Jiwa Broken Home Bayu

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Aji Bayu Utomo1) Anna Miftakhul Rizky1) Sindi Febriani1) Kharisma Rizky Amalia1)

Semarang Health Polytechnic, DIII Nursing Study Program Magelang

Perintis Kemerdekaan Street, North Kramat, Magelang , Central Java


Background: Youth who are broken home are very vulnerable and difficult because of
depression experienced in facing stressful conditions, each individual will develop a stress
management strategy called coping strategy.
Objective: To obtain empirical data in order to find out the correlation between broken
home and coping strategy in adolescents
Method: Thestudy used correlational techniques, data collection in the form of a
strategyways of coping coping questionnaire from Lazarus and questionnaire identification
of broken family. Data analysis using statistics.
Results:From the statistical results using the Chi-squared contingency coefficient obtained
X 2 hits of 10.615 and C of 0.458. Because the ratio of values C = 0.458 and Cmax = 0.707,
based on the norms of contingency shows a sufficient degree of correlation between broken
home with coping strategy in Youth Personality at Marsudi Putra Antasena Social
Assistance Magelang.
Conclusion:There is a significant correlation between youthage personality Broken home
with Coping Strategy in adolescents at Marsudi Putra Antasena Social Assistance
Magelang, with moderate levels of correlation

Keywords: broken home; coping strategy; youth personality

Background emotional and even neurotic disorders.

Juvenile delinquency (Willis, 2008: 66)
phenomenon already familiar to our ears We cannot just stand up against
where the juvenile delinquency is one of these problems, we need to find out
them motivated by problems in the what causes them. From the closest
family environment that are not normal things, namely the family environment.
or often referred to as broken home. Youth are times where there is a
Broken home is interpreted as a family transition from childhood to adulthood.
condition that is not harmonious and In this period someone will start looking
does not work like a harmonious, for his identity. They will look for
peaceful, and prosperous family someone who is a role model. If the
because of frequent riots and disputes period is experienced by a rama who
that cause fights and end in divorce. gets a disturbance from his family or a
From the family described above, broken home,it will be very vulnerable
children will be born who experience a and difficult because of the depression
personality crisis, so their behavior that they may experience. Moreover, if
becomes wild. They experience the youthager is wrong in the
association and does not get direction,
encouragement, and motivation, he or Court of Samarinda City has received
she will fall into the wrong correlation 2,310 cases. Further explained by
so that the phenomenon of juvenile Marieke van de Rakt through her
delinquency will emerge. Adolescents research results that "Every year a
who do not know how to use and choose youthager has a chance of about 1% to
strategies are good for use in parental do something that is not good. that
divorce cases, usually these remarks possibility has tripled, in other words, a
voice their feelings with juvenile youthager has a 3% chance to do
delinquency and internal problems such something that is not good, the cause is
as anxiety and depression. Even the a variety of factors, but clearly, a
most worrying is the other youth' fears divorce has an impact on the life of a
that result in lack of social household due to an atmosphere that is
responsibility, dropping out of school, not peaceful, emotional adolescents are
being sexually active at an early age and often disturbed, someone who is
using illegal drugs. This is because the initially cheerful, open, and easy to get
youthager cannot accept the real along with will turn into moody, lazy,
condition that his family has divorced, dishonest and even rebellious when
where his father and mother are no there is a problem with the family, for
longer united and do not know how to example both parents divorce or one of
choose the right coping strategy for him them dies and lack of compassion old
(Goode, 1985). With coping strategies given to adolescents, so that youths feel
that will be chosen by adolescents and palpable fish in the family. (Muklhis
strategies chosen by adolescents that are Aziz, 2015).
right for solving problems faced by This study research is about the
adolescents in divorce cases, parents personality of adolescents who get
will increase adolescents' self- youthageproblems broken homeso they
acceptance with self-acceptance, the can know and understand how the right
adolescent can accept any coping strategies for adolescents broken
circumstances or changes that occur in home are located at Marsudi Putra
his family. , the youthager is not only Social Assistance in Magelang, which
resigned and resides with the situation, has a role to provide guidance, service
but he is trying to accept a changing and social rehabilitation that is pre-
situation in his family so that the emptive, curative, rehabilitative,
youthager feels comfortable with the promotion in the form of physical,
life he lives now. mental, social guidance and skills
Several studies have shown training, resocialization and advanced
thatfamilies broken homeaffect guidance for adolescents who behave
adolescent personality development. deviant in order to be able to be
Based on the results of the study, the independent and play an active role in
number of divorces in Samarinda has community life and review and prepare
reached a very fantastic number. Note, service and referral standards.
in the last 3 years the number of divorce Objective
cases has increased, from 2014 to 2016. The aim of this research is to
In 2014, the court of justice received a know the correlation between broken
number of 2,138 cases and in 2015 the homewith givingcoping strategy
Samarinda City Religious Court onadolescents personality. The type of
received 2,063 cases. The most drastic this study is an analytical survey.
case numbers are in 2016 The Religious
Methods Table 3 Frequency and Percentage of
Analytical surveys try to explore Coping Strategy on youths
Coping Strategy
how and why thephenomenon broken
Indicator Subindicator F %
homeoccurs, then analyze the dynamics
of correlation between phenomena or Problem Confrontative 11 50
between risk factors and effect factors. focused coping
coping Planfull problem 4 18.18
Variables in this studies are history of solving
broken homeadolescents and coping
strategy using chi square. The study Emotion Distance - -
focused Self Control 4 18.18
conducted at the Marsudi Putra coping Seeking social 1 4.55
Antasena Social Assistance Magelang support
found 40 respondents who met the Accepting 2 9.09
inclusion and exclusion criteria and Escape avoidance - -
were willing to follow research. During Possitive reapraisal - -
the implementation of the intervention Total 22 100
using the coping strategy questionnaire
there was no respondents dropped out. Tabel 4. Broken Home Contingency with
Coping Strategy in Youth Personality
Result and discussion
Coping strategy
Table 1. Frequency and PercentageofBroken Broken Total
home Problems Emotion
Home and Coping Strategy
Oij Eij Oij Eij F
Coping strategy
Broken Total
No 15 9.9 7 12.1 22
home Problems Emotional
Yes 3 8.1 15 9.9 18
F % F % F %
Total 18 22 40
Negative 15 37 7 17 22 55
Positive 3 7.5 15 37.5 18 45
Results of the statistics by using
Total 18 45 22 55 40 100 the Chi-square contingency coefficient
Table 2. Frequency and Percentage
obtained X 2 hit amounted to 10 615,
Coping Strategy on Youths Cmax = 0.707 and C of 0458.
Coping Strategy Because the value of C = 0.458
Indicator Subindicator F % is obtained, based on the contingency
Problem Confrontative coping - - norms, there is a sufficient correlation
focused between broken home and coping
coping Plan problem solving 3 16.66
strategy in the Youth Personality at
Emotion Distance 1 5.56
focused Marsudi Putra Antasena Social
coping Self Control 5 27.78 Assistance, Magelang.
Seeking social support 2 11,11
Accepting responsibility 7 38,89 Discussion
Based on the results of data
Escape avoidance - -
Possitive reorganization - -
processing using the chi-square
contingency coefficient calculation in
Total 18 100
the study conducted on adolescents who
experienced problems with broken
home and coping strategy on them.
From the correlation calculation using
the chi squared contingency coefficient
between broken home and coping negatives, 15 of them used a form of
strategyand based on thetable, the coping strategy emotional-
Guilfordvalues included in the criteria centered.Fitts (1971) states that broken
for moderate correlation are obtained. It home has a strong influence on a
can be said that the problem of broken person's behavior. Thus it can be said
home has a significant importance in the that a negative assessment of oneself
selection of the use of coping strategies will influence the judgment and ways of
that will be used by youth in the Marsudi dealing with the stressful situations
Putra Antasena Social Assistance facing it. In this case because of the
Magelang. negative assessment of the ability, it
Table 3 lists 22 adolescents who makes them feel that nothing can be
have a history of broken home done in the face of stressful conditions.
negatives. Of the 22 people who have a Therefore, when they face problems
history of broken home negatives, 15 of they only make an effort to reduce the
them used coping strategiesthat pressure they experience. As shown in
centered on problems in overcoming Table 3 of the frequency and percentage
various demands. According to Lazarus of coping strategies in adolescents with
and Folkman (1984: 150) a problem- a history of broken home negatives, the
centered coping strategy will be chosen methods used by adolescents with a
by individuals if the individual judges history of broken home in reducing
that the stressor can be changed. In the pressure include excape avoidance,
correlation table the frequency of accepting responsability, positive
percentage of coping strategies in reappraisance and distance. From the
adolescents with a history of negative data obtained and attached to table 3, in
home brokenness (Table 3), there are general they see the problems faced as a
50% of adolescents who have a history burden or something more negative.
of broken home negatives tend to use Besides having a negative view of a
coping strategies in the form of problem faced, it also shows that they
confrontative coping. Confrontative are not very active in gathering in the
coping is defined as a problem coping environment. people thus lack the
strategy that better describes one's ability to communicate and act in
aggressiveness and risk taking which is appropriate and effective ways in their
reflected in phenomena, they make an social environment so that they are less
effort to solve problems more likely to gain cooperation and support
effectively. From the data obtained and from others.
attached to table 3 They are individuals As Fitts explained (1971: 23)
who have confidence that situations or that the individual's way of looking at
problems that cause stress can be and appreciating himself will give color
changed by using the resources and or influence his view of the situation he
capabilities they have. They are more is facing. Individuals who have a history
concerned with the problems they face of broken home positivity appear to
as a lesson or something that is positive have a positive outlook in responding to
compared to seeing the problem as a the various problems they face.
burden. However, in this study as shown in table
In table 2 it is known that there 2, there were 18 adolescents with a
are 18 adolescents with a history of history of broken home positive 7 of
broken home positives. Of the 18 people them using coping strategy an emotion-
who have a history of broken home centeredthat is accepting responsability.
According to Lazarus and Folkman contributions to someone using the
(1984) there are several things that coping strategy he does. the statement
support a person in do coping strategy. above, gives a great possibility that even
one of them is the skill in solving though adolescents with a history of
problems. problem solving skills in the broken home are positive but with
form of the ability to find information, emotional support, information support,
analyze situations, identify problems as real support and sources of material
an effort to find alternative actions, resources, adolescents with broken
consider them, choose and implement home history can use problemcoping
the right plan in acting to solve the strategies -centered.
problem. While the skills to solve
problems according to Janis and Mann Conclusion and Suggestions
(Muniroh Abdurrachman, 1999) are Based on the results obtained
obtained through extensive experience, from data processing and discussion, as
knowledge possessed and intellectual / well as hypothesis testing carried out
cognitive abilities to use that using statistical methods, then from this
knowledge. Adolescents with a history study it can be concluded that:
of broken home negatives with low 1. There is a significant correlation
academic demands and unfamiliar with between youthage personality
the demands of their associates will Broken home with Coping Strategy
have less experience in dealing with in adolescents at Marsudi Putra
stressful situations when compared to Antasena Social Assistance
youth with a history of broken home Magelang, with a moderate level of
negatives with high academic demands correlation.
and getting used to associations. 2. The use of coping strategies emotion-
Based on Table 2, 3 people from centeredis more often used on the
18 people with a history of broken home personality of adolescents who have
negatives chose to use a problemcoping a tendency to experience broken
strategy -centered. In the correlation home as many as 18 people. Of the
table the frequency and percentage of 18 people, 3 people chose to use a
coping strategy in adolescents with a problem-centered stress management
history of broken home negative table 2 strategy and 15 people centered on
there were 3 people or 16.67% of the emotions. The use of emotional
total adolescents with a history of centered coping strategies is more
broken home negatives tend to use often used in adolescents broken
coping strategies in the form of planful home positive because of
problem solving. In the phenomenon of adolescenceuse more emotions to
3 adolescents who have a history of reduce stress, by changing the
broken home negatively showing meaning of the situation. This
behavior often try to plan a plan and try strategy is the same as reappraisal.
to share time well about everything Not allrevaluation isin nature
related to the demands of the demands. defensive and directed at regulating
Lazarus and Folkman (1984: 159-164) emotions.
Suggests that social support in the form 3. The use of coping strategies that are
of emotional support or in the form of problem-centered is more often used
real information and support and the on the personality of adolescents who
existence of material resources, namely have a tendency not to experience
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