Analysis For Hypersonic Engine

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Analysis and Design of a Hypersonic Scramjet Engine with a Transition Mach

Number of 4.00

Article · January 2009

DOI: 10.2514/6.2009-1255

13 1,572

2 authors, including:

Donald Wilson
University of Texas at Arlington


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47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition AIAA 2009-1255
5 - 8 January 2009, Orlando, Florida

Analysis and Design of a Hypersonic Scramjet Engine with a

Transition Mach Number of 4.00

Kristen N. Roberts 1 and Donald R. Wilson 2

The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019

When pressures and temperatures become so high in supersonic flight that it is no longer
efficient to slow the oncoming flow to subsonic speeds for combustion, a scramjet
(supersonic combustion ramjet) is used in place of a ramjet. Currently, the transition to
supersonic combustion generally occurs at a freestream Mach number around 5.0 to 6.0.
This research details analysis completed towards extending scramjet operability to lower
Mach numbers, while maintaining performance at higher Mach numbers within the same
flowpath as detailed in the Air Force solicitation AF073-058. The specific goal was to
determine whether the scramjet starting Mach number could be lowered to Mach 3.50 and,
if not, what the constraints are that prohibit it and what the lowest possible starting Mach
number for a scramjet is with today’s technology. This analysis has produced many
significant insights into the current and required capabilities for both fuel and overall engine
design in lowering the starting Mach number; these results are presented here. The analysis
has shown that a scramjet with a starting Mach number of 3.50 is not currently possible with
the fuels researched unless fuel additives or other modifications to the system are used.
However, a scramjet with a starting Mach number of 4.00 is possible with today’s existing
technology. This paper has designed the engine flowpath for this case; its specifications and
resulting performance are also detailed here.

Mi Mach Number at Station i
T3/T0 Ratio of Burner Entry Temperature to Freestream Temperature
φ Ratio of Burner Entry Temperature to Freestream Temperature
γ Ratio of Specific Heats
f Fuel-to-Air Ratio
fst Stoichiometric Fuel-to-Air Ratio
PDE Pulsed Detonation Engine
Tt0 Stagnation Temperature of Freestream Air
Cp Specific Heat
Vi Axial Velocity at Station i
pi Static Pressure at Station i
S Specific Fuel Consumption
Ti Static Temperature at Station i
no Overall Efficiency
nth Thermal Efficiency
np Propulsive Efficiency
nc Inlet Compression System Efficiency
nb Burner Efficiency
ne Expansion System Efficiency
nKE Kinetic Energy Efficiency
Isp Specific Impulse
F m& 0 Specific Thrust
x Axial Location
xi Axial Location of Fuel Injection

Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin Corporation, MFC Dallas, AIAA Member,
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The University of Texas at Arlington, Associate Fellow,

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Copyright © 2009 by Kristen N. Roberts. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission.
y Distance Perpendicular from the Axial Direction
h Distance Perpendicular from the Axial Direction, Equivalent to y
z Distance Perpendicular from the x-y Plane
d Distance Perpendicular from the x-y Plane, Equivalent to z
R Perfect Gas Constant
Rb Perfect Gas Constant in Burner
hPR Heat Of Reaction
Ti/T0 Ratio of Static Temperature at Station i to Freestream Static Temperature
pi/p0 Ratio of Static Pressure at Station i to Freestream Static Pressure
Ai/A0 Ratio of Area at Station i to Inlet Area
Pti/Pt0 Ratio of Total Pressure at Station i to Freestream Total Temperature
(si-s0)/Cp Dimensionless Entropy Increase Between Station i and the Inlet
θ/H Ratio of Boundary Layer Momentum Thickness to Duct Height
H Height
θ Empirical Constant Based on Mode of Fuel Injection and Fuel-Air Mixing
μi Mach angle at a Mach number of i
IT Ignition Temperature
πc Total Pressure Ratio
Φ Stream Thrust Function
To Reference Temperature
K Dimensionless Kinetic Energy
H Dimensionless Static Enthalpy
Sai Stream Thrust Function at Station i
SERN Single Expansion Ramp Nozzle
φ Equivalence Ratio

I. Introduction

F igure 1 below is a good summary of the current challenges in the development of the scramjet engine. There are
four major areas that these problems lay in, namely Air Induction, Combustor, Nozzle, and Structures and
Materials. Problems within these areas vary from inlet starting problems to the inherent difficulty of igniting the
fuel in a supersonic flow, as the possibility of failure exists anywhere from the fuel not igniting to the ignition taking
place outside of the combustor due to the extraordinary velocity of the air in the engine. Additionally, structures that
can withstand the extreme temperatures experienced during hypersonic flight combined with the additional
temperatures experienced during combustion are necessary.

Figure 1: Technical Challenges of Scramjet Engine Development [1]

In addition to these technical challenges, there is another area of scramjet development which deserves attention.
Despite the wide range of applications possible with scramjet technology, the vehicle must first be propelled to a
high enough Mach number for the scramjet to start. This requires, depending on the intended application, one or two
additional propulsion systems to propel the vehicle to the required scramjet start velocity. Current scramjet designs
target the start of supersonic combustion to be between Mach 5 and 6 [2, 3, 4]. In order to minimize the weight and
complexity of having multiple propulsion systems, a dual-mode ramjet/scramjet is often proposed. However, if the

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necessary scramjet starting Mach number is reduced, a reduction in the number of required additional propulsion
systems is possible, as the gap is bridged between the maximum possible velocity of the low speed engine(s) and the
scramjet start velocity. This would have direct advantages from the resulting reduction in overall vehicle weight, the
lower mass fraction required for the propulsion system (thereby resulting in more available payload weight), and
fewer systems that must work in succession reliably, thereby increasing overall vehicle safety. The focus of this
project is to address this issue of reducing the starting Mach number.
Air Force Solicitation AF073-058 stated that a critical path issue in scramjet development is for scramjet
operability to be extended to lower Mach numbers. Specifically, the solicitation stated that scramjet start should be
reduced to “Mach 3.50 while maintaining performance at higher Mach numbers within the same flowpath” with
minimal variable geometry features and the use of hydrocarbon fuel [5]. According to Fry [3], a turbojet engine can
provide for thrust from takeoff to a speed of Mach 3 or 4. Therefore, if a scramjet were designed with a starting
Mach number of about 3.50, presumably only two propulsion systems would be needed for the entire mission,
whether that is up to Mach 8-10 for a hydrocarbon-powered scramjet [2] or up to Mach 15-20 for a hydrogen-
powered scramjet [2]. The advantage of this approach is clear due to the reasons discussed above—overall weight
reduction, higher payload capacity, and increased vehicle reliability and safety. The motivation for the problem,
therefore, is to enable takeoff to hypersonic flight to be achieved using only a turbojet and a scramjet, with no ramjet
cycle in between.
There are a few key parameters of the “pure” scramjet engine—that is, a scramjet with one combustor and a non-
variable flowpath—that are able to be varied and manipulated to perhaps lower the starting Mach number of a
scramjet. For instance, as the cycle static temperature ratio (T3/T0) increases, the Mach number of the flow entering
the burner (M3) decreases [2]. Thus, T3/T0 directly affects the freestream Mach number (M0) at which the flow
entering the burner (M3) becomes supersonic. Due to this, it is possible that the manipulation of T3/T0 would yield a
lower freestream Mach number at which supersonic combustion can occur. Additionally, the key design parameters
of fuel selection and fuel-to-air ratio (f) for the scramjet may have an impact on the starting scramjet Mach number.
The manipulation of these pure scramjet key design parameters is the approach used in the current project.

II. Analysis of Key Design Parameters to Reduce Scramjet Starting Mach Number

The reference station designations used in this analysis are those used by Heiser and Pratt [2] and can be seen
below in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Scramjet Reference Station Designations [2]

Table 1 lists the one-dimensional stream thrust performance analysis inputs and how they are determined. As
seen in the table, the vast majority of the inputs are set by the freestream Mach number, are properties that remain
constant for air, earth, etc., or are assumed based on reasonable values within a typical range. The values for the
constant and assumed inputs can be seen in Table 2 below. These values are used throughout the project for all
analysis calculations as needed unless otherwise noted. All assumed values were chosen based on recommendations
from Reference 2. Additionally, all constants were determined based on information in Reference 2.

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Table 1: Performance Analysis Inputs and Corresponding Determination Methods

Performance Analysis Inputs How Determined

M0, V0, T0, p0 Set by Mach Number

Cpc, R, Cpb, Cpe, hf, go Constant

Vfx/V3, Vf/V3, Cf(Aw/A3), nc, nb, ne, T0, p10/p0, γc, γe, γb Assumed

T3/T0, f, hpr Variation

Table 2: Stream Thrust Inputs: Values for Constant and Assumed Values

In order to accurately assess whether a scramjet starting Mach number of 3.50 is possible or worthwhile,
performance analysis was completed to determine whether the necessary T3/T0 is achievable. Additionally,
performance analysis was performed to parametrically vary the engine parameters of fuel-to-air ratio and fuel
properties to determine whether a scramjet with a starting Mach number of 3.50 is possible.
In this analysis, a one-dimensional flow approach was used. As Heiser and Pratt explain, “although the one-
dimensional approach can never be perfectly correct, the alternatives are both hopelessly complex and completely
unwieldy for reaching a basic understanding built upon fundamental principles” [2]. For the current project, a
complex analysis was not needed. The one-dimensional flow approach assumes that the fluid properties remain
constant across the flow and thus only depend on the axial dimension coordinate [2]. This serves as an excellent
method for the current project, as the flow within a scramjet engine is confined within the definite boundaries of the
engine flowpath, making a two- or three-dimensional analysis unnecessary for achieving an understanding of the
flow [2].
The Stream Thrust Analysis method has been employed here, as it accounts for the most engine parameters and
influences compared to other one-dimensional flow analysis methods. This method requires more initial information
than other one-dimensional methods and uses the entire set of control volume conservation equations [2]. It leans
heavily on momentum relationships and offers a different approach than the one-dimensional energy methods [2].

A. Theory and Equations

This section briefly lists the equations used in the analysis. For more detailed equations and explanations, please
see Reference 6.
The largest factor in changing the freestream Mach number at which supersonic combustion begins is the cycle
static temperature ratio, T3/T0. As T3/T0 increases for a given freestream Mach number (M0), the Mach number of
the flow entering the combustor decreases [2]. Thus, T3/T0 directly affects the M0 at which the flow entering the
burner (M3) becomes supersonic. So, with a range of freestream Mach numbers, the necessary T3/T0 can be
determined based on M0 and the ratio of specific heats at compression (γc) where M3=1 by the following equation

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2 ⎧⎪To ⎛⎜ γ c − 1 ⎞ ⎫⎪ (1)
M = ⎨ 1+ M 2 ⎟ − 1⎬
3 γ − 1 ⎪ T ⎜⎝ 2 o ⎟
⎠ ⎪⎭
c ⎩ 3

This preliminary calculation serves an adequate way to get an estimate of the required T3/T0 value to lower the
starting Mach number of the scramjet.
For the full theoretical analysis, the control volume is defined as in Figure 3. In this definition, the outside
surface of the engine lines up with the dividing streamlines that constitute the internal and external flow boundaries

Figure 3: Scramjet Control Volume Definition [2]

This one-dimensional flow analysis method assumes that all of the flow through the engine is aligned in the axial
direction, and therefore, that the throughflow area is perpendicular to the axial [2]. Also, it is assumed that the
perfect gas constant (R) is constant across the engine, as the molecular weight of air does not vary enough across the
engine to make a significant difference in the calculations [2]. Heiser and Pratt note that the perfect gas law was
used “repeatedly to eliminate density from the equations” and that p10/p0 is treated as an independent parameter in
the equations for this analysis [2].
It is best to break the engine down into separate functional parts, as “significantly different physical
phenomena are at work in each”; therefore, this analysis operates with the following component breakdown [2]:

1. Compression Component (Reference Stations 0 to 3): Includes compression surfaces (internal and
external), isolator, intake, etc. up to the combustor entrance.
2. Combustion Component (Reference Stations 3 to 4): Consists of the combustor and all parts that make
combustion happen including fuel injectors, etc. that lie within the combustor.
3. Expansion Component (Reference Stations 4 to 10): Includes all expansion surfaces after the
combustor exit up to the engine exit.

With the component breakdown established, it is now possible to step through the equation set of this analysis
method. Please observe the symbolic definitions and abbreviations located at the beginning of this paper. All
equations listed below are taken directly from Reference 2.

Compression Component (Reference Stations 0 to 3)

1. Stream thrust function at freestream conditions

⎛ RT ⎞
Sa0 = V0 ⎜⎜1 + 20 ⎟⎟
⎝ V0 ⎠

2. Combustor entrance temperature

T3 = ϕT0

3. Combustor entrance velocity

V3 = V0 − 2C pcT0 (ϕ − 1)

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4. Stream thrust function at combustor entrance

⎛ RT ⎞ (5)
Sa3 = V3 ⎜⎜1 + 23 ⎟⎟
⎝ V3 ⎠

5. Ratio of combustor entrance pressure to freestream pressure

C pc
p3 ⎧ ϕ ⎫ R
=⎨ ⎬
p0 ⎩ϕ (1 − ηc ) + ηc ⎭

6. Ratio of combustor entrance area to freestream entrance area

A3 p V (7)
=ϕ⋅ 0 ⋅ 0
A0 p3 V3

Combustion Component (Reference Stations 3 to 4)

There are two methods for calculating the combustion properties, depending on the type of combustor designed:
constant-pressure or constant-area combustion. The constant-pressure combustor is able to achieve results closest to
ideal, since it is designed to conserve pressure, therefore generating less total pressure loss which in turn gives the
engine a higher overall efficiency. Therefore, this is the combustor that has been used in the current project and the
combustor type to which the proceeding equations apply.
However, there are some considerations to be made before these equations are listed. An absolutely constant-
pressure burner is not feasible in terms of current manufacturing capabilities [2], so the application of an isolator
which prevents inlet unstart is used. Additionally, the burner walls must be more or less straight with a small
variation in area in the axial direction [2]. A constant ratio of the area at the combustor exit to entrance is instilled;
that is, variable geometry will not be used. The combination of a small variation in axial area combined with the use
of an isolator helps to achieve nearly equal pressures from the burner entry to the burner exit [2]. The following
equations apply to the constant-pressure combustor case. Please note, as this is a constant-pressure burner design,
p4/p0=p3/p0 is assumed.

1. Combustor exit velocity

⎧ V fx A ⎫
⎪1 + f ⋅ Cf ⋅ w ⎪
⎪ V3 A3 ⎪ (8)
V4 = V3 ⎨ − ⎬
⎪ 1 + f 2(1 + f )⎪
⎪⎩ ⎪⎭
2. Combustor exit temperature

⎧ ⎡ ⎛ V
⎞ V 2 ⎤ ⎫⎪ V 2
T3 ⎪ 1
T4 = ⎨1 + ⎢η b fhPR + fh f + fC pb T o + ⎜1 + f ⋅ f 2 ⎟ 3 ⎥⎬ − 4 (9)
1+ f C pb T3 ⎢⎣ ⎜ V3 ⎟ 2 ⎥ 2C pb
⎪⎩ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦ ⎪⎭

3. Ratio of area at combustor exit to combustor entrance

A4 T V
= (1 + f ) ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3
A3 T3 V4 (10)

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4. Stream thrust function at combustor exit conditions

⎛ RT ⎞
Sa 4 = V4 ⎜⎜1 + 24 ⎟⎟
⎝ V4 ⎠
Expansion Component (Reference Stations 4 to 10)

1. Temperature at engine exit

⎧ ⎡ ⎛p ⎫
⎞ C pe ⎤ ⎪
⎪ p
T10 = T4 ⎨1 − η e ⎢1 − ⎜⎜ 10
⋅ ⎟⎟
0 ⎥⎬ (12)
⎪⎩ ⎢ ⎝ p0 p 4 ⎠ ⎥⎪
⎣ ⎦⎭
2. Velocity at engine exit

V10 = V42 + 2C pe (T4 − T10 ) (13)

3. Stream thrust function at engine exit conditions

⎛ RT ⎞ (14)
Sa10 = V10 ⎜⎜1 + 210 ⎟⎟
⎝ V10 ⎠
4. Ratio of area at engine exit to area at freestream entrance

A10 p T V (15)
= (1 + f ) ⋅ 0 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 0
A0 p10 T0 V10

Overall Engine Performance Measures (Across Stations 0 to 10)

With the analysis equations defined for the three engine components, it is now possible to establish the
equations necessary to evaluate overall engine performance. These equations are shown below, and also taken
directly from Reference 2.

1. Specific thrust
F RT ⎛ A10 ⎞
= (1 + f ) Sa10 − Sa0 − 0 0 ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ (16)
m& 0 V0 ⎝ A0 ⎠

2. Specific fuel consumption

f (17)
m& 0

3. Specific impulse
⎛ h ⎞
I sp = ⎜⎜ PR ⎟⎟η 0 (18)
⎝ g 0V0 ⎠

4. Overall efficiency
V0 (19)
η0 =

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5. Thermal efficiency
⎡ V102 ⎤ V02
⎢(1 + f ) ⎥−
⎣ 2 ⎦ 2 (20)
η th =

6. Propulsive efficiency
η0 (21)
ηp =
η th

7. Mach number
V (22)
M =

A constant dynamic pressure (q) trajectory is applied and is used to determine the corresponding performance for
a scramjet at a starting Mach number of 3.50 with a T3/T0 of 2.75 (this initial temperature ratio was determined by
the analysis detailed in Section B below.) The trajectory was determined by using a constant q value of 47,880 N/m2
in the Trajectory program of the Heiser and Pratt software “HAP” (Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion) [2]. This
trajectory can be seen in Figure 4 below.

Figure 4: Constant Dynamic Pressure (q0=47,880 N/m2) Trajectory for Scramjet

B. Analysis: Variation of Cycle Static Temperature Ratio

The required value of T3/T0 to achieve a starting scramjet Mach number of 3.50 is determined using Equation 1.
Using a range of freestream Mach numbers and γc=1.36 [2], the necessary T3/T0 for each freestream starting Mach
number can be determined where M3≥1. The result can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5: M3 as a Function of M0 and Cycle Static Temperature Ratio

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As seen in Figure 5, the T3/T0 at which supersonic flow is achieved at the entrance to the combustor around
Mach 3.5 is between 2 and 3. Specifically, solving Equation 1 with M0=3.50, γc=1.36, and providing M3 with a 10%
margin by equating it to 1.10, gives a T3/T0 of 2.63. Figure 6 illustrates that for the target starting Mach number of
3.50, the required T3/T0 is approximately 2.75 solely based on M0 and γc where M3≥1.

Figure 6: M0 as a Function of Cycle Static Temperature Ratio

Therefore, preliminary calculations show that a T3/T0 approximately equal to 2.75 would allow for a scramjet
starting Mach number of 3.50. However, the stream thrust analysis shows that for the constant-q trajectory, with
M0=3.50, T3/T0=2.75, a standard fuel-to-air ratio (f) of 0.04 [2], and a standard fuel heat of reaction (hPR) of 87806.5
kJ/kg [2] (which falls between hydrogen and methane’s heats of reaction), supersonic combustion is not maintained.
Repeating the analysis with the stipulation that supersonic combustion be maintained produces the results shown
in Table 3 for various freestream Mach numbers.

Table 3: T3/T0 Required for Each Lowered Starting Mach Number

The maximum T3/T0 possible for a generic scramjet with a starting Mach number of 3.50 to maintain supersonic
combustion throughout the combustor is 1.25. However, this value of T3/T0 does not produce reasonable
performance results and is therefore not a viable option. In light of this, fuel selection has been analyzed to
determine if a higher value of T3/T0 is possible through the use of a different fuel to produce supersonic combustion
as well as viable performance results.

C. Analysis: Fuel Selection

Many hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels were researched as possible options for reducing the scramjet starting
Mach number. Collected findings for advantages and disadvantages of each can be seen in Tables 4 and 5 below.

Table 4: Hydrogen Fuel Advantages and Disadvantages

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Table 5: Hydrocarbon Fuel Advantages and Disadvantages

This research selected seven fuels which represented the widest spectrum of possible fuels and also held promise
for the project at hand. The fuels selected and their corresponding heats of reaction can be seen below in Table 6 in
descending order.

Table 6: Heats of Reaction of Fuels for Analysis [2, 7, 8]

Additionally, each fuel’s corresponding ignition temperature is listed in Table 7 in descending order. This is
important, as the ignition temperature (IT) of a fuel is the temperature at which the fuel will self-ignite in air without
a flame source or spark. The IT of the various fuels is very important for the current project, as a scramjet with a
starting Mach number of 3.50 will have relatively low air temperatures, therefore requiring the fuel to be able to
ignite at those temperatures [1].

Table 7: Ignition Temperatures of Fuels for Analysis at 1 atm [9, 10, 11]

The stoichiometric fuel-to-air ratio (fst) is calculated for each of the fuels by Equation 23 below from Reference
2. Table 8 shows the results from calculating fst by Equation 23 for each of the fuels studied in this analysis, in
ascending order.

36 x + 3 y
f st =
103(4 x + y ) where the fuel is represented in the form of C H (23)
x y

Table 8: Stoichiometric Fuel-to-Air Ratios for Fuels for Analysis

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With the hPR and fst established, the one-dimensional flow analysis equations are run repeatedly for a range of
freestream Mach numbers to determine the maximum T3/T0 possible with supersonic flow maintained throughout
the burner, that is, where M3 and M4 are both greater than 1. The advantage of using a range of freestream Mach
numbers is that if the fuel is not able to maintain supersonic combustion at a T3/T0 for Mach 3.50 with practical
performance, it will be possible to determine the minimum freestream Mach number at which the fuel can do so.
The ignition temperatures listed in Table 7 must be taken into account to determine the T3/T0 required for each
fuel to ignite in the airflow at each freestream Mach number. Therefore, the results for the maximum possible T3/T0
for each fuel were then compared to the necessary T3/T0 to ignite each fuel for each freestream Mach number. The
analysis was completed starting with an M0 of 3.50 and continuing upwards until ignition could be accomplished.
Once ignition was reached, the analysis was not continued for higher Mach numbers, as the goal of this project is to
reduce the starting Mach number to 3.50, or, if this can not be accomplished, a Mach number that is at least lower
than the typical starting Mach number range of Mach 5.0-6.0. A margin was included in these calculations to allow
for error by adding 5% to the necessary T3/T0 and subtracting 5% from the possible T3/T0.
A summary table of the results is provided in Table 9, again in order of descending ignition temperature.
Methane is mentioned often as a fuel for a hypersonic cruiser with Mach 6+ cruising speed and hydrogen, as
previously discussed, is applicable for Mach 8-10+ applications due of its high energy content. However, neither
hydrogen nor methane was chosen as a feasible fuel for the current project, as their lowest starting Mach numbers
are 5.50 and 5.35, respectively, therefore providing no ability to lower the starting Mach number. Ethane was not
applicable as a feasible fuel either, since its lowest starting Mach number at fst is 5.0. JP-10 is used in missiles and
some PDE designs. Though it reduces the starting Mach number at fst to 4.35, it was not the best choice available for
this application as there are other fuels which are able to reduce it even further.
JP-7 was developed for the SR-71 [12] and is used for military applications today. It reduces the starting Mach
number at fst to 4.3, and was chosen as a candidate fuel due to its wide availability and engine cooling capabilities.
Hexane is similar in starting Mach number to JP-7, reducing it to 4.3 as well. However, hexane was not a necessary
choice for further pursuit, as its results are similar to JP-7 and is not used as widely. Octane is a widely available
fuel and succeeds in reducing the starting Mach number the furthest to 4.25; therefore it was also chosen as a
candidate fuel for this project.

Table 9: Summary of Lowest Starting Mach Numbers and Corresponding T3/T0 for Analyzed Fuels

When analyzing the resulting starting Mach numbers displayed in Table 9, it is evident that there is a trend
between the ignition temperature of the fuels and the resulting scramjet starting Mach number. Thus, these values
are plotted in Figure 7 below. A trend which is nearly linear emerges, making it possible to determine the
approximate minimum freestream starting Mach number possible for a fuel when given only its ignition
temperature—a useful ability for a preliminary design check. The equation which approximates this is:

M 0 , starting ≅ 0.0034 IT + 2.6096


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5.50 Methane

Min Starting M 0
Hexane JP-10
Min Starting M 0 = 0.0034 (IT) + 2.6096

400.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 600.00 650.00 700.00 750.00 800.00 850.00 900.00

Ignition Temperature (K)

Figure 7: Lowest Possible Scramjet Starting Mach Number versus Ignition Temperature at Stoichiometric
Fuel-to-Air Ratios for Several Fuels

The lower the ignition temperature of a fuel, the more the starting Mach number can be reduced. Secondarily, the
higher the heat of reaction of a fuel, the better the overall performance of the engine will be.
Turning back to the problem at hand, the fuels which performed the best at stoichiometric fuel-to-air ratios and
were the most applicable overall are JP-7 and octane. However, neither fuel reduced the starting Mach number to
3.50. There is still another key design parameter that was explored—varying the fuel-to-air ratio. Before trying to
further reduce the starting Mach number though, a decision was first made as to which fuel was better suited for the
current project. The following points were important in this decision:
ƒ Octane and JP-7 returned similar results: starting Mach numbers of 4.25 and 4.30, respectively.
ƒ In the SR-71 engine, JP-7 was used in the engine hydraulic system in addition to being the
propellant. [12]
ƒ In high Mach number flight in the SR-71, JP-7 served as “a heat sink for the various aircraft and
engine accessories which would otherwise overheat at the high temperatures encountered” [12].
ƒ JP-7 contains A-50, which aided in disguising the radar signature of the exhaust plume of SR-71
In considering the above points, and due to its past military applications, JP-7 stands out as the best fuel for the
current project. Though the resulting performance with JP-7 was good, it was necessary to determine whether
varying the fuel to air ratio could reduce the starting Mach number to the desired 3.50.

D. Analysis: Variation of Fuel-to-Air Ratio

The stoichiometric fuel-to-air ratio fst is defined by Equation 23. The stoichiometric f is the fuel-to-air ratio
which “usually results in the greatest liberation of sensible energy from the breaking of molecular bonds” [2]. In the
variation of f, when f is smaller than the fst, the available oxygen is not fully used and when f is larger than the fst,
fuel is wasted as not all of it can be burned [2]. Therefore, fst is the ideal upper limit for the fuel-to-air ratio [2]. So,
by varying f, combustion is not necessarily ideal. However, the goal of this project is not to produce ideal
combustion (though it is always beneficial), but rather to lower the freestream Mach number at which the scramjet
can start.
In order to know the limits for the variation of f, the equivalence ratio is used. Defined by Equation 25 below, the
equivalence ratio is the ratio of the fuel-to-air ratio used to the stoichiometric fuel-to-air ratio [2].

f st (25)

Heiser and Pratt state that a general guideline for the equivalence ratio is from 0.2 to 2 for “combustion to occur
within a useful timescale” [2]. Therefore, the fuel-to-air ratio has been varied across this range for JP-7 fuel. The
variation of the fuel-to-air ratio f across the recommended equivalence ratio range produces the results shown below
in Table 10 for JP-7 fuel.

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Table 10: Fuel-to-Air Ratios Used for Analysis with JP-7 Fuel and Corresponding Equivalence Ratios

Stream thrust analysis is again applied with a range of freestream Mach numbers from 3.50 to 4.50 and the range
of fuel-to-air ratios listed above. Since the limiting factor is the ignition temperature of the fuel, and the T3/T0 has
been low due to the lower Mach number goal, the maximum possible T3/T0 for supersonic combustion to be
maintained at each f was determined and recorded. Then, from these results, the minimum possible T3/T0 which
could ignite the JP-7 fuel was found, as this is obviously necessary for supersonic combustion to even begin. Again,
a 10% margin is implemented.
Compiling the data from the stream thrust analysis results and including the lower limit of the required T3/T0 for
JP-7 fuel to ignite, the design space for a scramjet with JP-7 fuel, plotted against the variation of f, is shown in
Figure 8. A linear trendline has been added in the plot, which, upon testing, proves to be highly accurate compared
to the one-dimensional flow results. This equation approximates the maximum value of f that can be used with JP-7
fuel while maintaining supersonic combustion and ensuring JP-7 ignition when given a desired starting freestream
Mach number. It is:
f ≅ 0.0543M 0 − 0.185

Figure 8: Design Space : Fuel-to-Air Ratio versus Starting Mach Number for JP-7 Fuel; Bounded by
Minimum T3/T0 Necessary for JP-7 Ignition

It is evident in Figure 8 that the available design space does not extend down to Mach 3.50. Using Equation 26
above, assuming the trend continues linearly, the required fuel-to-air ratio for a scramjet to maintain supersonic
combustion at Mach 3.50 would be 0.005. However, if this is entered into the one-dimensional stream thrust
equations used for analysis, the combustor entrance temperature (T3) is still just shy of the required ignition
temperature for JP-7 fuel. Therefore, without fuel additives or another way of lowering the ignition temperature of
JP-7, a scramjet with a starting Mach number of 3.50 is not possible, according to this one-dimensional flow
Therefore, as a starting Mach number of 3.50 cannot be accomplished, it is prudent to turn attention to what can.
The design space suggests that the lowest possible starting Mach number lies approximately between Mach 3.50 and
3.75. By utilizing the stream thrust analysis equations iteratively, the minimum possible starting freestream Mach
number for a scramjet using JP-7 fuel and no additives maintaining supersonic flow is found to be 3.65. Equation 26
yields a similar result with M0=3.68.
However, at this lowest limit of the design space, there is relatively no room for error. To ensure that the engine
does not transition to subsonic combustion, causing a normal shock wave to form in the combustor thereby choking
the engine, and to ensure that JP-7 is actually ignited inside of the confines of the combustor, the starting freestream
Mach number of the scramjet will be taken to be 4.00. Additionally, this starting Mach number has the ability to

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operate with a fuel-to-air ratio of 0.03, which is above the normally stated minimum lean value limit of 0.02 to
maintain combustion.
Fuel-to-air ratio variation analysis was also completed for the several fuels that are often considered for scramjet
applications for comparison purposes. The resulting design space for each of these fuels can be seen in Figure 9. It
is evident from this figure that methane and hydrogen are not able to start at a freestream Mach number lower than
5.00. Also, it appears that octane, though performing slightly better than JP-7 in the fuel selection study at lowering
the starting Mach number, cannot achieve a starting M0=3.50 either, without additives. The individual design space
plots for octane, methane, and hydrogen with a variation in fuel-to-air ratio can be found in Reference 6, Appendix

Figure 9: Design Space : T3/T0 versus Starting Mach Number for Various Fuels with Variation of Fuel-to-Air

The trend in Figure 10 below represents the starting Mach number at each fuel’s stoichiometric fuel-to-air ratio;
all of the analyzed fuels are included. The figure also shows the lowest possible starting M0 for each fuel across each
fuel’s allowable equivalence ratio range for f in the form of deviation bars.

Figure 10: Starting Mach Number as a Function of Ignition Temperature and Fuel-to-Air Ratio

Figure 11 below further emphasizes the point. For the lean fuel-to-air ratio of 0.02, Equations 2 through 22 were
repeatedly run for a range of T3/T0 at Mach 3.50. For each T3/T0, the maximum heat of reaction possible to keep the
flow supersonic in the combustor was determined. The results were then plotted in Figure 11 below. A point for
each fuel analyzed was plotted at the location where its hPR and minimum T3/T0 for ignition intersected. It is evident
from this figure that with the lowest fuel-to-air ratio possible, none of the fuels analyzed are able to start the scramjet
at a freestream Mach number of 3.50.

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Figure 11: Design Space for Scramjet Start at Mach 3.50: Maximum hPR to Maintain Supersonic Flow in the
Combustor as a Function of T3/T0 with f=0.02

In conclusion, the analysis has shown the lowest possible starting Mach number of a scramjet engine. With JP-7
fuel and no additives, a scramjet can start at a freestream Mach number of approximately 3.68. This is obviously not
as low as the desired Mach 3.50 starting point; however, as it is often said, knowing the boundaries is half of the
problem. The design of a scramjet with a starting Mach number of 4.00 is a realistic and readily applicable one, in
addition to the fact that it is at least a Mach number below the lower end of the average range of starting Mach
number scramjet designs, making it a worthwhile endeavor.
Although it is possible to use a value of f =0.03 at M0=4.00, the value of 0.02 is used in order to give more of a
margin for the combustor entrance temperature to fluctuate and still ensure that ignition of JP-7 begins. A fuel-to-air
ratio of 0.02 corresponds to an equivalence ratio of 0.3, which is above the minimum required equivalence ratio (0.2
to 2) for “combustion to occur within a useful timescale” [2]. Although it is near the lean limit for combustion, a
value of f =0.02 allows T3 to decrease by 19% and still ignite JP-7; however, with f =0.03, T3 can only decrease 8%
before reaching the lowest limit possible for JP-7 ignition.

III. Design of a Scramjet with Starting Mach Number of 4.00

A scramjet has been designed to operate from Mach 4 to Mach 10. Though Mach 3.50 would provide more of a
margin, a Mach 4.00 starting scramjet is still a possibly feasible choice, as a turbojet engine is capable of providing
“thrust from takeoff up to a Mach of 3-4” [3].
Therefore, the benefits of having a lower starting Mach number scramjet would still be possible as a vehicle
using this system would only require two propulsion systems, therefore reducing overall vehicle weight and
complexity. Mach 10 is still used as the upper limit for the design of the flowpath as JP-7, a hydrocarbon fuel, will
be used. Waltrup states that the “maximum freestream Mach number of a hydrocarbon-fueled scramjet-powered
vehicle flying at 47.88 MN/m2 trajectory would be between Mach 9 and 10” [13]. Therefore, in order to ascertain
the overall vehicle performance of a Mach 4.00 starting scramjet across the entire possible performance range, Mach
10 is used as the upper limit of the flight path.
This chapter details the design process for the flowpath of a scramjet with a starting M0=4.00, T3/T0=2.80, and
f=0.02. The design process includes the design of the compression system, isolator, combustion system, and
expansion system. The design of the scramjet is undertaken in the order in which air proceeds in the flowpath-
compression, combustion, and expansion; the following subsections will therefore be divided accordingly.

A. Design: Compression System and Inlet

The goal of the compression system in a scramjet engine is to “provide the desired cycle static temperature ratio
(T3/T0) over the entire range of vehicle operation in a controllable and reliable manner with minimum aerodynamic
losses i.e., maximum compression efficiency or minimum entropy increase” [2]. This compression, for the one-
dimensional analysis used throughout this project, relies on oblique shock waves. Normal shock wave compression
is reserved for ramjets as it is able to offer “reasonable performance for 0 < M0 < 3,” whereas for Mach numbers
greater than 3, the “normal shock losses become unacceptably high and oblique shock compression becomes
necessary” [2].
There are three options for the application of oblique shock waves in a scramjet: internal, external, and mixed
internal and external compression [2]. As internal compression is highly complex in design and this project is a
preliminary analysis based on one-dimensional flow and integration issues are not yet visible, mixed internal and
external compression has been used as it allows for a cowl that is parallel to the freestream flow.
Before detailing the method of the compression system design, it should be noted that the compression system is
important in the determination of the performance of the overall engine, as the airflow which exits the compression

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system feeds directly into the burner. Due to the complex nature of flow in a compression system, CFD analysis or
physical experiments are often needed [2]. However, for a preliminary study, an estimation will suffice. Therefore,
the following assumptions are made for the compression system design process, as taken from Reference 2:

1. One-dimensional flow; boundary layer is represented only by its average effect on flow properties.
2. Air is represented as a calorically perfect gas.
3. Heat transfer to or from the wall will be neglected.

With these assumptions, inviscid compression system analysis is used to design the compression system. For this
project, the tool HAP(GasTables) [2] was used to calculate the performance of the resulting compression system.
This tool accompanies the Reference 2 text and calculates the compression system’s oblique shock wave
configuration for the given number of oblique shock waves, the freestream Mach number, and the static cycle
temperature ratio specified [2]. The output is the resulting properties at the exit of the compression system (Station
2), the required turning angle for each shock wave to turn the flow through to accomplish the overall required
compression, the static pressure ratio, the adiabatic compression efficiency, and the kinetic energy efficiency [2, 14].
HAP(GasTables) works by calculating “special families” of hypersonic compression systems, which are
“characterized by the cardinal number of oblique shock waves available to produce a specified cycle static
temperature ratio at a specified Mach number” and in the cases when more than one shock wave is specified, “all
oblique shock waves must provide equal amounts of geometric turning of the flow” [2]; the disadvantage is that the
flow is not turned back to the axial direction. The compression sequence in this tool is assumed to begin at the
leading edge of the vehicle [2].
A “special family” can be designed by using HAP(GasTables) for as many cases as necessary by inputting M0,
T3/T0, γc, and the number of desired oblique shock waves. The number of oblique shock waves has a direct impact
on the compression efficiency (ηc); a good estimate of this correlation can be seen in Figure 12 below. It is from this
figure that an educated guess can be made as to how many shock waves are necessary based on the M0, T3/T0, and
the desired compression efficiency. It should be noted that the higher the number of oblique shock waves, the longer
the compression system will be. Also, with more oblique shocks, more off-design complications will exist. With this
information input into HAP(GasTables), the tool then calculates the properties of the flow (M, T/T0, p/p0, A/A0,
Pt/Pt0, (s-s0)/Cp) after each oblique shock wave using inviscid oblique shock theory. It is from these performance
measures that the determination can be made on whether the resulting compression system of oblique shocks will
suffice, or rather HAP(GasTables) should be run again until the best compression system is designed.

Figure 12: Adiabatic Compression Efficiency (ηc) Correlated to M0 , T3/T0, and Number of Oblique Shock
Waves [2]
In order to determine whether the inviscid assumption could be made without a large impact on the outcome, the
results with boundary layer friction were calculated and compared to the inviscid results determined from
HAP(GasTables) by virtue of a two-step process that compares the flow properties resulting from each method for
the design case. Reference 2 states that the range for the dimensionless boundary layer skin friction quantity—
(Cf/2)(Aw/A3)—is approximately 0.01 to 0.05, with the “most likely value” being 0.02 [2]. Therefore, using the
value of 0.02, the two-step comparison returned a maximum difference of only 2.9% across the Station 2 flow
properties in comparison to the inviscid results. This is consistent with the statement made by Heiser and Pratt that
“boundary-layer friction should do little to diminish overall scramjet performance for freestream Mach numbers up

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to about 10 or 15” [2]. Thus, the compression system calculations for the design of the scramjet with a starting Mach
number of 4.00 were completed with the HAP(GasTables) inviscid oblique shock wave tool.
The input values to begin the design process of the compression system had to be determined first. The values of
M0 and T3/T0 were determined as a result of the analysis explained in Chapter 2. The value of γc is a constant also
used in the analysis. The number of oblique shocks was the only remaining design constraint to be determined, and
was found by analyzing Figure 12. As the general rule of thumb assumption for ηc is 0.90 [2], it is evident from the
figure that achieving at least this efficiency with a T3/T0=2.80 requires at least three oblique shock waves.
HAP(GasTables) was run for both the three and four oblique shock wave cases. These results can be seen below in
Table 11 and 12, respectively.

Table 11: Results of Inviscid Compression System Design with Three Oblique Shocks

Table 12: Results of Inviscid Compression System Design with Four Oblique Shocks

As can be seen in the comparison of the above two tables, the four-shock system returned overall better results.
There is less pressure loss, as evidenced by the 0.11 increase in πc, and in the fact that the compression efficiency is
nearly 3% higher than the three-shock system. Therefore, the four-shock system was used as the final compression
system design, with the first three shocks taking place external to the engine and the final shock occurring just inside
of the engine to turn the flow upward a value of delta, to bring it closer to parallel to the axial direction. A shock
cancellation surface is required inside the engine.

B. Design: Combustion System

Though many of these been advanced since 1958, Weber and McKay’s summary description of supersonic
combustion applies even today: “It is necessary to capture a stream tube of supersonic air, inject fuel, achieve a
fairly uniform mixture of fuel and air, and carry out the combustion process—all within a reasonable length, and
preferably without causing a normal shock within the engine” [2, 15].

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In order to begin the theory behind designing a burner for a scramjet, it is first necessary to define the axial
locations of the geometry that will be dealt with. Corresponding to previously designated station numbering, Figure
13 below displays the details of the combustion system station designations.

Figure 13: Combustion System Station Designations [2]

As depicted in Figure 13, Station 2 is the entrance to the isolator, Station 3 is the entrance to the burner, and
Station 4 is the exit from the burner and entrance to the expansion nozzle. Stations u and d are the upstream and
downstream limits of a “positive or adverse axial pressure gradient, respectively” [2]. Station s is the upstream limit
of the “negative or favorable pressure gradient which extends through the remainder of the burner and right on
through the expansion system” [2] and is also the location of the lowest Mach number in the entire combustion
system [2].
The combustion system design method includes two main components for its analysis: the isolator and the
burner. The isolator is generally considered to be a part of the compression system, but it is included here in the
design of the combustion system due to the important role the isolator design plays on the combustion system
design. The primary function of the isolator is to prevent inlet unstart, by “providing sufficient additional adiabatic
compression above its entry pressure p2 to match or support whatever back pressure p3 the burner may impress upon
it” [2]. The isolator does not have a direct interaction with the flow in the burner unless there is flow separation
caused by “thermal occlusion unrelieved by area expansion” [2], causing a back pressure on the isolator. The burner
is the active component of the combustion system which injects the airflow with fuel, ensures adequate time for
mixing and ignition, and passes off the resulting flow to the expansion system to generate thrust.
One-dimensional flow analysis was also employed for the design of the combustion system by utilizing the
Design tool of the HAP(Burner) code [2, 14]. The authors of the code cite Shapiro [16, 17] as their key reference.
The burner for the current scramjet project is designed for constant pressure at a freestream Mach number of
4.00. For the constant-pressure burner, there are two possibilities for the isolator-burner interaction.

• Scramjet with shock-free isolator. In this case, there is no pressure feedback from the burner to the
isolator, assuming frictionless flow [2]. Therefore, there is no interaction between the two components
as a shock system is not needed in the isolator to equalize backpressure from the burner. This is the
least complex, and therefore, optimal design.
• Scramjet with oblique shock train. In this system, there is a pressure feedback from the burner which is
kept from propagating upstream to the inlet, thereby inlet unstart is prevented, by an oblique shock train
in the isolator [2].

The isolator type was also determined through the use of the Design tool in the HAP(Burner) software [2]. The
required inputs for this program are: the state and Mach number of air entering the combustion system (M2, T2, u2,
p2, Rb, γc), the length and divergence angle of a planar combustor geometry (x, A/A2, θ/H, H) and an estimate of
axial distribution of total temperature (θ, xi, ηbfhPR) [14]. The program then determines “whether or not a solution is
possible for the given inputs, and if possible, calculates the axial variation of static and total properties within the
combustion system, including effects of internal flow separation and choking due to thermal occlusion” [14].

The source and/or method for determining the inputs required for the program are discussed in turn below:

• State and Mach Number of Air Entering the Combustion System (M2, T2, u2, p2, Rb, γc). The quantities
required from Station 2 were determined from the compression system design in the preceding

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subsection. These are shown in the bottom rows of Table 12. The values of R for the burner and γ for
the compression system are constants and can be found in Table 13.
• Length and divergence angle of a planar combustor geometry (x, A/A2, θ/H, H). The default values for x
that are in HAP(Burner) were used. After the design is complete, the default x values were then added
to the length of the compression system, thereby keeping the same axial variation in the combustion
system. H was kept at the default value unless changes were needed during the process. A/A2 and θ/H
were varied systematically to determine the necessary values to keep the pressure constant in the burner
and to provide for the necessary Station 3 and 4 values.
• Estimate of axial distribution of total temperature (θ, xi, ηbfhPR). The value of θ was varied
systematically to determine the necessary value to keep the pressure constant in the burner and to
provide for the necessary Station 3 and 4 values. The value of xi was assumed to occur at the burner
entrance, and therefore the default value of xi was used. The value of ηb f hPR is a constant, defined by
the product of the burner efficiency, fuel-to-air ratio of 0.02, and the heat of reaction of JP-7. The
burner efficiency was assumed at 0.90 as Reference 2 assumes.

The values that served as the desired result for Stations 3 and 4 during this process were determined from
dividing the values of pressure, temperature, and velocity at Stations 3 and 4 (determined by the preliminary results
of the one-dimensional flow equations) by the corresponding values of the same at Station 2. These results, as well
as M3 and M4 could then be compared to the results produced by HAP(Burner) for the same parameters; the
systematically varied parameters of A/A2, θ, and θ/H were adjusted accordingly until the results were roughly
equivalent. The flow parameters for Stations 3 and 4 were determined from the results of applying Equations 2
through 22 in the spreadsheet built for this project with the same input as detailed in Chapter 2, except for ηc which
is now 0.9495, due to the design of the compression system in the previous subsection. Table 13 summarizes the
input values used in the HAP(Burner) code. Table 14 shows the desired Station 3 and 4 values which were used as
the goal as the program was repeated. Note that the values of p3/p2 and p4/p2 are equal, as an ideal constant-pressure
burner should have.

Table 13: Input Values for the HAP(Burner) Program for Combustion System Design

Table 14: Station 3 and 4 Flow Parameters: Serves as Check for Desired Output from HAP(Burner)

Therefore, with the inputs as listed in Table 13, HAP(Burner) was run repeatedly until the values shown in Table
14 were met or matched as closely as possible and a shock-free isolator system was obtained. This process was done
eleven times before all parameters were matched as closely as possible. The result includes a shock-free isolator.
Table 15 below shows the final Station 3 and 4 flow parameters which are comparable to the desired results shown
in Table 14.

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Table 15: Final Station 3 and 4 Flow Parameters

The iterations included four variations of the three-shock compression system shown in Table 11; the rest of the
variations were done with the four-shock system which was selected in the previous subsection as the compression
system of choice. The three-shock compression system was varied here to ensure that the four-shock system was
indeed the best selection. It is important that the burner design code is run before deciding on a final compression
system to ensure that the required burner results can be obtained with the compression system selected.

C. Design: Expansion System

As Heiser and Pratt state, “the function of the expansion component is to produce thrust” [2]. The expansion
system begins at Station 4 and ends at Station 10, where, ideally, p10/p0=1. However, scramjet expansion systems
often operate underexpanded, that is p10/p0>1 [2]. Operating underexpanded provides a benefit by decreasing the
overall length of the expansion system, thereby decreasing the overall length of the engine.
Despite the fact that the exhaust flow is far from one-dimensional, it can still be approximated to a degree
through one-dimensional analysis, as much of the flow leaving the engine lies in the axial direction [2].
Additionally, as the goal of the current study was to lower the starting Mach number of a scramjet, the expansion
system was not the primary component of interest since it is not a principal determinant of the starting freestream
Mach number of the engine.
In the design of the expansion system, an ideal nozzle (p10/p0=1) was assumed for the Mach 4.00 on-design
condition as well as for the off-design conditions for comparison purposes of the resulting performance
characteristics. Therefore, the assumption was effectively that of a variable geometry expansion system. Such a
system is not a practical one; however, as Figure 14 below shows, whether or not the nozzle is designed practically
(that is, a non-ideal, non-variable nozzle) does not make a large difference in the overall performance for the one-
dimensional case, as the curve begins to level off early in the expansion process. Heiser and Pratt state that a “partial
expansion can indeed recover most of the available thrust” [2].

Figure 14: Stream Thrust Fraction as a Function of Local Height to Entry Height of the Expansion System

With this assumption in place, the expansion system was calculated and thereby designed for each Mach number
with the one-dimensional flow analysis equations as a Single Expansion Ramp Nozzle (SERN) [18]. These
equations were used for the expansion component, with the results from HAP(Burner) for the flow parameters at
Station 4 for each Mach number used as input. The expansion system was designed for each Mach number using the
one-dimensional flow analysis equations for the expansion component with the ideal expansion assumption of
p10/p0=1. A Single Expansion Ramp Nozzle (SERN) was used with an assumed expansion angle value of 20 degrees
This analysis utilized Equations 12-15, with the results from HAP(Burner) for the flow parameters at Station 4
for each Mach number used as input. The resulting performance was then determined, as before, using Equations

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The method to determine the expansion system values was to change the input sources for M4, T4, V4, and p4 in
Equations 12-15 (expansion component equations) to the actual HAP(Burner) output instead of using the results of
Equations 8-11 (combustor component equations) in the spreadsheet described previously which calculates the one-
dimensional flow analysis. The result was output that includes the results of the design of the compression and
combustion systems which is used for the design of the expansion component and in the calculation of the overall
engine exit parameters. The two-dimensional schematic illustrating the resulting expansion system can be found in
the next chapter as a part of the overall scramjet design schematic. Chapter 4 will also detail the performance of the
final scramjet, for both on- and off-design conditions; the expansion system output values can be seen in Table 16 in
that chapter for the on-design case designed here.

IV. Resulting Scramjet Engine Design and Performance with a Starting Mach Number of 4.00

A. Scramjet Engine Design and Results

Figure 15 shows the results of plotting the height as a function of axial location: the two-dimensional view of the
overall scramjet designed for the design point at a starting M0= 4.00 with JP-7 fuel.

Figure 15: Two-Dimensional Schematic of the Overall Scramjet Designed for Mach 4.00 Start

The on-design performance of the scramjet is evaluated at M0=4.00, the freestream Mach number at which the
engine starts and for which the engine is designed.

Table 16: On-Design Performance Calculation: Component Parameters for Scramjet Designed for Mach
4.00 Start

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Table 17: On-Design Performance Results for Scramjet Designed for Mach 4.00 Start

The H-K diagram for the scramjet at the on-design condition is shown in Figure 16 below. As can be seen in
this figure, at Station 0, the freestream air is decelerated and compressed through the four oblique shock waves of
the inlet compression system up to the isolator inlet at Station 2, resulting in a loss in K and an increase in H.
Stations 2 and 3 occur at the same H and K, since the isolator is shock-free. Inside the combustor, as the air is heated
to ignite the fuel, the pressure is constant for the on-design case, keeping K constant as H steadily increases from
Station 3 to Station 4. This results in constant velocity throughout the burner as well. After exiting the combustor,
the air is then expanded and accelerated in the expansion system from Station 4 to Station 10 to freestream
conditions. The Mach number at the exit can never equal the freestream Mach number due to total pressure loss
through the engine, but as long as the Mach number is large enough at the exit for K10 and V10 to exceed K0 and V0
respectively, net thrust is generated [2]. It is evident in Figure 16 that this is indeed the case for the scramjet
designed here.

Figure 16: H-K Diagram for On-Design Performance Results for Scramjet Designed for Mach 4.00 Start

Although the determination of the on-design performance is important, perhaps equally as important is the
calculation of the performance during flight when the scramjet must operate at off-design Mach numbers. After all,
if an engine is only able or worthwhile to operate at one flight Mach number, there is not much application for it. As
the goal of this project was to design a scramjet with a lowered starting Mach number, Mach 4.00 is the design case.
The remaining Mach numbers of operation up to Mach 10 are then operating in an off-design condition.
Thus, the off-design performance at Mach numbers 5, 6, 8, and 10 was determined and subsequently compared
to the off-design performance of a scramjet designed for start and operation at Mach 5.00 (a value in the range of
typical scramjet starting Mach numbers), as well as scramjets designed for on-design operation at each respective
Mach number with a starting Mach number of Mach 5.00.

Table 18: Off-Design Performance Results for Mach Numbers of 5, 6, 8, 10 Including Mach 4.00 On-Design
Data for Comparison

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Figure 17 below displays the results of specific impulse and specific thrust across the trajectory; therefore, this
trend includes both the on-design performance results for these values at M0=4.00 as well as the off-design results
for M0=5, 6, 8, and 10.

Figure 17: Scramjet Performance Results: Isp and F m

& 0 Across Trajectory

As expected, the best performance for both Isp and

F m& 0 occurs at M =4.00 and declines as the freestream
Mach number increases, as the operation point is getting farther away from the on-design condition of the scramjet.
Figure 18 displays the results of the variation of the efficiency values across the trajectory.

Figure 18: Scramjet Performance Results: η0, ηth, and ηp Across Trajectory

Figure 19 below displays the difference from engine entrance to exit in H and K for each freestream Mach
number that was analyzed across the trajectory. As the figure shows, with increasing Mach number, the gain in H
and K decreases; this is also a result of the engine design Mach number being 4.00.

Figure 19: Scramjet Performance Results: Difference from Engine Entrance to Exit in H and K for Each
Mach Number

Figure 20 displays the trend of specific fuel consumption across the trajectory, calculated for each freestream
Mach number analyzed.

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Figure 20: Scramjet Performance Results: Specific Fuel Consumption Across Trajectory

Figures 21 through 25 compare all of the performance values obtained. These include: the on-design
performance at Mach 4.00 and the off-design performance at Mach 5, 6, 8, and 10 in the Mach 4.00 scramjet; the
on-design performance at Mach 5.00 and the off-design performance at Mach 6, 8, and 10 in the Mach 5.00
scramjet; and the on-design performance obtained for the scramjets designed for operation at each of the other
respective Mach numbers (Mach 6, 8, and 10.) The on-design results for the Mach 5, 6, 8, and 10 engines were
obtained through individual designs and calculations of results for each Mach number engine as detailed previously
for the Mach 4 engine.

Figure 21: Isp Values for On- and Off-Design Performance of Mach 4 and 5 Designed Engines and for On-
Design Performance of Mach 6, 8, and 10 Engines

Figure 22:
F m& 0 Values for On- and Off-Design Performance of Mach 4 and 5 Designed Engines and for On-
Design Performance of Mach 6, 8, and 10 Engines

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Figure 23: Overall Efficiency Values for On- and Off-Design Performance of Mach 4 and 5 Designed Engines
and for On-Design Performance of Mach 6, 8, and 10 Engines

Figure 24: Values of (K10-K0)/K10 and (H10-H0)/H10 for Mach 4 and 5 Designed Engines and for On-Design
Performance of Mach 6, 8, and 10 Engines

Figure 25: Specific Fuel Consumption for Mach 4 and 5 Designed Engines and for On-Design Performance of
Mach 6, 8, and 10 Engines

B. Discussion of Results
The on-design performance investigation (operation at Mach 4.00) resulted in performance values that are
acceptable if a lowered starting Mach number is the desired goal. If the purpose of a scramjet to be designed is to
achieve the highest efficiency and performance values possible, then this design is not the best choice. The specific
impulse of the engine designed is respectable at 1440.73s, especially when considering that the classical Isp versus
Mach number plot estimates that the scramjet maximum Isp capability with hydrocarbon fuels is around 1500s as
shown below in Figure 26 and when considering that hydrocarbon scramjets have been estimated to be capable of a
specific impulse of about 1000 seconds at Mach 6 [19, 20].

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Figure 26: Isp Versus Mach Number Plot for Various Engine Types [3]

However, the high performance for Isp of the Mach 4.00 designed scramjet comes at a cost in specific thrust. As
the fuel-to-air ratio is decreased, the specific thrust decreases and the specific impulse increases. As a very low fuel-
to-air ratio, such as 0.02 for the case of the Mach 4.00 engine designed in this paper, is needed to start the engine at
a low Mach number, specific thrust suffers. Though the specific thrust is not extremely high, the H-K diagram
generated and shown in Figure 16 for on-design performance of the Mach 4.00 engine displays that the engine still
generates net thrust. This assures that a scramjet with a starting Mach number of 4.00 is possible.
For the off-design performance generated in this chapter of the Mach 4.00 designed engine, the results are
intuitive. As the Mach number increases, that is, as the Mach number gets farther and farther away from the design
point of Mach 4.00, the specific thrust and specific impulse decrease in an almost linear fashion, with the specific
impulse dropping off much more steeply with Mach number than the specific thrust. This trend is also true for the
performance comparison case of the Mach 5.00 designed engine at the same off-design Mach numbers. However,
overall the Mach 5.00 designed engine returns higher performance values. This is primarily due to the fact that the
engine starts at a Mach number closer to the off-design points evaluated.
Conversely, with an increase in Mach number, the overall efficiency increases as well, since it is related directly
to velocity; the velocity increases at a faster rate than the specific fuel consumption increases. If the reverse were
true, the overall efficiency would decrease steadily with increasing Mach number.
The specific fuel consumption increases with Mach number, as expected, due to the higher velocity (and thus,
higher required thrust) of the flow that requires a higher overall quantity of fuel to keep the fuel-to-air ratio steady.
Comparing the relative increase of H and K for each of the cases tested shows that as Mach number increases,
the value of H also increases while the value of K decreases. The overall gain in percentage is the highest in H and
K for the on-design Mach number engine cases, with the off-design performance for the Mach 5.00 engine
consistently being in second, and the gain in H and K of the off-design performance of the Mach 4.00 engine being
the lowest of the three trends. This is primarily due to the increased velocity of the two cases with the highest overall
A particularly revealing example of the opposite relationship specific thrust and specific impulse have in relation
to the fuel-to-air ratio can be seen in Figures 21 and 22 for the on-design performance evaluation of the Mach 5, 6,
8, and 10 scramjets. As the design Mach number increases, in general the selected fuel-to-air ratio increases as well,
due to it providing the best tradeoff between specific impulse and specific thrust. However, as these figures show,
the overall trend of specific impulse is decreasing with Mach number, while the overall trend of specific thrust
increases. In fact, the trends for specific impulse and specific thrust are relative opposites of each other; as one
increases, the other decreases. This is a visual example of the effect that the chosen fuel-to-air ratio has on the
design of a scramjet. This insight is especially important when considering the design of a scramjet with a lowered
starting Mach number, which therefore requires a lower fuel-to-air ratio to keep the flow supersonic throughout the
The performance parameters and comparisons generated in this chapter help provide the needed information for
the determination of the impact that transitioning to scramjet power at a lower Mach number has on the overall

V. Conclusions
The purpose of this project was to determine whether the freestream starting Mach number of a scramjet can be
lowered to 3.50 while performance is maintained in the same flowpath at the higher, off-design Mach numbers and,

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if so, to define how it could be accomplished. If the goal is not possible, it was necessary to determine what the
constraints are that prevent it and to define the lowest possible starting Mach number.
The purposes of this project were accomplished. By successively analyzing the driving parameters influencing
the starting Mach number and applying the necessary theory and equations, it has been determined that obtaining a
scramjet starting Mach number of 3.50, without fuel additives or another method of lowering the fuel ignition
temperature, is not currently possible with any of the fuels analyzed.
This analysis has determined that in order for a scramjet to start at a Mach number of 3.50, a fuel with a lower
heat of reaction and a lower ignition temperature (naturally or with the use of additives) than those analyzed here
must be used; these are the key constraints on the ability of the scramjet to start at Mach 3.50. In Figure 27 below,
obtained from applying the freestream temperature at the Mach 3.50 condition for a constant q trajectory of 47,880
N/m2 to Figure 11, for a given ignition temperature of a given fuel, the fuel’s heat of reaction value must lay below
the line or supersonic combustion will not be maintained.

Figure 27: Maximum Heat of Reaction for Mach 3.50 Supersonic Combustion to be Maintained as a Function
of Combustor Entrance Temperature (Same as Required Ignition Temperature) at f=0.02

With JP-7 fuel and no additives, it has been determined that a scramjet can start at a freestream Mach number of
approximately 3.68. However, this leaves relatively no margin for error. The design of a scramjet with a starting
Mach number of 4.00 has been shown instead to be a realistic and readily applicable case, and is at least a Mach
number below the lower end of the average range of starting Mach number scramjet designs. Therefore, a scramjet
with a starting Mach number of 4.00 was designed. Performance results were determined and demonstrate promise,
as net thrust is shown to be produced and an impressive specific impulse has resulted.
As discussed previously, Fry states that a turbojet engine can provide for thrust from takeoff to a speed of Mach
3 or 4 [3]. Therefore, if the scramjet designed in this paper were applied to a hypersonic cruiser it could presumably
allow for a reduction in total propulsion systems needed.

K.N. Roberts thanks The University of Texas at Arlington for the Graduate Assistantships which enabled this
work as well as Dr. Donald R. Wilson, Dr. Frank K. Lu, and Dr. Kent L. Lawrence whom served on her thesis

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