CR (VI) Ions Removal From Aqueous Solutions Using Natural Adsorbents-FTIR Studies
CR (VI) Ions Removal From Aqueous Solutions Using Natural Adsorbents-FTIR Studies
CR (VI) Ions Removal From Aqueous Solutions Using Natural Adsorbents-FTIR Studies
Received March 22nd, 2011; revised May 6th, 2011; accepted June 15th, 2011.
The ability of eight natural adsorbents were investigated for adsorptive removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions.
Various physico-chemical parameters such as pH, initial metal ion concentration, adsorbent dose level and equilibrium
contact time were optimized in batch adsorption technique. A detailed Fourier Transform Infrared spectra (FTIR) study
of adsorbents and Cr(VI) loaded adsorbents at the optimized condition was carried out to identify the different func-
tional groups that were responsible for the adsorption. The important functional groups like hydroxyl, alkene, aromatic
nitro, carboxilate anion, silicon oxide, sulphonic acid etc. were present in the natural adsorbent and were responsible
for the chemical adsorption of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions. The sorption energy calculated from
Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm indicated that the adsorption process were chemical in nature.
ture. After drying, all the adsorbents were sieved to ob- shaker with 120 - 125 strokes/minute at 30˚C. The time
tain particle size of 250 - 350 μm prior to being used for required to reach the equilibrium was estimated by with-
adsorption studies. drawing conical flask containing treated solution at
regular intervals of time (simultaneously 8 conical flasks
2.2. Reagents and Equipments with same concentrations of all items). The content of
All the necessary chemicals used in the study were of these flasks were filtered through filter paper (Whatman
analytical grade and obtained from E. Merck Limited, no.1). UV-visible spectrophotometer was employed to
Mumbai, India. The pH of the solution was measured determine the remaining Cr(VI) concentration in the
with a EUTECH make digital microprocessor based pH sample solution using 1,5-diphenylcarbazide method as
meter previously calibrated with standard buffer solu- laid down in standard methods for examination of water
tions. UV-Spectrophotometer (U-4100 spectrophotome- and wastewater, APHA, AWWA, WEF, 1998 edition
ter, Hitachi, Japan) was used to determine the Cr(VI) [13]. All the investigations were carried out in triplicate
content in standard and treated solutions after adsorption to avoid any discrepancy in experimental results with the
experiments. FT-IR (Jasco FT/IR-670 Plus) studies were reproducibility and the relative deviation of the order of
carried out to determine the type of functional group re- ±0.5% and ±2.5% respectively. The solution pH adjusted
sponsible for Cr(VI) adsorption. The surface area was to 1.0 ± 0.1 to 9.0 ± 0.1 under thermostated conditions of
measured on Micromeritics Surface Area Analyzer 30˚C ± 0.5˚C.
(ASAP 2020). The moisture content determination was 3. Results and Discussion
carried out with a digital microprocessor based moisture
analyzer (Metteler LP16). The point of zero charge was 3.1. Optimum Operating Condition and Cr(VI)
determined by solid addition method [12] and reported in Adsorption Mechanism
Table 1. Metal sorption is depends on the solution pH. The range
2.3. Preparation of Standard Cr(VI) Solution of variables investigated to obtain the optimum condition
is shown in Table 2. In general adsorption of anion is
The stock solution containing 1000 mg/L of Cr(VI) was favored at pH < pHpzc. At very low pH, chromium ions
prepared by dissolving 3.73 g of A. R. grade K2CrO4, exist in the form of HCrO 4 , at higher pH up to 6 differ-
2H2O in 1000 ml double distilled water. Required initial ent forms such as Cr2 O72 , HCrO 4 , and Cr3 O10
, coex-
concentration of Cr(VI) standards were prepared by ap- ists, of which HCrO 4 predominates. As the pH increa-
propriate dilution of the above stock Cr(VI) solution. ses equilibrium shifted form HCrO 4 to CrO 24 and
Cr2 O72 [14]. At very low pH values, the surface of ad-
2.4. Batch Adsorption Studies
sorbent would be surrounded by the hydronium ions
Using the necessary adsorbents in a series of 250 ml which enhance the Cr(VI) interaction with binding sites
stopper conical flask containing 100 ml of Cr(VI) solu- of the biosorbent by greater attractive forces. As the pH
tion batch adsorption were carried out. pH of the solution increased, the overall surface charge on the biosorbents-
adjusted by adding 0.1 N HCl or 0.1 N NaOH solution as became negative and adsorption decreased [2]. The fol-
required. Then the flasks were shaken for the desired lowing equilibrium may be written for the Cr(VI) anions
contact time in an electrically thermostated reciprocating present in aqueous solutions [9].
Adsorbents Surface area (m2/g) Moisture content (%) Point of zero charge Ash content (%)
Adsorbent Initial pH Initial Cr(VI) concentration (mg/L) Contact time (min) Adsorbent dosage (g/L)
Table 4. Wave number (cm−1) for the dominant peak from FT-IR for Cr(VI) adsorption.
Table 5. Wave number (cm−1) for the dominant peak from FT-IR for Cr(VI) adsorption.
Cr(VI) loaded Hyacinth Cr(VI) loaded Cr(VI) loaded Coconut Cr(VI) loaded
Functional Groups Neem bark Neem leaves
neem bark roots hyacinth roots neem leaves shell coconut shell
Surface O-H
3297.75 3266.82 3328.53 3305.39 x x x x
Aliphatic C-H
x x 2924.52 2923.88 2920.28 2910.16 x x
Phosphite ester
x x x x x x 2353.97 2358.78
Aliphatic acid C=O
x x 1713.44 1713.44 1715.83 1715.67 1717.73 1715.75
x x 1644.02 1633.41 x x x x
group like alkene
Amide C-O
1606.40 1603.52 x x x x x x
Aromatic C-NO2
x x 1514.81 1505.17 1515.46 1515.80 1507.22 1507.19
Alkane group
x x x x 1455.88 1455.98 1472.91 1456.25
from the peak shift (Tables 4 and 5). Aliphatic C-H not for other adsorbents.
stretching may be responsible for Cr(VI) adsorption onto Crystal radius of Cr(VI) is 0.52 Å. It is moderately
neem leaves as wave number shift from 2920.28 cm−1 to large ion, fit into the binding site of the natural adsorb-
2910.16 cm−1. Unsaturated group like alkenes present ents and bind to several group present in the adsorbents
may also responsible for adsorption of Cr(VI) on rice simultaneously.
straw, rice bran, rice husk and hyacinth root which is
inferred from the shift of the peak more than 10 cm−1.
4. Conclusions
Aromatic nitro, C-NO2 stretching was found to have In this study batch adsorption experiments for the re-
major shift of wave number from 1546.63 cm−1 to moval of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions has been carried
1514.81 cm−1 for the adsorption of Cr(VI) on rice bran. out using eight different natural adsorbents. The adsorp-
There were also minor shift of peak for the adsorption of tion characterestics have heen examined at different pH
Cr(VI) on rice straw, rice husk, hyacinth roots, neem values, initial metal ion concentrations, contact time and
leaves and coconut shell. So the aromatic nitro groups different adsorbent dosages. FTIR analysis confirmed the
are responsible for adsorption of Cr(VI) on rice bran not existence of different functional groups responsible for
for the adsorption on other adsorbents. Alkane group was the adsorption. The obtained results are summarized as
only responsible for Cr(VI) adsorption onto coconut shell follows
as indicated in Table 5. 1) The optimum pH for the removal of Cr(VI) was
FT-IR spectrum of rice straw also showed intense found to be 1.5 for husk and 2 for other adsorbents.
bands around 1321.00 cm−1 which shifted to 1371.14 2) Maximum uptake was obtained at adsorbent dosage
cm−1 for Cr(VI) loaded rice straw. This is to be attributed of 10 g/L for all the adsorbents.
that the carboxylate anion are responsible for the adsorp- 3) The equilibrium time for the adsorption of Cr(VI)
tion on rice straw. At 1072.66 cm−1 (rice straw), 1079.94 from aqueous solutions were varied from 3 hr to 6 hr for
cm−1 (rice bran) and 1098.26 cm−1 (rice husk) bands can adsorbents used.
be assigned Si-O stretching. Major shift of these band 4) The maximum monolayer adsorption capacities by
indicated that Si-OH group is responsible for adsorption. the adsorbents were measured using Langmuir adsorp-
Tables 4 and 5 also indicated that the minor shift for tion isotherm.
the other band (aldehyde C-H stretching, phosphate ester 5) Sorption energy calculated from Dubinin-Raduske-
group, aliphatic carboxylic acids) which showed that vich (D-R) shows the chemisorptions process for all the
these groups were not involved in the adsorption process. adsorbents.
SO3 stretching were found be to responsible for Cr(VI) 6) FTIR studies indicated the following functional
adsorption onto coconut shell. groups were responsible for adsorption,
The peak at 1033.60, 1032.91, 1055.84 and 1031.37 a) Rice straw—Surface hydroxyl, unsaturated group
cm−1 for saw dust, neem bark, hyacinth roots and coconut like alkene, Carboxilate anion, Silicate groups;
shell can be assigned to the S=O stretching mode of sul- b) Rice bran—Surface hydroxyl, unsaturated group
phonic acid group. S=O stretching was slightly shifted by like alkene, Aromatic nitro, Silicate groups;
Cr(VI) adsorption on saw dust, neem bark and coconut c) Rice husk—Surface hydroxyl, unsaturated group
shell while the adsorption on hyaceinth root resulted in a like alkene, Silicate groups;
large shift of functional group from 1055.84 cm−1 to d) Saw dust—Sulphonate groups;
1035.59 cm−1. This would be imply that S=O stretching e) Neem bark—Surface hydroxyl, Sulphonate groups;
of sulphonic acid group is available for the adsorption of f) Hyacinth roots—Surface hydroxyl, Unsaturated
Cr(VI) on hyacinth root, however not involved on other group like alkene, Sulphonic acid groups;
adsorbents used in our study. g) Neem leaves—Aliphatic group;
The observation for the sulphonate group revealed that h) Coconut shell—Alkane, -SO3 groups.
S-O stretching was highly occurred by Cr(VI) adsorption
on saw dust and neem bark. The S-O stretching group 5. Acknowledgements
was observed to shift clearly from wave number 756.92 Biswajit Singha wishes to thanks the University of Cal-
cm−1 to 658.57 cm−1 and 693.28 cm−1 to 651.82 cm−1 cutta for the Project Fellow (UPE/Science & Technol-
neem bark and saw dust respectively. This indicated that ogy), Ref. No. UGC/489/Fellow UPE (SC/T), dated the
there is a high potential of S-O stretching group from 16/4/2009.
sulphonate involved with Cr(VI) binding on neem bark The authors acknowledge to AICTE for financial sup-
and saw dust. So S-O stretching was only associated with port (Project No.- F. No.:8023/BOR/RID/RPS-72/2008-
the adsorption of Cr(VI) on neem bark and saw dust but 09).
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