Definition, Kinds, Uses and Production Production

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Definition, Kinds, Uses and

 Materialshaving
adhesive and
cohesive properties
enabling it to bond
with mineral
fragments into a
solid mass.
• Adhesive - clinging of
different materials
• Cohesive – “union” of
same materials
• Have the ability to set Cement
and harden under water • Do not have the ability to
 Ex. Hydraulic limes, set and harden under
pozzolan cements, slag water but require air to
cements, natural cements,
cements, Portland-blast-  Ex. Lime produce by
furnace-slag cements, etc burning limestone
 Setting
– The phase
change from liquid to
• Determined by laboratory
tests to determine the time
of setting
 Gillmore
 Vicat

 Hardening
– the
development of
 One of the oldest known
cementing material,
readily available and
rather inexpensive
 It is produced by
burning limestone
(Calcium Carbonate,
CaCO3) with impurities
such as magnesia, silica,
alkalis, alumina and
 CaCO3  CaO +CO2 ; where CaO
(Calcium Oxide) is called quicklime
 CaO + H2O  Ca(OH)2 + Heat
• This process is called slaking and the
product Ca(OH)2 (Calcium Hydroxide)
is called slaked lime or hydrated lime
• Depending upon the amount of water
added during the slaking process, lime
putty or hydrated lime may be formed
 Hydrated lime is produced by adding just
enough water (1/3 of its weight) to quick lime.
 Lime putty is formed when overextended
amount of water is added to quick lime
 The setting of lime mortar is the result of the
loss of water , either by absorption of water by
the block /brick etc or by evaporation, the
hardening is the reaction of Carbon Dioxide
CO2 in air with the hydrated lime
 The burning process takes place in either a vertical
or rotary kiln at a temperature 980 deg C (1800 deg
 Ca(OH)2 + CO2  CaCO3 + H2O; Results in the
formation of CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate) crystals,
which bin the heterogeneous mixture into a coherent
 The hardening process is slow and may take several
years to develop its full strength; however, it needs
the free circulation of air to provide the necessary
Carbon Dioxide to penetrate the innermost portion
of the mortar for hardening to take effect.
 Are manufactured by direct grinding of volcanic
rocks by calcining (to convert into an ash like
powder by heating) and grinding clays, shales
and diatomaceous earth.
 Pozzolan Cement includes all cementing
materials that are made by the incorporation of
pozzolans with hydrated lime.
• Pozzolan (ASTM C595 [Blended Hydraulic Cement])
 A siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material, which in
itself, possesses little or no cementitious value but will, in
finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, react
chemically with Calcium Hydroxide [ Ca(OH)2] at ordinary
temperatures to form compound possessing cementitious
 Named after the village on the bay of Naples
called Pozzoli – It was found that if the sand from
the village was mixed with lime paste the
resulting mortar will set under water.
 The advantage of this material is that it resists the
corrosive action of saline solutions and seawater
much better than Portland cement
 When Pozzolan is added to Portland Cement,
Portland Cement hydrates and Calcium Hydrate
is set free. The addition of Pozzolan to Portland
Cement will decrease the amount of hydrated
lime in the hardened mortar, and will make the
cement more resistant to corrosive agents.
 Are hydraulic cements consisting mostly of an
intimate and uniform blend of granulated blast-
furnace-slag and hydrated lime in which the slag
constituents are at least 60% of the weight of the slag
cement. This mixture is often not calcined
• Granulated blast-furnace slag – non metallic product
consisting essentially of silicates and aluminosilicates of
calcium and other bases that is developed in the molten
condition simultaneously with iron in the blast furnace.
They are fusible lime silicates derived as waste product
from the operation of the blast furnaces n smelting iron
from its ore.
 When slag cements are manufactured, they
go through a variety of operations, such as
granulation (which does not only renders
the slag more hydraulic, but at the same
time reduces the harmful sulfides), drying of
the slag, preparation of the hydrated lime,
proportioning the mix, mixing and final
 Slag cements are of limited importance in
structural concrete, but may find success in
projects that requires large masses of
masonry where weight and bulk are more
important than strength. It may also find use
as a masonry cement in that it does not have
a staining effect because of its low alkali
 As defined by ASTM C10 (Natural Cements)
are hydraulic cements produced by
calcining a naturally occurring argillaceous
(CaCO3 < 40%) limestone in a temperature
below the sintering point and then grinding
to a fine powder.
 Or they are finely pulverized product
resulting from the calcinations of
argillaceous limestone at a temperature
only sufficient to drive off the carbonic acid
 Could be made with simple equipment
operating without scientific control
 Characteristics:
• An impalpable powder varying in color from
yellow to brown.
• Specific gravity id form 2.80 – 3.00
• Resembles hydraulic lime in as much as it is
made form a natural argillaceous limestone
and will set when mixed with water either in
air or under water.
• Requires more water to normal consistency
and sets much more rapidly.
 Is one of the most widely used construction
material and is the most important hydraulic
 It is used in all types of structural concrete
(walls, floors, bridges, tunnels, subways, etc.)
whether reinforced or not.
 It is further used in all types of masonry
(foundation, footings, dams, retaining walls and
 When mixed with sand, it is used as a mortar
for laying brick or stone or as plaster fro
interior or exterior walls.
 Patented by Joseph Aspdin, a bricklayer of
Leeds, England in 1824. He called it Portland
Cement because, the powdery material after
hardening, it resembles the color of the stone
quarried on the Isle of Portland, England.
 According to ASTM C150
• a hydraulic cement produced by pulverizing
clinker consisting essentially of hydraulic
calcium silicates, usually containing one or
more of the forms of calcium sulfate as an
interground addition.
• Older ASTM – “a material made form
calcareous (CaCO3 > 75%) (includes all
compound of lime and magnesia such as
limestone and marl) and argillaceous
(CaCO3 < 40%) materials (includes all
compound of silica alumina and iron oxide
with small amounts of alkali such as clay or
 The appropriate proportions of Portland Cements
• Lime (Ca) 60-65%
• Silica (SiO2) 20-25%
• Iron Oxide and Alumina (Fe2O3 & Al2O3) 7-12%
 ese materials are, after grinding, mixed in suitable
proportions with water to form a creamy liquid
called slurry which is then passed into a kiln,
where it is heated until it dries, ultimately
becoming white hot and forming a clinker
clinker. The
clinker is then grounded into a fine powder which
is now called Portland cement. (wet process
 Crushing of Raw materials
 Drying
 Grinding
• To secure proper combinations of the kiln between
the lime, silica and alumina
• The raw materials are ground so finely that 90% will
pass sieve No.200.
• It is done is some type of ball mill
 Proportioning
 Pulverizing of raw material
• Done in tube mill
 Burning
• The purpose is to secure a union of the different
constituents in the form of mineral compounds, primarily
the formation of silicates of lime and alumina.
• After the materials have been proportioned, intimately
mixed and finely grounded, the final product is conveyed
to kilns to be burned.
 Cooling and storing the clinker
 Adulteration to retard set
 Reduction of clinker to impalpable powder.
 Seasoning of cement
 Bagging
• Advantage of the Wet • Disadvantage of the
process. Wet process
 Low cost of excavating  The longer the kilns,
and grinding of raw essential in the wet
materials process, cost more and
 Accurate control of are less responsive to a
composition or variable clinker demand
homogeneity of the slurry than the short kilns which
 Economic utilization of are used in the dry
fuel through the process.
elimination of separated
drying operations.
 Tricalcium Silicate, 3CaOSiO2
 Dicalcium Silicate, 2CaOSiO2
 Tricalcium Aluminate, 3CaOAl2O3
 Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite, 4CaOAl2O3Fe2O3
 …Plus added Gypsum: Calcium Sulfate, CaSO4
 All 4 chemical constituents take up water in different
amounts and at different rates during the setting of
cement and by adjusting the relative amounts of
these constituents, the properties of cement can be
 Rapid setting cement develop high temperatures
while setting
• The setting rate of both Tricalcium Silicate and Dicalcium
Silicate is low, and if these two were the only constituents,
the cement would remain plastic for several hours after
mixing with water.
 The strength of Portland cement is controlled by the
amount of Tricalcium Silicate and Dicalcium Silicate,
which together constitutes about 70% of the cement
 Tricalcium Silicate releases twice as much heat of
hydration per unit weight as Dicalcium Silicate.
 Tricalcium Silicate hardens rapidly and account to
the high early strength of the cement.
 Dicalcium Silicate hardens slowly and
contributes largely to strength increase at ages
beyond 1 week.
 Tricalcium Aluminate develops a “flash set”
when mixed with water, with the release of
considerable heat. This explains the necessity for
adding a small amount of gypsum to cement.
 Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite formation reduces
the clinkering temperature, thereby assisting the
manufacture of Portland cement. It hydrates
rapidly but contributes very little to strength.
 Gypsum regulates the setting time. It does this by
quickly combining with Tricalcium Aluminate to
form Calcium Sulfoaluminate.
 Type 1: Normal PC
• Used for general construction work when no
special properties are required of the cement
• Used where there would be no sever climate
changes or severe exposure to sulfate attack
form water or soil
• Its uses include RC-buildings, pavements,
sidewalks, bridges, railings, tanks, reservoirs,
floors, curbs, culverts, retaining walls, etc.
 Type 2: Modified PC (Moderate PC)
• Generates less heat at less rapid rate than Type 1
• Better suited to more massive concrete pours
such as abutments and piers and retaining walls..
• It is used to minimize temperature rises when
concrete is placed in warm weather.
• Has a better resistance to the attack of sulfates in
 Type 3: High Early Strength PC
• Used when high strength is needed very quickly
in cement
• Would be required if forms would be removed
ASAP or in cold weather operations.
 Type 4: Low-Heat PC (Low-Heat-of-Hydration
• Used in very massive pours such as dams
• Formulated to minimum heat and slow heat
generation when there is danger of cracking of
the concrete due to expansion and subsequent
contraction from temperature changes during
 Type 5: Sulfate Resistant Cement
• Sulfates are often found in soils and water. Such
sulfates attack cement by reacting with calcium
hydroxide in the cement to produce, first,
gypsum and then water rich calcium
sulfoaluminate. This chemical action is harmful
because it produces a volume expansion. To
prevent this action, the cement should be low in
Tricalcium Aluminate
 Fineness
• affects the rate of hydration in that the greater the cement fineness, the
greater the rate of hydration.
• The greater the rate of hydration, hence the greater the strength
development during the 1st week.
 Soundness of hardened cement paste
• A measure of the potential expansion of the several constituent parts
or the ability to retain its volume after setting.
• Lack of soundness is due to the excessive amount of hard-burned free
lime or magnesia. This free lime takes on water and at later date
develops expansive forces.
 Time of Setting
• Measure by the Gillmore or the Vicat Apparatus.
• Used to determine the rate at which Portland Cement hardens; in other
words to determine if a cement paste remains plastic long enough to
permit normal placing of the concrete.
• Dependent upon the chemical composition, fineness, water content
and temperature.
 Compressive strength
• Made by taking the cement specimen and mixing it with a uniform
silica sand and water in prescribe proportions and molding the
mixture in 2”x2”x2” cubes. The cubes are cured and tested in
compression to give an indication of the strength-developing
characteristics of Portland Cement.
 Heat of hydration
• Heat generated when cement and water react. The amount of heat
generated is dependent chiefly on the chemical composition, fineness
of cement, and the temperature of the curing time.
• A small amount of Portland cement should be mixed with a large
amount of water and the mixture kept in constant agitation. The cement
would react to water a form a jellylike mass but would not yield strong
hydraulic cement.
 Loss of Ignition
• Ignition is the indication of prehydration and carbonation which may
be cause by improper or prolonged storage.
• Determined by heating the sample of known weight to a full red hear
(900 deg C) until constant weight is obtained.
 Specific Gravity
• Generally it SG of Portland Cement is 3.15
 Conditions affecting Strength
• The strength of cement is greatly influence by the degree of
 If unburned, the cement is likely to be deficient in strength
• The fineness of grinding
 At an age of 28 days the concrete made from the finer cements exhibited
an average of 28% greater than the concrete made from normal cements
 Finely ground cement can carry greater proportions of sand than a more
coarsely ground cement and will be more economical.
• Aeration it receives
 Cement can be kept indefinitely in good conditions is tight bins or cans
but it deteriorates considerably when stored in sacks exposed to air.
 Conditions affecting Time of Setting
• Composition
• Percentage of retardant
• Degree of calcinations
• Fineness of grinding
 The finer the sand, the more rapidly it sets
• Percentage of water used in the paste
• Temperature of the mixing water and cement
 Cement stored in warm rooms will, in general, be quicker setting
 Cold mixing water retards set while warm water accelerates it.
• Humidity and temperature of the environment the paste is
 Cement exposed to a saturated atmosphere will set much slowly
than those exposed in a drier atmosphere
• Amount of manipulation the paste has received
 By lengthening the time of mixing and by prolonged troweling of
the surface mortars, it is possible to considerably delay the time
of set.
 Conditions Affecting Fineness
• Chemical compositions of the degree of
calcinations influence the hardness of the
clinker and consequently affect the fineness
to which the clinker is ground.
 Clinkers that are high in iron or silica is apt to be
hard and difficult to grind; the same is true with
hard-burned clinker.
• Fineness is influenced by the time of
grinding and the character of the pulverizing
machinery employed.
• Seasoning
 Cement becomes slightly finer with age provided
that it does not absorb too much moisture.
 Conditions affecting Specific Gravity
• Adulteration lowers SG
• Long seasoning is the chief cause of low SG
in unadulterated cement.
 Freshly ground cement when exposed to the air
rapidly absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide.
• Igniting, in general, will raise SG
• Chemical composition
 Cements with high contents of iron oxide will have
SG of 0.05 – 0.10 higher than those with low iron
contents, provided both have been subjected to
similar storage conditions
 Conditions affecting Soundness
 Hydration of uncombined limes
 The process of uncombined lime may be the result of either
underburning the clinker or overliming the mixture before
 Fine grinding of raw materials and clinker are very
essential if sound cement is to be secured.
 Fine grinding produces a more homogenous mixture so that
a uniform distribution of the lime content may be obtained.
 The coarser grains of cement may imprison minute particles
of uncombined lime which do not become hydrated until
after the cement has set. The expansion which then occurs
due to the crystallization of calcium hydrate, produces
 ASTM C595 (Blended Hydraulic Cement)
• Slag constitutes between 25-65%
 Contains constituents that during the
process of hydration, setting and/or
hardening, undergoes an expansion
(increase in volume) but remains sound
and eventually develops satisfactory
 Normally used where shrinkage of the
concrete can not be tolerated; hence it
will compensate for the shrinkage that
will take place
 White Portland Cement
• May be made from chalk or kaolin (china
clay) with very little iron oxide or manganese
• Has lower strength
• Used for decorative
• Excellent base when colored aggregates are
 Colored Cements
• Made by intergrinding an chemically inert
pigment such as metallic oxides in the
amount of 3-10% Portland cement
 Oil-well Cements
• Slow setting cements which are used to seal
 Regulated Cements
• Rapid setting and hardening
• Used to manufacture blocks,
pipes, pre-stressed and precast
 Waterproofed Cements
• Portland cement integrated
with a water repelling material
such as calcium stearate
 Hydrophobic Cements
• Similar to waterproofed
cements but he purpose is to
prolong the shelf life of the
cement during storage or
 Anti-bacterial
• Portland cement
interground with anti-
bacterial agent to
reduce harmful
 Barium
and Strontium
• Calcium oxide is
replaced completely or
partially by barium or
strontium used as a
concrete shield against
x-rays and gamma-rays.

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