Vi. Pathophysiology: Precipitating Factors Predisposing Factors
Vi. Pathophysiology: Precipitating Factors Predisposing Factors
Vi. Pathophysiology: Precipitating Factors Predisposing Factors
Predisposing factors: Precipitating Factors
Age 35-40 years old and Long term use of Tobacco Smoke
above: 66 years old (1 pack per day, fr. 17 years old)
Gender: Male Occupational Exposure to Air
Pollutants: Jeepney Driver
Chest X Ray as of
Bronchial smooth Hyperthropy of the (2/26/19)
muscle Mucous Glands Bronchial wall
hyperactivity thickening
Airway Obstructiom
Difficulty Breathing
Shortness of Breath
RR 29 cpm
Use of Accessory Muscles