.
3. It’s a long time since we ate out. 7. Simon took the driving test three months ago.
(for) I …………………….............................…………… (for) Simon has ……………………..……........…...........
.......................................................... a long time. ......................................................... three months.
4. Roger hasn’t played tennis for six weeks. 8. It’s ages since she last chatted to me.
(played) The last time …………..............………….... (for) She hasn’t ……………………....................……...
..................................... tennis was six weeks ago. ....................................................................... ages.
Exercise 8: Complete the phone conversation between Alex and Rosie. Use the present perfect
or the simple past form of the verbs.
Alex: Hi there! How 1 (be) ............................................ your day? I bet you’re glad it’s over.
Rosie: I’m OK – a little tired. I only 2 (sleep) ............................................ a few hours last night. I’m writing
this big report, and I 3 (not/ stop) ............................................ worrying about it all week.
Alex: You 4 (be) ............................................ tired for weeks. You need to relax a little. Listen – why don’t I
come see you this weekend? We 5 (see) ............................................ each other only twice this
Rosie: Sounds great, but remember the last time you 6 (come) ............................................? I 7 (not/ do) ....
............................................ any work recently and I still 8 (not catch up) ............................................
............... .
Alex: I understand. Now, why don’t you have a cup of coffee and relax?
Rosie: Coffee! You’re kidding! I 9 (already have) ............................................ five cups today. And yesterday
I 10 (drink) ............................................ at least six. I can’t drink another drop.
Alex: You 11 (have) ............................................ a rough week. Try to get some sleep.
Rosie: I can’t go to sleep yet. I 12 (not finish) ............................................ my report, and it’s due tomorrow.
Alex: Well, I hope it goes fast. Good night. I’ll call you tomorrow.
Rosie: Bye. Speak to you tomorrow.
Exercise 9: Complete the phone conversation between Kyle and Lily. Use the present perfect or
the simple past form of the verbs.

In the 1990s Since then

0. Have/ long hair Wear his hair/ very short
1. Be/ clean shaven Grow/ a beard
2. Be/ heavy Lose/ weight
3. Be/ a student Become/ a professor
4. Live/ in a dormitory Buy/ a house
5. Be/ single Get/ married

0. In the 1990s, Kyle had long hair. Since then, he has worn his hair very short.
1. .......................................................................................................................................................................
2. .......................................................................................................................................................................
3. .......................................................................................................................................................................
4. .......................................................................................................................................................................
5. .......................................................................................................................................................................

112 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 10: Read the sentences and the questions, and circle the correct answers.
1. Claudia has bought a new car. Has she got the car now? YES / PERHAPS
2. Susie went to stay with her grandmother. Is she there now? YES / PROBABLY NOT
3. I made coffee. Is there coffee now? YES / PROBABLY NOT
4. Jack has made tea. Is there tea now? YES / PROBABLY NOT
5. Amanda has come to stay with us. Is she here now? YES / DON’T KNOW
6. Mark has gone to work in Ireland. Is he here now? YES / NO
7. Simon and Roger opened a shop. Is the shop still in business? YES / DON’T KNOW
8. Oliver has started French lessons. Is he taking lessons now? YES / NO
9. The dog has run away. Is the dog at home now? YES / DON’T KNOW
10. We sent Pam to the doctor. Is she with the doctor now? YES / NO / PROBABLY NOT
11. Carl lost his glasses. Has he got his glasses now? NO / DON’T KNOW
12. Kate has cut all her hair off. Has she got any hair now? NO / DON’T KNOW

Exercise 11: Read the sentences and circle the correct answers.
1. I didn’t enjoy school. Was the speaker at school when he/ she said this?
A. Yes B. No
2. I’ve slept three times during the lesson. When did the speaker say this?
A. During the lesson B. After the lesson
3. I didn’t travel much in December. When did the speaker say this?
A. In December B. Later
4. My computer has crashed twice this morning. When did the speaker say this?
A. In the morning B. Later
5. Joseph Adams made many friends during his life. Was Joseph Adams alive when the speaker said this?
A. Yes B. No
6. We’ve had a lot of problems at the club. Is the speaker a member of the club?
A. Yes B. No
7. The police called again this morning. When did the speaker say this?
A. In the morning B. Later
8. I spent too much money during the holiday. Is the speaker still on holiday?
A. Yes B. No
9. Peter has done some very stupid things in his first job. Is he still in his first job?
A. Yes B. No
10. During her time as President she has done a great deal of good for her country. Is she still President?
A. Yes B. No
11. The last time they talked to me was 6 months ago. Haven’t they talked to me for 6 months?
A. Yes B. No
12. Peter has been to England once. Is he in England now?
A. Yes B. No
13. His mother has gone to the supermarket since this morning. Has his mother come home yet?
A. Yes B. No
14. I had a really good time in the last vacation. When did the speaker say this?
A. During his vacation B. After his vacation
15. John has been a doctor for a long time. Is he a doctor now?
A. Yes B. No

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 113

Exercise 12: For each of the sentences below, write another sentence as similar as possible
in meaning to the original sentence, using the word given in bracket.

1. Mary says her cake is in the oven.

(baked) .....................................................................................................................................................
2. Most of the workers started here in 1996, when the factory opened.
(since) .....................................................................................................................................................
3. The guest performers are all here now.
(arrived) .....................................................................................................................................................
4. We visited the new theme park three times last summer and we intend to go this summer too.
(have) .....................................................................................................................................................
5. Everyone in my family knows the basics of First Aid.
(learnt) .....................................................................................................................................................
6. The last time she baked a cake was when she lived with her grandmother.
(hasn’t) .....................................................................................................................................................
7. There is no decision from the regional manager yet about the working schedules.
(decided) .....................................................................................................................................................
8. Overseas students registered for their summer courses last month.
(since) .....................................................................................................................................................

Exercise 13: Complete the passage by giving the right form of the verbs.

Electric cars – Latest update

A small American car manufacturer 0 (just announce) has just announced that its experimental electric car,
the Lexington X1, will go into production this year. Markton Automobiles, of Detroit, Michigan,
(make) .......................................... the announcement at last month’s Auto Show in Geneva. Although
there are now many electric cars on the market, so far manufacturers 2 (not be able) ..................................
............... to produce one that can really compete with existing petrol cars. There are two major problems
- speed and distance. Up until now, electric cars 3 (be) .......................................... either too slow or unable
to travel far enough without recharging their batteries. The company 4 (not give) ........................................
.............. the press exact details yet, but they claim they 5 (already test) .......................................... the car
successfully under all kinds of weather conditions. A Japanese company 6 (first design) ...............................
..................... the engine in 2007. But over the last few years Markton 7 (adapt) ..........................................
the design and increased its power. The company 8 (invite) .......................................... ten journalists to
test-drive the new car last week. Their reports have been remained positive, although we will have to wait
for the full test results before we know if this really is the electric car that everyone is waiting for.

114 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use


Exercise 1: Match the sentences to the correct description.

1. He drinks a litre of milk every day. 1 - ...... a. temporary situation

2. Milk contains a lot of vitamins. 2 - ...... b. repeated action expressing annoyance
3. He is getting stronger. 3 - ...... c. timetables and programmes
4. He is always borrowing money from me. 4 - ...... d. habitual action
5. She is having a party at the moment. 5 - ...... e. fixed arrangement in the near future
6. The movie starts at 8 pm tonight. 6 - ...... f. permanent truth
7. They are getting married next weekend. 7 - ...... g. changing or developing situation

Exercise 2: Match two sentences to their meanings in each pair.

1. Nick’s having a shower. ...... A. There is a shower, not a bath, in his flat.
Neil has a shower. ...... B. He’s wet.
2. Sally works from home. ...... A. Her office is in her home.
Samantha is working from home. ...... B. She is at home today to wait for a builder.
3. David’s cold. ...... A. He feels ill.
Derek has a cold. ...... B. The heating is turned off.
4. Steve always plays his guitar in the evening. ...... A. His guitar playing really annoys me.
Simon is always playing his guitar in the evening. ...... B. I don’t mind his guitar playing.
5. Marianne’s living in Edinburgh. ...... A. She usually lives in London.
Marie lives in Edinburgh. ...... B. She doesn’t live in London.
6. Teresa loses weight every year. ...... A. She’s on a good diet.
Tracy is losing weight. ...... B. She always eats less in the summer.
7. Heidi is a good doctor. ...... A. She visits her when she feels ill.
Helen’s got a good doctor. ...... B. She has lots of experience.
8. Paul travels a lot on business. ...... A. He’s on a plane.
Patrick is travelling on business. ...... B. He’s an international salesman.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 115

Exercise 1: Match the sentences to the correct description.
1. I like these shoes. I’ll buy them. 1 - ...... a. for offers, promises, threats, etc.
2. Look at them! They are going to catch the 2 - ...... b. for plans, intentions or ambitions we
thieves. have for the future
3. Since you’re tired, I’ll cook dinner tonight 3 - ...... c. fixed arrangement in the near future
4. The bank closes at 5pm in the afternoon. 4 - ...... d. predictions about the future
5. Everyone believes he will win the competition. 5 - ...... e. timetables and programmes
6. We are leaving for Hawaii at 7 am tomorrow. 6 - ...... f. on-the-spot decision
7. I am saving money. I’m going to open my own 7 - ...... g. predictions when there is evidence that
business in the future. something will happen in the near future
Exercise 2: Match two sentences to their meanings in each pair.

1. It’s going to be cold tonight. ...... A. It’s always at night at this time of the year.
It’ll be cold tonight. ...... B. I can feel a cold breeze coming from the north.
2. He’ll probably win. ...... A. The race is almost over and he’s at the front.
He’s going to win. ...... B. He’s won lots of races before.
3. I’m going to do a course at college. ...... A. I’ve been looking at their websites.
I’m doing a course at college. ...... B. I enrolled yesterday.
4. We’ll borrow Sally’s tent. ...... A. I’ll phone and ask her if it’s OK.
We’re borrowing Sally’s tent. ...... B. She’s agreed to lend it to us.
5. I’m taking the children to the park. ...... A. So I’m afraid I can’t stay for lunch.
I’m going to take the children to the park. ...... B. Would you like to join me?
6. The train leaves at ten. ...... A. So I have to finish my dinner quickly.
I’m going to leave at ten. ...... B. I’ve arranged a taxi for that time.
7. He’s going to be late. ...... A. I know him. He’s always late.
He’ll be late. ...... B. There’s a traffic jam on the motorway.
8. We are having a picnic this afternoon. ...... A. We are preparing the sandwiches for this afternoon.
We are going to have a picnic this afternoon. B. We have just arrived at the park and the weather is
...... really nine.

Exercise 3: Fill in the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

1. I (check) …………………………..……...….…… with you before I (buy) …………………………..……...….…… the tickets.
2. We (meet) …………………………..……...….…… Sophie at 7:00. Would you like to join us?
3. I (phone) …………………………..……...….…… you as soon as I (hear) …………………………..……...….…… any news.
4. Because of unexpected demand, there (be) …………………………..……...….…… an extra show on Friday.
5. Once we know, the survey results, we (be able to) …………………………..……...….…… plan our campaign.
6. Next year, Thanksgiving Day (be) …………………………..……...….…… on Thursday, 26th November.
7. I can’t come tomorrow, I (spend) …………………………..……...….…… the day with my cousin.
8. After I (pass) …………………………..……...….…… my driving test, I (buy) …………………………..……...….…… a car.
I have been saving money for it for months.
9. I’ve checked the itinerary. The bus (get back) …………………………..……...….…… at 4:45.
10. I (look) …………………………..……...….…… for some oranges because I (make) …………………………..……...….……
marmalade tonight with my friends.

116 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Read the notes and choose the correct words in bold in the conversation.

Vanessa: I hear you’ve booked your flights to Bangkok.

When 1 are you leaving / will you leave?
Peter: On Monday. We’re 2 getting / going to get the
overnight flight.
Vanessa: Are you staying / Will you stay long?
Peter: A couple of weeks. We 4 will fly / ’re flying
back on the 26th.
Vanessa: What about accommodation?
Peter: We’ve booked a hotel for the first two nights.
We’re staying / We’ll stay at the Asia Hotel
on Sukhumvit Road.
Vanessa: That sounds nice. But I’ve heard Thailand can be terribly hot in February.
Peter: No, I’ve been there before, so I know it 6 won’t / isn’t going to be too hot then.
Vanessa: What are you plans while you’re in the city?
Peter: Do you remember John? 7 We will / We’re going to look around and see what’s available. We’d
like to go to the beach.
Vanessa: How are you going to get there?
Peter: We’ll 8 probably / certainly get the bus. I’m not sure really.
Vanessa: Shall / Will I look on the Internet? There might be a timetable or something.
Peter: That’s a good idea.
Vanessa: OK. 10 I’m getting / I’ll get my computer.

Exercise 1: Match the sentences to the correct description.

1. People used to have/ had very simple lives 1 - ....... a. action in progress when another
in those days. action interrupted it
2. She was talking on the phone when her 2 - ....... b. two or more simultaneous actions
boss came in. c. past habit or state which is now
3. I was cooking lunch while he was pouring 3 - ....... finished
the drinks. d. to talk about actions of people who
4. Princess Diana did a lot of work for charity. 4 - ....... are no longer alive
5. At two o’clock this afternoon they were 5 - ....... e. actions which happened immediately
having lunch at work. after the other in the past
6. First, she knocked on the door. Then, she 6 - ....... f. action which was in progress at a
went inside. stated time in the past

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 117

Exercise 2.1: Fill in the gaps with an appropriate past forms.
A. One fine morning, a man 1 (fish) ………………..………… in a river. The sun 2 (shine) …………..……………… and
the man 3 (sit) ……………..…………… on the river bank. Everything was very quiet and peaceful. The man
waited patiently for several hours then suddenly he 4 (feel) ………..………………… something pulling on the
fishing line. He 5 (stand up) …………………..……… quickly and 6 (begin) …………..……………… to take in the
line. He 7 (lift) ……………………..…… the huge fish he caught out of the water then there was a loud splash
and it fell back into the river. At first, the man didn’t know what 8 (happen) …………..……………… . Then,
he 9 (look) ………………..………… carefully at his fishing line. It had snapped. The poor man was so
disappointed that he 10 (pack) ……………………..…… away all his things and went home.
B. When Simon 1 (arrive) ……………..…………… at the cinema, dozens of people 2 (queue) ……….…………………
outside. They 3 (wait) ………………………..… to see the same film as Simon. Simon, however, had bought a
ticket in advance, so he 4 (walk) ……………..…………… straight to the front of the queue and 5 (enter) ........
.....…………..……… the cinema. He 6 (feel) ………………..………… relieved that he didn’t have to queue. He
(reach) ………………..………… his seat just as the lights 8 (go down) ………………..………… for the start of the
C. Last weekend, Cathy 1 (hire) ……………..…………… a car and 2 (drive) …………………..……… to the seaside.
When she 3 (arrive) ……………..……………, the wind 4 (blow) and the sky 5 (be) ……………..…………… cloudy.
She 6 (get out) ……………..…………… of the car and 7 (take) ……………..…………… a walk along the seafront.
Then she 8 (decide) ……………..…………… to go for fish and chips at a nearby restaurant that she 9 (see) ....
…………..…………… earlier and liked the look of. When she 10 (leave) ……………..…………… the restaurant,
the sky 11 (be) ……………..…………… dark. As she 12 (walk) ……………..…………… to her car, it 13 (begin) ...........
………..…………… to rain. However, Cathy 14 (not/ mind) ……………..…………… because she 15 (have) .............
…..…………… a wonderful day.

Exercise 2.2: Give an example of past forms in the text above are used to express.
1. action which happened at a definite time in the past-time stated, known or implied ................................
2. to describe the atmosphere, the setting, etc. in the introduction to a story ................................
3. actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past. ................................

Exercise 3: Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.

1. The car broke down when we were in the middle of our drive to Manchester. (as)
The car broke down …………………………………………………………....…………………………...……….……. to Manchester.
2. It’s Friday and I heard from Julian on Tuesday about the job application. (ago)
I heard from Julian ………………………………………………………………..……………..……...…. about the job application.
3. Before we were aware of global warming, we drove bigger cars. (drive)
Before we were aware of global warming, we……………………………..……………………...….……………. bigger cars.
4. They enquired at five hotels before they found one with a vacancy. (enquiring)
After …………………………………………………………………………………........…. hotels, they found one with a vacancy.
5. The play was cancelled when the group was in the middle of rehearsals. (rehearsing)
The group ………………………………………………………………………..............…...…………….…………….. it was cancelled.
6. We spent the summers at the seaside when we were little, but we wouldn’t swim in the sea very often.
We spent the summers at the seaside when we were little, but we ………...……..…..……………………………………
………………………………………………………..................................................................….……. in the sea very often.

118 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 1: Match the sentences to the correct description.
1. Every summer, our family takes a beach trip. 1 - ...... a. emphasis on number
2. She has just passed her exams. 2 - ...... b. past habit or state which is now finished
3. She has phoned him three times this morning. 3 - ...... c. recently completed action
4. When I was a kid, I used to play/ played hide 4 - ...... d. past action having visible results in the
and seek with my friends every day. present
5. I have lost my key. I am searching for it now. 5 - ...... e. habitual action
Exercise 2: Match two sentences to their meanings in each pair.

1. How far did you travel? ...... A. I’m asking about today.
How far have you travelled? ...... B. I’m asking about yesterday.
2. The doctor called this morning. ...... A. It is still morning.
We’ve been to the bank this morning. ...... B. It is now the afternoon.
3. How many criminals have you arrested, Sally? ...... A. Sally used to be a detective.
How many criminals did you arrest, Sally? ...... B. Sally is a detective.
4. Mike did the reports. ...... A. He finished them and went home.
Mike has done the reports. ...... B. He is doing the accounts now.
5. Sylvia has worn glasses for many years. ...... A. She wears contact lenses now.
Samantha wore glasses for many years. ...... B. She’s just bought a new pair.
6. We went there twice in the summer. ...... A. It is still the summer.
We’ve been there several times this summer. ...... B. Now it is winter.

Exercise 3: Complete the conversation with words and phrases in the box. There are three
extra words or phrases.

was told ‘s been happened hasn’t told ‘ve just fallen

just has told ‘ve used has given has decided have you done

Alec: Hi, Judi, I’m home!

Judi: Shh. Don’t disturb the children. They 0 ‘ve just fallen asleep.
Alec: OK. I’ll be quiet. So, how are thing? What 1…………….……………........……… today?
Judi: Not much. It 2…………….……………........……… a quiet day really. What about you?
Alec: Quite an exciting day. The boss 3…………….……………........……… me a new job!
Judi: Wow. That’s fantastic. What 4…………….……………........………?
Alec: Sylvia 5…………….……………........……… to move Eddie to the Toronto office. So I’ve got his job! She
…………….……………........……… about it at lunchtime. It 7…………….……………........……… a real surprise.
Judi: Well, I hope it’s more money because we 8…………….……………........……… all our savings!

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 119

Exercise 4: Circle ten mistakes in the conversation and correct them.

Dave: Have brought you the new car?

Alice: Yes. I’ve park it outside. Come and have a look…
Dave: It’s lovely. How fast did it go?
Alice: I don’t know. I yet haven’t driven it on the motorway.
Dave: I bet it’s really fast. Pete’s got one of these and he says he’s did over 125 mph in it!
Alice: Oh, that’s too fast for me. I’ve ever driven over 80 or 90.
Dave: I haven’t driven a car like this already either. Could I have a go?
Alice: I’m afraid not. Just I’ve arranged the insurance and I’m the only person that’s allowed to drive it.
Dave: That’s a pity. How has you turn on the CD player?
Alice: Hmm, I’m not sure. I’ve looked at the manual yet.
Dave: Has it got air-conditioning?
Alice: Yes. I’m really looking forward to the hot weather so I can try it out. I’ve never have before a car
with air conditioning!
1. ….………………... 2. ….………………... 3. ….………………... 4. ….………………... 5. ….………………...
6. ….………………... 7. ….………………... 8. ….………………... 9. ….………………... 10. ….……………....

Exercise 5: Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.

1. It’s four weeks since I spoke to Paul. (have) 12. He’s never played football before. (time)
I ………………………………...………………… for four weeks. It’s the first ............................................................
2. When did they announce their engagement? (ago) ................................................................. football.
How long ………………………………… their engagement? 13. John hasn’t played golf for years. (time)
3. She began to play tennis when she was 10. (since) The ........................................................................
She …………………………………………………… she was 10. ............................................... golf was years ago.
4. They are still discussing the problem. (finished) 14. We didn’t start tidying up until after the guests
They …………………………………………… the problem yet. left. (before)
5. I bought this coat three years ago. (for) We waited until the guests left ……………....……….
I …………………………………...….……………… three years. …………………………………......................……….……… .
6. When did Mary move to Liverpool? (since) 15. He is the kindest man I’ve ever met. (never)
How long is it ………………………….………....................... I have ...................................................................
............................................................ to Liverpool? ......................................................... man before.
7. I haven’t finished writing the report yet. (still) 16. It’s the worst headache she’s ever had. (bad)
I …………………………………………………………. the report. She has ................................................................
8. We’ve never seen such a funny film. (ever) ............................................................. headache.
It’s the ...……………………………………………………… seen. 17. Kate was about to leave the house when the
9. This is the first time I met a film star. (never) postman came. (point)
I ………………………………………..……. a film star before. Kate was ……………………………………………………………
10. We haven’t played squash for six months. (last) ………………. the house when the postman came.
We ……………………………………………… six months ago. 18. The waiter didn’t take our order until everyone
11. Kim was on the point of closing the shop when a decided what they wanted. (before)
customer walked in. (about) The waiter waited until everyone had decided
Kim …………………………………….………… the shop when what they wanted …………………………….….………...
a customer walked in. ………………………………………….……………. our order.

120 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 1: Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

1. You (get) …………………………… lots of presents for your birthday, didn’t you?
2. I (help) …………………………… with the laundry if I have time.
3. He (be) …………………………… in prison since he (try) …………………………… to set a fire in a neighbour’s house.
4. Sheila often (listen) …………………………… to rock music. She (not like) …………………………… pop music.
5. Finally, last week we (find) …………………………… a cheap flat. We (definitely move) …………………………… next
6. It usually (snow) …………………………… a lot in Ankara in winter.
7. …………………………… you (see) …………………………… the new Marvel movie yet? – No, not yet. I am studying
for my final exam.
8. What …………………………… you (do) …………………………… at midnight yesterday, Mr Holmes?
9. They booked the tickets a week ago and (visit) …………………………… their relatives in Manchester
10. How long …………………………… it (take) …………………………… to arrive at the airport? The plane (leave) .......
……………………… at 7 am and I am in a big hurry.
11. We (have) …………………………… dinner when the light (go) …………………………… out last night.
12. I (know) …………………………… Peter since we (be) …………………………… in high school.
13. Martha (be) …………………………… from Portugal. She (speak) …………………………… Portuguese.
14. My sister and her husband (go) …………………………… to Madrid for their holiday last year. They really
(have) …………………………… a good time there.
15. She (be) …………………………… to Singapore a few times already.

Exercise 2: Underline the correct word in bold.

1. We’re learning about plant life in biology this term / every year.
2. I always / already do the housework on Saturdays.
3. She was combing her hair since / when the cat broke her favourite flower vase.
4. The secretary has typed twenty letters yet / so far this morning.
5. Tomorrow / This morning we’re spending two weeks by the sea – it’s holiday time!
6. I have worked here since / still July.
7. We haven’t booked our summer holiday just / yet.
8. My sister never / sometimes goes running before school, but not today – it’s raining cats and dogs!
9. My brother has just / yet joined the football club.
10. We were studying when / while the birds were singing.
11. Linda has already / ever bought a new dress for the party.
12. I have music practice after school at the moment / on Mondays so I always get home late.
13. Have you so far / ever tasted Japanese food?
14. I often / right now go to bed at 8:30 pm.
15. Joe has been in Paris since / for two weeks.
16. I have an exam this afternoon / tomorrow so I’m going to bed early tonight.
17. I have never / just seen this film before.
18. Alice can’t answer the phone right now / ever – she’s having a shower.
19. The Taylors have moved their house so far / recently.
20. They still / already haven’t employed a new janitor.

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Exercise 3: Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1. Why are you so tired? – Well, I ……… any sleep last night.
A. am not getting B. wasn’t getting C. didn’t get D. won’t get
2. What’s wrong? You ……… very upset!
A. are looking B. looks C. looked D. look
3. Oh no! It ……… again. We can’t go on our picnic in Central Park today.
A. is raining B. rains C. rained D. will rain
4. The buses ……… at Depot at 9 o’clock this afternoon.
A. leaves B. are leaving C. leave D. will leave
5. I ……… Brenda five years ago when I ……… as a waitress.
A. met – worked B. met – was working C. was meeting – worked D. would meet - worked
6. Father ……… his job when the shoe factory ……… down last year.
A. loses - closes B. lost – was closing C. lost – closed D. losing - closed
7. Why are you ……… in bed? – I don’t feel well. I think I ……… a cold.
A. lying – caught B. laying – catch C. lying – catch D. laying - caught
8. I ……… from Paul for two weeks. I hope he is fine.
A. didn’t hear B. heard C. don’t hear D. haven’t heard
9. We ……… on Main Street when a dog ……… in front of our car.
A. were driving – run B. drove – ran C. were driving – ran D. drove – was running
10. The grass needs cutting. – Yes, I know. I ……… to the lawn tomorrow.
A. will mow B. am mowing C. am going to mow D. mow

Exercise 4: Correct the mistakes in each sentence. Two sentences have more than one mistake.

1. I’m playing chess since I was eight years old. ......................................................

2. I was readed a book when Nick phoning. ......................................................
3. He was lieing on the sofa when I came. ......................................................
4. We have learnt English since 3 months. ......................................................
5. What does your children often do in their free time? ......................................................
6. Did you late for school yesterday? ......................................................
7. We will go to Paris tomorrow. The tickets have been booked. ......................................................
8. You haven’t finished your homework already? ......................................................
9. Did your mother bought you a T-shirt last week? ......................................................
10. I hardly never surf the Internet. ......................................................
11. I used to eat at that restaurant three times last week. ......................................................
12. They haven’t still delivered my television. ......................................................
13. We haven’t read yet his letter. ......................................................
14. If you won’t turn on the speakers, you not hear anything. ......................................................
15. I didn’t won many prizes last year. ......................................................
16. I’ll make dinner when I will get home ......................................................
17. When was the last time you have seen Tony? ......................................................
18. Take some food in case you will get hungry. ......................................................
19. I have seen this film three months before. ......................................................
20. She hasn’t been to a party since she has returned from her holiday. ......................................................

122 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 5: Fill the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.


Verbs in time clauses and conditionals follow the same patterns as in other clauses except:
 In clauses with time words like when, after, until we often use present tense forms to talk
about the future.
(I’ll come home when/ after I finish work.)
(You have to want here until your father comes.)
 In conditional clauses with if, unless, whether, in case we often use present tense forms to
talk about the future.
(If Barcelona win tomorrow, they will be champions.)
(I will come tomorrow unless I have to look after the children.)
(Whether the cake arrives or not, we will celebrate.)
(Take the umbrella with you in case it rains.)

A. My car is being repaired and I don’t know when it 1 (be) ……………………………… ready. I doubt whether I
(be able to) ……………………………… collect it before the weekend. I wonder if John 3 (give) ...................
…………… me a lift to the party on Saturday. I’ll ask him when he 4 (come) ……………………………… home.
B. I was calling to ask if you’d like to go out after we 1 (finish) ……………………………… work tomorrow or if
you 2 (want) ……………………………… to watch a video instead. Call me back as soon as you 3 (get) ...........
…………………… in. I’ll wait until I 4 (hear) ……………………………… from you.
C. I will leave the hotel early in case there 1 (be) ……………………………… a lot of traffic. I don’t know how
long the journey 2 (take) ……………………………… or what time the plane 3 (land) ………………………………,
but I 4 (call) ……………………………… you as soon as I 5 (arrive) ……………………………… at the airport. Then, I
will wait until you 6 (come) ……………………………… to collect me.

D. Paul is drinking tea as she is waiting for Charles. She wonders if he 1 (be) ……………………………… late as
usual. She will wait until the clock 2 (strike) ……………………………… five and then she will call him in case
he 3 (forget) ……………………………… .
E. I come from a very large family and recently my parents 1 (decide) ……………………………… that they
(spend) ……………………………… long enough living in an overcrowded house in Birmingham. ‘We
(move) ……………………………… to the country’, my father 4 (announce) ……………………………… one
evening. ‘I 5 (sell) ……………………………… this house and we 6 (live) ……………………………… on a farm’. So
last week we 7 (load) ……………………………… all our belongings into two hired vans, and for the last few
days we 8 (try) ……………………………… to organise ourselves in our new home. Yesterday, for example,
my two brothers and I 9 (start) ……………………………… painting the upstairs rooms. Unfortunately, while
I 10 (mix) ……………………………… the paint, one of my brothers 11 (open) ……………………………… the door.
Nobody 12 (tell) ……………………………… him that we 13 (be) ……………………………… in the room. So instead
of painting the walls we 14 (spend) ……………………………… all morning cleaning paint off the floor. But
worse things 15 (happen) ……………………………… since then. This morning, when I 16 (wake) ....................
……………… up, water 17 (drip) ……………………………… through the ceiling next to my bed. We 18 (spend)
……………………………… the last five hours repairing the roof. It is not all bad news though. The school in
the village nearby 19 (close) ……………………………… down two years ago, and my parents 20 (not/ find) ...
…………………………… another school for us yet.

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Exercise 1: Choose an adjective that is opposite to the underlined adjective.

old low long full hard down light wrong stupid narrow
bad hot slow safe safe short dirty happy inside difficult
wet sick poor ugly warm cheap messy inside boring hardworking

1. People can be tall or ………………………… 16. A box can be empty or …………………………

2. A book can be interesting or ………………………… 17. Toys can be expensive or …………………………
3. A family can be rich or ………………………… 18. Hair can be dry or …………………………
4. A bag can be heavy or ………………………… 19. A building can be high or …………………………
5. Weather can be cool or ………………………… 20. A student can be lazy or …………………………
6. Water can be cold or ………………………… 21. We can go up or …………………………
7. A car can be new or ………………………… 22. A chair can be soft or …………………………
8. A teacher can be young ………………………… 23. Shoes can clean or …………………………
9. News can be good or ………………………… 24. A pencil can be short or …………………………
10. A man can be clever or ………………………… 25. A question can be right or …………………………
11. A woman can be beautiful or ………………………… 26. Children can be outside or …………………………
12. Roads can be wide or ………………………… 27. A child can be healthy or …………………………
13. Night can be dark or ………………………… 28. An animal can be fast or …………………………
14. English test can be easy or ………………………… 29. A baby can be sad or …………………………
15. A room can be tidy or ………………………… 30. Sport can be dangerous or …………………………

Exercise 2: Fill in the gaps with the correct adjective from the box.

old hot tired bright narrow

loud warm long strong comfortable

It was a cold, dark night. There was a 1 ………….......……………… wind

blowing and it was starting to rain. James was driving home after a
………….......……………… day at work and he was very 3 ………….............
…………… . The road he was driving along was 4 ………….......………………
and winding, but it was the quickest way home. Suddenly, there was
a 5 ………….......……………… flash of lightning and a 6 …………...................
……… crash of thunder as the storm broke. James’ car was 7 ………......
………....………, but he put his foot down because he wanted to get
home quickly. He wanted to sit in his 8 ………….......……………… chair by
the 9 ………….....……..………… fire and drink a cup of 10 ………….....…...…..
……… coffee.

124 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

-ED & -ING Exercise 3: Complete each sentence with a suitable -ed or -ing adjectives form
ADJECTIVES of the verbs.


 -ed adjectives describe how we feel (I’m confused.)
 -ing adjectives describe the thing that causes our feelings (The rules are confusing.)

1. After a long day at work Jake always feels (tire) …………………………. .

2. Dale and Fred think their new computer is really (excite) …………………………. .
3. Can you help me? I find these ticket machines very (confuse) ………………………….!
4. There are some students who feel (depress) …………………………. by studying, especially subjects which
they find (confuse) …………………………. .
5. They often leave their work until last minute, and then find the amount they have to do is simply
(exhaust) …………………………., or they are (embarrass) …………………………. to admit that they need help.
6. They simply become more and more (worry) …………………………., and then work even less than before.
7. Or they blame the school system, because the subjects they are studying are just not (interest)
…………………………. .
8. However, you may be (surprise) …………………………. to know that very few students feel this way,
according to recent research.
9. In fact, most students don’t find school work (annoy) …………………………. at all.
10. They are usually (excite) …………………………. about the subjects they are studying, and they feel (satisfy)
…………………………. when they do something well.
Exercise 4: Circle ten mistakes in the advertisement and correct them.

Jarrold’s Nature Park 1. .......................

Do you think zoos are bored or interested? Do you prefer 2. .......................
to see beautiful and wild animals in their environment natural? 3. .......................
Jarrold’s Nature Park is an excited new way to see animals. We know our animals 4. .......................
are sensitive lived creatures so we keep them in enclosures that are large and 5. .......................
open. There are no depressed cages or high fences. We have animals beautiful 6. .......................
from all parts of the world. Your children will love the amazed tropical forest with 7. .......................
its birds and monkeys. 8. .......................
From enormous terrified spiders to cute panda bears, Jarrold’s has them all. 9. .......................
Jarrold’s Nature Park. It’s much more than a zoo ordinary! 10. .....................

Exercise 5: Write the words and phrases in the correct order.

1. feels/ sweater/ soft/ this/. 6. you/ car/ a/ getting/ are/ new/?
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
2. bird/ is/ that/ alive/? 7. was/ it/ a long/ difficult/ and/ test/.
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
3. friendly/ new/ neighbours/ seem/ our /. 8. yellow/ and/ we’ve/ orange/ got/ wallpaper/.
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
4. awake/ your/ guests/ are/? 9. in/ big/ lives/ my aunt/ house/ a/.
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
5. weather/ and/ was/ hot/ the/ sunny/. 10. yellow/ a/ they/ have/ pet cat/ cute/.
............................................................................... ...............................................................................

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 125

Exercise 6: Complete each sentence about paintings in a gallery so that it contains a word in
the box. Two words are extra.

dead alive alike asleep alone awake afraid ashamed

0. The boy in the painting doesn’t seem to have 3. He isn’t asleep, but looks as if he is in a dream.
woken up. He .............................................................................
The boy in the painting seems to be asleep. ................................ but looks as if he is in a dream.
1. Both girls in this painting look the same. 4. Does this painting frighten you?
The girls in this painting ..................................... ..................................................................................
......................................................................... . ....................................................... of this painting?
2. I’m not sure that the person in this painting is 5. It’s a painting of a battle and most of the soldiers
alive. are dead.
I think the person in this painting ...................... It’s a painting of a battle and very few soldiers are
........................................................................... . ................................................................................ .

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives of your choice.

opinion size shape age colour origin material type/ purpose NOUN
00. (a) valuable large round Italian bedroom mirror
0. (an) old red silk wedding dress
1. .................. ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ .............. ..................... ............
2. .................. ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ .............. ..................... ............
3. .................. ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ .............. ..................... ............
4. .................. ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ .............. ..................... ............
5. .................. ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ .............. ..................... ............

Exercise 2: Put the adjectives in the correct order to complete the sentence. Then decide which
city in the box the sentence is describing. One country is extra.

Cairo Paris London Tokyo Sydney Venice Moscow Istanbul Ottawa

1. The best way to get around the city is to get on a (red/ big) …………................................ .................
……….… bus.
2. The city is full of (old/ wonderful) …………................................……….… palaces along the .................
sides of the canals.
3. Just outside the city you soon see the (stone/ vast) …………................................……….… .................
shapes of the Pyramids.
4. From the top of the (graceful/ iron) …………................................……….… tower you can .................
look across the French capital.
5. At the heart of the city is this (medieval/ well-known) …………................................………… .................
fortress which is still home to the president.
6. This is a (busy/ commercial) …………................................……….… city, not a centre for .................
historic buildings, but still a great place to visit.
7. This is a (clean/ beautiful) …………................................……….… capital city with rivers and .................
nature museums.
8. This spectacular city where Europe and Asia meet has (modern/ tall) ............................... .................
...................……….… buildings, as well as ancient palaces.

126 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Put the adjectives in the correct order.
1. a (rectangular/ brass/ lovely) ……………….......………………...........………..................…….......……… picture frame
2. two (white/ porcelain/ pretty) ……………….......………………...........……….................................…………… statues
3. some (English/ old/ valuable) ……………….......………………...........…………..................…..................……… books
4. a(n) (antique/ interesting) ……………….......………………...........……………...........................................……… clock
5. a (wooden/ traditional) ……………….......………………...........…………...................................………… rocking chair
6. a (glass/ small/ blue) ……………….......………………...........……………….....................................................…… dish
7. a(n) (English/ wooden/ old) ……………….......………………...........…………..........................................………… desk
8. a(n) (China/ oval/ lovely) ……………….......………………...........……….............................................…………… plate
Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer.
1. He was wearing ……… shirt.
A. a dirty old flannel B. a flannel old dirty C. an old dirty flannel
2. Pass me the ……… cups.
A. plastic big blue B. big blue plastic C. big plastic blue
3. All the girls feel in love with the ……… teacher.
A. handsome new American B. American new handsome C. new handsome American
4. I used to drive ……… car.
A. a blue old German B. an old German blue C. an old blue German
5. He recently married a ……… woman.
A. young beautiful Greek B. beautiful young Greek C. beautiful Greek young
6. This is a ……… movie.
A. new Italian wonderful B. wonderful Italian new C. wonderful new Italian
7. She is a ……… supermodel.
A. beautiful slim Brazilian B. Brazilian beautiful slim C. slim Brazilian beautiful
8. It’s in the ……… container.
A. large blue metal B. blue large metal C. blue metal large
9. He sat behind a ……… desk.
A. big wooden brown B. big brown wooden C. wooden big brown
10. She gave him a ……… vase.
A. small Egyptian black B. black Egyptian small C. small black Egyptian
Exercise 5: Put the words in the brackets in the correct order to complete the sentences.
1. Samira owns a (French/ lovely/ old) ……………………………..................………………… armchair.
2. Tom lives in a (stone/ little/ pleasant) ……………………………..................………………… cottage by the sea.
3. We bought a (wooden/ big/ new) ……………………………..................………………… chest of drawers for the
4. Did Melinda wear a (pretty/ silk/ blue) ……………………………..................………………… dress to the party?
5. Their new house has a (living/ big/ nice) ……………………………..................………………… room.
6. David gave her a (round/ silver/ small) ……………………………..................………………… picture frame.
7. Rembrandt was a (seventeenth-century/ Dutch/ famous) ………….………………….................…………………
8. It’s one of those (German/ washing/ expensive) ……………………………..................………………… machines.
9. Where’s that (cotton/ red/ horrible) …………………………….................……….………… T-shirt you used to wear?
10. I used to have a (brown/ big/ adorable) ……………………………..................………………… dog named Alphie.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 127


Exercise 1: Use adverbs to complete the sentences.

1. We found a good seat because we arrived (early) ………..…..........….......…… .
2. Jake’s a fantastic artist. He can paint really (good) ………..…..........….......…… .
3. If you want to pass the exam you need to work (hard) ………..…..........….......…… .
4. You shouldn’t drive so (fast) ………..…..........….......…… - it’s dangerous!
5. She started crying (soft) ………..…..........….......…… as the movie went on playing.
6. The play begins rather (slow) ………..…..........….......…… with a scene at the bus stop.
7. Just as you think the main characters are going to live (happy) ………..…..........….......…… ever after, the
film takes on an unexpected twist.
8. The author wrote this book (beautiful) ………..…..........….......…… but in the end the story is disappointing.
9. I (hard) ………..…..........….......…… watch any television, except for current affairs and breaking news.
10. Mark’s guitar playing is pretty good, but he sings so (bad) ………..…..........….......…… that I just wanted
him to stop.

Exercise 2: Choose an adjective from the box and complete the gaps with its adverb form.

sad soft loud quiet cheerful immediate

A: I was passing the pet shop when I saw the most B: Claire called to her mum 4………..…..........…....... as
beautiful kitten in the window. She looked she ran into the house. The door slammed 5………..
………..…..........…....... up at me with her big …..........…....... behind her. ‘Why do you have to
green eyes and mewed ………..…..........…....... . I make so much noise?’ shouted her mum. ‘Sorry,’
3 6
knew ………..…..........…....... that I had to buy said Claire, and ………..…..........…....... crept
her. upstairs.


Exercise 3: Put the frequency adverbs into the most appropriate space in each
sentence. Decide whether each statement describes a good or bad listener.

0. often I often finish …………….......…… sentences for other people. bad listener
1. usually Other people …………….......…… seem to be comfortable …………….......…… .......................
when they talk to me.
2. sometimes When …………….......…… people talk to me, I …………….......…… look at the .......................
3. never If I don’t ………………… like a person’s voice, I …………….......…… pay .......................
attention to them.
4. always I …………….......…… try to give people my complete attention when they .......................
…………….......…… speak to me.
5. rarely I …………….......…… interrupt people before they have …………….......…… .......................
finished what they are saying.
6. sometimes I …………….......…… laugh at what …………….......…… people say to me, and .......................
upset them.

128 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 4: Use the prompts to make a question with the frequency adverbs in brackets.
1. you/ take the lead in group discussions? (usually) 5. you/ feel that nobody is interested in what you
................................................................................ say? (sometimes)
................................................................................ ...............................................................................
2. you/ feel/ unable to say anything interesting? ...............................................................................
(sometimes) 6. you/ find ways of keeping other people’s
................................................................................ attention? (usually)
................................................................................ ...............................................................................
3. you/ change/ your opinion after you hear what ...............................................................................
others say? (often) 7. you/ avoid saying what you really think? (often)
................................................................................ ...............................................................................
................................................................................ ...............................................................................
4. you/ listen carefully to what all the others are 8. you/ encourage other members of the group to
saying? (always) speak? (always)
................................................................................ ...............................................................................
................................................................................ ...............................................................................

PLACE & TIME Exercise 5: Put () to mark as many places in each sentences to put the adverb
ADVERBS as possible.

ONE - MINUTE LESSON 0. tomorrow  They will clean the house  .

 Adverbs of place and 1. all morning Fiona has been making cakes with her mum .
time usually go at the 2. on the train She read the paper .
end of the sentence.
3. today I bought some bread .
(She put the money on
4. all evening James has played on his computer .
the table/ yesterday.)
5. out off the house She ran .
 We can put an adverb
6. then He knew he made the right choice .
at the beginning of a
sentence to emphasise 7. outside Shall I wait ?
it. (Madly/ In Paris/ 8. absolutely His plan was brilliant .
Last year we fell in 9. safety They arrived .
love.) 10. accidentally The children broke the priceless vase .

Exercise 6: Complete the text with words and phrases A-L in the box. There are three extra
words or phrases.

A. at night Urban Foxes

B. quickly H foxes were just a problem for farmers. They would attack chickens and
C. open easily sheep 1 ………. . They 2 ………. into towns. But now they have become a serious
D. In Britain problem for the residents of Britain’s cities. 3 ………. a lot of people live in
E. the foxes after dark houses with gardens. These are perfect places for foxes to live in.
F. often carry The foxes 4 ………. serious diseases; and these can be passed on to cats and
G. easy open
other pets. 5 ………. raid rubbish bins. They can 6 ………. plastic bags and their
H. In the old days
I. rarely came strong teeth and claws can 7 ………. cut holes in fences. They leave food and
J. Occasionally rubbish all over the street and this encourages rats. 8 ………. foxes can be
K. came rarely aggressive towards people and children, especially if a mother is protecting
L. After dark the foxes her cubs.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 129

Exercise 1: Decide whether the words underlined are acting as adjectives or adverbs.
1. Some people think modern paintings are ‘difficult’. 1. ...........................
2. They find them confusing because they are not ‘pictures’. 2. ...........................
3. They say that a good photograph would be better. 3. ...........................
4. At least, they say, a photo does show the real world. 4. ...........................
5. It’s also hard to persuade them that the artist worked hard. 5. ...........................
6. Some modern painting could easily have been painted by a child. 6. ...........................
7. Artists sometimes make the situation more difficult. 7. ...........................
8. They write explanations of their work which can seem unnecessary. 8. ...........................
9. They may not seem to have very much connection with the art. 9. ...........................
10. Still, if the work seems interesting then it is worth looking at. 10. .........................
Exercise 2.1: Underline the correct item.
1 2
The house was quiet / quietly. It had been snowing heavy / heavily all day. 3 Sudden / Suddenly,
there was a 4 loud / loudly knock at the door. I jumped up 5 nervous / nervously. ‘Who is it?’ I called
anxious / anxiously. There was no reply. I 7 slow / slowly opened the door and looked outside. A rush
of 8 cold / coldly air entered the house. I 9 quick / quickly shut the door and turned around, then I saw
the most 10 horrible / horribly creature I had ever seen standing in front of me.

Exercise 2.2: Underline the correct item.


Link Verbs (be, become, appear, remain, seem, get, etc.) including Sense Verbs (look, sound,
smell, taste, feel) are followed by an adjective. (She seemed intelligent. The food smells awesome.)

1. Tom sounds angry / angrily when he spoke to me.

2. The apple pie smells good / well.
3. Under the heavy blanket I stayed warm / warmly all night.
4. The musician sounded his trumpet loud / loudly.
5. Bob has a hot temper, but he never remains angry / angrily very long.
6. Bill looks tired / tiredly after his ordeal.
7. The children seem restless / restlessly today. What happened
when I was away?
8. The peach ice cream tasted good / well on that hot night.
9. The campers stayed cosy / cosily by the fire, ate steamy soup
and sang many songs.
10. I’ve learned to identify fabrics blindfolded by feeling them
careful / carefully.
11. The little girl looked cautious / cautiously to the right and left.
12. She looks excellent / excellently in that dress! Yes, you’re right!
13. After reading by the fire, Ken became very sleepy / sleepily.
14. The robbery suspect seemed uneasy / uneasily when he was
15. Palm always remains calm / calmly under pressure.

130 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Use the prompt below to write complete sentences.
1. Lucy/ be/ good/ at/ art/. ...................................................................................................
2. Peter/ sometimes/ work/ careless/. ...................................................................................................
3. Harry and Beth/ always/ work/ hard/. ...................................................................................................
4. English/ be/ easy/. ...................................................................................................
5. Our teacher/ speak/ clear/. ...................................................................................................
6. Beth/ be/ always/ polite/ elder people/. ...................................................................................................
7. Liz’s mum/ always/ drive/ slow/. ...................................................................................................
8. Peter’s room/ be/ very/ untidy/. ...................................................................................................
9. I/ can’t/ draw/ very/ good/. ...................................................................................................
10. That story/ be/ very/ funny/. ...................................................................................................

Exercise 4: Complete each sentence the correct form of a phrase in the box.

feel/ fine smell/ nice smile/ proud shout/ angry dance/ happy
look/ wet rain/ heavy seem/ upset taste/ awful drive/ careless

1. I can’t eat this. I’ve just tried it and it ……………..............………....………………. .

2. I’m not very well but I ……………..............………....………………. tomorrow.
3. We ……………..............………....………………. to the music and had a great time at the party.
4. The man ……………..............………....………………. and crashed his car.
5. What beautiful flowers! They ……………..............………....………………. too.
6. It ……………..............………....………………. yesterday, so we stayed indoors.
7. You ……………..............………....………………. . Have you been out in the rain?
8. The actor who won the Academy Award ……………..............………....………………. on last night stage.
9. She ……………..............………....………………. . Is there anything bad happened her?
10. The teacher ……………..............………....………………. because the students were making too much noise.

Exercise 5: Underline the correct item.

1. She lives very near / nearly to the school.
2. Jack near / nearly crashed his car yesterday.
3. The prisoners can move around free / freely.
4. I got this pen free / freely with a magazine.
5. His story sounds high / highly unlikely.
6. We could see the bird’s nest high / highly up in the sky.
7. Roger was late / lately for work every day last week.
8. I haven’t been feeling very well late / lately.
9. He tried hard / hardly to solve the problem, but he
couldn’t do it.
10. The music was so loud that I could hard / hardly hear
what he was saying.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 131


SHORT ADJECTIVES Exercise 1: Complete the sentences. Then write Yes or No.

Aya 140cm 9 years old 0. Aya is taller than Jill. No

Jill 145cm 7 years old 1. Jill is y…………………… than Aya. …………
Luke 40kg Math score: 8 2. Nora is h…………………… than Luke. …………
3. Luke’s math score is h…………………… than Nora’s. …………
Nora 48kg Math score: 5
4. Pedro is s…………………… than Khalid. …………
Pedro 147cm Run 100m: 15s
5. Khalid’s running speed is f…………………… than Pedro. …………
Khalid 154cm Run 100m: 20s 6. Jeni is l…………………… than Nora. …………
Jeni 38kg Clear handwriting 7. Hana’s handwriting is c…………………… than Jeni. …………
Hana 42kg Messy handwriting 8. Hana’s weight is h…………………… than Jeni’s. …………

Exercise 2: Complete the sentence with one word.

1. I expected my exam results to be better. 7. I thought the station was nearer.
My exam results were …………………… than I The station was …………………… than I thought.
expected. 8. English lessons seem shorter than Math lessons.
2. Harry doesn’t look so clever. Math lessons seem …………………… than English
Harry is …………………… than he looks. lessons.
3. The black coat is smaller than the brown one. 9. I’m sure this year is colder than last year.
The brown coat is …………………… than the black I’m sure last year was …………………… than this
one. year.
4. Helen’s brother is older than her. 10. I’m less happy than I used to be.
Helen is …………………… than her brother. I used to be …………………… than I am now.
5. Jim’s previous film was longer than his latest one. 11. The weather yesterday was worse.
Jim’s latest film is …………………… than the The weather today is …………………… than it was
previous one. yesterday.
6. I think my sweets taste better than yours. 12. Jim’s suitcase was lighter than Jack’s.
I think my sweets is …………………… than yours. Jack’s suitcase was …………………… than Jim’s.
Exercise 3: Circle the correct words to complete each sentence.
1. My computer is more efficient than your / than 6. Harry’s motorcycle is newer than my / mine.
yours. 7. Mary’s house is closer to school than John’s /
2. The white coat is warmer then / than the grey John does.
one. 8. Cho’s package arrived more quickly than Kelly’s
3. Ellen buys nicer clothes than I do / than I am. did / than Kelly’s was.
4. Cars are expensive, but houses are more 9. Dave is 27 years old. His sister is older than he
expensive / more expensive than. is / than he does.
5. Does your new stereo play music more loudly 10. Jack is quite short. His wife is even shorter than
than your old one was / did? him / than he does.

132 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 4: Write a comparative sentence using the information and an adjective from the box.

old dry low long high deep small large

1. The River Mackenzie, Canada: 4,240km. 1. ............................................................................

The River Niger, Africa: 4,170km. ................................................................................
2. Lake Victoria, Africa: 69,484km2 2. ............................................................................
Lake Michigan, North America: 57,757km2 ................................................................................
3. The Marianas Trench, Pacific Ocean: 10,900m 3. ............................................................................
The Japan Trench, Northern Pacific: 9,000m ................................................................................
4. Mont Blanc, France: 4,807m 4. ............................................................................
Mount Elbrus, Russia: 5,642m ................................................................................
5. Arica, Chile: average rainfall 0.76mm per year 5. ............................................................................
The Libyan Sahara Desert: average rainfall, <15mm ................................................................................
per year ................................................................................
6. The oldest rocks in Scotland: 3 billion years old 6. ............................................................................
The oldest rocks in Canada: 4 billion years old ................................................................................
7. The lowest recorded temperature in Finland: -57°C 7. ............................................................................
The lowest recorded temperature in Sweden: -52°C ................................................................................
8. The island state of Nauru, South Pacific: 21km2 8. ............................................................................
Monaco: 1.6km2 ................................................................................
Exercise 5: Complete each comparison. Do not repeat the same noun.
0. Irina’s car is bigger (my car) 3. My apartment is more comfortable (their apartment)
than mine. ……………………………........…………………………..……………….
1. Miguel’s suit is smaller (Chad’s suit) 4. Her dress is shorter than (my dress)
…………………………………..…….…………….......………. ……………………………........…………………………..……………….
2. Jeff’s kitchen is larger (our kitchen) 5. Janet’s hair is much curlier (her classmate’s hair)
…………………………………..…….…………….......………. ……………………………........…………………………..……………….

LONG ADJECTIVES Exercise 6: Rewrite sentences using the adjectives in capitals.

1. The first question in the test was easier than the second one.
The second question in the test was ……………………………………………………………....…………… DIFFICULT
2. I find movies more interesting than opera.
In my opinion, opera is …………………………………………………………………….………………....………. BORING
3. Staying at home for a holiday is cheaper than travelling abroad.
Travelling abroad for a holiday ………………………………………………………………………....………… EXPENSIVE
4. The Royal Hotel is more old-fashioned than the Holton Hotel.
The Holton Hotel ……………………………………………………………………………….………………...……… MODERN
5. This chair isn’t as comfortable as the sofa.
The sofa …………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………...…… COMFORTABLE
6. I think water refreshes me more than milk does.
I think water is …………………………………………………………………………………………..…………...…… REFRESHING
7. Romantic films interest me more than war films.
I find ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………...……… INTERESTING
8. Travelling during the day is surely safer than at night.
Travelling at night is surely……………………………………………………………………………………...…… DANGEROUS

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Exercise 7: Use the words below to write comparative sentences.
1. Canada / big / Britain. .......................................................................................................
2. This towel / dry / that one. .......................................................................................................
3. Magazines / interesting / newspapers. .......................................................................................................
4. My spelling / bad / Lucy’s. .......................................................................................................
5. The airport / far / the railway station. .......................................................................................................
6. Paris / beautiful / Berlin. .......................................................................................................
7. Steak / good / lamb. .......................................................................................................
8. Cauliflower / expensive / spinach. .......................................................................................................

SHORT Exercise 1: Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjectives
ADJECTIVES in brackets.

1. December is (cold) …………………….………… month of the year in my country.

2. What’s (cute) …………………….………… animal in the world?
3. Who is (good) …………………….………… singer in your country?
4. My cat is (lazy) …………………….………… animal I know.
5. Mount Everest is (high) …………………….………… mountain on Earth.
6. (big) …………………….………… pile of trash on Mount Everest are on the lower areas.
7. Trash is one of (bad) …………………….………… problems on Mount Everest now.
8. Which climber is (far) …………………….………… from the top?
9. That was (easy) …………………….………… mountain I’ve ever climbed.
10. Climbing Mount Everest in a snowstorm is one of (stupid) …………………….………… thing you can do.

LONG Exercise 2: Complete the sentence with the superlative form of the adjective in
ADJECTIVES capitals.

1. ……………………………......……..…… whale ever caught weighted more than 171,000kg. HEAVY

2. ……………………………......……..…… whale recorded was over 33m in length. LONG
3. A specimen of king’s holly, a plant found in the rainforest of Tasmania, is one of OLD
……………………………......……..…… plants on Earth - over 43,000 years old.
4. The cheetah is ……………………………......……..…… creature on Earth, and is capable of FAST
running over 110kph.
5. ……………………………......……..…… part of the ocean where a fish has been found was DEEP
8,372m down in the Puerto Rican Trench.
6. ……………………………......……..…… fish in the sea is the sailfish which can travel 100kph. SPEEDY
7. No prizes for guessing ……………………………......……..…… fish in the world. It is the FEROCIOUS
deadly piranha fish.
8. The sea wasp, which lives off the north coast of Australia, is ……………………………...... POISONOUS
……..…… creature in the sea. If it stings you, you have between 30 seconds and four
minutes to live.
9. ……………………………......……..…… spider in the world is the goliath spider from South LARGE
America, which can be 28cm across.
10. And ……………………………......……..…… mammal is probably Savi’s pygmy shrew, a SMALL
mouse-like creature, which weighs between 1 and 3 grams.

134 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Use the words below to write superlative sentences.
1. France / large country / the European Union. 5. That / beautiful tree / the garden.
…………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………...
2. Mario / old student / my class. 6. Harry / experienced / the workers.
…………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………...
3. Selima / tallest / the athletes. 7. Mine / nice / the rooms.
…………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………...
4. New York / big city / North America. 8. Dennis / funny / my friends.
…………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………...

Exercise 4: Rewrite the sentences with superlative adjectives.

0. I’ve never sat in a more comfortable classroom 5. I’ve never written a more difficult essay than this.
than this. This is the …………………………………..………………………..
This is the most comfortable classroom I’ve ever. ……………………….………………………..………….….………... .
1. I’ve never eaten a tastier school lunch than this. 6. I’ve never seen a more entertaining school play
This is the ………………………………………………………….. than this.
……………………….………………………………….….………... . This is the ………………………………..…………………………..
2. I’ve never read a worse book than this. ……………………….……………………..…………….….………... .
This is the ………………………………………………………….. 7. We’ve never used a more interesting textbook
……………………….………………………………….….………... . than this.
3. I’ve never solved an easier problem than this. This is the …………………………..………………………………..
This is the ………………………………………………………….. ……………………….……………………………………….………... .
……………………….………………………………….….………... . 8. I’ve never had a better friend than you.
4. I’ve never taken a longer test than this. You are the ……………………………………………..…………..
This is the ………………………………………………………….. ……………………….………………………………….…...………... .
……………………….………………………………….….………... .


Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with of, in or than.
1. My room is larger …………........… yours.
2. The white car is the fastest …………........… the three cars.
3. Watching TV is more interesting …………........… listening to the radio.
4. He is the cleverest boy …………........… his class.
5. Jonathan has the best attitude …………........… all.
6. She is richer …………........… me.
7. They are the fastest runners …………........… all.
8. Summer is hotter …………........… winter.
9. Tom is the oldest …………........… all.
10. It is the most interesting book …………........…
the three.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 135

Exercise 2: Put adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form, adding any
necessary words.
1. A: Do you like crisps?
B: Yes, but I think chocolate is much (tasty) …………………………………………… crisps.
2. A: Kate is a lot (knowledgeable) …………………………………………… Anne.
B: Yes. She’s (knowledgeable) …………………………………………… girl I know.
3. A: That was by far (good) …………………………………………… cake you’ve ever made.
B: I’m glad you enjoyed it.
4. A: Mount Everest is (high) …………………………………………… mountain in the world.
B: Everyone knows that!
5. A: Did that coat cost a lot of money?
B: Yes, it was by far (expensive) …………………………………………… coat in the shop.
6. A: Thank you for your help.
B: That’s okay. If you need any (far) …………………………………………… advice, come and see me.
7. A: Well Mr Jones, we’ve interviewed the three (likely) …………………………………………… candidates. Who do
you think would be (good) …………………………………………… person for the job?
B: I have to say, I thought Mrs Shaw was (intelligent) …………………………………………… of the three, but Mr
Peters was a little (nice) …………………………………………… her.
8. A: That’s true, and we do need someone who can work with people. However, I thought Miss Brown
would be (popular) …………………………………………… the others with our clients.
B: I also thought that she was by far (responsible) …………………………………………… candidate.
9. A: Good. Thank you for your help, Mr Jones. Choosing who to employ is (difficult)
…………………………………………… part of my job. It’s always (easy) …………………………………………… when I
hear someone else’s views.
B: I’m glad I could help.
10. A: What is your favourite day of the week?
B: Definitely Sunday. And Thursday is always (hard) …………………………………………… for me because I am
already tired because of a hard-working week and it’s not Friday yet.

Exercise 3: Complete the following items, as in the example.

0. a pebble / a stone / a rock (big)
A stone is bigger than a pebble. A rock is the biggest of all.
1. cotton / wood / iron (heavy)
2. bronze / silver / gold (expensive)
3. a bicycle / a car / a train (fast)
4. a cheetah / a cat / a snail (slow)
5. a sheep / a horse / a giraffe (tall)
6. steel / wood / wool (soft)

136 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 4: Complete the passage with correct forms of the adjectives.
A. Hello!
I’m Ruth and I’m eleven years old. I’ve got two pets! A parrot and a dog. My parrot, Cookie, is
(noisy) …………………………………… bird in the neighbourhood! He sings all day! He’s 2 (intelligent) ...........
…………………………… a canary but he’s 3 (ugly) ……………………………………, too! My dog, Missy, is 4 (good)
…………………………………… dog in the world. She’s also 5(dirty) …………………………………… dog in the world!
She hates having a bath! I think she’s 6(beautiful) …………………………………… dog in the world!
B. Yesterday was 1 (cold) …………………………………… day of the year. It snowed all night and everything was
white. The children woke up 2 (early) …………………………………… usual. They were excited because the
snow was 3 (deep) …………………………………… ever before and they wanted to go outside and play. We
dressed them in 4 (warm) …………………………………… clothes we could find, then they went out into the
garden. We watched from the window as they built 5 (big) …………………………………… snowman I have
ever seen. As the snow was falling 6 (hard) …………………………………… ever, the children soon came inside
to warm up. They were laughing as if they had heard 7 (funny) …………………………………… joke ever told.
They said that they thought winter 8 (good) …………………………………… season of all.
C. London is one of 1 (large) …………………………………… cities in the world. Its population is 2 (low) .................
……………………… than Tokyo or Shanghai, but it is one of 3 (popular) …………………………………… tourist
destinations of all. London is probably 4 (famous) …………………………………… for its museums, galleries,
palaces and other sights, but it also includes a 5 (wide) …………………………………… range of peoples,
cultures and religions than many other places. People used to say that it was 6 (dirty) ............................
…………… city too, but it is now much 7 (clean) ……………………………………than it was. To the surprise of
many people, it now has some of 8(good) …………………………………… restaurants in Europe too. For some
people, this makes London 9 (exciting) …………………………………… city in Europe. Unfortunately, London is
definitely not (expensive) …………………………………… city in Europe, though a holiday in London is good
value for money, considering what there is to see and do there.

Exercise 5: Underline six mistakes in the tour guide’s statement and correct them.
We only have four working elephants here at Songklan so it is more small than the other elephant farms
in the area. The larger elephant farm of this part of Thailand has 30 elephants! The four elephants here
have different backgrounds and personalities. The distance Mao-Mao travelled is the most far; he came
from Chaing Rai in the north of the country. Changra is the goodest worker, he loves lifting wood. But
he’s very greedy. He eats a lot more than the other! Selma is the most bad worker, she’s very lazy. She’s
only eighteen years old but each year she gets lazier and lazier! Tanan is friendlyer than the other
elephants; she really loves people.

1. ............................................. 4. .............................................
2. ............................................. 5. .............................................
3. ............................................. 6. .............................................

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Exercise 1: Complete each sentence with as…as and the adjective in the bracket.


 a comparative form + than
(The bite of an Egyptian Cobra is more poisonous than the bite of an Indian Cobra.)
 not as/ so + adjective + as
(The bite of an Indian Cobra is not as/ so poisonous as the bite of an Egyptian Cobra.)
 (just) as + adjective + as when two things compare equally (‘I don’t care which one is more
poisonous. I’m (just) as scared of them both.’ ‘Me too. I’m as scared as you.’)

1. The blue car is (expensive) ……………………...……... 6. Today it’s (not/ windy) ………………………….............
…………........................................…… the red car. ...........................................……………… yesterday.
2. Peter is (not/ tall) ………………………….................... 7. The tomato soup was (delicious) ........................
……………….................................................. Fred. …………….………...……………… the mushroom soup.
3. The violin is (not/ low) …………………………............ 8. Lemonade is (not/ sweet) ………………………….......
............................................……………… the cello. .................................……………… grapefruit juice.
4. This copy is (bad) …………………………...……………… 9. Nick is (brave) ………………………...........…...……......
.................................................... the other one. …………....................................................... Kevin.
5. Oliver is (optimistic) …………………………...…………. 10. Silver is (not/ heavy) …………………………............
............................................................. as Peter. ...................................................……………… gold.
Exercise 2: Rewrite each sentence with the word(s) in brackets.
1. My watch is less attractive than yours. (not as… 6. This gym is less convenient than the one near my
as) house. (not as…as)
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................
2. My arm isn’t as painful as it was. (than) 7. This review is less positive than that one. (not
.............................................................................. as…as)
3. Sally’s shoes aren’t as fancy as Jill’s. (fancier) ..............................................................................
.............................................................................. 8. Carol thought the accident was less serious than
4. This supermarket isn’t as expensive as the one it was. (more)
across the street. (more) ..............................................................................
.............................................................................. 9. This dress is less beautiful than that one. (not as…
5. The first explanation is unlikely, and so is the as)
second. (just) ..............................................................................
.............................................................................. 10. A bike is less expensive than a scooter. (more)

Exercise 3: Tick the correct sentences. Correct the sentences that are wrong.
1. I don’t think Lady Gaga is a most talented singer than Katy Perry, do you? ..............................................
2. Daniel Radcliffe is one of the best-known actors in the world. ..............................................
3. The Russian War and Peace is among the longest films ever made. ..............................................
4. Mary felt she wasn’t such a gifted musician as her sister. ..............................................
5. Those paintings aren’t as impressive so you’d imagine. ..............................................
6. He’s performed in twice as many films as plays. ..............................................
7. They’re not so expensive tickets as I’d thought they’d be. ..............................................
8. It’s as brilliant performance that you’ll ever see in your life. ..............................................

138 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use


Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentence as a Yes/ No question.
1. The Nile is the longest river. 6. Our climate will be different in 50 years’ time.
………………………………………………..…………………………? …………………………………………………………..……………?
2. Earthquakes have occurred in this country. 7. The capital city has continued to grow.
………………………………………………………..…………………? …………………………………………………………..……………?
3. The volcano has erupted before. 8. The Arabian and Gobi Deserts are similar in size.
…………………………………………………………..………………? ………………………………………………………..………………?
4. 200 million years ago there was only one continent. 9. The ice at the Poles has started to melt.
………………………………………………………..…………………? …………………………………………………………..……………?
5. People were expecting a tsunami in 2004. 10. Many people were injured in the earthquake.
………………………………………………………..…………………? ………………………………………………………..………………?
Exercise 2: Match the questions 1-5 with the short answer A-J. There are two short answers for
each question.
A. Yes, it has. F. Yes, it did. 1. Does the park stay open in the winter? ....... & .......
B. No, it doesn’t G. Yes, it does. 2. Did the flight arrive on time? ....... & .......
C. No it hasn’t. H. Yes, it did. 3. Hasn’t the DVD recorded that show? ....... & .......
D. No, it won’t. I. No, it shouldn’t. 4. Will her book be published this year? ....... & .......
E. Yes, it should. J. No, it didn’t. 5. Should the form be sent back to this address? ....... & .......
Exercise 3: Complete a short answer for each question.
1. Do all birds spend winter in a different part of the world? No, ………………….…....……………………………
2. Is the peregrine falcon the fastest bird? Yes, ………………….…....…………………………..
3. Can a racehorse run faster than a lion? No, ………………….…....……………………………
4. Does the giant scolopendra centipede really eat mice? Yes, ………………….…....…………………………..
5. Have termites really build nests seven metres tall? Yes, ………………….…....…………………………..
6. Do millipedes really have a thousand legs? No, ………………….…....……………………………
7. Are we really discovering more species of insects all the time? Yes, ………………….…....…………………………..
8. Is it true that wasps make paper to build their nests? Yes, ………………….…....…………………………..
9. Can some fish really climb trees? Yes, ………………….…....…………………………..
10. Did unicorns really exist once? No, ………………….…....……………………………
Exercise 4: Write questions and answers for the following statements.
0. Paul was tired when he got home. 0. Was Paul tired when he got home? Yes, he was.
1 They live in London. 1. ....................................................................................................
2. She can’t play the piano. 2. ....................................................................................................
3. The film starts at nine o’clock. 3. ....................................................................................................
4. I had an English lesson last night. 4. ....................................................................................................
5. She has got blue eyes. 5. ....................................................................................................
6. We didn’t want to go to the beach. 6. ....................................................................................................
7. He should follow the doctor’s advice. 7. ....................................................................................................
8. You don’t have to give me a lift. 8. ....................................................................................................

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Exercise 5: Read the information about Edinburgh Castle, write Yes/ No questions and answer,
using the words in the brackets.

Edinburgh Castle – Quick facts

 On an extinct volcano above the city of Edinburgh
 Built by King David I in 1130
 James I of England was born in the castle
 More than 1.25 million visitors a year
 Fantastic views over Edinburgh
 The ticket price includes a guided tour

0. (be/ in/ city) 0. Is the castle in the city of Edinburgh? Yes, it is.
1. (built/ long time ago) 1. ..............................................................................................................
2. (James I/ born) 2. ..............................................................................................................
3. (get/ lots of visitors) 3. ..............................................................................................................
4. (can/ see the city) 4. ..............................................................................................................
5. (the ticket price/ include/ tour) 5. ..............................................................................................................

Exercise 6: Circle eight mistakes in the conversation and correct them.

Jack: Are going you to join any clubs or societies at university this year, Vijay?
Vijay: Yes, I’m. I’m interested in joining the photography society. Why, you aren’t
1. .......................
going to join any?
2. .......................
Jack: I not sure. Is the final year more difficult than the others?
3. .......................
Vijay: No, it is. At least, people say it is. They are having a ‘club fair’ to introduce all
4. .......................
the clubs and societies this year?
5. .......................
Jack: No, they not. All the information is online, and we can ask questions by email.
6. .......................
Vijay: That’s a shame.
7. .......................
Jack: Why? You not think it’s a good idea? We can find out about the societies when
8. .......................
we want.
Vijay: I suppose so, but I prefer to discuss things face to face.


Exercise 1: Complete the questions with How and an adjective or adverb if necessary.
1. ‘……………............……………… is your grandfather now?’ ‘He’s nearly nineteen. Just kidding! Nearly ninety.’
2. ‘……………............……………… is the hotel from the beach?’ ‘It’s about 500 metres.’
3. ‘……………............……………… was your weekend at the health spa resort?’ ‘It was great, thanks.’
4. ‘……………............……………… are the Belgian chocolates?’ ‘They’re €25 a kilo.’
5. ‘……………............……………… is your son now?’ ‘He’s much better now, thank you.’
6. ‘……………............……………… do you go to the theatre?’ ‘Only about twice a year.’
7. ‘……………............……………… is your journey to work?’ ‘It takes about half an hour.’
8. ‘……………............……………… is the swimming pool?’ ‘It’s 1.8 metres at the deep end.’
9. ‘……………............……………… bedrooms does the apartment have?’ ‘Three, but one is very small.’
10. ‘……………............……………… sugar did you put in this cupcake?’ ‘Not much. Are you on a diet, Juliet?

140 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 2: Rewrite these questions using either How + adj or What + noun.
1. How heavy is that super fat giraffe? 6. What is the price of your new pair of jeans?
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
2. What is the thickness of that French - Vietnamese 7. How wide is the road in front of your house?
dictionary? ...............................................................................
............................................................................... 8. What is the distance from the Earth to the Moon?
3. How broad is your living room? ...............................................................................
............................................................................... 9. How deep is your love for me, Peter?
4. What is your younger sister’s height? ...............................................................................
............................................................................... 10. What is the speed of your electric bike?
5. How old is your goldfish? ...............................................................................

WHAT & WHICH Exercise 3: Fill in the gaps with What, Which or How.

1. A: ………………… do you want to do after graduation? 6. A: ………………… house did you prefer – the one
B: I’m not really sure. I’d like to be a vet. we saw first or second?
2. A: ………………… bag do you prefer – the black one or B: I didn’t like either. We’ll have to keep looking.
the brown one? 7. A: ………………… many pairs of shoes did you buy
B: I like the black one best. last year?
3. A: ………………… old are you? B: Only two. One in the summer and one in the
B: It was my birthday last week. Now I’m fifteen. winter.
4. A: ………………… did you get my telephone number? 8. A: ………………… is your favourite food, spaghetti
B: I looked in the staff address book. or pizza?
5. A: ………………… shall we do on Saturday? B: Oh I can’t choose. I love roast chicken and
B: Let’s just stay at home and watch a video. sausages too.

WHO & WHOSE Exercise 4: Choose the correct words in italics.

1. It’s an interesting house. Who / Whose house is that?
2. Who’s / Whose the architect?
3. What / Which part of the house leads to the garden?
4. Who / Whose cat is sunbathing near the window?
5. Who / Whose / What / Which does the owner do?
6. He manages a famous football team – which / what team does he manage?

Exercise 5: Complete the questions with the correct question word from the box.
1. …………………’s it made of – glass or plastic?
2. ………………… book is this - yours or Carrie’s?
3. ………………… do you prefer – red or blue?
When 4. ………………… time will we depart for London, 6 pm or 7 pm tomorrow?
Whose 5. ………………… are your keys? – in your bag or in your pocket?
How 6. ………………… did you open it – with scissors or with a knife?
Who 7. ………………… shall we stop – now or in five minutes?
What 8. ………………… didn’t you come – because you couldn’t or because you didn’t want to?
9. ………………… won – you or Frank?
10. ………………… good are you at tennis – good or very good?

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 141

Exercise 6: Fill in each blank with a correct question word.
1. ‘………………… is your jacket?’ ‘It’s the red one.’ 10. ‘………………… pieces of toast do you want?’ ‘Two,
2. ‘………………… is your birthday?’ ‘It’s next please.’
week.’ 11. ‘………………… isn’t she at work today?’ ‘Because she’s
3. ‘………………… is Mary?’ ‘She’s in her bedroom.’ ill.’
4. ‘………………… have you been waiting?’ ‘Only 12. ‘………………… did you spend last month?’ ‘About £500.’
five minutes.’ 13. ………………… is the name of the building in the photo?
5. ‘………………… party are you going to tonight?’ 14. ………………… was the castle built? Was it a long time
‘Alison’s.’ ago?
6. ‘………………… do you go shopping?’ ‘Once a 15. ………………… idea was it to visit the castle?
week.’ 16. ………………… did they purchase all the bricks from?
7. ‘………………… are you doing at the moment?’ 17. ………………… long did it take to build it?
‘I’m watching TV.’ 18. Who did the king build it …………………? Was it one of
8. ‘………………… are you writing to?’ ‘Uncle Tom.’ his wives?
9. ‘………………… do you start work?’ ‘At nine 19. What ………………… do the castle gardens close?
o’clock in the morning.’ 20. Which ………………… do the guides speak?
Exercise 7: Fill in the gaps with the correct question words.
A: Now for the general knowledge part of the quiz. A: Correct. 5 ………………… did the Second World
………………… is the capital of Egypt? War begin?
B: Cairo. B: I think it was in 1939.
A: That’s correct. ………………… can you see the A: Yes, you’re right. And the final question in this
Mona Lisa? round is: 6 ………………… players are there in a
B: In the Louvre, in Paris. hockey team?
A: Well done, that’s right. ………………… wrote B: Eleven.
‘Romeo and Juliet’? A: Correct. Well, at the end of that round.
B: Charles Dickens. Contestant 2 has the most points, so he goes
A: No, that’s incorrect. It was Shakespeare. through to the final round to play for our star
………………… are the Olympic Games held? prize.
B: Every four years.

Exercise 8: Complete the conversation. There are two extra words or phrases.

who’s what how old how long twenty-four old

whose what’s what does twenty-four which university

Tom: Who have you chosen as the new trainee? Tom: So 5 ……………......….......…..……. was she there?
Anne: It’s a young woman – Sunita Patel. Anne: I think it was six years – including her
Kate: Oh, ……………......….......…..……. she like? postgraduate studies.
Anne: Very intelligent with great ideas. I think Kate: ……………......….......…..……. did she do at
she’ll be good for us. postgraduate level?
Tom: ……………......….......…..……. is she? Anne: Mainly industrial design.
Anne: She’s a pretty young really – only ............... Kate: Good. 7 ……………......….......…..……. team will
......….......…..……. . she be in?
Tom: ……………......….......…..……. did she study at? Anne: Well 8 ……………......….......…..……. got space
Anne: Manchester. for a new person at the moment? Tom, how
about you?

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Exercise 9: Make a Yes/ No question and an Exercise 10: Read the answers and write a
information question for the underlined part suitable WH- question for each one.
using question word.
0. They can stay here. 1. ..............................................................................
Can they stay there? Where can they stay? ............................................................................?
1. John is eating breakfast. The building in the picture is the Statue of
.................................................................................. Liberty.
2. I go swimming twice a week. 2. ..............................................................................
.................................................................................. ............................................................................?
3. They were late because of a traffic jam. It’s on Liberty Island, in New York Harbour.
.................................................................................. 3. ..............................................................................
4. The match begins at 3 pm this Saturday. ............................................................................?
.................................................................................. Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, a French architect.
5. On New Year’s Eve, he will propose to her. He was commissioned by the French government
.................................................................................. to design it.
6. We will go to Australia tomorrow. 4. ..............................................................................
.................................................................................. ............................................................................?
7. Jonathan ate your ice cream! The Statue of Liberty is made of cast iron,
.................................................................................. stainless steel and copper.
8. I like the red blouse more than the blue one. 5. ..............................................................................
.................................................................................. ............................................................................?
9. That iPhone is Jenny’s. Because the French wanted to present a gift to
.................................................................................. the Americans, on the 100th anniversary of
10. It is 15 km from my house to my workplace. American independence.
.................................................................................. 6. ..............................................................................
11. Sally is sick today. ............................................................................?
.................................................................................. It was finally opened ten years late – on 28th
12. You should take this package with you. October 1886.
.................................................................................. 7. ..............................................................................
13. You can get me a glass of water. ............................................................................?
.................................................................................. There are various places you can visit, apart from
14. I was talking to my teacher when you called. the Statue, such as a museum.
.................................................................................. 8. ..............................................................................
15. The Simpsons will stay at my house for a whole ............................................................................?
month. It is famous because it’s one of the best-known
.................................................................................. images of the United States.

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Exercise 11: Match questions 1 - 10 with the answers A - J. Then complete the questions.
A Scientists predict when a volcano will erupt by measuring movements in the Earth.
B The hot lava comes from deep in the Earth’s crust.
C They often release Sulphur dioxide gas (SO2) as a sign that they are going to erupt.
D Dormant means that the volcano is not active at the moment – but it could erupt again.
E The name volcano comes from the Romangod of fire, Vulcan.
F Most volcanoes remain active for thousands or even millions of years.
G People once thought that coal and Sulphur (S) burning below ground caused volcanic eruptions.
H It’s hard to give an exact number, but there are more than 30 well-known ones.
I They measure the movements with an instrument called a seismometer.
J The lava comes out because of pressure from below.

1. Where ….............................................………….......…........….........................… come from? .......................
2. How many ……....................................…………………............................................ on Earth? .......................
3. Where ...............................................………....…….....................................…… come from? .......................
4. Why ......................................................................................................... of the volcano? .......................
5. What ………………….................................................................…....................………… mean? .......................
6. How long ………………...........................……...…....................................……… remain active? .......................
7. How ……………......…………………............................….................... that a volcano will erupt? .......................
8. What ……….......................................................................……...................……………… with? .......................
9. What ………………...............……….......................................... volcanoes are going to erupt? .......................
10. What ………………………….…..................................................... caused volcanic eruptions? .......................

Exercise 12: Complete the questions and write true (T) or false (F).
When an earthquake occurs, part of the Earth’s surface moves. In fact, the surface of the Earth moves all the
time. The tectonic plates which make up the surface press against each other very slowly. Over thousands of
years, this movement creates great stress. In some places where the layers of rock are weak, this eventually
causes a sudden movement – an earthquake. Thousands of earthquakes happen every day, but most are very
small and cause no damage. A large earthquake shakes buildings to the ground, or causes a tsunami wave. The
effects are usually very serious.
Severe earthquakes are common in southern Europe, and 1st November 1755 a powerful earthquake hit the
city of Lisbon in Portugal. Between 60,000 and 100,000 people died. After the earthquake a tsunami struck the
city, and there was also a fire, which caused nearly total destruction. People as far away as Finland felt the
shock, and the tsunami reached Barbados in the West Indies. Geologists now believe that the strength of the
earthquake was as high as 9 on the Richter scale. This is the same strength as the Indian Ocean earthquake of
26th December 2004.
........ 1. What ................................................................. ........ 5. When ................................................................
................................? Part of the Earth’s crust .................................? On 2nd November 1755.
moves when an earthquake occurs. ........ 6. How many ........................................................
........ 2. What ................................................................. .........................................................................?
...............................................? The movement Between 10,000 and 100,000.
of tectonic plates creates this stress. ........ 7. In which distant country ..................................
........ 3. How many ........................................................ .....................................................? In Funland.
............................? Millions happen every day. ........ 8. What .................................................................
........ 4. What ................................................................. .........................................................................?
.........................................................................? That the strength of the earthquake was as
It shakes buildings or causes a tsunami wave. high as 9 on the Richter scale.

144 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use


Exercise 1: Complete each question with at, in or on.

What happened …

1. ……………… 1918 ……………… November 11th ……………… 5 am?

2. ……………… 1937 ……………… the 26th of April ……………… the late afternoon?
3. ……………… 1793 ……………… about 11 o’clock ……………… January 21st?
4. ……………… 1865 ……………… about 10 o’clock ……………… the evening ……………… the 14th of April?
5. ……………… 1928 ……………… November 18th?
6. ……………… 1969 ……………… 20th July ……………… about 3 am GMT?
7. ……………… 1903 ……………… Dec 17th ……………… about 10:30 ……………… the morning?
8. ……………… July 16th ……………… the early morning ……………… 1945?
9. ……………… the evening ……………… the 26th November ……………… 1962?
10. ……………… 2004 ……………… about 1 am GMT ……………… the 26th December?

Exercise 2: Circle the correct answer.

A. 1. I always do my homework at / in the morning.

2. I’ll be back on / in ten minutes.
3. Emily was born on / in 1999.
4. We often go camping at / in the summer.
5. They came here in / at the last week of January.
6. See you on Friday / at Friday.
7. We start lessons at / in nine o’clock.
8. People lived here on / in the 12th century.
9. He went to bed at / on midnight.
10. It happened in / on Thursday evening.
11. How many words can you write in / at a minute?
12. Birds fly south at / in winter.

B. Mr Lewis - here are your flight details for later this week:
You depart 13(at / on) 8:30 14(- / in) the morning 15(on / in) 23rd April (Thursday). You arrive in Dubai
(to / at) 5:20 17(in / at) the evening. Unfortunately, you can’t leave the airport during this stopover.
You can leave Dubai 18(- / at) 8:45 and you arrive in Bangkok 19(at / on) 6:30 20(in / -) the next morning.
You’re then going to fly to Hong Kong (- / on) next Friday, and return to the UK 22(in / during) ten
days, but we haven’t finalized those last two flights yet.

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Exercise 3: Fill in the gaps with the correct Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer.
preposition where necessary. Can you imagine seeing the sun 1
in / at / on
1. A: It took me half an hour to walk home. midnight? In every / Every / At every summer,
B: What? You shouldn’t be walking home alone people who live near the North Pole have sunlight
……………. night! for 24 hours. It gets a little darker on / at / in
2. A: How did you meet Sandra? night time, but not much. On / At / In winter, of
B: We met at a party ……………. New Year’s Eve. course, the opposite is true: the sun doesn’t rise
3. A: Why didn’t she phone? in the morning, and it stays dark all day.
B: They didn’t have phones ……………. that time! But this is also the best time to see an amazing
4. A: When can we talk about it? natural phenomenon which from time to time
B: ……………. dinner. lights up the sky 5 on / at / in night: the Northern
5. A: Where is Paul? We’re supposed to be going Lights, or Aurora Borealis.
out. On / At / In Monday 24th October 2011 people
B: He’ll be here ……………. a minute. in Canada saw a particular amazing display of the
6. A: When shall I visit you next? Northern Lights. According to scientists, the bright
B: Oh, ……………. any Tuesday will be fine. red, pink and green lights were caused by a sun
7. A: When did she live here? storm 7 in / on / at the Saturday before.
B: ……………. the 1960s. Usually, people only see the Northern Lights near
8. A: When is Terry’s birthday? the Arctic Circle. Incredibly, however, 8 in / at / on
B: I’m not sure. I think it’s ……………. September. the 1980s, people as far south as the US-Mexico
9. A: When do you go swimming? border saw them, because of particularly
B: ……………. the school holidays. powerful sun storms.
10. A: I don’t want to have my tooth taken out.
Exercise 5: Complete each line with in, on,
B: Don’t get upset. It will be over ……………. a
at or no preposition (-) & cross out one
unsuitable time phrase.
11. A: When are they leaving?
0. Where were you at 3pm / the morning / 4
B: ……………. six weeks’ time.
o’clock yesterday?
12. A: Why didn’t you see they play?
1. What were you doing ……………..…....…… this day
B: I wasn’t at school ……………. that day.
last year / two years ago / next month?
13. A: Hey Jane, you’ll have to let me know how the
2. Where were you ……………..…....…… last Friday /
meeting goes.
this morning / 2pm yesterday afternoon?
B: Yes, I’ll call you ……………. tomorrow evening.
3. Where will you be ……………..…....…… two days’ /
14. A: When was he born?
today / three weeks’ time ?
B: ……………. this day in 1672.
4. How many metres can you swim ……………..…....
15. A: Are the banks open on Saturdays?
…… 5 minutes / 30 seconds / everyday?
B: Yes. They’re open ……………. nine …………….
5. How old were you ……………..…....…… October
the 24th 2010 / April 2011 / May the 1st 2012?
16. A: What’s wrong with Sally?
6. Where do you usually sit ……………..…....……
B: She’s got flu. She’ll be better ……………. a few
breakfast / lunch / meal?
7. What do you usually do ……………..…....…… your
17. A: When does the film start?
birthday / Sundays / winter?
B: ……………. quarter to seven.
8. What are you doing ……………..…....……
18. A: When are you going on holiday?
tomorrow / the moment / next Saturday?
B: We’re leaving ……………. Friday evening.

146 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 6: Fill in the gaps with at, in or on and one of the phrases in the box.

the weekend 1066 lunchtime the 60’s my birthday ten minutes

the morning Easter eight o’clock Tuesdays the moment prehistoric times

1. My favourite programme starts ………………………………….......……. every Wednesday night.

2. I’m having a party ………………………………….......……. I’ll be twenty-five years old.
3. I’m going to bed. I have to get up early ………………………………….......……. .
4. ………………………………….......……., we eat chocolate eggs to symbolise new life.
5. William of Normandy conquered Britain ………………………………………, at the Battle of Hastings.
6. Tim and I are going away ………………………………….......……. . We’ll be spending Saturday and Sunday in the
7. I have to work late ………………………………….......……. because that’s the day we order new stock.
8. ………………………………….......……., the hippies went to peace rallies and wore flowers in their hair.
9. I’ll meet you ………………………………….......……. . Come to my office at twelve o’clock.
10. The bus leaves ………………………………….......……. and you’re still not ready!
11. ………………………………….......……., people lived in caves and hunted wild animals for food.
12. I’m rather busy ………………………………….......……., but I’ll call you later this evening.

SINCE, FOR, AGO Exercise 7: Complete the text with next, last, since, for and ago.

A - Visitors from space

Scientists believe that the 1 ……………… time a large object
from outer space hit the Earth was in 1908. Luckily it
landed in a sparsely-populated area of Siberia, but people
60km away from the crash site were thrown to the ground.
When it happened, just over a hundred years 2 ………………,
scientists thought the explosion might have been caused
by part of a comet. 3 ……………… then, research has shown that it was a
stone meteorite which exploded in the atmosphere. Objects of this kind
have been striking the Earth 4 ……………… millions of years, but serious
explosions are rare. Astronomers trying to predict when the 5 ………………
serious impact might be.

B - The Transit of Venus

A Transit of Venus is an astronomical event, when the planet Venus is exactly between the Earth and the
Sun, so it is seen crossing the face of the Sun as a small black disc. The 1……………… Venus Transit took
place in 2004 and the 2……………… one will occur in 2012. Nearly 400 years 3………………, the astronomer
Kepler predicted the event would take place in 1631, but did not realise it could
not be seen in Europe.
……………… then, there have been transits in 1639, 1761, 1769, 1974, 1882 and
2004. Obviously such events have been taking place 5……………… millions of years,
but the even was not seen by astronomers until 1769, when two astronomers in
England both observed it. If you missed it in 2004, and missed it in 2012, there
will be another Venus Transit in 2117, but that is a long time to wait!

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Exercise 8: Complete the sentence with at, in, on, next or last.
1. The ……….....… time you visit us, you must stay 6. We didn’t take a trip abroad ……….....… summer, but
for dinner. we’re going to Crete this summer.
2. Wait here, and I’ll be back ……….....… a few 7. Peter managed to break his leg ……….....… the first
minutes. day of his skiing holiday.
3. I haven’t seen Helen since ……….....… month. 8. Are you going to university ……….....… year?
4. Are you having a party ……….....… your 9. Take some warm clothes, because the temperature
birthday? drops ……….....… night.
5. Your salary will be paid ……….....… the end of 10. ……….....… two weeks’ time, the school year will be
the month. over!


Exercise 9: Replace the underlined words with a suitable prepositions (if necessary) and a
phrase from the box.

four days the weekend the summer fifteen minutes

6 pm to 11 pm
two hours the evening four o’clock the afternoon

0. Will the gardens be open on Saturday and Sunday? at the weekend

1. I find it really difficult to work after lunch. ………………………………………………
2. It’s Monday now. We’ll be in touch with your results by Friday. ………………………………………………
3. I’m working in Paris now from June until September. ………………………………………………
4. Planes aren’t allowed to take off or land at night at this airport. ………………………………………………
5. The oral exam was really short. It started at 9:00 and lasted till 9:15. ………………………………………………
6. It’s 3:30 now. I’ll wait for another thirty minutes, then I have to go. ………………………………………………
7. Don’t worry, it’s only 10:30 - we’ll be finished by lunchtime. ………………………………………………
8. I met Luke this afternoon; he said he’d come around in a few hours. ………………………………………………



Exercise 1: Fill in the gaps with at or in and one of the places from the box.

the café the park the garage the library the theatre the police station

1. My car broke down on the way to work. I’ve left it ……….............…………...…….……....……… to be repaired.
2. I fell asleep ……….............…………...…….……....……… today as I haven’t been sleeping so well lately.
3. Jackie loves watching plays. She is ……….............…………...…….……....……… now, watching ‘Romeo and Juliet’.
4. Tony was buying a coffee when it started to rain. He waited ……….............…………...…….……....……… until the
rain stopped.
5. The man who stole Jane’s handbag has been found. He is being questioned ……….............…………...……........
…….… .
6. I hate it when people leave their rubbish ……….............…………...…….……....……… it looks so ugly.

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Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with at, in or on.

1. Jill waited ……………… the bottom of the stairs. 26. Is that oil ……………… your hands?
2. He’s working ……………… South America. 27. I’d love to stay ……………… a beautiful hotel near
3. I sit ……………… the back of the classroom. the sea.
4. Did you sleep ……………… the plane? 28. There is a man standing ……………… the entrance
5. What have you got ……………… your bag? to the museum.
6. It’s a town ……………… the River Thames. 29. I’ll see you ……………… the meeting.
7. I got stuck ……………… the traffic jam for an hour. 30. There was a note ……………… the top of the page I
8. I have to be ……………… the airport two hours was reading which I couldn’t understand.
before my flight leaves. 31. It must be wonderful to live ……………… an island,
9. Simon called while you were ……………… the surrounded by water.
theatre. 32. I got several autographs ……………… the rock
10. I went to visit Joanne, but she wasn’t concert.
……………… home. 33. Jenny must stay ……………… home because she
11. I wouldn’t like to be ……………… sea in weather is sick.
like this. 34. Jason is ……………… hospital with a broken leg.
12. There were so many dishes ……………… the 35. Mum, can I stay ……………… Sarah’s house tonight,
menu. I couldn’t decide what to have. please?
13. The phone rang ……………… the middle of the 36. He always wears a suit ……………… the office.
night, waking everyone in the house. 37. The weather ……………… Ireland is often cold and
14. She waited ……………… the platform for the wet.
train. 38. My grandparents live ……………… a farm and we
15. It’s very tiring to spend eight hours checking often visit them there.
information ……………… a computer screen. 39. I want some pictures ……………… my office.
16. What did you learn ……………… school today? 40. The island of Alcatraz is ……………… the middle of
17. Suki is the girl sitting ……………… my left. San Francisco Bay.
18. Tony is ……………… the dentist’s fixing his tooth 41. We’ll meet you ……………… the cinema’s entrance.
decay. 42. Write your address ……………… the top of the
19. There are three cats ……………… the picture. letter on the right-hand side.
20. I can’t find that house ……………… our map. 43. ……………… the end of the play, the whole
21. It was hard to watch the match because there audience burst into applause.
were several tall people standing ……………… 44. Yesterday was a lovely day and we could see
front of me. children playing ……………… the beach.
22. Jenny is coming ……………… the six o’clock bus. 45. The man was completely bald ……………… the top
I’m meeting her ……………… the bus station. of his head.
23. The uvula is a small piece of flesh that hangs 46. After dinner, Grandad fell asleep ……………… his
down ……………… the back of your throat. armchair.
24. Anna felt tired, so she stopped the car 47. I lived ……………… India until I was twelve years
……………… the side of the road and got out. old.
25. Drivers cannot work ……………… the bottom of 48. There’s a new shop ……………… the corner of the
the sea for very long. street.

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Exercise 3: Write about your bedroom, using the phrases in the brackets to help you.
0. (next to my bed) 3. (on the walls)
There’s a little table and a lamp next to my bed. ………………………………………..……………………………...
1. (next to my bed) 4. (on top of the wardrobe)
………………………………………..……………………………... ………………………………………..……………………………...
2. (under the bed) 5. (opposite the bedroom window)
………………………………………..……………………………... ………………………………………..……………………………...

OTHERS Exercise 4: Write a sentence about each picture, using the words and phrases below
and a preposition from the box.
0 1 2

3 4 5

6 7 8

in on at at under above among opposite between in front of

0. Dana and Leona / meet / a plane Dana and Leona met on a plane.
1. Derek / wait / the bus stop / for hours ..................................................................................................
2. I / leave / my coat / the car / last night ..................................................................................................
3. The cat / often sleep / the duvet ..................................................................................................
4. They / live / the greengrocer’s ..................................................................................................
5. Lori / live / the greengrocer’s ..................................................................................................
6. We / park / the car / the cinema ..................................................................................................
7. The girls / have / a picnic / pine trees ..................................................................................................
8. Jacob / always / sit / the two girls ..................................................................................................

Exercise 5: Circle the correct answer.

1. Carrots grow below / above the ground. 6. Dundee is in / near Scotland.
2. Your index finger is next to / under your thumb. 7. The giant clam is a shellfish which lives in the sea
3. Pearls grow inside / between oyster shells. inside / among coral structures.
4. Your heart is behind / in front of your lungs. 8. It’s not a good idea to stand opposite / against a
5. We live on opposite / in front of sides of the city. wall that has a ‘wet paint’ sign on it.

150 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 6: Fill in the gaps with opposite, in, on, under, over, next to, in front of or between.

Mrs Shaw has a beautiful living room. There is a large fireplace 1….....
…….….……… two lamps. 2….....…….….……… the fireplace there is a
bronze plate. 3….....…….….……… the fireplace there is a low table with a
plant 4….....…….….……… it. There is a colourful rug 5….....…….….……… the
table. 6….....…….….……… the long sofa there is a comfortable armchair.
There is another table 7….....…….….……… the armchair. There is a fire
….....…….….……… the fireplace, so the room is nice and warm.

Exercise 7: Nine friends are taking a flight together to Stockholm. Write the names of the
people by the correct seat numbers.

I 1a. …………………… 1b. …………………… 1c. ……………………
S 2a. …………………… 2b. Len 2c. ……………………
L 3a. …………………… 3b. …………………… 3c. ……………………

 Jack and his wife, Jane, are sitting in the front row. Jane hates flying and never sits by the window.
She’s sitting between her sister, Ella, who loves looking out of the window, and her husband.
 Marga is sitting in row 3, between two other members of the group.
 Len is sitting in the centre seat of the second row - he’s flying home to Sweden to celebrate his
birthday, with his wife, Anna, who is sitting next to him.
 Steph is sitting in front of her husband, Vince, who always wants an aisle seat because of his long legs.
 Nils is also from Sweden. He’s Len’s brother-in-law. Nils’ sister is sitting in front of him.

Exercise 8: Read the text and choose the correct answer.

The Amanjena Hotel is one of the finest luxury hotels in Morocco. Situated in beautiful grounds
……… the fascinating town of Marrakech, it is easy to get to. The standard rooms are all individual
buildings and are all situated 2 ……… palm trees and mature olive trees. 3……… each comfortable room
there is a king-sized bed as well as a mini-bar, CD player, TV and DVD. There is
also a small private garden with a fountain 4……… each room, where guests can
relax. Breakfast is served each morning 5 ……… the swimming pool, and guests
can have dinner 6 ……… one of the hotel’s two restaurants – serving Moroccan
and international food. For those who want to shop, art, jewellery and
handmade gifts are available 7 ……… the three shops within the hotel complex;
and there is a wide variety of shops 8 ……… nearby Marrakech.

1. A. near B. at C. next to 5. A. in B. over C. by

2. A. among B. in C. between 6. A. at B. opposite C. between
3. A. At B. In C. On 7. A. next to B. in front of C. at
4. A. in front of B. in C. at 8. A. in B. near C. on top of

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Exercise 1: Match the pictures with the sentences. Then complete each sentence with a suitable
verb in the -ing form.

1. ………………………… on a mobile phone in a restaurant really annoys me – it’s so rude. .......................

2. ………………………… is very good exercise for strengthening your arms and legs. .......................
3. We often go ………………………… at the weekend – being in the country is lovely. .......................
4. There’s nothing more relaxing than ………………………… by the sea, watching the waves. .......................
5. I don’t mind ………………………… as long as it’s in front of the TV. .......................
Exercise 2: Complete each sentence with gerund form of the verb.
1. When Beth got tired, she stopped (study) ……….………………… for her final exam and went to sleep.
2. Would you mind (close) ………………….……… the door? I feel a bit cold. Thanks.
3. The weather will get better soon. We can leave as soon as it quits (rain) …….……………………. .
4. The cat kept (run) ………………….……… after the mouse.
5. I enjoy (take) ……………….………… a long walk every morning.
6. I will call you when I finish (do) …………………….…… the Math exercises.
7. I would like to invite some friends over. I’m thinking about (hold) .………………………… a dinner party.
8. He told a really funny joke. We couldn’t stop (laugh) ……………….………… for five minutes.
9. Jack barely avoided (crash) …………………….…… into another car yesterday. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.
10. Which city are you considering (visit) ………….……………… for summer vacation?
11. Sometimes I put off (wash) ………………….……… my clothes for a week, which really upsets my mother.
12. You can’t postpone (make) …………………….…… the decision whether to marry him much longer.
13. I wanted to go to Mexico. Sally suggested (go) ……………….………… to Hawaii.
14. Tony mentioned (take) …………………….…… the bus to school instead of walking.
15. I appreciate (be) ………………….……… able to study in peace and quiet.
Exercise 3: Complete the conversation using the -ing form of the verbs in the box.
Jules: I’ve got some information about that new club. Listen, it says: ‘For young people who
love trying new things, and who enjoy 1 ………………………… new friends! We offer lots of
go activities, so if you like 2 ………………………… team sports and 3 ………………………… martial
do arts like judo and karate, this is the club for you. In the summer, we also expect to go
call 4
………………………… and canoeing’.
tell Nick: Oh, OK. Sounds good. I like all of those things.
play Jules: Me, too. I’ve really missed 5 ………………………… to the sports centre since it closed down.
make Nick: Yeah. Well, at least we’ve still got the bowling alley – can you imagine
camp ………………………… able to go there with everyone on a Friday evening?
not be Jules: No, I can’t! It would be awful. This new place opens next week. What do you think
about 7………………………… the others and 8 ………………………… them about it?
Nick: Yes, let’s do that.

152 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences.

see eat wait make watch travel

do get take play listen understand

1. We had a lot of fun ………………………… games at 8. Omar spent all day ………………………… ready to
the picnic. leave on vacation.
2. I have trouble ………………………… Mrs Maxwell 9. Ted is an indecisive person. He has a hard time
when she speaks. She talks too fast. ………………………… up his mind about anything.
3. I spent five hours ………………………… my 10. I wondered what the children were doing while
homework last night. I was gone. When I got home, I found them
4. Olga is standing at the corner ………………………… ………………………… TV.
for the bus. 11. When Mr Chan walked into the kitchen, he
5. Ricardo is sitting in class ………………………… notes caught the children ………………………… some
of what the teacher is saying. candy even though he’d told them not to spoil
6. It was a beautiful spring day. Dorothy was lying their dinners.
under a tree ………………………… to the birds sing. 12. Ms Gray is a commuter. Every work day, she
7. We wasted our money ………………………… that spends almost two hours ………………………… to
movie. It was very boring. and from work.

Exercise 5: Complete each sentence 1-8 with an ending A-H.

1. For a Roman soldier, joining the Roman army 1 - ...... A. being completely destroyed by the
meant. ancient world’s best fighting force.
2. He received wages, but had to spend money 2 - ...... B. buying his own food, uniform and
too, since being in the army involved. weapons.
3. In the early days of Rome, everyone became 3 - ...... C. attacking it faced very serious
a soldier and young men couldn’t avoid. problems.
4. However, as time went on, fewer Romans 4 - ...... D. taking all the young Roman men, and
served as soldiers. They army stopped. service became voluntary.
5. When the army was at the height of its 5 - ...... E. fighting, until the end if necessary,
power, an enemy who considered. and rarely surrendered.
6. Unless the enemy had very large numbers of 6 - ...... F. remaining in service from 20 to 30
soldiers or attacked by surprise, they risked. years.
7. Foreign armies were often disorganised and 7 - ...... G. training to use their weapons, and
ran away, but the Romans always kept. fighting in organised groups.
8. The Romans were more successful because 8 - ...... H. serving in the army if there was a war,
their soldiers spent more time. as it was compulsory.

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Exercise 6: Complete these sentences with an appropriate preposition and verb form.
1. Alice isn’t interested ………………………… (look) ………………………… for a new job.
2. Henry is excited ………………………… (leave) ………………………… for India.
3. You are capable ………………………… (do) ………………………… better work.
4. The rain prevented us ………………………… (complete) ………………………… the work.
5. Fred is always complaining ………………………… (have) ………………………… a headache.
6. Instead ……………………….. (study) …………………………, Margaret went to a ballgame with some of her friends.
7. Thank you ………………………… (help) ………………………… me carry my suitcases.
8. Mrs Grant insisted ………………………… (know) ………………………… the whole truth.
9. I believe ………………………… (be) ………………………… honest at all times.
10. You should take advantage ………………………… (live) ………………………… here.
11. Fatima had a good reason ………………………… (not go) ………………………… to class yesterday.
12. Everyone in the neighbourhood participated ……………….……… (search) ………………………… for the lost child.
13. I apologised to Yoko ………………………… (make) ………………………… her wait for me.
14. The weather is terrible tonight. I don’t blame you ………………………… (not want) ………………………… to go to
the meeting.
15. Who is responsible ………………………… (wash) ………………………… and (dry) ………………………… the dishes after
16. In addition ………………………… (go) ………………………… to school full time, Spiro has a part-time job.
17. I stopped the child ………………………… (run) ………………………… into the street.
18. The thief was accused ………………………… (steal) ………………………… a woman’s purse.
19. Larry isn’t used ………………………… (wear) ………………………… a suit and tie every day.
20. I’m going to visit my family during the school vacation. I’m looking forward ………………………… (eat)
………………………… my mother’s cooking and (sleep) ………………………… in my own bed.
Exercise 7: Using the words in parentheses, complete the sentences.
0. Kostas went to bed instead (finish) of finishing his work.
1. I thanked my friend (lend) ................................................ her umbrella yesterday.
2. I’m excited (go) ................................................ to Paris this holiday.
3. Omar didn’t feel good. He complained (have) ................................................ a serious headache.
4. I don’t blame you (not want) ................................................ to lend him money. He is not trustworthy.
5. I have a good reason (be) ................................................ late for class again, teacher!
6. It’s getting late. I’m worried (miss) ................................................ the last train back to London.
7. I’m interested (find out about) ................................................ who baked this yummy orange cake.
8. I’m thinking (go) ................................................ to Tay Nguyen this summer holiday.
9. I apologise to my friend (be) ................................................ insensitive about her loss.
10. I am not used (drive) ................................................ motorbike in Vietnam. It is much more chaotic than I
11. Nothing can stop me (go) ................................................ to see him tomorrow. He is my one true love!
12. In that office, who is responsible (take care of) ................................................ the cleaning duty?
13. I look forward (meet) ................................................ my best friend after a year apart.
14. Sarah is an honest person. She’s not capable (tell) ................................................ lies.
15. You always complain (have) ................................................ too much to do but the truth is you just laze
around all day.

154 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 8: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals.
1. Does fossil-collecting interest you? 6. The children’s coming home late worried their
(INTERESTED) ......................................................... mom.
................................................................................ (WAS) ....................................................................
2. Marry expressed her gratitude to me for giving ...............................................................................
her a lift. 7. I closed the door before going home.
(THANKED) ............................................................. (REMEMBER) ........................................................
................................................................................ ...............................................................................
3. I am really excited about going on the school trip 8. Jenifer believes that people should tell the truth.
this Saturday. (IN) ........................................................................
(FORWARD) ............................................................ ...............................................................................
................................................................................ 9. The storm made it impossible for the plane to
4. Jane isn’t studying. She’s playing with her dog take off.
instead. (PREVENTED) ........................................................
(OF) ........................................................................ ...............................................................................
................................................................................ 10. He wasn’t satisfied with his new oven and said
5. John climbed Mount Everest successfully. so to the store manager.
(SUCCEEDED) ......................................................... (COMPLAINED) .....................................................
................................................................................ ..............................................................................

Exercise 9: Complete the text with a word from the list. You will have to use some words
more than once.

in of on by at for between

As well as being a scientist, Galileo was interested 1 ………………………… painting and music. He started his
studies ………………………… attending medical school in Padua. Unlike most scientists at that time, who
usually relied ………………………… discussing the facts, not trying to prove the, he recognised the
4 5
importance ………………………… doing experiments to prove the facts. He is famous …………………………
dropping different weights from the Tower of Pisa to prove that all bodies fall at the same rate, though
this is probably not a true story. Through practice, he also became good 6 ………………………… observing the
stars, and identified craters on the Moon, sunspots, and the moons of Jupiter. As a result
7 8
………………………… studying the planet Venus, he succeeded ………………………… proving that Copernicus
was correct, and that the Earth moved around the Sun. Unfortunately, the Church authorities accused him
9 10
………………………… publishing unacceptable ideas. In the end he was forced to choose …………………………
being punished by the Church, or denying his own ideas. He spent most of the last nine years of his life
imprisoned in his own house.

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Exercise 1: Complete each sentence using the infinitive form of a verb from the list.

go get leave become continue

1. In developed countries, most students decide ……………………………………… into higher education.

2. They know that if they manage ……………………………………… a university degree, they will stand more
chance of getting a good job.
3. Those who prefer ……………………………………… school at the age of 16 usually have opportunities to
continue in education in a college of further education.
4. This is the kind of college where you can learn how ……………………………………… a chef or a tourist
guide, and concentrates on the practical side of a job.
5. And for those who hope ……………………………………… straight into employment at this age, there is
always the chance of training on the job, or going back to full-time education at a later date.

go give learn get away make sure

6. Do you ever long ……………………………………… from school and try something different?
7. Then perhaps you need ……………………………………… for work experience.
8. Many schools aim ……………………………………… their pupils the chance to find out what work is like, by
sending them to work for a few hours a week.
9. Employers say that very few pupils fail ……………………………………… useful skills.
10. ‘We try ……………………………………… that all the children who work here understand themselves a bit
better when they leave,’ commented one employer.

Exercise 2: Complete the text with one word from the list in each space.

let trying refused managed prepared

allow forced decided learned threatened
sorry careful failed supposed encouraged

1 2
I’m ……………………...........…… to say that we have ……………………...........…… to close the science
laboratory until further notice. Although we have always 3 ……………………...........…… pupils to conduct
safe experiments, and have always believed it was important to ……………………...........…… students
discover science for themselves, recent events have made it difficult for us to 5 ……………………...........
…… such work to continue. I am referring of course to the robot that Class 5 6 ……………………...........……
to construct recently while they were 7 ……………………...........…… to be constructing a simple computer.
Although at first the builders of this machine were 8 ……………………...........…… to hide their machine
from members of staff, unfortunately they 9 ……………………...........…… to control the robot. It not only
……………………...........…… how to leave the laboratory, but walked into the town centre and broke
into the National Bank in Green Street. It is impossible to imagine what it was ……………………...........
…… to do. The pupils who built it have ……………………...........…… to say whether they were controlling
its actions. In any case, the police were not ……………………...........…… to permit this situation to
continue, especially when the robot .......………………...........…… to attack members of the bank staff,
and ……………………...........…… them to fill a large bag with money. Please remember, this is not what
science is for!

156 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Rewrite each sentence so TO OR WITHOUT TO
that it contains the word in capitals. Exercise 4: Circle the correct option.
1. Francisco Pizarro decided that he would 1. You must promise be / to be careful.
return to South America in 1532. 2. It’s wonderful see / to see you again.
(TO) ............................................................. 3. The medicine will make you feel / to feel better.
..................................................................... 4. Are you OK? I saw you fall / to fall.
2. He hoped that he would conquer the Incas. 5. Jack let me borrow / to borrow his coat.
(TO) ............................................................. 6. We could phone / to phone Milly.
..................................................................... 7. I did it save / to save time.
3. He also expected that he would become 8. That looks impossible open / to open.
rich. 9. I don’t know what do / to do.
(TO) ............................................................. 10. It’s not easy for me speak / to speak in public.
Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with the
4. When he reached the Inca city of
infinitive of the verb in brackets with or without to.
Cajamarca, he pretended that he was a
1. Can you (walk) …………….......…………. on your hands?
2. What do you plan (do) …………….......…………. tomorrow?
(TO) .............................................................
3. Are you good at making people (laugh) ……………............
5. He threated that he would kill his prisoner,
4. How often do you use chopsticks (eat) …………….............
the Emperor Atahualpa, unless the people
……. rice or noodles?
brought him their gold and silver.
5. Do you let your friends (borrow) …………….......………….
(TO) .............................................................
your books?
6. Do you know how (cook) …………….......…………. pasta?
7. Is it ever OK (lie) …………….......…………. to someone?
6. But he had no intention of letting the
8. It is difficult for you (get) …………….......…………. up in the
Emperor go free.
(INTEND) ......................................................
..................................................................... Exercise 6: Choose the correct words in bold. In one
7. His aim was to make sure that the Incas place, both answers are possible.
had no leader. 1. Leila would love learn / to learn to play the saxophone.
(AIMED) ....................................................... 2. The builders expect have / to have finished the roof by
..................................................................... the end of next week.
8. He made a promise the would set the 3. If we wanted to sell / to sell our house right now, we
Emperor free, but killed him. would have / to have to lower the price.
(PROMISED) ................................................. 4. Children these days refuse be told / to be told how to
..................................................................... do things.
9. Pizzaro also killed his friend Almagro, who 5. My Canadian friend has offered to help teach / to teach
wouldn’t obey his order. our children English.
(REFUSED) ................................................... 6. We’d prefer spend / to spend our holiday somewhere
..................................................................... quiet and peaceful.
10. Almagro’s friends succeeded in killing 7. The writers threatened not to / to not complete the
Pizzaro three years later. script for the next episode of the drama.
(MANAGED) ................................................. 8. We’d rather spend / to spend holidays with friends
..................................................................... than visit new places.

Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use only 157

Exercise 7: Read the text and put a () in eight more places where the word to is missing.

Avison Extreme Sports Holidays 1. ....................

Have you ever wanted 0...... try a really different, adventurous holiday?
Would you love go parasailing or rock climbing, potholing or bungee jumping? 2. ....................
Why not try an Avison sports holiday?
This is how it works: you tell us what you can and can’t do, and what you’d like be able to 3. ....................
do. We assess your abilities and offer teach you at least two different sports in one week.
4. ....................
If you choose accept our offer, we decide on a date and then arrange collect you from the
nearest station or airport.
5. ....................
Our promise to you: we promise provide you with all the equipment necessary and expert
training in the chosen sports. We help you progress quickly because of the intensity of the 6. ....................
training. You can expect be taught in a safe environment, with the minimum of risk.
Your promise to us: you promise not overestimate your abilities – we can only work with 7. ....................
what is already there!
Interested? Then call us on the number below or visit our website. 8. ....................

V + O + INFINITIVE Exercise 8: Complete the conversation with the phrases from the box.

to use to show me follow you to stay

to sell you break us to paint members to sell

Steven: Davina, you know you recommended talking to gallery owners about showing our paintings? Well,
I’ve been invited 1 …………………………………… some of my paintings in an exhibition.
Davina: That’s wonderful news! Well done.
Steven: Thank you. And I expect 2 …………………………………… .
Davina: Ah, are these paintings that you’ve done in the art club, while we’ve been teaching you?
Steven: Yes. Why?
Davina: You know the club forbids 3 …………………………………… paintings done in club time?
Steven: No, why on Earth is that?
Davina: Because our money comes from charities, we can’t make a profit.
Steven: So you teach 4 …………………………………… but then we aren’t allowed 5 …………………………………… our
new skill?
Davina: Well, not in order to make a profit. I’m sorry.
Steven: Well, I suppose you can’t make 6 …………………………………… the rules if I’m not a member, so I resign!
Davina: That’s a shame, you really are one of our best artists. I’d like 7 …………………………………… in the club,
Steven, but if we let 8 …………………………………… the rules, everyone will want to do the same.

Exercise 9: Correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. My boss asked me work late last weekend. ...............................
2. We were made do an hour of extra homework after school. ...............................
3. The police officer was ordered to not arrest the man. ...............................
4. We would like you do the washing-up sometimes! ...............................
5. After we’d filled out the forms and paid, they allowed us drive to the hire car away. ...............................
6. Gina’s friends persuaded her giving up smoking. ...............................
7. The police recommended to keep the doors and windows closed. ...............................
8. I had to remind the students not be late for the test the next day. ...............................

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Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with all possible verbs forms.


 Let + O + Vinf (My father lets me drive his car.)
 Help + O + (to) Vinf (My brother helped me wash/ to wash my car.)

1. Don’t let me (take) ……………………..…………..…..…… my keys to the house with me.

2. The teacher usually lets us (play) ……………………..…………..…..…… ‘Stop the bus’ vocabulary game at the
end of the lesson.
3. Why did you let your roommate (make) ……………………..…………..…..…… you do all the cleaning by
4. You shouldn’t let other people (order) ……………………..…………..…..…… you around at the office.
5. A stranger helped the lost child (find) ……………………..…………..…..…… her parents.
6. It was very kind of my friend to help me (move) ……………………..…………..…..…… the furniture to my new
7. Keep working. Don’t let me (distract) ……………………..…………..…..…… you from finishing your homework.
8. Could you help me (carry) ……………………..…………..…..…… these grocery bags upstairs?


Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the correct verbs forms.


 Make + O + Vinf (I made my brother carry my suitcase.)
 Have + O + Vinf (I had my brother carry my suitcase.)
 Get + O + to Vinf (I got my brother to carry my suitcase.)

1. I got my friend (translate) ……………………….……………… a letter for me.

2. Sometimes parents make their children (wake) ………………….…………………… up early to do some morning
3. When I was at the restaurants, I had the waiter (bring) …….………………………………… me a coffee.
4. Teachers sometimes have their students (do) ……………………………….……… extra homework before exams.
5. I’m more than willing to help you (plant) ……………………….……………… these tomato trees.
6. Before I left on my trip, I had the travel agent (book) ………………….…………………… my return flight.
7. My cousin’s jokes always make me (laugh) ……………………………….……… non-stop for several minutes.
8. When I was a child, my parents wouldn’t let me (walk) ..............………………………… home from school

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Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences.
1. In ancient Sparta, girls had to practice running, wrestling and throwing javelins.
The ancient Spartans made ……………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………....
2. A baby was not allowed to live if it was not fit and strong.
The ancient Spartans didn’t let ………………………………………………………………………………...………………….………...
3. They encouraged young children to fight each other to make them tough.
The ancient Spartans had ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...….………...
4. People were not allowed to take a lot of baths.
The ancient Spartans didn’t let …………………………………………………………………………………...………………….……...
5. The children had to sleep on rushes, a kind of grass.
The ancient Spartans got …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…...
6. Eating a lot of food was not allowed.
The ancient Spartans didn’t let people ………………………………………………………………………………...…………..…...
7. All the boys had to join the army.
The ancient Spartans made …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...
8. Boys were not allowed to cry when they fought.
The ancient Spartans didn’t let ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………….……….

Exercise 1: Choose the correct form of the verbs.

1. She refuses to discuss / discussing it.

2. I can’t imagine to live / living there.
3. You need to practise to hit / hitting the ball.
4. Do you fancy to meet / meeting at the park?
5. I don’t intend to take / taking the exam.
6. Do you promise to stay / staying here?
7. He can’t stand to wait / waiting for people.
8. Ryan has arranged to visit / visiting them.
9. Have you enjoyed to take / taking part in this cookery class?
10. To speak / Speaking a foreign language helps us understand other nationalities.
11. The children really didn’t want to go / going to the swimming club.
12. I’d prefer not to have / having any oil on my salad.
13. Will you teach the children to / to the children
play chess?
14. They wouldn’t let me join / to join the club
because I’m not even sixteen.
15. ‘This phone doesn’t work.’ – ‘Have the
mechanic fix / fixing it.’

160 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 2: Use a gerund or infinitive to complete each sentence.
1. We’re going out for dinner. Would you like (join) …………………………… us?
2. Jack avoided (look) …………………………… at me.
3. Fred didn’t have any money, so he decided (look) …………………………… for a job.
4. I think Alice deserves (win) …………………………… Her violin performance was so moving that I was in tears.
5. Do you enjoy (watch) …………………………… soccer match at the stadium?
6. I was broke, so Jenny offered (lend) …………………………… me a little money.
7. Mrs Allen promised (bake) …………………………… me a chocolate cake on my birthday.
8. My boss expects me (finish) …………………………… this work as soon as possible.
9. Would you mind (open) …………………………… the door for me?
10. Even though I asked the people in front of me at the movie (keep) …………………………… quiet, they kept
(chat) …………………………… .
11. Joan and David were considering (get) …………………………… married in June, but they finally decided
(postpone) …………………………… it until August.
12. Our teacher encourages us (look) …………………………… it up a dictionary whenever we are uncertain of
the spelling of a word.
13. Before I went away to college, my mother reminded me (write) …………………………… her a letter at least
once a week.
14. Mrs Jackson had warned her young son (not touch) …………………………… the hot stove.
15. Did you manage (speak) …………………………… to her? She’s quite busy lately.
16. The teacher seems (be) …………………………… in a good mood today.
17. Lucy pretended (know) …………………………… the answer to my question.
18. Paulo intends (buy) …………………………… his friend a blue shirt.
19. Residents are not allowed (keep) …………………………… pets in the building.
20. All applicants are required (take) …………………………… an entrance exam.
Exercise 3: Write complete sentences.
1. handsome/ guy/ ask/ me/ deliver/ package/ you. 9. My grandfather/ prefer/ read.
…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………
2. Jack/ advise/ me/ move/ new apartment. 10. Carol/ agree/ go/ camp/ you?
…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………
3. Mary/ remind/ me/ not be/ late/ meeting. 11. As/ storm/ approach,/ birds/ quit/ sing.
…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………
4. When/ you/ expect/ leave/ your trip? 12. taxi driver/ refuse/ take/ check./ He/ want/ me/
…………………………………………………………………………… pay cash.
5. I/ not mind/ wait/ you./ Go ahead/ finish/ your ……………………………………………………………………………
work. 13. Teachers/ expect/ students/ revise/ lessons/
…………………………………………………………………………… home.
6. We/ discuss/ quit/ jobs/ and/ open/ bakery last ……………………………………………………………………………
night. 14. The travel agent/ advise/ us/ not wait/ until/
…………………………………………………………………………… August.
7. I/ be/ tired./ I/ need/ take/ break. ……………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………… 15. Sometimes/ students/ avoid/ look/ teacher/
8. Most children/ prefer/ watch/ television/ listen/ because/ they/ not want/ answer/ question.
radio. ……………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………

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Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the verbs and match to make meaningful sentences.

....... 1. Keep (talk) ………………………...…… A. while I was out of town.

....... 2. The children promised (play) ………………………...…… more B. I’m trying (concentrate)
quietly. …………………………… on my work.
....... 3. Nadia finally decided (quit) ………………………...…… her C. I wonder if he’s still planning (go)
current job …………………………….
....... 4. Linda offered (look after) ………………………...…… my cat D. your bills.
....... 5. You shouldn’t put off (pay) ………………………...…… E. I prefer (not know) ......................
....... 6. Alex’s dog loves (chase) ………………………...…… ……….
....... 7. Don’t tell me his secret. F. I’m listening to you.
....... 8. Mark mentioned (go) ………………………...…… to the market G. How does that sound to you?
later today. H. research for a book on pioneer
....... 9. Recently, Jo has been spending most of her time (do) ..... women.
……………………...…… I. he had seen a mermaid.
....... 10. Could you please stop (whistle) ………………………...……? J. and (look) …………………………… for
....... 11. The little boy had a lot trouble (convince) ..................... a better one.
……...…… anyone K. They promised (not make) .........
....... 12. Igor suggested (go) ………………………...…… (ski) ............... ..………………… so much noise.
…………...…… in the mountains this weekend. L. sticks that Alex threw.

Exercise 5.1: Complete the text with the gerunds or infinitive form of the verbs.
1 2
 Shopping - If you want to go (shop) ……………..……..……. then it’s fascinating (explore) ……………..……..
……. the Riverside area. Expect 3 (see) ……………..……..……. high prices in the shops: this isn’t a cheap part
of town! For a different shopping experience, spend some time 4 (walk) ……………..……..……. around
Central Market. It’s not worth 5 (go) ……………..……..……. after one o’clock, though. Most of the stalls
start closing at midday. At the Crafts Centre there are shops and workshops where you can 6 (see)
……………..……..……. people 7 (make) ……………..……..……. ceramics and jewellery.
8 9
 Transport - (Travel) ……………..……..……. by underground is expensive, and you’ll miss (see) …………...
………..……. many interesting sights. We suggest (take) ……………..……..……. the bus or the tram. The
water taxis are also an excellent way of (get) ……………..……..……. about.
 Security - Avoid (walk) ……………..……..……. around the city on your own late at night. Remember
(keep) ……………..……..……. your identity card with you at all times.
14 15
 Would you like (know) ……………..……..……. more? – Visit our website (read) ……………..……..…….
about the history of this exciting city.

162 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 5.2: Complete the text with the gerunds or infinitive form of the verbs.

The first explorers to cross Australia

John Stuart decided 1 (cross) …………………………… Australia from south to north in 1859. He wanted 2 (win)
…………………………… a prize offered by the South Australian government. This meant 3 (travel) .....................
…………… across mountains and desert for 3,000 kilometres. He and his three companions kept 4 (ride) ......
……………………… for eight months before reaching the centre of the continent. What had they expected
(find) ……………………………? So far they had only succeeded in 6 (discover) …………………………… a huge
desert. On this expedition Stuart failed 7 (reach) …………………………… the coast, and turned back ill and short
of food. He tried 8 (complete) …………………………… the journey the next year, but failed again. Finally in
1861 he managed 9 (arrive) …………………………… at the northern coast, near the modern city of Darwin. Ever
since he has been famous for (cross) …………………………… the continent, though sadly he died soon after
his return to Adelaide.

Exercise 6: Underline and correct the errors. Each sentence may have more than one mistake.

1. Stop tell me what to do! Let me to make up my own mind. ..............................................

2. My English is pretty good, but sometimes I have trouble to understand ..............................................
lectures at school. ..............................................
3. When I entered the room, I found my wife to cry over the broken vase ..............................................
that had belonged to her great-grandmother. ..............................................
4. Sara is going to spend next year for studying Chinese at a university in ..............................................
Taiwan. ..............................................
5. I went to the pharmacy for having the pharmacist filled my prescription. ..............................................
6. You shouldn’t let children playing with matches. ..............................................
7. When I got home, Irene was lying in bed think about what a wonderful ..............................................
time she’d had. ..............................................
8. When Shelley needed a passport photo, she had a professional ..............................................
photographer taking her picture. ..............................................
9. I’ve finally assembled enough information for beginning writing my ..............................................
thesis. ..............................................
10. Omar is at the park right now. He is sit on a park bench watch the ..............................................
ducks swimming in the pond. The sad expression on his face makes me ..............................................
to feel sorry for him. ..............................................

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PRESENT Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the resent simple
PASSIVE passive.
1. The ice (break) ………………….......................………… into small pieces.
2. The apples (pick) ………………….......................………… in the autumn.
3. The floors (not clean) ………………….......................………… every day.
4. I (not expect) ………………….......................………… to go to every meeting.
5. Martin (give) ………………….......................………… a lot of homework.
6. You (need) ………………….......................………… downstairs.
7. Her identity (keep) ………………….......................………… in confidence.
8. All the exam results (see) ………………….......................………… by the head teacher.

Exercise 2: Match the verbs to the sentences and give them the correct passive forms.
A. What happens to your luggage when you travel by plane? Here’s how the system works.

0 1 2

3 4 5

sort load check attach check collect

A special tag is attached to every piece of luggage at Departures. All the bags and suitcases
……………….....…………… by a machine. The luggage 2 ……………….....…………… and loaded onto a cart for the
flight. All the bags and suitcases for the flight 3 ……………….....…………… onto the aeroplane. The luggage
……………….....…………… at Arrivals. It 5 ……………….....…………… from the carousel by the passengers.

B. How is glass recycled?

sort make melt wash take crush throw

Bottles and other glass items 6 ……………….....…………… into recycling bins. The items 7 ……………….....……………
from the recycling bin to a glass treatment plant. They 8 ……………….....…………… by colour – green, white
and brown. They ……………….....…………… so that the glass is completely clean. The glass
10 11
……………….....…………… into small pieces. It ……………….....…………… at a high temperature. Then it
……………….....…………… into new bottles and jars.

164 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 3: Look at the prompts and make sentences using the present simple passive.
What happens to a car when it is taken for a service?
0. The oil/ change. → The oil is changed.
1. The brakes/ test. 5. The lights/ test.
............................................................................. ................................................................................
2. The filters/ replace. 6. Broken parts/ repair.
............................................................................. ................................................................................
3. Air/ put/ in/ tyres. 7. It/ take/ for/ test drive.
............................................................................. ................................................................................
4. The battery/ check. 8. The radiator/ fill/ with water.
............................................................................. ................................................................................
Exercise 4: Read the orders and respond using present continuous passive.
A. Mr Sullivan, who is a director, is preparing a scene for his new film.
0. Move that scenery, please. The scenery being moved now, Mr Sullivan.
1. Put those props in place, please. ...............................................................................
2. Call the actors, please. ...............................................................................
3. Check their costumes, please. ...............................................................................
4. Turn on the lights, please. ...............................................................................
B. Mrs Smith is redecorating her house for the New Year.
5. Move the sofa to the right, please. .............................................................................................
6. Hang the picture next to the mirror, please. .............................................................................................
7. Put the tea table in front of the TV, please. .............................................................................................
8. Put the books on the shelf, please. .............................................................................................
9. Put some pillows on the sofa, please. .............................................................................................
10. Open the windows, please. .............................................................................................
Exercise 5: Read the text and underline all the subject, verb and object structures. Then rewrite
the text using present passive voice.
How a toy car is made
In the factory, they use a computer to plan the exact shape of the car. They then feed this computer
program into a machine, and produce a plastic prototype. Then they produce the actual toy cars in a
factory abroad. As far as construction is concerned, they make the bodies of the cars from plastic. They
add small electric motors to the cars, and then they paint them. They also attach license plates. Quality
control inspects the cars and then they wrap them and pack them into cardboard boxes. They ship the
cars to Britain.
0. As a first step, a computer is used to plan the exact shape of the car.
1. Then ..............................................................................................................................................................
2. And a .............................................................................................................................................................
3. The actual .....................................................................................................................................................
4. The bodies ....................................................................................................................................................
5. Small .............................................................................................................................................................
6. License ..........................................................................................................................................................
7. At the next stage, ..........................................................................................................................................
8. Finally, .............................................................................................................................................. Britain.

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PAST Exercise 6: Complete the sentences with the past passive form of the verb in
PASSIVE brackets.
1. A cake (bake) …………..........................................................………… by my grandmother when we visited her.
2. In ancient times, fires (light) ………….............................………… to use smoke as a signal over long distances.
3. Morse code (invent) …………....................................................………… by an American called Samuel Morse.
4. Radios (use) ………….............................…..…… to broadcast coded messages during the Second World War.
5. A ginger cat (bully) …………......................................………… by the kids in my neighbour when I came home.
6. Buying books and CDs over the Internet (make) …………..................……… popular by the company Amazon.
7. The first mobile phones with cameras (sell) …………..............................................................………… in Japan.
8. When my mother called, some apple trees (plant) …………............................................………… by my father.
Exercise 7: Read the conversation and circle the correct answers.
Sam: What’s all that stuff?
Ted: I was given this old box that 1 belonged / was belonged to my great-grandfather. He 2 was / was
been a photographer.
Sam: Wow. What kind of photos 3 did he take / was he taken?
Ted: He was journalist, so he 4 often sent / was often sent to different countries and he 5 took / was
taken all kinds of photos. A lot of his professional photos 6 sold / were sold by one of my aunts
last year, but this box 7 kept / was kept in the family because the pictures are more personal.
Sam: Oh, right.
Ted: Look at these photos. I’m pretty sure they 8 took / were taken in Japan. He 9 loved / was loved
Japan, and he 10 offered / was offered a good job there, but he didn’t take it. I don’t know why.
Exercise 8: Use the prompts to write complete Exercise 9: Write complete sentences using the
past passive sentences. prompts below.
0. When and where/ bicycles/ first/ ride? Detective Maguire is talking to a police officer about
When and where were bicycles first ridden? a burglary which happened early yesterday morning.
1. DVDs/ invent/ in the 20th century? 0. Have you dusted the house for fingerprints yet?
............................................................................... the house/ dust/ for fingerprints yesterday. → Yes,
2. Where/ violins/ first/ make? the house was dusted for fingerprints yesterday.
............................................................................... 1. Have you found any evidence yet?
3. Basketball/ not invent/ in the last decade. a piece of material/ find/ this morning. → ...............
............................................................................... ..................................................................................
4. In which century/ the first newspaper/ print? 2. Have you interviewed the house owners yet?
............................................................................... they/ interview/ last night. → ..................................
5. Tea/ not first drink/ in Japan. ..................................................................................
............................................................................... 3. Have you questioned the neighbours yet?
6. coffee/ first drink/ in Vietnam? they/ question/ this morning. → ..............................
............................................................................... ...................................................................................
7. Where/ football/ first/ play? 4. Have you interrogated the suspects yet?
............................................................................... they/ interrogate/ last night. → ...............................
8. The first known telescope/ invent/ Netherlands/ ..................................................................................
17th century. 5. Have you recovered the stolen goods yet?
............................................................................... they/ recover/ this morning. → ...............................
9. In which century/ ice-cream/ first/ eat? ..................................................................................
............................................................................... 6. Have you written your report yet?
10. Penicillin/ discover/ 1928/ Scottish scientist it/ complete/ an hour ago. → ..................................
Alexander Fleming. ..................................................................................

166 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

FUTURE PASSIVE Exercise 10: Underline the correct answer.
1. Look, those flowers will bloom / will be bloomed tomorrow.
2. The new road will be finished / is going to be finished soon. The construction manager told me so.
3. I’m very sorry. You won’t disturb / be disturbed again.
4. The medicine will work / will be worked soon.
5. He will remember / will be remembered for hundreds of years into the future.
Exercise 11: Complete the passive sentences so that they mean the same as the active ones.
0. We won’t give your details to anyone else. → Your details won’t be given to anyone else.
1. We will contact you again in the autumn.
You ......................................................................................................................... us again in the autumn.
2. We definitely won’t keep this information on our computer.
This information ............................................................................................................... on our computer.
3. They probably won’t build the new road in the next five years.
The new road ............................................................................................................. in the next five years.
4. Local people will probably use the new sports centre.
The new sports centre ............................................................................................................. local people.
5. They probably won’t build the houses with environmental-friendly materials.
The houses .......................................................................................... environmentally-friendly materials.

PRESENT PERFECT Exercise 12: Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings.

1. Dinner 1 - ......... a. have been hurt in a car accident.

2. Two people 2 - ......... b. has been elected.
3. A new president 3 - ......... c. have been opened in the past year.
4. A new species of frog 4 - ......... d. has been increased again.
5. The price of a bus ticket 5 - ......... e. has already been served.
6. Three new schools 6 - ......... f. has been damaged by acid rain.
7. A new type of microchip 7 - ......... g. has been discovered.
8. The statue 8 - ......... h. has been invented.
Exercise 13: Rewrite the sentence using a present perfect passive.
1. Cheaper air travel has made possible the global 5. Mass tourism has badly affected some countries.
expansion in tourism. ...............................................................................
............................................................................... ................................................... by mass tourism.
............................................ by cheaper air travel. 6. International companies have built large hotels
2. Countries all over the world have experienced a on unspoilt coastline.
growth in tourism. ...............................................................................
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
........................ by all countries all over the world. by international companies on unspoilt coastline.
3. Millions of tourists have visited the popular 7. These developments have disturbed local
Mediterranean resorts since the 1970s. wildlife.
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
.......................................... by millions of tourists. ....................................... by these developments.
4. Recently tourists have chosen more distant 8. Tourists have damaged coral reefs and other
locations in Africa, Asia and South America. habitats.
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
............................................................ by tourists. ............................................................ by tourists.

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Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with by or with.


 With all passives, we can add by + agent to say who will do the action.
(This afternoon you will be taught by Mr Smith.)
 And with + instrument, ingredient or material to say what the agent will use.
(The cake will be cut with a silver knife.)

1. This book was written ………… my favourite author. 7. His portrait will be painted ………… a famous artist.
2. The tiger was shot ………… a gun. 8. Each certificate will be tied ………… a red ribbon.
3. He was hit on the head ………… an umbrella. 9. The rooms will be decorated ………… balloons.
4. The cake was decorated ………… icing. 10. The biscuits will be covered ………… pink icing.
5. Claire was shouted at ………… her teacher. 11. The programme will be watched ………… millions
6. The car will be attached to the truck with a special of people around the world.
chain. 12. The final decision will be made ………… the editor.
Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences using passive voice. Use by + agent.
0. A fashion designer designs a new line of clothes. 6. The Chinese probably printed the first books more
A new line of clothes is designed by a fashion than a thousand years ago.
designer. ................................................................................
1. Factory workers make the new line of clothes. 7. The Remington company sold the first modern
................................................................................ typewriters in the 1870s.
2. Lorry drivers transport the finished clothes to the ................................................................................
shops. 8. Edison recorded the first words on a gramophone
................................................................................ record in 1877.
3. Shop workers unpack the delivery. ................................................................................
................................................................................ 9. The Lumière brothers created the first modern
4. Customers buy the clothes. cinema in France in 1895.
................................................................................ ................................................................................
5. The customers wear the clothes. 10. Valdemar Poulsen invented the tape recorder in
................................................................................ 1899.
Exercise 3: Rewrite each sentence so that it does not contain the words someone or people.
0. Someone built ships with sails more than 5,000 years ago.
Ships with sails were built more than 5,000 years ago.
1. Someone constructed a hot-air balloon in 1783. 4. People started the first passenger airlines after
................................................................................ the First World War.
2. People developed the steam ship in the 19 ................................................................................
century. ................................................................................
................................................................................ 5. Someone invented the thermoscope in the early
3. Someone opened the first successful passenger 17th century.
railway in 1830. ................................................................................
................................................................................ 6. People patented the electric clock in 1840.
................................................................................ ................................................................................

168 Compiled by Amslink/ For internal use

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
1. A: Who looks after your garden for you?
B: It (look after) ………………………....……............................................................…...………… by my mother.
2. A: That’s a beautiful dress. Where did you buy it?
B: Actually, it (make) ………………………....………................................................………… for me by my aunt.
3. A: Have you typed that letter yet, Miss Brown?
B: It (type) ………………………....……….........................................................................………… right now, sir.
4. A: Did you make the coffee when you got to work this morning?
B: No, it (already make) ……………………......................................………...…..….…… by the time I got there.
5. A: Are you going to pick up the children today?
B: No, they (pick up) ………………………....….............................…….…… by Roger. I’ve already arranged it.
6. A: Where is your watch?
B: I broke it. It (repair) ………………………....……................................................…...………… at the moment.
7. A: Has the new furniture for my bedroom arrived?
B: No, it (not deliver) ………………………....………........................................................................………… yet.
8. A: They are building a new sports centre in town.
B: I know. It (open) …………………........................................……………...………… by the mayor next month.
9. A: Do you still work at Browns and Co?
B: Yes, I do. I (employ) ………………………....……............……… by Mr Brown for five years now, you know.
10. A: Oh. Do you still enjoy it?
B: Oh yes! I (give) ………………………....……….............….……… a promotion last year and I’m very happy.
11. A: A promotion? So, what is your job now?
B: I (make) ……………………………….........................................................………… Head of European Sales.
12. A: So, what do you do?
B: Well, sometimes I (send) ……………………...……............................…… to other countries on business.
Exercise 2: Circle the most suitable word in bold.
A – How is paper made?
Everyone enjoys reading fashion magazines and newspapers. But have you ever thought about how
the paper they are printed on is made? Most paper is 1 made / making from wood. First, 2 they cut the
wood / the wood is cut into small pieces. These 3 mix / are mixed with water and heated to produce
a kind of thick paste. Then chemicals 4 we add them / are added to clean the paste and make it white.
Next the paste is spread on a screen and 5 dried / is dried. The water drains away or evaporates and
are left / leaves a thick layer of paper. 7 We then pass this / This is then passed between two large
rollers (circular machines) to make it thinner and flatter. 8 The paper can then be cut / They can then
cut the paper into the correct sizes.
B – A ware-house fire
Fire swept / was swept through a furniture ware-house yesterday afternoon. Most of the stock
inside 2 was damaged / damaged, but shocked workers 3 have been managed / managed to save a
small amount of it. The police 4 are being investigated / are investigating the cause of the fire, but it
5 6
is thought / thinks that it was an accident. The shop manager is being looked / is looking for
7 8
another warehouse where stock can keep / be kept. ‘A lot of stock has been lost / has lost, but the
shop 9 will open / will be opened tomorrow as usual,’ said the manager. ‘I’m just glad no one 10 hurt /
was hurt.

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Exercise 3: Use the information in the email to complete the sentences below.

Hi Hilary,
I’m so pleased that you can come to our wedding! Jake and I have planned everything over the last few
weeks. At the moment we’re sending out all the final invitations. (Don’t worry, I haven’t invented Jane
Anderson. I know you don’t get on with her!) I was a bit worried about the cost but last month Mum and
Dad agreed to pay for the reception. They paid the deposit last week. That was a relief! Have you decided
what to wear yet? I’ve bought my wedding dress (it’s a bit big so I have to alter it). The shop reduced the
price so it was only a few hundred pounds.
Do you remember Aunt Terri? Apparently, she’s got a fantastic new video camera, so she’s going to film
the ceremony. We’ve got a professional photographer as well. She’ll take the formal photos. And Antonio
from the Italian restaurant is doing the catering, so the food should be great!
I can’t wait to see you there. It’s going to be a great day!

0. Everything has been planned by Jake and Lucy.

1. The final invitations ............................................................................................................ at the moment.
2. Jane Anderson .................................................................................................................... to the wedding.
3. The deposit for the reception ...................................................................................................... last week.
4. Lucy has bought her wedding dress but it has ............................................................................................ .
5. The price of the dress ............................................................................................................... by the shop.
6. The ceremony ...................................................................................................................... by Lucy’s aunt.
7. The formal photos .................................................................................... by a professional photographer.
8. The catering ............................................................................................................................... by Antonio.

Exercise 4: Rewrite the sentences using passive forms.

1. They were painting that wall yesterday. 9. Do they teach Latin at this school?
That wall ………………….................………………….….… . Is …………………..............………....……….….……………… .
2. We’ve turned off the lights. 10. I don’t like people pointing at me.
The lights …………………......……………….………………… . I don’t like being …............……………..….……………… .
3. We will send you an email tomorrow. 11. She hit him on the head with a tennis racquet.
You …………………..............……………….….……………… . He …………………............………....……….….……………… .
4. They aren’t making that model any more. 12. Michael has made the preparations.
That model …………..............….……….….….…………… . The preparations ………..........…..…….….……………… .
5. Do I have to fill in this form? 13. Is Tim cleaning the house?
Does this from ……...........……………….….………………? Is the house ………...........……....……….….………………?
6. They haven’t repaired your computer yet. 14. Who built the Pyramids?
Your computer ………………..........…….….……………… . By whom ………...........……........……….….………………?
7. They’re going to close the road for 24 hours. 15. Who smashed the kitchen window?
The road …………..............……………….….……………… . By ………...........……....………................….………………?
8. Someone is repairing the garden fence.
The garden fence …............………….….………..……… .

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Exercise 5: Read the newspaper reports and put the verbs into a suitable passive form.
A. Castle Fire
Winton Castle 1 (damage) ………………......…………… in a fire last night. The fire, which 2 (discover) ...............
…......…………… at about 9 o’clock, spread very quickly. Nobody 3 (injure) ………………......……………, but two
people had to 4 (rescue) ………………......…………… from an upstairs room. A number of paintings 5 (destroy)
………………......…………… . It 6 (not known) ………………......…………… how the fire started.

B. Shop Robbery
In Paxham yesterday a shop assistant 1 (force) ………………......…………… to hand over £500 after 2(threaten)
………………......…………… by a man with a knife. The man escaped in a car which 3 (steal) ……………….............
………… earlier in the day. The car 4 (later find) …………………………… in a car park where it 5 (abandon) .........
………......…………… by the thief. A man 6 (arrest) ………………......…………… in connection with the robbery
and 7 (still question) ………………......…………… by the police.

C. Road Delays
Repair work started yesterday on the Paxham-Longworth road. The road 1 (resurface) ..............................
………… and there will be long delays. Drivers 2 (ask) ………………......…………… to use an alternative route if
possible. The work 3 (expect) ………………......…………… to last two weeks. Next Sunday the road 4 (close) ...
……………......……………, and traffic 5 (divert) ………………......…………… .
D. Accident
A woman 1 (take) ………………......…………… to hospital after her car collided with a lorry near Norstock
yesterday. She 2 (allow) ………………......…………… home later after treatment. The road 3 (block) ...............
......…………… for an hour after the accident, and traffic had to 4 (divert) ………………......…………… . A police
inspector said afterwards: ‘The woman was lucky. She 5 (help) ………………......…………… by total strangers
on the road.’

Exercise 6: Make a passive sentence from the words in brackets.

1. A: That’s a beautiful picture.

B: Yes. (It/ paint/ my mother.) ……………………………………….…….................................…….….....……………………
2. A: Have they caught the thieves yet?
B: Yes. (Two men/ arrest/ yesterday.) ……………………………………………....................................…….……….......
3. A: Did you build the garage yourselves?
B: No. (The garage/ build/ before we moved in.) ………………………………….…………........................................
4. A: Why is Paul afraid of dogs?
B: (He/ bite/ a dog/ when he was a little boy.) ………………………………………….…..................................……….
5. A: Sarah is very ill.
B: (She/ take/ to hospital last night.) ……………………………………………………….................................................
6. A: This room is a disgrace.
B: (It/ not clean/ for weeks.) …………………………………………………….................................................................
7. A: Did you know about your surprise party?
B: No. (It/ arrange/ in secret.) …………………………………………….......................................................................
8. A: Are you going to drive to work today?
B: I can’t. (The car/ not fix/ yet.) ……………………………………………….................................................................

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Exercise 1: Rewrite these historical facts using passive forms in two ways.


With verbs (give, offer, buy, take sell, send, etc.) there are two ways of forming the passive.
(The judges gave Amanda first prize.  Amanda was given first prize/ First prize was given
to Amanda by the judges.)

0. The French government gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1886.
The United States was given the Statue of Liberty by the French government in 1886.
The Statue of Liberty was given to the United States by the French government in 1886.
1. The Spanish brought potatoes to Europe in the sixteenth century.
2. Neil Armstrong took an American flag to the moon in 1969.
3. Thomas Wolsey gave Hampton Court Palace to King Henry VIII in 1525.
4. The South African government sent Nelson Mandela to prison in 1962.
5. France sold Louisiana to the United States in 1803.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Begin with the underline word.

1. They awarded him a prize for his competition entry. ………………………………………….…………………………………..

2. He cut the grass with the new lawnmower yesterday. ………………………………………….………………………….……..
3. Emma is showing them the photographs. ……………………………………………………….…………………………...….……..
4. When did the wind blow down the tree? ……………………………………………………….…………….………………….……..
5. Terry offered her a lift to work. ………………………………………………………………………………….………………...….……..
6. Who teaches traditional dance at this school? ………………………………………………………………..……………….……..
7. People often stuff turkeys with chestnut stuffing. …………………………………………...……………………………...……..
8. Will they play the tennis match on an indoor court? ……………………………………………………………...………..……..
9. Everyone must learn the poem by heart. …………………………………………………………….………………..……...………..
10. Kate is choosing a new carpet at the moment. ………………………………………………………...…………………….……..
11. Has Stuart washed the car before he went to the cinema? …………………………………………………………….……..
12. Someone should tell Mary to stop being rude to people. …………………………………………………...………….……..

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Exercise 3: Rewrite each sentence beginning and ending as shown.
1. At the end of her term at college, a multi-national company offered Emma a job in Dubai.
At the end of her term at college, Emma …………………………………….………….…… by a multi-national company.
2. It wasn’t very well-paid, but they promised her a good position in the future.
It wasn’t very well-paid, but she …………………………………….………….…… in the future.
3. They sent her a letter explaining all the details.
She …………………………………….………….…… the details.
4. The company explained that they would give her free accommodation.
The company explained that she …………………………………….………….…… free accommodation.
5. Her parents lent her some money to buy some new clothes and a laptop.
She …………………………………….………….…… by her parents to buy some new clothes and a laptop.
6. Her fellow friends have her some CDs as a present.
She …………………………………….………….…… as a present by her fellow friends.


Exercise 1: Complete the sentences, using a form of have, get or need and suitable forms of the
verbs in the box.


 We use Have/ Get Sth Done = Have Sb do Sth = Get Sb to do Sth when we want/ ask
somebody to do something for us.
(Gerald has/ get all his suits made for him.)
(Gerald has Jonathan make his suits for him. Gerald gets Jonathan to make his suits for him.)
 We use Need + V-ing to give a passive meaning.
(Somebody needs to wash these clothes = These clothes need washing.)

break 0. Isabel is having her nails painted.

paint 1. Karl …………………………… his eyes ……………………………. .
show 2. That van …………………………………………………………. .
test 3. The police officer …………………………… me …………………………… him my driving license.
wash 4. Barry …………………………… his nose …………………………… in a boxing match last year.

Exercise 2: Complete each sentence using suitable forms of the words in brackets.
1. I’m going grey, so I (have/ my hair/ colour) ........... 5. (Those dishes/ need/ wash) ..................................
……………………………………………….... every six weeks. …………………………….… before we leave the house.
2. Cindy (get/ phone/ steal) ....................................... 6. I (have/ the porter/ take) ......................................
…………………………………… while she was at the gym. …………………. your bags up to your room now, sir.
3. Something is wrong with your TV. I think (it/ need/ 7. Excuse me. Can I (get/ my passport photos/ take)
check) ………………..........……………………………………… . …………………………………………...........…………… here?
4. (get/ those documents/ copy) ............................... 8. I am having the worst toothache ever. (It/ need/
…………………………………………… while you were out? examine) ……………………………….............................
................................................. by a dentist soon.

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Exercise 3: Complete each sentence using present continuous causative have. Leave out the
words underlined.
0. What are you doing on Monday? - In the afternoon a photographer is taking my photograph.
In the afternoon I am having my photograph taken.
1. What is Anna doing on Tuesday? – In the morning a hairdresser is cutting her hair.
In the morning she ………………………………………………………………..……………...................................……………….
2. And what is Alan doing on Wednesday? – In the afternoon a dentist is taking out a tooth.
In the afternoon he …………………………………….…………………………………….................................…………………...
3. What is happening at your house on Thursday? – Some decorators are painting our kitchen.
We …………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………................................………...
4. Are you using your car on Friday? – No, the garage is servicing it.
No, I ………………………………………………………………......………………………………………………………………………………...
5. And what are Sue and David doing on Saturday? – Some plumbers are fitting their new central heating.
They ……………………………………………………………....…..………………………………………………………………………………...

Exercise 4: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a past simple causative have.
0. Someone broke Tim’s nose while he was playing football.
Tim had his nose broken while he was playing football.
1. Someone stole Maria’s bike last week.
Maria …………………………………….........................…………........……...................................................................
2. Someone damaged Mr Grover’s car last week.
Mr Grover ……………………………………….............…..................................................................................………
3. Someone took Anna’s mobile.
Anna ……………………………………………………....................................…………......................................................
4. Someone sprayed paint on our garden wall.
We ………………………………….…………….................……………..............................................................................
5. Someone broke into our house.
We …………………………………………………………………...............................…........................................................
Exercise 5: Read about the club and circle the correct words in bold.
The Spoil Yourself Club
What is the Spoil Yourself Club?
The Spoil Yourself Club is there for your every need. Once you pay the $10,000 membership fee you can
call us at any time and get us to arrange almost anything you want.
What can you get for me?
We can get almost anything for you. For example, if you need a new designer dress for a special party we
can have a top designer 1 produce / produced something for you within a few days. If you need a table
at a five-star restaurant we can 2 have had / have the best table 3 reserved / to reserve for you at just an
hour’s notice. If you’ve had 4 cancelled a flight / a flight cancelled, we can get one of our pilots 5 to fly /
fly you anywhere you desire in our private jet.
What about other services?
If you’ve had a hard day at the office and just want a relaxing massage, we have a team of excellent
therapists ready to help. You can have your hair and make-up 6 to be done / done by our expert
beauticians. But we haven’t forgotten about those everyday problems. So, if your central heating system
breaks down we will get a plumber 7 coming / to come to your house in half an hour. If your car needs
servicing / to service, we can have a mechanic collect your car and return it to you later the same day.

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Exercise 6: Rewrite each sentence without the words underline and using a form of causative
Cosmetic surgery, which used to be only for film stars, has recently become very popular among the
population as a whole.
1. Surgeons remove people’s scars and blemishes. 5. Doctors also thickened one woman’s lips.
……………………………………………………………………..…. ……………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………..…. ……………………………………………………………………………
2. They also lift people’s faces in order to look 6. Psychologists are worried that so many young
younger. people want doctors to change their appearance.
……………………………………………………………………..…. Psychologists are worried that ..............................
……………………………………………………………………..…. ……………………………………………………………………………
3. In a recent poll, many people admitted that ……………………………………………………………………………
surgeons altered their noses. 7. So if you’re thinking of asking a doctor to perform
In a recent poll, ................................................... an operation, think again.
……………………………………………………………………..…. So if you’re thinking of ...........................................
4. Surgeons also reshaped the eyes of several ……………………………………………………………………………
people. 8. Plastic surgery can also ruin people’s lives.
……………………………………………………………………..…. ……………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………..…. ……………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 1: Choose the correct words.
1. Your car isn’t here. It has taken / been taken to the 5. I have cut my hair / my hair cut once a month.
garage. 6. My boss had me take / to take the report to
2. Do you think that jacket was designed by / of a man? the printers.
3. That ring was given to / given my mother by my 7. My mom got me cut / to cut the grass in the
father. garden.
4. My applicant for a loan was turned by the bank 8. All windows in this tower are cleaned by /
down / down by the bank. with our brand new product Sparkle!
Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense.
1. This tree is very old. It (plant) ………………………....... in the 19th century.
2. This piece of music (not record) ………………………....... yet. I’ve just composed it.
3. The thieves (steal) ………………………....... the jewellery from the safe yesterday.
4. We began work early, but we (not finish) ………………………....... until late.
5. Jenny (complain) ………………………....... to the manager about the faulty items at the moment.
6. This photograph (take) ………………………....... by my grandfather when I was five.
7. That painting (colour) ………………………....... when I heard my pet canary sing for the first time since spring.
8. We (delay) ………………………....... because there was a lot of traffic this morning.
9. So far not much (know) ………………………....... about this complicated subject.
10. I’m going home now because all the work (do) ………………………....... .
11. The new nightclub (close) ………………………....... by the council last week.
12. Jessica (run) ………………………....... two kilometres every day before work.
13. Jim’s house is very modern. It (build) ………………………....... only two years ago.
14. Don’t stay up late tonight, or else you (be) ………………………....... tired tomorrow.
15. The instructions (follow) ………………………....... very carefully. I don’t understand why the accident

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Exercise 3: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense.
A. A burglary was carried out in the high street yesterday morning. Two men 1 (enter) ………………………. a
jeweller’s shop and 2 (order) ………………………. the assistant to hand over jewellery and money. The
thieves 3 (escape) ………………………. with jewellery worth £2,000, but 4 (arrest) ………………………. later, as
they 5 (try) ………………………. to leave the country.
B. Tony O’Connell 1 (work) ………………………. for a large company. Last year, he 2 (promote) ……………………….
to the position of manager. He 3 (give) ………………………. a large office and a company car. He now 4 (have)
………………………. a secretary who 5 (answer) ………………………. his calls, and he 6 (pay) ………………………. a lot
more money than before. He 7 (feel) ………………………. very happy about his job now.
C. Tea 1 (make) ………………………. from the leaves of the tea plant. At first, it 2 (use) ………………………. as a
medicine, but it 3 (become) ………………………. an everyday drink in the 3rd century AD. First, the leaves
(pick) ………………………. from the plant and they are spread onto a cloth. They 5 (leave) ……………………….
there for up to twenty hours. Next, the leaves are rolled up until they 6 (break) ………………………. into
small pieces. Finally, the leaves 7 (dry) ………………………. . The tea 8 (pack) ………………………. into containers
and sent to different countries. It 9 (sell) ………………………. to customers as loose leaves, as tea bags and
as instant tea. To make tea, we 10 (boil) ………………………. water and 11 (pour) ………………………. it over the
dry tea in a teapot. This 12 (leave) ………………………. for three to five minutes. We can then add milk,
lemon or sugar. In Britain, it was the custom to serve tea in the afternoons with sandwiches and cakes.
This custom 13 (start) ………………………. by the Duchess of Bedford around 1840. Today, people 14 (drink)
………………………. tea all over the world.
Exercise 4: Rewrite the text using the passive forms.
A. People all around the world use umbrellas. Someone invented the basic umbrella over 4000 years
ago. We see umbrellas in ancient art from Greece, Egypt, Assyria and China. People designed the first
umbrellas for protection from the sun. People didn’t use umbrellas in Europe until the 18th century.
Passengers leave about 80,000 umbrellas on the London Underground every year.
→ Umbrellas are used by people all around the world. .....................................................................................
B. Yesterday afternoon, a volcanic eruption destroyed an entire village. Mount Sirius, which experts
thought was dormant, erupted at 3 pm. Tourists saw smoke rising from the mouth of the volcano two days
before. The police moved the villagers away from the area for their own safety. Tons of lava and rock came
out of the volcano and wrecked houses, roads and trees. Although the blast physically injured only a few
people, doctors are treating many for shock. The authorities are keeping the area surrounding Mount
Sirius clear in case of further activity.
→ Yesterday afternooon, ...................................................................................................................................

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Exercise 5: Write full sentences using the passive and prompts below.
0. Japan/ hit/ a big earthquake during the night – a few people/ hurt – help/ already send/ Red Cross.
Japan was hit by a big earthquake during the night. A few people were hurt. Help has already been sent
by the Red Cross.
1. Burley’s Bank/ rob/ this morning - £500,000/ steal – two suspects/ question/ the police/ the moment.
2. Edinburgh/ visit/ the Queen tomorrow – a new bridge/ open – a dinner party/ give/ to honour the Royal
3. A diamond ring/ find/ Mrs Mary Silver/ in a garden yesterday – it/ lose/ for twenty years.
4. Another gold medal/ win/ British athlete, Terry Black, yesterday – he/ award/ the medal for breaking
the world record in the 100m race.
5. Tonight’s charity football match/ cancel – half the players/ take/ to hospital suffering from food
poisoning – a new date for the match/ set/ tomorrow.

Exercise 6: Cross out six more mistakes in the conversation and correct them.

Expert: Well, this is an interesting fashion print. Did you buy it?
Owner: No, it was given to me 0 of my grandmother just before she died.
Expert: So she was the person who bought it?
Owner: Not exactly. She found it. It left on the side of the road by somebody.
Expert: How amazing. Tell me, is this the original frame?
Owner: No, I think it been changed when my grandparents moved house. They had a really good
carpenter and he made new frames for all the pictures. It was put into a new frame from him.
Expert: That’s a pity. These prints are always worth more if they’ve been keep in their original frames.
People shouldn’t take the original frame out, really. But if it was for sale put up, I expect it might
fetch several hundred pounds.

0. by
1. ....................................... 4. .......................................
2. ....................................... 5. .......................................
3. ....................................... 6. .......................................

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