Area Perimeter Assessment
Area Perimeter Assessment
Area Perimeter Assessment
Name___________________ Date____________
Find the perimeter of Find the length of square Colour the circle below to show Measure the sides of triangle and
the following: where area is equal to the area. Write the formula and calculate the perimeter.
perimeter. find the area of a circle with radius
as 21 m.
If the length of rectangle . Write the formula and Count the square and work out What is the length of side of a square
is 9 cm and height is 7 find the circumference of a the area and perimeter of the with area 64
cm; calculate the area of circle with radius as 21 cm. figure. 𝑚2 ?
the rectangle. State the
units of area.
Which of the following Write down the formula to If the lengths of equilateral triangle Draw and find the area and
can represent area? calculate the perimeter of is 3.8 m, what is the perimeter? circumference of a circle with diameter 4
𝑐𝑚2 rectangle. Justify the cm.
mm formula.
𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑡 2
What is the length of side If the lengths of triangle Find the area and perimeter of a Find the area and perimeter of rectangle
of a square with were 4 cm, 6.8 cm and 7.3 square with side = 2.3 feet. with breadth = 6 m and length = twice
perimeter 64 mm? cm; what would be its the breadth
Express your answer in perimeter?
Task Complete any 3 rows – 10-12 tasks/questions (Vertically, horizontally and diagonally)
Formative Assessment – Area and Perimeter Grade 5
Name___________________ Date____________
Find the perimeter of Find the length of square Colour the circle below to show Measure the sides of triangle and
the following: where area is equal to the area. Write the formula and calculate the perimeter.
perimeter. find the area of a circle with radius
as 21 m.
If the length of rectangle . Write the formula and Count the square and work out What is the length of side of a square
is 9 cm and height is 7 find the circumference of a the area and perimeter of the with area 64
cm; calculate the area of circle with radius as 21 cm. figure. 𝑚2 ?
the rectangle. State the
units of area.
Which of the following Write down the formula to If the lengths of equilateral triangle Draw and find the area and
can represent area? calculate the perimeter of is 3.8 m, what is the perimeter? circumference of a circle with diameter 4
𝑐𝑚2 rectangle. Justify the cm.
mm formula.
𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑡 2
What is the length of side If the lengths of triangle Find the area and perimeter of a Find the area and perimeter of rectangle
of a square with were 4 cm, 6.8 cm and 7.3 square with side = 2.3 feet. with breadth = 6 m and length = twice
perimeter 64 mm? cm; what would be its the breadth
Express your answer in perimeter?
If the length of rectangle . Write the formula and Count the square and work out What is the length of side of a square
is 9 cm and height is 7 find the circumference of a the area and perimeter of the with area 64
cm; calculate the area of circle with radius as 21 cm. figure. 𝑚2 ?
the rectangle. State the
units of area.
Which of the following Write down the formula to If the lengths of equilateral triangle Draw and find the area and
can represent area? calculate the perimeter of is 3.8 m, what is the perimeter? circumference of a circle with diameter 4
𝑐𝑚2 rectangle. Justify the cm.
mm formula.
𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑡 2
What is the length of side If the lengths of triangle Find the area and perimeter of a Find the area and perimeter of rectangle
of a square with were 4 cm, 6.8 cm and 7.3 square with side = 2.3 feet. with breadth = 6 m and length = twice
perimeter 64 mm? cm; what would be its the breadth
Express your answer in perimeter?
Task Complete any 2 rows – 7-8 tasks/questions (Vertically, horizontally and diagonally)
Formative Assessment – Area and Perimeter Grade 5
Formative Assessment – Area and Perimeter Grade 5