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Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

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Holistic clash detection improvement using a component dependent T

network in BIM projects
Yuqing Hua, , Daniel Castro-Lacouturea, Charles M. Eastmanb

School of Building Construction, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, United States of America
School of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology, 245 4th St NW, Atlanta, GA 30332, United States of America


Keywords: Building information modeling (BIM) has been increasingly used for design coordination, and clash detection is
Clash detection one important application. However, some studies argued that BIM-enabled clash detection contains many ir-
Component dependent network relevant clashes. This paper proposes to use network analysis to improve clash detection from a holistic view
Bounding volume hierarchy because a building is an inseparable whole and the dependency relations between building components influ-
ence the impacts of clashes. A building component network centered on clash objects is built to represent
component dependency. To build the network, this paper determines three kinds of spatial dependent: clash,
impact, and connection. For clash relations, the paper further distinguishes four types: intersection, penetration,
penetration through, and containment based on the intersection curves of clash objects. To improve generality,
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) models are used to query geometric information and bounding volume
hierarchy (BVH) structures are used to eliminate irrelevant comparison for expediting the query process. The
paper tests the network method on a real project for improving clash detection and confirms that the method
helps to identify irrelevant clashes in four scenarios and reduces 17% of irrelevant clashes. In addition, the paper
uses the network to automatically group relevant clashes, thereby decreasing > 50% of the clashes initially
reported. The paper also shows the function of the component dependent network to analyze the surrounding
environment of clashes and identify central components for supporting clash correction.

1. Introduction irrelevant clashes is important for design coordination and the success
of BIM applications.
A building consists of thousands of components that spatially de- Recent research efforts have tried to improve the quality of clash
pend on each other. One of the key activities during design is to co- detection, for example, improving modeling accuracy or reorganizing
ordinate the layout of these components. Building information mod- model structure from modeling aspects [2,4], improving clash detection
eling (BIM) has been increasingly used for design coordination and one algorithms [10], or using historical data to improve clash detection
of its most widely used applications is automatic clash detection [1]. from a knowledge management perspective [5–7]. Current software
Because of the visual and parametric features of BIM, it improves the such as Naviswork Manage provides a function to select clashes based
efficiency of the task. However, some researchers disclosed the limita- on rules on the properties of clash objects. However, studies argued that
tions of BIM-enabled clash detection methods and mentioned that the improving algorithms cannot prevent irrelevant clashes [8]. Re-
automatic method has lower precision than manual methods. Hartmann organizing models and improving model accuracy increase workload of
[2] mentioned that the automatic method detected numerous irrelevant BIM staff. Knowledge management methods need a long time to work.
clashes because no changes are needed for these clashes in the design or In addition, these improvement methods did not consider the depen-
construction phases. Wang (2014) found 50% of clashes as irrelevant in dent nature of building components and they view clashes one-by-one,
a particular project. Mehrbod et al. [3] also found a large number of which decrease their capability to identify irrelevant clashes. Consider
irrelevant clashes existing in their case studies and pointed out that the following example scenarios from real projects:
coordinators needed to closely examine clash reports before proposing
them at design coordination meetings. In practice, some projects can Scenario 1. Duplicate clashes. Current software detects duplicate
detect millions of clashes, so being able to automatically cleaning out clashes. For example, in Fig. 1a, one pile is intersected with a duct.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Hu), (D. Castro-Lacouture), (C.M. Eastman).
Received 18 February 2019; Received in revised form 18 April 2019; Accepted 29 April 2019
0926-5805/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

Pipe Segment
Duct Insulation

Pipe Segment

Pipe Insulation
Pipe Insulation

a b c
Fig. 1. Irrelevant clash examples (clash objects were marked as red and green).a. Clash with insulations
b. Clash with the interior duct
c. Clash between connected components.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

However, Navisworks detects four related clashes: the insulation of Akponeware & Adamu [8] has pointed out that the efforts to improve
the pipe is intersected with the insulation of the duct (Fig. 1a), the algorithms did not mitigate the situation that a large number of irre-
insulation of the pipe is intersected with the duct (Fig. 1b), the pipe levant clashes existing in clash detection results. Hartmann [2] argued
is intersected with the insulation of the duct, and the duct is inter- that a well-organized model can help to improve the performance of
sected with the duct. Only the clash between insulations needs to be clash detection. They used Dutch classification norm's NEN 2634 to
retained because if it is solved, the other three clashes will auto- reorganize the project BIM model and conducted comparative tests to
matically disappear. Deleting these duplicate clashes depends on the compare the performance of clash detections by manual methods, au-
relationships between clash objects and their nearby objects (i.e., tomatic methods based on an unorganized model, and a reorganized
duct and its insulation), not just the properties of clash objects. model. However, they did not find a statistically significant improve-
Scenario 2. Two logically connected pipe segments intersect with ment by using the reorganized model. Ciribini, Ventura, & Paneroni [4]
each other, as shown in Fig. 1c. This scenario is detected as a clash argued to improve modeling accuracy, which help to improve clash
by Navisworks. However, the clash is a modeling error that does not detection, but it increases the workload for BIM staff.
require further discussion. Such clash is difficult to identify by the In the management aspect, the most direct method is to require
properties of clash objects without considering their logically con- coordinators pre-review clash detection results. Mehrbod et al. [3] built
nected relations. a taxonomy of design coordination issues and classified clashes based
on their causes. Pre-processing clashes based on the taxonomy improve
Cleaning out irrelevant clashes improve the precision of the clash the design coordination process. However, manually classifying clashes
detection. The above scenarios are difficult to identify by only con- is time-consuming and it requires that coordinators have extensive
sidering the properties of clash components without considering the project experience. Rather than focusing on one project, some studies
dependent relations between building components. In addition, some argued that the improvement should be a continuous process from a
clashes are dependent on each other by sharing the same components. knowledge management perspective. Love & Smith [11] perceived that
Instead of solving them one by one, automatically grouping them to- every error should be viewed as a learning opportunity for preventing
gether is more efficient. Therefore, this paper decides to use the existing future errors. To capture the knowledge of the clash management
clash detection results as the start point and improve clash detection by process, Wang & Leite [7] built a clash management schema and de-
considering the dependent relationships between building components signed a prototype to capture relevant information. However, the
without increasing the workload of project teams. question about how to use the knowledge to clean out irrelevant clashes
The project aims to construct dependency structures among is still not resolved. To fill the gap, Hu & Castro-Lacouture [5] explored
building components and uses a component dependent network to the feasibility of using machine-learning methods to distinguish re-
improve clash detection by cleaning out irrelevant clashes, grouping levant and irrelevant clashes by using historical data. Their method can
related clashes, identifying central components, and analyze the sur- be used to filter clash detection results and improve the precision of
rounding environment of clashes. In this paper, irrelevant clashes clash detection. However, the method needs a large amount of data to
consist of clashes that do not require changes, and clashes that have a construct a solid and generalized classification model, and how to au-
clear solution, which only relates to clash objects and will not impact tomatically collect data is still an issue. The real application of the
other building components, for example, small pipes penetrating method still needs time, and its accuracy (around 80%) needs to be
through a wall and the solution consisting of opening a hole on the wall. improved. Therefore, how to improve clash detection quality with
In addition, the paper discusses hard clashes among MEP disciplines limited data and without increasing workload of project participants
and clashes between MEP and the structure discipline because the de- needs to be addressed.
finition of hard clash is accurate and unambiguous, and MEP co- This paper proposes that the dependent relationship between
ordination is a major challenge in complex projects, and their clashes building components can be used to improve clash detection. In fact, a
with structure elements are main concerns in projects [9]. building is an inseparable whole and the impacts of one clash will be
changed based on its surrounding conditions. One clash in a congested
2. Related works area can generate a more serious impact than putting it in an area that
contains enough free space. Wang and Leite [7] emphasized that in-
Since the precision problem of automatic clash detection has been stead of attributes relating to clash objects, clash context attributes are
identified in many projects, some studies were conducted to improve important for improving clash management. Clash context information
the precision of clash detection from technical and management levels. describes the nearby topological environment around a clash and in-
In the technical aspect, Helm et al. [10] proposed to use IFC structure cludes three types: location, spatial relations, and available space [7].
and improve clash detection algorithms as one solution. However, However, some of these attributes lack clear definitions and

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

quantitative standards. For example, spatial relations have different application requirements. In the computing graphics field, they usually
types, and which one is important for managing clashes and how to use the 9-intersection model (9-IM) to formalize topological relations
query them from BIM models are still undefined. In addition, the re- [15,16]. In the 9-IM model, each object (Object A) is defined by three
lationship between clash context and irrelevant clashes is understudied. subsets {A0, ∂A, A−}, which represents interior, boundary, and external
Dependency relationship can be divided into two types: spatial re- set of A. 9-IM is defined by the following matrix intersection:
lationship and spatial-time relationship. In a clash context, spatial-time
relationship means that correcting one clash may cause new clashes in A0 B 0 A0 B A0 B
the future. The consideration of this dependency will bring a time di- I= A B0 A BA B
mension to clash research, which in nature consists of predicting de- A B0 A BA B
sign. In real projects, design coordination is conducted in a sequential
way and early coordinated objects have high priority, which means that Based on the matrix, eight types of typological relations are defined:
when correcting current clashes, project participants do not need to disjoin, contains, inside, equal, meet/touched, cover, covered by, and
worry about post-emerging elements since they are less informative overlap [17]. It was argued that in the engineering field, it is un-
than current objects [12]. This kind of coordination strategy supports necessary to distinguish the intersection part involving boundary or not
our research to focus on spatial dependency other than on both kinds of [17]. Therefore, the cover and covered by relations were placed into the
dependencies. The objective of this research is to identify spatial rela- within and contains relations respectively. When looking into the six
tions that relate to clash management among building components, relations: disjoin, contains, within, equal, touch, overlap, it is easy to
design algorithms to query these relations from BIM model files and find that contains and within are the same by replacing the reference
discuss applications of the dependency structure for improving clash object. Without distinguishing the reference object, Nguyen and Oloufa
detection. [18] combined them together into containment relations and classified
topological relations into five categories: adjacency, separation, con-
3. Methodology tainment, intersection, and connectivity. However, it is difficult to
distinguish adjacency and connectivity based on his definition. There-
Network theory is applied to analyze dependent relations between fore, Khalili and Chua [19] only considered four relations: connectivity,
building components because it focuses on relationships in addition to containment, separation, and intersection. In the definition, hard clash
the properties of a single object and it is beneficial to generate an refers to containment and intersection relations.
overall picture instead of limiting to isolated points [13]. A Network Instead of considering the two relations in clashes, Nepal et al. [20]
consists of nodes and relationships among them [14]. This paper con- argued that it is necessary to distinguish penetration from a common
structs a component dependent network (CDN) that uses building intersection. They defined that penetration is a special type of inter-
components as nodes and their dependent relations as edges. Specifi- section, which indicates that one object passes through another object.
cally, the methodology framework contains four steps, as shown in This paper adopted the distinction because penetration and intersection
Fig. 2. The first step is to identify important spatial relations for clash may cause different correction methods. If penetration did not influence
management, then discuss the method to query these relations from structural safety or aesthetic requirements, it can be solved by opening
BIM models, construct the component dependent network based on one hole without moving any objects. This kind of clashes can be fil-
these relations and save them into a database for analysis. The final step tered out. Thus, this study classified five kinds of topological relations:
is to test the method on a real project to improve clash detection results. separation, connectivity, containment, intersection, and penetration.
However, separation is a kind of “no relations”, so this paper will not
3.1. Component dependent network discuss this kind of topological relations. Therefore, four topological
relations are included in this paper.
3.1.1. Relations in component dependent network The classifications of orientation and distance relations are rela-
Spatial relations between components were analyzed to define their tively simple. In distance relation calculation, the reference point is
relationships and used as edges in a network. Spatial relations contain important. One can calculate the center-to-center, center-to-boundary,
three types: topological, orientation, and distance relations [15]. The or boundary-to-boundary distance by choosing different reference
definition of various spatial relations and query methods from previous points. Orientation relations usually discuss six directions based on the
studies were summarized in Table 1 of the Appendix. Topological re- world or the local coordinate system [17,20,21]. The six directions are
lations define whether two objects intersect and how they intersect. parallel to the three orthogonal axes of a 3D coordinate system. Even
Orientation relations depict the directional relations of two objects, for though researchers name these directions in a different way, the nature
example, a column located in the east of the door. Distance relations of them is the same. It can be north of, south of, east of, west of, above
calculate the distance between two objects, and generally, it requires and below. In addition to the six directions, Borrmann dis-
querying the maximum distance or the minimum distance. tinguished relax orientation relation and strict relation [22]. Strict re-
Topological relations have different classifications based on lation requires that the target object entirely be covered by the re-
spective direction partition based on the reference object, while relax
Identify Related Spatial Dependency relations return true if part of the target object falls into the partition.
Relations They also discussed the difference of orientation relation definitions
between the projection-based model and the halfspace-base model. The
projection-based model extrudes the reference object to decide the or-
Design Algorithms to Query Dependent
ientation relation, while the halfspace-based model simplified object
Relations from models
representation in Axis-align bounding box and divided space into two
parts based on the box.
Construct Dependency Network and This study used the projection-based model and chose the relax
Save into Database definition method because the projection-based model generates more
accurate results and the relax relations will include all impacted objects
Design Potential Applications based on if moving a reference object with a pre-defined direction. In the process
Networks and Test on Real Projects of correcting one clash, one needs to consider orientation and distance
relations simultaneously to decide whether nearby objects will be im-
Fig. 2. Methodology framework. pacted by adjusting the location of clash objects. Therefore, this

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

Table 1
Spatial relations in clash context.
Spatial relations Type Descriptions

Orientation & distance relations Impact Relation Move one object along a direction in a certain distance will impact another object.
Topological relations Clash Relations Intersect Two objects physically overlap with each other (non-penetration)
Penetration One object penetrates another object
Containment One object is inside another object
Connection Relation Two objects connect with each other

research summarized the two relations into “impact relation”. In con- box (AABB) BVH, oriented bounding box BVH, convex hull BVH, sphere
clusion, we discussed five kinds of spatial relations: connectivity, con- BVH, and so on, based on the primitives in the tree structure. Among
tainment, intersection, and penetration, and impact relations, as shown them, AABB-BVH is widely used because the computing costs of cal-
in Table 1. Containment, intersection, and penetration are summarized culating AABB and the spatial test base on two AABBs are low. Some
into clash relations because they all indicate that physical overlaps publications compared the topological, orientation, and distance
exist. queries separately by using AABB-BVH and octree structure and con-
cluded that AABB-BVH tree is faster than octree structure [17,24]. In
3.1.2. Methods to query spatial relations order to improve generality, we do not assume that building compo-
The method to query spatial relations can be divided into two types: nents have simple shapes, so we used the primitive-based method that
attribute-based and geometric-based. The attribute-based method each building component is represented by a triangle mesh. In addition,
queries spatial relations based on pre-defined relation classes. Khalili a BIM model can contain thousands of components. Therefore, an
and Chua [19] used pre-defined relations in IFC, such as “If- AABB-BVH structure is applied to expedite the query process.
cRelConnectsElements” and “IfcRelVoidsElement” to query topological
relations. The success of this method highly depends on the quality of Connection relations. Instead of querying geometric-based
model data because some of these classes are empty in most case in IFC connection relations, we query logical connections because they are
files. The geometric-based method captures spatial relations based on functional constraints in design and when correcting clashes, the logic
the geometrical representation of objects. The most commonly used constraints cannot be violated. In addition, logically connected objects
geometrical representation is boundary representation (B-rep). The may have overlap (see Fig. 1c) and this kind of clashes result from
geometric primitives in this representation are faces, edges, and ver- modeling issues other than design errors and coordination is
tices. Querying the spatial relations of two objects consists of calcu- unnecessary for them, which should be classified as irrelevant clashes.
lating relations between faces, edges, and vertices of them. Nguyen and This paper used the pre-defined relationship in IFC to find logical
Oloufa [18] and Nepal et al. [20] discussed how to query topological connections. The entities related to connections include the following,
relations based on these primitives. In addition, parameter-based re- as shown in Fig. 3:
presentation is also used in project models because building compo-
nents contain many common shapes, for example, cuboid and cylinder. • IfcRelConnectsElements: it describes connectivity between ele-
Instead of using many primitives, common walls, columns, and slabs ments. It contains relating elements and related elements.
can be represented by several parameters. Nepal et al. [20] used the • Flow segments usually connect by ports. Therefore, this paper also
parameter representation method to query orientation relations. Com- uses IfcRelConnectsPortToElement, IfcPort and IfcRelConnectsPorts
pared with B-rep, the computing cost of using parameters is lower but it to query connection relationships.
is only feasible for simple objects, while B-rep can be used in complex
objects. However, the computing cost of the primitive-based method The related components can be acquired through analyzing relating
can be very high when building components are complex or the number elements and related elements in the attributes of
of components is large. In order to reduce irrelevant calculations and IfcRelConnectsElements. However, IfcRelConnectsElements may be
decrease the cost of each test, a hierarchy structure is used in the spatial empty in some cases. Therefore, this paper also uses
relations query process. IfcRelConnectsPortToElement, IfcPort, and IfcRelConnectsPort to
A hierarchy structure can be built by space-based splitting methods identify connection relations because the MEP flow system usually uses
or object-based splitting methods, and their corresponding re- these entities to reflect connectivity. The express graphs of these enti-
presentatives are octree structure and bounding volume hierarchy ties are shown in Fig. 3.
(BVH) [23]. The octree structure uses one bounding box covering all
components as one root node, and it recursively splits nodes into eight Impact relations. Impact-relation is a combination of
octants if a node is not totally inside one component or outside of all orientation and distance relations. Given a reference object, querying
components [21]. The tree stops growing when the accuracy meets one impact relation consists of calculating whether there is one object
requirements. The BVH tree can be classified into axis-aligned bounding located at a certain distance of a given direction of the reference object.

IfcRelConnectsElements IfcRelConnectsP RelatedElement

1,1 IfcElement
RelatingElement RelatedElement RelatingPort
(INV) ConnectedTo S[0:?] (INV) ConnectedFrom S[0:?] (INV) ContainedIn The two
elements are
(ABS) logically
IfcPort connected
1,1 IfcElement 1,1 IfcElement
(INV) ConnectedFrom S[0:?]

IfcRelConnects RealizingElement
The two elements are 1,1 IfcElement
logically connected

Fig. 3. Express graph of IFC entities (IfcRelConnectsElements, IfcRelConnectsPortToElement, IfcRelConnectsPorts).

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

Impacted object minimum distance between its AABB and the AABB of the reference
object is larger than the upper limit of tested distance (Object D). The
preliminary test was conducted based on a world BVH structure. The
Maximum distance root node of the world BVH tree contained all the building components
in a model, and each leaf of the tree contained the AABB box of one
component. The tree structure quickly eliminated branches that did not
Minimum distance meet directional or distance requirements and return potential im-
pacted-object lists. Detailed tests were conducted between potentially
impacted objects and the reference object. Without loss of generality,
Movement direction
objects were represented by triangle meshes. Detailed tests need to
Reference object calculate the minimum distance and maximum distance between any
triangle pairs from the reference object and examined objects. To
Fig. 4. Attributes of impact relations. eliminate irrelevant tests, this study used AABB-BVH tree structure to
represent these objects. The root node of the tree was an AABB covering
The input of this operator contains a reference object, a project model, one object and each leaf node contained one triangle of the object.
an array of potential directions, and an upper limit of tested distance. In The tree structure expedited computation by eliminating un-
the clash management context, clash components were chosen as promising branches. The paper used priority-first search to traverse a
reference objects. Since clash components need to be changed to tree because this step needs to calculate distances, and it is reasonable
solve clashes, the impact relations will represent which objects will to assume that the distance between the children node pair tends to be
be impacted by these clashes components if we move them. The upper larger when the distance between the parent node pair is larger. Two
limit of distance is to control the scope of the clash impact because it is criteria were used to decide whether a branch is unpromising: 1)
unnecessary to test all objects located along the moving trajectory of Intersection rule: if the projections of the two nodes on the plane per-
the reference object. As for the output, impact relations need to record pendicular to the examined direction have no overlap, the branch is
two distances under a given direction. One is the minimum distance unpromising because the maximum and minimum distances only exist
that we move the reference object along the given direction touching between two triangles whose projections overlapped on the perpendi-
the target object. The other is the maximum distance that we move the cular plane. 2) Distance rule: if the potential minimum or maximum
reference object, while still touches the target object. distance is worse than the current best distance, the algorithm stops
Therefore, one impact relation contains five attributes: a target deeper traversing this branch. In order to fully exploit the distance rule,
object, an impacted object, a movement direction, the minimum dis- the algorithm separately computed maximum and minimum distance
tance, and the maximum distance, a 2D example shown in Fig. 4. Dis- because usually, one node pair cannot own the current maximum dis-
tance attributes depend on the movement direction. One impact rela- tance as well as the current minimum distance. The minimum distance
tion contains multiple movement directions and corresponding was computed first and if the distance was larger than the upper limit
maximum and minimum distances. Six directions based on the world distance, the object was removed from the impact list.
coordinate system are selected as start points. The six directions are The maximum distance calculation is used as an example to in-
positive Z-axis (AxisZP), negative Z-axis (AxisZN), positive X-axis (Ax- troduce the algorithm. The input of the algorithm contains AABB-BVH
isXP), negative X-axis (AxisXN), positive Y-axis (AxisYP), and negative representations of both objects and the examined direction. The algo-
Y-axis (AxisYN). They are chosen because project participants tend to rithm started with the root node pair. It calculated the maximum dis-
follow horizontal and vertical directions and these directions were tance (maxR) and minimum distance (minR) between them, set
widely used in previous research [17,21]. The six directions are also bestSolution equal to minR, saved the pair into a priority queue, and
used in clash relations. used the distance maxR as a comparator. For the pairs in the priority
Two steps were conducted to query impact relations. A preliminary queue, the algorithm first branched the node pair with the highest
test was conducted to eliminate irrelevant comparisons. The pre- comparator, which helped to quickly reduce irrelevant tests. For each
liminary test identified objects whose AABB boxes have overlaps with pair, the algorithm checked whether the two AABB boxes overlap on
the plane that was perpendicular to the examined direction, known as the perpendicular plane. If they are overlapped, it will calculate the
strict directional relations [22], as shown in Fig. 5 (Object B was maximum distance (MD), and if the MD is smaller than the current best
eliminated from the potential list because of no overlap between pro- solution, the node pair is unpromising, and algorithms will not check its
jections). In addition, this step eliminated objects located in the oppo- children pairs. Otherwise, the algorithm will push their children node
site direction of the reference object (Object C) and those objects whose pairs into the priority queue. If both nodes are leaf nodes, the algorithm

Object D
Object B The distance is larger
than limit distance
Its projection are not Upper limit L
overlapped with the Object A
reference object
Moving into Movement Direction
detailed test

Reference Object

Object C
Located in the opposite Direction

Fig. 5. Preliminary test for impact relations.

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

will check whether the projections of two triangles in the nodes are than check SCC. In addition, SCC guarantees at least one simple circle
overlapped in the plane perpendicular to the examined direction. If existing in it. SCC is a sub-graph that every node is reachable from any
they are, it will calculate the distance between them and if the distance other nodes in it. SCCs of a graph is calculated by Kosaraju's algorithm
is larger than the best solution, the algorithm will update the best so- with O(V + E) time, where V is the number of nodes and E is the
lution to the distance. In addition, the algorithm set a condition to early number of edges in the SCC [26]. If only one of the SCC exists, the clash
stop traversing: if the bestSolution is equal to maxR, the traversal stops. type is intersection since single SCC means the intersection curves are
The early stop condition works because the bestSolution cannot be closed and non-coplanar (Fig. 7c). Otherwise, the clash type is pene-
larger than the maximum distance between root nodes. tration through because more than one coplanar closed curves exist.
The pseudo code for calculating maximum distance in impact re- There is a limitation on the algorithm: when the intersected surfaces
lations is shown in Fig. 1 of Appendix. The time complexity of the al- of both clash objects are curved surfaces, this algorithm cannot work.
gorithm is O(n), where n is the number of nodes for the tree with more For example, the algorithm will detect the clashes in Fig. 9 as inter-
nodes. TestBoxOverlap tests whether the projections of two AABB boxes section other than penetration through. In fact, it can be argued that
are overlapped, while TestTriangleOverlap checks whether the projec- this result is acceptable in real projects. The reason to make this dis-
tion of two triangles are overlapped. CalculateBoxDistance calculates tinction is to eliminate clashes that do not need further discussion.
the distance between two AABB boxes along the examined direction, However, components with curved surfaces usually belong to special
while CalculateTriangleDistance consists of calculating the distance elements. Paying extra attention to discuss clashes among these objects
between two triangles. Since the axes of AABB boxes are parallel or is acceptable.
perpendicular the examined direction, the overlap checking and the
distance calculation for boxes are easy by comparing coordinates of 3.2. Neo4j database
their vertices. The calculations related two 3D triangles are also well-
structured in previous studies based on Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi algo- In order to use the dependent information for clash management,
rithm [25] with a near constant time. this information was saved into Neo4j Database. Neo4j is a graph da-
tabase that is designed for relation data, which complies with the
nature of the component dependent network. Neo4j database consists of Clash relations. Navisworks Manage was used to detect clashes three elements: node, relation, and property. Both nodes and relations
and export results that include the ID of clash objects. In addition to can have properties. Building components were used as nodes and re-
clash objects, distance information and clash type were calculated for lations contain clash, connection, and impact relations. Properties that
clash relations. Distance information refers to how far one object at relate to a single component was associated with the certain node. Ifc
least needs to move to solve the clash along a given direction. An GlobalID of the component, the name of IFC entity of the component,
example is shown in Fig. 6. In fact, calculating distance information is the system of the component, and the size information of the compo-
equal to calculate the maximum distance between two objects in a nent were saved as the properties of nodes. The size information in-
given direction. This paper used the above algorithm to calculate it. cludes the axis-align bounding box of the component and the original
Clash types are intersection, penetration, and containment. This paper size information, such as diameter and length. Clash type is one prop-
further distinguished penetration and penetration through. Fig. 7a and erty of the clash relation. The distances calculated for relations are
b are examples that are respectively penetration and penetration properties for different relations. The properties for node and relations
through. The key to distinguish clash types is to calculate the are summarized in Table 2. The Neo4j 3.3.4 Community server is used
intersection curve between the boundaries of two checking objects. If for this project, the Neo4jDotNetDriver is used to query the Neo4j da-
the intersection curve is closed in one plane, the clash type is tabase from. Net, and Cypher is used as the query language.
penetration (Fig. 7). If they form closed curves in more than one
plane, the clash type is penetration through (Fig. 7b). If there is no 4. Case study
closed curve in one plane, the type is intersection (Fig. 7c). If there is no
intersection curve, the clash type refers to containment. 4.1. Project introduction
To decide whether a coplanar closed intersection curve exists, graph
theory was used. The idea was to view every intersection point on the The test building is a five-story student residence hall with a total
boundary as a node, and the intersection lines as edges. Fig. 8 shows the gross floor area of around 4700-square-meter located in a public uni-
procedures to distinguish clash types. The first step is to check whether versity and accommodating 285 beds. The project started in Dec 2014
intersection points exist. If not, the clash is containment. Otherwise, and was completed in Aug 2018. BIM was used in this project for design
checking whether all intersection points are coplanar. If they are, the coordination and clash detection. The proposed method in this paper
clash is penetration. Otherwise, the paper calculated strongly connected was applied to MEP and structure discipline. The project team detected
components (SCC) in the intersection graph rather than check all circles 312 clashes using Navisworks Manager 2017. The discipline composi-
because calculating all simple circles in a graph is much more expensive tion of these clashes is shown in Fig. 10a.
The overall process of building the component dependent network is
shown in Fig. 11. Clash object lists were exported from Navisworks.
Components geometric and non-geometric properties were extract from
IFC files. Logically connected component lists were recorded based on
IFC files. Clash distance and type were calculate based on geometric
information. For each clash, the paper checked whether the two clash
Component B components impact other components and the method did not check
the impact relations between directly connected components and
Move Distance overlapped components. If they were, corresponding distance in-
along negative Z- formation was calculated, and impact relations were created. In this
Negative Z-axis axis specific case, the upper limit distance for impact relations was set as
1 m, which was larger than the minimum clash overlap distance
Component A (0.74 m) in the test case, to make sure that all the potential impacted
objects are included in the impact relation calculation. The upper limit
Fig. 6. Attributes for clash relations. distance can be changed based on the user's consideration. Finally, the

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

a b c
Fig. 7. a Penetration
b Penetration through
c. Intersection
Illustration: red lines are the intersection lines between two components. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)

by one. 302 of them were correct, accounting 97%, which indicates that
the proposed method is quite reliable for distinguishing clash type.
Fig. 12 shows a part of the component dependent network of the
building. The whole network contains 13,556 nodes and 58,084 edges,
Exist intersection points which reflect the connection, clash and impact relations between
building components. In the graph, each node represents one building
components. The size and the color of nodes depend on their degree:
the larger of the degree, the bigger of the size, and the greener of the
Yes color.
All points coplanar Penetration

No 4.2. Potential applications based on the component dependent network

Calculate strongly Three potential applications were developed to improve clash de-
connected component tection: cleaning out irrelevant clashes, automatically grouping related
clashes, checking surrounding environment of clashes and identify
Yes central components. This paper mainly analyzed four scenarios of ir-
More than one SCC relevant clashes identified by observing real projects. Cleaning out ir-
relevant clashes helps project participants to focus on important clashes
No and improve the efficiency of design coordination. Automatically
Containment intersection grouping related clashes reduces the number of clashes and facilitates
project participants to think about clash solutions in a more integrated
End way. Understanding the surrounding environment of clashes and
identifying central clash components help project participants to cor-
Fig. 8. Flowchart for distinguishing clash types. rect clashes and localized clash changes.
Query based on Neo4j database was used to realize these functions
and cypher was used as the query language. Five basic statements were
used in the query sentence: match, where, set, return, create. “Match”
identifies certain connection patterns in the network, “where” con-
strains the properties of nodes and edges, “set” consists of changing
existing or adding new properties, “return” defines the information that
a user interested, and “create” consists of creating new nodes or rela-
tions. In addition, aggregation functions were used to calculate ag-
gregated data, for example, “collect” use for returning a list and “min”
returning the minimum value. “Case” is condition expression and
“with” is used to combine query parts.

Fig. 9. Curved intersection surfaces.

4.2.1. Cleaning out irrelevant clashes
Two scenarios of irrelevant clashes were mentioned in the in-
paper checked whether clash components and their impacted compo- troduction part: logically connected components intersecting with each
nents belong to the connection list. The connection relations were built other, and duplicate clashes related to insulations of MEP flow seg-
if they connected with other components. After capturing three de- ments.
pendent relations, the paper constructed component dependent net-
works and saved the network into Neo4j database. The paper used c# in Scenario 1: Duplicate clashes.
visual studio 2017 with .Net framework 4.6.1 to conduct these proce-
dures. In this case, IFC and Navisworks files were exported from Revit. To query the duplicate clashes between insulations and flow seg-
It can be from other software. ments, insulation relations were set into building components. One IFC
The percentage of each clash type is shown in Fig. 10b. Automatic entity, called “IfcRelCoversBldgElements”, captures this information.
classification of clash types was compared by manually reviewing one However, this entity is usually empty in IFC files. Therefore, node

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

Table 2
Element summary for a building component dependent network.
Elements Properties

Node: each node represents a building GlobalID, IFCType, System Type, Boundary Box Coordinates (minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ), Component Size Property
Relations Clash relation Minimum move distance of two clash components in six directions corresponding to the project world coordinate system
(AMoveAxisXP, AMoveAxisYP, AMoveAxisZP, AMoveAxisXN, AMoveAxisYN, AMoveAxisZN; BMoveAxisXP, BMoveAxisYP,
BMoveAxisZP, BMoveAxisXN, BMoveAxisYN, BMoveAxisZN;)
Connect relation No other properties
Impact relation Movement direction (one of the six directions corresponding to project world coordinate system, AxisXP,
AxisYP,AxisZP,AxisXN,AxisYN,AxisZN), The minimum and maximum distances between the impacted component (BLimit,
ULimit) and the clash component in the direction

200 37,
Clash Number

150 12%
91 Penetration_through
91, 29% Intersect
184, 59% Penetration
50 20
Fire Plumbing Structure Electrical Mechanical
Discipline Name

a b
Fig. 10. a. Clash discipline summary
b. Clash type summary.

Construct Component Dependent Network

Extract information of all components Distinguish Intersect,

Query Clash Relations Penetration, penetration
• Geometry information input Generate BVH tree for
IFC files through, and containment
(triangle mesh) each Components
• Create connect list (connected components are Query Impact Relations
identified by Ifc )
• Other properties of components (property set,
e.g.globalID system type, size and IFC entity )
Check whether connect Yes
Revit file Query Connect
Lists of clashes list contains clash and
input export impacted components
Generate Component
Dependent Network

Save into Neo4j


Fig. 11. The overall process to generate a component dependent network.

properties and relations were used to identify insulation relations. In Scenario 2: Logically connected component intersecting with each
the IFC structure, insulations are defined by IFCCovering entity. The other.
insulation must have impact relations with the object that it protects, The research team noticed that IFC files usually did not capture the
the AABB of the insulation should cover the AABB of the protected connection relations between insulations. Since we identified insulation
object, and the two objects should belong to the same system. relations in Scenario 1, if the two flow segments connect and insulations
Therefore, these features were used to set the insulation relations by the exist, we created the connection relations between their insulations by
query sentence Q1 in Table 3. In the query, n1 and n2 represent two Q3 in Table 4. After complementing the connection relations, Q4 was
components and “r” is a relation between them. If two components used for query clashes between logically connected component. The
comply with pre-defined requirements, the query added a new property condition that r1.Type is null was used to clean out scenario 1. This
to each of them to record insulation relations. query generated two results, Fig. 13b is one example and the type of
After setting insulation relations, the paper queried whether dupli- clash was set as irrelevant and the solution was set as a modeling issue.
cate clashes exist. If a covered object has clashes with other objects In addition, two other scenarios that can be classified into irrelevant
(clash_d), its insulation must intersect with the same objects and clash_d clashes were identified:
can be labeled as irrelevant and Q2 in Table 3 is the query sentence. The
query returned 18 irrelevant clashes and Fig. 13a shows an example of Scenario 3: MEP flow segments or fitting penetrating into the MEP
them. terminal. It was found that Navisworks detects clashes between MEP

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

Fig. 12. The component dependent network for the test case.

flow segments with their terminal equipment. However, this situa- belong to the same system. Q5 in Table 5 was used for this query and
tion is a common and acceptable practice that should be cleaned it returned 11 clashes that were set as irrelevant. Fig. 14 shows
out. In the IFC structure, MEP terminals are represented as examples of these clashes.
“IFCFlowTerminal”, “IFCDistributionControlElement” or
“IFCBuildingElementProxy”. Flow segment and fitting are re- Scenario 4: Flow segments penetrating structure elements. From the
presented as “IFCFlowSegment” and “IFCFlowFitting”. Considering observations of construction projects, the research team found that in
some flow segments and fittings owning insulations, the paper also practice, structure engineers typically set a standard to decide which
included “IFCCovering”. In addition, the two clash objects should flow segments of MEP are allowed to penetrate the structure elements,

Table 3
Query sentence for irrelevant clash scenario 1.
Function descriptions Query example in Neo4j

Q1. Set insulation relations Sentence: match (n1)-[r:ImpactRelationship]-(n2) where n1.IFCType = “IFCCovering” and n1.maxZ≥ n2.maxZ and n1.maxX≥ n2.maxX and
n1.maxY≥ n2.maxY and n1.minZ≤n2.minZ and n1.minX≤n2.minX and n1.minY≤n2.minY and n1.System = n2.System set
n1.insulated = n2.GlobalID and n2.insulation = n1.GlobalID
Q2. Query duplicate clashes Sentence: match (n1) -[r1:ImpactRelationship]- (n2), (n2)- [r2:ClashRelationship]- (n3) where n1.IFCType = “Covering” and
n1.insulated = n2.GlobalID set r2.Type=”irrelevant” return distinct r2

Duct insulation
Supply Air Duct

Pipe Supply Air Duct

Air supply duct Insulation

a b
Fig. 13. a. Scenario 1
b. Scenario 2.

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

Table 4
Query sentence for irrelevant clash scenario 2.
Function descriptions Query example in Neo4j

Q3. Add connection relations between Sentence: Match (n1)-[r:ConnectRelationship]-(n2) where exists(n1.insulation) and exists(n2.insulation) with n1, n2 optional
insulations. match (n3) where n3.GlobalID = n1.insulation optional match (n4) where n4.GlobalID = n2.insulation create
(n3)-[:ConnectRelationship]- > (n4)
Q4. Identify clashes between logically Sentence: Match (n1) – [r1: ClashRelationship]- (n2), (n1) – [r2:ConnectionRelationship]- (n2) where r1. Type is null set
connected components r1.Type=”irrelevant” and r1.Solution=”Modeling_issue” return distinct r1

Table 5
Query sentence for irrelevant clash scenario 3.
Function descriptions Query example in Neo4j

Q5. Identify clashes between flow segments Sentence: match (n1)-[r1:ClashRelationship]-(n2) where (n1.IFCType = “IFCFlowTerminal” or
and its terminal n1.IFCType = “IFCDistributionControlElement” or n1.IFCType = “IFCBuildingElementProxy”) and
(n2.IFCType = “IFCFlowSegment” or n2.IFCType = “IFCFlowFitting” or n3.IFCType = “IFCCovering”) and
r1.ClashType = “Penetration” and n1.System = n2.System and r1.Type is null set r1.Type=”irrelevant” return distinct r1

Fig. 14. Irrelevant clashes scenario 3.

Table 6
Query sentence for irrelevant clash scenario 4.
Function descriptions Query example in Neo4j

Q6. Check small flow segments penetrate Sentence: match (n1)-[r1:ClashRelationship]-(n2) where (n1.IFCType = “IFCSlab” or n1.IFCType = “IFCWallStandardCase”)
structure elements. and (r1.ClashType = “Penetration_through” or r1.ClashType = “Penetration” and ((n2.Diameter > 0 and
n2.Diameter < 0.25) or (n2.height*n2.width < 0.05 and n2.height*n2.width > 0) or ((n2.maxZ-n2.minZ)*
(n2.maxY-n2.minY) < 0.05) or ((n2.maxZ-n2.minZ)* (n2.maxX-n2.minX) < 0.05) or ((n2.maxX-n2.minX)*
(n2.maxY-n2.minY) < 0.05)) set r1.Type=”irrelevant” and r1.Solution=”open_hole” return distinct r1

such as walls or slabs from the safety perspective. The standard usually size attributes (diameter or (height and width)) exist, the paper used
refers to the size of flow segments, for example, diameter < 25 cm or them. Otherwise, the AABB box was used to define size. Therefore, Q6
cross-section area < 0.05 m2 in the test project. There is no need to in Table 6 was used to identify required clashes and set them as irre-
discuss how to solve these clashes and the solution consists of opening a levant and their suggested solutions as open_hole. This query identified
hole in the corresponding location. Therefore, filtering out these clashes 22 clashes.
and marking their solutions facilitate clash management. This query The four scenarios identified a total of 53 clashes. To validate the
needs to control the IFC entity name of one clash object as “IFCSlab” or precision, each queried clash was manually reviewed and all of them
“IFCWallStandardCase”, the clash type as “Penetration” or “Penetration complied with the designed scenarios. To use the method, users do not
through” and the size of another clash object. To define size, if original need to write the above query, as they just need to select whether they

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

into the properties of nodes.

The query returned 91 groups and the group size distribution is
shown in Fig. 16a. The largest group contains 80 clashes. The reason for
the large group is that these clashes are related to structure elements,
Group 2 such as walls or slabs that are very large and connected by many
components. If we ignored the clashes with structure elements before
grouping then, 191 MEP clashes were grouped into 92 sets and the
largest group contained 9 clashes, as shown in Fig. 16b. Fig. 15 shows
Clash 1 two examples of groups. From Fig. 15, we can see that it makes sense to
Clash 2
Clash 3 solve these clashes together other than separately. From the above
analysis, it can be concluded that grouping based on the component
Clash 2 dependent network facilitates reducing the number of clashes in clash
reports and grouping related clashes together helps users to think about
some overall solutions.
Clash 1 Clash 3
4.2.3. Check nearby environment for a clash and decide central components
Group 1 In addition to cleaning out irrelevant clashes and grouping related
clashes, the network used to analyze the surrounding environment for a
Fig. 15. Clashes sharing the same building component. certain clash, which supports the clash resolution process. The sur-
rounding environment for a clash can have three levels: 1) whether
there are other components around the clash and how many of them; 2)
want to ignore the above scenarios. They can also change the size of the which one is the nearest component to a clash component; 3) whether
object penetrating the structural elements in Scenario 4. After ignoring the clash component has enough room to move in a certain direction.
the above clashes, the number of clashes decreased to 259, which is a Table 8 contains query examples for these questions, which provides
17% reduction. overall analysis for all clashes (Q8) and specific information for a cer-
tain clash (Q9 and Q10). Q8 ordered clashes by the number of its im-
4.2.2. Group related clashes pacted components, which reflects the congestion level of the sur-
The component dependent network can be also used for auto- rounding environment of a clash. Fig. 17 is the histogram of the number
matically grouping clashes. Some clashes are interdependent and of impacted components for clashes. Fig. 18 show two examples.
should be discussed together. This approach decreases the number of Fig. 18a represents a clash only impacted two other components and
clashes and reduces the time for manually grouping clashes, which the clash in Fig. 18b impacted 122 other components. It is easy to find
improves clash management efficiency. The idea is to group clashes that that Clash 156 located in a more crowded area. Generally, crowded
share the same components, as shown in Fig. 15. Sharing the same environment will complicate clash resolutions and solving a clash in
components from a graph view means nodes are connected by clash these areas may impact many other components. Therefore, filtering
relations. Therefore, grouping clashes is equivalent to identify disjoint these clashes out and fixing them first decreases information un-
sets in the graph connected by the remaining clashes (except clashes in certainty and facilitate design coordination. Q9 was used to find the
the above four scenarios). Neo4j graph algorithm library was used to nearest components for a clash component, and Fig. 19a is geometric
query disjoint sets. Q7 in Table 7 was used to set the id of disjoint sets representation for the result of the specific case. In addition to the

Table 7
Query sentence for grouping clashes.
Function descriptions Query example in Neo4j

Q7. Identify disjointed clashes Sentence: call algo.unionFind(‘match(n) return id(n) as id’, ‘match(n1)-[r1:ClashRelationship]-(n2) where r1.Type is null return id(n1) as
source, id(n2) as target’, {graph: “cypher”, write: true})

60 57 70
Group Number
Group Number

20 14 20 15
10 5 10 5 3 3 4 3
2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 80 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9
The Number of Clashes in a Group The Number of Clashes in a Group
a b
Fig. 16. a. Clash group result with structure discipline
b. Clash group result without structure discipline.

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

Table 8
Query examples for clash surrounding environments analysis.
Function descriptions Query example in Neo4j

Q8: Count impacted components near a clash and order clash in Sentence: MATCH (n1) - [r:ClashRelationship1] - > (n2) where r.Type is null with n1, n2, r optional match
decreasing of the number of impacted components (n1) - [r1:ImpactRelationship] - > (n3) with n1,n2,n3,r optional match (n2) - [r2:ImpactRelationship]
- > (n4) return distinct r.ID, size(collect(distinct n4.GlobalID) + collect(distinct n3.GlobalID)) as impact
order by impact desc
Q9: Query the nearest components for a clash component and Sentence: MATCH (n1) - [r:ClashRelationship1] - (n2), (n1)-[r1:ImpactRelationship]- > (n3) where r.Type
return the distance. is null and r.ID = 139 return r1.BLimit, r1.Direction order by r1.BLimit limit 1
Result: r1.Blimit = 0.0943, r1.Direction=”AxisZN”
(we use Clash 139 as an example)
Q10: For a certain clash component, checking whether there is Sentence:Match (n1) – [r1:ClashRelationship]- (n2), (n1) – [r2:ImpactRelationship]- > (n3) where
enough room for moving it along a certain direction to avoid a n1.GlobalID = “32pVXjknD4qhBfxePw5hsZ” and r2.Direction = “AxisXP”
certain clash and r1.ID = 78 return Case r1.A
When n1.GlobalID then r1. AMoveAxisXP < min(r2.BLimit)
Else r1. BMoveAxisXP < min(r2.BLimit)
End as EnoughRoom
Result: False
(the assumption is that if the clash distance for a clash component in a given direction is larger than the
minimum distance between the component with its nearby components, there is no enough room for the
component in the given direction)

nearest components, checking whether there is enough room to move is 5. Discussions

also important for clash management. Q10 was used for this check and
Fig. 19b is the geometric representation for the test example. The accuracy issue of BIM-enabled clash detection has been ob-
To support clash resolution, the clash component network can be served in many projects. However, few solutions were proposed to
used to analyze the central components. Degree centrality is a key in- clean out irrelevant clashes without increasing the workload of project
dicator to measure the position of a node in one network [27]. The teams. Some software tried to pre-process clashes based on the prop-
individual degree of centrality is equal to the number of edge incidents erties of clash components, but they ignored that building components
to the individual. In this test case, it consists of the number of clashes depend on each other and a clash is a spatial relation in nature. The
that one component is involved in. Components that involve many dependent relations between building components is important for pre-
clashes should be paid more attention in the design coordination pro- processing clashes and improve the quality of clash detection. Firstly,
cess. It may relate to critical clashes that need a lot of discussions. the paper identified three types of spatial relations: clash, connection,
Meanwhile, it also provides the possibility to solve multiple clashes by and impact relations that are useful for the clash cleaning process and
changing one component. In neo4j database, the following sentence designed algorithms to capture these relations. It was argued that cla-
calculates the degree centrality of clash components and returns them shes should be divided into different types based on the topological
in descending order “MATCH (n1)-[r:ClashRelationship]-(n2) where relations between clash components because they may lead to different
r.Type is null return n1.GlobalID, count(n2) as degree order by degree clash resolution strategies. The argument was supported in the test case,
desc”. in which the clash type classification combined with other information
facilitate the identification of irrelevant clashes (i.e., irrelevant clashes
Scenario 3 and Scenario 4). Impact relations combined with component
bounding box coordinates were used to identify insulation relations.
The insulation relations consist of two functions: 1) identify duplicate
clashes (Scenario 1), and 2) supplement connection relations since
connectivity between insulations were usually missing in model files.
Connection and clash relations were used together to identify modeling-
caused irrelevant clashes because logically connected components
should not overlap (Scenario). In the test case, the proposed method
identified 53 irrelevant clashes out of 312 clashes, which accounted for
Identifying irrelevant clashes was based on the analysis of compo-
nent relations. To play the role of the network, the paper proposed to
group clashes based on a clash component network. Clashes were linked
by sharing the same components. Grouping connected clashes provides
two advantages: 1) decrease number of clashes; 2) provide the basis for
project teams to discuss overall solutions for related clashes. In the test
project, 191 MEP clashes were included into 91 sets. In addition, the
impact network was used to analyze the environment of clashes. The
number of impacted components related to a clash was used to rank
clashes. The larger the number, the more congested area a clash is lo-
cated. This kind of application helps project teams to focus on serious
clashes and improve the efficiency of design coordination meetings.
Fig. 17. Histogram of clash impacted components. Checking nearest components of a clash, deciding whether enough

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

Clash 109 impacts two Clash 156 impacts 122

other components other components

a. A clash example in uncrowded area b. A clash example in congest area

Fig. 18. Examples of clash impacted components
a. A clash example in uncrowded area
b. A clash example in congest area.

room exists for it, and identifying components involving multiple cla- project, which significantly reduced the number of clashes. The query
shes serve for the clash resolution process. In the test project, the pro- examples for analyzing the surrounding environment for clashes were
posed method showed the feasibility to clean out automatic clash de- also represented in this paper for supporting clash resolutions.
tection results and provided support for clash resolution based on the Network theory was used to improve clash detection, but identi-
building component dependent network. fying problems is the first step; how to solve these clashes is also im-
portant. Clashes depend on each other spatially. Correcting one of them
6. Conclusions may impact the solution of other clashes and they will also impact
nearby objects, which can cause new clashes if there are no systemically
The paper proposed a new perspective to view clashes by con- strategies to correct them. Therefore, how to use the network to support
sidering the interdependent nature of building components. Through clash resolutions and find the globally optimized solutions can be the
capturing three dependent relations from BIM models, a component future research direction. In addition, this paper focused on hard cla-
dependent network was constructed, which involved the network shes, but how to use the network idea to improve active clash man-
thinking into the clash management field. Many analyses can be con- agement for supporting the construction process or soft clash manage-
ducted from the network. This paper mainly focused on using the net- ment for supporting facility management deserves further discussion.
work to pre-process clash reports by cleaning out irrelevant clashes, Finally, even though the proposed method was tested on one project
grouping relevant clashes, identify central components, and analyzing and verified its feasibility, more tests in different types of projects can
nearby environment of clashes. These applications were tested on a real be conducted to improve the generality of the method in the future.

Required distance for

moving in AxisXP
direction 0.121 m

The nearest component Clash 139

to the duct
Minimum distance for
nearby components in
this direction is 0.066

a. Nearest component example b. Enough room comparison example

Fig. 19. Geometric representation of clash component
a. Nearest component example
b. Enough room comparison example.

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

Appendix A

Table 1
Spatial relations definition and query method summary.

Spatial rela- Relation categories Explanation Reference Original geome- File Method
tion type trical representa- format
tion of

Topological Adjacency Define relationships between vertex and Nguyen Point, line, face CAD Non-hierarchy geometric method: Use
Relations Separation face. and Oloufa model the relationships between vertex and
Containment Adjacency: One component is adjacent to, [18] face to decide the topological relations,
Intersection next-to, above, or below the other and he defined this as relation index.
Connectivity Separation: Components are separate
from each other
Containment: One component is inside in
the other
Intersection: One component intersects
the other
Connectivity: One component connects to
the other
Connectivity Containment He classified topological relations based Khalili and Attribute-based IFC Attribute-based: Topology-driven
Separation on Nguyen's classification and subsumed Chua [19] method and did model method. In fact, he used pre-defined
Intersection adjacency in connectivity. not consider geo- relationships in IFC file to define these
metric represen- relationships.
9-intersection model Formal 9-IM contains eight relations: Solihin Multiple repre- IFC Hierarchy geometric method: Using
disjoint, touch, equal, within, contains, [21] sentations: B-rep, model octree methods to test intersections,
overlap, cover, and covered. AABB box overlap, contains, inside, covers,
coveredBy and equal relations. Use
boundary face to test meet relations.
Build one master tree for a whole
building other than individual tree.
Intersect, disjoint, and penetra- Compared with traditional 9-IM relations. Nepal et al. Point and Line Revit Non-hierarchy geometric method:
tions This paper distinguished intersect and [20] model Separating Axis Theorem to detect in-
penetrations. tersect. Penetration is tested based in-
tersect predicate and object type (wall
and duct)
Revised 9-intersection model: six Define topological relationship based on Borrmann B-rep / Hierarchy geometric method: Octree-
relations: disjoint, touch, equal, the relationships between interior and and Rank based method
within, contains, overlap boundary of objects. Revised 9-IM sub- [24] AABB-based BVH tree
sumes cover and covered by under within Daum and
and contain because the researchers think Borrmann
object's interiors or boundaries overlap [28]
has no big difference in the engineering
Distance Rela- Center-to-center distance/clear Distance related relations [20] Point and Line Revit Parameter-based: Calculate distance
tions distance (face to face distance) model between central point and boundary
Minimum/Maximum distance, Distance related relations Borrmann B-rep / Hierarchy geometric method: Two
predicates about is closer or is et al. [24] kinds of methods: Octree and AABB-
farther based BVH tree were compared
Orientation r- North of, south of, east of, west of, Directional relationships between 3D ob- [17] B-rep / Hierarchy geometric method: Halfsapce
elations above, and below jects. based method
projection-based method: slot tree (a
revised octree). Each object has an
individual octree.
Above, below, left of, right of, Directional relationships between 3D ob- Solihin B-rep / Hierarchy geometric method: Octree
front of, behind of and directly jects. [21]
above, directly below, directly
leftOf, directly rightOf, directly
front, directly behind
north, south, east or west direc- Directional relationships between 3D ob- Nepal et al. using circle to re- Revit Parameter-based: Ray-intersect method
tion. jects. [20] present column model

Y. Hu, et al. Automation in Construction 105 (2019) 102832

Fig. A1. Algorithm for calculating the maximum distance of impact relations.

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