Projector Show - Copy 01
Projector Show - Copy 01
Projector Show - Copy 01
Ques 2. Two electric bulbs rated 100W; 220V and 60W; 220V are connected in
parallel to electric mains of 220V . Find the current drawn by the bulbs from the
As we Know P = VI
I. Current in 12 Ω resistor.
II. The difference in the readings of and , if any
Ans :
By ohm’s law :
…….. (1)
Ques 7. The rest position of the needles in a milliammeter and voltmeter , not in use are as shown in figure A . when the
student uses these instrument in his experiment , the readings of the needles are in the positions shown in figure b.
determine the correct value of current and voltages the student should use his calculations.
Ques 9. Compare the power used in 2 Ω resistor in each of the following circuits :
Therefore = 1 + 2 = 3Ω
And =
Now for R= 2Ω
P = 4 X 2 = 8 watt
For Circuit II :
Therefore P=
Now for R = 2 Ω
P= = 8 watt
Ques 10. A bulb is rated 40 W;220V . Find the current drawn by it , when it is
connected to a 220V supply. Also find the resistance , If the given bulb is replaced by
a bulb of rating 25W;220V , will there be any change in the value of current and
resistance ? Justify your answer and determine the change.
Ques 16. An electric lamp of resistance 20 Ω and a conductor of resistance 4 Ω are connected to a 6V battery as shown in
the circuit .Calculate :