Important Facts Regarding The Epp8 SME Grant

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Some Important Facts regarding the D. Conditions for disbursement of

EPP8 SME Grant Grant by MPOB to Grantee

A. Purpose 1. Must be new investment; Plant or expansion

of Plant must not be in existence on the date
To encourage Small and Medium Enterprises
of Steering Committee meeting.
(“SMEs”) to be involved in the local development
2. Complies with the eligible SME Grant criteria.
of oil palm product and food and health-based
3. Receives approval from Steering Committee.
products containing such oil palm products.
4. Reimbursable on Eligible Expenditure.2
B. Obligation on grant recipient 5. Grant shall not be used as a collateral for any
loan or financial facilities to finance the
Information and documents relating to Project.
contribution on Gross National Income (GNI) from 6. Reimbursement is based on percentage of
the manufacturing Plant, number of local skilled the total sum claimed by the Grantee.
and non-skilled employees of the Plant, 7. Plant and audit visit, before disbursement of
production data, sales data and such other Grant.
information and documents as may be 8. Execution of Grant Agreement with MPOB.
determined by the Ministry of Plantation
Industries and Commodities (MPIC) from time to E. Application Process Flow
time during the duration of the agreement entered
into between the Malaysia Palm Oil Board 1. Online submission will be done via
(MPOB) and the successful applicant. downloading the PDF application form which
will then be sent to the email address
C. Grant Criteria
2. The online submission will then be evaluated
1. SMEs must be entities registered with SSM from two aspects, namely technical
or other equivalent bodies, particularly local evaluation and commercial evaluation. A
authorities or district offices in Sabah or second stage of more comprehensive
Sarawak filtering will then follow to ensure that the
2. SMEs are defined as firms with sales proposal is sufficiently robust.
turnover not exceeding RM50 mil OR number 3. If the applicant satisfies the criteria in both
of full-time employees not exceeding 200 aspects of the evaluation process, the
3. Products must have at least 40% value applicant is invited to present to the Technical
addition according to MIDA’s definition Committee (TC) whose members comprise
4. Value addition factor of at least 25% for both MPIC, MPOB, PEMANDU, MIDA and other
small and medium companies relevant agencies.
5. Malaysia equity of at least 60%, not including 4. Following the Technical Committee meeting,
PR a briefing of the company proposal will then
6. Commercial production (whether new be done by MPOB/PEMANDU at the Pre-
product lines or expansion of existing product Council (PC) to Pre-Council members
lines and whether for local or export market) including KSU MPIC, and other officials of
of - MPOB and MPIC.
a. food and health-based products 5. The final stage of the grant application
containing palm oil products (for process will involve a presentation by the
example, phytonutrients and applicant at the Steering Committee (SC)
palm intermediaries). meeting to members of the SC which include
b. phytonutrients (e.g. carotene, MPIC, MPOB, PEMANDU, EPU, MoF and
tocotrienol, phenolics). other relevant agencies.
7. Complies with terms and conditions of the
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F. Other Important Notes

1. This brochure is for general information and

the list of exclusions/obligations and other
terms and conditions are not exhaustive. This
is not a contract of financing.
2. MPOB does not guarantee any application to
be successful even if the applicant complies
with all the criteria and conditions of this
Grant. The following factors are some of the
key considerations:

a. new, novel, cost effective or

other parameters in relation to
the technology in producing the

b. the applicant has strong financial

standing and record.

c. the applicant has excellent track

record and manufacturing
experience in producing food or
chemicals. Excellent track
record and marketing
experience in an added

d. first come first serve basis; and

e. such other factors as may be

determined by MPOB.

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