Informal Letter Writing Slides 2023 V2

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Lesson 01


Writing an
Informal Letter
Have you ever
written a
letter before?
Writing letters in a digital age

Why should we still write

letters when
technological media is so
much more convenient?
Writing letters in a digital age

Writing a letter takes time.

It forces you to thoughtfully

It is a wonderful way to tell
construct a story that would be someone they crossed
personally significant to the your mind for more than a
person reading the letter. few seconds.
Before writing the letter...

P Purpose Why are you writing this letter?

R Role What must you do as the writer?

Who is reading your letter? Refer to the question to get

A Audience
some background information about the reader.

F Format What style must you write in? Formal? Informal?

T Tone How must your letter sound? Why so?

Informal Letter Format

1. Address of sender (BRUS)

2. Date (DA)
3. Salutation (DE)
4. Introduction paragraph
5. 3-4 body paragraphs
6. Conclusion paragraph
7. Sign Off
Beginning the letter
Take note that everything should be aligned to the left.

B Block

R Road name
Address of SENDER (YOU)
U Unit number (Write # first)
It may be made up but it has
Singapore postal code to be realistic.
S Postal code has 6 digits and no brackets. Last 3
digits should match the block number.

Write the date in FULL.

Da Date
Write the current year.

Male / Female?
De Dear _____________ (recipient's name)
No comma after name
Introduction paragraph

Enquire about your recipient

Talk a bit about yourself
State your purpose for writing the letter (link back to task requirement)

Block 123
Woodlands Ring Road
Singapore 510123

Use this greeting to

7 June 2022 i. tell the recipient a little about your life and
ii. ask them about theirs
Dear Samantha

How are you? It was so lovely to hear from you! I am fine and have made many new
friends in my new secondary school. I hope you are also having fun in your new
This introductory
secondary school. In your previous letter, you mentioned that you want to spend time
paragraph enables you to
during your school holidays doing volunteer work. I came across two volunteer SHOW CONCERN for the
organisations on a webpage that I think you might be interested in. Let me tell you recipient of your letter.
more about them so you can consider if you would like to go there.
Remember to SHOW CONCERN for the recipient.

How are you? I hope you are coping in your new secondary school and doing
well in your studies!
I hope life is treating you well. Are you and your family members doing fine?
I have not heard from you in such a long time! Have you been busy recently?
I was so happy to receive your letter and I really enjoyed reading it!
Body paragraphs

Must answer ALL the points (task requirement) in the question.

Follow PEEL format, where possible
State a point
Elaborate by giving details (describe what and how)
Give example(s)
Link the significance of example(s) to the point stated
Cannot copy large chunks of information from the text. You have to write in your own words.
When writing your letter in your own words, you must write your own version of the information
and ideas by either adding new information or expanding existing information provided in the
stimulus such as flyers or posters.
Conclusion paragraph

Summarise your choices / recommendations made.

Prompt recipient for a reply.
Remind about the next course of action to be taken by the recipient.
Send greetings to family members.
Suggest meeting up with him or her soon.

(All about English, Pearson Longman, 2010)

Sample answer:
That's all for now. I hope you will consider the two activities that I have suggested. Do
write back soon and let me know your decision. I am really looking forward to a meaningful
and well-spent holiday with you! Send my regards to your parents. Take care! Bye!
Sign Off
Use informal closing. Other informal
complimentary closing
Example 1 examples:

Much love No comma after 'love' Cheers

Faithfully yours
With love
Ruth Sign your name legibly
Your friend
Thank You

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