College of Health Sciences Yarsi Mataram DIII Midwifery Studies Program Final Project Report, July 2nd, 2019 Yana Fiqratus Shofa (037 SYEIB 16)

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College of Health Sciences Yarsi Mataram

DIII Midwifery Studies Program

Final Project Report, July 2nd, 2019
Yana Fiqratus Shofa (037 SYEIB 16)




According to data of the Word Health Organization (WHO) in 2017, the

mortality rate (MMR) in developing countries like Indonesia that is 126 per 100,
000 live births, Philippines 114 per 100,000 live births, Vietnam 54 per 100,000
live births, Malaysia 40 per 100,000 live births , Brunei Darussalam 23 per
100,000 live births and Thailand 20 per 100,000 live births. While maternal
mortality in developed countries, namely Australia 6 per 100,000 live births, and
Singapore 10 per 100,000 live births. Factors that cause of maternal mortality in
developing countries are among them bleeding 25%, hypertension in pregnancy
(HDK) 12%, and obstructed 8%, while indirect peyebab dalamkehamilan that
their problems are breech, 20%. Based on the Indonesian Demographic and
Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012, Indonesia's maternal mortality rate is still high at
359 per 100,000 live births. Factors that cause maternal deaths in Indonesia are
haemorrhage (35.1%), hypertension (27.1%), infection (7.3%), prolonged labor
(1.8%) abortion (4.7%). Based on the report the Provincial Health Office of West
Nusa Tenggara (NTB) in 2017 put the number of maternal deaths in 2016 as many
as 92 cases, while in 2017 a decline of 85 cases. Highest maternal mortality events
in 2017 that occurred at the time of birth mothers of 42.35%, parturition by 40%
and is currently at 17.65% of pregnant women, Based on the report the Provincial
Health Office of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) in 2017 put the number of maternal
deaths in 2016 as many as 92 cases, while in 2017 a decline of 85 cases. Highest
maternal mortality events in 2017 that occurred at the time of birth mothers of
42.35%, parturition by 40% and is currently at 17.65% of pregnant women, Based
on the report the Provincial Health Office of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) in 2017
put the number of maternal deaths in 2016 as many as 92 cases, while in 2017 a
decline of 85 cases. Highest maternal mortality events in 2017 that occurred at the
time of birth mothers of 42.35%, parturition by 40% and is currently at 17.65% of
pregnant women,Thus the maternal mortality rate from 2016 to 2017 decline. The
approach used is 2 psien, this case study will compare the two cases with the same
problem, namely maternal obstetric hamiltrimester lll with breech, data collection
is done by anamnesis, physical examination, the patient's status and the study of
literature. The results of this case study shows that the different treatment given to
the patient because the patient 1 in the lowest part of the fetus pregnancies already
in PAP, so it is not recommended for patients while kneecest position 2 in the
pregnancy can still be done kneecest position. Support darikeluarga very
influential in the recovery of the patient's condition. It is expected that the mother
can increase knowledge about the breech in pregnancy.

Keywords : Location of Breech

Bibliography : 15 (2007-2019)

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