Precision made by Nann: whether high-quality on makes constant high quality possible. devices you need. Another decisive factor for
standard or custom-made special clamping You can rely on more than 75 years of expert you is our in-house test centre for functional
devices or indexing units, it is our claim to craftsmanship, know-how, accuracy and sta- tests of kinds of clamping devices.
offer you optimum devices for work piece or te-of-the-art production facilities and benefit
tool clamping in most varied areas of usage at from the excellent price-performance ratio. Dealer network
all times. You can find comprehensive information on
Special clamping devices – another core Nann’s world-wide sales system in the menu
Innovative work processes, highest quality area at Nann “Contact & Representation” on our website
in material and machining and short delivery From simple special collets to complex www.nann.de
time – this is how you can benefit from our ex- clamping and indexing units: development and
pertise. We deliver all standard sizes from our manufacture of special clamping devices have Nann – your partner for clamping technology
warehouse. Clamping devices which are not been core competences of our company for At Nann a skilled team with profound techni-
available from stock will quickly be ready for a long time. Our portfolio comprises special cal understanding awaits you. You will benefit
employment where you need them thanks to collets based on standard collets, pure spe- from the close cooperation with our develop-
short production times. Our offer also includes cial collets and special collet chucks. At the ment and production departments.
a fast overnight service ensured by reliable beginning we focus on successful communi-
logistic partners and a 24-hour regrinding ser- cation with our customers, in order to ensure Your request is in good hands with us.
vice. Nann’s comprehensive vertical integrati- that you will receive exactly the clamping
We seal off the slots of collets or expanding
sleeves with silicon. This helps prevent the
entry of dirt and machining chips. This pro-
cedure can also be done for used collets and
is a service that can be carried out within 2-3
working days.
Collets Collets
Deadlength collets page 8 - 9 DIN ISO 10897 collets for tool clamping page 62
Multi-range collets page 10 DIN ISO 15488 collets for tool clamping page 63
Feed fingers page 11 Collets for tool clamping page 64 - 65
Clamping sleeves, clamping sleeve holders Morse and ISO-taper collets for tools
for load-feeders page 12 - 13 with cylindrical shank page 66
Pick-up collets for lathes page 14 Collets for multi-spindle drill heads
Guide bushes for lathes page 15 - 17 and hand grinders page 67
Collets, feed fingers for multi-spindle
Collet chucks
automatic lathes page 18 - 23
Series J rubber collets page 68
Pick-up collets for multi-spindle automatic lathes page 24 - 25
Type FER milling chucks for DIN ISO 15488 collets page 69 - 72
Clamping heads page 26 - 29
Draw-back collets page 30 - 31
Emergency collets page 32
Indexing units
Collets for rotary transfer machines – Hydromat page 33
Type NPZT pneumatic clamping units with
Draw-back collets, high precision page 34
mechanical indexing page 73
Chucks for draw-back collets, high precision page 35
Type VLK-8 mechanical clamping
and indexing units page 74
Collet chucks
Type PT pneumatic clamping and indexing units page 75
Type SSF lever-operated collet chucks page 36
Type NT single or multi-spindle
Type KSFM power-operated collet chucks page 37
numeric indexing units page 76
Type KSKF power-operated collet chucks page 38 - 41
Type NTZ multi-spindle indexing units page 77
Type PSF power-operated collet chucks page 42
Pneumatic/hydraulic tailstocks page 78
Type PSF-ZT power-operated collet chucks page 43
Type HESK, HESK-R collet clamping attachments page 44
Type HESK-RB collet clamping attachments page 45 Valid from January 2015.
Type HESK-SK collet clamping attachments page 46 Technical modifications subject to change.
Sleeve mandrels
Sleeve mandrels for double taper sleeves page 52 - 53
Sleeve mandrels for type S clamping sleeves page 54 - 55
Sleeve mandrels for type E clamping sleeves page 56 - 57
Sleeve mandrels for type B clamping sleeves page 58 - 59
Segmented clamping mandrels page 60 - 61
Use: Hardness:
• for workpiece clamping The collets are made from special spring
• for bar or chuck work steel. Where possible, by partial tempering,
• no axial movement while the the hardness of the taper and clamping bore
chuck is clamping is approx. HRc 60. The shank and sprung area
are hardened to spring.
Bore patterns:
(G): smooth Taper grinding:
(Q): with round grooves from 6.0 mm The clamping taper is lightly ground at the slot
(LQ): with cross grooves from 6.0 mm, edges to ease removal of the collets from the
serrated in the case of round bores mounting thus making possible low undersized
greater than 9.0 mm; higher clamping clamping.
Stops for collets:
Taper angle of the clamping sleeve: Adjustable stops which are easily fitted
The taper of the clamping sleeve should be 15‘ into the rear bore of the collets. Bores are
(one-sided) flatter than the taper angles given available for standard models.
in the tables. This frees the collets on release
and provides low undersized clamping.
danger of breakage
Stepped bores:
In the case of stepped bores or when using
collet stops, the clamping point should be
within the taper of the collet, otherwise the
collet will tend to break due to bending
3 6 16 0,02 0,01 L
6 10 25 0,02 0,01
10 18 40 0,03 0,015
Similar to DIN 6343
18 24 50 0,03 0,015 The LQ pattern may have a radial runout
which is 50 % higher. The precision design
24 30 60 0,03 0,015
attracts an additional charge.
30 50 80 0,04 0,02
deadlength collets
art. no. pic. d D L K° bore pattern max. diameter
100 E 1 6 10 30 15 * 4,5
101 E 1 8 12 42 16 * 6
110 E 1 10 16 43 15 * 7
111 E 1 10 16 46 20 * 7
118 E 1 14 19,5 46 15 * 10 9 7
120 E 1 15 21 64 16 * 12 9 7
1212 E 1 16 21 64 16 * 13
125 E 1 17,5 22 51 15 * 14
136 E 1 20 26 54 15 * 16 14 11
138 E 1 20 28 67,3 16 * 16 14 11
139 E 1 22 28 67 18 * 16 13 10
140 E 1 22 30 55 15 * * 16 14 10
143 E 1 25 31 54 15 * 16 14 11
145 E 1 25 35 77 16 * 20 17 14
146 E 1 26 32 67 13 * 20 17 14
148 E 1 28 38 70 15 * * 24 20 16
Pic. 2
156 E 1 30 39,3 87 15 * 25 22 14
157 E 1 30 42 80 16 * 25 22 18
1446 E 1 30 38 65 15 * 25 22 18
161 E 1 32 45 75 15 * * 26 22 18
1497 E 1 34 44 78 16 * 28 24 20
162 E 1 35 43 70 15 * 25 22 17
163 E 1 35 48 80 15 * * 30 27 22
1536 E 1 37 47 92 16 * 32 27 22
171 E 1 42 55 94 15 * 37 32 26
173 E 1 48 60 94 15 * * 42 36 28
177 E 1 58 70 94 15 * 52
185 E 1 66 84 110 15 * * 60 50 40
Some collets are marked with both LQ and Q; when ordering one of them, please indicate bore
patterns for pattern Q only.
a • for workpiece clamping Taper angle of the clamping sleeve:
• for bar or chuck work The taper of the clamping sleeve must exactly
• clamping range 2 mm match the taper angles of the collets given in
• no axial movement while chuck the tables, otherwise the clamping segments
smooth bore
765 E 161 E series 20 44,5 47,4 1 6,5 44 31 14°45´ 4 -26 +0,3 / -2,3
795 E series 100 136,4 139,3 1 6,5 136,9 64 14°45´ 59 - 101 +0,3 / -2,0
serrated bore
755 E-F 173 E series 36 59,5 62,4 1 6,5 59 39 14°45´ 11 - 43 +0,3 / -2,0
780 E-F 185 E series 52 83,5 86,4 1 6,5 83 50 14°45´ 19 - 61 +0,3 / -2,0
running concentricity
1,6 3 10 0,02 0,01
3 6 16 0,02 0,01
6 10 25 0,02 0,01
30 50 80 0,04 0,02
• as feed fingers for feeding forward workpi- Feed force:
ece bars in automatic lathes Feed fingers are supplied sprung together so
• as pick-up collets for moving up workpie- that, when the dimensions are nominal, they
ce bars on NC lathes for repositioning of pretension the workpiece rods or workpieces.
The feed force table below gives the reference
Bore patterns: values. A hardened ground test mandrel with a
• smooth tolerance of h7 must be used for checking.
• on request with round grooves
Feed fingers with increased feed force can be
Hardness: made for an extra charge.
diameter in mm
Feed fingers are made from special spring
steel. The front component with the clam-
ping bore has a hardness of approx. HRc 60
– where this is not prevented by the partial
tempering. The thread and spring areas are
hardened to spring temper.
feed fingers
207 E 18 M 16 x 1 L 70 12 11 9
217 E 21 M 20 x 1 L 70 16 14 11
220 E 24 M 22 x 1 L 85 18 16 13
236 E 30 M 28 x 1 L 95 24 21 16
237 E 31 M 29 x 1 L 90 25 22 18
254E 42 M 40 x 1 L 116 36 31 25
273 E 60 M 58 x 1 L 140 52 45 36
2292 E 3 25 90 20 2,5 - 23
2402 E 3 30 90 20 4 - 28
a 2422 E 3 32 90 20 4 - 30
2490 E 3 36 90 20 5 - 33
2517 E 3 38 90 20 10 - 32
2565 E 3 40 90 20 5 - 38
2578 E 3 42 90 20 5 - 40
2610 E 3 45 90 20 6 - 42
Pic. 2 2670 E 3 50 90 20 7 - 47
2704 E 3 54 90 20 14 - 50
2770 E 3 60 90 20 12 - 57
2780 E 3 63 90 20 14 - 60
2790 E 3 65 90 20 10 - 60
2857 E 3 73 90 20 20 - 67
ø 20
2860 E 3 75 90 20 20 - 69
2912 E 3 80 90 20 50 - 72
Pic. 3 FMB Turbo clamping sleeves are also available with annular springs from D = 42 mm
2061 E 4 12 42 M 7 x 0,75 3 - 10
2101 E 4 15 42 M8x1 3 - 13
2197 E 4 20 59 M 10 x 1 10 - 18
2289 E 4 25 59 M 10 x 1 15 - 23
2316 E 4 27 59 M 10 x 1 15 - 23
Pic. 4
art. no. pic. D A B d for load-feeders type
200 E-L 1 5 56,0 7 4,5 Traub, Hagenuk, FMB
212 E-LH 3 12 45,5 24 8 Hagenuk, FMB
212 E-LT 2 12 45,5 24 11 Traub
Pic. 2
Pic. 3
1444 E 1 30 36,0 62 3 - 30 GS 30
1463 E 1 30 48,0 94 4 - 42 GE 42 - GE 65
Pic. 2
1514 E 4 35 40 46,0 1,5 - 30 TNS 30 - TNM 28
Pic. 3
Pic. 4
Pic. 5
• clamping bore with carbide inserts Carbide guide bushes for most common
• very long lifetime Swiss-type machines available: Bechler,
• high running concentricity Citizen, Gauthier, Gildemeister, Manurhin,
• standard types ex stock Petermann, Star, Strohm, Tornos, Traub etc.
• special profile bores within a few days
• egrinding of bushes within one day
for Bechler
art. no. d D L K° thread G max. diameter type
3078 E 265.001 9 13 52 30 M 9 x 0,7 4,5 3 2,5 A7
for Citizen L
for Gildemeister
for Maier
for Tornos
3260 E 8.001 16 20,5 59 16 M 14 x 1,0 10 8,5 6,5 R10 - M10 - R125 - MS7
3507 E 61.002 24 29,5 61,0 30 M 24 x 1 17 14,5 11 DECO 2000-13
for Traub
art. no. d D L K° thread G max. diameter type
for Star
10´+ 5'
feed fingers
diameter in mm
for Gildemeister
for Index
for Pittler
Pic. 3
art. no. pic. d D L K° thread G max. diameter type
for Gildemeister
art. no. pic. d L thread G max. diameter type
9259 E 2 19,5 82 M 17 x 1 13 11 9 AS 12
9268 E 1 22,0 86 M 20 x 1 16 14 11 GM 16 AC
9401 E 1 60,0 160 M 57 x 1,5 L 50 43 35 GS 50 - GS 51
for Index
9255 E 1 25 88 M 23 x 1 19 16 13 MS 16
9402 E 1 60 156 M 57 x 2 L 50 43 35 KS 50
for Pittler
for Schütte
9015 E 1 25 36,1 68 15 M 22 x 1 L 13 11 9 SF 12 - SF 13
9006 E 3 30 40,5 80 15 M 26 x 1 L 16 14 11 SB 16
9007 E 1 32 41,5 79 15 M 28 x 1 L 16 14 11 SE 16 - SE 18
for Tornos
for Wickmann
for ZPS
Pic. 4
art. no. pic. d D L K° thread G max. diameter type
for Schütte
art. no. pic. d L thread G max. diameter type
9261 E 1 19,6 82 M 18 x 1 13 11 9 SF 12 - SF 13
9254 E 1 23 88 M 21 x 1 R o. L 16 14 11 SB 16
9255 E 1 25 88 M 23 x 1 19 16 13 SE 16 - SE 18
9262 E 1 27 88 M 25 x 1 20 17 14 SF/VD 20
for Tornos
Pic. 2
art. no. pic. d L thread G max. diameter type
for Wickmann
for ZPS
for Gildemeister
Pic. 2
for Schütte
3380 E 4 20 24,0 38,3 M 16 x 1,5 L SF 13
1631 E 8 44 54,1 71 S 36 PC
1700 E 5 52 60,6 60 SF/AF 32 - SF 40 - SF 42
1739 E 8 59 67,0 69 S 51 PC
Pic. 4
for Tornos
3541 E 7 25 35 77 M 22 x 1 BS 20 B
1381 E 8 25,4 38 93,6 1“
Pic. 6
for ZPS
Pic. 8
Pic. 9
Pic. 10
for Schütte
for Gildemeister
size 32
size 42
Pic. 1
782 E SK 42 79,5 47 * 4 - 7 mm 0,5
size 52
783 E SK 52 79,5 46 * 7 mm 7 mm
size 65
size 80
size 100
size 120
size 140
size 160
These clamping heads are completely vulcanised; design with rubber inserts not possible
SK 32 WVM 1
SK 32 WVP 2
SK 42 WVM 1
SK 42 WVP 2
SK 65 WVM 1
SK 65 WVP 2
Pic. 1
SK 80 WVM 1
SK 80 WVP 2
SK 100 WVM 1
SK 100 WVP 2
Pic. 2
Use: Hardness:
• for workpiece clamping on finishing lathes, The collets are made from a special spring
grinding machines and indexing units steel. Where possible, by partial tempering,
• small axial movement of the collet during the hardness of the taper and clamping bore is
the clamping process approx. HRc 60.
• suitable for very short workpieces, because
the power is transferred from the clamping Taper grinding:
sleeve taper to the taper of the collet on For some types the clamping taper is lightly
their front part. ground at the slot edges to ease removal of
• stops can be supplied the collet from the mounting taper thus making
possible low undersized clamping.
Bore patterns:
smooth Extended collets (long-nose collets):
If the collet has to be extended towards the
Mounting sleeves: front in order to support the workpiece, it must
Mounting sleeves according to DIN 6341 or be ensured that the clamping point reaches
something similar are available for the draw- into the taper of the collet. If the clamping
back collets. When making an inquiry or an point lies in front of the collet taper, the nose
order, please supply us with details on the of the collet will open towards the front. Under
mounting taper and type of collet. these circumstances, running concentricity
(truth) will no longer be guaranteed.
risk of breakage
collets open to front
Taper angle of the clamping sleeve:
The taper of the clamping sleeve should be 15’
(one-sided) flatter than the taper angles given
in the tables. This frees the collets on release. right tension
running concentricity
6 10 25 0,02 0,01
Similar to DIN 6341
10 18 40 0,03 0,015
18 24 50 0,04 0,02
24 30 60 0,04 0,02
drawback collets
319 E 1 12 18 60,0 20 Tr 12 x 1 10
351 E 1 20 28 80,0 20 Tr 20 x 1,5 17,5
389 E 1 45 60 140,0 20 Tr 45 x 2 40
type NK
173 E - 0.0 1 48 60 94 15
The centrifugal force resulting at high
• deadlength collets (pic. 2), short version:
speeds can lead to a lessening of the
see standard collets
clamping power and, in extreme case,
breaking of the collets.
• deadlength collets (pic. 3), enlarged and
Pic. 2
extended versions: these deadlength collets
Please follow accident-prevention
are able to clamp large and short
Gr. 0.1 3 25
Gr. 1.1 3 40 25
Gr. 1.2 3 40 50
Gr. 2.1 3 50 25
Gr. 2.2 3 50 50
Gr. 3.1 3 75 25
Pic. 3
Gr. 3.2 3 75 50
for Hydromat
Pic. 1
Pic. 2
high precision
Collets 3148 E, 3409 E, 3718 E also available with additional internal thread
Pic. 2
running concentricity: draw-back collets,
high precision
L clamping diameter testing point running concentricity
d from d to L standard
1 1,6 5 0,005
1,6 3 10 0,005
3 6 16 0,005
Pic. 3
6 10 25 0,005
10 18 30 0,005
18 24 30 0,005
Similar to DIN 6343
24 36 30 0,005
Pic. 4
Pic. 5
• e asily mounted collet chucks for steel and • e xcellent clamping power due to optimal
rubber collets power transmission ratio
• workpieces can be changed manually • workpieces within a tolerance range of IT 9
during operation can be clamped safely
• economical application even for small • high precision during constant operation
series due to hardened parts
• an all-around multi-purpose chuck of • small dimensions and large clamping
machine tools capacity
• simple balanced design with powertrans- • workpieces remain axially stationary
mission by the means of balls during clamping
• f or spindles with rotary hydraulic • for using two rubber collets – one lies
or pneumatic cylinders behind the other
• for steel collets • replacement parts for using smaller
• for rubber collets collets
KSFM 26Z/100 Z 100 112 85 M50 x 1,5 82,6 3 x M10 97,5 24 6 16 8 2 6000 161 E series 20
KSFM 30Z/100 Z 100 112 85 M50 x 1,5 82,6 3 x M10 97,5 24 6 16 8 2 6000 163 E series 24
KSFM 40Z/88 Z 88 132 100 M66 x 1,5 115 6 x M8 113,4 17 4 14 8 2,5 6000 173 E series 36
KSFM 40Z/140 Z 140 155 100 M66 x 1,5 104,8 3 x M10 107,5 17 6 12 8 2,5 6000 173 E series 36
KSFM 60Z/115 Z 115 154 130 M90 x 1,5 136 8 x M8 127,5 11 4 13 8 2,5 5000 185 E series 52
KSFM 60Z/170 Z 170 185 130 M90 x 1,5 133,4 6 x M12 133 24 6 18,5 8 2,5 5000 185 E series 52
KSFM 60Z/220 Z 220 235 130 M90 x 1,5 171,4 6 x M16 135 26 6 20,5 8 2,5 5000 185 E series 52
KSFM 26/4 A2 - 4 112 85 M50 x 1,5 82,6 3 x M10 103,4 30 13 22 8 2 6000 161 E series 20
KSFM 30/4 A2 - 4 112 85 M50 x 1,5 82,6 3 x M10 103,4 30 13 22 8 2 6000 163 E series 24
KSFM 40/5 A2 - 5 135 100 M66 x 1,5 104,8 4 x M10 123,5 27 16 28 8 2,5 6000 173 E series 36
KSFM 40/6 A2 - 6 170 100 M66 x 1,5 133,4 4 x M12 123,5 34,4 17,5 28 8 2,5 6000 173 E series 36
KSFM 60/6 A2 - 6 170 130 M90 x 1,5 133,4 4 x M12 145 27 17,5 30,5 8 2,5 5000 185 E series 52
KSFM 60/8 A2 - 8 220 130 M90 x 1,5 171,4 4 x M16 145,9 37,5 20 31,5 8 2,5 5000 185 E series 52
KSFM 80/8 A2 - 8 220 156 M114 x 2 171,4 6 x M16 176,4 35 19 41 11 6,5 4000 193 E
nose size
clamping position
cyl. size
The innovative collet chucks feature short • an intermediate flange is required for all
changeover times from external to internal collet chucks type KSKF. Flanges are availa-
clamping and high degrees of precision and ble in various dimensions and for a variety
rigidity. of spindle noses
• all collet chucks type KSKF are designed
• for workpiece clamping of bar and chucking in a way that a segment clamping mandrel
works can be bolt on via the bores at the face end
• highest clamping forces and rigidity (types without major modifications of the chuck
KSKF, KSKF-A) • quick change capability of clamping heads
• axially fixed clamping head, less rigidity
(type KSKF-AF)
Drawback collet chuck with through-hole for The collet chucks work very precisely and L2 L1
bar machining: the clamping head is pulled feature an easy set-up as well as high running
into the chuck during clamping and provi- accuracy.
des high clamping forces and high rigidity.
range min-1
KSKF 42 4 - 42 69 17 137 138 104 90 M8 M54 x 1,5 7.000 781 E, 782 E
KSKF 65 5 - 65 78 17 155 156 122 110 M8 M74 x 1,5 6.000 787 E, 788 E
type KSKF
Same as type KSKF, but with an additional axial pulling effect, the workpiece is pulled
L2 L1
stop for chuck parts which can be screwed against the stop and provides an additional
on: the clamping head offers high clamping workpiece support. Therefore, the type KSKF-
forces and high rigidity as well. Due to the A is perfect with short clamped workpieces.
collet chuck type KSKF-A, drawback collet chuck with rigid axial stop
art. no. clamping L1 L2 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 max. speed collet
range min-1
KSKF 32-A 4 - 32 70,5 30,5 137 120 84 70 M8 M54 x 1,5 8.000 771 E, 772 E
KSKF 42-A 4 - 42 82,5 17 137 138 104 90 M8 M54 x 1,5 7.000 781 E, 782 E
KSKF 65-A 5 - 65 94,5 17 155 156 122 110 M8 M74 x 1,5 6.000 787 E, 788 E
type KSKF-A
Type KSKF-AF is equipped with a fixed clam- pushed over the axially fixed clamping head. L2 L1
ping head and can be used for through as well Type KSKF-AF offers a lesser stiffness than
as for stop clamping. The pressure sleeve is that achieved with types KSKF and KSKF-A.
KSKF 32-AF 4 - 32 80,5 15,5 137 137 105 94 M6 M48 x 1,5 8.000 771 E, 772 E
KSKF 42-AF 4 - 42 81 16 137 137 137 120 M8 M54 x 1,5 7.000 781 E, 782 E
KSKF 52-AF 4 - 52 92,5 17 155 155 155 138 M8 M74 x 1,5 6.500 783 E
KSKF 65-AF 5 - 65 92,5 17 155 155 155 138 M8 M74 x 1,5 6.000 787 E, 788 E
type KSKF-AF
The intermediate flanges match the collet mount with diameter 140; A-5 means spindle
chuck types KSKF, KSKF-A und KSKF-AF. Ex- nose with short taper mount size 5 and so on.
planation first column: Z-140 means cylindrical
intermediate flanges
KSKF 32/42 - A-5 44,5 15 10 149 82,563 150 137 104,8 6 x M10
KSKF 32/42 - A-6 45,5 16 10 164 106,375 165 137 133,4 3 x M12
L3 L2 L3 L2
KSKF 52/65 - Z-140 27,5 6 10 167 140 168 155 104,8 6 x M10
L1 L1
KSKF 52/65 - Z-170 32,5 6 10 179 170 180 155 133,4 6 x M12
Intermediate flanges KSKF 52/65 - A-5 46 15 10 167 82,563 168 155 104,8 6 x M10
KSKF 52/65 - A-6 45,5 16 10 167 106,375 168 155 133,4 3 x M12
fast changing mechanism is inserted – the
hardened steel segments offer a high level
of wear protection. High clamping forces are
achieved with these segment mandrels, and
the vulcanized clamping sleeve covers a large
clamping range.
sleeve mandrel
art. no. SVZ 32-00 SVZ 42-00 SVZ 52-00 SVZ 65-00 SVZ 32-01 SVZ 42-01 SVZ 52-01 SVZ 65-01 SVZ 42-02 SVZ 52-02 SVZ 65-02 SVZ 65-03
suitable for MZ 32 MZ 42 MZ 52 MZ 65 MZ 32 MZ 42 MZ 52 MZ 65 MZ 42 MZ 52 MZ 65 MZ 65
F max in kN 7 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 15 15
D Min-Ø released from 19,7 19,7 19,7 19,7 25,7 25,7 25,7 25,7 35,7 35,7 35,7 50,7
D Min-Ø released up to 27,7 27,7 27,7 27,7 38,7 38,7 38,7 38,7 54,7 54,7 54,7 81,7
D1 88 110 110 128 88 110 110 128 110 110 128 128
D3 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8
D4 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 97 97 97 102
D5 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 84 84 84 89
D6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6
D7 19 19 19 19 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 48
D8 M6x0,75 M6x0,75 M6x0,75 M6x0,75 M10x1 M10x1 M10x1 M10x1 M14x1 M14x1 M14x1 M18x1
L1 62,2 62,2 62,2 62,2 67,2 67,2 67,2 67,2 95,2 95,2 95,2 105,2
L5 21,7 21,7 21,7 21,7 25,7 25,7 25,7 25,7 42,5 42,5 42,5 48,7
L6 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 18 18 18,5
• mechanical power transmission The mechanical power transmission is desig-
• high clamping power ned in a way that, when clamped, the chucks
• hardened and ground housing are self-locking. The self-locking device only
• constant clamping force operates within a small range. For this reason,
spindle nose
• full spindle capacity as the clamping group IT 9 can be clamped safely. Due to the
cylinder is integrated in the chuck self-locking device, compressed air is requi-
red for clampingand release.
clamping unclamping
The chuck has two holes into which compressed clamping and release. After the clamping
air can be fed from a compressed-air gun for procedure the chuck remains clamped.
PSF 40 Gr. 5 DIN 55026 160 112 149 25 107 3 - 42 173 E series 36
PSF 60 Gr. 6 DIN 55026 196 128 159 25 117 4 - 60 185 E series 52
These chucks are equipped with a permanent- seal lies on the chuck body and produces a
ly connected supply ring and sealing through high degree of friction. For safety reasons
which the compressed air is applied during an appropriate protective device must be
clamping and unclamping. Clamping can only provided.
take place with the spindle stationary as the
PSF - SR 40 Gr. 5 DIN 55026 204 112 149 25 107 3 - 42 173 E series 36
PSF - SR 60 Gr. 6 DIN 55026 250 128 159 25 117 4 - 60 185 E series 52
• high clamping power without Because of clamping via disk springs the
clamping cylinder chuck is always clamped, so the chuck is
• clamping via disk springs self-locking. For unclamping compressed air
• unclamping via compressed air is required. These chucks are equipped with
• permanently connected supply ring for a permanently connected supply ring and
compressed air sealing through which the compressed air
• fatigue-proof clamping is applied during clamping and unclamping.
• for drawback collets Clamping can only take place with the spindle
• simple mounting stationary as the seal lies on the chuck body
• for internal clamping too and produces a high degree of friction. For
safety reasons an appropriate device must be
PSF 47 - ZT - Z 88 88 204 80 164 22 95 5,0 - 42 390 E
L1 L2
spindle nose
These clamping units correspond to the Type indexing tables. The clamping units can be
HESK units but without a housing. They are operated in the loading and unloading station
especially used for installation on rotary- via a controlled rotary transmission.
HESK - R-30 125 100 96 86,5 38,5 79,5 21,0 106 112 3829 E
HESK - R-40 135 110 106 86,5 38,5 79,5 21,0 116 122 3911 E
HESK - R-60 155 130 126 107,5 46,5 100,0 33,5 136 142 3964 E
HESK - R-100 195 170 168 107,5 46,5 104,2 33,7 176 182 3996 E
These clamping attachments are Similar to collet can be changed from front side or from
type HESK attachments. The only difference is above, therefore the mounting time is reduced
that we use collets with bayonets. In oppositi- to a minimum.
on to clamping attachments type HESK-R the
HESK - RB-30 125 100 96 86,5 38,5 79,5 21,0 106 112 3859 E
HESK - RB-40 135 110 106 86,5 38,5 79,5 21,0 116 122 3922 E
HESK - RB-60 155 130 126 107,5 46,5 100,0 33,5 136 142 3970 E
HEKS - RB-100 195 170 168 107,5 46,5 104,2 33,7 176 182 3999 E
3996 E HESK - S-100 126 102 110 M 110 x 2,0 M 104 x 1,5 15 111 107 110
3999 E HESK - SB-100 100 126 115,8 M 104 x 1,5 15 111 107 110
These clamping attachments are Similar to ping heads can be changed from the front
type HESK-R or HESK-RB chucks. The only side or from above, therefore the mounting
difference is that we use standard SK clam- time is reduced to a minimum.
ping heads. The clamping head is absolutely
fixed, there is no axial movement. The clam-
HESK - SK - 65 165 140 136 107,5 46,5 100 33,5 146 152 787 E, 788 E
HESK - SK - 65 165 140 136 107,5 46,5 41 146 152 787 E, 788 E
for drawback collets (especially suited for applications using short workpieces)
• d rawback collets are especially suited for within a small range. That means only work-
applications using short workpieces pieces within a tolerance range of IT 9 can be
• allows close length tolerances to be clamped safely. When the self-locking feature
reached regardless of variations in the is set, the collet’s axial position will change.
diameter of the workpieces being used This is especially important when several
• mechanical power transmission units have been mounted at the same height.
• high clamping power In this case stops shouldn’t be mounted in
• hardened and ground housing the collet. Due to the self-locking device,
• suitable for pallets or rotary-indexing tables compressed air is required for clamping and
The mechanical power transmission is desig-
ned in a way, that when clamped, the chucks
are self-locking. Automatic locking only works
manual control
with mounting plate
horizontal tensioning plate
for drawback collets (especially suited for applications using short workpiece)
• drawback collets are especially suited for • can be modified for stepped collets
applications using short workpieces • integrated 3/2-path control valve remote
• allows close length tolerances to be valves may also be used to open the collet
reached regardless of variations in the
diameter of the workpieces being used
art. no. axb center D axial max. max. collet piston weight
height H height th. bore clamping-ø type surface cm2 kg
art. no. axb center D axial max. max. collet piston weight
height H height th. bore clamping-ø type surface cm2 kg
8 M
In addition to the advantages of Nann‘s esta- a few components. All this is now made possi-
blished clamping units, the manual clamping ble through an optimised power transmission
unit type MZ offers further possibilities. in both axial directions and a double-acting
Clamping via clamping heads, deadlength piston. The flexible design and comfortable,
collets, draw-back collets or clamping sleeves efficient mounting are further advantages.
is made easy within a short time by replacing
MZ 52 100,0 130,0 117,5 162,0 65,0 100,0 100,0 106,0 92,0 86,0 M5
MZ 65 112,0 150,0 130,0 176,0 57,0 104,0 104,0 122,0 110,0 107,0 M5
conversion kits type S, deadlength collets series 100 and draw-back collets series 300
art. no. H ØD art. no. H ØD
Internal clamping sleeves with double taper to open in various different ways and securely
are suited to internal clamping of pre-machi- hold workpieces in the bore which have
ned parts. Because these have tapers and cylindrical faults.
slots at both ends, the clamping sleeve is able
Adaptor both for manually operated or power driven are not included.
special design
Use: Hardness:
for internal clamping The internal clamping sleeves are made from
special spring steel. They are hardened –
Advantages: depending on the design – to approx. HRc 48
• double clamping effect up to HRc 56.
• return effect
• clamps slightly tapered bores Taper of sleeve mandrel:
The taper of the sleeve mandrel should be 15’
Running concentricity (truth): (one-sided) flatter than the taper angles given
0,01 in the tables. This frees the clamping sleeves
on release.
type DK
art. no. d L K° expansion clamping diameter
DK 0 K 12 24 15 0,5 15 to 20 increment of 0,5
DK 0 L 12 32 15 0,5 15 to 20 increment of 00,5
KFS 11 140,7 160 130 149 107 160 M12 171 25 25 / 57 228
Spacer adaptor and clamping screw are not included in the delivery and have to be requested
M1 6
type S
art. no. d L expansion clamping diameter
S 02 21,92 46 1 24,7 to 29,7 increment of 0,5
manually operated
Use: Hardness:
• for internal clamping when The internal clamping sleeves are made from
-- grinding special spring steel. They are hardened –
-- turning depending on the design – to approx. HRc 48
-- concentricity control up to HRc 56.
• manually operated, self-locking
Running concentricity (truth):
Mounting of sleeve mandrels: 0,01
• between turning centres
type E
art. no. d L expansion clamping diameter
E 01 8,6 45 1,5 10 - 11
E 02 10,15 60 2 12 - 13
E 03 12,11 70 2 14 - 15
E 04 13,57 70 2 16 - 17 - 18
E 05 16,09 80 2 19 - 20 - 21
E 06 17,73 80 2 22 - 23 - 24
E 07 21,33 100 3 25 - 26 - 28 - 30 - 32 - 34
E 08 29,55 100 3 35 - 36 - 38 - 40 - 42 - 44
E 09 39,19 125 5 45 - 48 - 50 - 52 - 54
E 10 47,15 135 5 55 - 58 - 60 - 62 - 65
E 11 58,43 150 5 68 - 70 - 72 - 75 - 78 - 80
E 14 115,11 180 5 135 - 140 - 145 - 150 - 155 - 160 - 165 - 170 - 175 - 180
E 15 140,1 200 5 185 - 190 - 195 - 200 - 205 - 210 - 215 - 220 - 225 - 230
power driven
1.5 J L
ø G - h6
manually operated
art. no. sleeve mandrel type 241-00 (without nut) nut type 241-60 stop type 241-70
MZB 00 5,5 - 7,0 71,0 10 12,0 2,0 0,40 19,5 22 14 x 1,5 10,8 8,5 7 x 1,0
MZB 01 7,5 - 9,0 79,5 12 16,0 2,0 0,60 23 26 16 x 1,5 13,8 10,5 9 x 1,0
MZB 02 9,5 x 11,5 89,5 12 20,0 2,0 0,92 28 27 20 x 1,5 16,8 13,2 11 x 1,0
MZB 03 12,0 x 14,5 97,5 14 26,0 2,0 1,92 31 29 24 x 1,5 20,8 16,0 14 x 1,0
MZB 04 14,5 x 19,0 102,5 18 30,0 2,0 3,1 38 30 30 x 1,5 26,8 21,0 18 x 1,5
MZB 05 19,5 x 24,5 113,5 20 36,0 2,0 3,6 47 30 36 x 1,5 31,8 26,0 24 x 1,5
MZB 06 24,7 x 28,7 136,0 25 42,5 2,0 6,7 54 40 42 x 1,5 36,8 31,0 30 x 1,5
MZB07 29,7 - 33,7 144,5 30 46,0 2,5 9,5 57,5 40 45 x 1,5 41,8 36,0 34 x 1,5
MZB 08 34,7 - 38,7 156,0 40 52,5 2,5 15,5 66 40 52 x 1,5 47,8 41,0 36 x 1,5
MZB 09 39,7 - 43,7 166,5 40 58,0 3,15 19,0 74 40 56 x 1,5 52,8 46,0 40 x 1,5
MZB 10 44,7 - 53,7 197,0 45 76,5 3,15 28,0 83 45 65 x 2,0 61,8 55,5 52 x 2,0
MZB 11 54,7 - 63,7 208,5 50 85,0 4,0 40,0 93 48 75 x 2,0 71,8 65,5 62 x 2,0
MZB 12 64,7 - 78,7 221,5 50 96,0 5,0 63,0 108 50 95 x 2,0 90,8 83,0 75 x 2,0
clamping nut
clamping sleeve design B
basic mandrel
type B
B 09 35,6 55,0 59,5 1,0 6 - fold 39,7 to 43,7 increment of 1,0 4-fold bayonet
B 10 40,29 65,0 78,0 1,0 8 - fold 44,7 to 53,7 increment of 1,0
8-fold bayonet
type KSVZ
F Z art. no. L F Z max. clamping max. operating
diameter power kN
type KSVD
art. no. Y min Z max. clamping max. operating Y min
diameter power kN
KSVD - 01 80 98,8 25 10
SVD - 02 52,5 0,6 18,7 - 34,7 increment of 0,5
404 E 17,2 30 1 : 10 1 - 10
407 E 19,9 34 1 : 10 1 - 12
410 E 25,5 40 1 : 10 2 - 16
444 E 35,05 52 1 : 10 2 - 25
450 E 44,0 60 1 : 10 4 - 32
453 E 52,5 68 1 : 10 6 - 11
486 E 64,2 80 1 : 10 8 - 29
415 E 25,5 40 1 : 10 2 - 16
4541 E 30,0 45 1 : 10 2 - 20
462 E 35,05 52 1 : 10 2 - 25
467 E 44,0 60 1 : 10 6 - 32
468 E 52,5 68 1 : 10 12 - 40
486 E 64,2 80 1 : 10 30 - 50
3 6 16 0,015 0,01
6 10 25 0,015 0,01
18 24 50 0,02 0,01
24 30 60 0,02 0,01
30 40 60 0,03 0,015
Clamping tolerance:
for bores up to 4 mm: -0.5 mm
for bores greater than 4 mm: -1.0 mm
art. no. D L K° clamping range
4004 E 8,5 13,5 8 1-5
424 E 12 19,5 8 1-7
426 E 17 28 8 1 - 10
428 E 21 32 8 1 - 13
430 E 26 34 8 1 - 16
470 E 33 40 8 2 - 20
472 E 41 46 8 3 - 26
477 E 52 60 8 6 - 34
running concentricity
3 6 16 0,015 0,006
6 10 25 0,015 0,006
10 18 40 0,02 0,006
Similar to DIN ISO 15488
18 24 50 0,02 0,006
System Sandoz-Geniale
4010 E 12 17 8 0,7 - 7
4018 E 17 24 8 1 - 10
4272 E 21 30,5 8 1 - 13
4280 E 26 34 8 1 - 16
4534 E 33 40 8 2,5 - 20
4768 E 41 46 8 4 - 26
nuts for collets system Sandoz-Geniale
TGXE 16 - 1 1 4018 E 27 15 M 20 x 1
Pic. 1 TGXE 16 2 4018 E 32 15 M 22 x 1,5
3 6 16 0,015 0,005
6 10 25 0,015 0,007
10 18 40 0,02 0,01
18 26 50 0,02 0,0012
403 E 12 17 32 10,0 8
413 E 18 27 45 9,25 16
443 E 26 35 50 9,25 20
455 E 42 54 78 10,0 36
402 E 15,5 20 10 6
405 E 17,5 24 10 8
408 E 24,0 36 10 12
441 E 34,0 45 10 20
457 E 45,1 66 SK 40 25
ISO-taper collets
art. no. pic. D L L1 max K° thread G max. diameter remark
541 E 3 32 70,0 78 SK 30 M 12 16
574 E 5 45 94,0 96 SK 40 S 20 x 2 26
Pic. 2
575 E 4 45 95,3 105 SK 40 M 16 25 channel feeder
art. no. pic. D L L1 max K° thread G max. diameter remark
Pic. 3
503 E 1 18,0 68 MK 2 M 10 14
536 E 1 24,1 86 MK 3 M 12 18
Pic. 5
Pic. 6
art. no. pic. d D L K° thread G max. diameter
6023 E 1 5 6,5 20,0 20 M 5 x 0,6 2,9
for multi-spindle drill heads with driving square for taps
art. no. pic. d D L K° thread G max. diameter
for multi-spindle drill heads for stops
6314 E - A 3 10 14,0 34,0 15 M 10 x 0,75 8
Pic. 5
J 3157 41 710 E J 41
J 3158 42 715 E J 42
J 3159 44 750 E J 44
J N 460 46 766 E J 46
FER 25/SK 30 430 E 43 68 42 SK 30 2 - 16
FER 16/SK 40 - 100 426 E 100 68 32 SK 40 1 - 10
with morse-taper
HSK - A 32 / ER 16 x 60 426 E 60 28 1 - 10
HSK - A 32 / ER 20 x 60 428 E 60 34 2 - 13
HSK - A 40 / ER 16 x 80 426 E 80 28 1 - 10
HSK - A 40 / ER 25 x 80 430 E 80 42 2 - 16
HSK - A 50 / ER 25 x 80 430 E 80 42 2 - 16
HSK - A 63 / ER 25 x 80 430 E 80 42 2 - 16
double tool holder with plane surface for radial fixing and mini-nut
FER 16 / 14 x 60 426 E 36 60 28 14 1 - 10
FER 16 / 16 x 60 426 E 36 60 28 16 1 - 10
FER 16 / 20 x 50 426 E 30 50 28 20 1 - 10
FER 20 / 20 x 30 428 E 36 30 34 20 2 - 13
FER 20 / 20 x 60 428 E 36 60 34 20 2 - 13
FER 25 / 20 x 50 430 E 47 50 42 20 2 - 16
FER 25 / 25 x 50 430 E 47 50 42 25 2 - 16
FER 25 / 1“ x 50 430 E 47 50 42 1“ 2 - 16
FER 32 / 20 x 50 470 E 54 50 50 20 4 - 20
FER 32 / 25 x 50 470 E 53 50 50 25 4 - 20
FER 32 / 1“ x 50 470 E 53 50 50 1“ 4 - 20
FER 40 / 25 x 50 472 E 60 50 63 25 4 - 26
FER 40 / 1“ x 50 472 E 60 50 63 1“ 4 - 26
standard nuts
art. no. collet type D L thread G art. no. of key
art. no. collet type D L thread G art. no. of key
type NPZT
art. no. a b c center axial through max. collet indexing angle piston weight
height H height bore clamping-ø type surface cm2 kg
max. min.
type PT
• integrated valves • valve box available, mounted either
• integrated micro-switches on right or left side
• suitable for SPC control systems
art. no. dimensions surface area center max. max. collet type indexing angle piston weight
height H through clamp.-ø surface cm2 kg
exd height F axb axc bore max. min.
PT 11 227 x 245 150 160 x 175 160 x 100 80 22 ø 25 ø 367 E 120° 26° 65 26
PT 17 277 x 310 165 210 x 225 210 x 105 105 38 ø 42 ø 390 E 120° 18° 148 44
PT 22 297 x 335 190 230 x 245 230 x 128 116 62 ø 62 ø 3955 E 120° 18° 170 60
d d
a a
type PT/W
• without solenoid valves • without micro-switches
art. no. dimensions surface area center max. max. collet type indexing angle piston weight
height H through bore clamp.-ø surface cm2 kg
height F axb axc max. min.
PT 17/W 165 210 x 225 210 x 105 105 38 ø 42 ø 390 E 120° 18° 148 44
PT 22/W 190 230 x 245 230 x 128 116 62 ø 62 ø 3955 E 120° 18° 170 60
H c
type NT
NT 15.2 5 2 489 358 338 135 115 365 195 53 13 140 390 E
NT 15.3 5 3 624 358 338 135 115 500 195 53 13 140 390 E
NT 15.4 5 4 760 358 338 135 115 635 195 53 13 140 390 E
clamping cylinder
holding fixture
for clamping collet
top view
spindle nose
type NTZ
top view
unclamping clamping
type HR
art. no. holding fixture taper tip height H stroke sleeve pressure
at 20 bar
HR 1.70
HR 1.70 light MK 1 70 50 100 kg
HR 2.90
HR 2.90 light MK 2 90 70 260 kg
R1/4" vor
back back
connectors optionally
on the bottom, on the side
20 L1
10 20 4 threads M10
stroke 100 26 128
HR 3.70
HR 3.90
für M10 10 337
20 43
ø 50
ø 30
M5 20
Oil-supply channel optionally
via M12 x 1.5 connector on the side
or through the base plate with bores
up to a max diameter of ø 10