Diabetic Patient
Diabetic Patient
Diabetic Patient
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2 authors, including:
Gurdarshan Singh
PDM Dental College & Research Institute
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Abstract Résumé
Diabetes describes a group of metabolic diseases resulting from Le diabète est une maladie chronique du métabolisme qui appa-
impaired insulin secretion, varying degrees of insulin resistance, raît lorsque le pancréas ne produit pas suffisamment d’insuline
or both. Management of the diabetic dental patients must take ou que l’organisme n’utilise pas correctement l’insuline qu’il
into consideration the impact of dental disease and dental treat- produit. La prise en charge des patients diabétiques au cabi-
ment on the management of diabetes as well as an appreciation net dentaire doit prendre en considération l’impact des maladies
for the comorbidities that accompany long-standing diabetes. dentaires et des soins dentaires sur le contrôle du diabète, ainsi
Those comorbidities include obesity, hypertension and dyslipi- qu’une appréciation des comorbidités qui accompagnent le dia-
demia. Management of the diabetic dental patient should focus bète. Ces comorbidités sont l’obésité, l’hypertension et la dysli-
on periodontal health and the delivery of comprehensive den- pidémie. La prise en charge du patient diabétique devrait donc
tal care with minimal disruption of metabolic homeostasis and se concentrer sur la santé parodontale et la prestation des soins
recognition of diabetic comorbidities. dentaires complets sans perturber l’homéostasie métabolique.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus - chronic hyperglycemia - reti- Mots-clés: diabéte – hyperglycémie – rétinopathie – mala-
nopathy - macrovascular disease. die macrovasculaire.
hygiene care may arrest periodontal For glycemic control, it is recom- and required changes in medication
disease if treatment is aimed at daily mended that the HbA1c level (moni- regimens. Another diet change occurs
plaque removal and timely calculus tored every three months) be main- when patients are placed on orders to
removal [15]. tained at less than 7 percent. If daily take nothing by mouth (NPO) before
blood glucose monitoring is perfor- dental treatment, a common recom-
Taste disturbances med, fasting blood plasma levels mendation before conscious sedation.
Taste is a critical component of should be less than 120 mg/dl and Consultation with the patient’s physi-
oral health that is affected adversely in blood glucose levels two hours post- cian may be needed to adjust the dose
patients with diabetes [16]. One study prandial should be less than 150 mg/ of insulin or oral agents in this situa-
reported that more than one-third of dl. For every 1 percent HbA1c level, tion [5]. Physicians often recommend
adults with diabetes had hypogeusia there is an associated increase in com- reducing the insulin dose that imme-
or diminished taste perception, which plication rates for both microvascular diately precedes lengthy or extensive
could result in hyperphagia and obe- and macrovascular diseases. dental procedures.
sity [17]. This sensory dysfunction can Also, elective procedures should
inhibit the ability to maintain a pro- be postponed if the fasting glucose is Scheduling considerations for
per diet and can lead to poor glycemic either less than 70 mg/dl. It has been diabetic dental patients
regulation. emphasized that when blood glucose Morning appointments are recom-
Other oral manifestations include level is less than 70 mg/dl, there is risk mended, preferably 11/2 hours after
oral lichen planus, trigeminal neu- of hypoglycemia [18]. breakfast and morning meds to avoid
ralgia, traumatic ulcers and irritation the peak action time for those who take
fibromas. Antibiotic coverage insulin injections and since the endo-
Patients with poorly controlled genous cortisol levels are generally
Dental management considerations diabetes are at risk of developing oral higher at this time. Do not schedule
Diabetes mellitus is not a curable complications because of their sus- appointments during lunch breaks
disease. Any patient who has cardi- ceptibility to infection and sequelae, or as the last appointment of the day
nal symptoms of diabetes (polydyp- and likely will require supplemental before dinner since blood sugar levels
sia, polyuria, polyphagia, weight loss, antibiotic therapy [19]. Anticipation can be low and oral health care pro-
weakness) but has not been diagnosed, of dentoalveolar surgery (involving cedures can interfere with eating. In
should be referred to a physician for mucosa and bone) with antibiotic the case of type 1, ask the patient to
diagnosis and treatment. coverage may help prevent impaired bring their own monitoring device to
To minimize the risk of intraope- and delayed wound healing. Orofacial the appointment to monitor their glu-
rative emergency, clinicians need to infections require close monitoring. cose if there is any question as to their
consider a number of issues before Cultures should be performed for acute control.
initiating the dental treatment [Lalla]. oral infections, antibiotic therapy ini- For patients who take insulin, the
tiated and surgical therapies contem- greatest risk of hypoglycemia will thus
Medical history plated if appropriate (for example, occur about 30 to 90 minutes after
It’s important for clinicians to take incision and drainage, extraction, pul- injecting lispro insulin, 2 to 3 hours
a good medical history at the first pectomy). In cases of poor response to after regular insulin, and 4 to 10 hours
appointment. They should ask patients the first antibiotic administered, den- after NPH or Lente insulin. For those
about recent blood glucose levels and tists can select a more effective anti- who are taking oral sulfonylureas,
frequency of hypoglycemic episodes, biotic based on the patient’s sensiti- peak insulin activity depends on the
as well as the antidiabetic medica- vity test results. individual drug taken. Metformin and
tions, their dosage and their times of the thiazolidinediones rarely cause
administration [5]. Diet hypoglycemia.
Dental treatment can result in pos- For the above mentioned reasons,
Blood glucose monitoring toperative discomfort. This may neces- it‘s advised to avoid dental appoint-
Depending on the patient’s medi- sitate changes in the diet, especially in ments when the patient:
cal history, medication regimen and cases of extensive dental therapy [5]. • Has not had meds or eaten
procedure to be performed, dentists Because diet is a major component • Has cold, or flu, or tiredness
may need to measure the blood glu- of diabetes management, diet altera- • Has not recently seen their
cose level before beginning any pro- tions that are made because of dental physician
cedure, especially to prevent the risk of treatment may have a major impact on • Has levels <70 mg/dl or >150 mg/
a hypoglycemic event [5]. the patient. The clinician may need to dl
consult the patient’s physician prior to • Has had a recent emergency.
therapy, to discuss diet modifications
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