Year 1 Parent Info Handout 2019 PDF
Year 1 Parent Info Handout 2019 PDF
Year 1 Parent Info Handout 2019 PDF
Phone: (08) 9386 22 78
Year 1
Rooms 1, 2 & 3
2019 Parent Meeting Handout
Year 1 Teachers
Room 1 – Mrs Angharad Daley & Mrs Erin Harrington
Room 2 – Mrs Nicola Holt & Mrs Erin Harrington
Room 3 – Ms Sue Bamblett
Outline of School Day
8:30am – Classrooms open. (No-one in the room before this time except by
From 8:30, the children come into their class to prepare for the day. We aim to
develop the children’s independence and encourage them to be responsible and
routinely carry out daily tasks, which assist them to become more independent
We ask that the children:
Bring in their reading/homework folders, crunch and sip, drink bottles and
change home readers.
Put any notes on the teacher’s desk.
Go to the toilet.
Diaries should be kept in reading/homework folders and brought every day.
Homework bag in chair bags during the day please.
Children need to be organised for the day before the bell goes at 8:45am.
Teaching Programs
We plan collaboratively to ensure consistent learning across all Year One classes.
HASS: History - Past and Present (Semester 1)
Science: Physical Sciences/Earth and Space Sciences
Design and Technologies: Ways Things Move with Technology
Health: Personal, Social and Community Health
At least 70% of our school day is devoted to English and Maths.
The classes combine for some activities to allow the children to work with
Specialist Subjects:
P.E. – 2x 30-minute lessons (Miss Vuletic)
Sport – 1hr lesson (Tuesday and wear faction shirt)
Visual Arts – 1 hr lesson (Ms Chester)
Music – 2x ½hr lessons (Mrs Conroy)
Swimming Lessons:
o Commences in Week 7 and is part of the Physical Education program.
Participation is expected by all children.
o Children will need to wear their bathers under their school uniform and
bring a towel, goggles, underwear and thongs.
o Please send a spare plastic bag for wet clothes after swimming.
o Please apply sunscreen before school.
Communication with Parents
School Newsletter fortnightly. These are currently emailed to you through
CONNECT on Wednesdays. Please notify the Front Office if you are not
receiving them.
Class activities and up-to-date information will be available on CONNECT in
regards to what is happening in Year One.
School Diary is used for parent communication.
All absences require a written explanation.
Late arrivals (applies to anyone who arrives after the morning bell), part day
absences or early pick-ups need to go through the Front Office. The slip
needs to be handed straight to the teacher.
Class Co-ordinators will liaise between parents and teachers, one/two are
needed per class.
Informal/Formal Parent Meetings as required.
If you wish to meet with the classroom teacher regarding your child’s progress
or to resolve any issue, please arrange a mutually agreeable time to discuss
these as they arise.
Reading for at least 5 minutes aloud, to a parent, five nights per week. Use
the school diary to record the title of the book with page numbers (chapter
books) and please sign daily.
Books are bar coded and are scanned ‘in’ and ‘out’ on the class computer.
Students will soon take home their first home reader. Please ensure it comes
back to school every day in the homework bag.
Mathletics is a Mathematics program that the P&C have purchased, and it is a
valuable resource that all children are encouraged to complete as part of their
homework program in conjunction with our Numeracy program. Feel free to
assist your child with Mathletics as it is not used as an assessment tool.
Logins and Passwords are glued in their diary.
Library books are taken out and can be exchanged on a weekly basis. They
go home and return to school in your child’s library bag. Without a designated
library bag, your child will not be able to borrow any books.
One – off homework activities such as projects, interviews and oral speaking
preparation will come home from time to time.
Behaviour Management
At Nedlands Primary School we aim to:
Create a positive environment where children respect the rights of others.
The rights of other children to learn.
The right of the teachers to teach.
Empower children to own and accept the responsibility for their behaviour.
Establish clear guidelines that protect the rights of all individuals, where the
procedures, consequences and rewards are clearly defined.
Establish procedures to communicate behaviour management information with the
school community.
Maintain a partnership between teachers and parents in the behaviour management
of students.
Recognise that it is only through the united efforts of the school and the home that
high expectations for the children can be achieved.
Code of Behaviour in the Classroom
Responsibilities will be clearly displayed in every room.
Consistent and achievable standards will be set.
A positive working environment will be evident.
1. No hat, no play in the sun.
2. Walk on hard surfaces.
3. Keep our grounds and school buildings neat and tidy
4. Sit down to eat or drink until dismissed.
5. Return to class on time.
6. Play sensibly in the correct areas.
7. Don’t climb trees – care for your environment.
8. Years 4-6 ride sensibly and courteously to and from school adhering to traffic rules. For
safety reasons, we do not allow riding on school grounds.
9. Fighting, bullying, swearing or teasing are not tolerated.
10. We do not interfere with, damage or steal school or others’ property.
12. We use toilets properly.
13. Students will not go into a classroom without a teacher.
14. We do not throw objects in a situation that may injure others.
15. We do not leave school during the day without permission.
All minor incidents are dealt with in the playground by the teacher on duty.
All major incidents are referred to the Deputy Principals. Parents are informed.
General Information
Thank you for attending tonight’s meeting and for supporting your child’s learning.