Geometry Syllabus Mhsa 2019-2020
Geometry Syllabus Mhsa 2019-2020
Geometry Syllabus Mhsa 2019-2020
Course Content:
The topics in this course are designed to cover a conceptual understanding of Geometry. Topics
include Congruence, Proof, and Constructions, Similarity, Proof, and Trigonometry, Extending to
Three Dimensions, Connecting Algebra and Geometry through Coordinates, Circles With and
Without Coordinates, and Applications of Probability.
Unit Tests will not be returned. Come in before or after school to look at the unit test.
Students are expected to be in their seats, ready to work, when the bell rings.
Tardy # Consequence
1-4 Auto Dialer Home
5 Conference with Assistant Principal
6-9 Auto Dialer Home
10 Discipline Attendance Review Team (DART) contract for tardies
11-14 Administration Detention
15+ Activity Restriction (sports, clubs, games, etc.)
TA’s are expected to check the back table for any work that needs to be completed.
Grading Policy
All work will be graded by weighted scale. Homework 15%, Classwork 10%, Notebook 10%, Projects/LPTs
15%, Quizzes 25%, and Tests 25%.
Semester grades will be based on the semester work (80%) plus the final exam (20%).
Grading Scale
A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 59% and below
Cheating Policy
Cheating, the use or submission of another’s work as you own, in any form, will not be tolerated, nor will
allowing another to use your work to cheat from. Additionally, the use of any unauthorized notes or
technology are considered cheating. Any student found to be cheating or aiding another in cheating will
receive a zero on the assignment, a referral, and parents will be notified.
Classroom Rules
Arrive on time 1. Private verbal warning
Come Prepared 2. Public verbal warning/
o Bring pencil, pen, paper, notebook, etc. name on board
o Come with a positive attitude 3. Seat Change
4. Conference with
Remove sunglasses, hats, and hoods
teacher/Parent contact
Backpacks/purses go under your desk 5. Detention
Participate, follow directions, and stay on task 6. Removal from class
Respect yourself and others with referral
o Raise your hand to speak
o Listen when the teacher or others are talking Note: I reserve the right
to skip steps depending
o Keep your hands to yourself on the severity of the
o Use and touch only what belongs to you offense.
Use appropriate language without profanity or slander
Don’t create distractions
o By speaking out of turn
o By eating, drinking (except water) or chewing gum
o By using electronic devices (they will be confiscated)
Bathrooms are to be used during passing period when possible
o You will be given 2 bathroom passes a quarter
o Bathroom passes may not be used the first or last ten minutes of class
Follow all school rules
Keep your area clean
Wait to be dismissed by the teacher
Before you start filling out this form, please access the course syllabus by going to:
Place the cursor on your child’s class and the menu will drop down. Click on the Syllabus link. Once you have had
a chance to access and read the syllabus, complete the form below and return it to Mrs. Lawrence by
Student’s Name:
By signing below, you are indicating that you have read and understand the information contained in the Syllabus for Mrs.
Lawrence’s class and are willing to contribute to a successful year.
Student signature:
If you do not have access to the Internet, please check the box below so that I can provide you with a hard copy.
Our Family does not have access to the internet, so please send us a hard copy.
Preferred method of contact: (circle one) E-MAIL / PHONE. If phone, phone #: (______)______-________
Preferred method of contact: (circle one) E-MAIL / PHONE. If phone, phone #: (______)______-________