Concrete and Highway Lab
Concrete and Highway Lab
Concrete and Highway Lab
To determine the specific gravity of the given cement by density bottle method.
Density bottle of 50 ml capacity
1. The density bottle is cleaned and dried and it is filled with kerosene.
2. This set-up is kept in water with a temperature of 27ºC for half an hour.
3. Then the bottle is removed from the kerosene and then cleaned.
4. The cement is heated to a pouring temperature and is poured into the bottle with
care by preventing entry of air bubbles.
5. The bottle is filled up to the half and then cooled before weighing.
Trial Empty Weight of Weight of Weight of bottle + Specific
No. weight of bottle + bottle + half filled cement + gravity
bottle kerosene half filled kerosene
(a) (b) cement (c) (d)
Average value
Specific gravity of the given cement is =
Ex No:
1) Le Chatelier Apparatus.
2) Equipment to heat water.
3) Scale.
4) Glass plates – 2 Nos.
It is very important that the cement after setting shall not undergo any appreciable
change of volume. Certain cements have been found to undergo a large expansion after
setting causing large disruption of the soft and hardened mass. This will cause serious
difficulty for the durability of structures. The testing for soundness of cement ensures that
the cement does not show any appreciable subsequent expansion.
This is one of the accelerated tests in common use to detect the unsoundness of
the cement. Le Chatelier test detects the unsoundness due to free lime only. This method
of testing does not indicate the after effect of the presence of excess magnesia.
Apparatus for Le Chatelier consists of small split cylinder of the spring brass or
other suitable metal. It is 30mm in diameter and 30mm high. On the either side of the
split two indicator arms of length 165mm are attached with pointed ends
1) The cement with 0.78 times the water is required for the standard consistency in a
standard manner. Fill the cement paste into the mould kept on the glass plate.
Cover the mould with another glass paste.
2) Immerse the whole assembly in water at a temperature of 27 ˚ - 32˚ and keep them
for 24 hours. Measure the distance between indicator points. Let it be d1 mm.
3) Submerge the mould again in water and heat the water to a boiling point in about
25 – 30 minutes and keep it boiling for 3 hours.
4) Remove the mould from water, allow it to cool and measure the distance between
the indicator points. Let it be d2 mm.
5) Calculate the expansion of the cement which is the difference between the
measurements d1 and d2. This must not exceed 10mm.Repeat the same procedure
for 2 more readings.
The expansion of cement by Le Chatelier’s Principle = ______________
Ex No:
1) Vicat’s apparatus with 10mm plunger of mould.
2) Stop watch.
3) Measuring Jar.
4) Trowel.
5) Balance.
1) Weigh 400gm of cement on a large non porous platform and make it a heap with a
depression in the centre to hold the mixing water.
2) Find out the volume of water to give a percentage of 25 by weight of dry cement
and add this amount carefully to the cement.
3) Mix the cement and water thoroughly . The process of mixing shall include
kneading and threading. The total time elapsed from the moment of adding water
to the moment when the mixing is completed shall not be less than 4 minutes.
4) Fill the mould completely with cement paste so as to gauge and strike off the
surplus paste and level the top of the mould. Slightly tab the mould with the
content so as to drive of any entrapped air..
5) Keep the mould under the Vicat plunger such that the plunger touching the
surface of cement paste and supporting the moving rod by the plunger of the dash
pot release the rod.
6) After the plunger has come to rest note the reading against the index.
7) Repeat the experiment with trial pastes varying percentage of water till the
plunger comezs to rest between 5 & 7mm from the bottom.
8) Tabulate the observations and report the amount of water to permit the plunger to
come to rest between the 5mm and 7mm from the bottom as the percentage of dry
weight of the cement to express this as the percentage for the standard
Ex No:
To determine the initial and final setting time of the cement paste.
1) Vicat needle apparatus.
2) Stop watch.
3) Measuring jar.
4) Trowel.
5) Balance
1) Weigh 400gm of the sample of the cement on a nonporous platform and make it
in to a heap with a depression at the centre.
2) Calculate the amount of water required for gauging as 0.85 of the amount of water
required to produce a paste of standard consistency. Add the calculated quantity
of water and to the heap and simultaneously start the stop watch.
3) Gauge the cement and water together in such a manner that the mould is
completely filled. Strike the top level with the trowel and slightly tab the mould
so as to drive out all the entrapped air.
4) Place the mould under Vicat needle apparatus with 1mm square needle in
position. Release the moving rod and note the reading against the index. Now
raise the moving rod clear off the cement paste and wipe the needle clear.
5) Repeat the step no:4 above at regular interval of ½ minute till the reading
becomes 5mm exactly.
6) Note the time elapsed from the moment of adding water to dry cement to the
moment when the reading is 5mm.
7) Now remove the 1mm needle from the rod and special needle for determining the
final set.
8) As before allow the moving rod to travel downwards at every 2 minutes interval.
When the needle makes a move but the metal attachment fails to do so note the
total time elapsed.
9) Remove the needle, clear the apparatus used and put them aside.
¾ The initial setting time of cement is ____________________
Ex No:
2) Trowel.
II. Take 555 gm of the standard sand, 185 gm of cement (1:3) in a non porous
enamel tray and mix with them with a trowel for about 1 minute.
III. Add water of quantity (P/4) +3.5% of combined weight of cement and sand and
mix the three ingredients thoroughly until the mixture is of uniform colour. The
time of mixing should not be less than 3 minutes nor more than 4 minutes.
IV. Immediately after mixing fill the mortar in a cube mould of size 7.06 cm.
VI. Place the mould in clamp cabin at a temperature of 27˚ +2˚ for 24 hours.
VII. Remove the specimens from the moulds and submerge them in clean water for
I. Take the cube out of water at the end of 3 days with dry cloth. Measure the
dimensions of the surface in which the load is to be applied. Let the dimensions
be L and D.
II. Place the cube in the compression testing machine and apply the load uniformly
at the rate of 35N/mm2.
III. Note the load at which the cube fails. Let it be “P”.
IV. Calculate the compressive strength using the formula. The compressive strength
at the end of 3 days should not be less than 16N/ mm2.
VI. Repeat the procedure ( steps I to V) to find compressive strength of the cube at the
end of 7 days and it should not be less than 22 N/ mm2.
a) For 3 days strength:
S.No. Length (L) Breadth(B) Load P Stress p
mm. mm N N/ mm2
b) For 7 days strength:
A) Compressive strength of cement at 3 days =__________________________ N/ mm2
B) Compressive strength of cement at 3 days =__________________________ N/ mm2
Ex No:
To determine the fineness moduli of the given coarse aggregate and to draw the
grading curve for the given coarse aggregate.
1. Standard sieves 80mm, 40mm, 20mm, 10mm,4.75mm,2.36mm,1.18mm, 600
µ,300 µ and 150 µ
1) Take 5000gm of coarse aggregate and sieve it through the standard sieves 80mm,
3) The balance in the coarse aggregate is sieved through 20mm sieves and the
residue is weighed.
5) After tabulating the results compute percentage of material retained on each sieve.
6) Then calculate the cumulative percentage of material retained on each sieve and
plot the connecting log of apertures of sieves and percentage of passing.
7) Compute the fineness modulus of the given aggregate as the sum of the
cumulative percentages retained on each sieve divided by 100.
(Cumulative % of weight Retained)
The fineness modulus of coarse aggregate = /100
The fineness modulus of coarse aggregate = ______________________
Ex No:
To obtain the grading curve of sand and to determine the fineness modulus of the
fine aggregate.
1) Standard sieves 10mm, 4.75mm, 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600 μ, 300 μ, 150 μ and
lower than 150 μ.
1) Take 1500g of sand.
2) Sieve it through B.S. test sieves 10mm, 4.75mm, 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600 μ,
300 μ and 150 μ. Weigh the residue on each sieves.
6) Compute the fineness modulus of the given aggregate as the sum of the
cumulative percentages retained on each sieve divided by 100.
(Cumulative % of weight Retained)
The fineness modulus of coarse aggregate = /100
The fineness modulus of coarse aggregate = ______________________
Ex No:
2. Ramming Rod.
3. Balance.
4. Fill the mould in 4 layers each approximately at ¼ th height of the mould. Tamper
each layer 25 times by the tamping rod taking care to distribute the stroke evenly
over the cross section.
5. Struck off the concrete level with trowel and remove the mould immediately (by
raising slowly and carefully in the vertical direction).
6. Measure the difference in level between the height of the mould and that height
point of the subsided concrete . This height in mm is taken as slump of concrete.
7. Repeat the procedure( Steps 3 to 6) by increasing the W/C Ratio until the slump
Weight of cement taken = _____________
S.No. W/C Water added Initial Height Final Slump(mm)
Ratio (ml.) (mm) Height(mm)
h1 h2
The workability of concrete in terms of slump for different W/C ratio is found out
and they are tabulated.
Ex No:
III. Balance.
III. Open the trap door so that the concrete falls into the lower hopper.
IV. Open the trap door of the lower hopper and allow the concrete to fall in the
V. Cut off the excess concrete remaining above the top level of the cylinder with the
help of plane blades supplied with the apparatus.
VI. Wipe clean the outside of the cylinder and fig the concrete exactly up to the top
level of the cylinder. Weigh it to the nearest 10gm. Let the weight be w1 gm.
VII. The cylinder is emptied and re filled with with concrete from the same sample in
layers and of 5cm deep.
VIII. Ram heavily the layers of the concrete so as to obtain full compaction.
IX. Carefully struck off to level the concrete at the top of the cylinder and weigh it to
the nearest 10gm. Let it be w2 gm.
Weight of cement taken = _____________
S.No. Description of item Sample I Sample I Sample I
W/C ratio = W/C ratio = W/C ratio =
1 w1 in gm.
2 W2 in gm.
3 W3 in gm.
4 W4 in gm.
5 W5 in gm.
Ex No:
1) Vibrating table.
2) Metal Pot.
1) Slump test is performed placing the slump cone inside the sheet metal
cylindrical pot of the Consistometer.
2) The glass disc attached to the swivel arm is turned and placed on the top
of the concrete in the pot.
4) The vibration is continued till such a time as the conical shape of the
concrete disappears and the concrete assumes cylindrical shape.
5) This can be judged by observing the glass disc from the top for the
disappearance of transparency.
6) Immediately when the concrete fully assumes the cylindrical shape, the
stop watch is switched off.
7) The time required for the shape of the concrete to change from slump cone
shape to cylindrical shape in seconds is called Vee – Bee degree.
8) This is very suitable for dry concrete whose slump value can not be
measured by Slump test, but the vibration is too vigorous for concrete with
slump greater than about 50mm.
Result: Workability of given concrete in terms of Vee – Bee time (s) = --------------
Ex No:
To determine the compressive strength of the given specimens of concrete cubes
The concrete mix is prepared by taking the following quantities of materials for
the preparation of 3 Nos. of concrete cubes. Mix: (1:1.5:3).
Cement = 5 kg. Sand = 7.5 kg. Coarse aggregate = 15 kg. Water = 2600 ml.
After mixing the ingredients, it is filled in the moulds and it is compacted in the
following way in the vibrating table.
i. ¼ Layer – 2 min. ii. ½ Layer – 2 min. iii. ¾ Layer – 2 min.
Finally it is finished properly and the date and batch no. are marked on the specimen.
Specimen Size: (150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm).
On the next day, it is removed from the mould and immersed in water for curing in a
curing tank available in the Casting Yard. Then after 7 days (or 14 days/28 days), the
specimen is ready for testing.
to cross 1% of the Max Load set (i.e., for the disturbance, caused by the pump’s
turning on, to die down) before beginning its control of the pace rate.
3. The load is applied continuously on the specimen and the ACTM automatically
stops the pump if either the MAX LOAD set is reached or the specimen fails,
whichever occurs earlier. In the event of the specimen’s breaking, it stops the
pump, the moment the load has dropped to 75% of its maximum value. At the
same time, it begins flashing the peak load attained on the LED display.
Concrete Cube - Date of casting Date of testing Number of days after casting
Sample No.1 -
Sample No.2 -
Sample No.3 -
Maximum Compressive
Size Area Crushing Stress
Sl. Specimen Sample in mm x (A) Load (P) P Mean
No No. mm x mm in mm2 in N = in
. in N/mm2 N/mm2
1. Concrete
Ex No:
1. Determination of crushing value of the given road aggregate
2. Assessment of suitability of aggregate for use in road construction
The apparatus for the test is as per IS: 2386-1963 (Part IV) and consists of the following:
(i) The test mould of 152 mm diameter open-ended steel cylinder with a square
base plate; Plunger having a piston of diameter 150 mm.
(ii) A straight metal tamping rod of circular cross section
(iii) A balance of capacity 5000g, readable and accurate up to 1g.
(iv) IS sieves of sizes 12.5 mm, 10 mm and 2.36 mm
(v) A compression testing machine capable of applying load up to 400 kN at a
uniform rate of 40 kN per minute
The strength of coarse aggregate may be assessed by aggregate crushing test. The
aggregate crushing value provides a relative measure of resistance to crushing under
gradually applied compressive load. To achieve a high quality of pavement, aggregates
possessing high resistance to crushing or low aggregate crushing value are preferred.
The aggregate sample: The material for the standard test consists of aggregates sized
between 10 mm and 12.5 mm. The aggregates should be in surface dry condition.
1. About 3.25 kg of the material is sieved through 12.5 mm and retained on 10
mm IS sieves are taken for the test.
2. Empty weight of the mould with base plate is weighed (W)
3. The sieved material is filled in the mould to a depth more than 1/3rd of the
height of the cylinder and 25 gentle blows are given. Likewise, other two
layers are also filled and surface is leveled by straight edge.
4. The weight of the cylindrical set-up (Cylinder + base plate) with aggregates is
weighed. (W1)
5. The plunger is placed symmetrically on the surface of aggregates in the mould
and the complete set-up is placed in the compression-testing machine (CTM)
for the application of load.
6. The load is applied at a rate of 40 kN/minute up to 400 kN.
7. The set-up is removed from CTM and the crushed material is removed from
the mould and is sieved through 2.36 mm IS sieve. The weight of the material
passed through the sieve is weighed. (W2)
8. Steps 2 to 7 are repeated for another set of readings.
9. Aggregate crushing value in percentage of the given aggregate is calculated
from the formula: {W2 /[W1-W]} x 100
Mean value
The mean of the two results to the nearest whole number is reported as Aggregate
crushing value of the given material.
Depending on the maximum limits of aggregate crushing values given in the table below,
suitability of given aggregate for road construction can be assessed.
Aggregate crushing value of the given aggregate sample is =
Ex No:
The apparatus for the test is as per IS: 2386-1963 (Part IV) and consists of the following:
(i) A testing machine weighing 45 to 60 kg and having a metal base with a plane
lower surface of not less than 300 mm diameter.
(ii) A cylindrical steel cup of internal diameter 102 mm, depth 50 mm and
thickness 6.3 mm.
(iii) A metal hammer weighing 13.4 to 14 kg, the lower end is cylindrical in shape,
is 50 mm long and 100 mm diameter. The free fall of the hammer should be
380 ± 5 mm.
(iv) A straight metal tamping rod of circular cross section
(v) A balance of capacity not less than 500 g, readable and accurate upto 0.1g.
(vi) IS sieves of sizes 12.5 mm, 10 mm and 2.36 mm
A test designed to evaluate the toughness of stone or the resistance of the aggregates to
fracture under repeated impacts is called impact test. The aggregate impact test is
commonly carried out to impact of aggregates and has been standardized by BIS. The
aggregate impact value provides a relative measure of resistance of aggregate to impact,
which has a different effect than the resistance to gradually applied compressive stress.
The aggregate sample: The material for the standard test consists of aggregates sized
between 10 mm and 12.5 mm. The aggregates should be in surface dry condition.
1. Required amount of the material is sieved through 12.5 mm and retained on 10
mm IS sieves are taken for the test.
2. Empty weight of the steel cup is weighed (W)
3. The sieved material is filled in the mould to a depth more than 1/3rd of the
height of the cylinder and 25 gentle blows are given. Likewise, other two
layers are also filled and surface is leveled by straight edge.
4. The weight of the steel cup with aggregates is weighed. (W1)
5. The steel cup is placed in its position of the impact tester and the hammer is
allowed to fall freely on the surface of the aggregates for 15 times and the
steel cup with crushed aggregate.
6. The crushed material is removed from the mould and is sieved through 2.36
mm IS sieve. The weight of the material passed through the sieve is weighed.
7. Steps 2 to 7 are repeated for another set of readings.
8. Aggregate crushing value in percentage of the given aggregate is calculated
from the formula: {W2 /[W1-W]} x 100
Sl.No Description Trial 1 Trial 2
01 Empty weight of mould (W) in g
Mean value
The mean of the two results to the nearest whole number is reported as Aggregate impact
value of the given material.
Depending on the maximum limits of aggregate impact values given in the table below,
suitability of given aggregate for road construction can be assessed.
The Indian Roads Congress has recommended the following values for different types of
road construction:
Sl.No Type of pavement Maximum
AIV in %
01 Surface dressing penetration macadam, bituminous carpet concrete 30
and cement concrete wearing course
02 Bitumen bound macadam, base course 35
03 WBM base course with bitumen surfacing 40
04 Cement concrete base course 45
Aggregate Impact value of the given aggregate sample is =
Ex No:
Determination of flakiness and elongation index of coarse aggregate
Weighing balance
Set of IS sieves
Thickness gauge
Length gauge
The flakiness index of aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles in it whose least
dimension (thickness) is less than 0.6 times that of mean dimension. Elongation index of
aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles in it whose greatest dimension (length)
is greater than 1.8 times their mean dimension. Both these tests are not applicable to
aggregates of sizes smaller than 6.3 mm.
1. Take sufficient quantity of aggregates such that a minimum number of 280 pieces
of any fraction can be tested.
2. Sieve the aggregates first in IS sieve 63 mm and collect the aggregates passing
through this sieve and retained on Is sieve 50 mm. Let it be w1 g.
3. Pass the above aggregates though the 33.90 mm slot of thickness gauge.
4. Collect the aggregates which are passing in the gauge in a separate tray.
5. Repeat the same procedure for the remaining sample of aggregate according to the
table given below.
6. Weigh the aggregate passing through the various slots of the thickness gauge and
let it be W.
7. Calculate the flakiness index which is taken as the total weight of material passing
the various slots of the thickness gauge expressed as a percentage of the total
weight of sample taken.
Tabulation for Flakiness Index
According to IS: 2386 (part I) – 1963.
S. Aggregate Aggregate Slot size Weight of Weight of Flakiness
No Passing IS Retained of thickness aggregate in Aggregate Index
Sieve size on IS gauge this size Passing the (percent)
(mm) Sieve size (mm) range Slot of
(mm) (g) thickness gauge
1. 63.0 50.0 33.90
1. Take sufficient quantity of aggregate such that a minimum number of 200 pieces
of any fraction can be tested.
2. Sieve the aggregates through 80 mm IS sieve and collect the sample passing 890
mm and retained on 40 mm and weigh them accurately. Let it be w1 g.
3. Pass each and every piece of aggregate from the above sample through the 81.0
mm slot of the length gauge.
4. Collect the aggregates that are retained in a separate tray.
5. Repeat the same procedure for the remaining aggregate according to the table
given below.
6. Calculate the elongation index that is taken as the total weight of material retained
on the various slots of the length gauge expressed as a percentage of total weight
of material sample taken.
Tabulation for Elongation Index
According to IS: 2386 (part I) – 1963.
1) Flakiness Index of given sample of aggregate =
2) Elongation Index of given sample of aggregate =
Ex No:
To determine the Los Angeles abrasion value of coarse aggregate
The principle of Los Angeles abrasion test is to find the percentage wear due to
the relative rubbing action between the aggregates and steel balls used as abrasive charge;
pounding action of these balls also exist while conducting the test. This test is believed to
be more dependable as rubbing and pounding action simulate the field conditions where
both abrasion and impact occur.
Los Angeles abrasion testing machine
Test sieves
Take 5 kg of aggregate for grades A, B, C, D and 10 kg for E, F, G grades of aggregates.
(see table below for gradation of aggregates)
Select the no. of steel balls to be used as abrasive charge from the same gradation table
and place them in the cylinder of the machine.
Rotate the cylinder for 500 revolutions for gradings A, B, C, D and 1000 revolutions for
E, F, G at a speed of 30 to 33 revolutions per minute.
Stop the machine and take out all the material including stone dust carefully.
Sieve the material using 1.70 mm IS sieve and weigh the portion of material retained on
the sieve accurately.
Let original weight of aggregate = W1 g
Weight of aggregate retained on 1.70 mm IS sieve after the test = W2 g
Speciffications for Los Angeles Test
A - 1250 1250 1250 1250 12 5000
B - 2500 2500 11 4584
C - 2500 2500 8 3380
D - 5000 6 2500
E 2500 2500 5000 12 5000
F - 5000 5000 12 5000
G - 5000 5000 12 5000
Ex No:
1. Determination of consistency of the given bituminous material
2. Assessment of suitability of bitumen aggregate for its use under different climatic
condition and type of construction
1. Container: a flat-bottomed cylindrical metallic dish 55 mm in depth is
2. Needle: Straight, highly polished cylindrical hard steel rod
3. Water bath: A water bath maintained at 25 ºC containing not less than 10 litres
of water. The sample is to be immersed in not less than 100 mm from the top and
supported on a perforated shelf, 50 mm from the bottom.
4. Transfer dish or tray
5. Penetration apparatus
6. Thermometer: Range 0 to 44 ºC
7. Time measuring device
The penetration test determines the hardness or softness of bitumen by measuring the
depth in tenths of a millimeter to which a standard loaded needle will penetrate vertically
in five seconds. The sample is maintained at a temperature of 25ºC and BIS have
standardized the test. The bitumen grade is specified in terms of penetration value. 80-
100 or 80/100 grade bitumen means that the penetration value of the bitumen in the range
of 80 to 100 at standard test conditions. The penetration test is exclusively used to
bitumen. The penetration values of various types of bitumen used in pavement
construction in our country range between 20 and 225.
1. Preparation of test specimen: The material is softened to a temperature of 60ºC for
tars and 90ºC for bitumen and stirred till air bubbles and water are freed. It is
poured into transfer dish and it is allowed to cool for one hour. Then it is kept for
1 to 1½ hour.
2. The transfer dish is then taken out from water bath and it is placed on the stand of
penetrometer device.
3. The needle in the penetrometer is cleaned with benzene and the needle is adjusted
in such a way that, the tip of needle is in contact with the surface of the
bituminous material.
4. The pointer of the dial is made to zero and initial reading noted.
5. Then the needle is released exactly for 5 seconds.
6. The penetrometer is adjusted to measure the depth penetrated.
7. At least three readings are to be taken at different points on the surface, which are
not less than 10 mm from each other.
Test temperature:
Penetration value
Mean value
IRC suggests bitumen grades of 30/40, 60/70 and 80/100 for bituminous macadam and
penetration macadam. In warmer regions lower penetration grades are preferred, where as
in colder regions higher penetration grades like 180/200 are used so that excessive
brittleness will not occur. Highest penetration grades are used in spray application works.
Consistency of the given bituminous material is =
Determination of softening point of the given bituminous material
1. Ring and ball apparatus consists of the following:
Steel balls: 2 Nos each of 9.5 mm diameter and weighing 3.5 g
Brass rings: 2 Nos each having depth of 6.4 mm, inside diameter at bottom and
top of 15.9 mm and 17.5 mm respectively
Ball guides: To guide the movement of balls centrally
Support: To hold the rings in position and allow for suspension of a thermometer
2. Thermometer that can read up to 100ºC
3. Bath: A heat resistant glass beaker not less than 85 mm in diameter and 1220 mm
in depth.
4. Stirrer
The softening point is the temperature at which substance attains a particular degree of
softening under specified condition of test. The softening point of bitumen is usually
determined by Ring and Ball test. The softening point of various bitumen grades used in
paving jobs vary between 35ºC to 70ºC.
1. Preparation of test sample: The material is softened to a temperature of 75 ºC to
100ºC till air bubbles and water are freed.
2. The rings are placed on a metal plate, previously heated to a temperature
approximating to that of molten material and the molten material is poured into
rings. It is air-cooled and excess material is removed with a Sharpe edged knife.
3. The apparatus is assembled with rings, thermometer and ball guides in position.
4. Bath is filled with distilled water to a height of 50 mm above the top of the upper
surface of the rings. The starting temperature is 5ºC
5. The heat is applied at a rate of 5ºC per minute and with increase in temperature,
the bituminous material starts to melt and ball sinks through the ring and carries a
portion of material with it.
6. The temperatures are noted down, when the first and second ball touches the
bottom plate separately and average of the two values reported as softening point.
Softening point has particular significance for materials that are to be used as joint and
crack fillers. In general, higher the softening point, lower the temperature susceptibility.
Bitumen with higher softening point will be preferred in warmer places.
Softening point of the given bituminous material is =
Ex No:
Determination of ductility value the given bituminous material
1. Briquette mould
2. Square end trowel
3. Ductility testing machine
In the flexible pavement constructions where bitumen binders are used, it is important
that the binders form ductile thin films around the aggregates. This serves as a
satisfactory binder in improving the physical interlocking of the aggregate bitumen
mixes. Under traffic loads the bituminous pavement layer is subjected to repeated
deformation and recoveries. The binder material, which does not possess sufficient
ductility, would crack and thus provide pervious pavement surface. Ductility test is
carried out to test this property of the binder. The test is believed to measure the adhesive
property of bitumen and its ability to stretch. The bitumen may satisfy the penetration
value, but may fail to satisfy the ductility requirements. Penetration and ductility tests
cannot in any case replace each other. The ductility is expressed as the distance to which
a standard briquette of bitumen can be stretched before the thread breaks. The ductility
values may vary from 5 cm to 100 cm. The BIS have specified a minimum ductility value
of 75 cm.
1. Preparation of test specimen: The material is softened to a temperature of 75
ºC to 100ºC till air bubbles and water are freed.
2. It is poured in the mould assembly and placed o brass plate after a solution
glycerene and dextrine is applied to all surfaces of mould assembly.
3. It is air cooled for 30 to 40 minutes, then it is kept in water bath for 80 to 90
minutes and excess bitumen is removed and leveled off.
4. The sides of the mould are removed and the clips are carefully hooked without
any hook strain. The reading is set to zero.
5. The machine is started and the two clips are thus pulled apart horizontally
6. The distance at which the bitumen thread breaks is recorded to report as
ductility value.
Grade of Bitumen :
Pouring temperature, ºC :
Test temperature, ºC :
Periods of cooling in air :
In water bath :
The Ductility value of the given bitumen material is =
Ex No:
To determine the specific gravity of the given bitumen using Pycnometer method
Specific gravity bottle of 50 ml capacity
1. The density bottle is cleaned and dried and it is filled with distilled water.
2. This set-up is kept in water with a temperature of 27ºC for half an hour.
3. Then the bottle is removed from the distilled water and then cleaned.
4. The bituminous material is heated to a pouring temperature and is poured into the
bottle with care for preventing entry of air bubbles.
5. The bottle is filled up to the half and then cooled before weighing.
Trial Empty Weight of Weight of Weight of bottle + Specific
No. weight of bottle + bottle + half filled bitumen+ gravity
bottle distilled half filled distilled water
(a) water (b) bitumen (c) (d)
Average value
Specific gravity = (c-a)/ [(b-a) – (d-c)]
Specific gravity of the given bituminous material is =
Ex No:
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the viability of an aggregate based
on silt test.
1) Sample aggregate (Sand and Kitty litter work well for comparison).
3) Water.
4) Ruler.
• Place 5 cm of aggregate in the container.
• Fill the container with water so that the water level is 2 cm above the aggregate.
• Shake vigorously for 1 minute, making the last few shakes in a swirling motion to
level off the aggregate.
• It is suggested that this demonstration may be done twice, once with sand and
once with kitty liter to obtain various results.
• Allow the container to stand for an hour or until the liquid above the aggregate is
• The layer that appears above the aggregate is called the silt. Measure the slit layer.
If this layer is more than 3mm thick, the aggregate is not suitable for concrete
work unless excess silt is removed by washing.
The given coarse aggregate is Viable/Not Viable.
Ex No:
• Fill the container with sand to the 150mL mark.
• Indicate the colour of the liquid remaining on the top of the aggregate.
The colour of the liquid indicates whether or not the aggregate contains too much organic
matter. A colourless liquid indicates a clean aggregate, free .from organic matter. A straw
– coloured solution, not darker than apple – cider vinegar indicates some organic matter
but not enough to be seriously objectionable. Darker colour means that it contains too
much organic matter and should not be used unless washed and tested again.
The given fine aggregate is Viable / Not Viable.