Classroom Procedures
Classroom Procedures
Classroom Procedures
Luke Haynes
Arrival :
• Stand at the door to the classroom
• Greet students individually
• List what to do next
– Turn in homework, do bell work, grab needed
materials, etc.
• Student arrives late
• Signs in at the tardy sheet, checking excused or
• Student’s shoulder partner helps tardy student
get on track with the class
• Once the teacher is able, talk with the tardy
student about:
– Reason, how to catch them up, and how to avoid
being tardy again
• Shoulder partner collects assignments and
notices and places them in the absentee’s desk
• Absentee checks desk for missed items
• Absentee checks work calendar and adds the
amount of days missed to find when his work
is due
• Completed work is placed on the make-up
work shelf
• Alta Vista does not assign homework
• They do push at home independent reading so I
would have a short time to see if anybody read
anything about science the night before
• This would be done using a variety of Kagan
Getting the Class’ Attention:
• For unplanned attention:
– Raise hand and wait for all students to stop what
they are doing and find my eyes
– Students wait for directions
• For planned attention:
– Instead of raising a hand and waiting maybe
signalling transition or end of task with a song or
– Follow up with directions
– (stop planned attention getter and Raise hand if
students do not respond quickly and quietly)
Visitor in the Room:
(What will the Students do while you are with the visitor)