Test Composition and Sample Test Items: For Advertised Positions of Bps-17 and Bps-18
Test Composition and Sample Test Items: For Advertised Positions of Bps-17 and Bps-18
Test Composition and Sample Test Items: For Advertised Positions of Bps-17 and Bps-18
If National Assembly is not in session and there is need to make a legislation to deal with
some contingency which cannot be waited. In such cases, the federal government
sends a proposal to the President, and if he/she approves it, it will become?
a. An ordinance
b. An Act
c. Bill
d. Resolution
General Knowledge (10 Marks)
Each of the integers from 1-7, inclusive, is to be assigned to one of two sets- X
and Y- such that:
No integers is a member of both sets
Neither set has more than four members
1 and 4 must be in the same set
If 2 is a member of set X, then so is 7
If 6 is a member of set Y, then 5 is not a member of Y
Which number will come next? 87, 90, 84, 88, 81,______
(a) 85 (b) 98
(c) 86 (d) 89
Computer Skills (10 Marks)
What are the individual dots which make up a picture on the monitor screen?
(a) Colored spots (b) Pixels
(c) Pixies (d) Resolution
Write short notes on the following topics. Each note should contain 150-200 words.