Fasting in The Orthodox Church Fasting During Great Lent: Foods Permitted Throughout The Year
Fasting in The Orthodox Church Fasting During Great Lent: Foods Permitted Throughout The Year
Fasting in The Orthodox Church Fasting During Great Lent: Foods Permitted Throughout The Year
In order to help you to fast during Lent and throughout the W eekdays Abstinence of Categories I, II, III, & IV
year, the following is a brief description of fasting and during Lent No Abstinence of Shellfish, Fruit, Vegetables
abstinence in terms of categories of food as well as times of and Vegetable products During, this period,
abstinence of foods from the various categories. The purpose of we should regulate both the amount of food
this outline of the regulations on fasting is to help educate you we consume as well as the frequency of
on fasting and abstinence in general. This is the “letter of the eating. In ancient times, one would fast
law”. It is important for you and your family to participate in during the day, taking one meal of
the “spirit of the law”, working this out with your priest and abstinence in the late afternoon. In modern
family for your salvation. practice, at meal times, smaller quantities
than normal may be eaten and no food eaten
Fasting literally means not eating. In monasteries, between meals.
one fasts during the day, taking one light
Saturdays & Abstinence of Categories I, II, & III
meal of abstinence in the late afternoon.
Sundays No Abstinence of Category IV or of
Abstinence is abstaining from certain types of food. during Lent Shellfish, Fruit, Vegetables and Vegetable
products. On Saturdays (except Great
Saturday on which a strict fast is kept) and
Categories of Foods: Sundays during the Great Fast, the quantity
Category I M eat and M eat Products (includes beef, and frequency of meals are not restricted.
pork, chicken, etc., as well as items which
have beef gelatin [such as some commercial Feast of the Abstinence of Categories I & II
brands of gelatin], lard [some commercial Annunciation No Abstinence of Categories III & IV or of
(3/25) and Shellfish, Fruit, Vegetables and Vegetable
breads and crackers], etc.)
Palm Sunday products. On these Great Feasts of the
Category II Dairy Products (includes butter, eggs, Church, the quantity and frequency of meals
milk, cheese, yogurt, etc., as well as items are not restricted.
containing dairy whey [some commercial
breads and margarine], milk extracts, etc.)
Category III Fish (includes sardines, tuna, trout, bass,
Fasting during the year:
W ednesdays Abstinence of Categories I, II, III, & IV
shark, etc., but not shellfish such as lobster,
& Fridays No Abstinence of Shellfish, Fruit, Vegetables
shrimp, crab, oysters, scallops, clams,
and Vegetable products.
mussels, etc.)
Category IV Olive Oil (according to some, this extends Fasting Prior to receiving Holy Communion
to all oil) and Wine (which includes all (throughout the year)
alcoholic beverages such as whiskey, beer,
etc.) Sundays & Complete fast from all food and drink
M orning from bedtime on Saturday evening (this
Foods Permitted throughout the Year: Liturgies includes coffee, tea, etc.). Ideally, Saturday
Shellfish (such as lobster, shrimp, crab, evening should be a quiet time of prayer and
oysters, scallops, clams, mussels, squid, etc.) preparation for communion.
Vegetables, Vegetable products and Evening Complete fast from all food and drink
Fruit (including grains [rice, wheat, flour, Liturgies from noon (or 6 hours before the Liturgy).
pasta (non-egg pasta), etc.] bread [without
dairy or eggs],vegetable gelatins, etc.)
Fasting Seasons and Days A Guide to
in the Orthodox Church
(not an exhaustive list) Fasting and Abstinence
W ednesdays
& Fridays
Abstinence of Categories I, II, III, & IV
No Abstinence of Shellfish, Fruit,
in the Orthodox Church
Vegetables and Vegetable products.
Cheesefare W eek One week prior to the beginning of Great
Lent. Abstinence of Category 1.
Great Lent Forty Days prior to Holy Week,
beginning on Pure Monday.
Apostle's Fast Begins on the Monday after All Saints
Day (Sunday after Pentecost) and lasts
until the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul on
June 29. The fasting regulations are
slightly less than that of Great Lent.
Dorm ition Fast August 1-14 inclusive. Broken on the
Feast of the Dormition on August 15. The
fasting regulations follow that of Great
Lent, with the exception of the Feast of
Transfiguration (August 6) on which
Categorys III & IV are allowed.
Beheading of A strict fast day on whatever day of the
John the Baptist week it occurs. Abstinence of Categories
August 29 I, II, III, & IV.
Elevation of the A strict fast day on whatever day of the
H oly Cross week it occurs. Abstinence of Categories
September 14 I, II, III, & IV.
Advent Fast November 15-December 24 inclusive.
The fasting regulations follows that of
Great Lent, with the exception that the
regulations are a bit more relaxed up Antiochian Orthodox Church
until December 20 with Categories III &
IV allowed on all days except Mondays, 408 East 11th Street
Wednesdays and Fridays. Austin, Texas 78701
Eve of Christm as A strict fast day on whatever day of the
and Epiphany week it occurs. Abstinence of Categories (512) 476-2314
Dec. 24 & Jan. 5 I, II, III, & IV.