The PARC Story
The PARC Story
The PARC Story
TIME was when this coop of agrarian reform beneficiaries counted on only 17
members, without a physical office wherefrom to conduct its affairs, a share capital
of some Php12,000.00 in the hands of various officers, without a management staff,
and with hardly a collective project, if at all, to promote and achieve the common
goals that gave the organization its reason for being.
Today, the Palangue Agrarian Reform Cooperative (PARC) counts on 265 regular
and associate members, a complete set of elective and appointive officers, a paid
management staff manned by a General Manager, Secretary, Bookkeeper, Sales
Clerk, Cashier and Maintenance Officer, and manualized operating systems.
As of 31 December 2015, its assets totaled Php5.78 million and its liabilities Php2.53
million, reflecting a net worth of Php3.25 million. Over last year’s performance, this
year’s reflects an increase of 41.55 percent in assets and 14.6 percent in net worth.
By end of 2015, its net surplus rose to Php1.06 million from Php.33 million the
previous year, reflecting a significant increase of 221.93 percent.
1Written by Mr. Reynaldo B. Almenario in November 2016, the following feature story was submitted to
the De La Salle University as a requirement for the 2017 model cooperative search across the Province
of Cavite, Philippines: a search bested again by the Palangue Agrarian Reform Cooperative.
In addition, it owns a jeep that provides transport services in support of its
operations, a huge building erected on a 600-square meter lot it acquired that now
houses its administrative, finance and treasury offices; consumer store; garage for
its farm machineries and equipment and vehicle; store rooms; packing area; botika
sa barangay; a spacious conference room; and kitchen.
PARC services and products through which it generates income and capital for
operations include:
Savings deposits;
Buy and sell of agri-inputs;
Rice trading;
Botika sa Barangay;
Vehicle rental;
Rentals of farm machineries and equipment such as threshers, power tillers,
water pumps, cultivators, and power sprayers;
Seed nursery; and
Loan programs that include production and emergency loans for members,
micro lending for small non-member entrepreneurs, and low-interest ATM
loans for industrial workers who used to be at the mercy of loansharks.
Liquid as the coop has been, it has been able to distribute patronage refunds to
patronizing members. In 2015 alone, it remittted over Php200,000 in refunds.
Conscious of its responsibility to society at large, PARC, apart from serving its
members, decided to embark on social activities for the benefit of the locality within
which it operates. Accordingly, with material assistance from the local goveernment
unit (LGU) of the municipality of Naic, Cavite Province, it volunteered to help carry
out the anti-rabbies vaccination program; so far, the coop has been instrumental in
administering the vaccination on some 500 heads of dog, an activity that has
apparently reduced the incidence of rabbies resulting from dog bites.
Likewise, the coop seeded a man-made dam with 2000 tilapia fingerlings sourced
from the municipal LGU’s Office of the Municipal Agriculturist (LGU-OMA). Since then,
the dam has become a source of free food to poor residents in the vicinities. In
addition, PARC also volunteered to undergo training under the LGU-OMA in
deworming and vaccination of cows and carabaos for hoof and mouth disease, in
effect developing the coop’s capacity to assist the municipal LGU in these endeavors.
On the other hand, with its soft spot for senior citizens, the coop hosts an annual
breakfast for seniors in the vicinities of its offices, including gift-giving during the
Yuletide season.
The relative success of PARC, coupled with its CSR activities, has caught the
attention of the officials of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), the agency
that took pains nurturing the coop into what it has become today. Soon it would be
recommended as model for various local coops to visit on study tours, including
foreign visitors from Bangladesh and Nigeria. Indeed, news of the coop’s success
would not be lost to the successive secretaries of DAR--from Hernani Braganza,
Roberto Pagdanganan to Delos Reyes--who all honored the coop with their personal
visits. The same news would not be lost to the media either. Personal visits from a
TV-5 crew and from Ka Jerry Geronimo of the famous tv program, Ating Alamin,
would also be hosted by PARC.
It is no surprise that, over time, the admirable performance of PARC would attract
a host of donors. A leading donor has always been the DAR which has given out
grants in the form of farm machineries and equipment worth Php2.25 million under
its Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services Project
(ARCCESS); provided Php22.5 million under its ARISP-II to cement 5.3 kilometers of
farm-to-market roads; Php20.0 million for irrigation canal lining; and Php250,000.00
for agri-development loans. These grants are apart from business development and
agricultural extension services delivered by private service providers paid for by DAR
under its ARCCESS project.
Other PARC donors include the DA-RFU which gave out a thresher and provided
Php100,000.00 to implement the nursery house project; the municipal government
of Naic which donated Php65,000.00 to acquire a jeepney; the provincial government
of Cavite which donated Php250,000.00 to acquire a new jeepney; the Provincial
Agrarian Reform Council Committee (PARCCOM) which provided Php3.3 million to
rehabilitate the Culong-Culong dam destroyed in the wake of a super typhoon; the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) which provided the coop access to a soft
loan of Php105,000.00 for re-lending; and the Philip Morris Fortune Tobacco
Corporation (PMFTC) which donated Php400,000.00 to augment the coop’s lending
Meanwhile, endowed with the foregoing resources at its disposal, what impact has
PARC created on its members and on the community so far? Interestingly, the coop
managed to devise its own system to monitor and evaluate the impact of its
interventions. Below are findings from initial 10 members covered by its on-going
surveys who received various forms of assistance from the coop.
Social involvement: Production loans Thrice a year
Promoting & teaching
nutrition farming to fellow
3 children are
Vehicle acquired
Home appliances
2. Ariel Bunag
Years w/ coop: 5 Production Loan Thrice a year
Enterprise: Buy & sell of Micro-lending Twice a year
Impact: Forced Savings Every credit/loan
Able to send a child received
to college
Acquired a
passenger jeepney
Able to finance
house renovation
Acquired house
3. Allan Tibayan
Years w/ coop: 12, Forced Savings Every credit/loan
currently coop chair received
Enterprise: Production & Agri-Service Operation Thrice a year
marketing of GAP-certified
Impact: Emergency Loan Once a year
Sent children to
Acquired house
4. Jaime Limbo
Years w/ coop: 20 Production Loan Thrice a year
Enterprise: Production & Forced Savings Every credit/loan
marketing of vegetables & received
cattle fattening
Impact: Agri-Service Operation Thrice a year
Able to send
children to school
Emergency Loan Once a year
5. Eddie Mojica
Years w/ coop: 13
Impact: Production Loan Thrice a year
Able to sustain
livelihood activities
as production &
marketing of
vegetables & cattle
Forced Savings Every credit/loan
6. Elma Garcia
Years w/ coop: 5
Enterprise: RTW store
Impact: Microlending Thrice a year
Able to set up a
new store branch
Sent children to
Acquired a service
Forced Savings Every credit/loan
7. Arlene Garcia
Years w/ coop: 5 Micro-lending Thrice a year
Able to set up a
new store branch
Sent children to
Acquired a service
8. Aileen de la Cruz
Years w/ coop: 12 Production Loan Thrice a year
Enterprise: Marketing of Forced Savings Every credit/loan
vegetables received
Impact: Emergency Loan Once a year
Able to send
children to school
Acquired home
9. Herminia Maralang
Years w/ coop: 18 Production Loan Thrice a year
Enterprise: Marketing of Forced Savings Every credit/loan
vegetables/operation of received
sari-sari store
Impact: Microlending Twice a year
Able to open a sari-
sari store
Sent a child to
Acquired home
10. Elena Maralang
Years w/ coop: 20 Production Loan Thrice a year
Enterprise: Production & Forced Savings Every credit/loan
marketing of vegetables received
5 children have
become degree-
Able to acquire a
Able to open a
computer shop
Able to renovate
Acquired home
Source: PARC surveys.
The coop has yet to design a system to monitor and assess the impact of its
activities on the locality at large. But offhand, its interventions in the existing
livelihood activities of members and non-members alike must have done a great deal
to raise the production and distribution of healthy food products, sustain existing
livelihood activities, cause the opening of new ones, and create local employment
Looking Back
Against this backdrop, the coop, like any typical community organization, has had
a rough, difficult beginning. It began in 1994 as the Palangue Agrarian Reform
Beneficiaries Association organized by DAR, following the launching of Palangue as
an Agrarian Reform Community in 1993. There were 17 initial members and around
Php12,000.00 in share capital contributions. For reasons of leadership incapacity and
perhaps members’ apathy, the association was inactive.
It was then that the DAR Development Facilitator (DF) turned to Mr. Joselito
Tibayan, a farmer then not yet an agrarian reform beneficiary, for help. Still reeling
from his failed expectations as member of other community organizations corrupted
by the leadership, Joselito attended the organizational meetings called by the DF, but
initially refused to join, all the while bombarding the cooperative idea with criticisms
based on his sad experiences.
And that softened Joselito who finally relented and accepted the offer to head the
association in the throes of demise. Right then, he asked those known to hold the
share capital contributions to turn over the money to the temporary treasurer he
appointed. This gesture incensed 15 of the members who opted to desert the
association, leaving only three that now included him.
Be that as it may, Joselito in the company of two others did not lose heart. They
campaigned for new members until their number rose to 34. Finally, on 5 July 1995,
the Palangue Agrarian Reform Cooperative was registered with the Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA) with an initial capital of Php21,000.00. Joselito was
elected chairman. On 25 January 2010, the coop was re-registered with CDA.
Without a physical office, the coop had to conduct its meetings in the premises of
the Catholic Church. Later denied use of the church facility, it had to meet under the
shade of a tree, a location that also became the setting for the coop’s annual general
assemblies during which reporting had to use manila papers held on both ends by
two individuals. A little later, the coop was able to construct an office structure with
walls and beams made of light materials and roofing made of nipa shingles. Some
photos of what was the coop in those days are provided as appendices to this feature
It was not until the arrival of common service facilities (CSFs) such as thresher
from DAR-DA/RFU, power tiller from a private donor, and a jeepney from the LGU-
OMA that the financial position of the coop began to look brighter. With proceeds
from rentals of its farm machineries and transport services, the coop began to
accumulate funds for its operations. Succeeding CSF grants from DAR and from the
provincial LGU (which provided funds for a new jeepney transport) raised the capacity
of the coop to generate more income. Likewise, cash grants from the PMFTC and a
soft loan from the DTI enabled the coop to extend livelihood loans to members and
non-members alike, in the process earning interest income. The Nursery House
project funded by the Department of Agriculture/Regional Field Unit (DA/RFU) in the
form of grant would also enable the coop to produce seeds it has been selling to
members and non-members.
And there began the long and winding journey of PARC from survival to stability
and growth. As it is, growth is a stage at which the coop is believed to have climbed
Looking Ahead
Tucked against the upper wall of the coop’s treasury office is a laminated frame
containing the vision of PARC. And the vision reads:
Asked what other aspirations he has for the coop to achieve, Joselito Tibayan,
PARC’s pioneering chair and incumbent general manager, smiled and said, “We want
every Caviteño to be able to stand on his/her own feet, to be self-reliant. We want
the coop to popularize nutrition farming across the province. We want the coop to
develop the capacity to supply healthy, organic food products.”
Bold aspirations perhaps yet achievable. Having come so close to the attainment
of its original membership-focused vision, PARC now seems intent to embark on a
continuing journey through social transformation, not only for its members, but also
for the Cavite society at large. Joselito thinks no dream is impossible. Such is a
mindset aptly described in a philosophical poem penned long ago by Walter D. Wintle,
as reproduced below.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
Appendices in Pictures
Figure 3 First Power Tiller of PARC
Figure 4first Jeepney of PARC
Figure 6 PARC Power Tiller Cultivator Today
Figure 7 PARC Power Sprayer Today
Figure 8 PARC Jeepney Today
Figure 9PARC hand Tractors Today
Figure 12 PARC Program Cattle & Carabao Deworming & Vaccination for Hoof and Mouth Disease
Figure 13 PARC Seeding of Man-Made Dam with Tilapia Fingerlings
Figure 15PARC GA Presentation During Its Survival Stage
Figure 16 PARC General Assembly Today
Figure 17 Where PARC Holds Its General Assembly Today
Figure 18 PARC GA Report Presentation Today
Figure 20 Former DAR Ser. Roberto Pagdanganan
Figure 21 Former DAR Sec. De los Reyes
Figure 22 PARC GM Joselito Tibayan in a Discussion with DAR Sec De los Reyes
Figure 23 Visitors from Nigeria on Study Tour
Figure 24 PARC Visitors from Bangladesh
Figure 26 5.3-kilometer Farm to Market Road Donated by DAR
Figure 27 Shooting for TV-5
Figure 29 PARC Product 2
Figure 30 PARC Product 3 (farm supplies)
Figure 31 PARC Product 4
Figure 32 PARC Product 5
Figure 33 PARC Product 6
Figure 34 PARC Product 7 (seedlings)
Figure 35 PARC Product 8
Figure 36 PARC Product 9
Figure 37 PARC Product 10
Figure 38 PARC Product 11
Figure 39 PARC Product 12
Figure 40 PARC Product 13
Figure 42 PARC Taking Part in Agri-Lakad Gulayan
Figure 43 PARC GM Joselito Tibayan Showing Off His Giant Ampalaya Farm
Figure 44 Patola Farm Assisted by PARC
Figure 45PARC GM Tibayan Showing Off His Fruit Vegetable Farm
Figure 46 PARC GM Tibayan Beside His Papaya Plant
Figure 47 PARC Lakbay-Aral Visitors Listening to Testimonies of PARC Members
Figure 48 PARC Screen House Donated by DA-RFU
Figure 49 Harvest Festival Sponsored by East West and Hosted by PARC
Figure 51 PARC Board of Directors