Business Partner PDF
Business Partner PDF
Business Partner PDF
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SAP Business Partner
You can activate generic functions for the business partner in this IMG activity.
There are a variety of functions for which you can set the indicator to Active if you want to use them in
your application.
Standard settings
Business Partner
Basic Settings
In the dialog you can assign a business partner role to a business partner in order to specify its function.
You define BP roles in Customizing.
A program can access specific business partner roles for a business partner business partner role category.
You likewise define BP role categories in Customizing.
The business partner view and are defined in the Business Data Toolset (BDT) and are used for
screen control that you can define using the assignment to a BP role in Customizing. Use this, for example,
to control which business partner data should be displayed in the dialog when the relevant role has been
The business partner role grouping allows you to group together several BP roles for selection in the
A program can access specific business partner role groupings using the business partner role grouping
category. You also define the BP role groupings and BP role grouping categories in Customizing.
To ensure that a business partner does not take on certain roles simultaneously, you can group together
several BP roles in a business partner role exclusion group in Customizing.
In Customizing you can also define application transaction to which you assign BP roles and BP role
groupings, and thus specify how you access business partner maintenance.
Make the required settings for business partner roles in the IMG activities.
Define BP Roles
In this IMG activity you define the business partner roles and their attributes.
You also define the role categories with other relevant data.
The BP role categories are stored in a table that has the delivery class E.
Standard settings
BUP001 - BUP002 - BUP003 - BUP004
The following role categories are delivered by SAP:
BUP001 - BUP002 - BUP003 - BUP004
Do not modify these settings.
You should modify these entries only if, for example, you
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Need additional screen sequences for your own role categories
Have defined your own processes that should be programmed on role categories.
You should not, in particular, modify the role categories delivered by SAP because SAP programs may
access them directly.
First make the following settings for the business partner role:
Enter the position in which the role should appear in the dropdown box of the role selection in the
If you do not make an entry for the roles, they are sorted in alphabetical order.
Enter a six-character key for the role category in the customer namespace (Y* und ZÜ*).
Enter a title as the short form and a description as the long form for the text of the role category.
Enter a differentiation type (required entry).
Specify for which business partner categories the role category can apply.
Assign a business transaction to the role category, if necessary, and establish the influence on the
Define BP Role Groupings
In this IMG activity you define the business partner role groupings and their attributes.
Enter a six-character key for the role grouping category in the customer namespace.
Enter a title as the short form and a description as the long form for the text for the role grouping category.
In this IMG activity you define the business partner role exclusion groups and their attributes.
By default, any sequences of roles are possible when BP roles are assigned to a BP.
Define permitted transitions for the BP roles within the role exclusion group.
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In this way you establish which sequence of roles is permitted.
In this IMG activity you define the business partner application transactions. This allows you to establish
the context with which you start business partner maintenance, depending on the required activity and the
assigned business partner roles.
You can assign both BP roles and categories to user-defined transactions, whereas only role categories are
assigned to the transactions defined by SAP (exceptions to this would be the BP roles 000000 and FS0000).
If a BP role category is assigned to an application transaction, then the BP role assigned to this category
and flagged as the standard assignment is selected and maintained when this application transaction is
called up. In addition, all the BP roles assigned to the BP role category are displayed for selection.
You can assign both BP role groupings and BP role grouping categories to user-defined transactions.
Transactions supplied by SAP can only be assigned a role grouping category. When a BP role grouping
category is assigned, the BP role grouping assigned to this category is selected and processed when the
application transaction is called up. This does not lead to the grouping being cancelled in the assigned
individual roles.
Standard settings
BUA2 -
BUI1 -
BUI2 -
BUM1 -
BUP1 -
FS00001 -
2 -
Do not modify these settings.
You should only change these settings if you need other role-specific accesses to BP maintenance.
First choose the transaction code used to call up the application transaction.
Choose the activity for which you want to execute this application transaction.
Choose a business partner role category or a business partner role in which you want to maintain the
business partner when you call up the application transaction, according to the activity.
You can assign a BP role grouping category or a BP role grouping in addition or alternatively to assigning
a BP role category or a BP role.
These activities are not relevant if you are using a SAP CRM system.
In this IMG activity you can define the note views through which you can control the display of note types
in the business partner dialog.
You can assign various text IDs (note types) to a note view.
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You have assigned BUT000 (Business Partner) Text-IDs to the text object.
To define and assign or change the note types (text IDs) for the business partner, proceed as follows:
In the SAP menu choose Tools-> Form Printout -> Administration -> Settings (transaction SE)
Choose Text IDs and then Create, Change or Delete as required.
For more information on the SAPscript tool, see Application Help.
Note view BP for the text object BUT000 with the text IDs 0001 (Correspondence Note) and
0002 (Accounting Note)
In this IMG activity you assign the note views to various BP roles or BP views in order to control the
display of the note types in the dialog.
Depending on the currently selected roles, only those note types are available that are assigned to the
corresponding note view.
If no note view is assigned, then all the text IDs (note types) are displayed that are assigned to the business
partner as text objects.
You have checked under Define BP Roles to which roles the BP view you have selected is assigned.
The defined number ranges are assigned to groupings in the Define groupings and assign number ranges
The standard SAP system contains number ranges for the groupings provided.
For business partners which are transferred from external systems, you define number ranges with external
number assignment.
Standard settings
- 0001 -
Using business partner types, you can show or hide fields in the activity Configure field attributes per
business partner type.
Standard settings
Field Groupings
The field status can be derived by linking the relevant criteria, using certain rules.
Link Rules
Examples of linking:
Examples of linking:
Examples of linking:
In this activity you define which fields at field group level in master record maintenance ( for example
BUPA for SAP Business Partner and BUPR for Business Partner Relationships)
In this activity, depending on the BP role, you define those fields that
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Require an entry (required entry)
Are ready for input (optional entry)
Are displayed ( display ) - Are hidden ( hide ) in master record maintenance.
For each field, this definition is linked to the field status of the other criteria. This link determines the status
that the field assumes for the master data on the input screen.
Bank transactions are made with business partners in various roles. If you want to automate these payment
transactions, you will require at least one set of bank details. In this case, you would define the bank details
for these BP roles as a required entry field.
Standard settings
In this activity, you define, depending on the activity, which fields in master data maintenance
It is only necessary in unusual cases to control the field status with the activity. One example of this might
be if an entry is made in a field during creation and the field may not be changed later.
Standard settings
01 - 02 - 03
In this activity, you define, in dependence on the business partner type, which fields in master record
Standard settings
Entries are supplied by SAP for the following business partner types:
0001 - 0002
Create attributes for the business partner types that you defined.
Screen Configuration
In the activities that follow, you use the Virtual Configuration Tool (VCT) to customize screens and screen
sequences in the SAP GUI using a drag & drop function in the business data toolset ( BDT ).
All screen configurations created using the VCT are release-independent.
To be able to use the VCT, at least a local 4B SAP GUI must be installed. When this SAP GUI is installed,
the VCT is automatically copied and registered on the presentation server. If you do not have one of these
SAP GUIs, contact your system administrator.
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Standard settings
SAP delivers a standard configuration for each BP role, which can be reproduced at any time using the
definition of your own screen configuration.
Configure Screens
For some screen sequence categories you get a selection of the BP roles, or also of the role groupings, for
which you can configure a screen and from which you can select a BP role or role grouping for processing.
Choosing a role activates the screen configurator, and a new window appears in which you configure the
The most important entry and output fields appear in the normal view. They are grouped together in views
(indicated by black frames), which in turn are grouped together in sections (indicated by white
frames). Whereas the view frame is visible only in the screen configurator, the section frame and its
title also appear in the application.
Only the section frames and titles are visible in the layout view. The view frames are not visible.
In the structure view, only view frames (and relevant name of view) and section frames are displayed, not
the entry and output fields.
3. Switching the Overview On or Off
Choose the button Overview On/Off, or Settings -> Overview On/Off in the menu. An overview
appears on the right-hand side of the screen with the tab pages Standard, Configuration and Views.
The tab page Views alphabetically displays all the available views.
A view can appear in several sections or screens. If a view is used once or more, it always has a green
traffic light. If it is no longer used, it has a red traffic light.
The tab page Standard displays the screen sequence defined in the control tables. If a view is no longer
used, it is marked red. This allows you to recognize deviations from the standard screen sequence.
You can add these views with red markings to a section using Drag & Drop.
The tab page Configuration displays the screen sequence you have configured, as it is also displayed in
the dialog.
Using the Help Function during Drag & Drop:
If you want to change the screen layout, you can use a Drag & Drop function which allows you to
move views and sections to individual screens and between different screens. The configuration of
the views and sections is therefore restricted by the default general conditions.
The view (or section) affected by the drag has a dark background. The insertion position of the view
(or section) is marked by a red line.
If you want to obtain an overview of the permitted positions, you can place the cursor on a view (or
a section) and choose the right mouse button. Position the cursor on the help button in the menu bar
during the drag activity. A description of the areas where an insertion is permitted appears.
Choose the button New Screen in the overview to insert a new screen into the screen sequence. Switch
to editing the screen in the screen layout mode.
Choose the pushbutton Delete to remove a screen from the screen sequence.
8. Changing Screen Names:
You can change the names of screens by double clicking to select the screen. An additional window appears
in which you can enter the new name. Choose Continue.
9. Canceling and Transferring:
If you select Screen Configuration -> Transfer, you exit the screen configuration, but the current screen
configuration is still saved. You leave the screen configurator and return to the selection of BP roles.
Here you can select another BP role for screen configuration, or save all current screen configurations
to the database by choosing Save.
If you select Edit -> Cancel, you exit the screen configuration without saving it. You leave the screen
configurator and return to the selection of BP roles. Here you can select another BP role for screen
10. Resetting the SAP Standard Configuration:
Choose Edit -> SAP Standard to load the screen sequence stored in the control tables. The current screen
configuration is lost in this process. You can edit the loaded standard configuration or transfer it
without making changes.
When you choose BP roles you can also reset configured screen sequences to the screen sequence stored
in the control tables by choosing the button Reset Standard
Further notes
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The order of the screen selection buttons in screen layout mode is generally unrelated to the actual screen
sequence that appears in screen sequence mode.
Authorization Management
In this step you define the corresponding values and a name for the field Authorization Group.
You can use this field to control which users are authorized to maintain business partners. Each business
partner can be assigned an authorization group in the dialog.
Using the authorization types you can define flexible authorizations via business partner fields.
The authorizations are maintained using the authorization object B_BUPA_ATT .
In the activity Generate and assign authorizations you can create authorizations for authorization types.
Define new authorization types if necessary, and assign the dynpro fields which should control a
maintenance authorization.
Further notes
For more information on authorization management, see in the developer's manual, the Business Data
Toolset, under Function Overview -> Dialog -> Authorizations (31).
Define Field Groups Relevant to Authorizations
In this activity, you choose those field groups from the existing field groups whose fields can only be
maintained or displayed by individual users.
The necessary authorizations are maintained using the authorization object B_BUPA_FDG.
Further notes
For more information on authorization management, see in the developer's manual, the Business Data
Toolset, under Function Overview -> Dialog -> Authorizations (31).
Note the general documentation for the Profile Generator in the SAP Library. You can find this by
BC - Basis Components -> Computer Center Management System -> Users and Authorizations
-> The Profile Generator
This information is also available in the Implementation Guide by
choosing Basis Components -> System Administration -> Users and Authorizations -> Maintain
Authorizations and Profiles using the Profile Generator
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Address Determination
Define Transactions
In this activity, you maintain address types that you need for certain business transactions.
The address type and the standard address type are relevant for address determination.
Standard settings
In this activity you assign predefined transactions to address types that you have created, for the purpose
of address determination. The transactions are part of the standard delivery, meaning that you cannot
change them.
In the case of business partners with multiple addresses, the system must be able to determine the correct
address for different transactions (such as send order, receive goods).
You have created address types in the Define Address Types activity.
Forms of Address
In this activity you maintain the form of address for business partners.
- 0001 -
0002 -
0003 -
Further notes
For more information, see the IMG of the Address Management under Maintain Forms of Address.
Data Origin
Standard settings
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Identification Numbers
In the dialog you can define any amount of identification numbers as attributes for a business partner.
The ID numbers are classified by the identification types that you define in Customizing. In the dialog you
can define several identification numbers for one type.
Using the identification category a program can determine the identification type that is assigned to the
category in Customizing, and thus access the identification numbers for a business partner. You also define
the categories in Customizing.
Make the required settings for the identification numbers in the IMG activities.
In this IMG activity you define the identification categories on the basis of which you can program.
Carry out this activity only if you want to access the identification type IDs for a business partner using a
program. Assign an identification type for this purpose to the identification category in the following IMG
The identification category is stored in a table with delivery class E. The settings for the identification
category are cross-client. If necessary, you can create your own identification categories.
Should be unambiguous
SAP System
Standard settings
Do not modify the ID categories delivered by SAP because SAP programs them directly.
In this IMG activity you can define identification types, which can be freely set.
Standard settings
If necessary, assign the identification type to the identification category.
You can assign only one identification type to an identification category.
Only set the indicator Propose ID Type if the identification type should be pre-set in the dialog.
Set this indicator only if you always want to assign an identification number for the proposed
identification type in the dialog, since the assignment of an ID is then mandatory.
Assign the relevant business partner categories to the identification type. An ID type is available in the
dialog only for the business partner category that you assigned to the type.
If you have not assigned any business partner categories to an ID type, it is not displayed in the
Tax Numbers
In this IMG activity, you specify which sorts of tax numbers you can enter in business partner master data,
on the Identification tab. The different sorts of tax numbers are known as tax number categories.
Check the standard tax number categories provided, and add any that are missing.
Standard settings
The standard system comes with the most common tax number categories that are used in various countries.
For example, for the United States:
Category Description
US1 Social security number
US2 Employer identification number
Naming Conventions
The standard settings follow a naming convention of two letters and a number:
The two letters are the ISO code of the country that the tax number is used in.
- The number is a sequential number.
The number is important if you replicate business partners to customer or vendor master records in SAP
ECC. The number controls which Tax Number field in the customer or vendor master this tax number is
replicated to.
For example, if you replicate US business partners to SAP ECC, the system replicates tax numbers of the
category US1 to the field Tax Number 1 in the customer or vendor master record, and it replicates tax
numbers of the category US2 to Tax Number 2.
In this IMG activity, you define tax types, business partner tax groups, and product tax groups.
Check the sample tax types and tax groups provided, and define new tax types and groups if you need
The main form of tax on sales in Germany is VAT (value-added tax). This is defined as the
tax type MWST (short for Mehrwertsteuer).
Most companies pay input VAT; some, such as charities, are exempt. So these are represented by two
business partner tax groups, FULL and NONE.
Most products are subject to the full rate of VAT; some, such as basic foodstuffs, are taxed at a reduced
rate; others are not taxed at all. These are represented by product tax groups FULL, HALF, and NONE.
Tax Jurisdictions
In this and the following IMG activities, you make the basic settings required so that the system can
calculate taxes using tax jurisdictions. The settings include:
Defining which countries you want to use tax jurisdiction-based tax calculation in
Configuring the system so that when a clerk creates a business partner master record, it automatically
determines which tax jurisdiction the partner is located in
In these IMG activities, you do not maintain the tax rates for business transactions between different tax
jurisdictions. You do that later on in the IMG, and the activities depend on which tax tool you use
(Transaction Tax Engine or condition-based tax calculation).
If you use non-SAP software, such as Taxware or Vertex, to calculate taxes, you can use the same software
to check the jurisdiction codes when you maintain business partner master data.
In that case, only carry out this IMG activity and those under Using Non-SAP Tax Software.
In this IMG activity, you specify, for each country that uses tax jurisdiction-based tax calculation, how the
tax jurisdiction codes are structured. The code consists of up to four parts, each of which represents a
different administrative level.
For all countries except for Brazil, the structure must be the same as in SAP ECC, if you use it.
Brazil has two tax-raising administrative levels, the state (which can comprise several tax
regions - geographical areas where different tax rates apply) and the city.
In SAP CRM, the tax jurisdiction code is seven characters long. The first three stand for the tax region; the
last four for the city, for example: RS 0001 denotes Porto Alegre, in the tax region Rio Grande do Sul.
Note that the space after the RS counts as the third character of the tax region.
In SAP ECC, the tax jurisdiction only refers to the tax region. Information about the city is read from a
separate field (the City Code field on the Control Data tab). When you download the data to SAP CRM,
the system concatenates the tax region and the city to form the tax jurisdiction code. For example:
SAP ECC: Tax jurisdiction code = Rio Grande do Sul (RS); City = Porto Alegre (0001)
Both the federal government and the provinces have tax-raising powers. The tax jurisdiction codes thus
always start with CA (to represent the federal government) and are followed by a two-letter abbreviation
that denotes the province.
United States
If you use non-SAP tax software for determining tax jurisdiction codes, you must configure the structure
here to match the one used by the tax software.
Otherwise, we recommend that you customize the structure so that the state is identified by its two-letter
abbreviation; the county by a three-digit number, and the city by a four-digit number. For example, the
city of Pittsburgh (0100) in the county of Allegheny (001), Pennsylvania ( PA), has the tax jurisdiction
code PA0010100.
Technical Settings
Define Indicator
In this and the next IMG activity, you make the technical settings needed so that when a sales clerk creates
a business partner master record, the system knows which function module determines the business
partner's tax jurisdiction from its address.
Only carry out these IMG activities if you use SAP software for these purposes.
In this IMG activity, you define an indicator for calculating taxes in a specific country.
Only fill out the + field and the Ex field. In the Ex field, enter a code of your choice ( but not A or V, as
they are reserved for non-SAP tax software). Leave the other fields blank.
For Brazil, for example, you can make the following entry:
Field Enter
+ BR Ex B
Assign Function Module to Indicator
In this IMG activity, you assign the indicator that you defined in the IMG activity Define Indicator to the
function module that determines tax jurisdictions.
Enter data as follows:
Field Enter
Ext. System <The indicator you defined>
Event Jurisdiction Determination
United States)
In these IMG activities, you assign a tax jurisdiction to a region or, if you need to be more specific, a range
of postal codes or an individual postal code.
Only carry out these IMG activities if you use SAP software for these purposes.
In this IMG activity, you specify which tax jurisdiction each region belongs to. For more information, see
the IMG activity Define Structure of Tax Jurisdiction Codes.
If you use SAP ECC, enter the same tax jurisdiction codes as you use there so that data can be transferred
between the two systems correctly.
Brazil Only
If you already use SAP ECC and have maintained the tax jurisdictions there, you can download them to
SAP CRM using the download object DNL_CUST_TXJCD.
For Quebec (Canada); and Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, US):
In this IMG activity, you can specify which tax jurisdiction a postal code (or range of postal codes) belongs
You do not need to enter all postal codes. If, when you maintain a business partner, the partner's postal
code is not assigned to a particular tax jurisdiction, the system proposes the tax jurisdiction that you have
assigned to the region instead.
If you use SAP ECC, enter the same tax jurisdiction codes as you use there so that data can be transferred
between the two systems correctly.
In this IMG activity, you define the RFC destination for third-party tax software, such as Sabrix, Taxware,
or Vertex.
You have installed and configured the tax software, and it is working.
The server program (delivered by the tax software provider) is registered at an SAP gateway using a
program ID, gateway host, and gateway service.
As a user for the SAP work process, you have change authorization for external tax system files.
Create a new RFC destination with the following settings:
In the header, set the connection type to T (Start an External Program via TCP/IP) and press Enter.
On the Technical Settings tab, set the activation type to Registered Server Program.
Fill out the Program ID, Gateway Host, and Gateway Service fields so that they correspond to the
command line arguments that the tax software's RFC server is registered under.
Under the Windows operating system, the RFC server is run as a service using the utility
TaxService.exe, and the command line arguments are supplied via the property file
In this IMG activity, you customize the system so that when it calculates taxes for a particular country, it
calls the non-SAP tax software at the RFC destination that you have specified.
Enter data as follows:
Field Enter
+ < Country >
Ex A for Taxware or S for Sabrix or V for Vertex
Tax Interface Version TAXDOC00
RFC Destination <The destination that you defined>
Business Hours
In this IMG activity you specify which maintenance format should be used to process the goods receiving
and visiting hours of the contact person relationship.
Setting the indicator restricts the type and number of the rules that can be maintained. Thus, no more than
two weekly rules can be edited with the rule editor.
Set the relevant indicator if you plan to carry out data exchange of the goods receiving and visiting hours
for the contact person relationship with external systems.
Status Management
With this activity, you can adjust the general status management to suit your needs. A distinction is made
between the following statuses in the SAP System:
System status
User status
Basic Points regarding Status Management
The following data is stated by SAP in various central customizing tables and cannot be changed:
A first table contains all the statuses that can be given by the system (system status).
A second table contains all business transactions.
A third table assigns one or more system statuses to every business transaction and establishes whether the
system sets or deletes the corresponding system status for the business transaction.
A fourth table establishes for which objects (e.g. order header, order item) which business transactions are
From these assignments you can see which system status is possible for which object, and for which
business transactions they are set or deleted.
You define the user status and document its function in the short or long text. You can create one or more
user statuses in a status profile.
You establish in which sequence the user statuses are run through. This is also established by the status
number. If you do not assign a status number to a user status, this status can always be set. However,
there can only ever be one user status with an active status number. When you assign a status number
to a user status, you have to assign a lowest and highest status number. These limit the status number
interval, from which the following user status can be selected.
Via Object Categories you assign at least one object category to the system profile.
You define the initial status that is activated when the object is created.
Via GoTo -> Business Transaction Control, you establish
Which user status is automatically activated when a business transaction is carried out
Which business transactions are allowed or forbidden when a particular status is active
In the status profile you can define a transaction that is executed by the user status, with the result that one
or more system and/or user statuses can be set or deleted.
Define your user status for the object category Business Partner.
Name Components
Standard settings
The following academic titles are supplied by SAP:
0001 -
Standard settings
0001 -
0001 -
000 -
000 -
For business partners that belong to the category 'natural persons' the name components are stored in
several different fields.
Country-specific rules can be applied to format the name components. If you do not state any specific rule,
the standard setting applies.
DE 01 1 TITLE ( Title )
DE 01 2 NAME_FIRST (First name)
DE 01 3 PREFIX1 ( Prefix ) DE 01 4
NAME_LAST (Last name)
Title: Mr.
First name: Rene
Prefix: van de Last name: Kerkhoff
to create the name "Rene van de Kerkhoff".
According to this rule the full name "Mr. Rene van de Kerkhoff" is used when printing addresses.
For this reason the title (TITLE) would normally be position 1. When the complete name appears, the title
(TITLE) is specifically omitted.
One and the same rule (DE 01 in this case) is therefore used for the composition of a name with a title and
without a title.
Standard settings
Marital Statuses
Standard settings
1- 2
Maintain Occupations
You can create different industry systems, to which you can assign several industries in each case.
You must identify one industry system as the standard industry system. The industry system identified as
the standard industry system is displayed in the dialog in the initial screen for the maintenance of industry
Standard settings
- 0001 -
Further notes
With the help of the function module BUP_INDUSTRYSECTOR_IMPORT you can also import the
industries for an existing industry system from external systems into the SAP system.
For more information, see the documentation for the function module
01 - 02
Standard settings
SAP Business Partner is designed to allow enhancements, because screen structure and screen sequences
are defined in control tables. You can install program logic by using defined interfaces.
You can enhance the business partner by way of attributes, new tables and BP roles. You also have the
option of enhancing the field checks delivered by SAP.
You can find further information about these enhancement options in the Developers' Manual for the
Business Data Toolset (see Application Help -> SAP Business Partner (SAP BP) -> Business Data
This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Business Partner (AP-MD-BP) component.
You can use this BAdI to perform your own checks on payment cards in business partner processing.
Standard settings
After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the
If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:
In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.
Enter your implementation code between the method <Interface Name>~<Name of Method>.
and endmethod. statements.
Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:
Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.
See also
Basic Settings
In this activity, you make the settings for the properties of the Business Partner Relationship Category.
In business partner relationship maintenance, all the business partner relationship categories are provided
for selection in the relationship overview. If you only want to display certain business partner relationship
categories in the selection list, you can hide the other business partner relationship categories.
However, you can still import hidden business partner relationship categories into the system via direct
input or BAPIs.
You can replace the standard titles as well as the standard names of the business partner relationship
categories with your customer-defined names.
In addition, you can also define where the relevant business partner relationship category is to appear in
the selection list, and thereby determine the order of the relationship category-specific tab pages in the
business partner relationship maintenance.
Standard settings
BUR001 -
R002 -
R003 -
R004 -
R006 -
R010 -
R011 -
R013 -
R020 -
R021 -
R022 -
R023 -
R024 -
If the business partner relationship category should not appear in the selection list, set the indicator Hide.
If you want to give the business partner relationship category a different title to the standard title, enter the
required Customer Title.
If you have assigned a customer title for the business partner relationship category, enter the appropriate
Customer Names for each direction of the business partner relationship category.
Establish at which position in the selection list the business partner relationship category should
appear. This also determines the sequence of the relationship category-specific tab pages in the BP
relationship maintenance. Example
In this activity you maintain the relationship types for business partner relationships.
Further notes
At present the relationship categories supplied by SAP are not split further into relationship types.
Nevertheless you can use relationship types to make a subdivision of the relationship categories you have
defined yourself.
Assign Layout Groups to Relationship Categories
In this IMG activity you establish custom layout groups (logical groups for layouts) and assign these layout
groups to the relationship categories.
In the case of the relationship overview in the dialog, you adapt the list view to suit your requirements via
the SAP List Viewer (ALV) and save these settings as a layout. In this way you establish a layout for each
relationship category in Customizing that can be used for displaying the relationships. All the relationship
categories with the same layout group use the same layout.
Within a layout group you can store several layouts in the dialog, whereby one layout is set as the default
layout. This standard layout is used when you call up the relationship display for all relationship categories
with the same layout group.
If several relationship categories have the same layout group and you change the layout for one of these
relationship categories, then this change applies to all other relationship categories with this layout group.
If a layout exists as a default layout or if a layout that has already been saved is selected for a logical layout
group, then this is used by the system in the dialog.
If this is not the case, the system displays an internally defined layout.
The system establishes a layout within the program that has the following attributes:
If you change to another relationship category, all the saved and unsaved settings, with regard to sorting,
filtering and display, are restored by the system for this logical layout group. The saved settings with regard
to column selection and sequence are also restored, but the unsaved ones are not.
Standard settings
Field Groupings
In the following activities you create definitions for the field groupings.
The field status is derived from linking the relevant criteria, which is done using certain rules.
Link Rules
Examples of linking:
Examples of linking:
Criterion 1 Hide Op.Entry
Criterion 2 Op.Entry Display Req.Entry
Examples of linking:
In this activity you define which fields at field group level in master record maintenance ( for example
BUPA for SAP Business Partner and BUPR for Business Partner Relationships)
This definition is linked with the field status of the other criteria. The status of the field in the input screen
for master data is derived from this link.
Standard settings
Further notes
Configure Field Attributes for Each BP Relationship Category
In this activity you define which fields in business partner relationship maintenance
For each field the definition is linked to the field status of other criteria. The result of the linking process
is the status the field assumes in the entry screen.
In this activity you define which fields in business partner role definition maintenance
For each field the definition is linked with the field status of other criteria. The result of the
linking process is the status the field assumed in the entry screen.
In this activity you define those fields that have the following features in master record maintenance,
depending on the activity involved:
Only in exceptional cases is it necessary to control the field status by way of the activity. This might be the
case, for example, if a field is filled with data in a creation activity and should not be altered at any later
stage in a change activity.
Authorization Management
In this IMG activity you choose the field groups from among those available, whose fields may be
maintained or displayed only be individual users.
The authorizations for this are maintained using the authorization object B_BUPR_FDG.
Define Departments
In this activity you maintain the departments for the business partner relationship 'contact person'.
Standard settings
0001 -
000 -
000 -
Define Functions
In this activity you maintain the functions for the business partner relationship 'contact person'.
Standard settings
0001 -
000 -
000 -
In this activity you maintain the authority for the business partner relationship 'contact person'.
Standard settings
1- 2
Define VIP Entries
In this activity you maintain the VIP entries for the business partner relationship 'contact person'.
Standard settings
- 1
You can enhance business partner relationships, since screen layout and screen sequences are defined in
control tables. Also, program logic can be installed by using defined interfaces.
For more information on the enhancement of business partner relationship categories, see BP Relationship
Get more information on extension options in the developer's handbook on the Business Data Toolset (see
Application Help -> SAP Business Partner (SAP BP) -> Business Data Toolset).
This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the component SAP Business Partner: Dialog ( CA-BP-UI ).
With this BAdI you can display additional data (fields) for a relationship in the dialog in the relationship
overview within the list view.
Standard settings
Not filter-dependent
No standard implementation
There can be several active BAdI implementations. All the implementations are called in an unsorted
Extend the structure BURS_JOEL_OVR_EXT by adding the additional fields that you require, using the
append technique.
The structure BURS_JOEL_OVR_EXT is contained in the structure BURS_JOEL_OVR_TC,
which contains all the output fields in the list.
If you want to extend the relationship overview by adding fields from the database tables BUT000, BUT00
or BUT01, you must simply add the fields with the same names from the structure
BURS_JOEL_OVR_EXT. A BAdI implementation is not necessary in this case.
For all other additional data, BAdI BUPR_RELSHP_OVR_EXT should be implemented, as described in
the steps 4 - 12 below:
After you call the IMG activity, the system displays a dialog box where you enter a name for the
If implementations of this Business Add-In have already been created, the system displays them in a dialog
box. You then choose one of them by choosing Create, and continue as follows:
In the dialog box, enter a name for the implementation of the Add-In and choose Create. The system
displays the initial screen for creating Business Add-In implementations.
On this screen, enter a short description for you implementation in the Implementation Short Text field.
If you choose the Interface tab, you will notice that the system has filled in the Name of the Implementing
Class field automatically, by assigning a class name based on the name of your implementation.
Save your entries and assign the Add-In to a package.
To edit a method, double-click its name.
Enter your implementation code between the method <Interface Name>~<Name of Method>.
and endmethod. statements.
Save and activate your code. Navigate back to the Change Implementation screen.
Note: You can also create an implementation for an Add-In and not activate it until later. If you want
to do this, do not carry out the following step:
Choose Activate.
When the application program is executed, the system carries out the code in the method you wrote.
Add the additional fields to the layout of the relationship overview by displaying the relevant columns in
the dialog using the SAP List Viewer ( ALV ).
The system determines the column heading from the field labels of the data element that you have
defined for the relevant field in the structure BURS_JOEL_OVR_EXT. For more information on the
layout, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) in Customizing of the SAP Business Partner under
Assign Layout Groups to Relationship Categories, and also the user documentation for the ALV.
See also
In this IMG activity, you specify which hierarchy categories can be used in the BP group hierarchy.
In the BP group hierarchy, assign each hierarchy tree to a hierarchy category. The hierarchy category
specifies in which function a hierarchy tree is used. You can freely decide on the use, as a hierarchy
category simply has a classifying character.
In the following activities you make definitions for transfer of business partner data or business partner
relationship data from an external system to a SAP System.
Relevant data is read from the external system and placed in a sequential file by the data selection program.
The data structure of the file is defined in the sender structure. This procedure takes place outside of
the SAP environment and is not supported by SAP programs. For this reason, data changes can be
made at this point by the data selection program.
The sequential file is stored on an application server or a presentation server.
The SAP transfer program reads data from the file and places this in the sender structure. This does not
change the data. This step is carried out internally by the system and does not affect the user.
Following transfer rules that have to be defined, the transfer program takes the data from the sender
structure and places it in the receiver structure. During this step you can change or convert data.
The receiver structure is firmly defined in the SAP system. Assignment of the sender structure to the
transfer program, and of the transfer program to the receiver structure is made using a defined transfer
The data records in the receiver structure are processed one after the other and, if they do not contain any
errors, they are saved in the database.
Before you transfer external data for the first time, make the following determinations:
The structure of the data in the external system may not match the structure expected by the SAP system.
You may have to supplement data.
There are two ways in which you can adapt the structure:
You make the required conversions and enhancements within the data selection program prior to beginning
the transfer to the SAP system. This will be the most practical solution in most cases since you have
the most freedom at this point.
You do the conversion using a specially developed transfer program and transfer rules.
You then define the fields of the sender structure. The system offers you the option of automatically
generating a sender structure that is compatible with the receiver structure.
You define transfer rules to create rules according to which the fields of the sender structure are linked
with those of the receiver structure.
You now carry out the transfer.
General Information
Note the following information relating to uploading data. In the documentation for the individual transfer
categories you can find more detailed information, which may, in some cases, differ from the general
When you transfer data to an R/3 system, the following transfer rules apply:
If a field in the sender structure is empty, the system deletes the contents of the corresponding table field.
If the NO DATA indicator (/) is set for a field in the sender structure, the system retains the contents of the
corresponding table field.
If a field in the sender structure is filled, the system overwrites the contents of the corresponding table field
with the contents of the structure field. Example
Structure Field Transfer Table Field before Transfer Table Field after
Example of a H/I structure with a 1:1:N relationship such as for the transfer category
account or loans.
Key: IM = Identification - Master section DM
= Data - Master section
IH = Identification - Header section
DH = Data - Header section
II = Identification - Item section
DI = Data - Item section
|-----------Sender structure-------------------------- |
Ratio/Mode------|------1------|------1------|------N------|Mode |
Header/Item-----|---Master----|---Header----|-----Item----|----------- |
Fields----------|ID. 1 |Data 1|ID. 2 |Data 2|ID. 3 |Data 3 |-----------|
----------------|Insert block
Start block 1---|__IM__|__DM__|______|______|______|______|Insert |
----------------|______|______|__IH__|__DH__|______|______|Insert |
----------------|______|______|______|______|__II__|__DI__|Insert |
----------------|______|______|______|______|__II__|__DI__|Insert |
End block 1-----|______|______|______|______|__II__|__DI__|Insert |
Note: The above example also applies to H/I structures which do not have a 1:1:N relationship but a 1:N
relationship such as securities orders. With a 1:N relationship the 'Master' column would not exist.
Data Formats
Data Delivery
1. Date
You can transfer a date in two formats when transferring Excel files. If necessary, these formats can
be user-defined.
This has to be specified at the beginning of the external data transfer.
When transferring UNIX files, the date must have eight digits:
It is very important that the date format not be checked any further, as this uses up an enormous amount
of resources. Develop your data selection programs with this in mind.
Decimal numbers
Set a decimal point '.' instead of a comma ','.
Leading zeros
The following fields should be transferred in their full length with leading zeros, for example
in SAP Banking: - Security ID number
- Internal transaction number
Fields should be delivered in the format that is used online. Partner data with external number assignment
where the number range is limited by numbers, for example, should be delivered with leading zeros. If the
number range is limited by letters, no leading zeros need to be delivered.
Transfer Categories
For every external data transfer, data of a particular transfer category is transferred. The requirements for
the data to be transferred depend on the corresponding transfer category. The individual documents for
each transfer category point out each one's special requirements, and what you will need to do to ensure a
successful transfer.
BP Data Interface
Structure 'BUS_DI' is defined in the DDIC for transferring business partner data.
This structure contains all general data, address data, address usages and bank details that
belong to a business partner.
'01' = Create BP
'02' = Change BP - '04' = Modify BP
' ' = More data on current BP
For example, if you want to create a partner with two addresses, two data records in the BUS_DI structure
have to be generated.
The first address is found in the first data record, and AKTYP = '01'. In the second data record, AKTYP
must be SPACE. The data for the second address is now transferred here.
The BPEXT field gives you the option of keeping an external partner number (such as a number from the
legacy system) in the SAP system. This allows you to access and change a number that has already been
imported without having to administer the SAP number in the legacy system.
You should bear the following points in mind when creating or changing time-dependent data.
Planned changes made to the central data (substructure BUS000_DI) using the field VALDT are no longer
supported as of ABA 60, and are replaced by a complete business time dependency as of ABA .0.
In this example a validity period from 01.01006 to 312999 is created. The data that serves as a template
for this validity period is transferred on 01.0800. If the field VALID_DATE_CDATA is not filled, the data
valid on the current date is used as the template. In addition, the central data that should be changed is also
delivered in the transfer structure. The business partner for whom an additional validity period should be
created, must already exist on the database.
The dates in alternative validity periods can be changed with the following parameterization:
Field AKTYP VALID_DATE_CDATA Contents 02 01.08006
In this example, the dates that are valid on the 01.08006 are changed. If other validity periods occur in the
future or the past, their data is not implicitly changed as well, but must rather be changed by means of a
separate call on the correct date.
Generally, knowledge of the last version of the validity periods is always necessary during the
parameterization of time-dependent central data in order to obtain the required result.
BP Roles
During data transfer up to 9 BP roles (for one BP) can be created and changed at the same time; i.e. in one
data record. For this purpose the fields ROLE1 to ROLE9 must be filled. However, at least ROLE1 must
be filled.
Make the relevant entries for the roles in the following fields:
Because you can create n addresses for a partner, each address for a partner must have its own key.
Therefore the field ADEXT_ADDR (external address number) must be unique for a business partner.
In the CHIND_ADDR field, you see the type of change to an address. The following values are permitted:
'I' = Insert
'U' = Change
'D' = Delete
The value SY_DATLO (current date) and 312999 are chosen by default for temporal validity. If an alternative
validity should be transferred, the fields ADDR_DATE_FROM and ADDR_DATE_TO must be filled.
Telephone/Fax Numbers
There can be n telephone and fax numbers in an address. The following functions may be used for these numbers:
Address Usages
You can create address usages for each address. The external address number under which the address was created
must be given in the ADEXT_ADVW field. The ADR_KIND field contains the address type to which the address
should be assigned.
There are four possible change types for address usage which are controlled in the CHIND_ADVW field:
'I' = Insert
'U' = Change
'D' = Delete
'M' = Modify (Insert/Change) The field ADR_KIND must be filled with the value XXDEFAULT for the standard
address assignment.
Bank Details
You can create n bank details for a business partner. Each set of bank details for a partner is identified by a unique
key in the BKVID field.
There are four possible change types for bank details which are controlled in the CHIND_BANK field:
'I' = Insert
'U' = Change
'D' = Delete
First data record: general data, first address (with telephone number), first address usage, one set of bank details:
If data from a previous data record should not be overwritten, then set the NO DATA indicator ('/') for the relevant
First data record: general data, address (with telephone number), first address
usage, one set of bank details:
If data from a previous data record should not be overwritten, then set the NO DATA indicator ('/') for the relevant
Contents: Adrext1
If data from a previous data record should not be overwritten, then set the NO DATA indicator ('/') for the relevant
If the partner has been created with an external partner number (BPEXT), you can access the data record to make
changes, as shown in the third example. If an external partner number was not assigned when the partner was
created, you have to access the data record by using the (internal) partner number
Transfer Categories Relationships
Field AKTYP (activity) may assume the following values:
if the relationship/role definition does not exist, it will be created - if the relationship/role
definition does exist, it will be changed.
Fields RLTP1, RLTP2, RLTP3, RLTP4, RLTP, RLTP6, RLTP, RLTP8 and RLTP9 must not be filled with
Fields PARTNER1 bzw. BPEXT1, PARTNER2 bzw. BPEXT2, RELTYP and XRF must be filled each
In fields PARTNER1 and PARTNER2 you can copy the SAP partner numbers. With fields BPEXT1 and
BPEXT2 you have the option of managing an external partner number from a legacy system in the SAP
system. This means that you could access an already imported relationship/role definition, with the
intention of changing it, without having to manage the SAP partner numbers in the external system.
Fields DATE_FROM and DATE_TO must be filled with the existing interval limits of a relationship/role
definition. An exception exists with relationships/role definitions without time-dependency (time
constraint '0' in the corresponding relationship/role definition category). Here, the validity intervals are set
internally to a minimum and maximum system date, to indicate that these relationships/role definitions are
always valid in the system. With time constraint '0', fields DATE_FROM and DATE_TO remain empty.
When you create a relationship/role definition, you must transfer the interval limits in fields
If you want to change the validity interval of a relationship, you must enter new interval limits in fields
DATE_FROM_NEW and DATE_TO_NEW. The contents of these fields is not affected when you create
or delete.
Depending on which time constraint has been assigned to the relationship/role definition category, when
you change a validity interval, other validity intervals of this relationship/role definition will be adapted
automatically. If you intend taking another data record and changing the relationship/role definition in
one of these validity intervals, the new validity intervals will now be regarded as being the existing
intervals and must be entered in fields DATE_FROM and DATE_TO.
If you do not want the field content to be changed when you change a relationship/role definition, you have
two options for transferring data:
The new field content that you have entered is identical to the old one.
Enter the NO DATA flag ('/') followed by space (' ') as the field content. You must set this flag so
that it is clear whether a field content really should just consist of blanks, or whether the field
content should not be changed.
Because you can create an unlimited number of addresses of an organization for a contact person
relationship, each address within a relationship must be responsive to a key. For this purpose, you have
field ADEXT_ADDR (external address number). This field must be unique within a business partner in
the 'Organization' category.
In the CHIND_ADDR field, you see the type of change to an address. The following values are permitted:
Telephone/Fax numbers
With a contact person relationship you can enter a telephone number and a fax number without reference
to an organization address. Enter data in fields TEL_NUMBER, TEL_EXTENS, FAX_NUMBER, and
FAX_EXTENS. The data in these fields is ignored as soon as address of an organization is assigned to the
There may be any number of telephone and fax numbers within an address (assignment between
organization address and person). The functions are the same as with addresses. Enter the values in fields
Always enter the address number.
When you are creating, the number is identified by the two fields TEL_NUM_ADDR and/or
When you are changing and deleting, the number can also be addressed by means of the identificator that
is entered in field TEL_CONSNR or FAX_CONSNR.
You want to change the comments on a telephone number (TEL_REMARK). Identification can take
place by way of the telephone number
You want to change the telephone number itself:
Single step procedure
Identification must take place by way of the identificator (sequential number). Enter the new
number in fields TEL_NUM_ADDR and TEL_EXT_ADDR.
For every sender structure, you need to define the makeup of the records which will be transferred from a
source system into R/3. This depicts the data record structure of the data to be transferred, which includes
the order and technical description of the fields (field category, length, and text). In defining these
structures, you can use existing structures and tables from the ABAP Dictionary (for example, receiver
structures), or define your own sender structure. When using SAP structures and tables please note that
these can change with a new release.
This Customizing function as well as the one for defining the transfer rules are used in various applications
(such as EC-EIS, CO-PA, TR-TM and IS Banking). For each individual application there are several small
differences in the functions, each of which is noted in the application.
Initial screen
On the initial screen you see a table of the sender structures already defined. When you implement R/3,
this may be empty.
Overview screen
The input fields on this screen are divided into three areas:
The upper part contains the input fields for the name (user-defined) of the sender structure to be
defined, and for a short descriptive text.
The middle part differs in the individual applications. It serves, for example, to assign the sender
structure to an object (transfer type, aspect, characteristic, etc.), and also to enter necessary
The lower part shows a table (in EC-EIS, several tables) in which you input the names of structures
which already exist in the ABAP Dictionary, or the names of ones which you wish to define as
new. If you use an existing structure, it has the disadvantage that you cannot change it
subsequently. If you want to define and include a new ABAP dictionary structure, the name
always has to begin with 'RKCT'. You must then add three additional alpha-numeric characters
of your choice. You define the new ABAP Dictionary structure in a detail screen.
Detail screen
In the detail screen you can define a new ABAP Dictionary structure or change one that you defined before.
To define the structure, you can either use a template in this screen, or define the structure yourself. The
system will automatically generate a receiver structure based on the specifications for the object in the
middle part of the previous screen.
If you want to define the sender structure yourself, you have two options. You can either define the sender
fields yourself or use ones from the ABAP Dictionary.
In the first instance, you can choose the name yourself. Then you have to complete the following entries
in the column:
For general information on creating structures see the SAP Library: BC-ABAP Workbench -> BC-ABAP
In order to define a new sender structure, choose Edit -> New entries. The overview screen appears.
Assign a name to the sender structure and provide a short description.
Enter a transfer category and confirm your entry. When you assign a transfer category, the fields in the
receiver structure are set.
If you choose transfer category '1' (finance objects) or '2' (periods), you will be prompted to enter
additional information in the profitability or risk management areas.
In the table in the lower part enter '1' under item. You can ignore the other rows in the table because the
sender structure only uses one ABAP Dictionary structure.
Under Dictionary structure, enter the name of an ABAP Dictionary structure, or a name which conforms
to the naming convention.
To define a new ABAP Dictionary structure, select the row and choose Goto -> Choose. The detail screen
If you want to use the receiver structure as a template for the new ABAP Dictionary structure, choose
Sender structure -> Include template (If you get a deletion message, choose LS>continue). The
fields from the receiver structure will be included.
Save your entries.
Output fields for the log can only be filled with values if the field names of the sender structure match
those or the receiver structure. We therefore recommend that you use the receiver structure as a template
and that you do not change the field names.
You should only define the transfer rules here if you intend to deviate from the standard 1:1 assignment or
if you wish to transfer currency amount fields.
If you do not make any definitions here, then the standard transfer will run, with a 1:1 transfer of fields
from sender to receiver structure. This method has clear performance advantages.
The contents of some fields will be transferred even though they should not be. In this case, you have to
define the transfer rules for the receiver fields which should not be filled with data (which should
remain initial). To do this, you assign the rule "set at initial value" to the relevant receiver fields in
the detail screen (see below). If you do not assign a rule to a receiver field, the system will use the
default assignment of 1:1. Alternatively, you can fill the fields in your sequential file so that they do
not contain any data which is not to be transferred.
No technical conversions will be made (for example, currency translations or decimal place corrections for
currency entries).
As before, no consistency checks are carried out for the sender field values: Are the date values or the
packed numbers plausible? Initial fields must, therefore, be initial to start with. Number, date, or time
fields are always initialized with zeroes.
To summarize: If no transfer rules are defined, then the entire conversion part of the external data transfer
is replaced, from a technical point of view, by move-corresponding instructions from the sender to the
receiver structures. Usually, this will only lead to a correct result if the data has already been specially
prepared for R/3, or if it originates from another R/3 System.
If you use the function Start With File Splitting, in the case of transfer types with header position
structures, the fields that clearly identify the object to be transferred must be taken (with unchanged names)
from the sender structure proposal and delivered with contents. These field names are listed in the
documentation on the transfer types.
If you start the transfer Without File Splitting, these fields must still be delivered but their names may be
changed in the sender structure.
In this activity you define how and which sender structure fields are mapped to the receiver structure fields.
You must define the sender structure before you can determine the transfer rules.
Initial screen
Here you assign the transfer rules to the relevant sender structures. Enter the name of the sender structure
for which you want to define or change the transfer rules. Choose Rules->
Maintain to get to the overview screen Maintain rules for <name of sender structure
Overview screen
The left part shows the fields of the receiver structure, it has a gray background and cannot be changed.
The receiver structure is determined by the details you specified when you defined the sender
The right part shows the fields of the sender structure and other fields for defining the rules.
If the sender structure of the data to be transferred matches the receiver structure, you can have the system
generate an explicit MOVE rule (Rules-> Generate rule proposal). Fields for which no assignment could
be generated appear with a color background.
Otherwise, in the column sender field, you can enter the name of the sender field that you want to assign
to the relevant receiver field.
You can define that a value is only assigned to the receiver field if the sender field value contains a specific
value that you define. Make the required entries here.
You can define further rules on a detail screen. To do this, you must select the row containing the receiver
field for which you wish to define special rules.
Detail screen
There are two different detail screens for defining transfer rules. The one you use depends on whether the
field for which you wish to define a rule is filled by a characteristic or a key figure:
Characteristic fields are fields which fill the role of characteristics, attributes or classification terms in
the R/3 System, for example company code, posting date, order number. From a technical point of
view, these are fields of data type 'C', 'N', 'D' or 'T', which are generally not unit or currency keys, and
have no purely technical significance, for example the client number.
Key figure fields are fields which fill the role of key figures, values or balances in the R/3 System, for
example sales, revenue, or headcount. From a technical point of view, these are mostly fields of data
type 'P', and can be used in calculations.
Set constants
You assign a fixed value to the receiver field from the range of permitted characteristic values. This
value is then used for all transferred data records.
Set variable
You assign a variable to the receiver field (see "Create variables" below). This allows you to fill the
field when you are carrying out the transfer. You can for example, specify the company or the
company code for each file to be imported.
Besides this, it is also possible to enter a fixed value for the variable. In this case the behaviour during
data transfer is similar to that of a set constant - the difference is that the constant fixed value can be
used elsewhere in the system using the variable name. This way you can improve the consistency of
data transfers.
For the data transfer, you specify a general rule that is already defined. You can define general rules
when you use one of the options above. You make the settings and then determine them to be a
general rule. Enter a unique technical name and a description in the field Use rule defined here as a
general rule. After you have saved it, you can use this general rule for other transfers.
Suppose for example that in data transfers you always wish to assign company code 0002 to company
code 0003. You have created a general rule for this and you now reference this rule for the
characteristic company code. When you select this rule, the fields to be converted are displayed.
Note: whenever a general rule is referenced, it can no longer be deleted. If you still wish to delete it,
you can compound it with the referencing rule.
Application-dependent options
In some applications you can decide what happens when a characteristic value contains no value in spite
of the rules.
Set constants
You assign a constant value to the field from the range of permitted characteristic values.
EC-EIS only:
You can determine whether a receiver field value is to be validated or if it is to undergo a special output/
conversion routine. For more information about conversion routines, see F1-Help.
In the detail screen, you determine how the key figure values are to be aggregated, how currencies or units
are to be translated, and how the key figure is to be mapped to the receiver key figure.
EC-EIS only:
You can determine whether the key figure in the database is to be overwritten or not. If it is to be
overwritten, then the value determined from the sender records overwrites the value in the database. If the
key figure in the database is not to be overwritten, then the key figure value is read from the database. This
value is taken as the starting value for the total operation. This option may or may not be desirable
depending on the application.
Specify a total operation. The following alternatives are available:
The sum of the sender field values is transferred to the receiver record.
The smallest sender field value transferred is entered in the receiver record.
The largest sender field value transferred is entered in the receiver record.
The first sender field value transferred is entered in the receiver record.
The last sender field value transferred is entered in the receiver record.
The number of sender field values transferred is entered in the receiver record. This total
operation is usually only logical in connection with formula '1' (see 'Formulas' below).
Using conditions, you can determine that a key figure is only filled when a sender field accepts specific
values. This function is necessary in the following example:
The sender structure contains the fields balance sheet item and balance. The receiver structure contains the
key figures AKTIVA and PASSIVA. You can now define that the key figure AKTIVA is only filled when
the balance sheet item field contains the value 10000000.
Other applications:
Enter the total operation SUM. The sender field value is transferred to the receiver field.
For quantity fields, you can have a unit translation carried out and for currency fields, a currency
Concerning the currency translation, you can determine which exchange rate, which exchange rate type
and which currency you wish to translate into the target currency. You can either specify fixed values for
the currency and the translation date, or reference fields which contain the currency and the translation
date. You can also use a variable for the currency translation key.
Note: For all users of external data transfer except in the CO-PA application, the following applies to the
amount fields:
In the SAP System, currency amounts are always written to the database with two decimal places. Amounts
in currencies that, according to the currency definition, have more or less than two decimal places, must
be transformed to this SAP format. See example:
The SAP System expects currency amounts to be delivered with the regular decimal places. To store the
currency amounts in SAP format in the database, the field reference sender field must be filled in the
transfer rule for currency amounts (this also applies if you transfer the fields without explicit rules using
identical names). This guarantees that, after the conversion, the amount is available to the SAP System
with the correct number of decimal places for the specified currency. If you import currency amounts
from an SAP System (data in binary format), the host system expects the data to be in the correct format
for storing in the database.
In some applications you can specify one of the sender fields as a currency reference field. This way you
can make the target currency dependent on the specified reference field, rather than fixing it.
You define the formula in the field Key figure-formula row. The key figure formulas are created according
to the valid ABAP rules for terms. You can calculate with the sender fields. To see the valid sender fields,
position the cursor on the entry field and press F4. You can also use formula variables in the formula.
As with transfer rules for characteristics, you can save the current rule as a general rule. To do this, enter
a name for the rule in the field 'Use as a general rule'.
If you want to use a general rule for the transfer, enter the name of a rule stored in the system in the field
General rule. The sender fields to be converted will appear.
Create variables
You can create variables for characteristic values, formulas, and translation keys to be used for transfer
rules. Variables for formulas and translation keys can be used globally. Variables for characteristic values
can only be used for the object that you are currently working on. To create variables, on the detail screen
choose Goto -> Variables -> Translation key or Goto -> Variables -> Formula variables. On the next
screen, choose Edit -> Insert row or use an empty row if available. To define a variable, proceed as
Enter the variable name in the column Variable name. The first character of the name must be '&', followed
by a letter (the system will place the '&' before the name automatically if necessary). The total length
of the name may not exceed 10 characters (including the '&').
Select the desired Replacement type. With replacement type 2, you can determine the variables at the start
of the data transfer (this is currently supported only for the import of files and for aspect
summarizations). With replacement type , you must also enter a fixed value in the next column. To
use the replacement type 3, you must activate the function module EXIT_SAPFKCIM_003 as part of
a User Exit.
Enter a description for the variable.
Save your entries.
In an external data transfer, certain fields from data records containing errors are output to the log. Using
these fields, you can then identify the erroneous sender records in the old/legacy system. For this purpose,
SAP has set default fields in the sender structure for every transfer category. If you need to use other fields
in the sender structure for purposes of identification, you choose them in this step. The default fields will
then no longer be output.
When you start the external data transfer, use Output sender records if there are errors. Otherwise the
sender records in the sender format will be deleted after they are converted to the receiver format. After
that happens, data can only be output in the receiver format.
You define the sender structure by using the receiver structure as a template. If the field names in both the
sender and receiver structures are not identical, they cannot be output to the log.
To define an output field for a new transfer program, choose New entries. The screen New entries:
Overview of entries added.
Enter the name of the transfer program for which you would like to define output fields, and the name
of the field which should be output to the log.
Save the data.
You can also define a new output field for an existing transfer program in the table, or assign an existing
output field to another or different transfer program. To do this, you mark the line and choose Copy
as. A new screen appears on which you can amend both the transfer program and the field name.
Save your data by choosing Copy to. The initial screen appears. Save your data here.
This activity (transaction FILE) is for cross-client maintenance of logical filenames and file paths and
includes the following:
Release 3.0C introduces cross-client logical filename maintenance. In addition to cross-client maintenance
you can still choose to maintain filenames for a specific client. You must maintain a logical filename across
clients before you can maintain it for one client. Then you can maintain it for particular clients as required.
Use program RSFILE01 to transfer filenames from the client-specific maintenance ( available before
Release 3.0C) to cross-client maintenance. Client-specific data is not affected.
The following SAP enhancements are offered in the following areas of External Data Transfer:
Four Customer Exits exist for the data transfer or for the conversion from IDOC segments. The Exits are
contained in the enhancement KKCD0001. As soon as the Customer Exits are activated, they are carried
out for all sender structures or segments. The first two Customer Exits require minimal coding once they
are activated. The sender structure concept is used when loading data into the SAP-System. The concept
Segment is used in the context of the distribution of the SAP-System. It is a matter of a record of data to
be transferred or converted. It is recommendable to code a CASE -instruction within the Customer Exit,
where (differentiated according to sender structure (REPID) or segment) various coding is accessed. In the
parameter REPID, the name of the segment for the conversion from IDOC segments. The parameter
GRPID is not filled out with the conversion from IDOC segments. You should have a WHEN OTHERS
branch within the CASE instruction, in which the 'SENDER_SET' is allocated to the
'RECEIVER_SET_NEW'. Otherwise the return code will have its initial value. You can view a possible
solution in Code sample.
The first Customer Exit is accessed before the summarizing or conversion. It is called up as follows:
REPID = REPID "Sender program
SENDER_SET = SENDER_SET "Sender record
SENDER_SET_NEW = SENDER_SET "modified sender record
SUBRC = SUBRC. "Returncode
If the variable 'SUBRC' is initial, the modified record is edited further or else passed over. The import
parameter 'SENDER_SET_NEW ' must be filled out in the Customer Exit, as only this field and not
the field 'SENDER_SET is further edited. This also especially means that you must allocate the import
parameter 'SENDER_SET_NEW' the value of 'SENDER_SET' for records, for which no special
handling will be carried out otherwise.
The second Customer Exit is accessed after the summarization and before the update:
REPID = REPID "Senderprogramm
GRPID = GRPID "Herkunft
RECEIVER_SET = RECEIVER_SET "verdichteter Satz
RECEIVER_SET_NEW = RECEIVER_SET "modifizierter verdichteter
SUBRC = SUBRC. "Returncode
The import parameter 'RECEIVER_SET_NEW' must be filled out in the Customer Exit, since only this
field and not the field 'RECEIVER_SET _NEW' is updated.
The third Customer Exit is used for replacing variables. It is called up when you load the transfer rules.
The parameters REPID and GRPID are supplied with the sender structure and the origin. The variable
name is in the field VARIA. The name of the receiver field is in the parameter RFELD. Field VARTP
contains the variable type. Valid types are fixed values of the domain KCD_VARTYP. You transfer the
variable values in the parameter KEYID. If an error occurs you use the exception VARIABLE_ERROR.
the fourth Customer Exit is required in EC-EIS only. It is called up after the summarization and before the
determination of key figures. It is a necessary enhancement to the second Customer Exit. This is because
changes to the keys are considered before the database is checked to see if records exist for the keys.
The parameter RECEIVER_SET contains the receiver record to be changed. The parameter
RECEIVER_SET is a changing parameter. No changes must be made to the function module if it is not
The User-Exits can be found in the Module pool 'SAPFKCIM'. If you want to use the Customer Exits, you
can create a project and activate the Customer Exits with the transaction 'CMOD'. The enhancement which
you must use with it is KKCD0001.
Note that when programming customer exits, that these will also run if corrected data records are imported
into the data pool within the context of post processing for both test and real runs.
In this activity you can use the test data editor. For more information see the help for the application.
Split File
You are advised to use the file splitter if you have large amounts of data that you want to transfer. Parallel
processing is recommended from a performance point of view.
Once you have defined the sender structure and transfer rules (see the IMG for details) you must first define
a transfer variant with transaction "Start transfer" ("KCLJ"). Fill the selection fields in the "Start transfer"
screen with the desired values, whereby the name of the input file must be identical to the name of the file
you want to split.
In "Selection" you can either enter the name of the data transfer (as stated under point "Define sender
structure"), or you can just enter the transfer category (such as SAP Business Partner = Category 1). The
relevant receiver structure is determined on the basis of the variant that you have to enter in "Details on
When giving "Details on transfer" you can enter either the physical or the logical file name, as well as the
variant defined previously in "Start transfer".
When giving "Details on file splitting" you have to furnish the following fields with data:
Number of jobs: Here you can specify the number of jobs to be created and thus the number of split
Extension of job names: You can freely define an extension for the jobs that have been created. This
makes it easier to identify them at a later date, for example if you want to delete them in a second
step following the transfer.
Application server: Here you can select the application servers to which you want to distribute the
In "Functions" you then select the actions to be carried out:
Split input file: If you only select this function, the input file is split into n smaller files (n = defined
number of jobs).
Create jobs: A job is created for each of the files split beforehand.
Release jobs: The jobs created are released and distributed to the specified application servers.
Delete jobs: The jobs created are deleted. They are partly identified by way of the job name extension
that was defined.
Start Transfer
In this section, you start the transfer of external data. You can do this once as a transfer of legacy data, or
periodically, if your master data is also carried in another system.
You must have defined a sender structure and transfer rules. In addition, a sequential file with the data
records to be transferred must be on the server.
Specify the program (sender structure) you want to use for data transfer.
Specify the physical access path of the file to be imported as well as an access path to output a file with an
error log.
Specify the server where the file is located.
Specify the file category and format.
Choose which processing steps are to be carried out during the run and how the run is to be logged.
Choose "Execute".
0 Evaluate Logs
Logs are created for each transfer (including test transfer). Use the display frame to limit the logs you want
to evaluate.
Take the list of all logs to skip to the log on set level by positioning the cursor and selecting the 'Detail'
The absolute index, i.e. the set number in the transfer file, is stated for each block.
Data Distribution
In this IMG activity you activate the function module for data distribution.
Below you can find a description of which entries you must activate so that the central Business Partner
data can be distributed using ALE or XI.
If you want to distribute Business Partner extensions (e.g. FI or CRM data), or use another distribution
technology than ALE or XI, other entries have to be activated accordingly.
Activate the following entries if you want to distribute data for Business Partner or Business Partner
Relationships using ALE:
You can use this BAdI to transfer added fields with message
BusinessPartnerSUITEBulkReplicateRequest. With this message Supplier master data can be replicated.
In order to receive data enhancements method INBOUND_PROCESSING is called with the inbound
service interface BusinessPartnerSUITEBulkReplicateRequest_In. With this method you transfer added
fields to the corresponding fields of the internal structure or update your own tables.
You have enhanced the data model of the Business Partner or of the Supplier/Vendor Master.
Standard settings
For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP
NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.
You can use this BAdI to transfer added fields with message
BusinessPartnerSUITEBulkReplicateRequest. With this message Supplier master data can be replicated.
In order to include data enhancements method OUTBOUND_PROCESSING is called before the outbound
service interface BusinessPartnerSUITEBulkReplicateRequest_Out is called. With this method you
transfer the added fields either from the internal data structure provided in this method or from your own
You have enhanced the data model of the Business Partner or of the Supplier/Vendor Master.
Standard settings
For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP
NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.
You can use this BAdI to transfer added fields with message
BusinessPartnerSUITEBulkReplicateRequest. With message
BusinessPartnerSUITEBulkReplicateConfirmation data replication can be confirmed or rejected.
In order to receive data enhancements method INBOUND_PROCESSING is called with the inbound
service interface BusinessPartnerSUITEBulkReplicateConfirmation_In. With this method you transfer
added fields to the corresponding fields of the internal structure or update your own tables.
You have enhanced the data model of the Business Partner or of the Supplier/Vendor Master.
Standard settings
For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP
NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.
BAdI: BP Relationships Replication Request Inbound
You can use this BAdI to transfer added fields with message
BusinessPartnerRelationshipSUITEBulkReplicateRequest. With this message relationships of Supplier
master data can be replicated.
You have enhanced Business Partner relationships or Supplier/Vendor Master contact persons.
Standard settings
For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP
NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.
You can use this BAdI to transfer added fields with message
BusinessPartnerRelationshipSUITEBulkReplicateRequest. With this message relationships of Supplier
master data can be replicated.
In order to include data enhancements method OUTBOUND_PROCESSING is called before the outbound
service interface BusinessPartnerRelationshipSUITEBulkReplicateRequest_Out is called.
With this method you transfer added fields either from the internal data structure provided in this method
or from your own tables.
You have enhanced Business Partner relationships or Supplier/Vendor Master contact persons.
Standard settings
For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP
NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.
You can use this BAdI to transfer added fields with message
BusinessPartnerRelationshipSUITEBulkReplicateConfirmation. With this message relationships of
Supplier master data can be replicated.
In order to receive data enhancements method INBOUND_PROCESSING is called with the inbound
service interface BusinessPartnerRelationshipSUITEBulkReplicateConfirmation_In. With this method
you transfer added fields to the corresponding fields of the internal structure or update your own tables.
You have enhanced Business Partner relationships or Supplier/Vendor Master contact persons.
Standard settings
For information about implementing BAdIs as part of the Enhancement Concept, see SAP Library for SAP
NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.
Data Cleansing
In this activity, you define the number range for data cleansing.
The number ranges for the data cleansing tool are valid client-wide.
Enter the object name COM_CLEAR in the Number Range Object Maintenance and choose the
pushbutton Number Ranges.
Choose the pushbutton Change Intervals to maintain the number range interval. Create the number range
interval 01 with internal number assignment and save your entries.
Define Priorities
In this activity, you assign priorities, according to which the data cleansing cases are processed.
In the change mode, choose the pushbutton New Entries. Enter the required priority in the column Prio
and provide the entry with a suitable explanation in the column Text
Standard settings
- 1 -
2 -
If you want to trigger automatic determination of the dependencies, then set the indicator Dependencies.
In this IMG activity you can define whether a change document should be generated for a deleted
relationship when archiving business partners.
In this case, only one of the two business partners in a relationship is archived when this relationship is
Standard settings
All entries have the value initial as standard, that is, no change documents are generated for deleted