Gan Apl Norm 2009gb B
Gan Apl Norm 2009gb B
Gan Apl Norm 2009gb B
the future
The document describes the characteristics and mixture designs commonly used in France for all hot bituminous mix-
tures intended for surface courses or base courses, and for surface dressing and cold coat material.
It links the earlier French terminology to the designations defined by NF EN European standards.
Compared to the previous version, the guide introduces a new concept called «aircraft group». This concept is more
representative of the impact made by an aircraft on an airport pavement than simply its weight. It is arrived at by
taking into consideration the aircraft’s landing gear configuration and tyre pressures.
The document also includes a number of appendices in table form. This approach is intended to help the designer to
determine which products to use, and to determine their mechanical performance.
Preface 8
Chapter 1 - Terminology and definitions 9
1.1 – airport terminology 9
1.2 – Characteristics and particular features of airport pavements 10
1.3 – Reminder of definitions 11
1.3.1 – Constitution of a pavement 11
1.3.2 – Role of the tack coat 11
1.3.3 – Causes of deterioration in airport pavements 11
1.3.4 – adherence characteristics 12
Chapter 2 - Choosing the right products - Recommendations 13
2.1 – Products 13
2.2 – Terminology 13
2.3 – French standards for bituminous products and mixtures 16
2.4 – decisions on which product to use – determining stress levels 17
2.4.1 – defining the traffic class 17
2.4.2 – Types of climate 18
2.4.3 – Stress levels 19
2.5 – determining product choices as a function of stress levels 19
2.5.1 – Wearing course 19
2.5.2 – Base courses and reshaping operations 21
2.5.3 – Pavement bed or foundation 22
Chapter 3 - Characteristics of product components 23
3.1 - Characteristics of aggregates 23
3.1.1 - Grading 23
3.1.2 - aggregates 23
3.1.3 - aggregates for bituminous mixtures 28
3.2 – Bituminous binder 28
3.2.1 - Types of binders 28
3.2.2 - Recommendations for use 30
3.2.3 – Choice of binder 32
Given the specific nature of airport pavements, The second part indicates the procedure to be fol-
and the appearance of new product standards lowed when choosing products and defining the
derived from european standards, the time has performance requirements of mixtures (formula-
come to undertake a much-needed revision of tion) and the characteristics of their components,
the application guide published in 2003, in order in order to provide the best possible response to
to help project managers to make the right pro- the project requirements.
duct choices for their airport pavement construc- The third part provides recommendations for cha-
tion and rehabilitation projects. racteristics to be achieved, both in laboratory tes-
The work consists of 3 parts and a series of ting (mix design sample for type testing, and for-
annexes. mulation levels) and on site, from production of
The first part provides a reminder of airport ter- the mixture to its application.
minology and definitions. The annexes consist of various summary tables
intended to facilitate the designer’s task.
Movement area That part of an airport used for aircraft takeoff, landing and on-ground taxiing; it comprises the
manœuvring area and the airport ramp or apron.
Manoeuvring area That part of an airport which is used for aircraft takeoff, landing and ground-level taxiing, exclud-
ing the airport ramp or apron.
Airport ramp or apron A particular area within a land-based airport intended to receive aircraft during passenger
embarkation and disembarkation, loading and unloading of mail, freight, etc., the taking on of
supplies and fuel, as well as for parking or maintenance purposes.
Runway A rectangular area of a land-based airport designed to enable aircraft to take off and land. Its
long sides are called runway edges; its smaller sides are the runway ends and the longitudinal
axis is known as the runway centreline.
Threshold The beginning of that part of the runway which can be used for landing. When the runway
extremity is not the threshold, the term displaced threshold is used
Turning area An area provided at a runway end to facilitate the turning round of aircraft.
Takeoff and landing area That part of the runway between the displaced threshold and the far extremity, being the area
available for takeoff.
Parking area See apron.
Taxiway A pavement within a land-based airport designed for the ground movement of aircraft, enabling
them to pass between the various parts of the movement area.
Holding bays A designated area where aircraft may wait, or allow others to overtake them, to facilitate ground
movements of aircraft (these include de-icing, washing and parking areas).
Taxiway intersections Specially widened parts of taxiways constructed where taxiways and/or runways cross each
other, to enable aircraft to change direction.
Runway entrance/exit The junction of a taxiway with a runway, enabling aircraft to enter or exit the runway.
Shoulder A strip of land bordering a pavement, treated so as to provide a connection between the pave-
ment itself and the surrounding land, and designed so that if an aircraft should accidentally leave
the runway it will be able to avoid sustaining structural damage, foreign bodies will not enter the
engines, and matter will not be expelled from the aircraft.
Holding position
Parking area
Particular features
o particular
stresses which require good tyre contact to the o geometrical and environmental conditions which expose
pavement in order to provide the best possible roadholding pavement mixtures over long periods to the action of rain, sun
and satisfactory braking performance for vehicles using it etc.
o surface evenness (with no surface defects) is largely relat- o surface evenness is largely related to aircraft safety when
ed to passenger comfort taxiing at high speeds
o roughness develops essentially as a result of a polishing o roughness develops progressively as a result of rubber
phenomenon affecting aggregates over time deposits from tyres
o traffic has sometimes to be diverted or stopped in the event o the operating and safety constraints on traffic make it very
of road works difficult for traffic to be stopped or reduced when maintenance
or renovation work has to be carried out
These characteristics and particular features influence bituminous concretes intended for use in airports, but
the choices to be made in terms of the formulation of deals with all standardized bituminous mixtures (inclu-
bituminous mixtures and their constituents, as well as ding high-modulus mixtures) and maintenance tech-
in terms of methods of application and control. niques for surface courses such as surface dressing and
For this reason it has been considered useful and prac- slurry seals.
tical to provide designers with a specific guide to the
use of bituminous mixtures in airport pavements. The
guide covers most needs, as it does not restrict itself to
2.2 – Terminology
EB10-BBA C : airport bituminous concrete, grading 0/10 continuous
EB14-BBA C : airport bituminous concrete, grading 0/14 continuous
EB10-BBA D : airport bituminous concrete, grading 0/10 discontinuous
EB10-BBA D : airport bituminous concrete, grading 0/14 discontinuous
EB10-BBME : high-modulus bituminous concrete, grading 0/10
EB14-BBME : high-modulus bituminous concrete, grading 0/14
EB10-BBM : thin bituminous concrete, grading 0/10
EB14-BBM : thin bituminous concrete, grading 0/14
BBTM 6 : very thin bituminous concrete, grading 0/6.3
BBTM 10 : very thin bituminous concrete, grading 0/10
EB10-BBSG : semi-granular bituminous concrete, grading 0/10
EB14-BBSG : semi-granular bituminous concrete, grading 0/14
EB14-GB : bitumen-bound graded aggregate, grading 0/14
EB20-GB : bitumen-bound graded aggregate, grading 0/20
EB10-EME : high-modulus bituminous mixture, grading 0/10
EB14-EME : high-modulus bituminous mixture, grading 0/14
EB20-EME : high-modulus bituminous mixture, grading 0/20
EP : grouted previous bituminous mixtures
EB4 or EB6 : bitumen-bound sand, grading 0/4 or 0/6
ECF : slurry surfacing
ESU : surface dressing.
Average Maximum
Products thickness acceptable
in use lack of
and minimum flatness
Classification NF EN
Name Grading (1) thickness of existing
Class or type reference
at any point substrate
surface Class 0, 1, 2 or 3
NF EN 6 to 7 cm
EB10-BBA C course and according to 0/10 ≤ 2 cm
13 108-1 4 cm
binder course mechanical performance
Class 0, 1, 2 or 3
surface NF EN 4 to 5 cm
EB10-BBA D according to 0/10 ≤ 2 cm
course 13 108-1 3 cm
mechanical performance
surface Class 0, 1, 2 or 3
NF EN 7 to 9 cm
EB14-BBA C course and according to 0/14 ≤ 2 cm
13 108-1 5 cm
binder course mechanical performance
Class 0,1, 2 or 3
surface NF EN 5 to 7 cm
EB14-BBA D according to 0/14 ≤ 2 cm
course 13 108-1 4 cm
mechanical performance
surface Class 1, 2 or 3
NF EN 5 to 7 cm
EB10-BBME course and according to 0/10 ≤ 2 cm
13 108-1 4 cm
binder course mechanical performance
surface Class 1, 2 or 3
NF EN 6 to 9 cm
EB14-BBME course and according to 0/14 ≤ 2 cm
13 108-1 5 cm
binder course mechanical performance
Type A, B or C according
surface to grading curve NF EN 3 to 4 cm
EB10-BBM course and Class 0, 1, 2 or 3 13 108-1 0/10 ≤ 1,5 cm
binder course according to 2,5 cm
mechanical performance
Type A, B or C according
surface to grading curve NF EN 3,5 to 5 cm
EB14-BBM course and Class 0, 1, 2 or 3 13 108-1 0/14 ≤ 1,5 cm
binder course according to 3 cm
mechanical performance
surface NF EN 0/6,3 2 to 3 cm
BBTM 6 Class 1 or 2 ≤ 1 cm
course 13 108-2 1,5 cm
surface NF EN 0/10 2 to 3 cm
BBTM 10 Class 1 or 2 ≤ 1 cm
course 13 108-2 1,5 cm
Average Maximum
Products thickness acceptable
in use lack of
and minimum flatness
Classification NF EN
Name Grading (1) thickness of existing
Class or type reference
at any point substrate
EB10-BBSG surface course Class 0, 1, 2 or 3 according NF EN 0/10 5 to 7 cm ≤ 2 cm
and binder course to mechanical performance 13 108-1 4 cm
EB14-BBSG surface course Class 0, 1, 2 or 3 according NF EN 0/14 6 to 9 cm ≤ 2 cm
and binder course to mechanical performance 13 108-1 5 cm
- - In 0/6 to 0/10 Dosage to 10 or ≤ 1 cm
progress 15 kg/m2
EB14-GB Base Class 2, 3 or 4 according NF EN 0/14 8 to 14 cm ≤ 2 cm
to mechanical performance 13 108-1 6 cm
EB20-GB Base Class 2, 3 or 4 according NF EN 0/20 10 to 16 cm ≤ 3 cm
to mechanical performance 13 108-1 8 cm
EB10-EME Base Class 1 or 2 according NF EN 0/10 6 to 8 cm ≤ 2 cm
to mechanical performance 13 108-1 5 cm
EB14-EME Base Class 1 or 2 according NF EN 0/14 7 to 13 cm ≤ 2 cm
to mechanical performance 13 108-1 6 cm
EB20-EME Base Class 1 or 2 according NF EN 0/20 9 to 15 cm ≤ 2 cm
to mechanical performance 13 108-1 8 cm
ESU Class A, B or C 2/4 - ≤ 2 cm
12 271
EB4 or EB6 NF EN
- - 0/4 or 0/6 2 cm ≤ 1 cm
sand-mix (2) 13 108-1
Grouted previous -
- None - 4 to 5 cm ≤ 2 cm
(1) A grading corresponding to sieve D of series 1 is admissible.
(2) This is generally prescribed to limit or retard the occurrence of cracks, particularly in the case of foundations treated with cementitious
binders (see « Techniques anti-remontée de fissures », a paper on techniques for avoiding cracks, published by STAC in 1999).
Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA), although it is little used port surface courses is strongly discouraged, and in
in France, may be employed in new pavement many cases forbidden :
construction or maintenance projects. Its use should be Nailed bituminous concrete - (risk of stripping,
restricted to the main part of the runway, and to the and of scattering nails).
surface course only. Porous bituminous concrete - (risk of over-rapid
The characteristics of SMA and demands made of it silting up in low-traffic areas and of stripping due to
must conform to standard NF EN 13 108-5. shearing effect).
Its characteristics in use are as follows : grading 0/10, Ultra-thin bituminous concrete – (risk of strip-
average thickness in use 3 to 4 cm, minimum thick- ping due to shearing effect ).
ness at any point 2cm. Flexible bituminous concrete – (use must take
On the use of other specific products, reference may be account of its particular characteristics : fairly low
made to technical opinions or other documents outsi- geometric roughness, strong sensitivity to permanent
de the official standards. deformation).
Recommendations Airport bituminous concrete 0/10 C – (not to
Many other products are available on the market. be used for surface courses of runways because of the
However, given the poor fit between their characteris- difficulty of achieving sufficient geometric rough-
tics and airport pavement applications, their use in air- ness).
Aircraft type Total weight (kg) Aircraft group Frequency Traffic Class
Fokker 27 20 400 2 0,8 CT2
BAe 146-100 38 300 2 4 CT2
B 737-200 52 600 3 2 CT2
MD 80-83 72 500 3 2 CT2
Aircraft type Total weight (kg) Aircraft group Frequency Traffic Class
B 737-200 52 600 3 20 CT3
A 320-200 Jumbo 75 900 3 25 CT3
B 767-200 143 800 4 4 CT3
B 747-400 type 4 395 600 5 0,5 CT4
In this second example, two traffic classes might be envisaged : CT3 or CT4. However, since the frequency of the
B 737-200 is less than 1 movement per day, the airport is placed in traffic class CT3 for the aircraft movement areas
(runways and taxiways), and traffic class CT4 for the ramp or apron.
2.4.2 - Types of climate the two hottest months and the two coldest months of
the year) :
Four types of climate have been defined for France, on
o type 1 – predominantly oceanic
the basis of temperature readings taken over a period of
several years (Météo France, the national meteorolo- o type 2 – predominantly Mediterranean
gical office, has calculated so-called "standard values" o type 3 – predominantly continental or mountainous
from daily maximum temperature readings taken in o type 4 – predominantly tropical
Tables 26, 27 and 28 in Annex B show the climate its overseas territories.
types of the main airports of metropolitan France and
Traffic class
Binder course EB-BBA, EB-BBME, EB-BBM, EB-BBSG
Pavement base or foundation EB-GB, EB-EME
Anti-cracking layer EB-Sand mix
2.5.1 – Surface course Products of class 0 can be used for parts of pavements
which experience low traffic levels, and only for stress
The products that can be used for surface courses are :
level NS1.
EB-BBA class 0, 1, 2 and 3
To enable road builders to respond as fully as possible
EB-BBME class 1, 2, 3 to the objectives and regulatory requirements in terms
EB-BBSG class 0, 1, 2, 3 of resistance and surface condition, in normal opera-
EB-BBM A, B or C of class 0, 1, 2, 3 ting conditions, Table 9 lists products which can be
BBTM class 1, 2 used for surface courses, subject to application of the
ECF recommendations given on page 15, according to cer-
tain stress levels.
EP : Porous asphalt (Annex F below provides a tech-
nical note describing the main characteristics of its
manufacture and application)
All products shown can be used without any one The specifier should take account of these
having any kind of priority over the others. However, remarks in order to choose the product most
for new construction projects, use of BBA is favoured. appropriate to the objectives to be achieved.
NB : The rutting resistance of EB-BBME and EB-
For other parts of the airport, such as hard shoulders,
BBSG of the same class is equivalent. Therefore, if a
high-modulus product is not required, EB-BBSG can widened pavements and anti-engine blast lanes, the fol-
be used instead of EB-BBME. lowing products are used : ESU, ECF, EB-BBS, EB-
BBM (A, B or C of Class 1), BBTM. In the case of
Products of a superior performance class can always be
ESU, a sealing using 2/4 chippings should be provided
preferred, provided that the economic assessment
remains satisfactory. Similarly, in practice, to satisfy for.
the general economic constraints of the project, it is Resistance to aviation fuel
possible to specify the use of one and the same pro-
Parking areas built as lightweight pavement structures
duct on all areas
need special protection against attack by aviation fuel,
When choosing a product for pavement maintenance, often known as anti-kerosene protection. This protec-
it should be remembered that ESU, ECF, BBTM and tion is achieved :
EB-BBM all display diminishing sensitivity to the
o either on the surface in this case, a filler is
risk of stripping or slippage of the surface layer by vir-
spread over the surface to be treated after the bitumi-
tue of their extreme roughness and thinness.
nous mixture has been applied, in order to prevent the
Table 10 – Products which can be used for binder or levelling (regulating) course
Area of airport NS 1 NS 2 NS 3 NS 4
Parking areas EB-BBM 1 EB-BBM 3 (1) (1)
Main part EB-BBSG 1 EB-BBME1
Turning area EB-BBSG 1 EB-BBSG 2
Runways EB-BBM 2 EB-BBME 2
Exit EB-BBSG 1
Threshold EB-BBME 1 EB-BBME 2
Main part EB-BBSG 1
Taxiways EB-BBM 1 EB-BBM 2 EB-BBME 1 EB-BBSG 1
Intersections EB-BBSG 1
Apron or holding area EB-BBM 1 EB-BBM 2 EB-BBSG 2
(1) Not relevant. For parking areas where there is a high risk of punching occurring, cement concrete pavements are strongly recommended.
NB : Products of a superior performance class can always be preferred, provided that the economic assessment remains satisfactory. The pro-
ducts used do not generally contain bitumen polymers.
Airport area NS 1 NS 2 NS 3 NS 4
Parking areas EB-GB 2 EB-GB 2 (1) (1)
Main part
Runways Turning area EB-GB 2 EB-GB 2 EB-GB 3 EB-EME 2
Exit EB-EME 1
Threshold (**)
Taxiways Main part EB-GB 3 EB-GB 3
Intersections EB-EME 1 EB-EME 2
Apron or holding areas EB-GB 3 EB-GB 3
(1) Not relevant. For parking areas where there is a high risk of punching occurring, cement concrete pavements are strongly recommended
(1) If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the Los Angeles (LA) test and the
Micro-Deval (MDE) test characteristics may be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545)
- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17
(1)If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics may
If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics
may be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545). For example :
- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17
If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics
may be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545). For example :
- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17
Table 18 – Binder courses – Minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EB-BBA, EB-BBSG, EB-BBME and
of aggregate
General grading d/D GC 85/20
(1) If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics may
If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics
may be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545). For example :
- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17
Comment :The polishing resistance characteristics of aggregates for bituminous mixtures correspond to those for
new aggregates.
Tack coats usually consist of a cationic bituminous The rule is to use pure bitumens with additives, or
emulsion with a high break rate and a high residual polymer-modified bitumens. For EB-GB, the bitu-
bitumen content (> 60 %). mens are usually of Class 35/50, or even in some
cases of Class 50/70.
The binder is either a pure bitumen, or a polymer-
modified bitumen, or a bi-phase emulsion with latex For EB-EME, the bitumens used are usually of Class
added at the aqueous stage of the emulsion. 20/30, 15/25 or 10/20. .
Tack coats based on modified bitumens (polymers or o binders for binder courses
latex emulsions) are used in areas subjected to signifi- These courses are not particularly subject to ageing,
cant tangential (shearing) stresses, such as turning and consequently the products used may contain a hard
areas, runway entrances and thresholds, and, to a lesser binder if resistance to rutting requires this, and if the
extent, parking areas. temperature range experienced by the site is moderate.
Bitumen dosage should be, as a minimum, 250g/m² EB-BBME is formulated with 20/30 bitumens. Use of
of residual bitumen for all bituminous concretes, a harder binder (10/20) is not usually justified, and
except for BBTM, for which minimum dosage should using a 35/50 bitumen often leads to less rigidity than
be 300g/m². In the case of mixtures for thin layers is required for this type of material.
(EB-BBM and BBTM), bitumen dosage will be set EB-BBM and EB-BBSG are generally formulated with
Table 23 - Production temperature of bituminous mixtures according to bitumen grade (NF P 98 150-1)
Grade of pure bitumen Normal production Maximum
temperature (C°)* temperature (C°)*
10/20 – 15/25 160 to 180 190
20/30 160 to 180 190
35/50 150 to 170 190
50/70 140 to 160 180
70/100 140 to 160 180
160/220 130 to 150 170
* For specific binders (modified bitumens, hard bitumen, bitumens with additives), different temperatures may apply. In these cases, they must
be documented and declared by the supplier in the course of normal regulatory product markings. The same applies to techniques enabling
the coating temperature to be reduced (warm mixtures).
1 New mixture
2 Old surface
3 Adhesive
Diagram A – Definitive tapered lane on the old pavement, executed with a bituminous mixture
0.75 L
1 Groove
Slope p measured relative to the existing runway surface
- 0.5 % ≤ p ≤ 1 % for h ≥ 5 cm
- p ≤ 0.5 % for h > 5 cm
The project manager’s monitoring and progress-cha- to verify that the characteristics prescribed in the tech-
sing role in on-site operations includes constantly nical clauses of the contract are indeed being observed.
verifying that the work is being carried out according This verification mission concerns the following
to the requirements of the project owner. This applies points in particular :
to each phase of the works, and particularly to the need
6.1 Supplies
As they are delivered, incoming products such as Additives must comply with a European standard, or a
aggregate, fillers, binders, additives and bituminous European technical approval, or materials specifica-
mixtures are checked and tested, according to the detai- tions which have been proved by past experience to
led procedures laid out in the quality plan, for com- give satisfaction as components for a bituminous
pliance with the requirements of standard NF EN 13 mixture.
108-21 (tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
6.4 application
The nature of airport operations imposes strict requi- ministerial decree on the technical characteristics of
rements on pavement characteristics in terms of skid certain land-based airports used by fixed-wing aircraft
resistance and longitudinal evenness. The width and dated 10 July 2006, and ITAC (Instruction Technique
minimal slope of airport pavements imply very strict sur les Aérodromes Civils, the French technical ins-
altimetric constraints to respect the correct values for tructions for civil airports).
slopes and the depth of depressions in particular. It
should be noted that good skid resistance in rainy 6.4.2 Verification of evenness
conditions can only be achieved by associating the
The evenness of the surface course is verified according
properties of the surfacing with good surface geome-
to standard NF P 98 218-3 and LPC method no. 46.
Ratings are evaluated according to the specifications
Lastly, the width of airport pavements requires a large defined in the information note published by the
number of joints, which are notoriously weak points LCPC and STAC.
of these pavements. Their execution must therefore be
These specifications are defined in Annex F of this
carefully verified.
Note : In surface courses of airport pavements, the minimum values required at 90% of control points are :
- 0.6 mm on runways, and
- 0.4 mm on taxiways
Table 27 –Definition of climate type of the main airports of French overseas territories situated in the northern hemis-
Southern hemisphere
Table 28 – Definition of climate type of the main airports of French overseas territories situated in the southern hemis-
o Minimum penetration or maximum ring-and-ball temperature (RBT) for a binder extracted from recycled asphalt
for one sample and for the mean of n samples.
Sampling must be carried out in accordance with French standard EN 932-1
o Classification of aggregates extracted from reclaimed asphalt in terms of uniformity of their intrinsic characteris-
tics, and their angularity
Category of aggregates according to Frequency of tests Category of aggregate
article 8 of French standard XP P 18-545
Code A or B and code Ang1
or chippings and sand 1 per 2000 tonnes (*) R1
(flow test)
Category C or not characterized Not specified RNS
(*) Declared value, in the case of residues from a single batch (homogeneous, and with D ≤ 31,5 mm).
No. of gyrations
at 10 gyrations
5 10 28 50 90
EB10-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
* 10 ITSR70 60 NR to to to to to TLmin5,2
class 0 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB10-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
* 10 ITSR70 60 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,2
class 1 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P10 8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB10-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
* 10 ITSR70 60 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,2
class 2 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P7,5 8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB10-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
* 10 ITSR70 60 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,2
class 3 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P5 8 25 38 65 100
No. of gyrations
at 10 gyrations
5 10 28 50 90
EB14-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
* 14 ITSR70 80 NR to to to to to TLmin5,0
class 0 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB14-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
* 14 ITSR70 80 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
class 1 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P10 8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB14-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
* 14 ITSR70 80 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
class 2 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P7,5 8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB14-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
* 14 ITSR70 80 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
class 3 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P5 8 25 38 65 100
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations
6 10 35 65 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 to to to - to to
EB10-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN 9 25 45 80100 TLmin5,4
type C * 10 60 NR
13108-1 5 10 32 62 90
class 0 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 42 - 77100
6 10 35 65 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB10-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) 9 25 45 80100 TLmin5,4
type C * 10 60 NR
13108-1 P15 5 10 32 62 90
class 1 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 42 77100
6 10 35 65 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB10-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) 9 25 45 80100 TLmin5,4
type C * 10 60 NR
13108-1 P10 5 10 32 62 90
class 2 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 42 77100
6 10 35 65 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB10-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) 9 25 45 80100 TLmin5,4
type C * 10 60 NR
13108-1 P7,5 5 10 32 62 90
class 3 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 42 77100
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations
6 10 32 54 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 to to to - to to
EB14-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN 9 25 45 69100 TLmin5,2
type C * 14 80 NR
13108-1 5 10 30 50 90
class 0 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 40 - 65100
6 10 32 54 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB14-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) 9 25 42 69100 TLmin5,2
type C * 14 80 NR
13108-1 P15 5 10 30 50 90
class 1 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 40 65100
6 10 32 54 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB14-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) 9 25 42 69100 TLmin5,2
type C * 14 80 NR
13108-1 P10 5 10 30 50 90
class 2 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 40 65100
6 10 32 54 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB14-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4% Vs = 7 %) 9 25 42 69100 TLmin5,2
type C * 14 80 NR
13108-1 P7,5 5 10 30 50 90
class 3 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 40 65100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21
NR : Not required
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations
type D 6 10 35 4753 90
NF EN Vmin 5
class 0 * ITSR80 40 to to to to to to TLmin5,2
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 NR
(D 4/6) 9 25 45 5763100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 35 4753 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 1 * ITSR80 40 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,2
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 NR
(D 4/6) P15 9 25 45 5763100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 35 4753 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 2 * ITSR80 40 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,2
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 NR
(D 4/6) P10 9 25 45 5763100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 35 4753 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 3 * ITSR80 40 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,2
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 NR
(D 4/6) P7,5 9 25 45 5763100
(D 2/6)
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21
NR : Not required
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations
type D 6 10 33 3637 90
NF EN Vmin 5
class 0 * 14 ITSR80 NR to to to to to to TLmin5,0
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 60
(D 4/6) 9 25 43 4647100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 33 3637 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 1 * 14 ITSR80 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,0
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 60 NR
(D 4/6) P15 9 25 43 4647100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 33 3637 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 2 * 14 ITSR80 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,0
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 60 NR
(D 4/6) P10 9 25 43 4647100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 33 3637 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 3 * 14 ITSR80 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,0
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 60 NR
(D 4/6) P7,5 9 25 43 4647100
(D 2/6)
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21
NR : Not required
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations
EB10-BBM 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
type A * 10 ITSR70 40 NR to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
class 0 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 3 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type A * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 11
class 1 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 10 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type A * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax111
class 2 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 30 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type A * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax11
class 3 P10 8 23 37 40 100
EB14-BBM 5 10 27 30 90
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations
EB10-BBM 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type B * 10 ITSR70 40 NR to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 11
class 0 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 3 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin7
type B * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 12
class 1 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 10 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin7
type B * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 12
class 2 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 30 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin7
type B * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11%) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 12
class 3 P10 8 23 37 40 100
EB14-BBM 5 10 27 30 90
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations
EB10-BBM 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type C * 10 ITSR70 40 NR to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 11
class 0 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 3 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 8
type C * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 13
class 1 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 10 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 8
type C * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 13
class 2 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 30 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 8
type C * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin4,8
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 13
class 3 P10 8 23 37 40 100
BBTM 10 4,5 15 27 28 90
NF EN Vmin 10
class A ou B Surface course * 10 ITSR75 25 NR NR to to to - to to TLmin5,0
13108-2 Vmax 17
6,5 25 33 45100
Mechanical stability
BBTM 10 3 000 cycles
4,5 15 27 28 90
NF EN Vmin 10
class A ou B Surface course * 10 ITSR75 25 NR (Vi = 11 % Vs = 14 % to to to - to to TLmin5,0
13108-2 Vmax 17 thickness 5 cm)
Level 2** P15 6,5 25 33 45100
BBTM 10 4 10 15 28 90
NF EN Vmin 18
class B Surface course * 10 ITSR75 25 NR NR to to to - to to TLmin5,0
13108-2 Vmax 25
6 20 25 45100
BBTM 10 Mechanical stability 4 10 15 28 90
NF EN Vmin 18 3 000 cycles
class B Surface course * 10 ITSR75 25 NR (Vi = 11 % Vs = 14 % to to to - to to TLmin5,0
13108-2 Vmax 25 thickness 5 cm)
Level 2** P15 6 20 25 45100
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations
7 15 20 25 90
BBTM 6 NF EN Vmin 12
Surface course * 6,3 ITSR75 25 NR NR to to to to - to TLmin5,0
class A 13108-2 Vmax 19
9 25 30 35 100
Mechanical stability
BBTM 6 3 000 cycles
4 10 15 20 90
NF EN Vmin 20
class B Surface course * 6,3 ITSR75 25 NR (Vi = 17 % Vs = 20 % to to to to - to TL
13108-2 Vmax 25 thickness 5 cm)
Level 2** P20 6 20 25 30 100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21
NR : Not required
** Level 2 mixture
5 10 28 50 90
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations
EB20-GB 5 10 28 50 90
class 2 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 11 120 NR to to to to to TLmin3,8
8 25 38 65 100
EB20-GB 10 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
class 2 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 11 120 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin3,8
Niv. 2** P10 8 25 38 65 100
EB20-GB 5 10 28 50 90
class 3 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 10 120 NR to to to to to TLmin4,2
8 25 38 65 100
EB20-GB 10 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
class 3 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 10 120 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin4,2
Level 2** P10 8 25 38 65 100
Nb girations
(% voids of sample)(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)
Class Class Class
No. of gyrations
(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)
Class Class Class
No. of gyrations
(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)
Class Class Class
No. of gyrations
(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)
Class Class Class
No. of gyrations
(% voids of sample)(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)
Class Class Class
No. of gyrations
(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)
Class Class Class
* Existing maintained = ̏ average rating after works ≥ average rating before works
and minimum rating after works ≥ minimum rating before works̋
(a)This table applies to the length measured, not the length of the pavement. It should be noted that when taking measurements at a speed of
72 km/h, a non-measured length of 2 x 200 m is necessary before and after the test area, for the approach before and for braking after the
test, and to stabilize the digital filters.
(b)The term "overall requirements" refers to the method of verifying these specifications. The overall analysis consists in verifying whether
or not the ratings specified for all traces (14 or 18, as described in Module 4 of LPC test method no. 46) are attained.*
(c)The term "requirements by profile" also refers to the method of verifying these specifications. The overall analysis consists in verifying
whether or not the specifications for each of the three central traces considered individually (centre line and +/- 2.50 m, as described in
Module 4 of LPC test method no. 46) are attained. These requirements correspond to particular needs related to the passage of the forward
landing gear of the aircraft (nose wheel) situated under the cockpit.
(d)When 80%., 90% and 95% of the ratings calculated do not result in whole numbers, the score is rounded down if the difference is ½ point
or less, or rounded up if above ½ point.
(e)These specifications are generally applicable in all cases of renovation of a surface course. However, in cases of maintenance work neces-
sitating only one course, and when localized defects are detected during the taking of evenness measurements before maintenance works begin
(short-wave ratings equal to or less than 2), it is necessary to undertake preparatory works such as reshaping or planing to enable these spe-
cifications to be applied.
© Laboratoire ADP
the future
ISBN 978-2-11-096937-8 33 €