Buckling Example

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Steel Design Verification Examples

3.3 Buckling resistance of a compression member

A circular hollow section (CHS) member is to be used as an internal column
in a multi-storey building. The column has pinned boundary conditions at
each end, and the inter-storey height is 4m, as shown in the right figure.
The critical combination of actions results in a design axial force of 1630 KN.
Assess the suitability of a hot-rolled 244.5 x 10 CHS in grade S275 steel for
this application.

3.3.1 Material Properties

Material S275 fy = 275N/mm2 Es = 210 GPa

3.3.2 Section Properties

Section Name 244.5 X 10 CHS

Thickness (T) 10.0 mm
Gross sectional area (A) 7370 mm 2
Modulus of Elasticity (W el,y) 415 000 mm 3
Modulus of Elasticity (W pl,y) 550 000 mm3
Moment of Inertia (I) 50 750 000 mm4

3.3.3 Analysis Model

Loading condition

3.3.4 Comparison of Design Results

midas Gen Example book Error (%)

Shear resistance 2026.75 kN 2026.8 kN 0.00%
Bending resistance 1836.70 kNm 1836.5 kNm 0.06%

CHAPTER 3. Steel Design Verification Examples

3.3.5 Detailed comparison

midas Gen Example book

1. Class of Cross Section 1. Cross-section classification (clause 5.5.2)
( ). Determine classification of tublar section(hollow
pipe). 235/fy = 235/275 = 0.92
[ Eurocode3:05 Table 5.2 (Sheet 3 of 3) ] Tubular sections (Table 5.2, sheet 3):
-. e = SQRT( 235/fy ) = 0.92 d/t = 244.5/10.0 =24.5
-. d/t = DTR = 24.45 L C
-. DTR < 50*e^2 ( Class 1 : Plastic ). 42.7 > 24.5 section is Class 1

2. Check Axial Resistance 2. Cross Section Compression resistance (clause

( ). Check slenderness ratio of axial compression member
(Kl/i) [ Eurocode3:05 6.3.1 ] 6.2.4)
-. Kl/i = 48.2 < 200.0 ---> O.K.
Af y
Nc, Rd = for Class 1,2 or 3 cross-sections
( ). Calculate axial compressive resistance (Nc_Rd). M0
7370 ×275
[ Eurocode3:05 6.1, 6.2.4 ] Nc, Rd = = 2026.8 × 103 N = 2026.8 KN
-. Nc_Rd = fy * Area / Gamma_M0 = 2026.75 kN. 2026.8 > 1630 KN
cross-section resistance is acceptable
( ). Check ratio of axial resistance (N_Ed/Nc_Rd).
N_Ed 1630.00
-. --------- = ------------- = 0.804 < 1.000 ---> O.K. 3. Member Buckling resistance in compression
Nc_Rd 2026.75 (clause 6.3.1)
Af y
( ). Calculate buckling resistance of compression member Nb, Rd = for Class 1,2 or 3 cross-sections
(Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz). [ Eurocode3:05, ] =
-. Beta_A = Aeff / Area = 1.000 + 2 2

-. Lambda1 = Pi * SQRT(Es/fy) = 86.815 where

-. Lambda_by = {(KLy/iy)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) = - 2
0.555 and
-. Ncry = Pi^2*Es*Ryy / KLy^2= 6571.49 kN. Af y
-. Lambda_by > 0.2 and N_Ed/Ncry > 0.04 for Class 1,2 or 3 cross-sections
N cr
--> Need to check.
-. Alphay = 0.210 Elastic critical force and non-dimensional slenderness for
-. Phiy = 0.5 * [ 1 + Alphay*(Lambda_by-0.2) flexural buckling
+ Lambda_by^2 ] = 0.691 2 EI 2 ×210000 ×50730000
Ncr = L 2 = 4000 2
= 6571 KN
-. Xiy = MIN [ 1 / [Phiy + SQRT(Phiy^2 - Lambda_by^2)], cr

1.0 ] = 0.906 =
7370 ×275
= 0.56
6571 × 10 3
-. Nb_Rdy = Xiy*Beta_A*Area*fy / Gamma_M1
= 1836.70 kN.
-. Lambda_bz = {(KLz/iz)/Lambda1} * SQRT(Beta_A) =
For a hot-rolled CHS, use buckling curve a (Table 6.5
(Table 6.2 of EN 1993-1-)).
-. Ncrz = Pi^2*Es*Rzz / KLz^2 = 6571.49 kN.
-. Lambda_bz > 0.2 and N_Ed/Ncrz > 0.04 --> Need to
of EN 1993-1-1)).
-. Alphaz = 0.210
Buckling curves
-. Phiz = 0.5 * [ 1 + Alphaz*(Lambda_bz-0.2) 2
= 0.5[1 + 0.21 × (0.56 - 0.2) + 0.56 ] = 0.69
+ Lambda_bz^2 ] = 0.691 1
-. Xiz = MIN [ 1 / [Phiz + SQRT(Phiz^2 - Lambda_bz^2)], =
0.69+ 0.69 0.56 2
1.0 ] = 0.906
0.91 ×7370 ×275
-. Nb_Rdz = Xiz*Beta_A*Area*fy / Gamma_M1 Nb, Rd =
= 1836.5 × 10 N = 1836.5 KN
= 1836.70 kN. 1836.5 > 1630 KN buckling resistance is acceptable

CHAPTER 3. Steel Design Verification Examples

( ). Check ratio of buckling resistance (N_Ed/Nb_Rd).

-. Nb_Rd = MIN[ Nb_Rdy, Nb_Rdz ] = 1836.70 kN.
N_Ed 1630.00 The chosen cross-section, 244.5 × 10 CHS, in grade S275
-. --------- = ------------- = 0.887 < 1.000 ---> O.K. steel is acceptable.
Nb_Rd 1836.70

EN 1993-1-1, The Steel Construction Institute,
Thomas Telford, 66-68 (Example 6.7)

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