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Civil Engineering Materials Lab Manual (Summer 2019)

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(Summer 2019)

Name: ______________________________

Reg. No:


ABASYN University Islamabad
List of Experiments

EXPERIMENT NO 1 Determination of the Normal Consistency of the Hydraulic

EXPERIMENT NO 2 Determination of the Initial and Final Setting Time of the
Hydraulic Cement by VICAT needle apparatus.
EXPERIMENT NO 3 Determination of the Fineness Modulus of the Coarse and Fine
Aggregate from Different Sources
EXPERIMENT NO 4 Determination of Bulk Density of Aggregates (i.e. Unit Weight
and the Voids in Aggregates)
EXPERIMENT NO 5 Determination of Compressive Strength of cement by using
mortar cubes
EXPERIMENT NO 6 Determination of the compressive strength of bricks and to
discuss the results
EXPERIMENT NO 7 Determination of the water absorption of bricks and to discuss
the results.

Determination of the Normal Consistency of the Hydraulic

(Code: ASTM C 187-04)

1. Scope and Significance:

It is used to find out the percentage of water at which the standard consistency is
achieved. This Known amount of water is then used in making the cement paste for other
tests like,

1.1 Initial setting time

1.2 Final setting time
1.3 Soundness test

2. Apparatus:
2.1 Weighing Balance
2.2 VICAT Apparatus (contains)
2.2.1 Plunger with end of 10mmdiameter and 50mmlength
2.2.2 Conical ring with lower diameter of 70mm, upper diameter of 60mmand
2.3 40mm height.
2.4 Glass graduates (200mL or 250mL capacity)
2.5 Scraper
2.6 Spatula
2.7 Glass plate trowel

3. Related theory:
3.1 Consistency

The thickness or the viscosity of the cement paste is called consistency.

3.2 Cement paste

The viscous mass obtained by mixing cement with water is known as cement paste.

3.3 Standard paste

It is the cement paste for which the 10mmdiameter plunger in a standard VICA Test
penetrates by around 10mm.

3.4 Standard/Normal consistency

It is the thickness or the viscosity of the standard paste and is expressed as the percentage
of weight of water.
3.5 VICAT Apparatus

The VICAT apparatus consists of a frame A (Fig.)

bearing a movable rod B, weighing 300 g, one end
C, the plunger end, being 10 mm in diameter for a
distance of at least 50mm, and the other end have a
removable needle D, 1 mm in diameter and 50 mm
in length. The rod B is reversible, and can be held in
any desired position by a set screw E, and has an
adjustable indicator F, which moves over a scale
(graduated in millimeters) attached to the frame A.
The paste is held in a rigid conical ring G, resting on
a plane non-absorptive square base plate H, about
100 mm on each side. The rod B is made of stainless
steel having a hardness of not less than 35 HRC, and
shall be straight with the plunger end which is
perpendicular to the rod axis.
The ring is made of a non-corroding, nonabsorbent
material, and have an inside diameter of 70 mm at the base and 60 mm at the top, and a
height of 40 mm. In addition to the above, the VICAT apparatus shall conform to the
following requirements:

Weight of moveable rod = 300±5 gm

Diameter of the plunger end of the rod = 10±0.05 mm
Diameter of the needle = 1±0.05mm
Inside diameter of the ring at the bottom = 70±3 mm
Inside diameter of the ring at the top = 60±3 mm
Height of the ring = 40±3 mm

4. Test specifications:
4.1 Temperature & humidity

The temperature of the air in the vicinity should be between 20-27.5 °C. The temperature
of the mixing water should be 23±2 °C.
The relative humidity of the laboratory should not be less than 50%.

4.2 Amount of cement

Amount of cement required for the test according to various specifications are mentioned
ASTM = 650gm

4.3 Mixing time

The cement paste must be properly mixed and placed in the test specimen within a
maximum time of 4±1/4 min from the instant when cement and water were initially
brought in contact.
5. Procedure:
Mix 400gm of cement with a measured quantity of water and make a cement paste as per
the Standard procedure. Put the cement paste in the ring of the VICAT apparatus and
remove the excess paste with the help of a trowel. Center the paste confined in the ring,
resting on the plate, under the rod B and bring the plunger end C of in contact with the
surface of the paste, and tighten the set-screw E. Then set the movable indicator F to the
upper zero mark of the scale, or take an initial reading, and release the rod immediately.
This must not exceed 30 seconds after completion of mixing. The apparatus shall be free
of all vibrations during the test.

The paste of normal consistency is achieved when the rod settles to a point such that it is
10mm from the top surface in 30 seconds after being released. Make trial pastes with
varying percentages of water until the normal consistency is obtained. Make each trial
with fresh cement. (ASTM C187- 04)

6. Observations& Calculations:

Quantity of cement (W1) gm =_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Observation No 1 2 3 4

Weight of water added (W2) gm

Penetration of plunger (mm)

% water by weight = W2/W1 × 100


Determination of the Initial and Final Setting Time of the

Hydraulic Cement by VICAT needle apparatus.
(Code: ASTM C 191-04b)

1. Scope & significance:

This test method is used to determine the time of setting of the hydraulic cement by
VICAT needle apparatus.

The knowledge of the setting time of the cement is always helpful in deciding the time
duration to mix, transport, place and compact the concrete effectively.

We always prefer a larger initial setting time so that we can mix, transport and place the
concrete easily. According to ASTM specifications, the initial setting time shall not be
less than 45 minutes and not more than 375 minutes.

A smaller value of the final setting time is always preferred in order to avoid large
expenditures on the formwork. According to most of the specifications, the final setting
time shall not be greater than 10hrs and shall not be less than (90 + 1.2 × (initial setting
time)) min. i.e. (90 + 1.2 × (initial setting time)) min < final setting time < 10hrs

2. Apparatus:

2.1 VICAT apparatus

2.2 Needle of 1mm2 cross-section and 50mmlength (for initial
setting time)
2.3 Flat trowel
2.4 Reference Masses and Devices for Determining Mass
2.5 Spatula
2.7 Graduated cylinders

3. Related theory:
3.1 Setting

In the setting process very little chemical reaction takes place. It only includes the shape
acquisition due to evaporation of water. During the setting process the cement remains in
the fluid or the semi-fluid state and there is very little or no gain in strength. Finer the
cement particles more will be the hydration and therefore it will lead to quick settlement.
3.2 Hardening

Hardening is the rate of gain of strength due to the chemical reaction. It also refers to the
Strength of the concrete after a specified interval of time.

3.3 Initial setting time

The time elapsed between the initial contact of cement and water and the time when a 1
mm cross-section needles gives a penetration of 25mm in a standard VICAT apparatus is

known as initial setting time of that particular cement paste.

3.4 Final setting time

It is the time elapsed between the initial contact of cement and water and the time when
the needle does not show considerable penetration.
According to specifications;
Maximum final setting time = 10hrs
Minimum final setting time = [90 + 1.2 (initial setting time)] min

4. Test specifications:

4.1 Needle sizes

For Initial Setting Time and Final Setting Time

1mm x 1mm cross-section (1mm2 cross section required)

4.2 Mixing water

Potable water is satisfactory for the routine tests.

4.3 Temperature & humidity

The temperature of the air in the vicinity should be between 23±3 °C. The temperature of
the mixing water should be 23±2 °C.
The relative humidity of the laboratory should not be less than 50%.

4.4 Amount of cement

Amount of cement required for the test according to various specifications are mentioned
ASTM = 650gm

5. Procedure:

Prepare a cement paste of standard consistency and put it in the ring of the VICAT
Within the allowable time of 4±1/4 min. Clear and level any extra paste by means of a
5.1 Initial Setting Time

Determine the penetration of the 1-mm needle at the start. If a penetration reading of
10mm is obtained, then note down the time as the initial setting time otherwise keep
checking the penetration reading after every 15min thereafter until a penetration reading
of 25 mm is obtained which will be the initial setting time of the cement. Make each
penetration test at least ¼ inches away from any previous penetration and at least 25mm
away from the inner side of the mold.

5.2 Final Setting Time

Keep on performing the same experiment until there is no considerable penetration shown
by the needle. Note down the time as final setting time.

6. Observations & Calculations:

Type of cement = --------------------------------------

Observation in minutes & in Hours = --------------------------------------
Initial setting time = --------------------------------------
Final setting time = --------------------------------------

Observation In minutes In hours

Initial setting Time

Final setting Time


Determination of the Fineness Modulus of the Coarse and Fine

Aggregate from Different Sources

Code: ASTM C-316-05, for coarse materials (i.e. > 15μm)

ASTM C-117-05, for fine materials (i.e. < 15μm)
1. Scope & significance:
This test method is used to determine the fineness modulus of the given fine grained

The information obtained from fineness modulus is helpful in the following ways;

1.1 Fineness modulus tells us directly whether the material is well-graded or gap-
1.2 Fineness modulus gives us an overall idea whether the material is fine or coarse.
1.3 It also indicates the surface area of the particles.

Surface Area ∝
Fineness Modulus

Lower the surface area of the aggregate, the required amount of fresh cement paste
to cover the aggregate particles will be less and thus less water is required.

1.4 Larger value of FM is preferred for fine aggregates. For a good fine aggregate, the
FM should be between 2.3 and 3.1. (ASTM Range for fine aggregates)

2. Apparatus:

2.1 Standard set of sieves

2.2 Sieve shaker
2.3 Aggregate samples

3. Related theory:

3.1 Fineness modulus

It is the cumulative percentage retained on standard sieve 150μm and above divided
by 100.
It is a single factor or an empirical number which we get from the results of sieve
analysis. The value of FM will not change if we add sieves above.
3.2 Sieve analysis

It is the operation of dividing the aggregate into various fractions, each consisting of
particles of same size.
It is the operation of determining the particle size distribution of the given specimen.
The standard approach is to designate the sieve sizes by nominal aperture sizes in mm
or μm (micron).
1 mm = 1000 μm (micron)

1. 5 mm is the dividing line between coarse and fine aggregate.
2. Well graded coarse aggregates of large size will reduce shrinkage of concrete by

3.3 Functions of sieve analysis

Sieve analysis is performed on coarse and fine aggregates in order to check their
gradation. This gradation gives an indirect measure if the workability and average
particle size.

3.4 Quality of a good sample

There are some limiting values for every sieve provided by ASTM or BS, we use
these limiting values to get our final answer by the method explained below.

Take the minimum and the maximum values provided by ASTM and plot them on the
grading curve. Now take these minimum and maximum value lines as your reference
and if the curve of our own data lies inside these two lines then the quality of our
sample is OK but if your curve lies outside these two lines of maximum and minimum
range then the sample is not according to specifications.

ASTM grading requirements for fine aggregates

4. Procedure:

Take 2 kg of the oven-dried sample. The sample should be perfectly dry because if there is
some moisture content present then the particles will stick together and will not pass through
the sieves.
Temperature of the oven = 110±5 °C
Place the set of standard and non-standard sieves one above another with the smallest aperture
opening at the bottom. The pan is placed at the bottom-most position. This experiment can be
performed manually or with the aid of a machine called “sieve shaker”.

The manual method should be performed in a proper sequence which is as follows;

4.1 Forward and backward motion

4.2 Left and right motion
4.3 Clockwise (CW) and counter-clockwise (CCW) motion
4.4 Frequent jolting.

Time elapsed for the sieving process is 3-5minutes.

Weigh the mass retained on each sieve and calculate the percentage passing through
each sieve.
Then the FM can be calculated by using the relation;

Σ(Cumulative %Retained on Standard Sieves of 150μm or above)

FM =

Following points must be kept in mind while calculating the FM;

• Only sum up the values of standard sieves and do not include the values of the
non-standard sieves.
• Only add the sieves of 150μm and above sizes.
• If any standard sieve is missing, we may use the value of next higher sieve.
• Adding extra sieves does not change the result of FM.

5. Observations& Calculations:


Fineness Modulus of fine aggregates = _______________________________________

Fineness Modulus of coarse aggregates = _______________________________________

5.1 Fine Aggregates:

Sieve Sieve + Cumulative

Sieve empty Residue % Residue
Residue % Residue % Passing
size weight weight weight
Weight weight

Graph 5.1: Gradation Curve of Fine Aggregate

Fineness Modulus of fine aggregates = ________

5.2 Coarse Aggregates

Sieve Sieve + Cumulative

Sieve empty Residue % Residue
Residue % Residue % Passing
size weight weight weight
Weight weight

Graph 5.2: Gradation Curve of Coarse Aggregate

Fineness Modulus of coarse aggregates = ________

Determination of Bulk Density of Aggregates (i.e. Unit Weight
and the Voids in Aggregates)
(Code: ASTM C-29/C-29M)

1. Scope & significance:

This test method is used to determine the bulk density of the given fine grained
During the concrete mix design, when the aggregate is to be batched by volume or by
weight, then it becomes necessary to know the mass of the aggregates that will fill the
container of unit volume. If we know the bulk density of the aggregate material, then
we can easily determine the mass required to fill a unit volume container.
Bulk density also indicates the percentage of voids present in the aggregate material.
This percentage of voids affects the grading of the aggregates which is important in
high strength concrete.
Bulk density also indicates the compactive effort required to compact the concrete.

2. Apparatus:
2.1 Balance
2.2 Temping rod
2.3 Measuring Cylinder
2.4 Shovel or Scoop

3. Related theory:

3.1 Bulk density

It is the mass of the unit volume of bulk aggregate material. The term volume
includes the volume of the individual particles and the volume of the voids
between the particles. Bulk density is used in weight and volume batching.

3.2 Voids
It is the space between the individual particles in a unit volume of the aggregate
mass and is not occupied by the solid mineral matter.
Voids within the particles, either permeable or impermeable are not included in the
voids for the determination of bulk density by this method.

3.3 Absolute density

It is the mass per unit volume of the individual particles only.

3.4 Facts about bulk density

Bulk density depends upon how densely the aggregate is packed. It also depends
upon the size, distribution and shape of the particles. If the particles are of the
same size, then it can be packed to a limited extent but when the smaller particles
are added, the voids get filled with them and thus the bulk density increases.
For a coarse aggregate, a higher bulk density means that there are few voids which
are to be filled by the fine aggregate and cement. Thus bulk density also depends
upon the degree of packing.
4. Procedure:
Note down the dimensions and empty weight of the measuring container and compute
its. Volume. For the determination of the loose bulk density, fill the container with the
aggregate material by means of a shovel and level its top surface. Weigh the container
filled with the aggregate and note down its reading. Then the loose bulk density of the
aggregate material can be computed by using the relation;

Loose Bulk Density (Mloose ) = (𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫 + 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞) − (𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫)
𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫

Now for the determination of the

compacted bulk density, the only difference
is in filling the container. In this case, the
container is filled in three equal layers. Fill
the container about one-third full and level
the surface with the fingers. Rod the layer of
the aggregate with 25 strokes of the temping
rod evenly distributed over the surface. Next
fill the container two-third full and again rod
it with 25 strokes of the temping rod.
Finally, fill the container to overflowing and
rod again in the manner previously mentioned.

Now level the top surface and weigh the container. Calculate the compacted bulk
density by using the relation;
(𝑾𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒓 +𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒆)– (𝑾𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒓)
Compacted Bulk Density (Mcomp) = 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒓

5. Observations & Calculations:

Determination of Compressive Strength of cement by using mortar
(Code: ASTM C-127/128)

1. Material required:
➢ Fine aggregate
➢ Cement
➢ Water
2. Equipment and apparatus:
➢ Compressive strength testing machine
➢ Mortar Cube Moulds
➢ Vibrating Table
➢ Trowel
➢ Weighing balance
➢ Curing Tank
➢ Set of sieves
3. Theory:
Standard Sand:
The sand required for this test shall pass through No. 18 mesh and not more than
10% pass No. 25 mesh.
4. Preparation of test sample:
• A mixture of cement and sand in the proportion of 1:3 by the weight of
standard sand and shall be mixed dry with trowel on a non-porous surface
for one minute and then with water for 4 minutes.
• The material for each cube shall be mixed separately according to mix
• Tamp all five cubes to ensure uniform fillings of molds. Smooth the top
with trowel
• Cure the specimen for fourteen days in water so that it may attain the
desired design compressive strength.
• The cubes are removed from water, area of loading face of cubes
determined and placed in between plates of Universal Testing Machine.
• Apply load to the specimen faces that are in contact with machine.
• Apply load until failure, and note the load.
• Compute and record the compressive strength of mortar.

Observation & Calculations:

Water-Cement Ratio________________

Description of Casting Testing Crushing Compressive

Sr. No Area
Sample Date Date Load Strength (Psi)

To determine the compressive strength of bricks and to discuss the results.

Purpose: To determine the compressive strength of brick samples.

Related Standard: ASTM C67

Equipment: Universal testing machine, drying oven, capping pot, and mold.

Sample: Half-size dry unit. The length of the specimen is one-half the full length of the unit.

➢ Measure the dimensions at the top and bottom of the specimen.
➢ Cap the specimen with sulfur (thickness of cap is about ¼-in.)
➢ Allow the cap to cool for a minimum of 2 hours.
➢ Test the specimen flatwise (load is applied in the direction of the depth of the
➢ Apply the load continuously so that the failure takes place within 2 to 3 minutes.
➢ Calculate the compressive strength as:

Compressive strength = W/A

where W is the maximum load and A is the average of the gross areas of the upper and lower
bearing surfaces of the specimen.

To determine the water absorption of bricks and to discuss the results.

Scope: To determine the percentage of water absorption of bricks

A sensitive balance capable of weighing within 0.1% of the mass of the specimen and
ventilated oven.
Three numbers of whole bricks from samples collected for testing should be taken.

➢ Dry the specimen in a ventilated oven at a temperature of 105 °C to 115 °C till attains
substantially constant mass.
➢ Cool the specimen to the room temperature and obtain its weight (M1) specimen too
warm to touch shall not be used for this purpose.
➢ Immerse completely dried specimen in clean water at a temperature of 27+2°C for 24
➢ Remove the specimen and wipe out any traces of water with damp cloth and weight the
specimen after it has been removed from water ( M2)



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