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It is a personal and It is a personal and informalIt is a personal and informal

informal letter for a letter for someone new letter for replying a letter
close friend from someone new
Receiver A close Friend A new contact A new friend
Purpose To share the last news aboutTo make a friend to helpTo introduce the writer
her mom’s health improving the addresseeidentity.
English skill

In this task, you are going to analyse the letter structure by the senders and receivers.
1. What personal relation do each sender of the letter to the addressees? Provide evidence from
the letters!
2. What is the tone of each letter? Provide evidences from the letters.

1. Based on the letter 1, the sender and the addressee are old friends. It can be seen
that Aleena as the sender of the letter said “It has been a very long time since we met or wrote to
each other. So, they used to meet each other before.
According to Letter 2 and 3 which has the correlation, it can be implied that they,
sender and the addressee, have never met each other before. Letter 2 told that the sender sent this
letter to his friend’s friend. The sender of this letter wanted to improve his English while the
addressee (who is the sender of Letter 3) wants to practice English. One thing to make sure that
they have never met each other is that the sender of Letter 2 asks the addressee to introduce
himself and the addressee replied it in Letter 3.
2. The tone of the letter is informal but the letter 1 is friendlier than the other letter.
It can be seen from the word choice of the letters. The letters use the word ‘dear’ and ‘hello’ for
the opening and the closing of the letter 3, the sender said “Anyway, I must go and get on with
my work! “ it tells us that the style of language is not formal. In Letter 1 also tells us that the
sender uses word ‘take care’ and ‘love’.

Fill in the table by referring to the previous letter in task 1
In this task, you are going to analyze the letter structure by the
senders and receivers. Fill in the table by referring to the previous letter in
task 1.
Letter 1 Letter 2 Letter 3
Date of Writing April 17, 2018 It’s not written It’s not written
Sender Aleena Alexa Ivo
Greetings form Dear Hello (Informal/Friendly) Hello
(Informal/Friendly) (Informal/Friendly)
Main content The sender shares herThe sender wants to startThe sender replies a
bad experience to anfriendship with someone new letter from a new
old friend friend
Personal news The sender’s mother isThe sender’s friend told him toShe introduces herself
sick and it disturbs herthat the addressee wants to
days practice English so the sender
gives a good response to make
a friend with the addressee
Complementary Love Thanks Best wishes
close/Sign off
Receiver Fatima Ivo Alexa

Now, report the similarities and differences of the four letters by filling out
the table below.
Letter 1 Letter 2 Letter 3
Similaritie Social functionTo exchange news about theTo make a relationshipTo exchange information to a
s sender’s last vocation and herwith a new friend new friend.
mother’s condition
Text Date Salutation Salutation and name
structures Salutation and name Introduction Introduction
Introduction Body Body
Body Complimentary close Closing (to indicate the
Closing (to indicate the letter is(short letter is going to
going to end; Give my love expression;thanks) end;anyway I must go
to your mom and dad and get on with my
and loads of love to you work!)
too) Complimentary close (short
Complimentary close (short expression; best wishes)
expression; love) Signature (name of the
Signature (name of the writer; Ivo)
writer; Aleena)
Lexico-gram simple present tense simple present tense simple present tense
matical simple past tense to tell the
Feature past experience
Differences Social functionto exchange information toTo inform that the senderTo reply the letter from a
someone already known wants to make a friendnew friend.
with someone new.
Text There is a date There is no date, name ofThere is no date
structures addressee, closure, nor

Now, you will learn how to construct a personal letter. To begin with, rearrange the structure of a
personal letter here into a good order!
1. Brisbane, June 5th 2018
2. Dearest John and Jane,
3. I hope this letter finds you well .I’m just writing to thank you both for the holiday and
for thephotos you sent. The photos arrived this morning in the post. They reminded me what a
greattime I had during my stay with you last month. You really were fantastic hosts, and
I couldn’t have asked for better guides to show me around
4. Sorry I didn’t write to you earlier, but I’ve been working flat out since the moment I arrived
home. Do you remember I told you I had an assignment to finish? Well, the deadline was two
weeks earlier than I thought It was!
5. Anyway, I’m back to normal now and I’ve handed in all of my assignments. In fact, now thatI’m
free ,why don’t you both come and stay? There’s a spare room here ,so you’re welcome to use it
whenever you like.
6. Hope to see you soon,
7. Peter

In this task, you will learn more about how you exchange Rearrange the multiply
email here into a correct order.

It can be seen that the correct order of the multiply email is : F – B – D – E – A – C

Assignment M1 LA1
Please do the assignment below to rehearse anything you have learnt in this activity
and send it to the link provided.
Write an email to a friend of yours and ask him or her to reply. You can send and
reply the letter into three cycles.

Lubuklinggau, July 22nd 2018

Dear Nopri,
It’s been long time we haven’t met each other and I guessed it would be great I write a
letter to see how everything is. I am very well here and I hope this letter find you in a good
Bro, I saw your article has been published in Edu Magazine. I read it and it is so amazing.
You’ve written wisely how Islam sets education system and it describes that there are so many
things we have to do for ummat in education part.
Nop, my organization will be holding the great education seminar here. It will be held on
August 20, 2018. I just want you to come to this seminar and we can discuss about Islamic
education system after that in my house. I really want to know about it and I think there is no
reason that you will not come. I do hope you can come to this seminar.
Anyway, I must go and get on with my work! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes

Lubuklinggau, July 25th 2018

Hello RH,
I’m glad to hear about you, bro. I hope this letter also finds you in the best of health and
spirits. I am doing fine here.
I would like to come to that seminar but I am afraid I can’t. I have to attend the invitation
from the ministry of education which coincided with the seminar. You know, I really can’t wait
for our discussion but it won’t happen soon. I will fly to Jakarta next week, and after going
home from there, I directly fly to your town, I hope you can spare your time for me on that day.
RH, I have to go now, my child has called me to pick him up.
Your Friend
Lubuklinggau, July 29th 2018
Hi Nopri,
Nice, it will be a wonderful day in which we can enjoy our coffee in our favorite place. I
can’t never wait for that. I am ready 100%. If you never mind if I pick you up in the airport, I
will be glad. Ok see u bro..
Thanks for your coming later.


In this activity, I have learned a number of personal letters. THE

comparison of the social functions of a number of personal
letters regarding the context of situation, the target receiver, the points of
interests or importance, the structure of each of the letters, including the
layout, the structure and the detail information, the lexicogrammatical
features of personal letters by determining the choice of words
and expressions, the use of direct and indirect sentences, the tenses, the
fonts, the punctuation marks, etc. how to construct a personal letter and
respond to the letter according to their context of situation, social function,
text structure, and lexico-grammatical features.
The key features of personal text include Social Function, Generic
Structure, Significant Lexico-grammatical Features,
What I like most about this activity
is to compare the social functions of a number of personal
letters regarding the context of situation, the target receiver, the points of
interests or importance.

What I need to improve/learn more is to construct a personal letter and

respond to the letter according to their context of situation, social function,
text structure, and lexico-grammatical features.


4 Responses to "Tugas M1 LA1 Task 1 sd Task 6, Reflection, and Assignment M L1"

dwi amaliaFebruary 10, 2019 at 10:04 AM

tugas akhir dan task 1-6 M1 LA3 SHARE DONK


AdminFebruary 10, 2019 at 12:24 PM

sdh ad kok


indah suryaniFebruary 11, 2019 at 5:38 PM

min m2 nya ada?


AdminFebruary 11, 2019 at 6:09 PM

ad, ketik M2 di kolom pencarian

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