Assignment 3 Assignment 3
Assignment 3 Assignment 3
Assignment 3 Assignment 3
Assignment 3
DOCUMENT: Chapter 3 ook Glo alizatio a d its dis o te ts. Freedo to hoose
In this part of the chapter 3, the author makes an approach to the issue of
privatization. Although Stiglitz recognizes in some parts that privatizations can rapport
some benefits to a country it mostly talks about the bad prejudice it can cause to
One of the things it says is that some organizations like the IMF prefer privatizations to
be done fast rather than slow but well planned. In part that is because this
organization mainly focuses on the macro data of a country and not in the structural
problems that a fast gain of money by a privatization can lead. Another of the reasons
for which the IMF thinks that privatizing fast is a good option is the fact that they think
that this gap that appears in the market is going to be covered very fast. But as the
author points out with the example of Morocco sometimes is not the case because
sometimes the state maintains a company that just have losses because of the social
benefit that it produces while when it is privatized as there are just losses they prefer
to shut down.
Another critic to privatization in the text is that sometimes when a company is
privatized and its new owner is from the same country they are more willing to keep
the same work force trying not to fire out many people while if it is owned by a
foreigner that just have an obligation with the shareholders they will be more willing
to fire people in order to turn the company the more efficient as possible.
Privatizing companies can create monopolies and that can cause a great prejudice on
societies because they can charge mainly the price that they want for a service, as is
the ase of Côte d I oire a d the o u i atio s.
Another big problem that can arise from privatizations is that they can lead to a
situation in which the company is given to a friend or the new owner is selected
according to the bribe they give. That can open a space for corruption and bad
administration of these new companies that affects the whole society of the country.
This is the case of Russia.
The author basically says that in the process of a privatization lots of factors have to be
take i to a ou t like the pro ess follo ed, the ki d of o pa … a d keepi g i
mind those factors try to make the best choices for the societies and not just for a little
group of people.
Li eralizatio o urs he the go er e t s i ter e tio i trade or the arket gets
reduced until it disappears.
The text talks about how trade liberalization has different effects according to the
countries. It says that the liberalization of the trade market have to be done slowly. If it
is done fast then a lot of jobs are destructed without time to create new ones. That has
been a great problem for a los of countries that following the measures of the IMF
have tried to make a fast liberalization of their trade market what have made them
orse off, e ause the ere t prepared. A e a ple of a ou tr that has do e the
liberalization of its trade market at a good speed is China.
Another problem that nowadays occur with liberalization is that developed countries,
when sign treaties of commerce with developing countries, have a lot of exigencies but
without giving nothing in exchange.
The text gives us an example with the United States. The United States use to press
developing countries to lower their barriers for the American exported products, but
when the developing country would need the US to lower its barriers in agricultural
produ ts, it does t do so. Ne er the less, the US a d Europe keep o gi i g fi a ial
aid to its farmers and to create protectionism measures.
So this is kind of an asymmetrical relation that betters off the countries that are
already developed but worse off the countries that are still getting developed.
Another big issue is the financial market liberalization process, the IMF defends the
liberalization of this market because it says that free markets are more efficient and
this efficiency allows a greater economic growth.
But again this helps developed countries and worsens developing ones. It is said that
the financial crisis could have been caused by this liberalization of the financial market,
and while the developed countries could stand this heat in their economies again the
ones that had the worst were the countries that were still getting developed.
A statement that was made in favour of liberalization is that it promotes stability while
due to this asymmetrical relations that always occur between developed and
provide in all demand, the labeling of products, rules against advertising and
minimum quality standards.
9. Social regulation comprises regulation in the area of the environment,
occupational health and safety, consumer protection and labor (equal
opportunities and so on). Instruments applied here include regulations dealing
with the discharge of environmentally harmful substances, safety regulations in
factories and workplaces, the obligation to include information on the
packaging of goods or on labels, the prohibition of the supply of certain goods
or services unless in the possession of a permit and banning discrimination on
race, skin color, religion, sex, or nationality in the recruitment of personnel.
10. Economic regulation is mainly exercised on so-called natural monopolies and
market structures with imperfect or excessive competition. The aim is to
counter the negative welfare effects of dominant firm behavior and to stabilize
market processes.
11. In this article, regulation is taken to mean the employment of legal instruments
for the implementation of social-economic policy objectives. A distinction is
often made between legislation and regulation. Usually in legislation regulatory
powers are allocated to lower level institutions or officials. The result of the use
of that power by these officials or institutions is then called regulation. Within
the perspective of some explanatory theories, the distinction between
regulation and legislation does not always add much additional explanatory or
predictive value to regulatory theories.
12. The services provided by the sectors are often essential for both businesses and
consumers. Interruption in the supply of these services will put a halt to
economic activities, bring a stop to interactions taking place in society at large
and these interruptions may thus present risks to life and health.
13. Because it assumed that theoretically efficient institutions could be seen to
efficiently replace or correct inefficient real world institutions. And this criticism
led to the development of a more serious public interest theory of regulation
hat has ee ariousl referred to as the Ne Ha e or Progressi e
S hool of La a d E o o i s.
quantity, the unit costs of production rise. For this reason, this situation is
called a natural monopoly.
21. Prices are set equal to average costs by means of rate of return regulation and
a price structure is determined such that the firm breaks even. Ideally, the
optimal price would of course be a price according to marginal resource cost.
This however, would lead to financial losses, depicted by the difference
between Pmc and ACopt. At Qopt the cost per unit is ACopt, while the revenues
per unit are only Pmc, which in the diagram is about 30% too low to cover
costs. The regulator thus has to choose between the inefficiencies of subsidies
or a pri e that o ers ost, ut that is ot first est effi ie t.
22. Public interest theories usually assume that regulation aims to establish
economic efficiency. Interpreted in this way, these theories are unable to
explain why on occasion other objectives such as procedural fairness or
redistribution are aimed for at the expense of economic efficiency (Joskow and
Noll, 1981, p. 36). On the other hand, when it is assumed that regulation
pursues social efficiency, another problem is encountered. Where there is
conflict between efficiency and equity, it is impossible for at least two reasons
to establish the social efficiency of regulation (Sen, 1979a, 1979b). Such
conflicts may arise when regulators mandate for example universal service
obligations for public utilities, cross-subsidies for certain consumer groups, the
prohibition to use price discrimination, minimum wage legislation or rent
control, and more generally the protection of disadvantaged groups. Firstly, in
such situations the evaluation of social efficiency is difficult because evaluation
standards of levels or dimensions of justice are not available. No agreement
exists regarding the 21 definition of justice in concrete situations (Dworkin,
1981). Secondly, the establishment of social efficiency of regulation requires
that economic efficiency and justice be weighed against each other.
DOCUMENT: The theory of economic regulation – Stigler
1. The central tasks of the theory of economic regulation are to explain who will
receive the benefits of burdens of regulation, what orm regulation will take,
and the effects of regulation upon the allocation of resources.
4. The protection of the public theory of regulation must say that the choice of
import quotas is didacted by the concern of the federal government for an
adequate domestic supply of petroleum in the event of war- a remark
calculated to elicit uproarious laughter at the Petroleum Club. Such laughter
aside, if national defense were the goal of the quotas, a tariff would be a more
economical instrument of policy; it would retain the profits of exlusion for the
treasury. The non-rational view would explain the policy by the inability of
consumers to measure the cost to them to of the import quotas, and hence
their willingness to pay $5 billion in higher prices rather than $2,5 billion in cash
that would be equally attractive to the industry.
5. The most obvious contribution that a group may seek of the government is a
direct subsidy of money. The second major public resource Commonly sought
by an industry is control over entry by new rivals. A third general set of powers
of the state that will be sought by the industry are those which affect
substitutes and complements. The fourth class of public policies sought by an
industry is directed to price-fixing.
6. By the early 1930´s all states regulated the dimensions and weight of trucks.
The weight limitations were a much more pervasive control over trucking than
the licensing of common carriers because even the trucks exempt from entry
regulation are subject to the limitations on dimensions and capacity. We have
two measures of weight limits on trucks, one for 4-wheel trucks (X1) and one
for 6-wheel trucks (X2). We may then calculate two equations: X1(or X2) =
a+bX3+cX4+dX5, (where: X3= trucks per 1000 agricultural labor force, 1930;
X4= average length of railroad haul of freight traffic, 1930; X5= percentage of
state roads with high-quality surface, 1930).
Section 2
a) Price Cap Regulation gives firms strong incentives to reduce costs and improve
efficiency while at the same time removing the negative incentives and inflate costs
associated with rate of return regulation.
b) Most price cap regulation formulae are applied for between three and five
years, any reduction in costs allows the regulated firm to receive a higher profit
in the interim. This provides incentives for the firm to cut costs since this can
flow through directly into profit.
c) While rate of return regulation is based on the firm's actual costs, price cap
regulation gives the regulator the option of setting prices based on the costs of
an efficient firm or on costs based on an international benchmark reflecting
best practice.
d) Price cap regulation reduces the need for micromanaging the operations of the
regulated firm.
e) In the early stages of competition price cap regulation protects consumers and
competitors by preventing the regulated firm from increasing the prices of its
monopoly services and using the revenue derived from increased prices in the
monopoly services to cross-subsidise those services subject to competition.
a) The cost or total effort required to implement and apply price cap regulation
b) The potential to set the price control too tightly or loosely
c) The possi le lo eri g of the i u e t s ser i e le els.
Furthermore, regulation of this sort protects the firm from negative public
opinion while providing the consumer with ease of mind. Throughout history,
due to their large profits, public opinion has turned against monopolies, which
eventually resulted in severe anti-trust laws in the early 20th Century.
Unregulated monopolies such as Standard oil that pulled vast profits quickly
became the subjects of negative public opinion, the original source of
regulation of monopolies. With rate-of-return regulation, consumers can rely
on the government to ensure that they are paying fair prices for their electricity
and other regulated services, and not feeding into a business of trusts and
b) The central problem with rate-of-return regulation, the reason most countries
with economic regulation have switched to alternate methods of regulating
such firms, is that rate-of-return regulation does not provide strong incentives
for regulated firms to operate efficiently. The main form of this weakness is the
Averech Johnson effect
Section 3
prejudice for any specific configuration. Focusing on foster productivity and growth,
consumer welfare must no fall in the trap of seeing competition policy as a tool of
active policy intervention meant to correct the inefficiencies related with monopolies
and oligopolies so as to maximize some measures of welfare.
So we can argue that regulation is needed only to avoid inefficiencies in foster
produ ti it a d gro th. Without regulatio it ould t e possi le to i pro e the
growth of the society and to go forward to progress.