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International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research

Case Study


Vishal Mori1*, Manish Patel2, S N Gupta3, Pankaj Chhayani4
*1PG Scholar, 2HOD and Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, 3Vice Chancellor, Maganbhai Adenwala
Mahagujarat University, 4Lecturer Department of Kayachikitsa, J.S. Ayurveda Mahavidhyalaya, Nadiad, Gujarat,
Article info ABSTRACT
Article History: Diabetes is a burning problem of modern world and is associated with multiple
Received: 12-03-2023
complications. All oral hyoglycemic drugs and insulin used in modern medicine only help to
Revised: 23-03-2023
lower blood sugar of body. The biological medicines are only available treatments which
Accepted: 18-04-2023
have limited effect and carrying many serious adverse effects. Purpose: The conventional
KEYWORDS: medicine has its own limitation in this disease condition, it only help to lower blood sugar
Diabetes level of body and in a long run it has shown its side effects. They neither able to correct the
Mellitus, pathology nor helpful to protect vital organs of the body and to prevent further
Madhumeha, complications. Ayurvedic treatment approaches are helpful in this disease. With the changing
Diabetic demand and awareness among these days, the role of Ayurveda is an emerging reality. Brief
Neuropathy, case history: A 49-year-old, married, Hindu male patient visited PD Patel Ayurvedic Hospital
Ayurveda. on 9th November 2021. He had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes above 11 years and
received medication for this. He was taking Tab. Metformine since last 11 years. He had chief
complains of Madhuryamasyata, Karapadadaha, Pipasadhikya, Mootraadhikya since last 11
years, and other associated complains were Kshudha Vriddhi, Atichinta, and Nidravriddhi
since last 4 months. He had gradually increased body weight in last year 2 years. He had been
admitted and treated with Virechna karma and Basti chikitsa and oral Ayurvedic medicines
for one month. After one month of treatment, he is continuing oral medicines only and he
regularly comes for following up in OPD. Now on the second follow up patient had much
improvement in above symptoms. His blood sugar level and weight were also reduced
significantly. Result: He got an excellent result with complete relief from all symptoms as
well as marked reduction in objective criteria (lab investigation) within 1 month.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common Blindness, ulcers leading to amputation and
chronic diseases and become a formidable health terminal kidney disease are complications. Despites
problem in this millennium affecting more than 120 improved understanding of its pathogenesis and the
million individual world-wide. India has world’s identification of the various risk factor, prevention of
largest epidemic of diabetes in the world- an estimated the disease and its complications still challenge the
40 million and changes in life style are putting more at medical world.[1]
risk. Because of the associated risk of stroke, coronary DM is a major health pandemic effecting
artery disease, and renal failure, diabetes is ranked mankind since ancient times. An absolute or relative
among top five killers in most countries. absence of insulin causes an established complicated
Access this article online metabolic disease with very high blood glucose levels.
Quick Response Code Due to bad dietary pattern and sedentary lifestyles,
https://doi.org/10.47070/ijapr.v11i4.2735 which are the primary etiological causes for this
disease, the incidence of diabetes has significantly
Published by Mahadev Publications (Regd.) increased in recent years.
publication licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- A series of metabolic disorders known as
ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) diabetes mellitus (DM) are characterized by chronic
hyperglycemia brought on by abnormalities in insulin

IJAPR | April 2023 | Vol 11 | Issue 4 11

Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2023;11(4):11-19
production, action, or both. Increased thirst patients who cannot be treated at all reflecting the
(polydipsia), increased hunger (polyphagia), and insulin-dependence stage can be considered under this
frequent urine (polyuria) are all signs of this group. Vagbhatta while defining Madhumeha specified
hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Diabetes mellitus that the urine becomes sweet and so does the body.[6]
can cause a number of consequences, including Charak also classified the Madhumehi patients as
diabetic ketoacidosis, non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma, Atisthula and Krisha and observed that the new born
heart disease, stroke, kidney failure (nephropathy), baby may be Madhumehi due to defect in sperm or
foot ulcers, retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma, if it is ovum.[7]
not managed. Prameha belongs to the Santarpanajanya
Diabetes has been controlled with dietary Tridoshaja Vyadhi. According to Sushruta, excessive
restriction, exercise, oral hypoglycemic drug such as – Pramehotpadaka Aahara-Vihara causes vitiation of
insulin sensitizers, alpha glycosidase inhibitors, Prakruta Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which mixes with
glucagon like peptide 1, sulphonureas, and biguanides Medodhatu. These corrupted Dosha and Dhatu descend
are the main contains of oral hypoglycemic treatment down the Mutravaha Srotas and localize at Basti, where
but maintain glucose, control in these patients remains they result in Prameha. [8]
a difficult task. Although Ayurvedic medication has Ayurveda states that Madhumeha (Vataja
been said to be less harmful and more effective, it has Prameha) is Asadhya i.e., incurable, however it can be
been effectively used to regulate other long-term managed with treatment. Further Charak while
problems of diabetes mellitus as well as bring blood specifically enumerating the etiopathogenesis of
sugar levels back to normal, heal damaged pancreatic Madhymeha emphasized the role of excess intake of
cells, and reduce or avoid the development of sweet and fatty diet, sedentary lifestyle and
microanioapthic lesions.[2] occupations, lack of exercise or labour and stated that
Diabetic neuropathy is a degenerative and due to obstruction of channels of Vayu, Oja is taken to
destructive condition of the peripheral nerves as an urinary bladder.[9] Vagbhatt also describes the
early and common long-term complication of diabetes condition of Arishtalinagam indicating decline in
mellitus. It is a very common and long term certain activities.[10] These views reflect the
complication of diabetes mellitus. The majority of degeneration or destruction of the insulin secreting
individuals with peripheral neuropathy are initially cells in the pancreas and/or diminished secretion of
asymptomatic, with minor abnormalities such as loss the insulin.
of vibration perception, light touch, two-point There are descriptions of hundreds of herbal,
discrimination, and temperature sensitivity on herbomineral drugs and Panchakarma procedures for
examination.[3] They generally report numbness and the treatments of Madhumeha. The treatment schedule
tingling sensations after becoming ill, often in a classic consists of Pathya Aahara, Vihara, and Shamana
"stoking-glove" pattern. Diabetic peripheral sensory Chikitsa.
neuropathy is characterized by axonal degeneration of The diabetes peripheral neuropathy can
myelinated or demyelinated axons, as well as correlate in Ayurvedic classics, symptoms like Suptata
thickening of the Schwann cell basal lamina. The (numbness) and Daha (burning sensation) in body
involvement of micro vascular damage in diabetic parts, especially in the feet and hands are described as
peripheral sensory neuropathy is especially important Purvarupa of Prameha and Daha is also described
to understand.[4] among the Upadrava (complications) of Prameha.
In Ayurved classics, there are different aspects These features are frequently seen in diabetic sensory
of Madhumeha described. It would be known that polyneuropathy. There is involvement of Vata and
ancient sages categorically emphasized on its Pitta Dosha in diabetic neuropathy.[11]
prognostic status and complications. Most of the data Ayurveda is the answer as its benefits are all
described there on are akin to the findings established more significant for patients who were not responding
by modern researchers. Involvement of three basic to conventional drugs. Ayurvedic medicine prove to be
humors of the body, the tissue systems and the body economical are fruitful and without any side effect.
fluids, decline Bala-masma, the manifestation of no That is why plenty of natural resources, which have
symptoms, less symptoms, all the symptoms, sudden been indicated in the wisdom of Ayurvedic system of
onset early manifestation, late manifestation, non- medicine are, yet to be proved in the field of diabetes
curability, development of carbuncles and other mellitus. Research, which could have benefits
complications are to be considered minutely. While hundreds of diabetes patients, has reminded confident
Charak and Vagbhatt considered Madhumeha as some to scientific discussions.
variant of Vatkia Prameha. Sushruta enumerated that
all the Pramehas, if not treated in time, leads to
Madhumeha and become non-curable.[5] Nowadays,

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Vishal Mori et al. Ayurvedic Management of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Diabetic Neuropathy
Case Report above symptoms the patient was diagnosed as a case
Patient Information (Vedana Vruttanta) of Diabetes mellitus type-2.
A 49-year-old, married, Hindu male patient METHODS
visited PD Patel Ayurvedic Hospital on 9 November
th Madhumeha is Vata-Kapha Pradhan Tridoshaja
2021. He had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for Vyadhi. It has two types: Sahaja and Apathyanimittja.
11 years and received medication for this. He used Tab. In contrast to Sthula, Avaranjanya, and
Metformin from the very first diagnosis. He had chief Santarpanjanya, which can be associated with
complains of Madhuryamasyata, Karapadadaha, Apathyanimittaja Madhumeha, other types explained in
Pipasadhikya, Mootraadhikya since last 11 years, and many classical books such as Krisha,
other associated complains were Kshudha Vriddhi, Dhatukshayajanya, and Apatarpanjanya can be
Atichinta, and Nidravriddhi since last 4 months. correlated with Sahaja Madhumeha. Since this patient
According him, the weight is increased in the last had Apathyanimittaja Madhumeha, it is imperative to
years. He had been admitted and treated with, treat him with medications that target the primary
Virechna Karma and Pathydi basti and oral Ayurvedic pathology, such as Meda Dhatu, Kleda, Kapha, and
medicines viz., for one month. After one month of Meda Dhatvagni, as well as those with Deepana,
treatment, he is continuing oral medicines only and he Pachana, Lekhana, Vata-Kaphahara, and Medohara
regularly comes for following up in OPD. Now on the characteristics.[12]
second follow up, patient had much improvement in Clinical features of Prameha correlates with
above symptoms. His blood sugar level and weight diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus contributes
were also reduced significantly. significant burden to the global population as it is
Personal history revealed that the patient is leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It
vegetarian but used to take extra oily and fatty diet, is chronic, metabolic disease characterized by elevated
with a habit of intake of junk food and diurnal sleep. levels of blood glucose which leads to serious damage
Frequency of micturation is 8-9 times during day and to the heart, blood vessel, eyes, kidneys, nerves. Most
4-5 times at night, bowel habits are irregular with mild common type observed among all the patients of DM is
constipation (once/1-2 days, hard stool) and the type 2. Cases and the prevalence of diabetes have been
patient has no addictions. Past-history revealed that steadily increasing over the past few decades. About
patient was suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus for 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, majority
11 years. While he was taking Metformin, he had a very of them living in low-and middle-income countries and
irregular medication and blood sugar monitoring 1.6 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes
schedule. He also has both paternal and maternal side each year. According to WHO Diabetes Mellitus is a
positive family histories of diabetes mellitus. heterogeneous metabolic disorder characterized by a
The general examinations of the patient common feature of hyperglycemia with disturbance of
revealed dryness of tongue, as for vitals, pulse rate was carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism.
84/min, respiratory rate of 18/min and blood pressure Disease management with Ayurveda entails a
of 120/80mm of Hg. His body weight was 82kg, height prescription of personalized diet, lifestyle,
175cm and BMI of 26.8Kg/m2. His respiratory system predominantly herbal medicines, and systemic
examination, gastro-intestinal examination, cleansing therapies.
cardiovascular examination, central nervous system Pradhana Vedana
examination and locomotor examination did not Patient complains of increase frequency of
uncover any abnormality. micturition with excessive hunger, since 6 months and
His blood investigations on 2nd September burning sensation in both feet.
2013 showed fasting blood sugar level as 276mg/dl Purva vedana vruttanta: No relevant history found
(70-110mg/dl Normal), post prandial blood sugar level
Kula vyadhi Vruttanta: Father and mother were said
as 294mg/dl (70-140mg/dl normal) and glycosylated
to be diabetic.
haemoglobin (HbA1c) as 8.4% (4-6% normal). As
Vyakthika vruttanta
Ahara Vihara Mansika
Vegetarian Sleep disturbed Chintya
Madhura, Singhdha Sedentary lifestyle
Irregular meal time Bowel – 1 time/day
Micturition – 8-9 times in a
day and 4-5 times in a night

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Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2023;11(4):11-19
Samanya Pariksha  Druka: Prakruta
 Appearance – Fair  Akruti: Madhyama
 Pulse rate - 75/min Diagnosis
 B.P. - 130/90mm hg Saupdrava Madhumeha (diabetes mellitus and diabetic
 R.R. - 17/ min sensorypoly neuropathy).
 Weight- 82 kg Medical Management Strategy Treatments
 Height- 175 cm undergone
 Temperature – Afebrile 1. Snehapana is a process of full body internal and
 R.S. - Bilateral Air entry clear external lubrication by drinking ghee and oil as
 C.V.S. - S1S2 heard, no abnormal murmur heard well as massaging the oil on without any other oral
 C.N.S. - Conscious and oriented intake.
Rogi Pariksha 2. Abhyanga is a procedure which is performed with
 Prakruti: PittaKapha heated medicated oil massage.
 Sara: Madhyama 3. Bashpasweda is a steam chamber in which the
 Satva: Madhyama patient sits while steam from a boiling Nirgundi
 Samhanana: Madhyama Patra concoction is emitted.
 Kostha: Krura 4. Virechana Karma is the procedure in the sequence
 Agni: Vishama of Panchakarma (Ayurveda Detoxification
 Pramana: Madhyama Program) that involves using medicines that have a
laxative effect, mainly aimed at reducing Pitta
 Aharashkti: Madhyama
dosha and toxic accumulation in the
 Jaranashakti: Madhyama
gastrointestinal tract, liver, and gall bladder).
 Vyayamashakti: Madhyama
5. Udvartana is a powder massage often used for
 Vaya: Vruddha
slimming and treatment of obesity that can be
 Jihwa: Saama
done daily.
Ashtavidha pariksha
6. Basti Chikitsa is a type of medication given by
 Nadi: Vata Kapha
enema, aiding in diminishing extra Vata Dosha
 Mutra: 8-9 times (day), 4-5 times (night) present in the body. Vata is responsible for the
 Mala: 1 time/day elimination and retention of urine, sperm, feces,
 Jihwa: Saama bile, and other excreta.
 Shabda: Spashta
 Sparsha Samshittoshna
Table 1: Therapeutic Intervention
From date To date Procedure Treatment medicine
10/11/21 15/11/21 Snehapana Panchatikta ghrita
16/11/21 18/11/21 Abhyanga + Narayan taila +
Sarwang Bashpasweda Nirgundi patra
18/11/21 Dindayal churna-5gm+Eranda Sneha-50ml
Virechana karma
(Draksha kwath)
19/11/21 23/11/21 Sansarjan karma -
24/11/21 Triphala Choornam + Lodhra Churna (in
To Usnajala)
5/1/2022 Niruha basti -320ml
(Pathyadi dm)
Niruha basti 1) Atibalamola kwath 40ml (twice a day)
(Pathyadi dm) 2) Bhumiamalaki churna -3gm ( trice a day)
3) Meshahsrungivati -4 tab (twice a day)
4) Mameghakhaghana vati – 4 tab ( twice a day
The patient’s lab values, symptoms, and BMI changes General Findings
over the course of 9 months can be viewed (Tables 2 Blood pressure (BP): 130/80mmHg
and 4). Pulse: 82/minutes
Patient Condition on Treatment Day 1 (10/11/2021). Weight: 82kg

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Vishal Mori et al. Ayurvedic Management of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Diabetic Neuropathy
Physical Examination General findings
o Abdomen: Soft, non-tender o BP: 110/80 mm Hg
o Cardiovascular: S1, S2 heard o Pulse: 80/minutes
o Pulmonary: Normal breath sounds bilaterally o Weight: 82 kg
o Diagnosis. Madhumeha (type 2 diabetes mellitus) Clinical examination
o Prakriti (physical diagnosis). Kapha-Vata (Dosha) o Abdomen: Soft, no organomegaly
Patient condition at the completion of his treatment on o Cardiovascular: Normal S1, S2
12/22/2015 o Pulmonary: Normal breath sounds bilaterally
Table 2: Investigations Done Before and After the Treatment
Investigations Before Treatment After treatment
Hb 13.3gm% 13.7gm%
Tc 8700 cu/mm 8700 cu/mm
Dc 68/25/04/03 68/25/04/03
Platelet count 275000 275000
RBC 4.57 million/micro 4.57 million/ micro
Hba1c 7.25 6.81%
Urine Routine Before Treatment After Treatment
Ph 6.0 6.0
Specific Gravity 1.015 1.015
Blood -- --
Protein -- --
Urine Micro
Pus 2-4/hpf 2-4/hpf
Specific gravity 1-2/hpf 1-2/hpf
Blood -- --
Protein -- --
Biochemistry Before treatment After treatment
FBS 276 130
Pp2bs 294 150
Liver function test Before Treatment After treatment
Total bilirubin 0.9mg/dl 0.9mg/dl
Direct bilirubin 0.3mg/dl 0.3mg/dl
Indirect bilirubin 0.60 mg/dl 0.60mg/dl
SGPT (ALT) 37 u/l 37 u/l
SGOT 25 u/l 25 u/l
ALP 86 86
Total protein Before Treatment After treatment
Total protein 6.80 gm/dl 6.80 gm/dl
S. albumin 4.70 gm/dl 4.70gm/dl
S. A/G Ratio 2.24 2.24
Lipid profile Before Treatment After Treatment
Total cholesterol (CHO-POD) 171mg/dl 160mg/dl

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Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2023;11(4):11-19
Triglyceride (GPOPOD) 129mg/dl 117mg/dl
HDL cholesterol (Enzymatic) 51.0mg/dl 51.mg/dl
VLDL- cholesterol (Immune inhibition/Mod. IFCC 25.80mg/dl 25.80mg/dl
LDL cholesterol (calculated by Friedwald formula) 94.20mg/ dl 94.20mg/dl
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio (calculated) 3.35mg /dl 3.35mg/dl
LDL/HDL Ratio (Calculated) 1.85mg/dl 1.85mg/dl
Renal function test Before Treatment After Treatment
Serum Creatinine 1.20 mg/dl 1.20mg/dl
Blood urea 14mg/dl 14mg/dl
Thyroid Before Treatment After treatment
T3 1.22ng/dl 1.22 ng/ dl
T4 6.756ug/dl 6.754ug/ dl
TSH 1.170 uIU/mL 1.170 uIU/mL
Cystain -C 0.9 0.9
Treatment Conclusion
There were no adverse events during the patient’s treatment course. He had also numbness in his big toes
and feet region. He was advised to continue the internal and external treatments and medications for a period of 1
month with follow-up on 30/1/2022. He attained Samyak Lakshana of Virechana, which means that he
successfully completed his treatment with desired disease reversal.
Table 3: Patient’s clinical outcome
S.No. Clinical Outcome Before After Virechan At the end of Fourth Month
Measures consultation karma Ayurvedic Treatment Review status
1 Physiological status
Present Absent Absent Absent
Coating on tongue
2 Excessive eating Present Absent Absent Absent
2 Weight (kg) 82 80 72 65
3 BMI (Kg/m2) 26.8 26.1 23.5 21.2
4 Lethargy Present Absent Absent Absent
5 Loss of concentration Present Absent Absent Absent
6 Numbness in big toes Present Absent Absent Absent
Table 4: Patient’s Laboratory Results
S.No. Lab Investigations 10/11/21 1/1/1 1/1/1 Fourth- Sixth
Before On the first day At the end of month month
Consultation of Ayurvedic Ayurvedic Review Review
Treatment Treatment Status status
Oral hypoglycemic agent
1 Tab. Metformin 1-0-1 ½-0-½ Nill Nill Nill
2 FBS 276 276 200 127 124
3 FUS 4+ 4+ ++ NILL NILL
4 PPBS 294 290 190 150 150
Therapeutic Intervention
The treatment given during hospitalization is as Upon the admission patient was started with
follows: Snehapana with Panchtikta Ghrtia was given. After
Sneshapana Sarvanga Abhyanga and Sarvang Swedana

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Vishal Mori et al. Ayurvedic Management of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Diabetic Neuropathy
was given for 3 days. On third day after Abhyanga and 3. Reduce excess usage of potato, cauliflower, green
Baspasawedana Virechana was given with peas, rajma (kidney bean), channa (chickpea),
Dindayalchurna- 5gm and Eranda Sneha- 50ml with peanut, and maida (white flour) products.
Anuapan of Draksha Kwath. After Samyak Virechna, 4. Daytime sleeping
Samsargana Karma was followed. On completion of 5. Exposure to cold water and cold weather.
Sansarjana Karma orally Atialamoola kwath- 40ml
(twice), Bhumiamalaki Churna- 3gm twice a day,
Meshashrungivati- 4 tab (twice a day), Prameha Nidana is of two types Sahaja and
Maejhakaghanavati- 4 tab (twice a day). Everyday Apathya Nimitaja. Apathya nimitaja can be further
Sarvanga Abhyanga and Sarvang Swedana was divided into Aharaja Nidana, and Viharaja Nidana.
performed followed by Niruhabsti (Patyadi-Dm). And Aharaja Nidana includes excess use of new grains and
dietary precautions were advised. This following other pulses prepared in Ghrita, Guda and different
treatment was continued for 30 days. Shamana preparation milk and sugar cane. And meat soup of
Aushadha were also given which are mention in below different Anupa animals etc. All Aharaja Nidana are
(Table 4). Kapha and Medo Vardhaka. According to Vihara,
Prameha's causes include too much sleep, a lack of
exercise, worry, grief, and anxiety.[13]
Internal Medications
In the manifestation of the disease diabetic
1. Atialamoola kwath- 40ml (twice), (empty stomach) neuropathy, the functions of peripheral nerves are
2. Bhumiamalaki churna - 3gm (twice a day) impaired, which are mainly accredited to the Vata
3. Meshashrungivati - 4tab (twice a day) dosha, it is clear that the Vata acts as a receptor, as well
4. Mamaejakghanvati - 4 tab (twice a day) as a stimulator. In other words, it initiates the
External Medications functions in the body and perceives the stimulations
from the external environment.
Diet and exercise regimen for the 6 months following
treatment and follow up: In this case, we found the etiological factor to
have excessive intake of dietary items of Madhura rasa,
Snigdha Ahara, irregular meal time, disturbed sleep
1. Follow timely meal schedule. Have freshly during night, sedentary lifestyle, stress. Assessment of
prepared warm food. etiological factors is first step to prevent the disease
2. Churned butter milk and boiled-cooled water to from occurring. After that patient was advised to avoid
drink. Nidana and take strict diet according to Ayurveda. Diet
3. Cooked vegetables. mainly included avoiding of Madhura, Snigdha Ahara
4. Broken wheat, millets, and jowar, bajra should be and including fiber rich green vegetables and cereals.
included in the diet. This all reduces diabetes, delay sugar digestion and
5. Vegetables - Methika (fenugreek), Patola (pointed absorption. Nidana Parivarjana is advised during and
gourd), Rasona (garlic), after the treatment.
6. Mudga (green gram), Kulathha (horse gram) In these patients, a well-planned Ayurveda
7. Fruits - Jambu (jamun), Amalaki (goose berry), food and medication regimen together with regular
Dadima (pomegranate) exercise may assist to improve glycemic control. The
two therapeutic forms of Prameha, known as Sthoola
8. Oil - Atsai and Sharshapa mustard).
and Krisha/Durbala, are primarily diagnosed for
9. Spices - Maricha, Saindhva (rock salt), Hingu correcting Shodhana or Shamana treatments.[14]
(asafoetida), Haridra (turmeric), Ardraka (ginger).
Shodhana therapy includes selective oleation,
10. Moderate levels of exercise daily and walking and mild fomentation, therapeutic emesis or and purgation
Paranayam. as well as decoction enema. Before internal or external
Avoid oleation, Rookshana (desiccating therapy) is
1. Refrigerated, deep oily fried, salty, spicy, packet mandatory in Sthula Pramehi Chikitsa. The best
food items. Rookshana method is Udwarthana (dry power
2. Curd, paneer, cheese, sweets, and sour foods. massage) in Prameha patients.[15] Lamghana (depletion
Dugdha, Dadhi, Takra, Ikshuvikara, Guda, Pista- of Medus and Kapha) can be achieved by Upavasam
Anna, Nava-Anna, Urada, Gramya- Audaka- Anoopa (controlled fasting) or Rookshahara (fat free diet).
Mansa, Naveen Sura Avum Madhya, Adhyasan, Treatment explained in Ayurveda for morbid obesity in
Viruddhasana, Kapha-Meda Vardhak Ahara, general can also be adopted in Type 2 DM. The dietary
Madhur-Amla-Lavana Rasadi ahara. articles should be guru but consists of minimal
nutritional value like fibre/cellulose rich diet. The

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Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2023;11(4):11-19
Abhyanga alleviates Vata and improves the sensory population care to address unique patient needs while
perception of the skin. harnessing advancements in clinical information
Even though light dietary articles ensure systems and care integration to achieve the best
Langhana, the Rookshana can also be achieved by Seka, possible diabetes management and prevention in the
Vatatapa Seva, Vyayamam these all interventions work long run. Long follow up and a greater number of
in body as Langhana therapy. patients are required to reach any conclusion but, in
Bhumyamalaki having properties like Pitta- this case, it can be stated that this treatment is a hope
Kaphahara and Dahahara and also useful in diseases for the patients with diabetes resistance to
associated with the Vata Dosha. It is also described as conventional medicine
Mutraroga Nasini, Pittameha Nasini in the classics.[16] Outcome and Follow Up
These drug increase renal blood flow, improves GFR, Patient was assessed before and after the
decrease inflammation and hence help in reducing treatment as well as after follow up after 6 months of
urea, creatinine and reduces urinary excretion of discharge. Reduced frequency of urine, after one
protein. month of treatment, he is continuing oral medicines
Atibala has Sita, Madhura, Balakrita properties only and he regularly comes for following up in OPD.
and also Tridosahara properties. In addition it has Now on the tenth follow up patient had much
Rasayana effect which reduces all the three Dosas.[17] improvement in above symptoms. His blood sugar
Atibalamula Kwatha and Bhumyamalaki Churna are level and weight were also reduced significantly after
show significant improvement in reducing symptoms the treatment.
of DM and improves the general health. REFERENCES
Once the diabetes mellitus has developed then 1. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine-
blood sugar level should be controlled by using 22th ed. Amsterdam: Churchil Livingstone Elsevier
Madhumehahar drugs and its complications should be publication; 2006. P. 800
prevented by using specific drugs and Rasayana as 2. Harrison’s Manual of Medicine- 18th edition.
above mentioned. Amsterdam: editors Dan L. Longo, MD, Anthony S.
The internal Medicine used in this study is Fauci, MD, ScD (HON), Dennis L. Kasper, MD, MA
therapeutically indicated in Prameha. It has Tikta Rasa, (HON), Stephen L. Hauser, MD, The McGraw-Hill
Laghu Guna, Ushna Veerya, Katu Vipak and subsides Companies publication; 2006. P. 800
Kapha and Pitta. Mamejaka is said to have anti-diabetic 3. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine-
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the treatment plan. Ayurvedic disease care involves
prescribing a specialized diet, way of living, mostly 9. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika
herbal medications, and systemic cleansing therapies. commentary by Chakrapanidatta, Yadavaji
Future initiatives should consider how to customise Trikamaji Acharya editor, Chaukhambha Sanskrit

Available online at: http://ijapr.in 18

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6/86. Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, 1998, p: 702.

Cite this article as: *Address for correspondence

Vishal Mori, Manish Patel, S N Gupta, Pankaj Chhayani. Ayurvedic Management of Dr. Vishal Mori
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Diabetic Neuropathy: A Case Study. International PG Scholar,
Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2023;11(4):11-19. Department of Kayachikitsa,
https://doi.org/10.47070/ijapr.v11i4.2735 J. S. Ayurved Mahavidhyalaya,
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Email: vishalmori392@gmail.com

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