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STAC Bituminous mixtures and surface dressings

for airport pavements

Guide to the application of standards

Energy and climate Sustainable development

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Risk prevention Infrastructure, transport and th
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the future

French civil aviation technical center
The execution and translation of the guide
was done in cooperation with USIRF.

Bituminous mixtures and surface dressings

for airport pavements

Guide to the application of standards

2nd edition
April 2009

Civil aviation technical center

94381 BonneUIl-SUR-MaRne Cedex

airport infrastucture departement

jean-Claude deFFIeUx STaC

jean-luc deloRMe dReIF-lReP MelUn
Bernard dePaUx STaC
Pascal dUBo STaC
jean-Paul GaUTHIeR SnIa -Mediterranean section
François jUlleMIeR adP
Patrick leRaT STaC
arnaud MaZaRS CeTe South-west France - lRPC Toulouse
Cédric RenaUlT STaC
jean-noël THeIlloUT STaC
Patrick VanGReVenYnGHe CeTe Mediterranean section - lRPC aix en Provence
France’s standards for asphalt concrete materials are derived from European standards. They specify the requirements
for mixtures from the same family of products used for surface courses and/or base courses of roads, airport pave-
ments and other movement areas.
Given the specific nature of airport pavements and the wide diversity of bituminous materials available on the mar-
ket, the time has come to undertake a much-needed revision of the application guide published in 2003. The aim, as
before, is to help project managers to make better choices and to define more precisely in their contracts performan-
ce criteria for mixtures and the characteristics of their components, with a view to responding more pertinently to
the requirements of each project.
This document covers only the most common types of requirement encountered in French metropolitan and over-
seas airports. It does not deal with particular cases that would require specific studies.

The document describes the characteristics and mixture designs commonly used in France for all hot bituminous mix-
tures intended for surface courses or base courses, and for surface dressing and cold coat material.
It links the earlier French terminology to the designations defined by NF EN European standards.
Compared to the previous version, the guide introduces a new concept called «aircraft group». This concept is more
representative of the impact made by an aircraft on an airport pavement than simply its weight. It is arrived at by
taking into consideration the aircraft’s landing gear configuration and tyre pressures.
The document also includes a number of appendices in table form. This approach is intended to help the designer to
determine which products to use, and to determine their mechanical performance.

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 5


Preface 8
Chapter 1 - Terminology and definitions 9
1.1 – airport terminology 9
1.2 – Characteristics and particular features of airport pavements 10
1.3 – Reminder of definitions 11
1.3.1 – Constitution of a pavement 11
1.3.2 – Role of the tack coat 11
1.3.3 – Causes of deterioration in airport pavements 11
1.3.4 – adherence characteristics 12
Chapter 2 - Choosing the right products - Recommendations 13
2.1 – Products 13
2.2 – Terminology 13
2.3 – French standards for bituminous products and mixtures 16
2.4 – decisions on which product to use – determining stress levels 17
2.4.1 – defining the traffic class 17
2.4.2 – Types of climate 18
2.4.3 – Stress levels 19
2.5 – determining product choices as a function of stress levels 19
2.5.1 – Wearing course 19
2.5.2 – Base courses and reshaping operations 21
2.5.3 – Pavement bed or foundation 22
Chapter 3 - Characteristics of product components 23
3.1 - Characteristics of aggregates 23
3.1.1 - Grading 23
3.1.2 - aggregates 23
3.1.3 - aggregates for bituminous mixtures 28
3.2 – Bituminous binder 28
3.2.1 - Types of binders 28
3.2.2 - Recommendations for use 30
3.2.3 – Choice of binder 32

Chapter 4 - Characteristics in the laboratory 33

4.1 – Type testing 33
4.2 – Formulation level 33
4.3 – Characteristics of mixtures 34
4.3.1 - General characteristics 34
4.3.2 - additional characteristics 34

6 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Chapter 5 - Manufacture and application 35
5.1 - Production of bituminous mixtures 35
5.1.1 - Mixing plants 35
5.1.2 - Percentage of aggregates 35
5.1.3 - Mixing temperature 35
5.2 - laying and spreading 35
5.2.1 - Tack coat 35
5.2.2 - execution 36
5.2.3 - Paver guiding methods 36
5.2.4 - Guiding the paver using a non-linked reference 36
5.3 - laying - Compaction 38
5.3.1 - Compaction 38
5.3.2 - execution of longitudinal joints 38
5.3.3 - line validation 38
Chapter 6 - on-site characteristics – Verifications 39
6.1 - Supplies 39
6.2 - Type testing 39
6.3 - Production of the bituminous mixture 39
6.4 - application 39
6.4.1 - Geometry 39
6.4.2 - Verification of evenness 39
6.4.3 - Verification of adherence 39
annexes 41
annex a : determining the aircraft group of an aircraft 43
annex B : Climate type of france’s main airports 49
annex C : definitions of requirements for reclaimed asphalt pavements (raps) 51
annex d : Performance comparisons for bituminous mixtures 52
Performance comparison table – empirical approach 52
Performance comparison table – fundamental approach 63
annex e : Resistance to static loads 69
annex F : Technical note on grouted pervious bituminous mixtures 70
annex G : Specifications for longitudinal evenness 72
annex H : list of tables 74

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 7


Given the specific nature of airport pavements, The second part indicates the procedure to be fol-
and the appearance of new product standards lowed when choosing products and defining the
derived from european standards, the time has performance requirements of mixtures (formula-
come to undertake a much-needed revision of tion) and the characteristics of their components,
the application guide published in 2003, in order in order to provide the best possible response to
to help project managers to make the right pro- the project requirements.
duct choices for their airport pavement construc- The third part provides recommendations for cha-
tion and rehabilitation projects. racteristics to be achieved, both in laboratory tes-
The work consists of 3 parts and a series of ting (mix design sample for type testing, and for-
annexes. mulation levels) and on site, from production of
The first part provides a reminder of airport ter- the mixture to its application.
minology and definitions. The annexes consist of various summary tables
intended to facilitate the designer’s task.

8 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

1 – Terminology and definitions

1.1 - airport terminology

Table 1 below is a reminder of the terms used in des- instructions for civil airports ITAC (Instruction
cribing airport infrastructures. For the other terms, Technique sur les Aérodromes Civils - Chapter 1)
the reader is invited to refer to the French technical
Tableau 1 – Airport Terminology

Movement area That part of an airport used for aircraft takeoff, landing and on-ground taxiing; it comprises the
manœuvring area and the airport ramp or apron.
Manoeuvring area That part of an airport which is used for aircraft takeoff, landing and ground-level taxiing, exclud-
ing the airport ramp or apron.
Airport ramp or apron A particular area within a land-based airport intended to receive aircraft during passenger
embarkation and disembarkation, loading and unloading of mail, freight, etc., the taking on of
supplies and fuel, as well as for parking or maintenance purposes.
Runway A rectangular area of a land-based airport designed to enable aircraft to take off and land. Its
long sides are called runway edges; its smaller sides are the runway ends and the longitudinal
axis is known as the runway centreline.
Threshold The beginning of that part of the runway which can be used for landing. When the runway
extremity is not the threshold, the term displaced threshold is used
Turning area An area provided at a runway end to facilitate the turning round of aircraft.
Takeoff and landing area That part of the runway between the displaced threshold and the far extremity, being the area
available for takeoff.
Parking area See apron.
Taxiway A pavement within a land-based airport designed for the ground movement of aircraft, enabling
them to pass between the various parts of the movement area.
Holding bays A designated area where aircraft may wait, or allow others to overtake them, to facilitate ground
movements of aircraft (these include de-icing, washing and parking areas).
Taxiway intersections Specially widened parts of taxiways constructed where taxiways and/or runways cross each
other, to enable aircraft to change direction.
Runway entrance/exit The junction of a taxiway with a runway, enabling aircraft to enter or exit the runway.
Shoulder A strip of land bordering a pavement, treated so as to provide a connection between the pave-
ment itself and the surrounding land, and designed so that if an aircraft should accidentally leave
the runway it will be able to avoid sustaining structural damage, foreign bodies will not enter the
engines, and matter will not be expelled from the aircraft.

Parts of the movement area

Displaced threshold Turning area


Rapid-exit taxiway Runway entrance/exit

Holding position


De-icing/washing area Runway

Safety line center line

Parking area

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 9

1.2 - Characteristics and particular features of airport pavements
Although airport pavements experience qualities of The essential differences between these two types of
usage which are identical to those of roads, it is to be pavement, notably in their surface courses, are identi-
noted that the stresses induced by air traffic move- fied in Table 2 below.
ments vary enormously, both in intensity and in num-

Table 2 – Characteristics and particular features of airport pavements

Road pavements Airport pavements

Loads applied
o loads are applied in a way that presents very low lateral dis- o on runways, traffic is dispersed (only the central third of the
persal (which could cause rutting) surface is occupied) and landing gear configurations vary
from one aircraft to another. On taxiways, this dispersal is
less marked
o a large number of movements (up to 50,000 per day) of rel- o a very small number of movements (from very few to more
atively light loads (42 t total weight, 4.2 t maximum wheel than 100 per day) of differing loads (up to 550 t or more total
load), engendering fatigue mainly due to the high frequency of weight, 45 t for a twin-wheel undercarriage and 115 t for a bogy),
movements each causing small stresses causing fatigue mainly due to infrequent movements each
causing large stresses
o tyre pressures must not exceed 0.8 MPa (8 bars) o tyre pressures may attain 1.7 MPa (17 bars) for certain air-
o the most aggressive loads are applied at low speeds (less o speeds are highly variable :
than 90 km/h) - very low speeds, which can cause runtting phenomena
- very high speeds during takeoff and landing (over 300 km/h)

Particular features
o particular
stresses which require good tyre contact to the o geometrical and environmental conditions which expose
pavement in order to provide the best possible roadholding pavement mixtures over long periods to the action of rain, sun
and satisfactory braking performance for vehicles using it etc.

o surface evenness (with no surface defects) is largely relat- o surface evenness is largely related to aircraft safety when
ed to passenger comfort taxiing at high speeds
o roughness develops essentially as a result of a polishing o roughness develops progressively as a result of rubber
phenomenon affecting aggregates over time deposits from tyres
o traffic has sometimes to be diverted or stopped in the event o the operating and safety constraints on traffic make it very
of road works difficult for traffic to be stopped or reduced when maintenance
or renovation work has to be carried out

These characteristics and particular features influence bituminous concretes intended for use in airports, but
the choices to be made in terms of the formulation of deals with all standardized bituminous mixtures (inclu-
bituminous mixtures and their constituents, as well as ding high-modulus mixtures) and maintenance tech-
in terms of methods of application and control. niques for surface courses such as surface dressing and
For this reason it has been considered useful and prac- slurry seals.
tical to provide designers with a specific guide to the
use of bituminous mixtures in airport pavements. The
guide covers most needs, as it does not restrict itself to

10 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

1.3 – Reminder of definitions
1.3.1 – Constitution of a pavement Shoulder
In general, a pavement consists, from top to bottom,
of various courses of materials designed to enable it to Surface course Surfacing
Binder course
resist traffic-induced stresses and to distribute these to
the pavement base or foundation. Base course

o S urfacing must be resistant to flow and punching Foundation

phenomena, and withstand the ageing caused by

atmospheric agents, thermal gradients and hydrocarbon Capping layer
attack :
- the surface course, in actual contact with tyres,
must be capable of providing the adherence characte- Subgrade
ristics prescribed by air transport specifications, Å1m

- the binder course is an intermediate layer bet-

ween the wearing course and the road base or old
pavement. In airport pavements, a binder course is
not systematically used. Its principal application is in
maintenance works, to improve evenness or to delay
the spread of cracks from the deeper layers to the wea- 1.3.3 – Causes of deterioration in airport
ring course. pavements
o The foundation and base course utilize appropriate Deterioration occurs in airport pavements through the
materials to provide sufficient mechanical resistance to effects of aircraft traffic and climatic factors.
bear the vertical loads imposed by traffic, and to spread o Traffic effects causing mechanical stresses :
them over the ground or subgrade. - shearing, which results from horizontal stresses
o The capping layer renders the subgrade more homo- caused by tangential efforts transmitted by tyres when
geneous, and improves its bearing capacity characte- aircraft make turns,
ristics. - rutting, the permanent strain due to frequent pas-
sages of loads at low speeds
1.3.2 – Role of the tack coat
- punching, due to permanent strains caused by sta-
Tack coats play an important part in ensuring long
tic loads.
pavement life. Their functions are as follows :
o Climatic effects :
o mechanical adhesion between the different
courses of the pavement structure; the quality - ageing which only affects the surface course, and
of this adhesion strongly influences the rigidity of the which depends on the climate, the nature of any products
pavement. The design calculation should assume that applied to it, and any pollution. The ability of a pave-
all courses must be tack coated, and that any defect in ment to resist ageing is called its « durability ».
the tack coating will in the long term result in struc- Other aggressive effects include chemicals (e.g. acciden-
tural deterioration. . tal spillage of oils or hydrocarbons). Although these can
o resistance to shearing; where severe tangential have a very aggressive effect on the life expectancy of a
stresses exist, defects in the tack coating can have pavement, they are not a sufficiently discriminating fac-
short-term consequences such as horizontal flow, cau- tor to be considered as a criterion when assessing the
sing ridging and/or cracking in the surface course. levels of aggression presented in table 3 below.
o waterproofing; the contribution of tack coating However, this factor will be taken into account when
to waterproofing is particularly important with aggre- determining the choice of bituminous mixture to be
gates of small size. . implemented, and defining its mechanical properties.

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 11

1.3.4 - Friction characteristics
The surface friction of a pavement is characterized by Microtexture Macrotexture
the quality of its surfacing and its ability to retain its
roughness. It is defined by :
o Its macrotexture, representing all surface irregula-
rities with horizontal dimensions ranging from
0.5  mm to 50  mm, and vertical dimensions of bet-
ween 0.2 mm and 10 mm. Macrotexture is related to
surface treatment and how it is applied, as well as to
deterioration and any partial surface treatments.
o Its microtexture, which represents all surface irre-
gularities that may come into contact with tyres, and
which have horizontal dimensions of between 0  mm
and 0.5  mm and vertical dimensions from 0  mm and
0.2  mm. Microtexture is thus related to surface irre-
gularities of the aggregate.

Table 3 –Assessment of aggression levels and surface quality characteristics of a pavement

Shearing Rutting Punching Durability Friction

Aera of airport ++ +++ +++ ++ ++
Main part + + + ++ +++
Turning area +++ ++ + +++ ++
Exit +++ + + ++ +++
Threshold (*) +++ + ++ +++ +++
Main part + ++ + ++ ++
Intersections ++ ++ ++ +++ ++
Apron or holding area + +++ +++ ++ ++

(*) including touch-down area +: Low level

++: Medium level
+++: High level

12 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

2 – Choosing the right products ?
Recommendations ?
2.1 - Products
Table 4 below recapitulates the products available for Class 0, defined for certain products, does not specify
use in building and renovating airport pavements. a performance level for the rutting resistance test.
The table gives for each product its classification, gra-
ding and dimensions in use, and prescribes maximum
acceptable strains for existing pavements before appli-
cation of a new course of a bituminous mixture.
The product names quoted associate the French NF EN
standards with the older NF P standards.

2.2 – Terminology
EB10-BBA C :  airport bituminous concrete, grading 0/10 continuous
EB14-BBA C : airport bituminous concrete, grading 0/14 continuous
EB10-BBA D : airport bituminous concrete, grading 0/10 discontinuous
EB10-BBA D : airport bituminous concrete, grading 0/14 discontinuous
EB10-BBME : high-modulus bituminous concrete, grading 0/10
EB14-BBME : high-modulus bituminous concrete, grading 0/14
EB10-BBM : thin bituminous concrete, grading 0/10
EB14-BBM : thin bituminous concrete, grading 0/14
BBTM 6 : very thin bituminous concrete, grading 0/6.3
BBTM 10 : very thin bituminous concrete, grading 0/10
EB10-BBSG : semi-granular bituminous concrete, grading 0/10
EB14-BBSG : semi-granular bituminous concrete, grading 0/14
EB14-GB : bitumen-bound graded aggregate, grading 0/14
EB20-GB : bitumen-bound graded aggregate, grading 0/20
EB10-EME : high-modulus bituminous mixture, grading 0/10
EB14-EME : high-modulus bituminous mixture, grading 0/14
EB20-EME : high-modulus bituminous mixture, grading 0/20
EP : grouted previous bituminous mixtures
EB4 or EB6 : bitumen-bound sand, grading 0/4 or 0/6
ECF : slurry surfacing
ESU : surface dressing.

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 13

Table 4 – Products which may be used for airport pavements

Average Maximum
Products thickness acceptable
in use lack of
and minimum flatness
Classification NF EN
Name Grading (1) thickness of existing
Class or type reference
at any point substrate
surface Class 0, 1, 2 or 3
NF EN 6 to 7 cm
EB10-BBA C course and according to 0/10 ≤ 2 cm
13 108-1 4 cm
binder course mechanical performance
Class 0, 1, 2 or 3
surface NF EN 4 to 5 cm
EB10-BBA D according to 0/10 ≤ 2 cm
course 13 108-1 3 cm
mechanical performance
surface Class 0, 1, 2 or 3
NF EN 7 to 9 cm
EB14-BBA C course and according to 0/14 ≤ 2 cm
13 108-1 5 cm
binder course mechanical performance
Class 0,1, 2 or 3
surface NF EN 5 to 7 cm
EB14-BBA D according to 0/14 ≤ 2 cm
course 13 108-1 4 cm
mechanical performance
surface Class 1, 2 or 3
NF EN 5 to 7 cm
EB10-BBME course and according to 0/10 ≤ 2 cm
13 108-1 4 cm
binder course mechanical performance
surface Class 1, 2 or 3
NF EN 6 to 9 cm
EB14-BBME course and according to 0/14 ≤ 2 cm
13 108-1 5 cm
binder course mechanical performance
Type A, B or C according
surface to grading curve NF EN 3 to 4 cm
EB10-BBM course and Class 0, 1, 2 or 3 13 108-1 0/10 ≤ 1,5 cm
binder course according to 2,5 cm
mechanical performance
Type A, B or C according
surface to grading curve NF EN 3,5 to 5 cm
EB14-BBM course and Class 0, 1, 2 or 3 13 108-1 0/14 ≤ 1,5 cm
binder course according to 3 cm
mechanical performance
surface NF EN 0/6,3 2 to 3 cm
BBTM 6 Class 1 or 2 ≤ 1 cm
course 13 108-2 1,5 cm
surface NF EN 0/10 2 to 3 cm
BBTM 10 Class 1 or 2 ≤ 1 cm
course 13 108-2 1,5 cm

14 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 4 – Products which may be used for airport pavements (continued)

Average Maximum
Products thickness acceptable
in use lack of
and minimum flatness
Classification NF EN
Name Grading (1) thickness of existing
Class or type reference
at any point substrate
EB10-BBSG surface course Class 0, 1, 2 or 3 according NF EN 0/10 5 to 7 cm ≤ 2 cm
and binder course to mechanical performance 13 108-1 4 cm
EB14-BBSG surface course Class 0, 1, 2 or 3 according NF EN 0/14 6 to 9 cm ≤ 2 cm
and binder course to mechanical performance 13 108-1 5 cm
- - In 0/6 to 0/10 Dosage to 10 or ≤ 1 cm
progress 15 kg/m2
EB14-GB Base Class 2, 3 or 4 according NF EN 0/14 8 to 14 cm ≤ 2 cm
to mechanical performance 13 108-1 6 cm
EB20-GB Base Class 2, 3 or 4 according NF EN 0/20 10 to 16 cm ≤ 3 cm
to mechanical performance 13 108-1 8 cm
EB10-EME Base Class 1 or 2 according NF EN 0/10 6 to 8 cm ≤ 2 cm
to mechanical performance 13 108-1 5 cm
EB14-EME Base Class 1 or 2 according NF EN 0/14 7 to 13 cm ≤ 2 cm
to mechanical performance 13 108-1 6 cm
EB20-EME Base Class 1 or 2 according NF EN 0/20 9 to 15 cm ≤ 2 cm
to mechanical performance 13 108-1 8 cm
ESU Class A, B or C 2/4 - ≤ 2 cm
12 271
EB4 or EB6 NF EN
- - 0/4 or 0/6 2 cm ≤ 1 cm
sand-mix (2) 13 108-1
Grouted previous -
- None - 4 to 5 cm ≤ 2 cm
(1) A grading corresponding to sieve D of series 1 is admissible.
(2) This is generally prescribed to limit or retard the occurrence of cracks, particularly in the case of foundations treated with cementitious
binders (see « Techniques anti-remontée de fissures », a paper on techniques for avoiding cracks, published by STAC in 1999).

Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA), although it is little used port surface courses is strongly discouraged, and in
in France, may be employed in new pavement many cases forbidden :
construction or maintenance projects. Its use should be Nailed bituminous concrete - (risk of stripping,
restricted to the main part of the runway, and to the and of scattering nails).
surface course only. Porous bituminous concrete - (risk of over-rapid
The characteristics of SMA and demands made of it silting up in low-traffic areas and of stripping due to
must conform to standard NF EN 13 108-5. shearing effect).
Its characteristics in use are as follows : grading 0/10, Ultra-thin bituminous concrete – (risk of strip-
average thickness in use 3 to 4  cm, minimum thick- ping due to shearing effect ).
ness at any point 2cm. Flexible bituminous concrete – (use must take
On the use of other specific products, reference may be account of its particular characteristics  : fairly low
made to technical opinions or other documents outsi- geometric roughness, strong sensitivity to permanent
de the official standards. deformation).
Recommendations Airport bituminous concrete 0/10 C – (not to
Many other products are available on the market. be used for surface courses of runways because of the
However, given the poor fit between their characteris- difficulty of achieving sufficient geometric rough-
tics and airport pavement applications, their use in air- ness).

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 15

2.3 –French standards for bituminous products and mixtures
The European standards series NF EN defines the The standards do not provide information on the
composition, performance characteristics and test transport or application of these materials - the pres-
conditions for bituminous products and mixtures. criptions of standard NF P 98 150-1 apply.

NF EN 12 271 : Surface dressings - requirements

NF EN 12 591 : Bitumens and bituminous binders - Specifications for paving grade binders
NF EN 13 043 : Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other traffic-
ked areas
NF EN 13 108-1 : Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 1 : asphalt concrete
NF EN 13 108-2 : Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 2 : asphalt concrete for very thin layers
NF EN 13 108-4 : Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 4 : hot rolled asphalt - Annex B (only for
the natural asphalts defined in this annex)
NF EN 13 108-5 : Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 5: stone mastic asphalt
NF EN 13 108-8 : Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 8: reclaimed asphalt
NF EN 13 108-20 :Bituminous mixtures - Materials specifications - Part 20: type testing
NF EN 13 108-21: Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 21: factory production
NF EN 13 924 : Bitumen and bituminous binders - Specifications for hard paving grade bitumens
NF EN 14 023 : Bitumen and bituminous binders - Framework specification for polymer- modified bitumens
XP P 18 545 : Aggregates - Defining elements, conformity and coding
NF P 98 150-1 : Bituminous asphalt. Laying of base, binder and surface courses. Components. Mix contents.
Performance and checks.

16 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

2.4 – decisions on which product to use – determining stress levels
Specifications relating to the choice of products are gui- (R) of the main landing gear assembly. Table 5 pre-
ded by a concept which we shall call the "stress level". sents five aircraft groups based on the product of P x
For a given airport this results from the combination of R.
two factors : class of traffic and type of climate.
Table 25 in Annex A places the main aircraft types cur-
2.4.1 - defining the traffic class rently in service into their respective groups (column
The method used to define the traffic class is to esta-
blish a realistic order of magnitude for the various determining the traffic class
stresses applied on the courses of a pavement by the A traffic class is determined for the aircraft representing
passage of an aircraft. the greatest constraint using any part of the airport.
Thus, different traffic classes can be defined for diffe-
Several criteria are liable to influence determination rent parts of the airport (runways, taxiways, parking
of the traffic class  : the weight of the aircraft, num- areas, etc.) and for homogeneous stresses (same aircraft
ber of landing wheels and their tyre pressures, area of type and frequency).
tyre/runway contact, tyre pressures, etc. The method for determining the traffic class is as fol-
In the earlier edition of this guide (2003), traffic class lows :
was determined by two parameters  : total weight of a) calculate the product of P x R or find the aircraft
the aircraft or weight per main landing gear assem- group from Table 25 in Annex A.
bly, and number of passages per day of this load. b) using Table 5 below, read off the traffic class at the
Practice has shown that this method tends to discri- intersection of the column giving the relevant product
minate against certain aircraft types with the same of P x R and the row giving the frequency (number of
weight but a different landing gear configuration (e.g. movements of the aircraft per day).
a greater number of landing wheels reduces the load
per landing wheel and therefore the stress applied on
the pavement).
To remedy this situation, the present edition intro-
duces the idea of an "aircraft group" based on two
variables to represent the impact of an aircraft on a
pavement : tyre pressure (P) and the number of wheels

Table 5 – Determining the traffic class

Tyre pressure x no. of wheels Light aircraft -

(MPa) total aircraft P x R <2 2≤ P x R< 4,1 4,1 ≤ P x R< 5,5 5,5 ≤ P x R
weight < 5 700 kg
Frequency (F)*
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
F < 10 mvts/day** CT1 CT2 CT2 CT3 CT4
10 mvts/d ≤ F ≤ 100 mvts/d CT1 CT2 CT3 CT4 CT5
F > 100 mvts/day CT1 CT2 CT4 CT5 CT5

* One movement corresponds to a takeoff or landing

** If F > movement per day, the traffic class so determined is adopted for all areas of the airport
If F ≤ 1 movement per day, the traffic class so determined is only recognized for that particular part of the airport. The traffic class is
determined by reference to the other aircraft using the airport.

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 17

Two case studies are given as examples here.
In the first case, the airport has aircraft traffic in groups
2 and 3.

Aircraft type Total weight (kg) Aircraft group Frequency Traffic Class
Fokker 27 20 400 2 0,8 CT2
BAe 146-100 38 300 2 4 CT2
B 737-200 52 600 3 2 CT2
MD 80-83 72 500 3 2 CT2

In this example, the airport is placed in traffic class CT2.

In the second case, an airport has aircraft traffic in groups 3, 4 and 5.

Aircraft type Total weight (kg) Aircraft group Frequency Traffic Class
B 737-200 52 600 3 20 CT3
A 320-200 Jumbo 75 900 3 25 CT3
B 767-200 143 800 4 4 CT3
B 747-400 type 4 395 600 5 0,5 CT4

In this second example, two traffic classes might be envisaged : CT3 or CT4. However, since the frequency of the
B 737-200 is less than 1 movement per day, the airport is placed in traffic class CT3 for the aircraft movement areas
(runways and taxiways), and traffic class CT4 for the ramp or apron.

2.4.2 - Types of climate the two hottest months and the two coldest months of
the year) :
Four types of climate have been defined for France, on
o type 1 – predominantly oceanic
the basis of temperature readings taken over a period of
several years (Météo France, the national meteorolo- o type 2 – predominantly Mediterranean
gical office, has calculated so-called "standard values" o type 3 – predominantly continental or mountainous
from daily maximum temperature readings taken in o type 4 – predominantly tropical

Table 6 – Definition of types of climate

Average of daily maximum temperatures in the hottest two

months of the year
T° ≤ 27 °C T° > 27 °C
Average of daily T° > 14 °C Type 4 : predominantly tropical
minimum Type 1 : predominantly Type 2 : predominantly
0 °C ≤ T° ≤ 14 °C
temperatures in oceanic Mediterranean
the coldest two
Type 3 : predominantly
months of the T° < 0 °C Not relevant
continental or mountainous

Tables 26, 27 and 28 in Annex B show the climate its overseas territories.
types of the main airports of metropolitan France and

18 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

2.4.3 – Stress levels
Stress levels are determined with the aid of Table 7,
on the basis of the traffic class and type of climate.

Table 7 – Determination of stress levels

Traffic class

2.5 – determining product choices as a function of stress levels

Table 8 - Products which can be used in the construction of airport pavements

Binder course EB-BBA, EB-BBME, EB-BBM, EB-BBSG
Pavement base or foundation EB-GB, EB-EME
Anti-cracking layer EB-Sand mix

2.5.1 – Surface course Products of class 0 can be used for parts of pavements
which experience low traffic levels, and only for stress
The products that can be used for surface courses are :
level NS1.
EB-BBA class 0, 1, 2 and 3
To enable road builders to respond as fully as possible
EB-BBME class 1, 2, 3 to the objectives and regulatory requirements in terms
EB-BBSG class 0, 1, 2, 3 of resistance and surface condition, in normal opera-
EB-BBM A, B or C of class 0, 1, 2, 3 ting conditions, Table 9 lists products which can be
BBTM class 1, 2 used for surface courses, subject to application of the
ECF recommendations given on page 15, according to cer-
tain stress levels.
EP : Porous asphalt (Annex F below provides a tech-
nical note describing the main characteristics of its
manufacture and application)

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 19

Table 9 – Products that can be used for surface courses
Area of airport NS 1 NS 2 NS 3 NS 4
ESU, ECF, EP, EB-BBM 2 (***) (***)
Parking areas EB-BBM 1 EB-BBME 1, EP (1) EP (1)
Main part EB-BBM A2, EB-BBA 2 EB-BBA 2
Turning area EB-BBM A1, EB-BBME 2 (2) EB-BBME 3 (2)
Runways(*) EB-BBM B1,
Exit EB-BBA 2, EB-BBA 3
Threshold (**) EB-BBA 3 (2)
EB-BBA 3 (2)
Main part EB-BBM B3,
Taxiways BBTM
Intersections BBTM
Apron or holding area ECF, EB-BBA 3,

(*) Use of EB10-BBA C is not recommended (inadequate geometric roughness)

(**) On military airfields, where fighter planes can cause deterioration of pavements constructed with bituminous mixtures (surface burning,
oil spills, etc.) concrete pavements are recommended
(***) On traffic areas with a high risk of punching, cement concrete pavements are highly recommended.
(1) Use of this material is related to the pavement base which must possess a high stiffness modulus (for example, a semi-rigid or bitumi-
nous structure). In general, the pavement base consists either of graded aggregate bound with cementitious binders, or of a high-modulus
bituminous mixture, or bitumen-bound graded aggregate.
(2) For better resistance to shearing strains, use of a modified binder is recommended.

All products shown can be used without any one The specifier should take account of these
having any kind of priority over the others. However, remarks in order to choose the product most
for new construction projects, use of BBA is favoured. appropriate to the objectives to be achieved.
NB : The rutting resistance of EB-BBME and EB-
For other parts of the airport, such as hard shoulders,
BBSG of the same class is equivalent. Therefore, if a
high-modulus product is not required, EB-BBSG can widened pavements and anti-engine blast lanes, the fol-
be used instead of EB-BBME. lowing products are used  : ESU, ECF, EB-BBS, EB-
BBM (A, B or C of Class 1), BBTM. In the case of
Products of a superior performance class can always be
ESU, a sealing using 2/4 chippings should be provided
preferred, provided that the economic assessment
remains satisfactory. Similarly, in practice, to satisfy for.
the general economic constraints of the project, it is Resistance to aviation fuel
possible to specify the use of one and the same pro-
Parking areas built as lightweight pavement structures
duct on all areas
need special protection against attack by aviation fuel,
When choosing a product for pavement maintenance, often known as anti-kerosene protection. This protec-
it should be remembered that ESU, ECF, BBTM and tion is achieved :
EB-BBM all display diminishing sensitivity to the
o either on the surface in this case, a filler is
risk of stripping or slippage of the surface layer by vir-
spread over the surface to be treated after the bitumi-
tue of their extreme roughness and thinness.
nous mixture has been applied, in order to prevent the

20 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

petroleum products from seeping into the If no standard is indicated, in the framework of an RFQ
ground.  Application of this product must be carried the following criterion may be adopted : b75 or b100
out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
o or in the material itself : in this case, the bitu- 2.5.2 - Binder courses and reshaping ope-
minous mixture must be aviation-fuel-resistant. This
resistance is determined in accordance with Annex
D.11 of French standard NF EN 13 108-20. The test The following products may be used :
method is described in standard NF EN 12 697-43.  EB-BBA of type C *,
A special binder is generally used; this binder endues EB-BBM,
the mixture with a particular resistance to hydrocarbons EB-BBSG,
(aviation fuel, lubricating and other oils) and good rut- EB-BBME.
ting resistance. * Aggregate specifications being stricter for EB-BBA
In the context of an RFQ, if it is desired to specify that than those for other bituminous products, it is recom-
a bituminous mixture should be aviation-fuel-resis- mended that EB-BBA products should be avoided for
tant, the following requirements should be stated : economic reasons.
- good resistance to aviation fuel, with the following The nature and performance classes of usable products
objectives A ≤ 5% and B < 1%. are shown in Table 10 below.
NB  : in the case of new construction projects, it Resistance to de-icing products
should be remembered that binder courses are not
In regions subject to black ice, the surface course must recommended. Instead, the pavement base or founda-
be resistant to de-icing products. This resistance is tion should be made thicker.
determined in accordance with Annex 12 of French
standard 13 108-20. The test method is described in
French standard NF EN 12 697-41.

Table 10 – Products which can be used for binder or levelling (regulating) course

Area of airport NS 1 NS 2 NS 3 NS 4
Parking areas EB-BBM 1 EB-BBM 3 (1) (1)
Main part EB-BBSG 1 EB-BBME1
Turning area EB-BBSG 1 EB-BBSG 2
Runways EB-BBM 2 EB-BBME 2
Exit EB-BBSG 1
Threshold EB-BBME 1 EB-BBME 2
Main part EB-BBSG 1
Taxiways EB-BBM 1 EB-BBM 2 EB-BBME 1 EB-BBSG 1
Intersections EB-BBSG 1
Apron or holding area EB-BBM 1 EB-BBM 2 EB-BBSG 2

(1) Not relevant. For parking areas where there is a high risk of punching occurring, cement concrete pavements are strongly recommended.
NB : Products of a superior performance class can always be preferred, provided that the economic assessment remains satisfactory. The pro-
ducts used do not generally contain bitumen polymers.

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 21

2.5.3 - Pavement base or foundation The nature and performances classes of products
which may be used for pavement bases are shown in
Products which may be used for pavement bases are
table 11 below.
the following :
EB-GB class 2, 3 or 4,
EB-EME class 1 or 2.

Table 11 – Products which can be used for pavement bases.

Airport area NS 1 NS 2 NS 3 NS 4
Parking areas EB-GB 2 EB-GB 2 (1) (1)
Main part
Runways Turning area EB-GB 2 EB-GB 2 EB-GB 3 EB-EME 2
Exit EB-EME 1
Threshold (**)
Taxiways Main part EB-GB 3 EB-GB 3
Intersections EB-EME 1 EB-EME 2
Apron or holding areas EB-GB 3 EB-GB 3

(1) Not relevant. For parking areas where there is a high risk of punching occurring, cement concrete pavements are strongly recommended

22 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

3 - Characteristics of product components

3.1 –Characteristics of aggregates

3.1.1 – Grading 3.1.2 – aggregates
Aggregates for coating of grading 0/6, 0/10, 0/14 and Sand and chippings must conform to French standard
0/20 are made from NF EN 13 043.
- sand 0/2 or as-dug coarse gravel 0/4 (0/6 possible for Aggregates must possess minimum characteristics
EB-GB and EB-EME) according to traffic class, type of coated material or
- 2/6-4/6-4/10-6/10-6/14-10/14-10/20 (6/20 and 14/20 bituminous product, and the nature of the pavement,
possible for EB-GB and EB-EME) as described in Tables 12 to 19 below.
- 2/4 for ESU.
To comply as closely as possible with the grading
curve of the mixture, at least three aggregate sizes
should always be used (not counting any added fillers).
It should be noted that the use of 0/6, 6/14 or 6/20 can
lead to a risk of segregation.

Table 12 – Surface courses – Minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EB-BBA

Product Characteristics Traffic class

Intrinsic Fragmentation LA25 (1) LA20 (1)

characteristics of Wear MDE20 (1)

MDE15 (1)

chippings Polishing PSV50 PSV50

General grading d/D GC 85/20 (GC 85/15 – discontinuous formulations)

Manufacturing Grading tolerance, G20/15

characteristics intermediate sieve
of chippings Cleanness f1
Flakiness FI25
Manufacturing General grading d/D GF85 ou GA85 si 2 < D ≤ 6,3 mm
of sands Grading tolerance, GTC10
and gravels intermediate sieve
Quality of fines MBF10
Fines and fillers Porosity of fillers V28/38
δRBTT of fillers δR&B 8/16
Angularity % of broken surfaces C95/1 C95/1
of chippings
Flow time . Flow time for sands ECS35 ECS38
or sands

(1) If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the Los Angeles (LA) test and the

Micro-Deval (MDE) test characteristics may be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545)
- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 23

Table 13 – Surface courses – Minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EB-BBSG, EB-BBM and EB-BBME

Products Characteristics Traffic class

Intrinsic Fragmentation LA25 (1)

characteristics Wear MDE20 (1)

of aggregate Polishing PSV50

General grading d/D GC 85/20 (GC 85/15 – discontinuous formulations)

Grading tolerance, G20/15 or G25/15

characteristics intermediate sieve
of aggregate Cleanness f1
EB-BBSG Flakiness FI25
EB-BBM Manufacturing General grading d/D GF85 or GA85 si 2 < D ≤ 6,3 mm
EB-BBME characteristics Grading tolerance,
of sands intermediate sieve GTC10
and gravels
Quality of fines MBF10
Fines and fillers Porosity of fillers V28/38
δRBTT of fillers δR&B 8/16
Angularity % of broken surfaces C95/1
of chippings
Flow time Flow time for sands ECS38
for sands
If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics may
be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545) For example :
- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17

table 14 – Surface courses – Minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in BBTM

Products Characteristics Traffic class

Intrinsic Fragmentation LA20 (1)

characteristics Wear MDE15 (1)

of aggregate Polishing PSV50

General grading d/D GC 85/15
Grading tolerance, G20/15 or G25/15
characteristics intermediate sieve
Cleanness f1
of aggregate
Flakiness FI25
Manufacturing General grading d/D GF85 or GA85 si 2 < D ≤ 6,3 mm
characteristics Grading tolerance,
of sands intermediate sieve GTC10
and gravels
Quality of fines MBF10
Fines and fillers Porosity of fillers V28/38
δRBTT of fillers δR&B 8/16
Angularity % of broken surfaces C95/1
of chippings
Flow time Flow time for sands ECS35
for sands
(1) If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics may

be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545). For example :

- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17

24 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 15 – Surface courses – Minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in ECF

Products Characteristics Traffic class

Intrinsic Fragmentation LA20 (1)

characteristics Wear MDE20 (1)

of aggregate Polishing PSV50

General grading d/D GC 85/15
Grading tolerance, G20/15
characteristics intermediate sieve
of aggregate Cleanness f1
Flakiness FI25
Manufacturing General grading d/D GF85 or GA85 not recommended
characteristics Grading tolerance, si 2 < D ≤ 6,3 mm
of sands intermediat sieve GTC10
and gravels
Quality of fines MBF10
Fines and fillers Porosity of fillers V28/38
δRBTT of fillers δR&B 8/16
Angularity % of broken surfaces C50/10
of chippings
Flow time . Flow time for sands ECS30
for sands

(1)If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics may

be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545). For example :

- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17

table 16 – Surface courses – minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EP

Product Characteristics Traffic class
Intrinsic Fragmentation LA25 (1) LA20 (1)

characteristic Wear MDE20 (1)

MDE15 (1)

of aggregate Polishing PSV50 PSV50

General grading d/D GC 85/20

Manufacturing Grading tolerance, G20/15

characteristics intermediate sieve
of aggregate Cleanness f1
Flakiness FI25
Manufacturing General grading d/D GF85 or GA85 si 2 < D ≤ 6,3 mm
characteristics Grading tolerance,
of sands intermediate GTC10
and gravels sieve
Quality of fines MBF10
Fines and fillers Porosity of fillers V28/38
δRBTT of fillers δR&B 8/16
Angularity % of broken surfaces C50/10
of chippings
Flow timel. Flow time for sands ECS30
for sands

If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics
may be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545). For example :
- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 25

Table 17 – Surface courses –Minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in ESU

Product Characteristics Traffic class

Intrinsic Fragmentation LA20 (1)

characteristics Wear MDE15 (1)

of aggregate Polishing PSV50

General grading d/D GC 85/20 GC 85/15
ESU not recommended
Manufacturing Grading tolerance, G20/15 G20/15
characteristics intermediate sieve
of aggregate Cleanness f1 f1
Flakiness FI20 FI20
Angularity % of broken surfaces C95/1
of chippings

If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics
may be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545). For example :
- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17

Table 18 – Binder courses – Minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EB-BBA, EB-BBSG, EB-BBME and

Product Characteristics Traffic class

Intrinsic Fragmentation LA30 (1)
LA25 (1)

characteristics Wear MDE25 (1)

MDE20 (1)

of aggregate
General grading d/D GC 85/20

Manufacturing Grading tolerance, G20/15 or G25/15

characteristics intermediate sieve
EB-BBA of aggregate Cleanness f1
EB-BBSG Flakiness not recommended FI25
EB-BBME Manufacturing General grading d/D GF85 or GA85
EB-BBM characteristics Grading tolerance,
of sands intermediate GTC10
and gravels sieve

Quality of fines MBF10

Fines et fillers Porosity of fillers V28/38
δRBTT of fillers δR&B 8/16

(1) If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics may

be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545). For example :

- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17

26 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 19 – Base courses – Minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EB-GB and EB-EME

Product Characteristics Traffic class

Intrinsic Fragmentation LA30 (1) LA25 (1)
characteristics Wear MDE25 (1) MDE20 (1)
of aggregate
General grading d/D GC 85/20

Manufacturing Grading tolerance, G25/15

characteristics intermediate sieve
of aggregate Cleanness f1
EB-GB Flakiness not FI25
EB-EME Manufacturing General grading d/D recommended GF85 or GA85
of sands Grading tolerance, GTC10
and gravels intermediate sieve

Quality of fines MBF10

Fines and fillers Porosity of fillers V28/38
δRBTT of fillers δR&B 8/16

If explicitly justified by the contractual documentation, a maximum compensation of 5 points between the LA and MDE characteristics
may be applied (article 8.1 of French standard XP P 18 545). For example :
- an aggregate with LA = 25 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has MDE = 10
- an aggregate with MDE = 20 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 15
an aggregate with MDE = 18 is deemed to comply with [LA20 MDE15] if it has LA = 17

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 27

3.1.3 aggregates for bituminous mixtures different aggregates for bituminous mixtures in the
mix design of new mixtures according to their com-
The requirements for the description and classification
position and characterization.
of aggregates for bituminous mixtures must as a mini-
mum comply with categories F1, P15 or S70 of Fren-
ch standard NF EN 13 108-8. Table 20 below provides
further information, and specifies the possible uses of

Table 20 - Maximum percentage of aggregates to be used in bituminous mixtures

Bituminous Content TLNS TL2 TL1

Components binder Penetration or RBTT BNS B2 B1
of the Grading GNS G2 G1
bituminous Aggregate Intrinsic
mixture characteristics
Surface course 0% 20 % 0% 20 %
CT1 and
Binder course 0% 30 %
Base 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 %
Surface course 0% 10 % 0% 10 %
CT3 and
Binder course 10 % 20 %
Base 10 % 20 % 40 %
Surface course 0% 0% 0% 10 %
CT5 Binder course 0% 10 % 0% 10 %
Base 0% 20 % 0% 20 %

Comment :The polishing resistance characteristics of aggregates for bituminous mixtures correspond to those for
new aggregates.

28 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

3.2 –Bituminous binders
French product standards allow the designer a wide The additives are injected during the mixing stage of
choice of binders  : pure bitumen, polymer-modified the manufacture of the bituminous mixture.
bitumen, or bitumen to which an additive has been o Polymer-modified bitumens (PMBs)
added in the factory, guaranteeing the result by means The standard governing the specification for this kind
of : of bitumen is NF EN 14 023
- the actual behaviour of the material after one year’s These bitumens are mainly used for mixtures applied
service, for surface dressings and slurry seals, in thin or very thin layers for surface courses, and for
surface dressings, when the requirement is for :
- observance of the specifications of the type-testing
sample, for hot-applied mixtures. - an improvement in mechanical performance, in
terms of
These recommendations alone cannot guarantee a - elasticity and flexibility
durable result. No type-testing procedure for a bitumi-
- greater resistance to rutting
nous mixture can make it possible to forecast accura-
tely how a mixture, once applied, will age, or hence - reduced sensitivity to surface ripping and shearing
how long its life will be. It is therefore very important efforts,
that designers think carefully about the choice of the - greater resistance to hydrocarbons
binder they intend to propose, bearing in mind that - enhanced durability (due to the thicker coating of
this choice has a considerable influence on the cost of binder), with properties unchanged (resistance to rut-
the techniques employed. ting, macrotexture maintained, etc.)
- greater surface cohesion
3.2.1 - Types of binders
- reduced sensitivity to high and low temperatures.
The binders for bituminous mixtures currently avai-
lable on the market are : These binders are also recommended for tack coats
applied to thin or very thin layers of coated materials,
o “Traditional” pure bitumens
and for taxiways where tangential (shearing) stresses
These comply with French standard NF EN 12  591 are considerable.
and are classified according to the penetration test at
The quantity of polymers in the mixture varies accor-
25°C. Suitable binders range from Class 20/30 (the
ding to the use for which the pavement is designed.
hardest) to Class 160/220 (the least hard).
These binders can be divided into two categories, defi-
o “Hard” bitumens
ned as “slightly modified” or “strongly modified”.
These binders comply with the NF EN 12  591 stan-
The classification criterion for distinguishing between
dard, and are classified according to the penetration test
a “slightly modified” and a “strongly modified” binder
at 25°C. Two classes are widely used : Class 10/20 and
is the plasticity interval, i.e. the difference between the
Class 15/25.
ring-and-ball test softening point temperature (standard
o “Multigrade” bitumens
NF EN 1427) and the breaking-point temperature
They are pure bitumens whose thermal sensitivity has (standard NF EN 12 593).
been lowered by means of a special treatment during - for a “slightly modified” binder, the plasticity inter-
their manufacture. Multigrade binders were developed val lies between 65°C and 75°C
to combat the occurrence of rutting in road pavements;
- for a “strongly modified” binder, the interval exceeds
the most widely used class is 35/50. There also exists
a Class 20/30, but the use of these products is rarely
justified for airport pavements.. Modification of the binder is not significant below
o Bitumens “with additives”
For use in an airport pavement, the essential mini-
These binders are not considered to be modified bin-
mum requirements are PMB 45/80-601 or PMB
The additives concerned are employed essentially in
order to improve resistance to rutting, and even to
increase resistance to fatigue, when fibres are added.
The first term (45/80) expresses penetration and the second (60)
the ring-and-ball softening test temperature.

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 29

Further technical requirements to be satisfied are : according to the roughness and/or porosity of the sub-
- an elastic recovery equal to or greater than 70, at 25°C, strate.
- a plasticity interval of between 65 et 75 (“slightly It should be noted that there are on the market, along-
modified”) or equal to or greater than 75 (“strongly side the traditional products, so-called “clean” products
modified”). which avoid the soiling of the pavement by passing
o Recycled binders
heavy goods vehicles.
- Anti-aviation-fuel mixtures.»
These are significantly more fluid than the bitumens
traditionally used in bituminous mixtures. Their This type of mixture is usually applied on parking
consistency and composition are suited to the objecti- areas. The binder used is a modified binder to which an
ve pursued, so that the mixture of recycled and new additive may be added to improve resistance to pun-
binders will have the same properties as a new binder. ching.
o Other uses of binders
- Slurry seals 3.2.2 - Recommendations for use
These are manufactured from cationic emulsions with Type testing does not take account of the ageing of a
a slow break rate. The basic binder is either a fairly bituminous mixture over the life of the pavement.
soft pure bitumen (generally 70/100),or a bitumen Therefore, the specifier will want to consider both
modified by adding polymers (very similar to the poly- minimum performance characteristics when the pave-
mer-modified bitumens used in hot-applied mixtures) ment is new (type testing) and the desired durability of
or a pure bitumen with added latex (bi-phase emul- the pavement. For example, the use of too hard bitu-
sion). Polymers, or the bi-phase emulsion with added men on a site where ageing is likely to be rapid, and
latex are added at the liquid stage, rather than being pre- where there exist heavy thermal constraints, will result
mixed with hot bitumen. in much higher long-term maintenance costs compa-
- Surface dressings red with the use of polymer-modified bitumen, despi-
te the higher application costs of the latter.
These are made with cationic emulsions with a high
break rate, in which the basic binder is very similar to Given the above, it seems undesirable to allow the
that of slurry seals, or they may be fluxed bitumens in contractor free choice of type and class of binder in the
which the basic binder is mixed with a more or less context of an RFQ. This choice should be guided by
volatile flux. the criteria discussed below.
- Tack coats o binders for pavement bases

Tack coats usually consist of a cationic bituminous The rule is to use pure bitumens with additives, or
emulsion with a high break rate and a high residual polymer-modified bitumens. For EB-GB, the bitu-
bitumen content (> 60 %). mens are usually of Class 35/50, or even in some
cases of Class 50/70.
The binder is either a pure bitumen, or a polymer-
modified bitumen, or a bi-phase emulsion with latex For EB-EME, the bitumens used are usually of Class
added at the aqueous stage of the emulsion. 20/30, 15/25 or 10/20. .
Tack coats based on modified bitumens (polymers or o binders for binder courses

latex emulsions) are used in areas subjected to signifi- These courses are not particularly subject to ageing,
cant tangential (shearing) stresses, such as turning and consequently the products used may contain a hard
areas, runway entrances and thresholds, and, to a lesser binder if resistance to rutting requires this, and if the
extent, parking areas. temperature range experienced by the site is moderate.
Bitumen dosage should be, as a minimum, 250g/m² EB-BBME is formulated with 20/30 bitumens. Use of
of residual bitumen for all bituminous concretes, a harder binder (10/20) is not usually justified, and
except for BBTM, for which minimum dosage should using a 35/50 bitumen often leads to less rigidity than
be 300g/m². In the case of mixtures for thin layers is required for this type of material.
(EB-BBM and BBTM), bitumen dosage will be set EB-BBM and EB-BBSG are generally formulated with

30 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

pure 35/50 or 50/70  bitumen, and when the level of emulsion or bi-phase bitumen emulsion with added
rutting resistance requires it, a multigrade 35/50 bitu- latex. The use of an EB-BBA with discontinuous gra-
men or a 35/50 with an additive such as cable scrap ding on heavy traffic pavements can in certain cases
can be used necessitate the use of a polymer-modified bitumen to
o binders for surface courses reduce the incidence of ageing of the binder, and thus
Surface courses must be simultaneously resistant to to prolong the life of the mixture.
rutting, shearing and ageing. The level of rutting resis- Thick layers ( to 8 cm)
tance being determined at the type testing stage, the In these cases a far wider choice of binders is available
choice of a binder therefore directly affects the other because of the variety of mechanical and climatic
two parameters. stresses which may be encountered.
Ultra-thin layers (< 2cm) In the case of EB-BBA, the binder can be either pure
The products used for these are ESU and ECF, and are 50/70 or 35/50 bitumen, a bitumen with additive, a
suitable for very light traffic only. The binders used are multigrade 35/50 bitumen or a polymer-modified bitu-
either pure bitumen emulsions (for use only in geo- men. The latter is to be preferred in the case of pave-
graphical areas where pavements are not subject to ments subjected simultaneously to intense shearing
excessive ageing, because their temperature amplitude and ageing stresses.
is small), or polymer-modified bitumen emulsions or For EB-BBME, the choice is limited to pure 20/30
bi-phase bitumen emulsions with added latex, in other bitumen or 35/50 bitumen with additive or, for extre-
cases. me cases, polymer-modified bitumen (intense shearing
Intermediate layers (2 to 4 cm) and ageing).
For these, BBTM, EB-BBM and EB-BBA with dis-
continuous grading are used.
3.2.3 –Choice of binder
Binders are chosen according to the performance they
Courses of this kind are not recommended in areas
achieve in laboratory tests. As a guide, Table 21
where shearing strains are large under heavy traffic
recommends the type and category of binder to be used
conditions. Consequently, these materials should be
according to the type of bituminous mixture selected
formulated with pure bitumen, of Class 50/70 or even
and the performance class required.
Class 70/100. To be on the safe side, the tack coat
should be made using a polymer-modified bitumen

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 31

Table 21 – Choice of binder according to the type of bituminous mixture selected and the performance class required.


slightly strongly
Mixture Class 70/100 50/70 35/50 20/30 or Multigrade*
modified** modified** Anti-K
1 x x x(4)
EB-BBSG 2 x x x(4)
3 x x x x (1) x(2) x(4)
1 x x x(4)
EB-BBA 2 x x x(4)
3 x x x (1) x(2) x(4)
1 x x x(4)
EB-BBME 2 x x(3) x (1) x (1) x(4)
3 x x(3) x (1) x (1) x(4)
BBTM 1 x x x
2 x x
1 x x
EB-BBM 2 x x
3 x x x (1)
1 x x
EB-GB 2 x x
3 x
1 x
2 x
EB-SAF*** x

* binder with improved sensitivity

** For this selection criterion, see article 3.2.1 "polymer-modified bitumens (PMBs)"
*** Anti-crack sand
(1) : in surface course
(2) : if NS 4 and in surface course
(3) : avoid 10/12 in surface course
(4) : if anti-crack performance is required

32 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

4 – Characteristics in the laboratory

4.1 – Type testing

Type testing is carried out in order to prove that the dance with standard NF EN13  108-20; verification of
mix design complies with the relevant specifications the formula is carried out in the laboratory using mate-
of the product standard. It must be carried out in accor- rials from the site.

4.2 –Mix design levels

In line with the European approach, 5 levels of mix test, rutting test, modulus test and fatigue test.
design have been defined in France, known as levels 0 The mix design level of a bituminous mixture depends
to 4. on the course of the pavement for which it is to be
o Level 0  : this consists in drawing a grading curve used (surface course, binder course or base) and the
and determining a binder content. This level may be level of stress to which the pavement will be exposed.
required for mixtures used for low-traffic areas of pave- Table 22 below defines mix design levels as a function
ments (hard shoulders, for example). of these two criteria.
o Level 1 : gyratory shear press test and water-resistan- When choosing whether to use earlier test results or to
ce test carry out a new test, the scope of the project, its volu-
o Level 2  : gyratory shear press test, water-resistance me, the age and representativeness of the earlier test
test and rutting test must be taken into consideration. A test result should
o Level 3  : gyratory shear press test, water-resistance
be not older than 5 years for stress levels NS1 and
test, rutting test and modulus test (not relevant for EB- NS2, and not older than 2 years for stress levels NS3
BBM et BBTM) and NS4.
o Level 4  : gyratory shear press test, water-resistance

Table 22 - Mix design levels according to stress


Area of airport 1 2 * *
Main part 1 1 2 2
1 4 4
Turning area 1 2 3 3
Runways 3 4 4
Exit 1 2 3 3
1 4 4
Threshold 1 2 3 3
1 4 4
Main part 1 2 3 3
Taxiways 1 4 4
Intersections 1 2 3 3
3 4 4
1 2 2 2+P
Apron or holding area **
1 4 4

* Structure made of hydraulic concrete or porous asphalt Surface courses

** See definitions given in Chapter 1
P : Resistance to static loads test (see Annex E) Base courses

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 33

4.3 – Characteristics of mixtures
The NF EN 13 108 series of French standards defines racteristics : it is not possible to work with empirical
the formula of a bituminous mixture in terms firstly characteristics and fundamental characteristics at the
of its general characteristics, then its empirical or fun- same time.
damental characteristics, and hence determines two In most cases, specifications are characterized by the
approaches  : the empirical approach and the funda- empirical approach (in all cases, where BBTM and EB-
mental approach. BBM are concerned).
The fundamental approach corresponds to mix design
4.3.1 General characteristics levels 3 or 4. Essentially, it applies to materials used
These are generally grading, the percentage of voids, for structural purposes, such as high-modulus mix-
sensitivity to water and resistance to permanent strains tures, bitumen-bound graded aggregates in the case of
(rut meter test). variants, and high-modulus bituminous concrete.
4.3.2 additional characteristics Tables 29 to 54 in the Annexes present an overview of
o Empirical characteristics  : these are principally the
the performance of bituminous mixtures, comparing
minimum bitumen content of the mixture (expressed cases of mix design by means of the empirical approach
as a percentage of the total mass of the mixture), the and the fundamental approach.
nature of the binder used and the extent of the grading
envelope at characteristic sieve settings.
o Fundamental characteristics  : these are principally
the rigidity modulus and resistance to fatigue
A choice has to be made between these two sets of cha-

34 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

5 –Manufacture and application

5.1 - Production of bituminous mixtures

5.1.1 - Mixing plants mixture must be measured in accordance with French
standard NF EN 12  697-13, and must fall within the
Mixing plant characteristics must comply with one of
limits prescribed in table 23 below.
the French standards NF P 98 728-1 (continuous bitu-
minous mixing plants) or NF P 98 728-2 (disconti- Compliance with these limits guarantees normal beha-
nuous bituminous mixing plants). viour of the binder during coating, and ensures satisfac-
tory compaction, provided of course that weather condi-
5.1.2 - Percentage of recycled tions and the compaction equipment are appropriate.
aggregates Transportation of the mixture from the production
In the case of discontinuous bituminous mixing plant to the application site is carried out using
plants, as in continuous bituminous mixing plants vehicles equipped with a metal body, which must be
which are not equipped with a specific recycling sys- fitted with a tarpaulin to protect the mixture and avoid
tem, recycled aggregates must not represent more than its cooling. However, in particular cases, heat-insula-
15% of the total weight of the mixture. ted bodies may be specified.
The minimum temperatures at which the product may
5.1.3 – Mixing temperature be delivered to the production plant must be documen-
When road bitumen is used, the temperature of the ted and declared by the supplier.

Table 23 - Production temperature of bituminous mixtures according to bitumen grade (NF P 98 150-1)
Grade of pure bitumen Normal production Maximum
temperature (C°)* temperature (C°)*
10/20 – 15/25 160 to 180 190
20/30 160 to 180 190
35/50 150 to 170 190
50/70 140 to 160 180
70/100 140 to 160 180
160/220 130 to 150 170

* For specific binders (modified bitumens, hard bitumen, bitumens with additives), different temperatures may apply. In these cases, they must
be documented and declared by the supplier in the course of normal regulatory product markings. The same applies to techniques enabling
the coating temperature to be reduced (warm mixtures).

5.2.- laying and spreading

5.2.1. - Tack coat
When a layer of bituminous material is applied to a When an ordinary spreader is used, it is important to
pavement for reinforcement or renovation purposes, a set the operating parameters of the device so as to
tack coat is applied to ensure good adhesion to the sub- ensure that spreading of the product is homogeneous
strate. across the pavement profile, avoiding any kind of
For this purpose, the use of binders with polymer addi- streaking effect.
tives is recommended, particularly in areas where tan- In this particular case, and especially when mud or soil
gential stresses are considerable  : turning areas, run- deposits on the tack coat caused by passing vehicle
way exits, touchdown areas and to a lesser extent par- wheels cannot be tolerated, free-standing spreaders can
king areas and taxiways. This method is also recom- only be used if they spread a special emulsion which
mended for all thin and very thin layers whenever traf- does not adhere to vehicle tyres. For the same reasons,
fic exceeds level CT3. the tack coat can be replaced by a single-application
Tack coats must be laid with a mechanical spreading surface dressing, with appropriately calculated quanti-
device; use of a hose is prohibited. The equipment used ties of binder and chippings.
is usually an ordinary spreader, as used for surface dres- Applications of sand or chippings to a tack coat should
sing. Integrated spray bars also exist on continuous be avoided.

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 35

The minimum rate of spread of residual binder is Uni transversal evenness
- 300 g per m² for a BBTM Compliance with the specifications for transversal
- 250 g per m² for other mixtures. evenness (slope, depressions) when the spreading
These rates of spread should be adapted to the condi- width exceeds 5 metres requires guiding the paver by
tion of the substrate. means of two lateral references.

5.2.2 - execution 5.2.4. Guiding the paver using a non-

To guarantee the surface quality objectives of a pave- linked reference
ment, it is important to ensure that construction When a wire is used to guide the paver, particular care
equipment and methods are suited to the constraints of must be taken, especially regarding the spacing of
the project, and that they comply with the construc- brackets, and the pressure of the sensor. As a guide, a
tion rules given below : 4 mm arrow made with the guiding wire results in a
- limit cold joints to the minimum possible, as these rating of 6 for a medium wavelength.
make for notorious weak points in an airport runway It should be noted that the topography of airport areas
- stagger spreading joints and overlaps as far as pos- lends itself particularly well to the use of non-material
sible, by at least 20 centimetres for longitudinal joints reference systems such as lasers and GPS.
and by at least 1 metre in the case of transversal joints
5.2.5 joining a new surface course to
- keep the paver operating at sufficient speed to gua-
rantee an acceptable surface evenness. An operating an existing pavement
speed of less than 2 metres per minute is insufficient Two ways of doing this are possible, according to the
to reach the objectives constraints of the project.
- recommend the use of a continuous feeder to avoid a definitive tapered lane on the old pavement
the effects of the paver stopping at the end of each During reinforcement operations, the join with the
truckload of mixture. existing pavement should be made over a certain dis-
When reinforcing the entire width of a runway, two tance, which will depend on the thickness of the new
methods may be envisaged course and the slope, which must comply with current
- runways with a straight crossfall: movements of the recommendations (1% to 1.5 %). To ensure the conti-
paver should preferably be made in a downward direc- nuity of the surfacing, a cut joint of 4 to 5 cm is dug
tion, from the top edge to the bottom in the mixture of the old pavement, then a layer of
- runways with crossfalls which are symmetrical with bituminous emulsion is laid to bring about perfect
respect to the axis : movements of the paver should be adhesion (see Diagram A).
executed from the centre line towards the edges. Temporary tapered lane
5.2.3 - Paver guiding methods This type of joint is executed whenever air traffic must
be restarted following halting of site operations. The
The methods for guiding the paver must be indicated
joint lies transversally across the pavement, and the
in the particular technical clauses section of the
slope of the joint varies according to the thickness of
contract, and the contractor must state them clearly in
the course applied (see Diagram B for the principle of
his Quality Assurance Plan.
this operation). longitudinal evenness While executing these works, it will be found that gui-
These methods for guiding the paver are determined ding the paver by means of mobile references is the
according to the degree of surface evenness sought. most appropriate method  : the length of the beam
It is particularly important to note that the correction should be at least 1 metre.
of long-wavelength defects generally necessitates the
application of very thick layers of material.
To find the paver guiding method which best fits the
works envisaged, the specifier should refer to French
standard NF P 98 150-1 and Circular No. 2000-36 of
22 May 2000 on the longitudinal evenness of new sur-
face courses.

36 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

4 to 5 cm
3 to 1.5
Slope 1

1 New mixture
2 Old surface
3 Adhesive

Diagram A – Definitive tapered lane on the old pavement, executed with a bituminous mixture

1 ‚

0.75 L
1 Groove
‚ Adhesive
ƒ Slope p measured relative to the existing runway surface
- 0.5 % ≤ p ≤ 1 % for h ≥ 5 cm
- p ≤ 0.5 % for h > 5 cm

Diagram B –Temporary tapered lane executed with a bituminous mixture

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 37

5.3 - laying - Compaction
5.3.1 Compaction The distance between two pavers must never be grea-
ter than 20 metres. This method is recommended only
Compaction of a bituminous mixture on an airport
if it does not prejudice the overall economics of the
pavement is very similar to the same operation on a
road construction site. The only difference is that par-
ticular care is needed for compaction of the edges of the 5.3.3. line validation
wearing course lanes.
This expression refers to all operations intended to
5.3.2 execution of longitudinal joints ensure that the equipment and methods used enable the
intended characteristics to be attained.
The designer should refer to standard NF P 98  150-1
for the definition of execution methods according to Verification and reference areas  form part of the line
the composition of the spreading equipment. validation system, and determine compaction
Obtaining satisfactory results in longitudinal joints
(between two spread lanes) depends on the execution Use of reference areas is especially recommended in the
method selected. Sawing is prohibited, as this would case of projects in which application of a given pro-
cause too rapid opening of the joint. So is the use of duct lasts more than one week
"joint warmers" which are sometimes fitted to pavers;
these are not very effective.
To remedy problems of this type, the mixture can be
applied using two pavers or more, working in parallel.

38 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

6 – on-site characteristics– Verification

The project manager’s monitoring and progress-cha- to verify that the characteristics prescribed in the tech-
sing role in on-site operations includes constantly nical clauses of the contract are indeed being observed.
verifying that the work is being carried out according This verification mission concerns the following
to the requirements of the project owner. This applies points in particular :
to each phase of the works, and particularly to the need

6.1 Supplies
As they are delivered, incoming products such as Additives must comply with a European standard, or a
aggregate, fillers, binders, additives and bituminous European technical approval, or materials specifica-
mixtures are checked and tested, according to the detai- tions which have been proved by past experience to
led procedures laid out in the quality plan, for com- give satisfaction as components for a bituminous
pliance with the requirements of standard NF EN 13 mixture.
108-21 (tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).

6.2 Type testing samples

Documentation concerning type testing samples sup-
plied by the contractor must be approved by the pro-
ject manager (with or without verification tests).

6.3 Production of the bituminous mixture

The project manager must satisfy himself as to the for the conformity of the mixture, and standard NF 98
conformity of the characteristics of the mixture. This 150-1 for on-site checks.
is done with reference to standard NF EN 13 108-21

6.4 application
The nature of airport operations imposes strict requi- ministerial decree on the technical characteristics of
rements on pavement characteristics in terms of skid certain land-based airports used by fixed-wing aircraft
resistance and longitudinal evenness. The width and dated 10 July 2006, and ITAC (Instruction Technique
minimal slope of airport pavements imply very strict sur les Aérodromes Civils, the French technical ins-
altimetric constraints to respect the correct values for tructions for civil airports).
slopes and the depth of depressions in particular. It
should be noted that good skid resistance in rainy 6.4.2 Verification of evenness
conditions can only be achieved by associating the
The evenness of the surface course is verified according
properties of the surfacing with good surface geome-
to standard NF P 98  218-3 and LPC method no. 46.
Ratings are evaluated according to the specifications
Lastly, the width of airport pavements requires a large defined in the information note published by the
number of joints, which are notoriously weak points LCPC and STAC.
of these pavements. Their execution must therefore be
These specifications are defined in Annex F of this
carefully verified.

6.4.1 Geometry 6.4.3 Verification of skid resistance

To satisfy these requirements, several frames of refe-
Two types of in situ test can be carried out to cha-
rence are in force : ICAO Annex 14, the French minis-
racterize skid resistance : measurement of the macro-
terial decree on airport approvals and operating proce-
texture, and measurement of the longitudinal friction
dures of 25 August 2003, Annex 1 of the French

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 39 Macrotexture those indicated in paragraph 3 of Annex 1 of the decree
This is assessed by measuring the average texture on the technical characteristics certain land-based air-
depth according to standard NF EN 13 036-1. The on- ports used by fixed-wing aircraft dated 10 July 2006.
site measurement should be taken as soon as possible When drawing up the technical clauses of the contract,
after application and in any case within two weeks. the designer may suggest other values, as long as these
The minimum acceptable values are shown in Table are not less than those defined in Annex 1 of the
24 below. decree.
In the case of measurements carried out within 3 to 12 longitudinal friction coefficient months, the values to be achieved are those specified
Measurements of the longitudinal friction coefficient for new pavements. For example, in the case of mea-
should be carried out on the surface courses of airport surements carried out with an IMAG (a French skid
pavements as soon as the work has been accepted, and resistance measurement trailer), the following values
within 3 to 12 months of the commissioning of the are acceptable :
pavement (standard NF P 98 150-1). They should be - 0.51 at a speed of 65 km/h
taken at two speeds : 65 km/h and 95 km/h.
- 0.43 at a speed of 95 km/h.
On acceptance of the work, the longitudinal friction
coefficient values measured must be at least equal to

Table 24 – Average texture depth values

Minimum values observed Minimum values required

on site (in mm) by standard NF P 98 150-1 (in mm)
ESU (MCO 2/4) No data 0,6
ECF (0/6) 0,6 -
BBTM 0/6 type 1 0,6 0,7
BBTM 0/10 type 1 0,9 0,9
EB-BBMA 0/10 0,6 0,7
EB-BBMA 0/14 No data 0,7
EB-BBMB 0/10 No data 0,5
EB-BBMB 0/14 No data 0,7
EB-BBMC 0/10 No data 0,5
EB-BBA 0/10C 0,4 0,4
EB-BBA 0/10 D 0,5 on airport ramp or apron
EB-BBA 0/14 C 0,4 and 0.6
EB-BBA 0/14 D 0,6 on runways
EB-BBME 0/10 0,4 0,4
EB-BBME 0/14 0,4 0,5
EB-BBSG 0/10 No data 0,4
EB-BBSG 0/14 No data 0,5

Note : In surface courses of airport pavements, the minimum values required at 90% of control points are :
- 0.6 mm on runways, and
- 0.4 mm on taxiways

40 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009


Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 41

42 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009
annex a : determining the aircraft group of an aircraft
Table 25 below gives for each aircraft and helicopter Group 1 : No value. Includes all light aircraft
type currently in service the "aircraft group" to which weighing less than 5 700 kg and with tyre pressure of
it belongs. less than 0.9 MPa.
If an aircraft is not listed in the table, its group can be
determined by comparing the product of P x R ("num- group 2 : (PxR) < 2
ber of landing wheels in its main landing gear assem- group 3 : 2 ≤ (PxR) < 4,1
bly multiplied by tyre pressure") to the following
values : group 4 : 4,1 ≤ (PxR) < 5,5
group 5 : 5,5 ≤ (PxR)

Table 25 – Definition of the aircraft group of a given aircraft

Maximum Landing No. of wheels Tyre pressure x « Aircraft »

Manufacturer Type Series weight gear on main no. of Group
(kg) tyre pressure landing wheels/main
(MPa) gear landing gear
AIRBUS A 300 600 R 171 400 1,34 4 5,36 group 4
AIRBUS A 300 600 ST BELUGA 156 500 1,24 4 4,96 group 4
AIRBUS A 300 B2 142 900 1,28 4 5,12 group 4
AIRBUS A 300 B4/C4/600 165 900 1,28 4 5,12 group 4
AIRBUS A 310 200 153 900 1,46 4 5,84 group 5
AIRBUS A 310 200 BASIC 139 900 1,30 4 5,20 group 4
AIRBUS A 310 200 C/DEV 142 900 1,33 4 5,32 group 4
AIRBUS A 310 300 164 900 1,29 4 5,16 group 4
AIRBUS A 318 68 400 1,24 2 2,48 group 3
AIRBUS A 319 100 BOG 70 400 1,13 2 2,26 group 3
AIRBUS A 319 100 JUM 75 900 1,38 2 2,76 group 3
AIRBUS A 320 100 68 400 1,28 2 2,56 group 3
AIRBUS A 320 200 BOG 75 900 1,22 2 2,44 group 3
AIRBUS A 320 200 JUM 77 400 1,44 2 2,88 group 3
AIRBUS A 321 100 85 400 1,39 2 2,78 group 3
AIRBUS A 321 200 93 400 1,50 2 3,00 group 3
AIRBUS A 330 200 233 900 1,42 4 5,68 group 5
AIRBUS A 330 300 233 900 1,45 4 5,80 group 5
AIRBUS A 340 200 AILE 275 900 1,42 4 5,68 group 5
AIRBUS A 340 200 FUSEL 275 900 1,09 2 2,18 group 3
AIRBUS A 340 300 AILE 277 400 1,42 4 5,68 group 5
AIRBUS A 340 300 FUSEL 277 400 1,09 2 2,18 group 3
AIRBUS A 340 500 AILE 381 200 1,61 4 6,44 group 5
AIRBUS A 340 500 FUSEL 381 200 1,61 4 6,44 group 5
AIRBUS A 340 600 AILE 381 200 1,61 4 6,44 group 5
AIRBUS A 340 600 FUSEL 381 200 1,61 4 6,44 group 5
AIRBUS A 380 800 AILE 571 000 1,50 4 6,00 group 5
AIRBUS A 380 800 FUSEL 571 000 1,50 6 9,00 group 5
AIRBUS A 380 800 F AILE 602 000 1,50 4 6,00 group 5
AIRBUS A 380 800 F FUSEL 602 000 1,50 6 9,00 group 5
ANTONOV AN-12 61 200 1,20 4 4,80 group 4
ANTONOV AN-124 406 500 1,25 10 12,50 group 5
ANTONOV AN-225 588 400 1,13 14 15,82 group 5

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 43

Maximum Landing No. of wheels Tyre pressure x « Aircraft »
Manufacturer Type Series weight gear on main no. of Group
(kg) tyre pressure landing wheels/main
(MPa) gear landing gear
ATR ATR 42 200 15 750 0,74 2 1,48 group 2
ATR ATR 42 320 16 720 0,75 2 1,50 group 2
ATR ATR 42 500 18 770 0,83 2 1,66 group 2
ATR ATR 72 101/102 20 020 0,79 2 1,58 group 2
ATR ATR 72 201/202/212 21 530 0,79 2 1,58 group 2
ATR ATR 72 212A 22 670 0,84 2 1,68 group 2
ATR ATR 72 500 22 670 0,84 2 1,68 group 2
BOEING B 377 Super Guppy 77 500 1,25 2 2.50 group 3
BOEING B 737 400 68 250 1,28 2 2,56 group 3
BOEING B 737 500 60 800 1,34 2 2,68 group 3
BOEING B 737 600 65 771 1,41 2 2,82 group 3
BOEING B 737 700 70 307 1,41 2 2,82 group 3
BOEING B 737 800 79 243 1,41 2 2,82 group 3
BOEING B 737 900 79 243 1,41 2 2,82 group 3
BOEING B 737 BBJ 77 791 1,41 2 2,82 group 3
BOEING B 737 BBJ2 79 245 1,41 2 2,82 group 3
BOEING B 747 100 SF 334 700 1,60 4 6,40 group 5
BOEING B 747 100/100B 341 500 1,32 4 5,28 group 4
BOEING B 747 100B SR 273 500 1,12 4 4,48 group 4
BOEING B 747 100B 300 341 500 1,32 4 5,28 group 4
BOEING B 747 100B 300 SR 273 500 1,12 4 4,48 group 4
BOEING B 747 200B COMBI 300 379 100 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
BOEING B 747 200B/200B COMBI 379 100 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
BOEING B 747 200B 300 379 100 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
BOEING B 747 200C 379 100 1,38 4 5,52 group 5
BOEING B 747 200F 379 100 1,38 4 5,52 group 5
BOEING B 747 400 397 801 1,38 4 5,52 group 5
BOEING B 747 400 COMBI 397 801 1,38 4 5,52 group 5
BOEING B 747 400 DOMESTIC 278 279 1,03 4 4,12 group 4
BOEING B 747 400 FREIGHTER 397 801 1,38 4 5,52 group 5
BOEING B 747 400ER 414 130 1,57 4 6,28 group 5
BOEING B 747 400ER FREIGHTER 414 130 1,59 4 6,36 group 5
BOEING B 747 SP 318 800 1,41 4 5,64 group 5
BOEING B 757 200 116 100 1,26 4 5,04 group 4
BOEING B 757 200 PF 116 100 1,26 4 5,04 group 4
BOEING B 757 300 122 930 1,38 4 5,52 group 5
BOEING B 767 200 143 800 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
BOEING B 767 200 ER 179 623 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
BOEING B 767 300 159 650 1,25 4 5,00 group 4
BOEING B 767 300 ER 187 334 1,38 4 5,52 group 5
BOEING B 767 300 FREIGHTER 187 334 1,38 4 5,52 group 5
BOEING B 767 400 ER 204 630 1,50 4 6,00 group 5
BOEING B 777 200 243 500 1,25 6 7,50 group 5
BOEING B 777 200 ER 287 800 1,41 6 8,46 group 5
BOEING B 777 200 LR 348 721 1,50 6 9,00 group 5
BOEING B 777 300 300 280 1,48 6 8,88 group 5
BOEING B 777 300 ER 352 441 1,52 6 9,12 group 5
BOEING B 777 300 FREIGHTER 348 721 1,52 6 9,12 group 5
BOMBARDIER BD700 Global 5000 39 894 1,15 2 2,30 group 3
BOMBARDIER BD700 Global express 44 565 1,15 2 2,30 group 3
BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 300 (BD100) 17 671 1,04 2 2,08 group 3
BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 600 18 758 1,53 2 3,06 group 3

44 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Maximum Landing No. of wheels Tyre pressure x « Aircraft »
Manufacturer Type Series weight gear on main no. of. Group
(kg) tyre pressure landing wheels/main
(MPa) gear landing gear
BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 601 20 503 1,42 2 2,84 group 3
BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 604 21 885 1,27 2 2,54 group 3
BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 800, 850 24 154 1,26 2 2,52 group 3
BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 870 35 115 1,05 2 2,10 group 3
BOMBARDIER CHALLENGER 890 38 555 1,16 2 2,32 group 3
BOMBARDIER CRJ 100, 200, 440 24 154 1,26 2 2,52 group 3
BOMBARDIER CRJ 700 35 115 1,05 2 2,10 group 3
BOMBARDIER CRJ 705, 900 38 555 1,16 2 2,32 group 3
BOMBARDIER DASH8 Q100 16 740 0,53 2 1,06 group 2
BOMBARDIER DASH8 Q200 16 556 0,63 2 1,26 group 2
BOMBARDIER DASH8 Q300 19 600 0,70 2 1,40 group 2
BOMBARDIER DASH8 Q400 29 347 1,56 2 3,12 group 3
BRITISH AEROSPACE BAE 146 100 Ser 38 330 0,90 2 1,80 group 2
BRITISH AEROSPACE BAE 146 200 Ser 43 100 1,14 2 2,28 group 3
BRITISH AIRCRAFT BAC 01 nov 400 39 690 0,96 2 1,92 group 2
BRITISH AIRCRAFT BAC 01 nov 475 44 680 0,58 2 1,16 group 2
BRITISH AIRCRAFT BAC 01 nov 500 47 400 1,10 2 2,20 group 3
BRITISH AIRCRAFT BAC 111 47 600 0,90 2 1,80 group 2
CANADAIR CANADAIR CL-44 95 710 1,62 4 6,48 group 5
CONVAIR CONVAIR 880 M 87 700 1,03 4 4,12 group 4
CONVAIR CONVAIR 900 115 670 1,28 4 5,12 group 4
DASSAULT FALCON 20 12 800 0,92 2 1,84 group 2
DASSAULT FALCON 2000 16 300 1,43 2 2,86 group 3
DASSAULT FALCON 50 17 600 1,43 2 2,86 group 3
DASSAULT FALCON 900 20 640 1,30 2 2,60 group 3
DASSAULT FALCON 7X 31 300 1,43 2 2,86 group 3
DEHAVILLAND DHC 7 DASH 7 20 000 0,74 2 1,48 group 2
EMBRAER EMB120 ER 12 070 0,94 2 1,88 group 2
EMBRAER EMB120 RT 11 580 0,83 2 1,66 group 2
EMBRAER EMB135 ER 19 100 0,95 2 1,90 group 2
EMBRAER EMB135 LEGACY (BJ) 22 570 1,13 2 2,26 group 3
EMBRAER EMB135 LR 20 100 1,04 2 2,08 group 3
EMBRAER EMB145 EP 21 090 1,05 2 2,10 group 3
EMBRAER EMB145 ER 20 700 1,03 2 2,06 group 3
EMBRAER EMB145 EU 20 090 1,03 2 2,06 group 3
EMBRAER EMB145 LR/LU/MR 22 100 1,15 2 2,30 group 3
EMBRAER EMB145 MK 20 090 1,08 2 2,16 group 3
EMBRAER EMB145 MP 21 090 1,08 2 2,16 group 3
EMBRAER EMB145 XR 24 200 1,26 2 2,52 group 3
EMBRAER EMB170 LR/SU 37 360 0,97 2 1,94 group 2
EMBRAER EMB170 STD 36 150 0,97 2 1,94 group 2
EMBRAER EMB175 STD/LR 38 950 1,00 2 2,00 group 3
EMBRAER EMB190 LR/AR 51 960 1,08 2 2,16 group 3
EMBRAER EMB190 STD 47 950 1,08 2 2,16 group 3
EMBRAER EMB195 IGW 52 450 1,13 2 2,26 group 3
EMBRAER EMB195 LR 50 950 1,13 2 2,26 group 3
EMBRAER EMB195 STD 48 950 1,13 2 2,26 group 3
EMBRAER ERJ140 KE 20 200 1,02 2 2,04 group 3
EMBRAER ERJ140 KL 21 200 1,08 2 2,16 group 3
FOKKER FOKKER 70 OPT 41 800 0,81 2 1,62 group 2
FOKKER FOKKER 100 OPT 43 320 0,92 2 1,84 group 2
FOKKER FOKKER 100 STD 41 730 0,89 2 1,78 group 2

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 45

Maximum Landing No. of wheels Tyre pressure x « Aircraft »
Manufacturer Type Series weight gear on main no. of Group
(kg) tyre pressure landing wheels/main
(MPa) gear landing gear
FOKKER FOKKER 27 200/500 20 410 0,54 2 1,08 group 2
FOKKER FOKKER F-28 1000 29 480 0,58 2 1,16 group 2
FOKKER FOKKER F-28 2000 29 480 0,70 2 1,40 group 2
FOKKER FOKKER F-28 4000 32 210 0,70 2 1,40 group 2
FOKKER FOKKER F-29 59 780 1,02 2 2,04 group 3
HAWKER SIDDELEY HS 121 2E 65 950 1,09 4 4,36 group 4
HAWKER SIDDELEY HS 121 3 68 270 1,16 4 4,64 group 4
HAWKER SIDDELEY HS 748 21 180 0,65 2 1,30 group 2
HAWKER SIDDELEY TRIDENT 1E 61 160 1,03 4 4,12 group 4
HAWKER SIDDELEY TRIDENT 2E 66 000 1,07 4 4,28 group 4
ILYUSHIN IL 62 166 570 0,93 4 3,72 group 3
ILYUSHIN IL 76 TD 191 500 0,64 8 5,12 group 4
ILYUSHIN IL 78 M 211 000 0,64 8 5,12 group 4
LOCKHEED L 1011 1 195 960 1,24 4 4,96 group 4
LOCKHEED L 1011 100/200 212 290 1,21 4 4,84 group 4
LOCKHEED L 1011 500 225 890 1,27 4 5,08 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-6 PC 46 200 0,90 2 1,80 group 2
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 43 144 245 1,22 4 4,88 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 55 148 781 1,28 4 5,12 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 55F 148 781 1,28 4 5,12 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 61 148 780 1,30 4 5,20 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 61F 150 142 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 62 160 121 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 62F 160 121 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 63 162 389 1,35 4 5,40 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 63F 162 389 1,35 4 5,40 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 71 148 781 1,30 4 5,20 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 71F 150 142 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 72 153 317 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 72F 153 317 1,31 4 5,24 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 73 162 389 1,35 4 5,40 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-8 73F 162 389 1,35 4 5,40 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-9 15 41 504 0,89 2 1,78 group 2
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-9 15F 41 504 0,89 2 1,78 group 2
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-9 21 45 813 0,99 2 1,98 group 2
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-9 32F 49 442 1,07 2 2,14 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-9 33 49 442 1,07 2 2,14 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-9 41 52 163 1,11 2 2,22 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-9 51 55 338 1,19 2 2,38 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-9 80/81 63 958 1,18 2 2,36 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10 10 207 750 1,34 4 5,36 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10 10CF 207 750 1,34 4 5,36 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10 30 AILE 264 445 1,22 4 4,88 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10 30 FUSEL 264 445 1,06 4 4,24 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10 30CF AILE 264 445 1,22 4 4,88 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10 30CF FUSEL 264 445 1,06 4 4,24 group 4

46 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Maximum Landing No. of wheels Tyre pressure x « Aircraft»
Manufacturer Type Series weight gear on main no. of Group
(kg) tyre pressure landing wheels/main
(MPa) gear landing gear
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10 40 AILE 264 445 1,22 4 4,88 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10 40 FUSEL 264 445 1,06 4 4,24 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10 40CF AILE 264 445 1,22 4 4,88 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10 40CF FUSEL 264 445 1,06 4 4,24 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-10 10 207 750 1,07 4 4,28 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-10 30F AILE 264 444 1,21 4 4,84 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-10 30F FUSEL 264 444 1,00 4 4,00 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-11 AILE 287 120 1,42 4 5,68 group 5
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-11 FUSEL 287 120 1,25 4 5,00 group 4
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-80 81 63 958 1,18 2 2,36 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-80 82/88 68 266 1,27 2 2,54 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-80 83 73 028 1,34 2 2,68 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-80 87 68 266 1,27 2 2,54 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-90 30 71 214 1,31 2 2,62 group 3
Mc DONNEL DOUGLAS MD-90 30ER 76 430 1,33 2 2,66 group 3
SAAB SAAB 2000 23 200 1,14 2 2,28 group 3
SAAB SAAB 340 13 290 0,79 2 1,58 group 2
TUPOLEV TU 134 45 200 0,59 4 2,36 group 3
TUPOLEV TU 134 A 47 200 0,59 4 2,36 group 3
TUPOLEV TU 154 90 300 0,79 6 4,74 group 4
TUPOLEV TU 154 A 94 300 0,79 6 4,74 group 4
TUPOLEV TU 154 B 96 300 0,79 6 4,74 group 4
TUPOLEV TU 154 M 100 500 0,79 6 4,74 group 4
AEROSPATIALE-MBB TRANSALL C 160 49 100 0,40 4 1,60 group 2
AEROSPATIALE-MBB TRANSALL C 160 F 51 000 0,40 4 1,60 group 2
AEROSPATIALE-MBB TRANSALL C 160 G - GABRIEL 51 000 0,40 4 1,60 group 2
AEROSPATIALE-MBB TRANSALL C 160 H - ASTARTE 51 000 0,40 4 1,60 group 2
AEROSPATIALE-MBB TRANSALL C 160 NG 51 000 0,40 4 1,60 group 2
AIRBUS A400M 137 000 0,88 6 5,28 group 4
BRITISH AEROSPACE BAE NIMROD 104 500 1,20 4 4,80 group 4
BRITISH AEROSPACE BAE SUPER-VC10 153 000 1,01 4 4,04 group 3
BOEING C17A 265 800 0,95 6 5,70 group 5
BOEING KC135 152 500 1,24 4 4,96 group 4
CASA CN 235 100 16 000 0,80 2 1,60 group 2
CASA CN 235 300 16 700 0,80 2 1,60 group 2
DASSAULT/DORNIER ALPHAJET 7 250 1,40 1 1,40 group 2
DASSAULT MIRAGE 2000 15 200 1,04 1 1,04 group 2
DASSAULT MIRAGE 2000 5F 17 000 1,04 1 1,04 group 2
DASSAULT MIRAGE 2000 B 16 500 1,04 1 1,04 group 2
DASSAULT MIRAGE 2000 C 16 500 1,04 1 1,04 group 2
DASSAULT MIRAGE F1 B 16 200 1,32 1 1,32 group 2
DASSAULT MIRAGE F1 C 15 200 1,32 1 1,32 group 2
DASSAULT MIRAGE F1 CT 16 270 1,32 1 1,32 group 2
DASSAULT MIRAGE III B 11 400 1,32 1 1,32 group 2
DASSAULT MIRAGE III C 11 600 1,32 1 1,32 group 2

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 47

Maximum Pression No. of wheels Tyre pressure x « Aircraft »
Manufacturer Type Série weight pneu on main no. of. Group
(kg) tyre pressure landing wheels/main
(MPa) gear landing gear
DASSAULT MIRAGE III E 13 500 1,32 1 1,32 group 2
DASSAULT MIRAGE IV P 33 800 1,32 1 1,32 group 2
DASSAULT RAFALE 24 600 1,66 1 1,66 group 2
EMBRAER EMB 121 XINGU 5 700 1,40 1 1,40 group 2
EMBRAER EMB 312 TUCANO 3 200 1,40 1 1,40 group 2
LOCKHEED F16 D 17 010 1,97 1 1,97 group 2
LOCKHEED HERCULES C 130 H 79 200 0,54 2 1,08 group 2
LOCKHEED HERCULES C 130 H 30 79 200 0,54 2 1,08 group 2
LOCKHEED HERCULES C 130 L382 70 760 0,74 2 1,48 group 2
LOCKHEED HERCULES C 130 79 380 0,54 2 1,08 group 2
LOCKHEED-MARTIN C5A GALAXY 349 000 0,84 6 5,04 group 4
LOCKHEED-MARTIN ORION P3C 63 500 0,90 2 1,80 group 2
MAURANE-SAULNIER MS-760 PARIS 4 000 0,40 1 0,40 group 2
PANAVIA TORNADO 27 985 1,60 1 1,60 group 2
SEPECAT JAGUAR 15 800 1,60 2 3,20 group 3
SOCATA EPSILON TB 30 1 300 1,40 1 1,40 group 2
PANTHERAS 365/AS 565 4 300 0,86 1 0,86 group 2
AEROSPATIALE DAUPHIN EC 155 4 850 0,86 1 0,86 group 2
AEROSPATIALE PUMA 7 400 0,48 2 0,96 group 2
AEROSPATIALE SUPER FRELON 13 000 0,69 2 1,38 group 2
COUGAR AS 332 L2 9 300 0,90 1 0,90 group 2
COUGAR AS 532 A2 11 200 0,90 1 0,90 group 2
COUGAR AS 532 U2 9 750 0,90 1 0,90 group 2
EHI EHI EH 101 14 600 0,70 1 0,70 group 2
EUROCOPTER NH 90 10 600 0,93 1 0,93 group 2
COUGAR EC 225 10 400 0,90 1 0,90 group 2
COUGAR EC 725 11 000 0,90 1 0,90 group 2
MIL MIL MI 26 56 500 0,60 2 1,20 group 2

48 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

annex B : Climate type of france’s main airports
average of minimum and maximum daily temperatures, by month
(source Météo France) type 1
type 2
Table 26 –Definition of climate type of the main airports situated in metropolitan France type 3
type 4
Weather station Minimum daily temperature Maximum daily temperature Climate
January February July August type
Agen La Garenne 2,8 2,7 27,5 28,2 2
Ajaccio 4,5 4 28 29 2
Alençon 2,1 2,1 23,5 25 1
Amiens Glisy 1,4 1,9 22,9 24,6 1
Aurillac -0,1 -0,7 23,7 24,5 3
Auxerre 1,2 1,5 25,3 26,6 1
Bastia 5,6 5 28,9 29,6 2
Besançon -0,1 0,1 24,6 25,6 3
Biarritz Anglet 5,2 5 23,6 25,1 1
Bordeaux Mérignac 3,9 3,6 26,4 27,8 2
Brest-Guipavas 4,6 4,7 20,4 21,5 1
Châteauroux Déols 1,6 1,7 25,4 26,5 1
Clermont-Ferrand 0,6 0,9 26 26,8 1
Dijon Longvic -0,4 0 25,7 26,4 3
Lannaero 4,3 4,4 20,1 21,4 1
Lille - Lesquin 1,5 2,3 22,5 24 1
Limoges 2 1,8 25,7 26,9 1
Lorient 4,1 4,1 22,3 23,3 1
Lyon Saint-Exupéry 0,9 1,3 26,6 27,3 2
Marseille Marignane 3,8 3,6 30 30,1 2
Megève -5,4 -5,4 9,7 10,2 3
Metz Frescaty -0,5 0,2 24,6 25,7 3
Mont-de-Marsan 1,9 1,9 27,2 28 2
Montpellier 3,7 3,4 28,9 28,9 2
Bâle Mulhouse -1 -0,5 25,1 26,1 3
Nantes 3,4 3,2 24,4 25,7 1
Nevers-Marzy 0,7 0,4 24,9 26,1 1
Nice 5,5 5,8 27,1 28 2
Nîmes-Garons 3,5 3,5 30 29,9 2
Paris-le-Bourget 1,9 2,3 24,5 25,9 1
Perpignan Rivesaltes 4,7 5,3 28,8 29,2 2
Poitiers Biard 2 1,5 25,3 26,5 1
Le Puy en Velay -0,6 -0,4 26,5 27 3
Reims Champagne 0,2 0,9 24 25,1 1
Rennes Saint Jacques 3,5 3,4 24,2 25,2 1
Albi 2,2 2 28,3 28,9 2
Rouen 1,4 1,8 22,3 23,8 1
Strasbourg -0,7 0 25 26,2 3
Tarbes-Ossun 1,3 1,7 24,6 25,5 1
Toulouse-Blagnac 3,2 3,3 27,6 28,2 2
Tours 2,2 2,4 25 26,2 1
Montélimar 2,3 2,5 28,9 29,5 2

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 49

overseas Territories
northern hemisphere

Table 27 –Definition of climate type of the main airports of French overseas territories situated in the northern hemis-

Weather station Minimum daily temperature Maximum daily temperature Climate

January February July August type
Cayenne-Suzini (Guyane) 24,5 25,6 30,7 31,1 4
Fort de France Desaix (Martinique) 22,2 21,9 29,5 30,2 4
Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe) 22,0 21,7 30,8 31,2 4
St Pierre et Miquelon -4,8 -5,6 16,8 18,2 3

Southern hemisphere
Table 28 – Definition of climate type of the main airports of French overseas territories situated in the southern hemis-

Weather station Minimum daily temperature Maximum daily temperature Climate

January February July August type
Dzoudzi - Pamandzi (Mayotte) 30,3 30,4 21,5 20,4 4
Nouméa - La Tontouta 29,3 29,4 17,4 17,2 4
St-Denis-Gillot (La Réunion) 29,7 29,8 17,6 17,3 4
St-Pierre (La Réunion) 30,9 30,3 17,1 17,0 4
Tahiti - Faa'a (Tahiti) 31,1 30,3 21,8 21,6 4

50 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

annex C : definition of requirements for reclaimed
asphalt pavement (Rap)
The requirements for describing and classifying reclai- The category of maximum size is 35 AE 0/D, where
med asphalt pavements are those given in French stan- D is less than the diameter of the reclaimed particle.
dard NF EN 13 108-8. Specifications for reclaimed asphalt pavements must
Reclaimed asphalt pavement is designated by the comply as a minimum with categories F1, P15 or
abbreviation AE, preceded by the diameter of the aggre- S70.
gate and followed by the diameter of the particle when

o Reclaimed asphalt may be categorized according to

its average binder content :

Binder content Category

≤1% TL1
≤2% TL2
> 2 % or non specified TLNS

o Minimum penetration or maximum ring-and-ball temperature (RBT) for a binder extracted from recycled asphalt
for one sample and for the mean of n samples.
Sampling must be carried out in accordance with French standard EN 932-1

Penetration (1/10 mm) RBT (°C) Frequency of test Category

Minimum=5 and extended ≤ 15 Maximum=77 and extended≤ 8 n1 (*) B1
Minimum =5 Maximum=77 n2 (**) B2
To be declared To be declared Not specified BNS

(*) n1= 1 sample per 1000 tonnes with a minimum of 5 tests

(**) n2= 1 sample per 1000 tonnes with no minimum number of tests

o Grading uniformity (G) of reclaimed asphalt

Passant to 1,4 D Passant to D % passing a 2 mm sieve % passing a 0.063 mm sieve Category

Vsi 99 Li 85 Ls 99 e 10 e 15 e4 G1
Vsi 99 Li 80 Ls 99 e 15 e 20 e6 G2
Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified GNS
Note : The symbols D, Vsi, Li, , s, and e are defined in French standard XP P 18-545.

o Classification of aggregates extracted from reclaimed asphalt in terms of uniformity of their intrinsic characteris-
tics, and their angularity
Category of aggregates according to Frequency of tests Category of aggregate
article 8 of French standard XP P 18-545
Code A or B and code Ang1
or chippings and sand 1 per 2000 tonnes (*) R1
(flow test)
Category C or not characterized Not specified RNS

(*) Declared value, in the case of residues from a single batch (homogeneous, and with D ≤ 31,5 mm).

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 51

annex d : Performance comparisons for bituminous
Performance comparison table – empirical approach
Table 29 – Surfacing – Performance of EB10-BBSG – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60 °C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

No. of gyrations

at 10 gyrations


5 10 28 50 90

EB10-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
* 10 ITSR70 60 NR to to to to to TLmin5,2
class 0 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB10-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
* 10 ITSR70 60 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,2
class 1 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P10 8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB10-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
* 10 ITSR70 60 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,2
class 2 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P7,5 8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB10-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
* 10 ITSR70 60 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,2
class 3 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P5 8 25 38 65 100

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required

52 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 30 – Surfacing – Performance of EB14-BBSG – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60 °C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

No. of gyrations

at 10 gyrations


5 10 28 50 90

EB14-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
* 14 ITSR70 80 NR to to to to to TLmin5,0
class 0 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB14-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
* 14 ITSR70 80 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
class 1 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P10 8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB14-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
* 14 ITSR70 80 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
class 2 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P7,5 8 25 38 65 100
30 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
EB14-BBSG Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
* 14 ITSR70 80 NR (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
class 3 or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P5 8 25 38 65 100

For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 53

Table 31 – Surfacing – Performance of type C EB10-BBA – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations





6 10 35 65 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 to to to - to to
EB10-BBA Vmax 7

NF EN 9 25 45 80100 TLmin5,4
type C * 10 60 NR
13108-1 5 10 32 62 90
class 0 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 42 - 77100
6 10 35 65 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB10-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) 9 25 45 80100 TLmin5,4
type C * 10 60 NR
13108-1 P15 5 10 32 62 90
class 1 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 42 77100
6 10 35 65 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB10-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) 9 25 45 80100 TLmin5,4
type C * 10 60 NR
13108-1 P10 5 10 32 62 90
class 2 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 42 77100
6 10 35 65 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB10-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) 9 25 45 80100 TLmin5,4
type C * 10 60 NR
13108-1 P7,5 5 10 32 62 90
class 3 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 42 77100

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required

54 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 32 –Surfacing – Performance of type C EB14-BBA – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations





6 10 32 54 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 to to to - to to
EB14-BBA Vmax 7

NF EN 9 25 45 69100 TLmin5,2
type C * 14 80 NR
13108-1 5 10 30 50 90
class 0 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 40 - 65100
6 10 32 54 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB14-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) 9 25 42 69100 TLmin5,2
type C * 14 80 NR
13108-1 P15 5 10 30 50 90
class 1 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 40 65100
6 10 32 54 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB14-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) 9 25 42 69100 TLmin5,2
type C * 14 80 NR
13108-1 P10 5 10 30 50 90
class 2 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 40 65100
6 10 32 54 90
Vmin 3
Surface course ITSR80 10 000 cycles to to to - to to
EB14-BBA Vmax 7
NF EN (Vi = 4% Vs = 7 %) 9 25 42 69100 TLmin5,2
type C * 14 80 NR
13108-1 P7,5 5 10 30 50 90
class 3 Vmin 4
Binder course ITSR70 to to to - to to
Vmax 8
8 25 40 65100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21
NR : Not required

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 55

Table 33 –Surfacing – Performance of type D EB10-BBA – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations





type D 6 10 35 4753 90

NF EN Vmin 5
class 0 * ITSR80 40 to to to to to to TLmin5,2
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 NR
(D 4/6) 9 25 45 5763100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 35 4753 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 1 * ITSR80 40 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,2
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 NR
(D 4/6) P15 9 25 45 5763100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 35 4753 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 2 * ITSR80 40 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,2
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 NR
(D 4/6) P10 9 25 45 5763100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 35 4753 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 3 * ITSR80 40 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,2
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 NR
(D 4/6) P7,5 9 25 45 5763100
(D 2/6)
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21
NR : Not required

56 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 34 –Surfacing – Performance of type D EB14-BBA – Empirical approach

General characteristicss Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations





type D 6 10 33 3637 90

NF EN Vmin 5
class 0 * 14 ITSR80 NR to to to to to to TLmin5,0
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 60
(D 4/6) 9 25 43 4647100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 33 3637 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 1 * 14 ITSR80 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,0
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 60 NR
(D 4/6) P15 9 25 43 4647100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 33 3637 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 2 * 14 ITSR80 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,0
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 60 NR
(D 4/6) P10 9 25 43 4647100
(D 2/6)
type D 10 000 cycles 6 10 33 3637 90
Surface NF EN Vmin 5
class 3 * 14 ITSR80 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) to to to to to to TLmin5,0
course 13108-1 Vmax 9 60 NR
(D 4/6) P7,5 9 25 43 4647100
(D 2/6)
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21
NR : Not required

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 57

Table 35 – Surfacing – Performance of type A EB10-BBA – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations


EB10-BBM 5 10 27 30 90

Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
type A * 10 ITSR70 40 NR to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
class 0 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 3 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type A * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 11
class 1 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 10 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type A * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax111
class 2 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 30 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type A * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax11
class 3 P10 8 23 37 40 100

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required

Table 36 –Surfacing – Performance of type A EB14-BBM – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Désignation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations



EB14-BBM 5 10 27 30 90

Surface course NF EN Vmin 5

type A * 14 ITSR70 40 NR to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
class 0 8 23 37 40 100
EB14-BBM 3 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type A * 14 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 11
class 1 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB14-BBM 10 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type A * 14 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 11
class 2 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB14-BBM 30 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type A * 14 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 11
class 3 P10 8 23 37 40 100

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required

58 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 37 – Surfacing – Performance of type B EB10-BBA – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations


EB10-BBM 5 10 27 30 90

Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type B * 10 ITSR70 40 NR to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 11
class 0 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 3 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin7
type B * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 12
class 1 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 10 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin7
type B * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 12
class 2 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 30 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin7
type B * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11%) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 12
class 3 P10 8 23 37 40 100

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required

Table 38 – Surfacing – Performance of type B EB14-BBA – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations



EB14-BBM 5 10 27 30 90

Surface course NF EN Vmin 6

type B * 14 ITSR70 40 NR to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 11
class 0 8 23 37 40 100
EB14-BBM 3 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 7
type B * 14 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 12
class 1 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB14-BBM 10 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 7
type B * 14 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 12
class 2 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB14-BBM 30 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 7
type B * 14 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 12
class 3 P10 8 23 37 40 100

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 59

Table 39 –Surfacing – Performance of type C EB10-BBA – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations


EB10-BBM 5 10 27 30 90

Surface course NF EN Vmin 6
type C * 10 ITSR70 40 NR to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 11
class 0 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 3 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 8
type C * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 13
class 1 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 10 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 8
type C * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin5,0
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 13
class 2 P15 8 23 37 40 100
EB10-BBM 30 000 cycles 5 10 27 30 90
Surface course NF EN Vmin 8
type C * 10 ITSR70 40 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin4,8
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 13
class 3 P10 8 23 37 40 100

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required

Table 40 –Surfacing – Performance of BBTM 10 – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations






BBTM 10 4,5 15 27 28 90
NF EN Vmin 10
class A ou B Surface course * 10 ITSR75 25 NR NR to to to - to to TLmin5,0
13108-2 Vmax 17
6,5 25 33 45100
Mechanical stability
BBTM 10 3 000 cycles
4,5 15 27 28 90
NF EN Vmin 10
class A ou B Surface course * 10 ITSR75 25 NR (Vi = 11 % Vs = 14 % to to to - to to TLmin5,0
13108-2 Vmax 17 thickness 5 cm)
Level 2** P15 6,5 25 33 45100
BBTM 10 4 10 15 28 90
NF EN Vmin 18
class B Surface course * 10 ITSR75 25 NR NR to to to - to to TLmin5,0
13108-2 Vmax 25
6 20 25 45100
BBTM 10 Mechanical stability 4 10 15 28 90
NF EN Vmin 18 3 000 cycles
class B Surface course * 10 ITSR75 25 NR (Vi = 11 % Vs = 14 % to to to - to to TLmin5,0
13108-2 Vmax 25 thickness 5 cm)
Level 2** P15 6 20 25 45100

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required
** Level 2 mixture

60 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 41 – Surfacing – Performance of BBTM 6 – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations





7 15 20 25 90
BBTM 6 NF EN Vmin 12
Surface course * 6,3 ITSR75 25 NR NR to to to to - to TLmin5,0
class A 13108-2 Vmax 19
9 25 30 35 100
Mechanical stability
BBTM 6 3 000 cycles
4 10 15 20 90
NF EN Vmin 20
class B Surface course * 6,3 ITSR75 25 NR (Vi = 17 % Vs = 20 % to to to to - to TL
13108-2 Vmax 25 thickness 5 cm)
Level 2** P20 6 20 25 30 100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21
NR : Not required
** Level 2 mixture

Table 42 – Bases courses – Performance of EB14-GB – Empirical approach

General characteristics Empirical characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)
at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations



5 10 28 50 90

Base * 14 ITSR70 Vmax 11 100 NR to to to to to TLmin3,8

class 2 13108-1
8 25 38 65 100
EB14-GB 10 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
class 2 Base * 14 ITSR70 Vmax 11 100 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin3,8
Level 2** P10 8 25 38 65 100
EB14-GB 5 10 28 50 90

class 3 Base * 14 ITSR70 Vmax 10 100 NR to to to to to TLmin4,2

8 25 38 65 100
EB14-GB 10 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
class 3 Base * 14 ITSR70 Vmax 10 100 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin4,2
Level 2** P10 8 25 38 65 100

For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required
** Level 2 mixture

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 61

Table 43 – Bases courses – Performance of EB20-GB – Empirical approach
General characteristics Empirical characteristics
Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting test % scope Minimum
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids at 60°C according binder
(NF EN) method B GSP No. of cycles to sieve content
(by compression) (% voids of sample)

at 10 gyrations
No. of gyrations


EB20-GB 5 10 28 50 90

class 2 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 11 120 NR to to to to to TLmin3,8
8 25 38 65 100
EB20-GB 10 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
class 2 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 11 120 NR (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) to to to to to TLmin3,8
Niv. 2** P10 8 25 38 65 100
EB20-GB 5 10 28 50 90
class 3 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 10 120 NR to to to to to TLmin4,2
8 25 38 65 100
EB20-GB 10 000 cycles 5 10 28 50 90
class 3 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 10 120 NR (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) to to to to to TLmin4,2
Level 2** P10 8 25 38 65 100

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

NR : Not required

62 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Performance comparison table – Fundamental approach
Table 44 – Surfacing – Performance of EB10-BBSG – Fundamental approach

General characteristics Fundamental characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids test test test
(NF EN) method B GSP at 60°C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0.02s or 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles

Nb girations
(% voids of sample)(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)

Class Class Class

EB10-BBSG 30 000 cycles

Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
class 1 * 10 ITSR70 60 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P10 Smin5500 ε6-100
EB10-BBSG 30 000 cycles
Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
class 2 * 10 ITSR70 60 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P7,5 Smin7000 ε6-100
EB10-BBSG 30 000 cycles
Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
class 3 * 10 ITSR70 60 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi =5% Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P5 Smin7000 ε6-100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

Table 45 – Surfacing – Performance of EB14-BBSG – Fundamental approach

General characteristics Fundamental characteristics
Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids test test test
(NF EN) method B GSP at 60°C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0.02s or 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles
No. of gyrations

(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)


Class Class Class

EB14-BBSG 30 000 cycles

Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
class 1 * 14 ITSR70 80 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P10 Smin5500 ε6-100
EB14-BBSG 30 000 cycles
Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
class 2 * 14 ITSR70 80 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P7,5 Smin7000 ε6-100
EB14-BBSG 30 000 cycles
Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
class 3 * 14 ITSR70 80 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P5 Smin7000 ε6-100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 63

Table 46 – Surfacing – Performance of EB10-BBME – Fundamental approach
General characteristics Fundamental characteristics
Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids test test test
(NF EN) method B GSP at 60°C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0.02s or 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles

No. of gyrations
(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)

Class Class Class

EB10-BBME 30 000 cycles

Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
class 1 * 10 ITSR80 60 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P10 Smin9000 ε6-100
EB10-BBME 30 000 cycles
Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
class 2 * 10 ITSR80 60 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P7,5 Smin11000 ε6-100
EB10-BBME 30 000 cycles
Surface course NF EN Vmin 5
class 3 * 10 ITSR80 60 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 10
P5 Smin11000 ε6-100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

Table 47 – Surfacing – Performance of EB14-BBME – Fundamental approach

General characteristics Fundamental characteristics
Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids test test test
(NF EN) method B GSP at 60°C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0,02s ou 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles
No. of gyrations

(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)


Class Class Class

EB14-BBME 30 000 cycles

Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
class 1 * 14 ITSR80 80 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P10 Smin9000 ε6-100
EB14-BBME 30 000 cycles
Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
class 2 * 14 ITSR80 80 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P7,5 Smin11000 ε6-100
EB14-BBME 30 000 cycles
Surface course NF EN Vmin 4
class 3 * 14 ITSR80 80 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
or binder course 13108-1 Vmax 9
P5 Smin11000 ε6-100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

64 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 48 –Surfacing – Performance of type C EB10-BBA – Fundamental approach

General characteristics Fundamental characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids test test test
(NF EN) méthode B GSP at 60°C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0.02s or 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles

No. of gyrations
(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)

Class Class Class

EB10-BBA Surface Vmin 3 10 000 cycles

Type C course NF EN * 10 Vmax 7 60 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
class 1 13108-1 Vmin 4 P15 Smin5500 ε6-130
Binder ITSR70
course Vmax 8
EB10-BBA Surface Vmin 3 10 000 cycles
Type C course NF EN * 10 Vmax 7 60 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
class 2 Binder 13108-1 Vmin 4 P10 Smin5500 ε6-100
course Vmax 8
EB10-BBA Surface Vmin 3 10 000 cycles
Type C course NF EN * 10 Vmax 7 60 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
class 3 Binder 13108-1 Vmin 4 P7,5 Smin7000 ε6-100
course Vmax 8
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

Table 49 – Surfacing – Performance of type C EB14-BBA – Fundamental approach

General characteristics Fundamental characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids test test test
(NF EN) method B GSP at 60°C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0.02s or 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles
No. of gyrations

(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)


Class Class Class

EB14-BBA Surface Vmin 3 10 000 cycles

Type C course NF EN * 14 Vmax 7 80 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
class 1 Binder 13108-1 Vmin 4 P15 Smin5500 ε6-130
course Vmax 8
EB14-BBA Surface Vmin 3 10 000 cycles
Type C course NF EN * 14 Vmax 7 80 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
class 2 Binder 13108-1 Vmin 4 P10 Smin5500 ε6-100
course Vmax 8
EB14-BBA Surface Vmin 3 10 000 cycles
Type C course NF EN * 14 Vmax 7 80 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
class 3 Binder 13108-1 Vmin 4 P7,5 Smin7000 ε6-100
course Vmax 8

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 65

Table 50 – Surfacing – Performance of type D EB10-BBA – Fundamental approach

General characteristics Fundamental characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids test test test
(NF EN) method B GSP at 60°C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0,02s ou 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles

No. of gyrations
(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)

Class Class Class

EB10-BBA 10 000 cycles

NF EN Vmin 5
Type D Surface * 10 ITSR80 40 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
13108-1 Vmax 9
class 1 course P15 Smin5500 ε6-130
EB10-BBA 10 000 cycles
NF EN Vmin 5
Type D Surface * 10 ITSR80 40 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
13108-1 Vmax 9
class 2 course P10 Smin5500 ε6-100
EB10-BBA 10 000 cycles
NF EN Vmin 5
Type D Surface * 10 ITSR80 40 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
13108-1 Vmax 9
class 3 course P7,5 Smin7000 ε6-100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

Table 51 –Surfacing – Performance of type D EB14-BBA – Fundamental approach

General characteristics Fundamental characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids test test test
(NF EN) method B GSP at 60°C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0,02s ou 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles
No. of gyrations

(% voids of sample)(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)


Class Class Class

EB14-BBA 10 000 cycles

NF EN Vmin 5
Type D Surface * 14 ITSR80 60 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
13108-1 Vmax 9
class 1 course P15 Smin5500 ε6-130
EB14-BBA 10 000 cycles
NF EN Vmin 5
Type D Surface * 14 ITSR80 60 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
13108-1 Vmax 9
class 2 course P10 Smin5500 ε6-100
EB14-BBA 10 000 cycles
NF EN Vmin 5
Type D Surface * 14 ITSR80 60 (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %) (Vi = 4 % Vs = 7 %)
13108-1 Vmax 9
class 3 course P7,5 Smin7000 ε6-100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

66 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 52 – Bases courses – Performance of EB14-GB – Fundamental approach

General characteristics Fundamental characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids test test test
(NF EN) method B GSP at 60°C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0,02s ou 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles

No. of gyrations
(% voids of sample)(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)

Class Class Class

EB14-GB 10 000 cycles

class 2 Base * 14 ITSR70 Vmax 11 100 (Vi = 8 % Vs = 11 %) (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %)
P10 Smin9000 ε6-80
EB14-GB 10 000 cycles
class 3 Base * 14 ITSR70 Vmax 10 100 (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %)
P10 Smin9000 ε6-90
EB14-GB 30 000 cycles
class 4 Base * 14 ITSR70 Vmax 9 100 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
P10 Smin11000 ε6-100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

Table 53 –Bases courses – Performance of EB20-GB – Fundamental approach

General characteristics Fundamental characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids test test test
(NF EN) method B GSP at 60°C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0,02s ou 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles
No. of gyrations

(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)


Class Class Class

EB20-GB 10 000 cycles

class 2 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 11 120 (Vi =8% Vs =11%) (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %)
P10 Smin9000 ε6-80
EB20-GB 10 000 cycles
class 3 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 10 120 (Vi =7% Vs =10%) (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %)(Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %)
P10 Smin9000 ε6-90
EB20-GB 30 000 cycles
class 4 Base * 20 ITSR70 Vmax 9 120 (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %) (Vi = 5 % Vs = 8 %)
P10 Smin11000 ε6-100
* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 67

Table 54 – Bases courses – Performance of EB-EME – Fundamental approach

General characteristics Fundamental characteristics

Designation Application Reference Binder D (max) Water sensibility Percentage Rutting Modulus Fatigue
standard grade in mm ITSR (I/C) of voids d’orniérage test test
référence method B GSP to 60 °C at 15°C at 10 °C
(by compression) 0,02s ou 10 Hz 25 Hz flex.2
No. of cycles

No. of gyrations
(% voids of sample) (% voids of sample) (% voids of sample)

Class Class Class

30 000 cycles (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %)

Base * 10 Vmax 10 80 (Vi =7% Vs =10%) Smin14000 ε6-100
class 1 13108-1
30 000 cycles (Vi = 3 % Vs = 6 %) (Vi = 3 % Vs = 6 %)
Base * 10 Vmax 6 80 (Vi = 3 % Vs = 6 %) Smin14000 ε6-130
class 2 13108-1
30 000 cycles (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %)
Base * 14 Vmax 10 100 (Vi =7% Vs =10%) Smin14000 ε6-100
class 1 13108-1
30 000 cycles (Vi = 3 % Vs = 6 %) (Vi = 3 % Vs = 6 %)
Base * 14 Vmax 6 100 (Vi = 3 % Vs = 6 %) Smin14000 ε6-130
class 2 13108-1
30 000 cycles (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %) (Vi = 7 % Vs = 10 %)
Base * 20 Vmax 10 120 (Vi =7% Vs =10%) Smin14000 ε6-100
class 2 13108-1
30 000 cycles (Vi = 3 % Vs = 6 %) (Vi = 3 % Vs = 6 %)
Base * 20 Vmax 6 120 (Vi = 3 % Vs = 6 %) Smin14000 ε6-130
class 1 13108-1

* For binder types and grades, see Table 21

68 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

annex e : Resistance to static loads

The resistance to static loads of a bituminous mixture Punching test

can be characterized by means of one of the two test
According to the operating method described in the
procedures described below.
ANNALES recommendation of the I.T.B.T.P. (French
direct traction modulus test – long technical institute for the building and public works
industry) no. 465 dated June 1988.
load time The test consists in measuring the degree of penetra-
According to French standard NF EN 12 697-26 and tion, over time, at given temperatures and under given
either of the methods DT-CY or DT-PR. The percen- loads, of a punch of a particular diameter into the pro-
tage of voids in the samples tested must comply with duct sample being tested
the product standard, where one exists. If the product The degree of penetration depends on:
standard does not exist, the test should be specified in
- the duration of the test,
the RFQ or in the contractor’s proposal.
- the load applied,
The test is carried out under the following operating
conditions : - the temperature at which the test is carried out.
o Test temperature : + 30°C The values of the latter two parameters are chosen
according to the intended use of the product, and the
o Relative strain amplitude : 200 microdefs
environment in which it is to be used.
o Load duration: 300 seconds.
For example, for a test using a punch with a cross-
The modulus value must be equal to or greater than sectional area of 5 mm², at a pressure of 5 MPa, at
200 MPa temperatures of 20°C, 40°C and 50°C, the penetration
values of Table 55 may be adopted.

Table 55 – Punching test – Penetration values

Test temperature Duration of test Maximum penetration

20 °C 24 h 2 mm
40 °C 24 h 3 mm
50 °C 4h 3 mm

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 69

annex F : Technical note on grouted pervious
bituminous mixtures
Field of application Hydraulic slurry
These products offer strong resistance to static pun- This consists of
ching and the stresses caused by moving loads. They - sands and fines (mineral fillers)
have been used for several years for the aprons of - ordinary cement to French standard NF EN 197-1
industrial sites where mechanical stresses are conside- - type 2 water corresponding to the specification of
rable. French standard NF EN 1008
They may be appropriate solutions for pavements of - additives (resins and polymers) intended to reduce
airport aprons subject to heavy mechanical stresses and shrinkage, and to stabilize the slurry.
chemical attack, especially those where the stress level
The dosage of these components will vary according to
is NS3 or NS4.
the performance desired.
General characteristics
These are manufactured products which have not yet
been the subject of a standard. Bituminous mixture
They consist of a matrix of coated materials, the com- This can be manufactured in all types of plant, either
municating voids of which are filled with a hydraulic in continuous process (to French standard NF 98 728-
slurry. 1) or in discontinuous process (to standard NF 98 728-
The material is laid to an average depth of about 4 cm 2)
to 5 cm. The mixing temperature is between 140°C and 180°C.
Matrix Hydraulic slurry
This is a bituminous mixture with a high void This is produced on site using a mobile cement mixer,
content, with : or in a manufacturing plant for the needs of large jobs.
- grading of 0/10 ou 0/14, continuous or disconti- It is delivered to site either as an anhydrous pre-mix,
nuous or reconstituted.
- aggregates compliant with French standards NF EN Its consistency should be chosen to enable it to fill all
13 043 and XP P 18 545 the communicating voids in the aggregate (fluidity
- low binder content, of the order of 4%. The binder approximately 15 seconds in the Marsh cone test with
used is pure bitumen, 70/100 or 50/70 or 35/50, in a 10 mm tube).
accordance with French standard NF EN 12 591.
- the percentage of voids to be obtained after compac-
tion is between 15 and 25%

70 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

laying To ensure that the slurry sets and hardens correctly,
there must be no walking or placing of anything on
Substrate the finished surface for 24 or 48 hours.
Application of a pervious bituminous mixture requires
a substrate with a high stiffness modulus, of a semi- Trafficking
rigid or bituminous type. In general, this substrate The time before trafficking will depend on site
consists of a cement- or bitumen-bound graded aggre- constraints and conditions. 
gate, or a high-modulus bituminous mixture. After application, the minimum times which must
elapse before trafficking are :
Bituminous mixture
- for light loads (e.g. private cars) 7 days
The minimum spreading temperature is135°C
- for heavy loads, 14 days
Transportation and application of the product must be
Optimum performance is only attained after 28 days.
carried out in accordance with French standard NF P 98
150-1. Propriétés
Using a paver, the product is spread over a perfectly
even surface, in order to achieve as regular a thickness Resistance to aviation fuel
as possible over the entire area (maximum admissible This product offers good resistance to localized attack by
deformation  : 1 cm under a 3-metre rolling straight petroleum products such as aviation fuel and lubricants.
edge). This resistance can be appraised by means of the test
A tack coat should be applied to the substrate before prescribed by French standard NF EN 12 697-43.
the mixture is laid.
Compaction must be carried out using a smooth-
Static punching
wheeled roller. In general, rolling every part of the area It is characterized by excellent resistance to static pun-
four to six times is sufficient. ching.
Before the slurry is applied, no traffic may be allowed To date, no minimum values for this have been deter-
to use the matrix, and it must be protected from sil- mined. The level of resistance depends on the stresses
ting up and pollution of any kind. to which the pavement is exposed.
Resistance to static punching should be measured
Hydraulic slurry according to the punching test described in paragraph
Slurry can only be applied after the bituminous mix- 5.2 of the preceding chapter.
ture has completely cooled. This type of test is carried out by all contractors.
The slurry must be spread as soon as it has been pro- The maximum permitted penetration after the slurry
duced, using a rubber scraper, and its penetration assis- has aged 28 days is less than 1 mm.
ted by the use of a vibrating plate or cylinder until

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 71

annex G – Specifications for longitudinal evenness

of June 2002 – Specifications for longitudinal even-

definition ness
The following specifications concern the evenness of
The evaluation of the quality of evenness is based on
airport pavements in their longitudinal dimension
measuring the longitudinal profile of a pavement
using an LPC measuring device called a longitudinal
Evenness is a geometric criterion which characterizes profile analyser, and quantifying the data within a
all surface defects or irregularities which an aircraft rating system classified by wavelength on a scale from
may encounter while taxiing. 0 (very poor) to 10 (excellent).
Poor evenness can have the following consequences : Determining the ratings requires prior digital analysis
- piloting difficulties as a result of  : vertical accelera- of the signals, filtered according to three wavebands
tion (which may be as much as 2 G) and excessive defined as follows :
vibrations; pitching or yawing phenomena causing the - Short waves : from 0.707 m to 2.828 m
shock absorber pistons to reach their limits of travel,
- Medium waves : from 2.828 m to 11.312 m
and thus bringing about loss of control of the aircraft;
longitudinal resonance, which can make the braking - Long waves : from11.312 m to 45.248 m
system become ineffective, and make lateral control of This method is applicable to all airport pavements,
the aircraft difficult whatever their structure, regardless of whether they are
- aquaplaning phenomena (a problem which can be situated on a civil or military airport, and in the
accentuated by poor evenness leading to dissymmetri- context both of taking delivery of new pavements and
cal braking) of reinforcement or maintenance works.
- fatigue of the aircraft structure (landing gear wear) Measurements
- accelerated local deterioration of the pavement as a When taking these measurements, it should be
result of the imposition of excessive dynamic loads remembered that tests on airport pavements are strict-
- passenger discomfort. ly regulated, for safety reasons related to air traffic.
The main evenness defects can be divided into three These rules are described in the annex to LPC test
categories : method no. 46.
- isolated defects of limited length, the effects of which The test method differentiates between evenness mea-
are most often felt at low speeds, especially on taxi- surements taken on runways and those taken on taxi-
ways. Usually they are easy to identify, and normal ways. In the case of pavements of less than 1000
maintenance activities are sufficient to keep the pave- metres (for example, high-speed taxiways) it is more
ment in good order. important to respect the medium-wave and long-wave
- isolated defects occurring periodically over the pave- requirements.
ment surface and likely to cause resonance phenome- The attention of contractors and airport operators is
na. A typical example is defects in joints every 5 to drawn to the fact that civil engineering structures may
7.5 metres in a rigid pavement, leading to subsidence make it difficult locally to attain the stated require-
of the centre of the slabs. ments. In such cases the sections involved should be
- surface undulation or defects of notable length, more excluded from the study, and a specific study carried
or less periodical, which can generate vertical accelera- out on those sections.
tions or pitching and yawing. It is also important to bear in mind that :
- in the case of the construction of new pavements, the
evaluating the quality of quality of evenness is strongly affected by the even-
longitudinal evenness ness quality of the underlying layers (binder course and
According to French standard NF P 98 218-3 – deter-
- in the case of pavement refurbishments  (reinforce-
mination of the quantifiers of longitudinal evenness
ment or restoration of the surface course) with a single
indexes calculated from profilometer data.
course treatment of 5 cm to 7 cm thickness, it is dif-
The measurements are made according to LPC test ficult to bring about significant improvement in even-
method no. 46 of the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et ness in long-wave areas.
Chaussées (Central Roads and Bridges Laboratory).
The technical solutions offered here must be carefully
Their interpretation, and the evaluation of the test
defined, taking due account of the initial condition of
results, is carried out in accordance with the characte-
the pavement. Consequently, the designer will wish to
ristics set out in the STBA technical information note
adopt the principle that, prior to any renovation work

72 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

on the surface course, evenness should be measured for an excessive number of starts and stops is not
before the work begins. This precaution makes it pos- conducive to the achievement of a good, even surface.
sible to verify the prior state of the pavement, and to When evaluating the longitudinal evenness of a new
avoid dispute after the work is completed, in the event pavement, the specifications shown in Table 56 below
of non-compliant measurements. should be applied.
Project managers and pavement owners should also be
reminded that a sequencing of the work which provides

Table 56 – Specifications for rating the longitudinal evenness of an airport pavement*

New pavements New pavements Pavements after Pavements after

Wavebands L < 2 000 m L < 2 000 m maintenance works maintenance
on several courses works on a
single course
Overall 100 % ≥ 4 100 % ≥ 4 100 % ≥ 4
requirements Short 95 % ≥ 6 95 % ≥ 6 Existing
for all 80 % ≥ 7 80 % ≥ 7 maintained *
ratings of 100 % ≥ 5 100 % ≥ 5 Existing
all profiles 80 % ≥ 8 80 % ≥ 8 maintained *
100 % ≥ 7 100 % ≥ 7 Existing Existing
80 % = 10 90 % = 10 maintained * maintained *
Requirements by 100 % ≥ 6 100 % ≥ 6 Existing
profile 90 % ≥ 7 90 % ≥ 7 maintained *
for the 3 central 100 % ≥ 6 100 % ≥ 6 Existing
pairs 90 % ≥ 8 90 % ≥ 8 maintained *
of profiles 100 % ≥ 8 100 % ≥ 8 Existing Existing
80 % = 10 90 % = 10 maintained * maintained *

* Existing maintained = ̏ average rating after works ≥ average rating before works
and minimum rating after works ≥ minimum rating before works̋
(a)This table applies to the length measured, not the length of the pavement. It should be noted that when taking measurements at a speed of
72 km/h, a non-measured length of 2 x 200 m is necessary before and after the test area,  for the approach before and for braking after the
test, and to stabilize the digital filters.
(b)The term "overall requirements" refers to the method of verifying these specifications. The overall analysis consists in verifying whether
or not the ratings specified for all traces (14 or 18, as described in Module 4 of LPC test method no. 46) are attained.*
(c)The term "requirements by profile" also refers to the method of verifying these specifications. The overall analysis consists in verifying
whether or not the specifications for each of the three central traces considered individually (centre line and +/- 2.50 m, as described in
Module 4 of LPC test method no. 46) are attained. These requirements correspond to particular needs related to the passage of the forward
landing gear of the aircraft (nose wheel) situated under the cockpit.
(d)When 80%., 90% and 95% of the ratings calculated do not result in whole numbers, the score is rounded down if the difference is ½ point
or less, or rounded up if above ½ point.
(e)These specifications are generally applicable in all cases of renovation of a surface course. However, in cases of maintenance work neces-
sitating only one course, and when localized defects are detected during the taking of evenness measurements before maintenance works begin
(short-wave ratings equal to or less than 2), it is necessary to undertake preparatory works such as reshaping or planing to enable these spe-
cifications to be applied.

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 73

annex H : – list of tables

Table 1 : Airport Terminology 9

Table 2: Characteristics and particular features of airport pavements 10
Table 3: Assessment of aggression levels and surface quality characteristics of a pavement 12
Table 4: Products which may be used for airport pavements 14
Table 5: Determining the traffic class 17
Table 6: Definition of types of climate 18
Table 7: Determination of stress levels 19
Table 8: Products which can be used in the construction of airport pavements 19
Table 9: Products that can be used for surface courses 20
Table 10 : Products which can be used for pavement bases 21
Table 11 : Products which may be used for pavement bases 22
Table 12 : Surface courses – minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EB-BBA 23
Table 13 : Surface courses – minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EB-BBSG,
Table 14 : Surface courses – minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in BBTM 24
Table 15 : Surface courses – minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in ECF 25
Table 16 : Surface courses – minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EP 25
Table 17 : Surface courses – minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in ESU 26
Table 18 : Binder courses – minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EB-BBA,
Table 19 : Base courses – minimum characteristics for aggregates to be used in EB-GB
and EB-EME 27
Table 20 : Maximum percentage of aggregates to be used in bituminous mixtures 28
Table 21 : Choice of binder according to the type of bituminous mixture selected and the performance
class required. 32
Table 22 : Mix design according to stress 33
Table 23 : Production temperature of bituminous mixtures according to bitumen grade (NF P 98 150-1) 35
Table 24 : Average texture depth values 40
Table 25 : Definition of the aircraft group of a given aircraft 43
Table 26 : Definition of climate type of the main airports situated in metropolitan France 49

74 Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009

Table 27 : Definition of climate type of the main airports of French overseas territories
situated in the northern hemisphere 50
Table 28 : Definition of climate type of the main airports of French overseas territories
situated in the southern hemisphere 50
Table 29 : Surfacing – Performance of EB10-BBSG – Empirical approach 52
Table 30 : Surfacing – Performance of EB14-BBSG – Empirical approach 53
Table 31 : Surfacing – Performance of type C EB10-BBA – Empirical approach 54
Table 32 : Surfacing – Performance of type C EB14-BBA – Empirical approach 55
Table 33 : Surfacing – Performance of type D EB10-BBA – Empirical approach 56
Table 34 : Surfacing – Performance of type D EB14-BBA – Empirical approach 57
Table 35 : Surfacing – Performance of type A EB10-BBM – Empirical approach 58
Table 36 : Surfacing – Performance of type A EB14-BBM – Empirical approach 58
Table 37 : Surfacing – Performance of type B EB10-BBM – Empirical approach 59
Table 38 : Surfacing – Performance of type B EB14-BBM – Empirical approach 59
Table 39 : Surfacing – Performance of type C EB10-BBM – Empirical approach 60
Table 40 : Surfacing – Performance of BBTM 10 – Empirical approach 60
Table 41 : Surfacing – Performance of BBTM 6 – Empirical approach 61
Table 42 : Bases courses – Performance of EB14-GB – Empirical approach 61
Table 43 : Bases courses – Performance of EB20-GB – Empirical approach 62
Table 44 : Surfacing – Performance of EB10-BBSG – Fundamental approach 63
Table 45 : Surfacing – Performance of EB14-BBSG – Fundamental approach 63
Table 46 : Surfacing – Performance of EB10-BBME – Fundamental approach 64
Table 47 : Surfacing – Performance of EB14-BBME – Fundamental approach 64
Table 48 : Surfacing – Performance of type C EB10-BBA – Fundamental approach 65
Table 49 : Surfacing – Performance of type C EB14-BBA – Fundamental approach 65
Table 50 : Surfacing – Performance of type D EB10-BBA – Fundamental approach 66
Table 51 : Surfacing – Performance of type D EB14-BBA – Fundamental approach 66
Table 52 : Bases courses – Performance of EB14-GB – Fundamental approach 67
Table 53 : Bases courses – Performance of EB20-GB – Fundamental approach 67
Table 54 : Bases courses – Performance of EB-EME – Fundamental approach 68
Table 55 : Punching test – Penetration values 69
Table 56 : Specifications for rating the longitudinal evenness of an airport pavement 73

Guide to the application of standards - STAC 2009 75

Conception : STAC/SINA groupe Documentation et diffusion des connaissances (DDC)
Photo credits : Front cover : © Laboratoire ADP
Inner pages : © Photothèque STAC / DDE 67 - Olivier DESCROIX
Gabrielle VOINOT

© Laboratoire ADP

2nd edition - April 2009

Energy and climate Sustainable development
e sea
Risk prevention Infrastructure, transport and th
s and ho
Resources, land, habitat

the future

Civil aviation technical center

Service technique de l’aviation civile
Site de Toulouse Centre de test de Biscarrosse
31, avenue du Maréchal Leclerc 9, avenue du Docteur Maurice Grynfogel - BP 53735 Centre d’essais de lancement de missiles - BP 38
Tél. 33 (0)1 49 56 80 00 Tél. 33 (0)1 49 56 83 00 Tél. 33 (0)5 58 83 01 73
Fax 33 (0)1 49 56 82 19 Fax 33 (0)1 49 56 83 02 Fax 33 (0)5 58 78 02 02

ISBN 978-2-11-096937-8 33 €

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