Bio f244 Instrumental Methods of Analysis1

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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division

Second semester 2017-18

Date: 08/01/2018


In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course).

Course No. : BIO F244

Course Title : Instrumental Methods of Analysis

Instructor-in-charge : UMA S. DUBEY

Instructor : Manoj Kannan, Shahid Khan, Aastha Mittak, Neelam Mahala, Pinki,
Nandita, Monica and Shubra Das

1. Scope & Objective of the Course:

The advent of dedicated bio-instruments and computers has facilitated an explosive progress in the
instrumental methods of analysis in biology. Large number of data points, whether they are
physicochemical or biological, can be collected, stored, manipulated and analyzed with a high
precision with the help of modern sophisticated instruments having high sensitivity, selectivity, and
extremely low detection limit. This course aims at providing a sufficient background of these
instruments, their handling and application, in the field of molecular biology, structural biology and

2. Text Book:

T1. “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, B. Sivasankar, Oxford Higher education 2012

Reference Book:

R1. “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, Williard et. al., CBS Publication, New Delhi, 7th ed., 1998.

R2. “Handbook of Analytical instruments”, R.S. Khandpur, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 2nd edition, 2006.

R3. “Lab Manual for PHA C391 IMA”, Mahesh et. al, 2008.

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Instruction Division

3a. Lecture Plan:

S. Learning Objectives Topics to be covered Book
1 Introduction Introduction to Instrumental Methods T-1, R-1, R-3
2 Spectroscopy Characteristic of atomic and molecular T-1, R-1, R-3
3 Spectroscopy Visible and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy T-1, R-2, R-3
4 Spectroscopy Fluorescence Spectroscopy T-1, R-1, R-2
5 Spectroscopy Flame Emission Spectroscopy T-1, R-1, R-2
6 Spectroscopy Infrared Spectrophotometry T-1, R-1, R-2
7 Polarimetry Polarimetry R-3
8 Electrophoresis Introduction to Electrophoresis T-2, R-1
9 Electrophoresis High Voltage Electrophoresis T-1
10 Electrophoresis PAGE & Agarose gel electrophoresis T-1
11 Thermo cycler Polymerase Chain Reaction T-1
12 Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography / Flash T1, Notes
13 Chromatography Gas Chromatography T-1, R-1, R-2
14 Chromatography High-Performance liquid Chromatography T-1, R-1, R-2
15 Flow Cytometry Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting Notes

3b. Lab Components:

Exp 1: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of given sample using UV-Vis spectroscopy.
Exp 2: Analyzing the chemical structure of molecules using FTIR.
Exp 3: Spectrofluorimetric estimation of quinine sulphate and fluorescence quenching of the same by
potassium iodide
Exp 4: Polarimeteric analysis of samples possessing optical activity
Exp 5: Flame photometric analysis of alkaline earth metals in solutions
Exp 6: Separation of amino acids using High Voltage EP / pH metry.
Exp 7: Separation of drugs using TLC
Exp 8: Detection of antigen using ELISA reader
Exp 9: Amplification of DNA using PCR & Agarose gel electrophoresis
Exp 10: Separation of proteins using PAGE followed by Gel documentation

1. Purification of compounds using Flash Chromatography/HPTLC
2. Separation of metabolites/drugs using GC/HPLC
3. Purification of protein mixture using FPLC
4. Flow cytometry (FACS)

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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division

Note: Minor changes are possible subject to availability of chemical s/ Instrument working.

4. Evaluation Scheme:

No. Evaluation Component Duration Weightage Date & Time Venue

1. Laboratory Evaluation-1: - 15% Continuous IMA
Evaluation will be based on Ist cycle Lab
experiments, punctuality, records, and
participation and Viva.
2. Lab Quizzes - 12.5% To be -
3. Mid Sem Test 1 hr. 10% 5/3 11:00 -
12:30 PM
4. Class Quizzes and assignments - 15% To be announced -
5. Laboratory Evaluation-2: - 15% Continuous IMA
Evaluation will be based on 2nd cycle Lab
experiments, attendance, records,
participation and viva.
6. Lab comprehensive examination - 12.5% To be announced IMA
7. Comprehensive Exam 2 hrs. 20% 1/5 AN

5. Guidelines to Writing Lab Reports:

The Experiments should be written on hardbound, covered practical files. It should include the
following: Objective, Principle, Materials required, Procedure, Results, Inference, Precautions
& Applications.

6. Chamber Consultation Hours: To be announced in class/by respective instructors

7. Make-up Policy: Make-up will be granted only in the case of hospitalization after
submission of medical certificate. Prior permission is required for any other emergency situations.

BIO F244

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