Mangestiyono 2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 202 012018

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CaSO4 Scale Inhibition by a Trace Amount of Zinc Ion in Piping System

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2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 202 012018


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The 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (2017) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/202/1/012018

CaSO4 Scale Inhibition by a Trace Amount of Zinc Ion in

Piping System

W Mangestiyono and Sutrisno

Mechanical Engineering, School of Vocational, Diponegoro University, Indonesia


Email :

Abstract. Usually, a small steam generator is not complemented by equipment such as

demineralization and chlorination process apparatus since the economic aspect was a
precedence. Such phenomenon was uncovered in a case study of green tea industrial process in
which the boiler capacity was not more than 1 ton/hour. The operation of the small boiler
affected the scaling process in its piping system. In a year operation, there was already a large
scale of calcium attached to the inner surface of the pipe. Such large scale formed a layer and
decreased the overall heat transfer coefficient, prolonged the process time and decreased the
production. The aim of the current research was to solve the problem through a laboratory
research to inhibit the CaSO4 scale formation by the addition of trace amounts of zinc ion. This
research was conducted through a built in-house experimental rig which consisted of a dosing
pump for controlling the flow rate and a thermocouple to control the temperature. Synthesis
solution was prepared with 3,500 ppm concentration of CaCl2 and Na2SO4. The concentration
of zinc was set at 0.00; 5.00 and 10.00 ppm. The data found were characterized by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) to analyze crystal polymorph as the influence of zinc ion addition.
The induction time was also investigated to analyze the nucleation time, and it was found on
the 9th, 13th, and 19th minute of the zinc ion addition of 0.00, 5.00 and 10.00 ppm. After running
for a four-hour duration, the scale grow-rate was found to be 5.799; 5.501 and 4.950 x 10-3
gr/min for 0.00; 5.00 and 10.00 ppm of zinc addition at 50 C.

Keywords: CaSO4, zinc, inhibition, scale, piping system.

1. Introduction
This research was conducted based on a case study of a small steam generator operation in a green tea
industry where the product decreased extremely after a year operation. The main cause of the
decreased product was identified due to the scaling process occurred on the inner surface of the boiler
piping system. A small steam generator usually is not completed by any equipment such as
demineralization and chlorination processed apparatus since the economic aspect was precedence.
That is why the calcium scale can pile up easily in the inner surface of the pipe. When the scale was
analyzed through SEM EDX, the results showed that scale composition consisted of CaSO4 and
CaCO3 in majority and MgSO4 in the minority. In the current research, the CaSO4 scale would be the
focus of this research since this type of scale was tough to clean.
The existence of CaSO4 scale in piping system led to a disturbance of the system such as decreased
overall heat transfer coefficient, prolonged process time and increased economic cost [1, 2, 3]. Many
efforts to inhibit CaSO4 scale have been conducted on the physical and chemical factors. The flow rate

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The 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (2017) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/202/1/012018

and temperature are classified as physical factors [4,5], otherwise impurities and additive classified as
chemical factors [6,7]. Usually, the appropriate method to inhibit scale growth is performed on the
chemical factors through the addition of the trace amount of a chemical substance [1].
In order to inhibit nucleation and crystal growth, the addition of the trace amount of a chemical
substance in a supersaturated solution is a commonly employed technique [3]. Many additives have
been used to inhibit those scale, such as citric acid, nitric acid, malic acid[1,2,8] and double-
hydrophilic block copolymers [9] also phosphate component [3] and polyelectrolyte [10]. The
presence of additives could affect the structure and shape of many crystals such as CaSO4, BaSO4, and
ZnO [9] and also induce crystal morphology and crystal size [4].
In the current research, Zinc ion was used as the additive to inhibit the CaSO4 scale. As an
inhibitor, zinc ion must have some affinity with the host crystal to be adsorbed on its surface and to be
able to modify its behavior [3]. The effects of zinc ion as an inhibitor of CaSO4 scale formation from
over-saturated solutions would be the focus of this research.

2. Experimental Method

2.1. Material
CaSO4 scaling process occurred synthetically by mixing CaCl2 with a Na2SO4 solution, which was
supplied by Merck®, according to the reaction as Equation (1).

CaCl2 (aq) + Na2SO4 (aq) → CaSO4(s) + 2NaCl (aq) (1)

The concentration of calcium solution was defined of as much as 3.500 ppm, prepared by dissolving
77.175 g of CaCl2 to 6,000 mL of demineralized water. Sodium solution was prepared by dissolving
55.65 g of Na2CO3 to 6,000 mL of demineralized water, too. The straining process of the solution was
done two times by 0.22 μm microspore® paper to ensure the unwanted particles remain in the
solution. Each of the solutions was kept in each covered vessel to avoid dust and other contaminants.
Weighing, mixing and straining processes must be done carefully to ascertain that there is not a bias in
the research. The weighing process was done via Ohaus AR-2140 analytical balance in the accuracy of
0.1 mg. CHEMFEED Ca-92683 dosing pump did the mixing process.

2.2. Experimental design and characterization

As the aim of the research was to uncover the influence of zinc ion on CaSO4 scale formation, the
research design was defined as described below. The chosen flow rate was at 35 mL/min. The selected
temperatures were 27; 40 and 50 C and the chosen Ca concentration was at 3,500 ppm for all
experiments. Zinc ion was found from ZnCl2 with the zinc concentration varied of 0.00; 5.00 and
10.00 ppm. The CaSO4 scale grow-rate was measured when the experiment was affected by the
additions of 5.00 and 10.00 ppm zinc ion and then was compared with the experiment without zinc
ion. The different scale deposition was pointed as being influenced by an additive on the deposition
rate. Induction time was also measured in the kinetic study to show the effect of the additive on the
nucleation process. Crystal polymorph was characterized via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to
show the different crystal shape due to the zinc ion addition. Crystal component was investigated
through SEM EDX to demonstrate the alteration of crystal structure along with the zinc ion addition.

2.3. Experimental rig

To conduct the experiment, a built in-house experimental rig with the control of an electronic program
was employed. The employment is shown schematically in Figure 1. The rig consisted of two vessels,
each of which contained CaCl2 and Na2CO3 solutions, respectively. A stirrer was attached in each
vessel under computer program control and automatically set at 40 rpm to establish a homogeneous
solution. All of the solutions in each vessel were pumped by CHEM-FEED Ca-92683 dosing pump (5)
similarly in the flowrate of 35 mL/min, and the solutions met in the test pipe section (6). To set the

The 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (2017) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/202/1/012018

temperature, an electrical heater (3) was immersed in the solution and controlled by a sensor (4) in
order to keep stable. When the various temperatures were set,

Figure 1. Experimental rig

the computer program sent a command to the pump to delay the operation for a couple of minutes until
the predetermined temperature was achieved. In the test pipe section, four pairs of coupons were
inserted to the parts where the precipitation process needed to form. The pipe was attached to a table
(7) vertically. The conductivity of the solution after leaving the coupons was measured by TDS meter
supplied by Komatsu (8). The data were collected through the computer program (9), and the solution
was then sent to the vessel (10).

2.4. Phreeqc prediction

The Phreeqc prediction on the scaling potential showed that there were not any differences in the
experiments with an additive and without an additive. The data input of the solution without Zinc ion
was collected as follow, temp 25; pH 7; default units g/kgW; density 1; Ca 1.75; Cl 3.105; H(0) 0.175;
O(0) 0.7; S(6) 4.2; Na 2.1 and water 1 kg. Otherwise, input data with 10 ppm of Zinc ion was done
such as : temp 25; pH 7; units g/kgW; density 1; Ca 1.75; Cl 3.105; H(0) 0.175; O(0) 0.7; Na 2.1;
S(6) 4.2; Cu 0.01 and water 1 kg. The specific conductance of the solutions in their initial condition
showed differences i.e. 14.102 μS/Cm and 14.082 μS/Cm respectively in the solutions with and
without 10 ppm Zinc ion.
The phreeqc program predicted the potential of crystal phase produced through the analysis of the
amount of each saturation index. The prediction showed that there were not any differences between
the experiments without and with zinc ion performed thermodynamically. Thus, the presence of 10
ppm zinc ion did not have any effects on the solution in its thermodynamic.

3. Results and discussion

The results of this experiment consisted of several forms of data such as induction time, the scale grow
rate, inhibition rate, crystal polymorph and crystal structure. All data were measured in the absence
and in the presence of zinc ion to show the influence of the zinc ion addition. Furthermore, the data

The 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (2017) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/202/1/012018

were then compared with each other, and the differences found in those data stood as the effect of the
zinc ion addition.

3.1. Induction time

The time of firstly measurable change of conductivity is called as an induction time [11]. The
measurable change of conductivity showed that some ions in the solution have been reacted and
precipitated as scales. Induction time also describes the time needed to produce a nucleus which is also
called as nucleation time [12].
To identify the induction time, the conductivity of the solution after leaving the coupon was
measured by conductivity meter and acquired by a computer program in every two seconds. After
being calculated in the mean value of every one minute, the data were plotted to show the measurable
change of conductivity. To describe the influence of the addition of zinc ion to the solution, a
conductivity versus time was plotted in a graph of the zinc ion concentration varied to 0.00, 5.00 and
10.00 ppm as shown in Figure 2.

0,00 PPM 5.00 PPM 10.00 PPM


Conductivity (x 10 uS/Cm)






0 50 100
Time (Minute)
Figure 2. Plot of conductivity over the time

In this experiment, the induction time at 27 C was found to be 21, 25 and 31 minutes of zinc ion
addition in 0.00, 5.00 and 10.00 ppm. For the experiment at 40 C the induction time was found in the
15th, 19th, and 23rd minute of zinc ion addition in 0.00, 5.00 and 10.00 ppm. When the temperature was
set at 50 C, the induction time was found to be at the 9th, 13th and 19th minute of zinc ion addition in
0.00; 5.00 and 10.00 ppm. These data show close agreement with other research, such as the research
published by Ang [7].
The extended nucleation time showed the evidence that the addition of zinc ion in 5.00 and 10.00
ppm has successfully inhibited the nucleation process of CaSO4 scale formation. The data also showed
the influence of zinc ion addition on induction time in various temperatures which successfully
inhibited the nucleation process at higher temperatures. As the nucleation time was longer than
normal, the scale formed could be fewer. The following section would discuss the scale grow rate and
inhibition rate section in detail.

3.2. CaSO4 scale grow rate

CaSO4 scale, as the product of precipitation process, was found in the coupon. The assessment of the
CaSO4 scale grow as the influence of the zinc ion addition was conducted in three temperature
conditions i.e. 27; 40 and 50 C meanwhile the zinc ion concentration varied to 0.00, 5.00 and 10.00
ppm. The result was expressed in a graph such as shown in Figure 3.

The 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (2017) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/202/1/012018

The scale grow rate was calculated as the mass of the coupon which was formed in a 4-hour
duration and was then converted in the unit of gr/min. When the temperature was set at 27 C and zinc
ion was as much as 0.00; 5.00

Figure 3. CaSO4 scale grow rate in various zinc

concentration and temperatures

and 10.00 ppm, the scale grow rates were found to be as much as 0.755; 0.728 and 0.618 x 10-3 g/min.
The experiment with the temperature at 40 C and zinc ion of as much as 0.00, 5.00, and 10.00 ppm
resulted in the scale grow rates of as much as 2.942; 2.860 and 2.687 x 10-3 gr/min. the scale grow
rates found in the experiment at the temperature of 50 0C and zinc ion varied of 0.00, 5.00, and 10.00
ppm were 5.799, 5.501 and 4.950 x 10-3 g/min.
The data showed that CaSO4 scale grow rate was decreased by the addition of trace amount of zinc
ion even at the amount of 5.00 and 10.00 ppm and in various temperatures. These inventions showed
the evidence that the addition of the trace amount of zinc ion has successfully inhibited the CaSO4
scale grow rate at different temperatures. The decrease of the CaSO4 scale growth was in conformance
with the research published by Ang [7].

3.3. Inhibition rate

In this experiment, an inhibition rate was determined as the different scale growth between the
experiment of 5.00 and 10.00 ppm and the experiment of 0.00 ppm of zinc ion of which result is
presented in Figure 4.

The 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (2017) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/202/1/012018

27 C 40 C 50 C

Inhibition Rate ( gr/min)

0 5 10
Zinc Concentration (PPM)

Figure 4. Inhibition rate of CaSO4 scale grow in various zinc

concentrations and temperatures

As for the measurement, the inhibition rates of CaSO4 scale which were developed through the
experiment at 27 C were 0.00, 0.298 and 0.829 x10-3 gr/min of zinc ion addition in the amount of
0.00, 5.00 and 10.00 ppm.
The inhibition rates of CaSO4 scale grow of the experiment at 40 C were 0.00, 0.082 and 0.255 x
10 g/min of zinc ion addition of as much as 0.00, 5.00 and 10.00 ppm. The inhibition rates of CaSO4
scale grow of the experiment at 50 C were 0.00, 0.027 and 0.137 x 10-3 g/min of zinc ion addition
varied to 0.00, 5.00 and 10.00 ppm.
The graph of inhibition rate as the addition of zinc ion showed that the inhibition rate increased as
the rising temperature. It has been broadly understood that calcium solubility will decrease when the
temperature increase [7] as solubility is defined as the maximum amount of a solution that will
dissolve in a given quantity of solvent at a specific temperature [13]. Thus, the rising temperature will
be followed by the decreasing solubility. That is why the CaSO4 scale-grow rate increases as the rising
of temperature could be accepted. Moreover, when the inhibition rate increases as the rising CaSO4
scale-grow rate could also be tolerated.

3.4. Crystal polymorph

The polymorph of CaSO4 crystal was found after a characterization by scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) regarding investigating the influence of zinc ion addition to the crystal polymorph. Figure 5a)
shows the CaSO4 crystal polymorph in the experiment without zinc ion, meanwhile figure 5b) shows
the CaSO4 crystal polymorph in the experiment with the addition of 10.00 ppm of zinc ion.

The 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (2017) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/202/1/012018

(a) (b)
Figure 5. CaSO4 crystal polymorph of a) 0.00 ppm and b) 10.00 ppm zinc ion
Both of the crystal polymorphs showed that they were not different in their shapes and their
polymorphs. Refer to crystal system, SEM images in figure 5a and 5b indicate that the crystal
polymorphs are rhombohedral [14] as well as the usual. However, it could be distinguished from their
dimension that the crystal polymorph in the experiment with 10.00 ppm zinc ion has shorter needles
and a smaller dimension.
The data show the mechanism of zinc ion in inhibiting the CaSO4 scale growth. As the growth of
crystal dimension was inhibited, CaSO4 scale mass was decreasing. This phenomenon has a close
agreement with the phreeqc prediction. The addition of zinc ion does not have any differences in the
thermodynamic as predicted by phreeqc program. So, the inhibition mechanism was not based on its
thermodynamic but through another mechanism i.e. through covering the crystal surface by a zinc ion.
This phenomenon explained how the crystal growth was inhibited by the presence of zinc ion [7].

3.5. Crystal composition

The crystal composition was investigated through the characterized CaSO4 scale by SEM EDX. The
results consisted of crystal spectrum and composition in atomic percent (at %) also in weight percent
(wt %). The crystal spectrum such as shown in figure 6 shows the atomic composition and its peak.
The spectrum shows the structure of the crystal components i.e. Ca, S and O. The existence of Na
and Cl ions in the crystal composition could be caused by the trapping of those ions in the inner
crystal. The composition of CaSO4 shows that the crystal was pure and the process was done carefully
[15]. The crystal was not found in its stoichiometry, which can be caused by the presence of Na and Cl
ions in the crystal.

The 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (2017) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/202/1/012018

Figure 6. Spectrum of CaSO4 crystal composition in the experiment without

zinc ion

4. Conclusions
Based on a case study on green tea production of which steam generator piping system was hampered
by the presence of calcium scale, this laboratory experiment had been employed. The experiment to
inhibit CaSO4 scale by a trace amount of zinc ion was successfully conducted. The addition of zinc
ion of 5.00 and 10.00 ppm significantly decreased the CaSO4 scale grow rate from 5.799 to 5.501 and
4.950 x 10-3 g/min. As the investigation, the inhibition rates of CaSO4 scale growth of the experiment
at 27 C were 0.00, 0.298 and 0.829 x 10-3 g/min for zinc ion addition varied to 0.00, 5.00 and 10.00
ppm. The inhibition rates of CaSO4 scale grow of the experiment at 40 C were 0.00; 0.082 and 0.255
x 10-3 g/min for zinc ion addition of 0.00, 5.00 and 10.00 ppm. The inhibition rates of CaSO4 scale
grow in the experiment at 50 C were 0.00, 0.027 and 0.137 x 10-3 g/min for zinc ion addition of 0.00,
5.00 and 10.00 ppm. The crystal polymorph remained in rhombohedral and showed that the zinc ion
addition of 5.00 and 10.00 ppm does not have any effects on its polymorph, but their dimensions were
changed. The microanalysis of the CaSO4 crystal show that the crystal component was not in the
stoichiometry because of the presence of Na and Cl ions in the inner part of the CaSO4 crystal.

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The 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology IOP Publishing
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The funding of this research was supported by Diponegoro University.

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