Časopis, Slamice, Selotejp, Baloni, Elastične Gumice) : Poker Tower (15-30minutes)
Časopis, Slamice, Selotejp, Baloni, Elastične Gumice) : Poker Tower (15-30minutes)
Časopis, Slamice, Selotejp, Baloni, Elastične Gumice) : Poker Tower (15-30minutes)
Distribute a pack of poker cards and a pair of scissors to each group of 2-5 members. Instruct
them to build the tallest poker tower using ONLY the cards and scissors given to them. This
will stimulate creativity and team bonding, as the team figures out how to build the tower
with the limited material available. (Optional: Spice up the game with 1 A4 size piece of
This is a messy yet classic engaging problem. Split the team into 2-3 teams of reasonable size.
The task is to build an egg package that can keep the egg intact from a 2-4 storey drop. Tools
that can be provided include newspapers, straws, tape, plastic, balloons, rubber bands. Give
the teams 30min-1hour to create the package. After which, each team will take turns to drop
the egg package from the 2nd storey while everyone else stays at the bottom level to
observe. (Optional: increase the height of the egg drop until a single winner is found!)
The idea behind this exercise is to improve team members’ trust, their relationship, and to
communicate in a more effective way. You will need an open space such as an empty room
or hallway in which you will distribute ‘mines’ that are placed haphazardly around the area.
The ‘mine’s can be cones, balls, bottles etc. Team members are paired into teams of two.
One team member will be blindfolded and the other can see and talk, but is not allowed to
enter the field or touch their partner. The challenge is for the blind-folded person to walk
from one side of the field to the other, avoiding the mines by listening to the verbal
instructions of their partners. (Optional: Have more than 1 pair walking through the mine
simultaneously, so the difficulty of focusing and listening to the right instructions increases)
This is another classical team game, which can be very easily executed. You need paper, pen,
and a flipchart/whiteboard. Think of items that fit into certain categories. These can be
generic or specific to the team. For example, generic categories include food items, places of
interest, idioms. Team-specific categories include computer technologies for computer
scientists, business ideas for startups, school and students for teachers. Split the group into 2
teams. Each team takes turns to play. The team that is playing will nominate an artist, who
will draw a “list” of items to draw. The only hint to his teammates will be the category name.
They then have 1-3 minutes to draw the items on that list, without writing nor speaking.
Switch around to another team after the time limit. Swap artists with each round, and repeat
for 4-5 rounds. Collate the final results to find the winning team.
Talking in Circles (0.5-1 hour)
This is a highly challenging game that is only recommended for teams who love challenges.
Place everyone in a circle around a long piece of string that is tied at its ends to form a circle.
Have everyone grasp the string with both hands and hold the string waist high. Without
letting go, the team will have to form shapes with the string; a square, a triangle, a figure
eight, a rectangle, etc. Repeat the game but with everyone’s eyes shut! This will require
everyone to communicate clearly and listen well. Make the shapes progressively harder and
periodically have them stop and open their eyes to see their progress…or lack there of
This brain teaser is funny and really works on teambuilding, problem solving and
communication. No materials are needed. Recommended group size includes a wide range of
8-20 people. Instruct the participants to stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder. Tell everyone
to put their right hand in the air and grab the hand of someone standing across the circle
from them. Now tell everyone to put their left hand in the air and grab the hand of a
different person. Someone needs to check that everyone is holding the hands of two
different people and that no one is holding the hand of someone who’s standing directly next
to them. The objective of the game is to untangle everyone without letting go of their hands.
If the chain is broken, participants will have to start over. Note: sometimes >1 circle will
form. This game requires casual clothing, and is not recommended for team members with
physical limitations. This game will rely heavily on teamwork and communication.
Have the group make a large circle. (This game also works well as a race between several
circles in larger groups.)
Have everyone put their left hand in the middle, and hold hands with someone in the circle,
not directly next to them. Repeat with the right hand, and be sure to hold hands with a
different person, who is not directly next to them. You can use 1-foot “buddy ropes” to
reduce arm twisting if you like.
Then the group must use teamwork to unravel themselves into a circle again without coming
Helpful Hint
To ensure that everyone is in the same circle, send a “pulse.” One person begins by gently squeezing their right
hand. The person who is squeezed gently squeezes their opposite hand, which passes the pulse to the next
person. Continue until the first person has their second hand squeezed.
Toxic Waste
Spider Web
For: Creative Problem Solving & Collaboration Skills
What You’ll Need: String and tape
Instructions: Tape two pieces of string across a doorway, one at about three-and-a-half feet
and the other around five feet. This string is the poisonous spider web. Teams must get all
their members through the opening between the strings without touching it. Increase the
difficulty by taping more pieces of string across the doorway.
1. Prihod
2. Ogrevanje
3. Uvod zakaj teambuilding, pravila….
4. Človeški vozel
5. Minsko polje (za zavezat oči, samolepilni listki vrvi)
6. Pajkova mreža (vrvi, sivi trak)
7. Šageti stolp (špagete, manchmelow, selotejp)
8. Trdoživo jajce (papir, lepenka, selotejp)
9. Strupeni odpadki (2x vedro (veliko majhn), vrvi)
10. Različni liki (vrv, print različnih likov na A4)
11. 2 dilce (4x 1.5m x 20cm dilce)
12. – pihanje balona (koliko časa lahko zadržijo balon v zraku samo s pihanjem) (baloni)
13. – balon morajo prenesti od točke A do točke B samo s tem da ga udarjajo (ne smejo ga
držati v roki) in ko naredijo krog nadaljuje drugi
14. – skpina vsak v skupini ima po en balon in vsakih 20 sec dobijo še neega vsi morajo biti v
zraku koliko časa zdržijo preden jim 6x pade balon na tla)
15. - Blinde drawing ( flipchart en rise ostali ga usmerjajo)
16. – modna revija (narediti iz vrečk za smeti dve obleki –poletna in elegantna) (vrečke za smeti v
različnih barvah)
17. – risanje mandale
tkanina za zavezat oči 16x………………………….. X
samolepilni listki ……………………………………….. X
vrvi…………………………………………………………….. ⃝
sivi trak………………………………………..…………….. ⃝
špagete + manchmelow……………………………… ⃝
selotejp………………………………………………………. X
papir …………………………………………………………. X
lepenka……………………………………………………… ⃝
selotejp……………………………………………………… X
2x vedro (veliko in majhno) ………………………. ⃝X + 1x
print različnih likov na A4…………………………… ⃝
4x 1.5m x 20cm dilce………………………………….. X
baloni…………………………………………………………. ⃝
vrečke za smeti v različnih barvah……………… ⃝
Uvod zakaj teambuilding, pravila….
Človeški vozel
Minsko polje (za zavezat oči, samolepilni listki vrvi)
Pajkova mreža (vrvi, sivi trak)
Šageti stolp (špagete, manchmelow, selotejp)
Trdoživo jajce (papir, lepenka, selotejp)
Strupeni odpadki (2x vedro (veliko majhn), vrvi)
Različni liki (vrv, print različnih likov na A4)
2 dilce (4x 1.5m x 20cm dilce)
– pihanje balona (koliko časa lahko zadržijo balon v zraku samo s
pihanjem) (baloni)
– balon morajo prenesti od točke A do točke B samo s tem da ga
udarjajo (ne smejo ga držati v roki) in ko naredijo krog nadaljuje drugi
– skpina vsak v skupini ima po en balon in vsakih 20 sec dobijo še neega
vsi morajo biti v zraku koliko časa zdržijo preden jim 6x pade balon na
18.- Blinde drawing ( flipchart en rise ostali ga usmerjajo)
19. – modna revija (narediti iz vrečk za smeti dve obleki –poletna in
elegantna) (vrečke za smeti v različnih barvah)
20.– risanje mandale