Secondary Mission1

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Secondary Mission Secondary Mission

Headhunter Kingslayer
Choose an enemy model
that is a Character.
1 point for 2 W
1pt for each enemy Vehcle or monster 1
Character that is point for 4W
destroyed Aditional 1 point if
warlord maximum of 4
Immediately Immediately ponts a)

Secondary Mission Secondary Mission

Marked for death

Choose 4 of your
For every 8 wounds lost
opponent’s units with a
by enemy units with the
Power Level of 7+. Earn
Titanic keyword in total
1 pt for each of these
throughout the course of
units destroyed.
the game, earn 1 point.
Immediately Immediately a)

Secondary Mission Secondary Mission

Gang Busters Big Game

For every 6 wounds Hunter
inflicted on a unit that 1 point for every enemy
contains more than 1
model with 3 or more model with the Monster
wounds, score 1 point. or Vehicle keyword and
Units with the SWARM 7+ wounds destroyed.
keyword do not count
towards this mission.
Immediately Immediately

Secondary Mission Secondary Mission

Pick Your Poison The Butcher’s

Pick 4 words: Psyker, fly, Bill
biker, vehicle, monster,
Destroy 2+ enemy units
titanic. Nominate a unit.
during a player turn to
Score 1 point for each
earn 1 Point
nominated unit
Immediately a) End of any player turn

Secondary Mission Secondary Mission

The Reaper Recon

Have a unit at least
For every 20 enemy partially in each table
models destroyed, earn
1 point quarter at the end of
your player turn. 1pt per
STACK excepted mark turn. STACK
Immediately for death End of your player turn

Secondary Mission Secondary Mission

Behind enemy Ground

lines control
If at least one of your Earn 1 point for each
units is entirely in the objective held at the end
enemy Deployment Zone of the last Battle Round
at the start of your turn, played.
earn 1 Point.
End of last battle round STACK
Start of your player turn
STACK played

Secondary Mission Secondary Mission

King of the Engineers

hill 2 non character units.
Score 1 point if they Starting battle round 2, 1
have 2 non character, or more starts and end
End of battle round
multi model, units wholly End of your player turn the turn within 3” of a
within 6” of the centre of controlled objective,
the table. earns 1 point.

Secondary Mission

Old school
Earn 1 point for each:
First stike, linebreaker,
slay the worlod and last

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