Foreword 7
Acknowledgments 8
Preface 11
Endnotes 67
Index 69
Lawrence G. Downing
Robert M. Krone
Ben A. Maguad
The three authors, Dr. Lawrence G. Downing, Dr. Robert M. Krone and Dr. Ben A. Maguad
have created for the world a needed professional message on the history, and current status
of Moral Leadership. Together they have one hundred and fifty years of study, teaching,
consulting and writing about the value of ethical behavior and the huge range of results
when ethics and morality are missing in any type of leadership. What’s equally important
is that they each are models of Moral Leadership throughout their own careers. Their
collective wisdom of the subject has come from real world experience as well as serious
academic research.
This book, which is available free to everyone worldwide, has a long future of positive
impacts for leadership throughout public, private and non-profit and the entire fields of
education and governance.
My personal association with these professionals, in one case going back to 1954, gives me
the confidence to endorse this book across borders and cultures. Humanity’s future will
be benefited.
Colonel, USAF (Ret)
Recipient, Congressional Medal of Honor
Past President, Medal of Honor Society
We three authors have twelve decades of experience with the Seventh-day Adventist Church
higher education system. That system was founded on Christian moral principles with Moral
Leadership being taught throughout the global church structure.
We have either worked with, or for, Dr. Geraty, and were impressed by his continuous
accomplishments. He is both a teacher and practitioner of Moral Leadership. We thank
him for his expertise, comments and positive influences on our lives.
We are so proud to include the Foreword of Colonel Leo K. Thorsness, United States Air
Force (Ret.), whose career as one of America’s unique military, political and moral leaders
we honor. The following image montage slide of Colonel Thorsness, as the President of the
Congressional Medal of Honor Society, Dr. Bob Krone created to introduce him when he
spoke to the International Space Development Conference meeting in Huntsville, Alabama,
on May 21, 2011. The video of Leo’s short talk titled, “The Happiest 20 Seconds of Our
Lives,” can be seen at:
The Journal of Space Philosophy article with that talk is in Vol 3, No. 1 (Spring 2014).
I have learned so much and am very indebted to Dr. Downing, Dr. Krone and Dr. Maguad
for articulating so well the insights they have gained over the years of their distinguished
careers. I’m sure this book will turn up on countless reading lists for classes, study groups,
and conferences. I’m amazed how up-to-date it is, being sent to me the day after the Orlando
massacre but already making reference to the tragic event as a huge Moral Leadership
negative example.
I’m most honored to be included as a model of Moral Leadership by the three authors for
whom I have had profound respect! The two schools at La Sierra University (LSU), where
Dr. Larry Downing made such important contributions, are now called the Zapara School
of Business and the H.M.S. Richards Divinity School. And Dr. Krone’s involvement was
also with LSU’s Zapara School of Business.
Continued success to all three authors, professors and leaders. We’re going to miss Larry
moving away from Southern California. I look forward to meeting Ben Maguad whom
I’ve known only by reputation. A tie I feel with him is that I grew up on the campus of
Hong Kong Adventist College when my father served as its president. And Bob Krone,
we miss you on campus where Dean Johnny Thomas and I often speak of your important
contributions and lasting influence.
The need for Moral Leadership has always existed. History reveals a continuing spectrum
of leadership from exemplary to catastrophically bad. As this book goes to press we authors
conclude that the global need for Moral Leadership is increasing in the 21st Century where
the risks to humankind’s survival have also increased.
Morality is the set of rules for right conduct. Moral behavior recognizes the obligation in
society to treat others as we would be treated; that there exists in people the desire for
peace, security, and freedom in their lives.
Ethical study investigates the nature and constituency of human character and formulation
of rules of moral behavior. It is the science of right conduct and character. Ethics is a branch
of philosophy which concentrates on morality, its benefits, and its problems. Ethical study
through history has created differing doctrines as foundation for the duties of individuals
regarding the rights of others.
People want to avoid the fear that bad, or evil, things will happen to them or their families
or friends. When people are not treated ethically and morally, negative things happen.
Sorrow comes into their lives. Virtue and vice are voluntary and people and organizations
are responsible for which they choose. When vice or crime or unethical acts, which violate
the lives of others, are chosen, stable and productive lives are damaged and environments
become destructive rather than constructive. An assumption we have made is that the
overwhelming majority of humanity prefers an environment where their lives proceed in
constructive ways to improve the quality of life for themselves and others. The counter
assumption is that accelerating brainpower to prevent failure to achieve that environment
is critical for the well-being and survival of humanity.
Ethical goals and conduct reflect a commitment to a higher purpose than our own self-
serving ends. Moral people believe that good should triumph over evil and want to promote
the good to improve the human condition. They have a desire to be examples for the next
generation and do not wish to be known as the ones who harmed others or sowed the
seeds for future suffering. Needed is leadership with ethical and moral behavior ingrained
in its values system.
We offer to readers the lessons we have learned in life and in education about Moral
Leadership and provide a methodology – Values Analysis – for your study of its impacts
and potentials in your environment and culture. Moral leadership will be your key to
continuous successful decision making and management of business, of government, or
non-profit entities and of life.
Thank you!
– Old Proverb
This book is intended to answer some “Why?” and “How to” questions for readers. But
before you readers reach our prescriptive chapters we will provide our own Theory of Moral
Leadership as the intellectual foundation for what follows.
What is a theory? A theory explains reality and provides a framework for research, prediction,
and problem-solving. The test of theory is that it must be capable of being shared, reproduced,
put into practice, and verified repeatedly over time. Theories fall into three categories: 1)
Descriptive Theory explains “What exists;” 2) Values Theory explains and defends “What is
preferred;” and 3) Normative Theory provides the foundations for “What should be.”
The purposes of theory are to: understand, explain, predict, invent, improve, validate, or
justify. Normative Theory, like a ship’s engine and rudder, provides direction, force, and
logic to drive change. It can avoid waste or destructive trial and error. And, even more
important, it can avoid failures and catastrophes if pathological theories have taken hold.
Theory helps us find order in random or chaotic events and situations. The most basic
definition of Normative Theory is:
The remainder of this book is the development of a set of prescriptions for leadership. Our
Normative Theory of Moral Leadership, following, underlies the learning process which we
believe is essential.
We fully realize the enormous challenges this theory presents and admit that as the 21st
century begins, the feasibility of our vision occurring seems low. But, we also believe that
the awareness of damages and destruction to individuals, groups, communities, societies,
nations and global humanity linked to the outcomes of immoral leadership is rising rapidly
as global live communications increase. A macro cost-benefit study of the impacts of immoral
leadership would clearly conclude that “Immoral leadership should be an unacceptable cost to
people everywhere.”
– Dolly Parton
In this chapter readers will get a montage of past thinking on Moral Leadership. We
summarize views from the literature of philosophy, religion and the parables of the bible.
This review is illustrative, not complete.
Some of the most ancient written records are documents that defend high officials from
accusations of immoral behavior. The Egyptian Books of the Dead date from the 2nd
Century B.C. and earlier. In stylized form the Books of the Dead set forth a list of good
deeds performed by the deceased and, as is more common, denials of negative actions that
the deceased did not do. The following are found in the Papyrus of Ani from the Books of
the Dead (240 B.C.) (Translated by E.A. Wallis Budge).
Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comets forth from Anu, I have not committed sin.
Hail, Hept-khet, who comest forth from Kher-aha, I have not committed robbery with violence.
Hail, Fenti, who comest forth from Khemenu, I have not stolen.
Hail, Am-khaibit, who comest forth from Qernet, I have not slain men and women.
Hail, Ruruti, who comest forth from heaven, I have not purloined offerings.
Hail, Arfi-em-khet, who comest forth from Suat, I have not stolen the property of God.
Hail, Neba, who comest and goest, I have not uttered lies.
Hail, Qerrti, who comest forth from Amentet, I have not committed adultery, I have not
lain with men.
Hail, Basti, who comest forth from Bast, I have not eaten the heart.
Hail, Sertiu, who comest forth from Anu, I have not been angry without just cause.
Hail, Tutu, who comest forth from Ati, I have not debauched the wife of any man.
Hail, Uamenti, who comest forth from the Khebt chamber, I have not debauched the wife
of [any] man.
Hail, Nekhenu, who comest forth from Heqat, I have not shut my ears to the words of truth.
Hail, Neb-abui, who comest forth from Santi, I have not multiplied my words in speaking.
These statements provide evidence that concern for moral leadership has been with us a
long time. Today, we do not have our Books of the Dead to assure our ka (soul) has safe
passage as it makes its final journey across the Great River. In their place we have created
policy manuals and procedures that list and define ethical guidelines. Our national and
state laws are intended to hold corporations and individuals accountable for their actions.
The ancients observed human behavior and sought to decipher the inner workings of the
mind that produced the actions. Philosophers, teachers, prophets, shamans and gurus from
throughout the world and through the ages influenced our understanding of moral leadership.
Moses, King David, Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), Plato, Aristotle, Jesus the
Christ, St. Paul, Mohammad, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, Martin Luther, Calvin,
Pope John XXIII, Mother Teresa and countless others, known and unknown, have helped
us understand moral leadership and how moral leaders behave.
Benjamin Franklin in his autobiography describes the process he established to make himself
a morally perfect person. Putting his methodical, scientific mind to work he compiled a
list that, when implemented, would assure his desired goal. His list included 13 virtues:
temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation,
cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility. Under each heading he included a resolve.
Under humility he wrote, “Imitate Jesus and Socrates.”1 He resolved to concentrate on
each virtue for a week at a time, while maintaining the high moral ground he had already
achieved. In his autobiography he relates how he created a small book in which he allotted
a page for each of the thirteen virtues. The pages were ruled into seven columns, one for
each day. “I crossse’d these columns with thirteen red lines, marking the beginning of each line
with the first letter of one of the virtues, on which line, and in its proper column, I might mark,
by a little black spot, every fault I found on examination to have been committed respecting
that virtue upon that day.2 By his own admission, Franklin’s scheme to achieve moral perfection
failed. He confessed his efforts ended in “…a kind of foppery in morals….”3
Franklin’s failure to achieve moral perfection is not a surprise. In the same way, similar
failure awaits the company that relies on manuals or policies to assure moral leadership
among its employees. Moral values cannot be quantified, legislated nor achieved through
discipline alone. Moral leaders are women and men who apply their inner values to specific
situations. Moral leaders are people who have formed within their minds a set of values that
guide their behavior and their decisions. Values and morals are developed through a long
and complicated process. The influences that guide our moral development begin at birth
and continue until death. Information, facts and training are not to be minimized in this
process but of greater significance are the models we follow. Who are our heroes? Who are
the people whose behavior we model?
This chapter will examine the teachings and practices of Jesus the Christ, a person who is
an acknowledged moral leader. We shall give particular attention to the parables that address
moral issues and human behavior. For a major portion of earth’s humanity, Jesus’ teachings
provide a moral compass and challenge readers to evaluate their motives and behavior. We will
examine how Jesus related to people and how his teachings reshaped human understanding
of values and morals. We will identify the values the teachings of Jesus represented that
have stood the test of time and suggest how those teachings apply to contemporary life.
Jesus spoke to people who lived in the real world. He addressed real situations that affected
people’s lives. We will allow his parables to speak for themselves rather than provide
commentary. The parable may be based on a real-life event known to the listeners or it may
tell about something the listener can identify with. It is important to note that parables are
object lessons or metaphors. It is the parable taken in its entirety that defines the point. The
reader is not to center on the individual components of a parable. Indeed, the individual
components, when examined apart from the parable, may not necessarily reflect reality nor
should the parts be teased out and used to support specific theology or to create doctrine.
Parables make a point and should not be stretched beyond that point.
The first parable we shall explore is the story Jesus told in response to a questioner who
asked him, “Who is my neighbor? ”4 The setting: a lawyer, a specialist in religious and civil
law, had listened to what Jesus had to say. He, as one trained to evaluate evidence and form
conclusions based on that evidence, puzzled over what he heard. He may well have pondered
how this untrained man could attract and so profoundly affect people. He decided to test
the new teacher with a question: “What must I do to inherit eternal life? ”5
thinking . 360°
thinking .
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MORAL LEADERSHIP Moral Leadership through the Ages
Jesus responded with his own question. In essence he says, “You are a lawyer. What do your
law books say? ” The man knows his ground and replies, “You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind;
and your neighbor as yourself.”6
“You’re correct in this one,” says Jesus. “Do what you say and you will live.” The lawyer was
not yet finished. “Ah, that’s the question,” he says. “And who, pray tell, is my neighbor?” The
door is open for a response that will blindside the lawyer. Jesus tells the parable commonly
called The Good Samaritan.
The parable tells the story of a man, apparently a Jew, who was attacked by robbers and
left to die at the side of the road. Three men at different times walk the road where the
injured man lies. The two religious leaders, including a priest, pass by without offering aid.
The third man, a Samaritan, a man the Jews despised, sees the man lying by the side of
the road, evaluates the situation, and gives aid. He put the injured man on his donkey and
transports him to an inn where he pays for the man’s lodging and assures the innkeeper
that should the bill exceed the amount he gave, he will pay that, too.
Now the punch line, as Jesus’ eyes bore into those of the lawyer. “Which of these three,
do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?7 The man is
flummoxed. He’s created his own trap and he knows it and he wants out the worst way,
but there is no out! His conservative, constricted mind will not allow him to acknowledge
that the hated Samaritan is a merciful man, but he must respond. “‘The one who showed
him mercy.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’”8
This parable, like any good parable, is a Rorschach Test for the listener. It is too easy to offer
pat answer: the moral leader is one who offers help when there is need. The more difficult
questions arise when we begin a personal inventory and ask more pertinent questions: Who
is our neighbor? What will be my response to the neighbor who has need? How does the
parable apply to life today? Who have we passed by? What is the appropriate response to
the one who has needs? Is it not important to consider the risks involved in extending care
to another? These are only the start of instructive lessons we can peel out from this parable.
Jesus welcomed the opportunity to challenge the power brokers’ stereotypical prejudices. You
want to talk about neighbors? Fine. Let’s talk about neighbors. What about the righteous
Samaritans? To the pious lawyer such a statement made about as much sense as talking
about the righteous Al Qaeda. But there it was. A member of a despised race did what
was right and the people of the prized race did not. The lawyer must acknowledge that
his preconceived ideas will not stand under every test. An exception is found and the one
exception nullifies the rule. A good parable is a lesson to be learned that the hearer must
create and follow through to its end.
A crowd gathered beside Lake Gennesaret, also called the Sea of Galilee. The press of people
necessitated Jesus step into a boat and push off a bit from shore. He began to teach many
things in parables. “Listen! ” he said, “‘A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed
fell on the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it
did not have much soil, and it sprang up quickly, since it had no depth of soil. And when the
sun rose, it was scorched; and since it had no root it withered away. Other seed fell among
thorns and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no grain. Other seed fell into good
soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirty and sixty and a
hundredfold.’” And he said, “Let anyone with ears to hear listen! ’”9
The Four-Fold Soil parable, also known as the Parable of the Sower, opens opportunity
to examine the context that gave rise to the teaching. We learn that Jesus is talking about
responses people make to the invitation to participate in God’s kingdom. It does not take
much creativity to widen the application to fit numerous other purposes. Leadership training.
Sales techniques. Production models. New markets. Management skills. The parable, like
a Rorschach Test, allows the hearer to give highly individualized response. This is not an
inappropriate use of parabolic method. The teacher tells the story and allows the hearer to
apply the lessons.
Specific points grab us when we read the Four-Fold Soil parable. The seed and the sower
are the constants. The fate of the seed, once it is distributed, is the changeable. Transpose
seed with information or data or whatever fits the occasion, and the parable takes on a new
life and new meaning. We have all seen examples of the person who is introduced to a new
opportunity. She runs with it and soon burns out. Another has success within his grasp,
and suddenly it is gone. And we watch with wonder when the person accepts a challenge.
Maximize the potential and demonstrate superior results. Successful managers capitalize
on this latter group and weed out the former, which allows us to consider the Parable of
the Weeds, a parable about God’s kingdom with implicit application to a wider audience.
A man sowed wheat in his field. That night, when all were asleep, an enemy came and
sowed weed seeds. When the plants began to mature and were ready for harvest the field
hands saw a problem: weeds in the wheat. What to do? They followed their instincts and
reported their discovery to the farmer who correctly diagnosed the problem, “An enemy has
done this.” Now what? The solution suggested by the field hands is rejected; they wanted to
pull out the weeds right now. The farmer’s concern to this solution is that he would lose
wheat along with the weeds. “Let both of them grow together until the harvest; and at harvest
time I will tell the reapers, Collect the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but
gather the wheat into my barns.”10
This parable recognizes that we do not live in a perfect world. People intentionally seek to
counter others’ success. They go about their work in secret and know their efforts will be
rewarded when the good intents of their prey are thwarted by their devious plans. When
their work is discovered the manager is put to the test. What is the best response? The people
on site offer their suggestion. The farmer’s experience trumps the field hand’s suggestion.
He allows time to work its way. Then he orders a response: Do not waste time to discover
and confront the perpetrator. Now that the problem is clearly identifiable, take action. Pull
out and destroy the offending plants while safeguarding the desirable wheat.
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What manager has not been confronted with the suspicion that an employee is gumming
up the gears or a competitor’s actions are less than noble? Who has not agonized when
someone threw a monkey wrench into well-laid plans? An enemy has done this. Now what?
The answer to these questions put to the test a manager’s experience, judgment and skill.
The parable recognizes that not everything is what it appears. Time is the deciding factor.
Three of Jesus’ parables describe items lost and then found. The first, the parable of the
lost sheep11 tells the story of a shepherd who is responsible for the community assets – 100
sheep. At the end of the day, when inventory is taken, one is absent. The shepherd left
the ninety-nine in the pen and went to search for the one lost sheep. When the shepherd
finds the missing sheep he brings it back to the fold, calls the town people together and
they celebrate. An asset has been recovered. The shepherd’s response to his loss is open to
question. He leaves the majority of his assets to search for one whose fate is in question.
Does his choice represent a responsible risk?
In 1995 Maldin Mills burned to the ground. The owner, Aaron Feuerstein, told the employees
that he would keep the workers on the payroll for ninety days. High risk. Using the Torah
and his understanding of moral responsibility, Mr. Feuerstein felt this was the ethical response
the situation demanded. The Lost Sheep Parable opens the door to consider the counter
intuitive act that for the occasion is needed.
The parable that follows tells the story of a woman who lost one of ten coins. She lights her
lamp, sweeps the house, and searches until she finds it. When the lost is found, she calls in
friends and neighbors to report her experience and invites them to share her joy that the
lost is found. We learn that in Jesus’ day the woman was the keeper of the family wealth.
She was the bank. To lose a tenth of the family assets was a significant calamity that might
well bode ill for the careless keeper of the coins. Little wonder the relief expressed when
the lost funds were recovered.
The third parable is the parable often referred to as The Parable of the Prodigal Son,
although it is more than the story of a boy who ran away from home. 12 Other facets make
this one of the most complex and intriguing of all the stories Jesus told. It is quite simple
in its form: A man had two sons. One of the sons becomes dissatisfied with his role in the
household. He asks his father for his share of the estate and leaves. The world is a delight.
Wine, women and song, until the money runs out. Then the world is poverty, hunger and
abandonment. The boy ponders his situation and makes a decision: he will go back home,
confess his sin, and agree to live as one of his father’s servants. When he nears his former
home, the father, who has been eagerly watching for his son to come back, runs out to
greet him and before the son can propose the solution to his present problems, the father
throws his own coat over the boy’s rags, puts a ring of authority on his finger, and calls his
servants to strike up the band. The son is home. It’s party time!
The music blares. The smell of roasted meat fills the air. And the second son comes home.
He’s not happy to learn that this hullabaloo is for the wayward brother. The boy is really
angry and searches out his father to demand why the fuss. He is angry that the father has
never given him a party. He’s been the faithful son, holding to his duty. And what is his
reward? In his distress, the stay-at-home son refuses to go into the house The father comes
out to plead with him. No dice. “Listen! For all these years I have been working like a slave
for you, and I have never disobeyed your command; yet you have never given me even a young
goat so that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours came back, who has
devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fatted calf for him!” Then the father said
to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. But we had to celebrate
and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost and has
been found.’”13
Not all choices end with “And they lived happily ever after.” People make mistakes and some
mistakes ruin lives. This parable assures that it is possible to change one’s mind. Leaving
destructive behavior is a viable option and the father welcomed back his child. Not all
will be pleased with the decision to include the wayward child in the household again nor
will everyone understand why the generous acceptance, but the father understood and his
opinion is what counted. How far do the boundaries defined by this parable extend? What
are the limits of forgiveness and acceptance? These questions are unanswered.
The Prodigal Son parable increases the loss factor off the scale. A man loses his youngest
son. The loss of a sheep and a coin is one thing. The life of a son is another matter. Those
who first heard the story understand the runaway son to be saying to his dad that he
wishes the father was dead! The father, without batting an eye, acquiesces. In the view of
the hearers, not only is the son’s request unimaginable, the father is a fool for going along
with the outlandish demand. Two fools meet, might well be the verdict. Jesus does not
suffer fools lightly. Little surprise the stay-by-your-dad son expresses his dissatisfaction with
what’s going on.
The father makes no excuse for his action nor does he argue. Instead he offers a simple
statement: “Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. But we had to celebrate
and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost and has
been found.”
Management does not always follow the logical course nor it is always called for to exercise
established protocol. Compassion lies within the human soul and comes out at unexpected
times and unusual ways. Give thanks when seemingly impossible situations end positive. Jesus
does not conclude with a statement that there was joy in heaven over this one lost lad who
is found. The father’s response says it all, and everyone who heard the story understood this.
Two conclusions jump out from Jesus’ saying. Situations arise where old does not mix
with the new. They are mutually destructive. People prefer the old. A few years ago Forbes
published “Management’s New Paradigms” by Peter F. Drucker.14 In this article, Drucker points
out that few policies are valid for more than 20 to 30 years, yet many of our assumptions
about business, technology and organization are 50 years old or older. They do not fit
current reality. “They have outlived their time.”15 Drucker proposes that the answer is not
to modify these old chestnuts but to toss them out and create new ones! You can’t put new
wine in old wineskins and end up with a satisfactory product.
After World War II Japanese automobile executives invited W. Edwards Deming to help them
improve the quality of their cars. He implemented a process that American manufactures
rejected. His concept was not to tweak existing assembly lines but to initiate a new concept
that made quality control the top priority. Japan bought his ideas and the rest is history.
You cannot sew new cloth on an old coat. The two are incompatible.
Strategic management is the issue in two of Jesus’ parables. “For which of you, intending
to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to
complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it
will begin to ridicule him, saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.’ Or
what king, going out to wage war against another king, will not sit down first and consider
whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one who comes against him with twenty
thousand? If he cannot, then, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and
asks for the terms of peace.”16
We need not look far to learn the fate of the corporations, countries and individuals who
failed the tests listed above. The might of Enron, Pan American Airlines and other great
corporations is in ruins. Volkswagen struggles to recover as a result of a fraudulent engineering
practice. Count the cost, said Jesus.
Matthew 7:24–27 and Luke 6:47–49 record the parable Jesus tells to those who hear what
he says are like the wise man who builds his house on a rock. Rain falls. Floods come. The
wind blows and the house stands. It is built on rock. The ones who hear what he teaches
and do not do it are like those who build on sand. The rain falls. The flood comes and the
winds blow and the house collapses. It is built on sand. Develop a solid mission statement
and stick to it. Establish sound business practices and follow them. Contract with reliable
and competent auditors and listen to them. Hire good people and use them. Adopt ethical
standards and enforce them. These are the rocks upon which solid companies build.
“What does fairness have to do with this?” asks the owner. “How much did we agree on when
I hired you?” “The usual day’s pay,” the workers reply. “Is this what you received?” “Yea, but
look, man, we worked hard and those other guys did practically nothing. It’s not fair!”
“‘Friend,’” replied the owner, (note that “friend” is singular, and “workers,” plural, brought
the complaints) “‘I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for the usual daily
wage? Take what belongs to you and go; I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you.
Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I
am generous? So the last will be first, and the first will be last.’”
Note: You are not likely to find this parable pasted on union hall refrigerator doors. What
the parable does describe is the leeway available to managers to use as the occasion warrants.
Excess does not require apology. It is called grace. At the same time be aware that not
everyone appreciates excess when directed toward others. Significant questions that arise
from this parable remain unanswered. A good bible commentary may assist in providing
the desired information.
The gospels record a number of short, pithy sayings that share certain attributes with traditional
parabolic style but in other ways are closer to comments or observation. Matthew13:43–45
is one of these. The subject is an unclean or evil spirit. “When the unclean spirit has gone out
of a person, it wanders through waterless regions looking for a resting place, but it finds none.
Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ When it comes, it finds it empty,
swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings along seven other spirits more evil than itself,
and they enter and live there; and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So it will
be also with this evil generation.’”
Without attempting to interpret this passage and apply it to modern day understanding of
evil spirits and their influence on human behavior, there are certain conclusions that can
nevertheless be drawn from this brief passage. We learn that unclean spirits count humans
as their home. One of these forces, for whatever reason, left its home and sought other
residence, found none, and returned where it had been. Apply the above metaphor to a
person’s life. Jesus says that the person cleaned up his act, got things restored the chaos
that is associated with the presence of evil, but left vacant the interior. This lack provided
opportunity for the negative spirit to return and bring its friends and relatives. The laws
of physics will have their way: nature does not abide in a vacuum. We may root out the
negative from our personal lives or our companies. This is good, but not enough. Find
something positive to fill the void!
In Mark 4:26–29 Jesus says, “‘The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the
ground, and would sleep and rise night and day and the seed would sprout and grow, he does
not know how.’” He observes that growth follows a natural and predictable pattern. The
earth causes the seed to germinate. The stalk grows and produces the head which, when
mature, is harvested. At harvest time, the farmer goes into the field with his sickle, because
the harvest is ready.
Managers study how events develop. Markets, production, personnel matters and numerous
other business decisions are matters of timing and knowing when to take action. Act too
quickly and one flirts with disaster. Wait too long and the opportunity is past. Timing is
everything. The manager who knows her people, her product, her market and understands
when to move has high probability to succeed. This is what the parable promotes. Allow
things to take their natural course, and be ready to take action when all the ducks are in
a row.
Our conclusion is that Jesus’ parables address classic moral situations that are valid still
for contemporary leaders and managers. Moral leaders will find in them dependable and
practical solutions to many of the moral issues that confront today’s business leaders.
– Pablo Picasso
Values Analysis is the methodological tool leadership needs to evaluate existing moral
leadership and compare what exists with desired standards. The Ideas Unlimited Group
Survey Method can penetrate its complexities.
Values are principles or things preferred. A study of values in diverse disciplines will reveal
other definitions. We have found this to be a simple and accurate generic definition that
works for any public, private or non-profit organization. We have used this definition to
advantage in higher education, in business, in politics and in society across global cultures.
The values of an individual, group or society are standards of desirability and evaluation
independent of specific situations. They are what humans want and feel to be guidelines
for behavior. Values regulate the political and managerial decision making and processes.
They lie at the heart of resource allocations. They are the lenses and filters through which
the world is viewed.
Values are mainly extra-rational. That is, they are only partially formulated through conscious
mental activity. They develop and exist because of complicated genetic, environmental,
socio-economic, historical, cultural and psychological variables rather than as a result of a
rational decision process. Rational contemplation, experience and education over time may
change values and traumatic or catastrophic events may alter them rapidly for individuals,
groups, even nations.
The integrity and quality of a system is often measured in terms of sets of values. The values
set on which a school, business or social-political entity is founded will be its primary key
for success over time. For those above reasons Values Analysis is an essential tool for system
designers and managers. It is one of the basic three research categories. The other two
categories are Behavioral Research which asks the question “What Exists?” and Normative
Research which asks the question, “What should be done?” Values analysis asks the question,
“What is preferred?”
An organization which has not formally approved its values set will be like a ship without a
rudder – destined for random behavior and eventual failure. Leadership is the most important
function of management; and moral leadership is the most important aspect of leadership.
For these reasons we have focused this book on Values Analysis for Moral Leadership.
We make a distinction for readers between “values” (plural) and “value” (singular). Value
is normally used in the utility sense for cost-benefit analysis asking “How good is it?” or
“Is it a good buy?” We use values to identify and evaluate what is preferred. They go far
beyond the economic value of a product or process. The following matrix demonstrates
that distinction in more detail:
*Tacit Knowledge is gained from living. **Explicit knowledge is gained from learning.
Sources of personal values are roots (family, environment, schools, peer groups, culture,
professional commitments and social affiliations). Sources from organizational entities are
leadership style; resource allocation choices; priorities adopted; rewards and punishments; the
goals set; and the formal policies and the tacit policies (those not published but observed
by those affected); position papers and vision statements. Values Analysis evaluates those
sources and variables.
Values Analysis is the most difficult of the three research categories because the total set
of values is concealed by their extra-rational nature, by taboos, by political feasibility
considerations, and by defenses flowing from fears of reprisal or criticism if all values are
openly expressed or published. Racial discrimination has been a major example throughout
human history.
Values are often judged in binary terms – good or bad – using political, moral, ethical,
religious, cultural or artistic standards. Decisions by some leadership are frequently founded
in values and proceed to action with very little rational analysis in between.
To be useful in our analysis of moral leadership our methodologies must lead us to more
precise identification and understanding of individual, group or organizational values and
how they are influencing decisions and organizational performance.
The spectrum of methods used includes Behavioral Research into sources and indicators,
Interviews, Brainstorming, Delphi Technique, Ideas Unlimited, Nominal Group Technique,
Quality Circles, and the Management and Planning Tools of the Quality Sciences and
Management. Readers will find references to some of these tools in this book and to all of
them on the Internet. Those tools have other applications outside of Values Analysis, but
they have helped to identify the composition, meanings and dimensions of the values sets
of research targets. Those dimensions are often:
Because Dr. Robert Krone is the Co-Founder and lead scholar for the Ideas Unlimited Group
Survey Method, and because it has been validated across cultures and internationally, we
focus on that method as the preferred Values Analysis Methodology survey method. Ideas
Unlimited was invented in 1926 by Dr. C.C. Crawford. Dr. Krone became its leading
advocate in 1981 and has taught, consulted and researched with the method for the past
thirty-five years internationally and cross-culturally.17
The limits of values explication need further elaboration. Leadership must be sensitive to
the degree to which a set of values can, or should, be explicated. The surfacing of concealed
values can damage or destroy coalition maintenance, leadership authority or consensus for
policies or programs. Herman Kahn illustrated that phenomenon at his Hudson Institute
Seminars with a story using a family example. Picture you and your spouse at the dinner table
with your two children and you decide that should a fire occur in the home, and you have time
to save only one child, you will save Jim, nor Irene. Then you tell the children that decision.
Obviously that exposes concealed values that should remain concealed for as soon as they
are made explicit it becomes destructive to the family unit.
You can easily extrapolate that example to your personal or professional environment, or to
whole companies, agencies or nations. Communist leadership in the Soviet Union could never
completely explicate their social-political values which finally became apparent resulting in
the demise of the Soviet Union in November 1989. The United States had great difficulty
explicating its values with regard to the Vietnam War. The subsequent turmoil within the
nation forced major policy and political changes.
Values will be driving your entity whether you do Values Analysis or not. The analysis is
difficult, even risky. But if you leave values out of your analysis they will surely influence
your system in perplexing, frustrating, and inexplicable ways. Values Analysis sorts out our
management theory options for practical application. It helps to identify where individual
values and system values diverge or conflict. It can greatly facilitate your resource allocation
dilemma. It is an indispensable tool for personnel recruitment, because you want people
working with you that accept your values. But you also want people in your organization
with enough differing values to avoid group-think and insure creative thinking, and are
not so radically different that disruptive conflicts are spawned. It’s not easy to achieve that
mix of people.
Values Analysis puts logic into issue emergence and significance. American deaths in overseas
conflicts becomes a serious issue, whereas American deaths on its highways, occurring at
much larger rates, have never become a serious issue. Americans prefer their cars and do
not prefer to lose their family members or friends in a distant war. Dying on the highway
continues to be tacitly judged consistent with American values.
Finally, Values Analysis gives us answers to the fundamental questions of “Who are we?” and
“What do we really prefer?” Coming to agreement on those questions in the design stage is
critically important. Even coming to secondary agreement (i.e., agreeing on what cannot
be agreed now but acting on those areas of agreement) can move your projects foreword.
In the worst case, when an absolute values conflict lurks beneath the surface, it is far better
to know it before you recommend large resource expenditures for a doubtful enterprise.
Our conclusion for readers of this book is that accomplishing Moral Leadership in your
organization is a sure key to preventing painful and serious unethical or illegal acts and
to insure long-term success for members and customers; and that Values Analysis will be
your best methodology with Ideas Unlimited, the preferred survey method to accomplish
Values Analysis.18
The world’s primary improvement sources are ideas. Ideas represent the essence of human
uniqueness. We asked Google on 28 April 2016 to search the Internet for “Ideas.” In 0.41
seconds Google calculated 1,950,000,000 results which is both evidence of the immersion of
ideas in society and of the implosion of the amount of time a search for information takes in
2016. Fifty years before, such a search would have been impossible in any amount of time.
Human progress accelerated when ideas could be recorded. Ideas are the tangible output of
the mental images the human brain and mind conceive. Applied brainpower has been the
engine for change through the ages. Brainpower created the great philosophies, literature,
art, music, military strategies, scientific discoveries, constructions, creations and inventions
of the world. Ideas have consistently changed the world for better or worse. Change will
accelerate in the future due to the real-time capability to share ideas as computers communicate
universally around the globe and into space. Since values are primarily subjective, attempting
to analyze them with traditional quantitative survey methods is neither cost-effective nor
useful for identifying their sources or their impacts.
Ideas Unlimited is the most effective qualitative idea generating tool now in existence.
The fundamental principle of Ideas Unlimited is that those who do the work possess the
know-how and the ideas to improve it. They are leadership’s best innovation resource. But
leadership needs a method, motivation and facilitation to allow the capture of their ideas
in a non-threatening environment. Ideas Unlimited ’s relevance to society has continually
increased as public and private system leadership, over the past nine decades since origin
of the method, grew to realize that the skills, know-how, problems and solutions of people
are the best resource for continual improvements. It is not an experimental tool. It has been
increasingly validated across systems, cultures and countries. Its scope reaches from personal
productivity to international and beyond earth problem-solving. It has a huge history of
past applications and an unlimited future.
Ideas Unlimited collects and organizes ideas from people to solve strategy, policy, planning,
program, process, task, or procedural problems. It achieves this through participants providing
responses to target statements or questions. Responses can be made manually in writing or
electronically via e-mail or websites. When a focus group is providing their responses, the
result is the aggregation of the know-how, the ideas, the problems, fixes, improvements,
and recommendations of that group. Those responses are normally obtained simultaneously,
independently, anonymously, and rapidly. And they are documented in the written form
and their content was originated by the responder. That valuable feature is one of many
that distinguishes Ideas Unlimited from other survey tools. The method then has a subject
keyword classification and data reduction protocol for the qualitative data obtained which
creates a performance improvement report. It is an entire idea system for researchers,
managers and leaders.
Readers should fully understand that the qualitative data Ideas Unlimited generates are
IDEAS. That is a fundamental difference between it and quantitative and statistical survey
methods which conclude with NUMBERS.
The following are important characteristics that make Ideas Unlimited the best qualitative
idea generation method now in existence:
Reduces the Distance between Decision Makers and Workers. An inevitable split occurs
between organizational leaders and those doing the work in an organization over time and
with the growth of the entity. This distance problem worsens if leadership adopts a top-
down direction management philosophy while failing to appreciate the value of employee
involvement. This distance problem has complex causes and is not easy to fix, but the
anonymity feature of Ideas Unlimited can penetrate the leader-employer gap with ideas that
the leadership can evaluate separated from organizational politics and personalities.
A Systems Approach. Every person in your focus group has something to contribute from
their own unique experience. Ideas Unlimited comes as close as you can get to a systems
approach to the available know-how of people providing responses. All of us need to feel
important and to feel we are contributing to our jobs and to feel our views are valued. The
method gives everyone a chance to do so anonymously, free of the fear of any retribution
or criticism for their views.
High Input Quality. Quality of inputs is high because people want to get their honest
feelings to decision makers. Quantity of inputs is unmatched by other group idea generation
methods because your survey population will average one idea per minute for ten minutes
of response. Every participant writes responses to a “target” that focuses the mind on his/her
experience for the selected subject. Politics and personalities are separated from anonymously
submitted ideas which can then be more objectively considered on their merits. The total
data captured forms a mosaic of specific know-how and improvement recommendations
from those who do the work.
Economic Feasibility. Ideas Unlimited has been employed throughout a huge range of
applications. None of those applications involved large costs to prepare or to conduct. Time
conservation for people in your focus group is an important bonus advantage. Targets are
usually simple statements or questions requiring responses that can be created in minutes. No
multi-page surveys are used in Ideas Unlimited. Respondent time commitment is short. Your
analyst time for design of application, for targeting the focus group, for aggregating the data,
classifying the data and preparing the report to your client is different and commensurate
with other professional idea generation methods.
Fixes Problems with Multi-Purpose Data. Every Ideas Unlimited application is specialized
to solve a problem. The aggregated data obtained includes a huge inventory of performance
improvement strategies, tactics and ideas. But it is rare that a problem in one organization is
completely different from all other organizations. Remedies for one are very often helpful to
another. The Best Practices field of the Quality Management Movement is now a sophisticated
professional tool for benchmarking the successes from one to many organizations. Data
from one Ideas Unlimited application is often relevant to future needs in other entities. In
the Krone Associates files are databases going back to Dr. Crawford’s research in the 1940s.
For example, many of the answers researchers found for questions like “How to do better
with less?” in hospital administration in the 1960s will still apply beyond 2016.
These multiple purposes help clients meet science standards by providing a rich systems
approach to random data which can then be subjected to careful and thorough analysis
leading to findings, conclusions and recommendations that will improve performance. When
that performance improvement has been validated over time, the criteria for scientific-based
research has been met.
Invents New Ideas. The method has the ability to bring to the surface ideas that the
respondent has in his or her memory bank but which have become part of Tacit Knowledge19
which cannot be readily recalled. It can also produce new ideas that were not already there
through the neurological process of Associative Memory20 – where the sequential writing
of ideas to an Ideas Unlimited target produces a series of ideas each one growing from the
preceding one. There is a third source of new ideas that occurs in the data classification and
analysis done after all the data has been aggregated through the inherent pooling process of
the method. The system actually produces more ideas than were present within the focus
group. The merging of related ideas in the database by the analyst gives birth to new and/
or better ideas.
No Limits to Group Sizes or Circumstances. The minimum size for an Ideas Unlimited
work session is one. The method is a personal productivity tool as well as a group survey
method. Although we have used the method for hundreds of people in short conference
applications, we advise that the optimum focus group size for more in-depth analysis is
about twenty participants. There is a point of minimum returns when the size of the group
goes up and people are taken from their jobs to be surveyed, but there are no hard rules
for numbers of a focus group.
Increasing online experience is modifying the guidelines. Providing a target online to thousands
of people is theoretically possible, although it has not been done as of 2016. The rule you
should use for focus group membership is that they all have experience with the subject
of your research and you have representation across skill levels, organizational functions
and responsibility levels. Experience over decades with the method proves conclusively that
there are no global public, private or non-profit organizations, industries or agencies which
cannot benefit from the use of Ideas Unlimited.
The single written target response and the one e-mail response are similar. The total data
captured overtime on a subject forms a mosaic of know-how and improvement recommendations
which is not possible for any one thinker to create and cannot be matched by other idea
generating methods. Dr. Robert Krone has been comparing methods for thirty-five years
to reach that conclusion.
There is another unique feature of Ideas Unlimited we call “The Golden Idea.” A Golden Idea
is a unique one by a single responder that fills a void and causes an “Aha!!” from the analyst
and client. Golden ideas are violations of the assumption that the more responses you get
for a specific action the more merit it must have. A variation of that assumption is that
quantitative or statistical calculations of responses will give you a hierarchy of importance.
Sometimes that assumption is correct, but the Golden Idea from one person may have more
merit than an idea stimulated by group-think.
Organizational Diagnosis. Humans, thinking creatively for the benefit of their organization,
are a critical variable for progress and eventual survival. A non-evaluated system will lose
energy and deteriorate. The physics term for that phenomenon is Entropy. Entropy also
occurs in social, political and management environments.
Unknowns cannot be fixed. Diagnosis to terminate non-value added portions of the system
should be periodic. The modern increases of change trends are continually shortening the
periodic time needed for diagnosis. Knowing what is wrong is essential. Knowing how to fix
it is equally important and often harder to determine. Ideas Unlimited will be a tool to help
you individually, and the organizations you lead or work with, to meet all of those needs.
The above description of Ideas Unlimited is general for any application. Following are some
specifics applicable to Values Analysis.
Personal Productivity. We are often asked “What is the minimum number for an Ideas
Unlimited focus group?” The answer is “One.” Your personal productivity will continually
increase as you learn to integrate the strengths of the method into your life.
Before Ideas Unlimited, Bob Krone began an academic project with a blank piece of paper
in the typewriter or computer. Afterwards he began the project by first creating a database
of ideas either through secondary research done by others or primary research through
targeting a focus group. Your personal authorship will improve because you have a scientific
way to capture and organize ideas. And your capability to capture and retain ideas flowing
to you from all directions at a conference will soar.
Diagnostic Workshops. Business and management for any industry, science, the arts –
everyday life has always had to identify two basics: 1) Problems and 2) Solutions for those
problems. The fundamental workshop is called “The Diagnostic Workshop.” The first target
is designed to solicit problems. The second target aims at solutions. It remains a valid tool,
but with time pressures an interesting fact has become clear. A solutions target will produce
responses that identify the problems. A problems target will not generate solutions data. So
over the past ten years the single target application has become the standard data gathering
beginning for a project.
The Single Target Tool. With the increasing time pressures in business and society, since Bill
Gates’ software connected the world, the Single Target Tool has become the most common
application of Ideas Unlimited. You can capture two hundred ideas from twenty people in
ten minutes either online or through a manual workshop. But its limiting feature is that
it will probably produce a shallow database lacking the depth of information needed for
your product.
Sequential targeting for problem penetration. When using the single target tool for the
first time with a focus group the method’s normal practice is to design the target to solicit
the most general thinking level. If you begin targeting with the subject sub-components you
may never get brainpower applied to the overall system. But having begun with a top level
general target it is likely that there will be holes in the database that need to be filled with
sequential targets. It’s a judgment call you and the client need to make together concerning
the sufficiency of the database. The sequential targeting is designed to capture needed in-
depth information on sub-parts of the problem. The purpose of sequential targeting is to
move progressively from an unknown solution for a problem to capturing data related to
sub-parts of the problem that can provide information and evidence sufficient for decision
makers to act to solve the problem.
• BBA • MSc
• MBA • PhD
Interview Tools. Ideas Unlimited increases the efficiency and effectiveness of other research
tools. The one-on-one intensive interview is a standard primary research method; but its
limitation is the difficulty of the interviewer to document the interview. Interviewees often
object to being recorded due to the sensitivity of comments they may make. We include
an Ideas Unlimited single target with interviews which produces statements in the words
of interviewees, not abstracted by the researcher. For instance, Dr. Krone was doing an
independent review of a major university’s PhD Degree Program in Organization Management.
During solo interviews with academic leadership he asked them to write as many responses
as they could to the target:
Guaranteeing anonymity to responses to a sensitive subject like this one frees the interviewee
to provide a rapid written set of valuable and honest additions to the data base. It can
happen in only a few minutes of the interview time and needs no documentation by the
interviewer or interpretation by the analysis team. This is a good example of how merging
the strengths of Ideas Unlimited with other idea and information generating research methods
improves performance.
Meetings, Conferences and Seminars. There is a purpose for everyone attending meetings,
conferences and seminars. Sharing information and ideas applies to all those purposes. First,
with regard to business meetings, Bob Krone introduced Ideas Unlimited to a University
of Southern California Master of Science in Systems Management class at Hughes Aircraft
Company in Santa Barbara, California. All class members were engineers who, after learning
the method, decided they would spend the first five-to-seven minutes of every meeting with
all present writing independent and simultaneous responses to a target designed to get data
on the “Problem of the day.”
So, instead of getting everyone’s ideas sequentially and orally, as normally done with
brainstorming, the meeting would begin by capturing many more written ideas in less
time. History of the method reveals that responders will average one response to a target
per minute until mental slowdown which averages ten ideas on any target. That meeting
opening database will also be high quality because responses will be anonymous and before
the meeting chair expresses views that will certainly bias some of their responses.
Conferences and seminars are designed to have a full agenda with multiple presentations
and demonstrations. Ideas flow chaotically in presentations, in the hallways, over coffee
breaks, meals, and relaxing before bed time. We know that readers have tried many of the
idea capturing routines in conferences: e.g., notebooks, tape or video recorders, notes in
the schedule margins or on the backs of envelopes, or assuming that you will recall from
memory the important points. You were probably frustrated later when you had no time
to replay the recordings and your random notes could not be organized. The result is lost
opportunities. By adopting the Ideas Unlimited data capturing and classifying procedure
you will walk away from the conference with the notes you captured for your needs in a
package organized into the people and subjects relevant for your future needs. We have
those packages from long past conferences and seminars. They can be later reviewed for
extracting their essential ideas.
This is a valuable personal productivity application of Ideas Unlimited. One of the important
reasons is related to mental retention of information the mind receives from different
sources. Studies have shown for a very long time that most information not recorded is
lost to recall in a short time. We are continually being bombarded with ideas. Without a
system to capture them, few will be retained. Your advancing age will increase those losses.
Rotation Targeting. This tool maximizes the brainpower capturing of a group using multiple
targets representing the major areas of a subject needing attention. Rotation targeting
experience has been primarily in the manual mode with groups that can devote at least one
hour of mental concentration. The result is the capturing of responses to all targets on the
list in a shorter time period than would be necessary for the whole group to address the
targets simultaneously. The tool’s weakness is a smaller production of responses per target
compared to all focus group members simultaneously writing on one target. Its strength is
coverage of all targets on the list.
The Question and Answer Tool. The Ideas Unlimited Question and Answer (Q & A)
procedure will avoid the two common unfortunate experiences when you ask your group
“Who has a question for our speaker?” Frequently there is an embarrassing silence or someone
rises and expounds personal views for ten minutes. Neither event combines the interests of
the audience with the expertise of your speaker. In spite of the long history of these Q &
A failures, they remain more the norm today than the exception. Here is the solution. For
thirty-five years we have used the following procedure which will guarantee success for the
end of your guest speaker appearance:
Note that you have removed the question from the one who originated it who can remain
anonymous and that you have added some quality judgment to selecting questions.
Furthermore, you have linked the interests of the audience in this environment with the
qualifications of the speaker. You rarely run out of questions before you run out of time
and you have a written database of questions that the speaker can take and consider feeding
back answers later to the group. Plus, you have avoided anyone dominating the session with
a long exposition of his/her views.
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Classroom Routines. Readers who are teachers and professors will find Ideas Unlimited to
be a valuable educational assistant. All the tools just listed have been used in classrooms
around the world.
There is another tool that we call the “Target of Opportunity” that is especially suitable for
the spontaneity of the learning environment. Ideas flow between the teacher, the students
and the study materials. When a subject comes up which could be rapidly covered by ideas
from all on-the-spot the group can right then design a target and everyone can spend the
next few minutes in writing their responses.
Procedure Writing. When procedures are wrong or don’t exist, failures occur. History is
filled with examples of missing or wrong procedures causing expensive, often catastrophic,
outcomes. The more complex the task, like a space shuttle mission, the greater are the costs
and impacts when required procedures are not followed. The procedure for starting a jet
engine is: 1) Rotate the engine; 2) Ignite the spark; and 3) Inject fuel. Any other procedure
will cause an engine explosion. The Ideas Unlimited procedure writing tool does not follow
the normal targeting procedure. First, it is done with small groups of people familiar with
the task. Secondly, it is not an anonymous process. Thirdly, it is most effectively done in a
face-to-face workshop, although it can be accomplished online. The following box has the
routine for procedure writing.
1. You and your client together create the tasks for which procedures are needed. The
client selects workshop members responsible and knowledgeable in the subject.
2. Create 3- to 5-member breakout groups. Each group is to create a separate task
3. Breakout groups begin their sessions by each person, before any discussion,
independently writing the sequence of steps needed for the task procedure – one
step per blank small data paper or 3x5 card. They write in concise language. It will
take a few minutes for everyone to create their own understanding of correct steps
and to have them in order on the table in order in front of them. Steps need to
cover the smallest details from start to stop. This will require re-writing of some
steps, insertion of a new needed step, or deletion of an unnecessary one.
4. When all group members are satisfied with their set of procedures they are compared
and the optimum set is created. They share procedures with the group. The goal
is to create one agreed set of procedures.
5. Each breakout group then briefs their procedure to the whole assembled workshop.
6. The total set of procedures goes to the client’s decision makers for final editing,
approval and implementation.
Getting procedures right and in a form that people can easily understand and use will
forever be a critically important facet of every activity in life. Procedures do more than tell
people “How to ____.” They prevent huge costs resulting from poor quality performance.
Case Studies. Case studies are one of the standard research and analysis tools and are
trademark products of Harvard University. Ideas Unlimited has a special procedure that
creates a case study in minutes.
The purpose of a case study is benchmarking – to learn lessons relevant to other situations.
Note that the Ideas Unlimited Case Study tool provides what happened and conclusions
about it often in less than one page. Harvard Case Studies, the academic standards, can
occupy you for a much longer time to achieve similar learning.
The Position Report. By now you have seen a number of traditional research and analysis
tools that can be done more efficiently using Ideas Unlimited. Here is one more. Staff
personnel or consultants for any CEO, government agency head, university president, Board
director, military commander, or hospital administrator defend their recommendations to
the decision maker by presenting to leadership a report containing the important elements
as listed in the following box:
This is another analysis tool that departs from the anonymity feature.
Tools in Development. After thirty-five years we are still searching for situations where
Ideas Unlimited does not work. Technology advances, globalization, the Internet, growth
of education and ever increasing numbers of professionals in all fields familiar with Ideas
Unlimited results in the addition of new applications situations. The following tools have
evolved over the past several years, but have not had the critical mass of applications to
be in the validated category. However, there are no failure experiences with the limited
applications using the following experimental tools. Future validation of these tools has
breakthrough research potential.
Capturing Tacit Knowledge. We have established that Ideas Unlimited captures knowledge.
But knowledge is a complex human phenomenon. The knowledge we need and the knowledge
that may become available to us fall into three macro categories:
One of the very interesting science discoveries in the 20th Century was by Michael Polyani.
Polyani’s research concluded that human knowledge takes two forms: explicit and tacit.
Explicit knowledge comes from learning. Tacit Knowledge comes from living. Tacit
knowledge is unformulated, personal, experiential and not explicated. Explicit knowledge
can be articulated, and is public.
Polyani published a series of books between 1946 and 196622 in which he concluded, inter
alia, that “Tacit Knowledge accounts for :1) A valid knowledge of a problem; 2) The Scientist’s
capacity to pursue it, guided by a series of approaches to its solution. 3) A valid anticipation
of the yet indeterminate implications of the discovery arrived at in the end; and 4) We know
more than we can tell.”
Polyani went on to assume that tacit knowledge is a powerful motivator for seeking explicit
knowledge and for behavior. There is evidence accruing to support the conclusion that Ideas
Unlimited can bring to the surface some tacit knowledge people hold sub-consciously. If
that evidence expands, there could be a breakthrough impact on decision-making analysis
because tacit knowledge has been a missing link to date.
Smart Ideas Unlimited. In 1985, four years after Bob Krone championed the return of
the 84-year old Dr. C.C. Crawford and his “Crawford Slip Method” to the University of
Southern California, the University granted him a 6-month sabbatical research to investigate
automating the method. One conclusion of that study was that machine intelligence would
someday produce a breakthrough in data gathering with that group survey method. Now
it has.
The beginnings of merging computers with the phases of Ideas Unlimited (survey design, data
gathering, data classification and reduction, systems improvement product creation) resulted in
1995 in the renaming the updated method to “Ideas Unlimited” and the U.S. Trade marking
of the name by Krone Associates in 2000. The principles of the manual method remained
the same, but productivity and applications improved and increased as moving from the
manual method (which is still being used ) to automated phases progressed.
The focus chosen by Mr. Tse for his doctoral research was “Quality Management for the
Hong Kong Aviation Department.” When Dr. Krone introduced him to Ideas Unlimited, he
immediately visualized the solution to automating the most difficult task – classifying into
categories the huge amount of qualitative data the method could generate from a group of
respondents. His design for such a program occurred in 2000 and he implemented it in
2001 in Shanghai with his 500-member focus group of aviation professionals.
That first “Smart Ideas Unlimited ” application used autonomous keyword content analysis
on random e-mail responses from Raymond Tse’s Focus Group to a “Target”. In January
2002, he reported to Dr. Krone that he had obtained 60% of his group’s responses within
3 days. At their later meeting in Hong Kong, on 29 April 2002, he reported that it was
now not unusual to obtain 100% responses within 3 days. His breakthrough statement was
“We have achieved three months of research in three days.”
We are not aware of any researcher achieving that data productivity in the history of survey
or idea generation research. Raymond Tse went on in that report to point out that it was
the fundamental principles of Ideas Unlimited, that motivated the members of his large focus
group to respond. They were doing so anonymously with no risk of criticism or censure for
expressing their ideas. They knew their identification of problems and recommendations for
solutions would be considered by leadership. Their experience in civil aviation sensitized them
to see potential problems in the planning for future aviation in China – thus preventing
problems before they ever occurred in the design phase.
And the total response submission, captured by Raymond Tse’s program, created a systems
approach to subjects addressed because of the diverse backgrounds, experiences and positions
of the five hundred focus group members. Four servers running continuously made possible
the “three days” data capture for a subject.
We will leave the full subject of “Implications for the future” to the imagination of readers
and to later publications. But conclude with the fact that Smart Ideas Unlimited is today
still experimental. It will take considerable more work and time to be a tool available for
wide applications. But, when it is, research for any reason will benefit by order-of-magnitude
increases in the availability of qualitative data obtained from people who do the work, who
have the experience and know-how, and who will have new ways to get their improvement
ideas and recommendations to decision makers.
Neurological Understandings and Mental Illness Therapy. Science has yet to fully understand
the complexity of the human brain-mind linkages. But we want to include additional
thoughts under this “Tools in Development ” section about neurology and Ideas Unlimited.
Medical doctor Marc Valley was a United States Air Force Major and physician working at
the March AFB Hospital in Riverside, California. He decided to expand his knowledge and
enrolled in the University of Southern California’s Master of Science in Systems Management
(MSSM) Degree Program in 1987–1988. When taking Dr. Krone’s “Systems Analysis”
class and being exposed to Ideas Unlimited, he used the method for two studies for his
Master’s Degree research work23 and collaborated with Bob Krone in a paper exploring the
neurological processes involved.24
Dr. Valley described “Associative Memory” as the most probable brain function that produced
the series of ideas respondents produce to an Ideas Unlimited target. That function is also
involved when the method exposes an individual’s tacit knowledge (see discussion above). Mental
retention of information received is another important brain function. Writing information as
it is received or remembered both assists retention and accomplishes permanent documentation.
That written documentation of the stream of ideas captured for a database on a subject
accounts for the power and permanence of Ideas Unlimited. We can review the data captured
by the method back to the 1940s through the written slips Dr. Crawford produced in his
consulting and teaching. This 90% written feature of Ideas Unlimited is a major reason why
it produced superior results over Brainstorming, in its original form, which was 90% oral
before Charlie Clark merged it with some Ideas Unlimited tools.
The Wake
the only emission we want to leave behind
– Albert Einstein
Some historical immoral acts have been so destructive and cruel that libraries are filled with
their documentation and their permanent negative impacts. The Third Reich of Adolph
Hitler, the Japanese biological experiments with Chinese citizens and American prisoners of
war in Manchuria toward the end of World War II, the Killing Fields of the Khmer Rouge
in Cambodia from 1975 to 1984, genocide of Southern Sudan Christians which went on for
decades, and Saddam Hussein’s mass murders in Iraq are searing examples. Many instances
of immoral and unethical behavior occur with less intensity and visibility.25
The business world continually gets news media coverage on stories of ethical failures.
A prominent example was the Enron scandal which came to light in late 2001 as the
company applied for bankruptcy. Another serious indictment fell on Arthur Andersen, an
accounting firm which went bankrupt after it was accused of fraud and complicity in the
Enron debacle. Since that time, other corporate names have appeared in the news either
for allegedly violating the public trust or for raising questions about ethics.
Earlier, during the 1980s, American industry was compelled to undergo a painful process
of transformation in response to shrinking sales and market shares. Seeking answers for
these problems, business firms have come to realize that their policies must change about
basic values and unethical practices. Often those changes depended on their willingness to
make personal sacrifices.
Can Moral Leadership help an organization to avoid failures and improve organizational
quality? Can quality be achieved or sustained in an immoral, corrupt or dishonest system?
Is ethical and moral leadership still the most critical variable that leaders must have to
influence organizational behavior and performance? Our answers to those three questions
are: YES, NO and YES.
The Quality Sciences, which formally begun after WWII, have devoted a huge amount of
attention to what Dr. Genichi Taguchi titled “The Cost of Quality”. The conventional wisdom
of the American world of work before Taguchi was that if you want to raise the quality of
a product or service, you must spend more money on it. Dr. W. Edwards Deming, and
Dr. Joseph Juran began to challenge that conventional wisdom in the 1950s. Dr. Genichi
Taguchi’s subsequent research and writings in Japan on the cost of quality completely
rendered obsolete the idea that the only way to improve a process was to throw more money
on it. Taguchi defined the costs relating to quality as the losses incurred by individuals,
organizations, or societies as a result of poor quality. He took the concept of what should
be measured when determining quality to a new level. The cost of quality is determined
by measuring results from existing poor or failed quality. Moral and ethical failures – like
stealing and corruption – destroy growth and profitability of a company or agency.
In his book “Out of the Crisis” Dr. Deming states that using Taguchi’s model leads to lower
and lower costs as quality improved. The Juran Institute has done extensive research and
documentation into Quality Costs. The controversy of the 1970s in the United States over
whether “Quality Costs or Quality Pays” has been resolved – Quality Pays.
For companies with products, external failure costs occur after poor-quality products or
services reach the customer or stakeholder. Some examples include costs due to customer
complaints and returns, product recall costs and warranty claims, product liability costs,
lost customer goodwill, and lost sales. In service organizations, these costs can take the form
of interrupted service, delays in waiting to obtain service, excessive time in performing the
service, errors made in billing, delivery or installation, or unnecessary service. Lawsuits
brought about by the government or private individuals are examples of external failure
costs that can result from unethical behavior.
The Cost of Quality concept can be very meaningful to any organization because of the
idea that failure costs can be reduced through Moral Leadership and through marginal,
discretionary investments in prevention and even appraisal activities. Ethics failures may
be classified as either moral or economic. Moral failures may or may not entail a monetary
cost. Nevertheless, even on moral grounds alone, strong ethics standards are vital to the
promotion of a healthy society. Economic failures, on the other hand, entail some monetary
cost which affects the organization’s profitability. In the past, organizations have addressed
the failure costs associated with blatant ethical violations such as large legal judgments,
prison terms, anti-trust litigation, lost goodwill or any negative responses from external
stakeholders. Customers expect reliable products and minimal defect rates from good and
service providers. It is unethical to deliver defective products knowingly to them. Socially
responsible organizations also work hard to protect the environment which is increasingly
seen as a significant ethical concern. Consequently, more of them implement recycling
programs and improve their environmental practices. The costs of external ethics failures
can be very staggering and, for industry, that can amount to billions of dollars every year.
These costs typically account for a substantial portion of the total external failure cost of
quality. Preventing these costs will yield great economic benefits for the organization.
Internal ethics failure costs are reflected in the barely noticed behavior patterns in the
organizational social system or operating culture which inhibit operating performance.
Employees encounter ethical dilemmas in their work every day. Such dilemmas range from
conflicts of interest to sexual harassment, inappropriate gifts to organizational personnel,
unauthorized payments, shady customer dealings, biased evaluation of personnel, and pressure
to compromise personal standards. These internal ethics failures are rarely visible on the
ethics policy radar screen because in many instances employees choose not to disclose their
wrongdoings or those of their colleagues and therefore those incidents are not typically
reflected in external failure costs. They go largely unnoticed and unmanaged. Over half of
all documented quality costs could be attributed to the cost of ethics failures.
Ethics programs and audits are directed towards preventing and detecting ethics failures.
Ethics programs are organizational units responsible for developing ethics initiatives in the
organization which include developing and disseminating codes of conduct, training on
standards of conduct, administering some type of hotline or advice line for employees,
and providing a means to report misconduct. The presence of ethics programs serves as a
deterrent against potential employee misconduct. Also, employees generally perceive that
those who violate their organization’s code of conduct will be held accountable so that
they are less likely to compromise organizational standards. The cost of developing ethics
programs represents part of the prevention component of the cost of quality. A good ethics
policy incorporates early warnings and checks and balances, not just to catch and punish
wrongdoers but also to pinpoint emerging risks and prevent ethics failures. Ethics audits,
on the other hand, are employed to assess an organization’s ethical climate or programs.
The cost of quality concept also helps to demonstrate that high quality cannot be achieved
or sustained in an immoral, corrupt, or dishonest system. The success of any quality
program depends on the effectiveness of many collective efforts. This collectiveness cannot be
accomplished by administrative action alone. It needs an environment where good ethics is
practiced with administration as its champion. In a genuine quality improvement program,
there is no room for selfishness, moral exclusion, abusive management styles or policies,
or ethical compromises. Such things will derail collective efforts and teamwork which is a
vital component of quality management. Without a deep commitment from top executives
to develop a healthy culture based on fairness, open communication, shared information,
and teamwork, which are critical ingredients of quality management, the risk of failure for
quality programs can be very high. If the question “Can quality be achieved or sustained
in an immoral, corrupt or dishonest system?” were submitted to any population or group
of quality professionals, the authors are convinced that the response would be a resounding
“NO”. Moral advocates through the ages have confirmed the need for honesty, integrity,
ethics, fairness, dependability, transparency, trustfulness and character in leadership.
– Gandhi
The Need. Evidence is abundant that there exists a need for moral leadership. The need
will continue to increase with the ever increasing human and material costs of its failure.
Moral Leadership is essential for all of humanity.
Responsibility. Readers of this book are, or will be, leaders in your schools, churches,
government agencies, businesses, communities, military units, foundations, non-profit
organizations, hospitals, banks, financial organizations or your families. You have the
responsibility to be a moral leader, to help others be so, to prevent failures and to design
codes of ethics for your organizations.
The Components of Moral Leadership. Moral Leadership is a tough subject in our complex
world. Formalizing the set of rules for right conduct runs into cultural, religious, cognitive
and philosophical diversities. Initially it will raise more questions for you than it provides
answers. An initial list of places to begin your study is as follows:
5. Theory building. As you design your Moral Leadership Foundation you will be
theory building. See Chapter 1 for the Theory and Purpose of Moral Leadership.
6. Literature review. The Internet has revolutionized our ability to search for information.
Try searching for the key words “Moral Leadership” and see what you get. For the
best analysis of why public moral leadership is needed, start with Yehezkel Dror’s
modern classic Capacity To Govern, 2001 (Frank Cass Publishers on amazon.com).
7. Continual learning. Being a moral leader in our era characterized by uncertainty,
novelty, complexity and adversity may be your most difficult professional and
personal challenge. There are pitfalls and dilemmas. Defining and achieving your
own personalized foundation for moral leadership will take time and will mature
as you advance through your career and life.
– John Eliot
Readers having read the previous five chapters will recognize that we three authors believe
that Moral Leadership is a universal requirement for any society anywhere. So Moral
Leadership should exist for humans living anywhere in the universe. How can readers of
this book become active in a movement to continually expand moral leadership throughout
humanity? A practical and effective option is for leaders to take an active role in promoting
positive values and practices in their organization and communities. Today, there is abundant
evidence to support such action. For example, the June 12, 2016 Orlando, Florida, USA
massacre of forty-nine people that caused severe injuries to more than 50 others and had
profound effect upon thousands of others across America and the world, turns attention once
more to consider how best to prevent immoral acts perpetrated upon innocent people. The
wanton act of violence upon those assembled in a gay club by a young terrorist, the deadliest
mass murder in the United States criminal history, reminds us how important it is to instill
values and morals in our young people that counter the hate and calls to violence that
have encouraged those who seek to harm others. People cannot feel secure as long as evil
has such a prominent role in our society. Laws by themselves will not change behavior.
Limitations on human behavior will have but moderate success. More effective than the
multiplication of civil regulation is a change of heart, a fundamental shift in attitude and
a mind that seeks good above ill. Moral leaders are an important component in the effort
to improve how we treat one another and the value we place upon human life. Now is the
time to take positive action that will promote the basic values and morals that promote and
perpetuate those behaviors that benefit life. A passive role, a decision to ignore the evil that
surrounds and destroys will not cut it. Moral leadership will continue to play a significant
role in shaping life today and into the future. Our plea is that women and men of good
will do not let this opportunity pass. Take action now!
A primary reference for you is the classic Yehezkel Dror 2014 book, Avant-Garde Politician:
Leaders for a New Epoch, Washington, D.C., Westphalia Press. Dror, in this fourteenth book
of his brilliant career as Co-Founder and leading scholar of The Policy Sciences, takes a time
perspective of 100 years with prescriptions to shape the future of humanity – including the
essential requirement of Moral Leadership.
We summarize for you a few of Yehezkel Dror’s guidelines in this chapter with the full
understanding that earth’s literature, past and present – now readily available worldwide –
provides a storehouse of wisdom to defrost and apply to this challenge. We cite here the
Yehezkel Dror writings as unmatched models for your personal research and involvement.
Furthermore, we assume that currently, in 2016, there exists the human capacity to positively
shape the future for the benefit and survival of humanity. The missing link presently is a
universal commitment of global leadership and citizens to do so.
Future Challenges
Achieving moral leadership at a societal level will require human behavioral changes for
which the means for doing so are currently unknown. We hope they will be found. If those
changes remain impossible on Earth, is there the possibility of creating them in future
human space settlements?
We agree with the philosophy prescribed by the Kepler Space Institute (KSI) for human
settlements in space, which is “Reverence for Life within Ethical Civilizations.”26 The hypothesis
of Kepler Space Institute leadership is that the vision of Reverence for Life within Ethical
Civilizations can be achieved by establishing it in the planning for all future Space settlements
through their implementation guided by the Policy Sciences; and, furthermore, that achieving
it in space settlements will feedback as models for earth societies. Space has no history of
human conflict, intolerance, discrimination, violence, genocide, wars or human catastrophes.
At the International Space Development Conference (ISDC-2016), in San Juan, Puerto Rico,
May 22, 2016, The Kepler Space Institute chaired a panel to begin a research program for
“Human Pathologies and the Space Epoch.” The purpose of the panel was to assist long time
desires to heal these human pathologies including immoral and unethical leadership. The
emerging Space Age opens up unprecedented new opportunities by using the exploration,
development and human settlement of space to be the catalyst for human societies’ paradigm
shift. Humanity’s health and progress – even its long-term survival – is at stake. A research
question which will be pursued is:
Readers interested in becoming involved in the research, or getting results of it, can contact
Dr. Bob Krone at BobKrone@aol.com.
– Jesus Christ
A good way to begin teaching Moral Leadership is the “Benefit-Cost Method.” Have
some dramatic real world cases which are examples of all the good that can occur when
individuals, or groups, have high moral and ethical standards; and then share examples of
the destructiveness and misery which result from opposite cases. Ask the students to each
bring to the next class session the best and worst cases they have experienced.
The following are some questions that you can have to stimulate discussion:
1. Can people learn how to be moral leaders or is moral leadership a natural gift that
can be enhanced through experience? Explain you answer(s).
2. How can one quantify moral leadership?
3. What is the payoff for those who implement moral leadership?
4. Do you agree that no single factor has a bigger impact on the ethicality of an
organization’s culture than the personal examples set by its leaders?
5. What do you think is the most important attribute of an effective moral leader?
6. How important is it for leaders to do the right thing even if no one will ever know
about it?
7. Is it fair to put responsibility on leaders of organizations to be role models for
their employees?
8. How can leaders best communicate their organization’s ethical norms to employees?
9. Are you willing to take a moral stand even if your peers and authority figures
The description and theory of Moral Leadership we have provided in this short text will
help you with answers to the questions of “What is Moral Leadership?” and “How is it
measured?” But more complicated problems come from human behavior flowing from
genetics or environmental influences that lead people in one direction or the other. The
field of psychoanalysis devotes attention to helping individuals become aware of their self-
destructive behavior, then guide them into therapeutic ways to change that behavior. This
can often take years and that process must begin with the individual desiring help.
Forcing behavioral change on others rarely works. And when the behavior comes from
learning based on a prevailing social-political philosophy, there will not be the awareness of
its pathologies during the learning years. Teachers attempting to address that problem get
trapped in existing cultures and belief systems, often leading to risks for their own careers.
History reveals continual problems, conflicts – even wars – resulting from incompatible
values systems and leadership that has been successful within those values system.
This e-book
is made with SETASIGN
Teaching moral leadership can open a Pandora’s Box for you where the emerging genies
cannot be put back into their boxes. Before you launch your own Moral Leadership teaching,
you need to be fully aware of the culture, the social-political ideologies, and the trends
your environment is following. Our position is that not everything politically feasible will
be desirable, only that you are aware of how your personal values and belief system fit into
that environment as you teach others.
We are including some of the complexities of teaching, and learning Moral Leadership in
this final chapter. Professor Yehezkel Dror, the co-founder and leading scholar of the Policy
Sciences, sums up the importance of the task for those in public leadership position, in his
2015 Article, “Preventing Hell on Earth.”27
“To avoid catastrophes, including much Hell on Earth, and to increase the likelihood of
pluralistic human thriving, it is absolutely essential to assure a much higher level of moral,
mental and volitional qualities of political leaders.”
LAWRENCE G. DOWNING, D.Min. Dr. Downing is a retired pastor who spent more
than 40 years as a senior pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He also served for
more than 15 years as an adjunct professor at La Sierra University Zapara School of Business
and the H.M.S. Divinity School. He has written numerous articles for various Adventist
journals and has served in churches on both Coasts. His B.A. degree is from Pacific Union
College. He has an M.A. and B.D. from Andrews University and a D.Min. from Lancaster
Theological Seminary. Over the years he was appointed to the executive boards of five not-
for-profit hospitals and the boards of numerous educational institutions.
ROBERT M. “BOB” KRONE, Ph.D. Dr. Krone is President of Kepler Space Institute
(www.keplerspaceinstitute.com); an Emeritus Professor of Systems Management at the University
of Southern California; was a Distinguished Visiting Professor for Strategic Management in
the School of Business and Management at La Sierra University (1992–2007); and Adjunct
Professor for Doctoral Programs (PhD and DBA), with the International Graduate School
of Management at the University of South Australia (1995–2007). His Ph.D. from the
University of California at Los Angeles (1972) was in Political Science and Policy Sciences. His
first career was as a Fighter Pilot, Commander and International Staff Officer in the United
States Air Force (1952–1975, retiring in the rank of Colonel). In 1966 He was the first
USAF Squadron Commander to complete 100 combat missions over North Vietnam, and
received the Silver Star, four Distinguished Flying Crosses, The Bronze Star and eleven Air
Medal decorations. These pictures of Dr. Krone and Mrs. Salena Gregory-Krone were taken
in front of the new building and the History Wall at the Zapara School of Business, La
Sierra University, January 18, 2016.
BEN A. MAGUAD, Ph.D. Dr. Maguad is tenured Professor of Management and Program
Coordinator of Management, Marketing & Information Systems at Andrews University in
Berrien Springs, Michigan. He has been a recipient of the Daniel Augsburger Award in
Teaching Excellence at Andrews University in 2013. His A.B. Economics degree (graduated
Cum Laude) is from the University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines. He has an M.A.
Economics degree from Thammasat University in Thailand and an M.B.A. degree from
Andrews University in the United States. He received his Ph.D. in Business and Management
from the University of South Australia. He is a Senior Member of the American Society for
Quality (ASQ). His area of research and publication is in the application of total quality
principles to higher education. He has published a number of quality-related articles in
a number of journals and presented papers in many conferences. He has co-written with
Bob Krone a 2012 book entitled “Managing for Quality in Higher Education: A Systems
Perspective”. He has taught in a number of countries like the Philippines, Thailand, Hong
Kong, Trinidad & Tobago, Taiwan, Singapore, and the United States of America.
1. Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography and Selected Writings, Rinehart & Co., New York, 1959, p. 85.
2. Ibid., p. 86.
3. Ibid., p. 91.
4. Luke 10:25–37.
5. Luke 10:25 NRSV.
6. Luke 10:26, 27.
7. Luke 10:36.
8. Luke 10:37.
9. Mark 4:1–9.
10. Matthew 13:30.
11. Matthew 18:12–14; Luke 15:3–7.
12. Luke 15:11–32.
13. Luke 15:29–32.
14. Forbes, October 5, 1998, pp. 152–176.
15. Ibid., p. 152.
16. Luke 14:26–32.
17. Ideas Unlimited has been validated as a powerful idea capturing method since it’s invention in 1926.
The official text for it is Dr. Bob and Sue Krone, 2007, Ideas Unlimited: Capturing Global Brainpower,
Infinity Press and Amazon.com.
18. Dr. Robert Krone decided “After a life of diverse professional activities, including earning a doctor of phi-
losophy degree and editing the Journal of Space Philosophy, to evaluate with Values Analysis the origins and
evolution of my own values and philosophy,” and published it in the article titled “A Personal Philosophy.”
In the Journal of Space Philosophy 3, No. 2 (Fall 2014), pp. 71–89. It covers his 84 years of life to
2014 (www.bobkrone.com/node/120).
Also his video interview, “The Power of Values.” Made by ProLeadership Founder, Dr. Assegid Habtewold
can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCSiuO8YP6E&list=UU2AvdK6_3mGgyky6T82
19. Tacit Knowledge is knowledge gained from living, as opposed to Explicit Knowledge, which is knowl-
edge gained from learning. Much of Tacit Knowledge remains sub-conscious and cannot be recalled
with normal thinking processes. See the many publications of scholar Michael Polyani (1891–1967),
considered the originator of the term. See Chapter 9.
20. The linkage of Associative Memory to Ideas Unlimited was first recognized by Marc A. Valley, MD,
who was earning his MBA at the University of Southern California. As one of his professors Bob Krone
introduced him to the method which he employed for his MBA study, “Southern California Medical
Consortium: A Systems Model ” 22 December 1987. Krone and Valley later coauthored the paper Marc
A. Valley, MD, MSSM and Robert M. Krone, Ph.D. “Crawford Slip Method Theory: Management and
Neurological Sciences,” (1 February 1992). That paper remains unpublished in the Krone Associates files.
21. Alvin B. Rosenbloom, DDS, FACD, Charles M. Goldstein, DDS, MPH, FACD, and C.C. Crawford,
Ph.D., Dental Ethics Handbook: How to Improve Ethical Behavior in Dentistry, School of Dentistry,
University of Southern California, 1989.
22. Michael Polyani, Science, Faith and Society (1946); Personal Knowledge (1858); The Study of Man (1959);
The Tacit Dimension (1966). See, also, Robert M. Krone, Systems Analysis and Policy Sciences: Theory and
Practice (John Wiley &Sons, 1980).
23. Marc A. Valley, M.D., Southern California Medical Consortium: A Systems Model, Defense Logistics
Studies Information Exchange (DLSIE), Document #079907A, June 1989; and Marc A. Valley, M.D.
“Medical Professional Staff Management: Use of the Crawford Slip Method as a Feedback Tool,” Master’s
Degree Study for the University of Southern California, 1988.
24. Marc A. Valley, M.D. and Robert M. Krone, PhD, Crawford Slip Method Theory: Management and
Neurological Sciences (Los Angeles: USC/MSSM Degree Program paper, 1 February 1992, unpublished).
25. For this chapter, we paraphrase some of the work of two of the authors of this book, Dr. Maguad and
Dr. Krone, from their earlier book, Managing for Quality in Higher Education: A Systems Perspective,
2012, Chapter 6, Quality, Ethics and Moral Leadership. Bookboon.com.
26. Journal. Of Space Philosophy, Vol 1, No. 1 (Fall 2012), Article 8, Dr. Bob Krone, “Philosophy for
Space – Learning from the Past – Visions for the Future
27. Yehezkel Dror, “Preventing Hell on Earth,” Journal of Space Philosophy, Vol 4, No. 2 (Fall 2015),
pp. 16–27.
aesthetics 56 honesty 55
anonymity 47 Human Knowledge 48
Associative Memory 51
audits 55
ideas 50, 51
B Ideas Unlimited 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
belief systems 63 immoral 52, 55, 58, 59, 61
Brainstorming 51 improvement 49, 50, 55
C information 51, 55, 57
integrity 55
Control Knowledge 48
internet 48
cost of quality 53
Internet 57
Cost of Quality 53, 54
Crawford Slip Method 49, 68 L
cultures 7, 56, 63 leadership 7, 8, 47, 50, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
D 61, 62, 63, 64
literature 59
data 49, 50, 51
defect 54 logic 56
procedures 47 T
profitability 53, 54 Tacit Knowledge 48, 49
target 51
Technology 48
quality 47, 52, 53, 54, 55, 66
theory 57, 63
Quality Sciences 53
unethical 52, 53, 54, 61
research 7, 8, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 59, 61, 66
values 52, 58, 63, 64
stakeholders 54
Values 56
standards 47, 54, 55
Values Analysis 56
Systems 51, 56, 65, 66, 68
systems approach 50
Thank you!