After two days of advancing through Setup Attack step:
the Enchanted forest we reached the final crossing before entering the The Uthuk player gains 2 Vp Valley of the Forsaken. The crossing Place Lore tokens equal to the value of the numbers on the for each infantry unit was a bottleneck of thick woods and eliminated, 3 Vp for every elite two rivers with two abandoned wizard huts as indicated on the wizard huts in the center making our map or cavalry unit eliminated and passage difficult and dangerous. To It costs one more point to the 4 Vp for every Legendary unit make matters worse, the Uthuk Daqan player to muster cavalry eliminated Y'llan scouters have done their job and Legendary units well, cause we found a strong Uthuk It costs one more point to the Victory point step: detachement waiting us there.... Uthuk player to muster elite The Daqan player gains 1 Vp and Legendary units during turns 1-3 and 2 Vp The Uthuk player plays first after turn 3 Special Rules Objective Movement step: Any roc unit cannot leave the map before turn 3 Uthuk player: Reach 16 Vp Daqan player: Reach 16 Vp The Daqan player gains 2 Vp for every unit leaving the map through the Uthuk baseline