I. Importance of Learning English
I. Importance of Learning English
I. Importance of Learning English
The use of English language is (to be) strictly related to British Empire that before the First World
War had covered (have, cover) about ¼ of the whole globe. It was the official language in all
British colonies. Many British colonies became (become) independent early after this conflict,
although the language is still used (use) in these nations. Nowadays these countries are jointly
called (call) Anglophone world. In these countries, English language is spoken (to be, speak) either
as a mother tongue or as a second language.
Some people consider this language as a global language because it is used (to be, use) worldwide
in different contexts: in politics, science, economics, art, culture, etc.
Many people learn English in order to migrate (migrate) to English speaking countries or to fulfill
schools/universities admission requirements. Moreover, it is important to refer to the fact that has
(have) good command of English language can be useful to access many information related to
different knowledge scopes.
Activity 1
In 20 lines, write a composition about the importance of learning English in your country.
Furthermore, our country is noticing a constant development in every single sector specially
industry and mining where many investors usually speak English. In addition, as English being a
language of technology and business, many products together with their catalogues come written in
English, which entail us the reasonable mastery of English so that we can cope with daily
communication needs.
For Mozambican academicians who yearn to pursue with their pos-graduation program abroad, or
for those who seek for scholarships in order to study abroad, English in indispensable for them. For
instance, to be admitted to western universities such as UK, Australia, USA or etc., a candidate
should go through a tough series of examinations known as TOEFL and IELTS for an admission
certificate. This is about a good proficiency in speaking, writing, reading and listening.
In short, the English language gives students access to information and research. Since many of the
top academic journals are firstly published in English, Mozambican students and academicians need
strong English reading and writing skills.
1. Fill the sentences using the words in the box.
Intensive, modern, subsistence, large, expensive, extensive, traditional, industrial.
Types of agriculture
According to the scale of production and its relation to the market, it can be classified as:
1. Subsistence agriculture. It consists in producing the minimum amount of food necessary to meet
the needs of the farmer and his family, with little surplus to sell. The technical level is primitive. 2.
Industrial agriculture, large quantities are produced using costly means of production and market
for surplus. It is typical of industrialized countries and the internationalized sector of poorer
As seeking maximum performance or minimal use of other means of production, this will
determine more or less ecological footprint, we have:
3. Intensive agriculture: looking for a large production in a short space. It is typical of
industrialized countries. 4. Extensive agriculture, it depends on a larger area. It is typical of poorer
According to the method and objectives, it can be:
5. Traditional agriculture. Is based in rudimentary systems and is focused in producing small
quantities of food in more time and space. 6. Modern agriculture based mainly on intensive
systems, is focused on producing large quantities of food in less time and space, but more eco-wear,
designed to move large commercial benefits.