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The article discusses the effects of adding corn starch as an admixture to concrete. Corn starch can improve workability and increase compressive strength at 1% addition but higher amounts reduce strength. Starch admixtures provide benefits over chemical admixtures such as lower cost and reduced environmental impact.

The addition of 1% corn starch increases the workability and compressive strength of concrete. Higher additions of over 1% reduce the density and compressive strength. The optimal amount is 1% corn starch.

Starch admixtures such as corn starch provide benefits over chemical admixtures such as being locally available and cheaper. They also avoid the environmental toxicity issues of chemicals containing formaldehyde.

Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2016 Suhad M Abd et al.

, 2016

ISSN 2319-5991

Vol. 5, No. 3, August 2016
© 2016 IJERST. All Rights Reserved

Research Paper
Suhad M Abd1*, Qasssim Y Hamood1, Alaa S Khamees1 and Zainab H Ali1

*Corresponding Author: Suhad M Abd 

Admixtures are used to alter the properties of concrete. Admixtures are substances introduced
into a batch of concrete during or immediately before its mixing. There are numerous benefits
available through the use of admixtures such as: improved quality, coloring, greater concrete
strength, increased flow for the same water-cement ratio, enhanced frost and sulphate
resistance, improved fire resistance, cracking control, acceleration or retardation in setting time,
lower density and improved workability. The specific effects of an admixture generally vary with
the type of cement, mix proportion and dosage. Starch can be used in concrete as admixture. In
this particular study used corn starch. The workability of concrete is tested using slump test.
The starch is added for testing with different percentages of cement. The workability of concrete/
cement increases with the addition of starch admixtures. Density of concrete increases in the
addition of 1% of corn starch further increase in the addition of starch admixtures reduces the
density. Compressive strength of concrete increases in the addition of 1% of corn starch further
increase in the addition of starch admixtures reduces the compressive strength. The starch
admixtures such as corn starch can replace the use of chemical admixtures. It also reduces
the additional cost of using chemical admixtures.

Keywords: Concrete admixture, Corn starch, Chemical admixtures

INTRODUCTION changes in the requirements for high strength and

Admixtures are incorporated into concrete in durable concrete structures interwoven with
today’s world in order to achieve variety of goals. economic considerations necessitate intense
This in effect improves the properties of fresh and search for materials and products. Chemical
hardened concrete. The effect of these admixtures are used in the production of concrete
admixtures on properties of concrete depends in order to achieve various durability properties,
for example on a lot of factors such as functional instance of chemical admixture are water soluble
groups, chemical configuration and molecular synthetic and natural organic polymers. Polymers
weight (Ouyang et al., 2009). Continuous used as admixtures are said to enhance the

Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq.

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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2016 Suhad M Abd et al., 2016

joining of the mixing constituents as a result of used as film-forming agent for coating seeds,
intertwining polymer film which. Chemical super absorbents, as adhesive in the paper
admixtures are used as high range water reducer industry and drug carrier. The use of starch and
admixtures and have impacted on rheological and starch derivatives as viscosity modifying
mechanical behavior of cement-based systems. admixture in cementitious systems have been
This allows for a latent time that permits casting reported in recent times. However, the behavior
of concrete in excellent condition. These chemical of the polymers in cementations systems may
admixtures are oil based, non-renewable products vary depending on a lot of parameters.
such as Poly Naphthalene Sulphonate (PNS),
Akindahunsi, et al. (2015), “Strength and
Poly Carboxylate (PC) and Polyacrylate (PA).
durability properties of concrete with starch
They contain formaldehyde which when
admixture”, analyses concrete cubes containing
accidentally or intentionally released into the
different percentages of the cassava and maize
environment may result in undesirable
by weight of cement (0, 0.5, 1.0,1.5and
environmental toxic effects. In recent times
2.0%).Crushed granites used as coarse and fine
research efforts have been focused on recycled
aggregates. The maximum coarse aggregate
materials. Renewed efforts are also being
size used is 22 mm. Starches used in this
concentrated on research into varieties of
investigation generally delay the setting time of
admixtures since for obvious reasons they
cement. It was an advantage for use where a
enhance properties of fresh and hardened
longer period of time is required for casting the
concrete. Major admixtures used for cementitious
concrete. Cassava starch will lead to less slump
based systems are oil based and are non-
and higher viscosity in concretes when compared
renewable materials with potential for pollution
to maize starch. The durability properties of the
such as formaldehyde (Zhang et al., 2008). With
concrete were improved by the addition of
the development of green concrete in recent times
cassava and maize starches.
there is the need for development of bio-based
admixtures that may perform as equally well as Abalaka (2011), “Comparative effects of
oil based polymers used as admixtures, hence cassava starch and simple sugar in cement
the use of starch. Xing et al. (2006) and Crepy et mortar and concrete studied the comparative
al. (2011) noted that starch is one of the most effects of cassava starch and simple laboratory
abundant polymer resources in the world and have quality sugar on concrete”. Simple white sugar
comparable performance of starch and starch was used at concentrations of 0 to 1% by weight
derivatives in their dispersing ability with of cement and was cured at 3, 7, 14 and 28 days
petrochemical polymers. Starches and its using ordinary Portland cement. Cassava starch
derivatives are known to exhibit viscosity was used at the concentrations of 0 to 1% by
modifying characteristics. A major advantage of weight of cement in concrete. Maximum
starch is that it is a renewable material that has compressive strength recorded for cassava
varieties of industrial applications because it is starch at 28 days occurred at 0.05%
inexpensive and environmentally friendly. Starch concentration with a slightly reduced initial setting
derivative is an anionic material that has been time. The maximum compressive strength

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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2016 Suhad M Abd et al., 2016

increase for sugar at 28 days occurred at 0.06% optimum amount of 6% of cassava starch
concentration with an increase in initial setting content, satisfactory performance of the earth
time. Within the range of cassava starch burnt bricks was achieved and is thus
concentration presented in this work, it could recommended for incorporation as an additive in
serve as a good substitute for sugar as an producing earth burnt bricks .
admixture in concrete.
George (2014), “Minimising hot weather effects
Okafor (2008) the potentials of cassava flour on fresh and hardened concrete by use of
as a setretarding admixture in cassava powder as admixture” presented
concrete”,investigated the potentials of cassava possible implementation of hot weather concreting
flour as a set-retarding admixture in concrete. The practices using cassava powder admixtures that
properties tested include workability and setting eliminate or minimize fresh and hardened
time of the fresh concrete and compressive concrete problems. From literature, it is found that
strength of the hardened concrete. Cassava flour hot weather increases the temperature of fresh
delayed the setting time of cement up to 6 h at concrete demanding more water to maintain a
dosage level not exceeding 3% by weight of given slump and set more quickly. Cassava
cement. The observed increase in the relative powder is a low cost admixture to increase the
compressive strength is of the order of 11% at workability and retard the setting time of concrete.
3% dosage level of the admixture. Enhanced Laboratory results showed that the use of cassava
workability, compaction and higher density are powder as a retarder has the potential of retarding
achieved by the use of cassava flour as admixture setting time, increasing workability and increasing
in concrete. On the basis of this investigation, it both the long and early term strength of the
would appear that cassava flour perform concrete. Its use is a simple and economically
satisfactorily as a set-retarding admixture in preferred solution to its environmental problem.
Akindahunsi and Uzoegbo (2012), Use of
Olekwu et al. (2014), “the use of cassava starch modified concrete as a repair material,
starch in earth burnt bricks”, focused on the use Corn is a rich source of carbohydrate, starch
of cassava starch as an additive in burnt earth extracts and a source staple food for majority of
bricks. Cassava is available in most part of the sub-Saharan African population. Starch and its
country. Hence the possibility of using cassava derivatives have been widely described as
starch as an additive for producing burnt earth rheology-modifying admixtures; in an ongoing
bricks is of great importance to enhance their research the effect of using corn starch modified
physical property, such as compressive strength, concrete isreported. Its effects on concrete
water absorption and abrasion resistance. properties such as compressive strength,
Cassava starch content of 0%, 4%, 6%, 10% and sorptivity and permeability were determined on
12% were used in the mix. The result from the samples with 0, 2.5 and 5% addition of starch by
research showed that water absorption of burnt weight of cement .
earth bricks was reduced considerably with the
Akindehinde Ayotunde Akindahunsi, Wolfram
addition of cassava starch in the mix. At an
Schmidt, Herbert C Uzoegbo and SunnyE.Iyuke

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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2016 Suhad M Abd et al., 2016

(2013), The Influence of Starches on some EXPERIMENTAL

Properties of Starches and its derivatives are INVESTIGATION
known to exhibit viscosity modifying concrete
Materials Used
characteristics. In an on-compressive strength,
heat of hydration and creep are examined. Coarse aggregate used for the work have 12.5
Various percentages (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2%) mm maximum size and used fine aggregate,
of starches by weight of cement were added to Ordinary Portland cement manufactured in
concrete mixes prepared in the laboratory. Iraqhas been used throughout this investigation,
and the ratios used 1:2:3 for cement, fine and
The aim of this study is to investigate the course aggregates respectively with water/
characteristics of concrete and sustainable cement ratio of 0.47; potable water was used in
analysis by using the starch as admixture in the mixing of concrete. The use of corn starch
concrete. The system design of concrete and civil as the proportions of cement.
engineering structures that involve materials
selection, structural shape, construction work and Concrete Preparation
maintenance should be carried out in a manner The mixing of materials sand, cement, stone and
that is environmentally friendly because this will water. The dosage of corn starch (Figures 1.0)
contribute to environmental sustainability. Thus added to the batches of mixes prepared were (0,
its important to use organic admixtures to modify 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0)% by weight of cement
various properties in concrete because they are respectively. The 0% concrete mix represented the
available in abundance; their preparation is not Normal while a set (1.0, 3.0 and 5.0%) each was
so sophisticated. They are renewable materials, prepared for cornstarch. The dry materials were
therefore contributing to sustainable green mixed with four turns during this process mixing
construction. The use of organic admixtures was done for a minute after which water was added
including starch and its derivatives to modify for a minute and the fresh concrete was properly
different properties of cement and concrete. mixed for another minute. (100 x 100 x 100) mm

Table 1: Physical Properties of Cement

Physical Properties Test Results Standard Specifications IQS 5/1984

Specific surface area (Blaine method), m2/kg 495 230

Setting time (Vicate apparatus),

Initial setting, h:min

Final setting, h:min 2:55 00:45

4:35 10:00

Compressive strength, MPa

3 days 33.5 15

7days 38.6 23

Soundness (Autoclave) method, % 0.3 0.8

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Table 2: Chemical Composition of Cement

Oxides composition Content % StandardSpecifications IQS 5/1984

CaO 63.06 -

SiO2 22. -

Al2O3 6.25 -

Fe2O3 3.13 -

MgO 2.95 <5

SO3 3.03 <2.8

LOI 3.33 <4

Insoluble residue 1.21 <1.5

Lime Saturation Factor L.S.F 0.88 0.66-1.02

Mineralogical Composition (Bogue’s equations)

C3S 47.04 -

C2S 28.11 -

C3A 10.98 -

C4AF 6.98 -

Table 3: Gradation of Fine Aggregate

Sieve size (mm) Passing % Standard passing % of zone (2)

4.75 93 90-100

2.7 83.4 75-100

1.18 69 55-90

0.6 47.31 35-59

0.3 15.405 8-30

0.15 0.707 0-10

Table 4: Gradation of Coarse Aggregate

Sieve size (mm) Passing % Limit of Iraq specificationNo.45-1984

12.5 100 100

9.5 88 100-85

4.75 10 25-0

2.36 2.5 5-0

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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2016 Suhad M Abd et al., 2016

moulds were filled with fresh concrete and Test on Compressive Strength of
vibrated on a mechanical vibrating table for twenty Concrete
seconds.The concrete cubes were left twenty four The compressive strength of concrete with
hours after which they were demoulded and different percentage addition of starch admixtures
placed inside curing tanks with constant is found out using compression testing machine
temperature of 23 ± 2 C. They were moist cured (Figure 3).
for 7, 28, days, at the end of each curing.
Figure 3: Compressive Strength Test
Figure 1: Corn Starch

Test on Density
To find the density, we use the following law:
Density = Weight/Volume
Test on Workability of Concrete
The concrete with different percentage addition Weight = The Weight of Cubic of concrete
of starch admixtures is prepared and the (Figure 4)
workability of concrete is found out using slump Volume = Mold size of concrete
test (Figure 2).
(100 mm * 100 mm * 100 mm)
Figure 2: Slump Test
Figure 4: Preparation of Samples

(a) Concrete Mixer

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Figure 4 (Cont.) Table 7: Density of Concrete

with Starch Admixtures at 28 Day

Different percentages Density

of starch admixtures (kg/m 3 )

Normal concrete 2344

1%corn starch 2440

3%corn starch 2420

5%corn starch 2410

Table 8: Compressive Strength of Concrete

(b) Concrete Cubes with Starch Admixtures at 7 Day

Different percentages Compressive Strength

RESULTS of starch admixtures (N/mm 3 )

The workability of concrete added with different Normal concrete 15.4

combination of starch admixtures are tabulated
1%corn starch 21.1
3%corn starch 20

Table 5: Workability of Concrete 5%corn starch 19.86

with Starch Admixtures

Different percentages of starch admixtures Slump (mm) Table 9: Compressive Strength of Concrete
with Starch Admixtures 28 Day
Normal concrete 5
Different percentages Compressive Strength
1%corn starch 15 of starch admixtures (N/mm 3 )

3%corn starch 18 Normal concrete 22

5%corn starch 20 1%corn starch 26

3%corn starch 25.72

Table 6: Density of Concrete 5%corn starch 24.25
with Starch Admixtures at 7 Day

Different percentages Density The Density of concrete added with different

of starch admixtures (kg/m 3 )
combination of starch admixtures at 7 day are
Normal concrete 2325
tabulated below.
1%corn starch 2380
Through the figure notes when starch ratio of
3%corn starch 2374 1%, the density increases from the normal density
5%corn starch 2356 concrete and when the ratio 3%, 5% leads to a
decrease of the density ratio of 1%, but higher
Through the table notes at increasing the than normal density of the mixture and the reason
proportion of starch leads to improving the for this decline is the nature of the material starch
workability. gelatin.

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Figure 5: Density of Concrete The 7 day compressive strength of concrete

with Starch Admixtures at 7 Day added with different combination of starch
admixtures are tabulated as follows.
Through the figure notes when starch ratio of
1%, the compressive strenght increases from the
normal concrete and when the ratio 3%, 5% leads
to a decrease of the compressive strenght ratio
of 1%, but higher than normal concrete of the
mixture and the reason for this decline is the
nature of the material starch gelatin.

Figure 7: Compressive Strength of Concrete

with Starch Admixtures at 7 Day

The Density of concrete added with different

combination of starch admixtures at 28 day are
tabulated below.
Through the figure notes when starch ratio of
1%, the density increases from the normal
concrete and when the ratio 3%, 5% leads to a
decrease of the density ratio of 1%, but higher
than normal concrete of the mixture and the
reason for this decline is the nature of the material
starch gelatin.

Figure 6: Density of Concrete

with Starch Admixtures at 28 Day Figure 8: Compressive Strength of Concrete
with Starch Admixtures 28 Day

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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2016 Suhad M Abd et al., 2016

The 28 day compressive strength of concrete as a repair material. In Proceedings of the

added with different combination of starch 3rd International Conference on Concrete
admixtures are tabulated as follows. Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting. Cape
Town, South Africa.
Through the figure notes when starch ratio of
1%, the compressive strength increases from the 3. Akindehinde Ayotunde Akindahunsi,
normal concrete and when the ratio 3%, 5% leads Wolfram Schmidt, Herbert C Uzoegbo and
to a decrease of the compressive strength ratio Sunny E Iyuke (2013), The Influence of
of 1%, but higher than normal concrete of the Starches on some Properties of Concrete.
mixture and the reason for this decline is the 4. Akindahunsi A A and Uzoegbo H C (2015),
nature of the material starch gelatin.
“Strength and durability properties of
concrete with starch admixture”,
International Journal of Concrete Structure
From the study carried out, it is found that
sand Materials, July.
1. The workability of concrete is increased by the
5. Crépy L, Petit J Y, Joly N, Wirquin E and
addition of starch admixtures namely corn.
Martin P (2011), “First step towards
2. The density of concrete increases in the Biosuperplasticizers”, 13 International
addition of 1% of corn starch further increase Congress on the Chemistry of Cement.
in the addition of starch admixtures reduces Madrid
the density. 6. George Rowland Otoko (2014), “Minimising
3. The compressive strength of concrete hot weather effects on fresh and hardened
increases in the addition of 1% of corn and concrete by use of cassava powder as
further addition of corn starch reduce the admixture”, European International Journal
compressive strength. of Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2,
pp. 1-8.
4. Since corn is locally available and are cheaper
than chemical admixtures, we can replace 7. Okafor F O (2008), “The potentials of
chemical admixtures by these starch cassava flour as a set- retarding admixture
admixtures. in concrete”, Nigerian Journal of Technology,
Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 5-11.
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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2016 Suhad M Abd et al., 2016

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