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Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus - An Overview

Article · September 2016


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2 authors:

Nirmala S.V.S.G Saikrishna Degala

Narayana Dental College and Hospital JSS Dental College and Hospital


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Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatal Care

Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes

Mellitus - An Overview

Abstract Research Article

Dental management is of diabetic children aimed at implementation of a Volume 4 Issue 2 - 2016

preventive protocol, symptomatic relief of any oral manifestations of the disease
and immediate provision of primary care. Appointments should be short, stress
free and a traumatic as possible. Early morning appointments are preferred and Department of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry,

patient should eat normal breakfast before appointment to prevent hypoglycemia. Narayana Dental College and Hospital, India
Conscious sedation preferred than deep sedation. Insulin regimens should be 2
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, JSS Dental
adjusted by the diabetologist. Use of pulp capping and pulpotomy procedures College and Hospital, India
in primary teeth is questionable in children with uncontrolled diabetes but vital
pulptherapy may be preferred to a stressful extraction procedure under local
*Corresponding author: SVSG Nirmala, Professor,
anesthesia. In a non-vital tooth with evidence of infection, extraction is the only
Department of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry,
treatment of choice. Fixed or removable orthodontic appliance may be ideal, Narayana Dental College & Hospital, Nellore, India, Andhra
depending on the periodontal health of the patient. Prophylactic antibiotics Pradesh - 524003, Email:
may recommend before surgical procedure. Vasoconstrictor drugs with local
anesthesia to ensure profound anesthesia are advocated, but excessive adrenaline Received: September 16, 2015 | Published: February 17,
dosage is contracted to prevent an increase in blood glucose levels and for this 2016
reason glucocorticosteriods should be avoided. This article discusses about
overview of the pathophysiology an signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of
diabetes as well as dental treatment considerations for the children with diabetes.

Keywords: Children, Diabetes mellitus, Oral health, Management, Dental


Abbreviations: DM: Diabetes Mellitus; WHO: World Health Prevalence

Organization; IDF: International Diabetes Federation; GDM:
Prevalence of DM has been steadily increasing in United States.
Gestatational Diabetes Mellitus; HbA 1c: Glycated Haemoglobin
An estimated 6% of US population has DM. Approximately 8 lakhs
Assay; CGM: Continuous Glucose Monitoring; MNT: Medical
new cases are diagnosed each year. It is important for the dental
Nutrition Therapy; ROS: Review Of Systems; AAP: American
practitioner to be aware of medical and dental considerations
Academy of Pediatrics
for this expanding patient population. Prevalence of diabetes
Introduction in adults worldwide was estimated to be 4% in 1995, and is
predicted to rise to 54% by the year 2025. In developing countries,
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases the majority are in the age range of 45–64 years. In the developed
characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin countries, the majority of people with diabetes are aged 65 years.
secretion, insulin action or both [1] there is an increase in the There are more women than men with diabetes [5].
prevalence of type 1diabetes also, but main cause of diabetic
epidemic is type2 diabetes mellitus, which accounts for more Etiologic Classification of DM
than 90 percent of all diabetes cases. World Health Organization
(WHO) reported, India had 32 million diabetic people in the year The American Diabetes Association’s Expert Committee
20001 [2]. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates (1999) [1] classified DM based on the disease etiology as follows:
the total number of diabetic subjects to be around 40.9 million i. Type 1 DM
in India and this is further set to rise to 69.9 million by the year
2025 [3]. The majority of cases of diabetes fall into two broad ii. Type 2 DM
etiopathogenic categories now called type 1 and T2 DM.
iii. Gestational diabetes mellitus and Other specific types
It is important to note that the terms “juvenile-onset diabetes”,
“adult-onset diabetes”, “insulin-dependent diabetes”, “non- Type 1 DM
insulin- dependent diabetes”, and acronyms IDDM and NIDDM It constitutes of 5 to 10 % of DM cases. Usually results from
no longer are used. The terms “type1 DM” and “type 2 DM” are autoimmune destruction of the insulin producing beta cells of
retained and should be written with Arabic rather than Roman pancreas. It most commonly presents in childhood but one-fourth
numerals [4]. of cases are diagnosed in adults. But it can occur in any age and
generally leads to absolute insulin deficiency. The incidence

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©2016 Nirmala et al.

of type 1 diabetes varies depending upon various factors like may account for 1% to 5% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes [1].
age, family history, environmental factors etc. Incidence rates
in children <14 years ranging from 0.1/100,000 per year in Pathophysiology
China to 37/100,000 per year in Finland [6]. The incidence of Usually blood glucose levels are maintained within a range
childhood type 1 disease is rising worldwide, with reported of 60-150 milligrams per deciliter, or mg/Dl in healthy people
annual increases of 2 to 5 percent in Europe, the Middle East, and throughout the day. Insulin plays a very important role in the
Australia [7]. Symptoms are caused by hyperglycemia and include regulation of blood glucose. Insulin is synthesized in the beta cells
polyuria, polydipsia, and weight loss despite increased appetite of the pancreas and is secrete rapidly into the blood in response
initially. Children with type 1 diabetes often present with diabetic to elevations in blood sugar such as after meal. insulin serves the
ketoacidosis (hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis). These patients following functions such as it maintains glucose homeostasis by
have a high incidence of severe complications, including diabetic promoting uptake of glucose from blood into cells by its storage in
ketoacidosis and are also prone to other autoimmune disorders, the liver as glycogen. It also promoted the uptake of fatty acids and
such as Graves’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Addison’s amino acids and their subsequent conversion into triglyceride and
disease. protein stores. Lack of insulin or insulin resistance which is seen in
Type 2 DM DM, results in an inability of insulin dependent cells to use blood
glucose as an energy source. Stored triglycerides are broken down
It constitutes 90 to 95 % of DM cases. It usually begins as into fatty acids, which serve as a alternate source of fuel and an
insulin resistance, a disorder in which the cells do not use insulin elevation in blood ketones leads to diabetic ketoacidosis. As blood
properly. As the need for insulin rises, the pancreas gradually glucose level is elevated (hyperglycemia), glucose is excreted in
loses its ability to produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is associated the urine and excessive urination (polyuria) occurs because of
with older age, obesity, family history of diabetes, history of osmotic diuresis. Increased fluid loss leads to Dehydration and
gestational diabetes, impaired glucose metabolism, physical excessive thirst (polydipsia). Since cells are starved of glucose,
inactivity, and race/ethnicity. African Americans, Hispanic/ there will be increased hunger (polyphagia) and cells are unable
Latino Americans, American Indians, and some Asian Americans to take up glucose the diabetic patient frequently loses weight and
are at particularly high risk for type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes these are the classic signs and symptoms of DM [1] (Figure 1).
is increasingly being diagnosed in children and adolescents.
Hyperosmolar non-ketotic acidosis may result due to prolonged Complications
hyperglycemia [4]. T2DM frequently goes undiagnosed for
People with DM have an increased incidence of both
many years because the hyperglycemia develops gradually and
microvascular and macrovascular complications.
in the earlier stages is not severe enough to produce the classic
symptoms of diabetes; however, such patients are at increased risk a. Acute complications
of developing macrovascular and microvascular complications.
a. Ketoacidosis
The classic symptoms of polyuria, thirst, recurrent blurred vision,
paresthesias, and fatigue are manifestations of hyperglycemia b. The hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome
and osmotic diuresis and are present late in the course of disease.
T2 DM is now considered to be a facet of Syndrome X (Reaven’s c. Hypoglycemia
syndrome) comprising of hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia, b. Chronic complications
hypertension and hyperglycemia [1].
a. Disorders of the microcirculation
Gestatational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
i. Neuropathies
A form of glucose intolerance that is diagnosed in some women
during pregnancy. It is more common among obese women and ii. Nephropathies
women with a family history of diabetes. During pregnancy, iii. Retinopathies
gestational diabetes requires treatment to normalize maternal
blood glucose levels to avoid complications in the infant. After b. Macrovascular complications
pregnancy, 5% to 10% of women with gestational diabetes are c. Foot ulcers
found to have type 2 diabetes. In majority of cases, the glucose
regulation will come to normal after delivery. Women who have People with poorly controlled DM may also have impaired
had gestational diabetes have a 20% to 50% chance of developing wound healing and increased susceptibility to infections. Chronic
diabetes in the next 5-10 years [4]. hyperglycemia resulting in glycation of tissue proteins and excess
production of polyol compounds from glucose is the causes of
Other Specific Types tissue damage [1].
These are relatively uncommon. They result from specific Diagnosis
genetic conditions (such as maturity-onset diabetes of youth),
surgery, drugs (glucocorticoids, thiazides), malnutrition, The American Diabetes Association’s Expert Committee on the
infections, and other illnesses. Excess amounts of cortisol, diagnosis and classification of DM recently approved new criteria
glucagon, epinephrine and growth hormone cause DM in people for the diagnosis of DM as follows [1,8] (Table 1):
with pre-existing defects in insulin secretion. This type of diabetes

Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134
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©2016 Nirmala et al.

Figure 1: Pathophysiology of DM.

Table 1: American Diabetes Association Diagnostic Criteria For Diabetes18.

Testa Threshold Qualifier

Hemoglobin Al or ·   6.5% Lab NGSP-certified, standardized DCCT assay

Fasting glucose or ·    126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) No caloric intake for at least 8 hours

2-hour glucose or ·   200 rngicIL (111 mmol/L) After 75 g of anhydrous glucose

Random glucose ·    200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) Plus classic hyperglycernia symptoms or crisis

NIGSP: National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program; IDCCTt: Diabetes Control and Cornplications Trial. Results must be confirmed by repeated

The normal fasting plasma glucose level is now defined as less Intensive treatment programs and comprehensive education
than 110 mg/dl. in self-management includes:
ADA recommends that all the people older than age 45 years i. Diet control
should be screened every 3 years.
ii. Exercise
Medical Management iii. Frequent self-monitoring of blood glucose levels
The objective of medical management in all diabetic patients
is to maintain blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible.
It is used in all patients with type 1 and type 2 DM. Insulin
The glycated haemoglobin assay (HbA 1c) reflects mean
preparations are classified according to their duration of action
glycemic levels over the preceeding 3/4 months and is currently
as Ultra-short, Short, Intermediate and long acting preparations
used to assess whether the patient’s controlled metabolic levels
(Table 2).
remained within the normal target range.

Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134
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©2016 Nirmala et al.

Table 2: Types o Insulin Preparations.

Main Types of Insulin Preparations

Type Onset Peak Duration Comments

Ropid-octing insulin
analogue Con be injected of the start of a
5.15 min 30.60 min 2.5 hr
Short-acting meal
salubleiregulc41 insulin)

1-hr Used to control glucose levels
Intermediate long-acting 4-8hr (N PH)
(NPH r Lente) 2-3 hr between meals. May be combined
isophane or zinc insulinl 4-8hr 8-24hr
(Ultralente) with short-acting insulin

Long-acting insulin
30-60min No Peak 16-24hr Usually taken once daily

Alternatively subcutaneous insulin infusion by means of control. Some school-aged children need short acting insulin at
computerized external pump may be used. afternoon tea rather than lunch-time to prevent late-afternoon
hyperglycaemia, while many preschool aged children can be
Management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus managed with one dose of intermediate-acting insulin in the
Insulin is the only therapy available for patients with type 1 morning and small doses of rapid-acting insulin analogues to
diabetes. Insulin replacement in patients with type 1 diabetes has prevent hyperglycaemia later in the day. The imminent availability
been less than optimal because it is not possible to completely of long-acting insulin analogues will change these schedules
reproduce the normal physiologic pattern of insulin secretion into considerably. Insulin pumps may be useful for some patients with
the portal vein. The problem of achieving optimal insulin delivery frequent hypoglycaemia or hypoglycaemic unawareness. Intensive
remains unsolved with the present state of technology. therapy is more demanding for patients and their families, and
adherence is obviously critical to its success. Patient views are
Type 1 Diabetes therefore central to management decisions. For example, an
adolescent who struggles to comply with two injections a day is
In the past decade, two major advances have improved the unlikely to manage four injections. In adolescents, good control
care of patients with type 1 diabetes. First, we understand the improves quality of life and reduces the burden perceived by their
unequivocal relationship between metabolic control and vascular parents [13].
complications [9-13]. suboptimal blood glucose control has a
lasting harmful effect even if control improves later. Second, the Continuous glucose monitoring devices reveal the frequency
development of new forms of insulin with more rapid onset or of nocturnal hypoglycaemia and the limitations of conventional
longer duration of action (insulin analogues) and new forms of blood glucose monitoring. Both the new insulin analogues
delivery (eg. continuous pumps and aerosol sprays), as well as and continuous subcutaneous insulin therapy hold promise of
advances in glucose monitoring, provide more options for those improving control without the attendant risk of hypoglycaemia
affected. (Table 3).

Intensive Diabetes Management Initial studies indicate that the long-acting analogues reduce the
risk of nocturnal hypoglycaemia and produce a modest reduction
Because of the relationship between suboptimal glycaemic in fasting blood glucose levels compared with intermediate-acting
control and vascular complications, intensive management to preparations [14].
minimise hyperglycaemia is now recommended for all patients.
This may include more frequent administration of insulin (up to Methods of Insulin Administration
four times daily) or use of different insulin types (eg, rapid- and
long-acting insulin analogues), as well as more frequent blood
Insulin syringes and needles
glucose measurements and changes to insulin dose than in Single unit syringes (those with a needle fixed to the syringe
conventional therapy. to minimize dead space) are available for injection of insulin. 27
or 28-gauge, and more recently even 30- gauge attached needles
Intensive schedules need to be individualised to suit patient
have greatly reduced the pain of injections. Disposable syringes
age and lifestyle. For example, adults and adolescents generally
may be reused until blunting of the needle occurs (usually after
need intermediate-acting insulin before bed for night-time
three to five injections).

Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134
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©2016 Nirmala et al.

Table 3: Oral hypoglycemic agent characteristics.

Agent Mode of Action Adverse Effect

Insulin Secretagogues - Drugs that primarily stimulate insulin secretion

Bind to sulfonylurea receptors on the beta

Sulfonylureas (currently third generation cells triggering release of insulin
Hypoglycemia Weight gain
[glipizide, glimepiride, etc.])
Duration of action and daily doses vary by

Bind to sulfonylurea receptors

Generally none, but possible

Meglitinides (repaglinide, nateglinide) Short duration of action, quick onset of hypoglycemia
action, taken 15 minutes before meals to
target postprandial hyperglycemia

Insulin Sensitizers - Drugs that sensitize tissues (primarily liver and adipose tissue) to the action of insulin

Decrease hepatic gluconeogenesis and

Diarrhea, abdominal pains
increase peripheral glucose uptake

Biguanides (metformin) Contraindicated in renal insufficiency and

Risk of lactic acidosis
heart failure

Promote weight loss and low risk of

developing hypoglycemia when used alone

Activate peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ to affect glucose and lipid Weight gain

Improve peripheral glucose uptake in

Water retention
skeletal muscle and fat
Thiazolidinediones (rosiglitazone,
Take as long as 6 to 12 weeks to attain May precipitate congestive heart failure
optimal therapeutic effect in susceptible people

Possible increase in risk of experiencing

No significant risk of hypoglycemia
bone loss

α-Glucosidase Inhibitors - Drugs that principally affect absorption of glucose

Inhibit α-glucosidase in the gut and, thus,

prevent breakdown of some complex
Acarbose Bloating, diarrhea and flatulence due to
carbohydrates into simple sugars that then
cannot be absorbed action of colonic bacteria on undigested

Miglitol Prevent postprandial glucose excursions

Pen devices Sites for injection

Pen devices contain cartridges of U 100 regular human insulin Any part of the body covered by loose skin can be used as an
and retractable needles. Cartridges containing insulin lispro; injection site, including the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, flanks,
regular insulin, NPH insulin and pre-mixed insulin are available and upper outer quadrants of the buttocks. Exercise facilitates
for use with these pens [15]. insulin absorption when the injection site is adjacent to the

Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134
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©2016 Nirmala et al.

exercising muscle. Rotation of sites is advised to avoid delayed pancreatic b cells. It is injected pre prandially in addition to
absorption when fibrosis or lipo hyper-trophy occurs owing to insulin and has shown modest improvements in post prandial
repeated use of a single site. For most patients the abdomen is the hyperglycaemia with 20-30% decrease of insulin dose [18].
recommended site for injection, since it provides a considerable Treatment of type 1 diabetes with pramlintide is associated with
area in which to rotate sites and there may be less variability of fewer hypoglycaemic episodes and significant weight loss. Its use
absorption with exercise than when the thigh or deltoid areas are is limited by nausea and additional prick required besides insulin.
Pancreatic and islet transplantation
New and Improved Insulin Delivery Devices Whole-organ pancreatic transplantation for the treatment of
Advances in diabetes technology have helped to improve the type1 diabetes has largely been reserved for those undergoing
outcomes of management of T1DM in last three decades. renal transplantation for end-stage diabetic nephropathy.
While normalization of glycaemic control is achieved following
Intranasal successful transplantation, but this therapy carries the risk of
Soluble insulin administered intranasaly is rapidly absorbed pancreatic graft rejection and side effects of immunosuppression
when given along with a detergent substance to facilitate [19]. Islet cell transplantation provides a promising treatment
adsorption. Preliminary clinical trials have demonstrated its option for type 1 diabetes. β-cells isolated from a donor pancreas
efficacy in reducing post-prandial hyperglycemia in subjects are injected into the portal venous system where they then lodge
with type 1 diabetes. However, its absorption is limited to less within liver sinusoids. These b cells remain glucose sensitive and
than 10% of the administered nasal dose. This reduces its cost secrete insulin into the portal system, in the same way as occurs
effectiveness, and most manufacturers have discontinued clinical in the physiological situation [20]. Variable β-cell yield using this
trials until more progress is made in improving its bioavailability. isolation technique requires harvest from more than one pancreas
Inhalers that can provide more precise delivery of drugs have to provide sufficient tissue for successful transplantation.
been developed, and inhaled insulin is currently in phase III trials. Nonetheless, with the future promise of engineered b cells using
stem cell differentiation methods, this technique of cell delivery/
Insulin pumps and continuous subcutaneous insulin transplantation may provide a successful long-term treatment of
infusion glycaemia in type 1 diabetes.

Insulin pump devices have become smaller and increasingly Immunotherapy

more sophisticated in their functionality. Insulin is delivered
through a cannula placed subcutaneously and replaced with a Pancreatic ®-cell preservation using immune suppression
72 h frequency. A continuous basal rate is programmed into the or immune tolerance has been disappointing. When used as
pump and additional boluses of insulin can be administered ‘at secondary prevention of type 1 diabetes, cyclosporine and anti-
the push of a button. Smart pumps’ have a more sophisticated CD3 antibodies reduce the required insulin dose and prolong b-cell
computer incorporated into the insulin pump. The delivery of CSII survival, as assessed by fasting and stimulated serum C-peptide
through insulin pumps has been extensively investigated in the concentrations [21]. However, both of these treatment modalities
paediatric and young adult population [16]. have unacceptable side effect problems, particularly given the age
of the target population. GAD-alum immunization in an attempt
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems to promote immune tolerance in subjects with diagnosed type 1
diabetes did not significantly reduce the requirement for insulin
This system, through which a subcutaneous, glucose oxidase
or improve fasting serum Cpeptide concentrations [22], the use of
coated sensor measures interstitial quid glucose concentrations
these therapies requires more research before their introduction
and converts them to a plasma glucose estimate, provides a
as main stream approaches to prevention of type 1 diabetes
promising modality for future management of type 1 diabetes. A
plot of plasma glucose concentrations over a 24 hours period are
produced and can enable insulin adjustment to identify episodes Other Advances
of hyper or hypoglycaemia that may not have been identified
using conventional capillary glucose monitoring. More recently, Education and psychological support
real-time CGM and CSII technologies have been combined in a
With the advent of intensive therapy and its greater demands on
single device and this exciting technology may represent a step
patients and their families, counseling and education are becoming
towards an ‘artificial pancreas’ [17]. At present, insulins in the
even more important in achieving compliance, particularly in
USA are available only in a concentration of 100 units/ml (U 100)
adolescents. However, as long-term risk of vascular complications
while in India both U 100 and U40 are available and dispensed in
can be predicted more accurately from HbA1c level, it is easier
10 mL vials. However, despite advances, this technology is in its
for doctors to counsel and encourage intensive management [1-
infancy and its current role in the management of type 1diabetes
4]. Furthermore, as doctors have become more certain about the
is unclear.
need for intensive management, it is our impression that patients
Other modes of therapy in T1dm and their families have accepted and coped better with it. Indeed,
mean HbA1c levels in Australian children have improved from
Amylin analogues: Pramlintide is a synthetic analogue of 10% in the 1980s to around 8% in 2003 [23].
amylin, a polypeptide hormone, co-secreted with insulin from

Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134
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©2016 Nirmala et al.

Coping-skills training has been shown to improve metabolic Brisk walking for 30-60 minutes or equivalent should be
control and quality of life in adolescents.24 This intervention, enforced regularly. Yoga, a traditional Indian system, has been
like all successful interventions in type 1 diabetes, needs to be demonstrated to have beneficial effect in diabetes. Some aspects
intensive, and support must be sustained. The indispensable role of Yoga like, Asanas (involving postures), Pranayama (involving
of the diabetes educator and dietitian in the multidisciplinary breath), Dhayana (meditation) and Bhavana (visualization) are
team has long been recognized. beneficial but need to be learnt under expert guidance [25].
Dietary management and education is now more Table 3 shows characteristics of oral antidiabetic drugs. They
comprehensive and includes the concept of the glycaemic indices are used in the management of mild to moderate type 2 DM. As
of food. 16 Educators’ roles are becoming more specialised, the drug acts in different ways to lower blood sugar, they are often
both for different age groups and, as technology progresses, for used in combination.
different monitoring and delivery systems.
Recent Advances In Therapy of Diabetes
The recent introduction of the incretins, a group of intestinal
Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus peptides that enhance insulin secretion after ingestion of food, as
novel oral antihyperglycaemic treatments may prove significant
Non-pharmacological Therapy: Non-pharmacological measures in older persons.
including diet, exercise and stress alleviation are as important
interventions for the management of diabetes. The newest group of oral agents used to treat patients with
type 2 DM target the incretin pathway. This group includes
Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT): A proper diet is important dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors. These agents prevent the rapid
component of therapy in all patients with diabetes. In patients breakdown of two intestinally secreted hormones (glucagon-like
with T2 DM recommendations for caloric distribution is as peptide-1 and gastric-inhibitory peptide) that are released in
follows: 55-60% energy from carbohydrate, 10-15% from protein response to meals. These hormones increase insulin secretion,
and 20-25% from fats. This dietary distribution is also indicated decrease glucagon secretion and delay gastric emptying [26-28].
in patients with type 1diabetes on intensive insulin regimens in The incretin pathway is attenuated in patients with type 2 DM
whom near normoglycemic control is less achievable on diets [29], and oral agents that specifically target the enzyme dipeptidyl
higher in carbohydrate con-tent. peptidase IV increase their half-lives in the bloodstream. Naturally
Dietary Fiber: Fibers such as cellulose or hemicelluloses, as found occurring incretins in humans have a short half-life and are not
in bran, termed as insoluble fibers increases intestinal transit useful therapeutically. Exenatide is a synthetic analog of Gila
time and may have beneficial effects on colonic function. Soluble monster incretin (exendin-4), and it targets the glucagon-like
fibers such as gums and pectin’s as found in beans, oatmeal, or peptide-1 receptor. It is an injectable drug, however, and leads to
apple skin, tend to decrease gastric and intestinal transit slowing weight loss, unlike insulin, which causes weight gain [30-33]. Of
glucose absorption thus decreasing hyperglycemia. all the approved agents used to treat DM, only two (metformin
and exenatide) consistently reduce weight, as well as improve
Artificial Sweeteners: The nonnutritive sweetener saccharin is glycemic control. All other agents tend to lead to weight gain.
widely used as a sugar substitute. Aspartame may prove to be the
safest sweetener for use in diabetics which is180 times as sweet These OHAs can be used alone or in combination with one
as sucrose. A major limitation is its heat labiality, which precludes another and with insulin. Regimens should complement each
its use in baking or cooking. These should be used in moderation. other and not produce the same effects; for example, combining a
sulfonylurea with a meglitinide may not be effective because both
Fruits: Fruits (whole) should be taken in moderation .However, act on the sulfonylurea receptors to release insulin. On the other
very sweet fruits and fruit juices can be avoided. hand, either of these can be combined with any of the insulin
Alcohol: Alcohol intake is best avoided and if used must be in sensitizers or the incretin therapies. Use of combination therapies
moderation as it may worsen the dyslipidemia, neuropathy and is common place for the control of DM [1].
glycemic control.
Counter Regulatory Hormones
Common Salt: Pickles, papad, chatni and salty processed
These hormones increases blood glucose by stimulating
foods should be restricted as they contain more amount of salt.
hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. Agents that interfere
Permissible quantity of salt is 6 grams per day.
with the secretion or action of counter regulatory hormones could
Tobacco: Smoking and the use of tobacco in any form should be potentially be therapeutically useful [34].
a)Glucocorticoid antagonists: Increased glucocorticoid
Physical activity: In T2 DM exercise programme to achieve weight concentrations can result in truncal obesity, insulin resistance
reduction and calorie counting is central to the management. The and hyperglycemia, any approach to reduce the glucocorticoid
best form of exercise is a stepwise increase in aerobic exercises. action will reduce these adverse effects. Selective inhibitors of
All diabetics need to be evaluated to rule out any contraindication 11 β - HSD1 have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity,
like CAD, proliferative diabetic retinopathy, autonomic neuropathy glycemic control and plasma lipids in obese diabetic rodents
etc. before any exercise programme. [35].

Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134
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©2016 Nirmala et al.

b) Insulin: Insulin is required in patients with T2 DM who have regimen and procedure to be performed, dentists may need to
developed sulfonylurea failure or those who are undergoing measure the blood glucose level before beginning a procedure.
an acute infective or operative event. This can be done using commercially available electronic blood
glucose monitors which possess high degree of accuracy. Patients
Previously available treatments for T2 DM have improved
with low plasma glucose levels (<70 mg/dl) should be given an
glycaemic control but have been accompanied by weight gain and
oral carbohydrate before treatment to minimize the risk of a
increased risk of hypoglycaemia. T2 DM is a progressive disease
hypoglycemic event [36].
and more conventional agents do not address the decline of â cell
function. Newer agents thus add to the choice of treatment options During Treatment
already available for T2 DM and are welcome, especially in light of
the recent safety concerns with some of the more modern agents. The most common complication of DM therapy that can occur
in the dental office is hypoglycemic episode. If insulin levels exceed
Dental Management Considerations physiological needs, the patient may experience a severe decline
in his/her blood sugar level. Initial signs & symptoms include
The first step in managing the patient with medical problems
mood changes, hunger and weakness. These may be followed
is acquiring a thorough health history. The second step is for
by seating, incoherence, and tachycardia. If untreated, possible
the clinician to fully understand the significance of the disease
consequences may include unconsciousness, hypotension,
that may be endorsed by the patient. The dental clinician needs
hypothermia, seizures, coma and death.
to understand the potential complications that can occur as a
consequence of dental treatment of a medically compromised Controlling blood sugar (glucose) levels is the major goal
patient and when pretreatment or post-treatment medication or of diabetes treatment, in order to prevent complications of the
emergency care is indicated. disease.
A comprehensive health history questionnaire should include Type 1 diabetes is managed with insulin as well as dietary
questions about the patients cardiovascular, hematologic, neural changes and exercise.
and sensory, gastrointestinal, respiratory, dermal, mucocutaneous,
Type 2 diabetes may be managed with non-insulin medications,
and musculoskeletal, endocrine, and urinary systems as well
insulin, weight reduction, or dietary changes.
as questions related to sexually transmitted diseases, drug use
(eg, alcohol, tobacco), allergies, x-ray exposure or treatment, The choice of medications for type 2 diabetes is individualized,
medications, and hospitalizations. taking into account:
Preferably an oral history should also be obtained as a review i.The effectiveness and side effect profile of each medication.
of systems (ROS). This oral ROS often elucidates information that
is only touched on by a questionnaire. The dental history should ii.The patient’s underlying health status.
also include questions related to current oral conditions such as iii.Any medication compliance issues.
periodontal disease or oral ulceration and past dental treatment
and potential complications from prior intervention including iv.Cost to the patient or health-care system.
treatment failure and the delivery of anesthesia or post-treatment Proper nutrition is a part of any diabetes care plan. There
medication. is no one specific “diabetic diet” that is recommended for all
individuals. Pancreas transplantation is an area of active study
Scheduling of Visits
for the treatment of diabetes. The clinician should measure blood
In general morning appointments are advisable since glucose levels after immediate treatment.
endogenous cortisol levels are generally higher at this time.
For patients receiving insulin therapy, appointments should be After Treatment
scheduled so that they do not coincide with the peaks of insulin Clinicians should keep in mind about the post operative
activity, since that is the period of maximal risk of developing considerations. Patients with poorly controlled DM are at
hypoglycemia. greater risk of developing infections may demonstrate delayed
wound healing. Acute infections can adversely affect insulin
resistance and glycemic control which in turn may further affect
It is important for clinicians to ensure that the patient has body’s capacity of healing. Therefore, proper antibiotic coverage
eaten normally and taken medications as usual. If the patient may be necessary for patients with overt oral infections. After
skips breakfast owing to the dental appointment but still takes treatment, oral antidiabetic medication or insulin may need to be
the normal dose of insulin, the risk of hypoglycemic episode is appropriately adjusted in consultation with patient’s physician
increased. For certain procedures (eg: conscious sedation) the if needed. Salicylates increase insulin secretion and sensitivity
dentist may request the patient to alter his/her diet before the and can potentiate the effects of sulfonylureas, resulting in
procedure. In such cases, the medication dose may need to be hypoglycemia. Hence should be best avoided.
modifies in consultation with the patients physician.
A number of oral conditions have been associated in patients
Blood Glucose Monitoring with poorly controlled DM which includes :

Depending on the patient’s medical history, medication I.Periodontal disease

Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134
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©2016 Nirmala et al.

II.Salivary gland dysfunction scintigraphy in adults with type 2 diabetes was reported [41]. The
cause is unknown, but may be related to polyuria or to alterations
III.Fungal infections
in the basement membranes of salivary glands [42]. Xerostomic
IV.Oral burning and taste alterations complaints may be due to thirst, a common manifestation of
diabetes. Saliva may be useful to diagnose and/or monitor
V.Lichen planus and lichenoid reactions systemic diseases, and it may be possible in the future to evaluate
VI.traumatic ulcers and irritation fibromas. glucose levels or diabetes-specific autoimmune markers38 from
oral fluids, thus eliminating the need for serum blood evaluation
Periodontal Disease for diagnosis and monitoring [43]. Frequent sipping of water,
ice chips or use of sugarless gums, saliva substitutes and also
In 1999, the American Academy of periodontology reported
restriction of caffeine and alcohol intake may alleviate the dryness.
about diabetes and periodontal diseases, indicating the risk of
Asymptomatic bilateral enlargement of the parotid glands have
periodontitis is higher in poorly controlled DM [37].
been reported in 24 to 48% of patients with DM [44,45].
This is the greatest dental problem in adult diabetic patients
and is seen in its early stages. It is probably that its origin is in Dental Caries
the capillary changes which occurs sooner or later in all diabetic Diabetic patients have more active dental caries than control
patients and have been show in the gingivae with consequent subjects. Prevalence of dental caries is relatively higher in
reduction in the blood supply. There is also the inherent diabetic patients due to the elevated salivary glucose levels and
susceptibility to infection though this is far less apparent in the xerostomia. However, low-carbohydrate diabetic diets should
controlled diabetic. theoretically reduce caries prevalence [7]. Salivary cholesterol
In the young patients under control, the gingivitis is reported and triglycerides levels were significantly higher in children
to be often of a violaceous color which is a characteristic. The with type 1 diabetes mellitus [10]. Unstimulated and stimulated
depth of gingival crevice is increased and there is some thickening salivary flow rates remained significantly lower in diabetic
of gingiva. There appears to be an increased tendency to calculus children compared to controls [11]. Diabetes-induced changes
deposition and radiographs may show some degree of bone in salivary glucose and albumin concentrations are indicative of
atrophy. In the older children, these lesions are more marked and caries development among diabetics [46]. Children with insulin-
progress towards the adult state of heavy calculus deposition, dependent diabetes mellitus have a lower salivary flow rate, pH
severe pocketing and loss of bony support. Periodontal abscesses and buffer capacity, but a higher glucose content and peroxidase,
may occur. Whenever local irritation, such as a fragment of IgA, magnesium and calcium concentration, in comparison with
calculus or an overhanging filling margin occurs there is a more healthy children [47].
marked inflammatory reaction than in the normal individual [8].
Fungal Infections
Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the
Diabetic people have an increased predisposition to
increased susceptibility to periodontal diseases, including
manifestations of oral candidiasis including medial rhomboid
alterations in host response, subgingival microflora, collagen
glossitis, denture stomatitis, and angular chelietis. While these
metabolism, vascularity, gingival crevicular fluid and heredity
associations have not been found consistently in all populations
patterns. Multiple pathophysiological mechanisms (compromised
of subjects with diabetes [48], they may be due to chronic
neutrophil function, decreased phagocytosis and leukotaxis) also
immunosuppression and require continued follow-up by health
have been implicated in the increased alveolar bone loss found
care practitioners. In patients with type 1 diabetes, chronic
in patients with diabetes [38]., Furthermore, poorly controlled
immunosuppression most likely is a sequelae of the disease,
diabetes, particularly in connection with tobacco use, is a risk
whereas in patients with type 2 diabetes, acute hyperglycemia
factor forperiodontal disease. Presence of severe periodontal
causes alterations in immune responsiveness. Oral mucosal
infection may increase the risk of microvascular and macrovascular
disorders represent an opportunity to coordinate diabetes care
diabetic complications. Patients with poorly controlled DM have
between physicians and dentists, which can improve the referral
an increased rate of surgical wound infections and poor wound
of patients to oral health practitioners [49].
healing. Hence management of periodontal disease should be
conservative and non surgical. Since prevention plays a primary Candidiasis has been found to be associated with poor glycemic
role in periodontal disease control in diabetic patients, they may control control and use of dentures. This predisposition may be
need more frequent plaque control and scaling than nondiabetic due to xerostomia, increased salivary glucose levels or immune
patients [39]. Studies have shown that smoking increases the risk dysregulation. dohyphae, a cardinal sign of oral Candida infection,
of periodontal disease, therefore tobacco use cessation counseling have been associated significantly with cigarette smoking, use
should be a part of the management of patients with DM [40]. of dentures and poor glycemic control in adults with diabetes.
Salivary hypofunction also may increase the oral candidal
Salivary Gland Dysfunction carriage state in adults with diabetes. Mucormycosis is a rare but
Literature reported that xerostomia in 40 to 80% of diabetic serious systemic fungal infection that may occur in patients with
patients. Patients with poorly controlled DM have lower parotid uncontrolled DM. Nirmala etal reported a case of mucormycosis
flow rates than people with well-controlled nondiabetic control associated with a diabetes mellitus in a 14 year old boy [50]. Oral
subjects. Impaired salivary uptake and excretion by salivary involvement usually appears as palatal ulceration or necrosis.

Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134
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©2016 Nirmala et al.

Treatment usually includes systemic antifungal therapy. oral infections, antibiotic therapy initiated and surgical therapies
contemplated if appropriate (for example, incision and drainage,
Oral Burning and Taste Alterations extraction, pulpectomy). In cases of poor response to the first
Taste is a critical component of oral health that is affected antibiotic administered, dentists can select a more effective
adversely in patients with diabetes [51]. Patients with diabetes antibiotic based on the patient’s sensitivity test results [55].
have reported increased complaints of glossodynia and/or
Identification and Treatment of Hypoglycemia
stomatopyrosis. Literature reported that 37 % of undiagnosed
type 2 DM patients experiencing burning mouth or tongue. The Identification
burning may be due to peripheral neuropathy, xerostomia, or
candiadiasis. Good glycemic control may alleviate the burning Symptoms
sensation. Clonazapam may be beneficial in some patients with • Shakiness
complaints of oral burning sensation [37]. Some diabetic patients
have a mild impairment of the severe sweet taste sensation. This • Anxiety
may be related to xerostomia or disordered glucose receptors • Increased sweating
[40]. Retinopathy and peripheral neuropathy that affects patients’
hands may severely limit a patient’s ability to perform oral hygiene • Hunger
procedures [52].
Patients may experience long-lasting oral dysesthesias, which
• Tremors
could adversely affect oral hygiene maintenance. Peripheral
neuropathies can impair the use of oral hygiene devices, and • Tachycardia
diabetic retinopathy can produce visual disturbances, ultimately
• Altered consciousness (lethargy and obtundation or
leading to blindness, 51 which, in turn, also could impair daily oral
personality change)
and prosthesis hygiene. Dysphagia, another sequelae of diabetes,
is caused by altered strength, speed and/or coordination of the • Blood glucose level: < 60 mg/dl
cranial nerve musculature [53].
Lichen Planus and Lichenoid Reactions
Conscious patient
Prevalence of oral lichen planus is significantly higher in type 2
DM than type 1 DM. This may be a side effect of oral hypoglycemic • Administer 15 mg of simple carbohydrates
agents or antihypertensive medications [54]. • Repeat finger- stick glucose test in 15 minutes:
Traumatic Ulcers and Irritation Fibromas • Blood glucose level > 60 mg/dl: patient should be asked to
eat or drink (for example, a sugar-sweetend beverage)
Guggenheimer and colleagues recently reported that people
with type 1 DM have a higher prevalence of oral traumatic ulcers • Blood glucose level < 60 mg/dl: repeat treatment of15 g of
and irritation fibromas. These findings may be related to altered simple carbohydrates and check blood glucose in 15 minutes.
wound healing patterns in these patients [48]. Continue until achieving a blood glucose level > 60mg/ dl
Prior to dental treatment, the dentist must obtain a complete •Ask the patient to report his/ her physician
medical history, which indicates the type of diabetes suffered and
frequent complications, the treatment received and the status of Unconscious patient
diabetes control. In 2009 consensus of the American Diabetes With intravenous access
Association and the advocate glycated hemoglobin as the main
parameter to assess the metabolic control. As a rule, a HbA1c i. Administer 5 to 25 g of 50% dextrose immediately
<7%, a preprandial glycemia of 70- 130 mg/ dl and a postprandial
ii. Notify the patient’s physician
glycemia <180 mg/ dl are indicative of good metabolic control.
The well controlled diabetic patient can be treated similarly Without intravenous access
to a non diabetic patient, preferably receiving short morning
i.Apply glucose gel inside the mouth in a semi obtund patient or
appointments to reduce stress. They must not fast, in order to
treat with 1 mg of glucagon intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
prevent hypoglycemia [1].
ii.Repeat the blood glucose test in 15 minutes
Antibiotic Coverage
iii.Establish intravenous access and notify the patient’s physician
Patients with poorly controlled diabetes are at risk of
developing oral complications because of their susceptibility Monitoring Glycemic Control
to infection and sequelae, and likely will require supplemental
antibiotic therapy. Anticipation of dentoalveolar surgery Two critical steps are involved in treating patients with
(involving mucosa and bone) with antibiotic coverage may help diabetes: establishing the diagnosis (type 1 or type 2 diabetes,
prevent impaired and delayed wound healing. Orofacial infections and the form of therapy) and the level of disease control (well-
require close monitoring. Cultures should be performed for acute controlled or poorly controlled). Most commonly, blood glucose

Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134
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©2016 Nirmala et al.

or HbA1c levels will be available from the physician’s office. are apprehensive and is due to adrenaline release. If seen in
Medical updates must be recorded in the dental record at each the diabetic child, the dentist must be altered to the possibility
visit to guide the clinician’s treatment decisions. The dentist of hypoglycemic collapse and question the patient and parent
should be able to use a glucometer to measure blood glucose immediately as to whether he should take sugar. These symptoms
levels rapidly from a patient’s fingertip. Finally, the dental office progress to restlessness, yawning, slurred speech and so on, and
should be equipped with immediate sources of glucose in case a by this time treatment is really urgent as the next stage is coma
diabetic induced hypoglycemic event occurs. and loss consciousness. Two teaspoonfuls of sugar in water
should be given at once, but if not available immediately, then the
Communication with Physicians quickest alternative must be given, such as concentrated orange
Regular communication with physicians is a critical component squash or even biscuits, though the latter are much slower to be
of safely treating patients with diabetes. Communication must be absorbed. If there is no improvement in five minutes, then repeat.
bidirectional: physicians must be apprised of oral manifestations If the hypoglycemic condition has progressed to unconsciousness
of the disease to help them regulate blood glucose levels, and the patient placed on his side or prone, and the recommended
dentists must be updated on glycemic control to help them treatment is 50 ml of 50% of glucose given intravenously using
maintain a patient’s oral health. Treating patients with diabetes a wide - bore needle because of the viscosity. Great care must be
also represents an opportunity to expand a dentist’s referral base. taken not to allow any to escape in to the surrounding tissue. This
Physicians who treat children and adults with diabetes could be a preparation may be obtained readily to administer in ampoules
good referral source of patients whose oral health care needs may for such an emergency. Alternatively, an intramuscular injection
not be satisfied adequately. of 1 mg of glucagon [adult dose] which is available ready packaged
is probably a safer and more easily administered treatment than
Dentists must be cognizant of the various methods of treating intravenous glucose for the dental practitioners who is unused
effectively the oral complications of diabetes mellitus. Many to the latter technique. It has the great advantage of doing no
treatments are no different from those recommended for patients harm if the diagnosis of insulin coma was wrong. Recovery of
without diabetes. However, managing patients with diabetes does consciousness is usually rapid, within 15 minutes, and the patient
require more rigorous follow-up, more aggressive interventional should then be given carbohydrate by mouth to stabilize the
therapy rather than observation, regular communication with recovery.
physicians and greater attention to prevention. Patients with
diabetes, particularly those with a history of poor glycemic In the dental surgery a child under routine diabetic control
control and oral infections, require more frequent recall visits and is extremely unlikely to develop ketosis except in the presence
fastidious attention to acute oral infections [42]. of acute infection if he has obeyed his rules. Such condition only
occurs if he is short of insulin and it is not of sudden onset but
Dental Treatment develops over several hours at its most rapid. In this case the
patient and his parent will be aware of possibility, and he should
The two principal aims of dental care of a diabetic child are go immediately to hospital, if possible to that responsible for him
first, to eliminate and prevent any oral infection which may tend [48].
to upset the stability of the sugar balance, and second, to try to
maintain healthy tissues. Conservation
It must be emphasized that the routine dental care of a child This presents no problems. Local anesthesia can be used
known to have diabetes mellitus is not a hazards procedure and the normally since the usual adrenaline content of 1:80000 or less in
possibility of a crisis due to either hypoglycemic or hyperglycemia the 2 to 4 ml of solution given is insufficient to make any material
in the dental surgery is fairly remote . Nevertheless, dentist difference to the balance as a whole. On long treatment visits, the
must know how to deal with such an event should it occur, and timing of insulin injections must be born in mind. Septic teeth
should also take reasonable precautions to prevent the possibility. which cannot easily be restored to a non-septic condition and
Whenever possible, appointments for routine treatment should non-vital teeth which cannot be properly supervised are better
be in the morning when the patient has had his insulin followed removed [46].
by his breakfast. He is more stable at this time of the day than
at any other. If this is not feasible then care must be taken that Periodontal Treatment
the timing of his injections and meals are not altered in any
Particular attention must be paid to the gingival condition.
way. It is as well to check with the patient or parent that these
Scaling may need to be carried out frequently and must be
have been as normal, and that he has not been sick on the bus
thorough, though as non-traumatic as possible. Pockets should be
or that apprehension has not robbed him of his apatite without
eliminated by approatiate means. In Children, even where there
is as yet no evidence of periodontal disease, preventive measures
The only crisis which may reasonably occur in the dental are important. Instructions in correct tooth - brushing and gum
surgery is hypoglycemic attack, or insulin shock, which is usually massage whenever necessary, the grinding of points of traumatic
the result of missing or postponing a meal following an insulin occlusion will assist the postponement of gingival diseases [37].
injection. As has previously been stated, the preliminary signs
and symptoms are tremors, weakness, pallor and sweating Appliances
accompanied by a hot or cold feeling and the patient feels There is no contraindication to orthodontic treatment, though
clammy to the touch. This occurs in many normal children who it is as well to reduce the wearing of appliance to a reasonable

Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134
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©2016 Nirmala et al.

minimum on general principles. If a prosthetic appliance is General anesthesia should never be used on a diabetic child
necessary, it must be kept under regular supervision and the as an out-patient in a dental surgery. This would require fasting
patient’s attention directed to the need for special care in brushing for at least 3 hours before operation and would almost certainly
and massaging the gums [47]. precipitate insulin shock. If general anesthesia is indicated then
the patient should be referred to his hospital physician for this to
Oral Surgery be arranged on an in-patient basis.
Extraction under local anesthesia usually creates no special Any extraction which is accompanied by some degree of
problem in diabetic children under good insulin control. Many infection should be supported by an antibiotic, both to give the
reports of dry sockets and slow healing are not applicable to tissue additional help in combating it, and to remove a potential
young patients, but to older diabetics who have considerable source of diabetic instability as soon as possible [1,9].
vascular degenerations and severe periodontal diseases. In
children the extraction is straightforward but the dentist should In January 2013, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
be assured that the patient’s normal insulin and meal regime has [56] issued clinical practice guidelines on the management of
been followed, and that he has not had any recent signs of blood- type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents. The guidelines
sugar instability. In the latter case, it would be wiser to refer him recommend insulin treatment in all patients who present with
to his physician for advice and possibly have the extraction done ketosis or extremely high blood glucose levels because it may
on a day - admission basis at the hospital. As has been said already, not be clear initially whether these patients have type 2 or type 1
normal local anesthetic solution with 1:80000 adrenaline is quite diabetes. Once a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is confirmed, lifestyle
suitable in these children [46]. modification and metformin treatment should be initiated (Table
Table 4: Indications for use of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) in paediatrics [56].

Conditions Under Which CSII Should Be Considered

Recurrent severe hypoglycaemia

Wide fluctuations in blood glucose, regardless of HbA1c

Suboptimal diabetes control – HbA1c exceeding target range for age

Microvascular complications and/or risk factors for macrovascular complications

Good metabolic control but an insulin regimen that compromises lifestyle

Circumstances In Which CSII May Be Beneficial

Young children, especially infants and neonates
Adolescents with eating disorders

Children and adolescents with a pronounced dawn phenomenon

Children with needle phobia

Pregnant adolescents
Competitive athletes

Conclusion assessment, and management of their patients who present with

or are at risk of developing diabetes. They should implement inter
Diabetes mellitus have a significant impact in the delivery of professional education strategies in medical and dental training
dental care. It is important for dentists to be familiar with the aiming to improve collaboration in the care of patients with
medical management of patients with DM and to recognize the diabetes.
signs and symptoms of undiagnosed or uncontrolled disease.
Dentists should contribute to the maintenance of optimum health References
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Citation: Nirmala SVSG, Saikrishna D (2016) Dental Care and Treatment of Children with Diabetes Mellitus- An Overview. J Pediatr Neonatal Care 4(2):
00134. DOI: 10.15406/jpnc.2016.04.00134

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