MUSL500 - FALL2019 Syllabus

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MUSL 500 -900 Laura-Edythe S.

Fall 2019 MLIS, Ph.D.


In this course, we will explore the history of museums and their role in society. What are the various types of museums
(art, history, science and natural history, cultural, ethnographic, etc.), how did they evolve, and how have their functions changed
over time? How have different philosophies of the museum been shaped by shifting societal values, economic factors, and trends
in technology? What do museums regard as their primary mission today? Through readings, case studies, and visits to local
institutions, students will develop an understanding of the history and theory of the museum from the 18th century to the present,
with special attention paid to the major issues surrounding contemporary museum practice.

Learning Objectives:
• Explain the history and function of various types of museums
• Discuss recent shifts in the theory and philosophy of the museum and its role in society
• Understand the issues and challenges pressing on current museum practice—including audience development, changes in
technology, economies, and market forces
• Approach any museum collection or exhibition with a critical eye
• Develop a cogent written analysis
Course Structure:

• This course is 10 weeks in length and runs from September 23 to December 8, 2019. The first week is an introduction to the
course, and the tenth week is a conclusion to the course. The six lessons of the course will be covered during weeks two
through nine.

• Each week begins on a Monday and ends on the following Sunday. This means that you must complete all readings for each
week by Saturday and be prepared to dialogue online with your peers throughout the week.

• Please review the course syllabus thoroughly to learn about specific course outcomes and requirements.

• Refer to the separate course bibliography for a comprehensive list of readings for this course. Please pay special attention to
which readings are due when.


This course is designed to provide opportunities for students to improve their reading and writing – with a focus on
expository and analytical assignments.

Assignments (Graduate):
Active Participation in Discussion Boards 100 Points
Week 1 What is a Museum? Course Introductions
Week 2 The Rise of European Museums
Week 3 National Museums in Europe
Week 4 The Founding of American Museums
Week 5 The Growth of American Museums
Week 6 Asian Museums
Week 7 Museums in India & the Middle East
Week 8 Colonial/Post-Colonial Museums
Week 9 Post-Modernism & the New Museology
Week10 The Future of Museums

Time Line Entries in Tik Toki 60 Points

Lesson 1 European Museums
Lesson 2 American Museums
Lesson 3 Asian Museums
Lesson 4 Museums in India & the Middle East
Lesson 5 Colonial/Post-Colonial Museums
Lesson 6 Post-Modernism & the New Museology
Museum Visit & Reflective Paper 40 Points

Course Total 200 Points

APA Quiz (extra credit)
Active Participation in Discussion Boards
Every student is required to participate in each Lesson’s Discussion Forum. This consists of an answer to the question
in each thread (there will be more than one thread for each lesson) and responses to at least TWO classmates' post in EACH
thread. This is the requirement for this class, however, you are welcome to start your own threads or post more than the
required amount. You must complete all the assigned readings each unit to participate effectively in the Discussion Forum. Try
to post early in the lesson so that we have time to build up a lively discussion. Please note that Discussion postings and
contributions that meet minimum requirements and/or are posted within a few hours of the deadline do not earn full points in
the category of Active Participation as outlined below in the Discussion Guidelines Grading Rubric. To earn full points you
need to spread out responses and engagement over the course of the week. Your initial post is due on Saturday, midnight, each
week and you will respond to your peers by midnight the following Tuesday. Please be sure to read all of the discussion posts
each lesson. To cite readings in your discussion posts you will need to use APA (Author, Date, Page #). So for example you
might write (Falk, 2009, p. 350).

Time Line - Tiki Toki Assignment

As a class, we will be creating a time line of museum history. The time line project consists of mostly individual work.
Every student is required to participate in the co-creation of a digital class time line. Each student will contribute a unique time
line entry for each of the six course lessons. The timeline will help us think through how certain concepts and events are related
in time and across space— allowing us to visualize the varied trajectories of museum philosophy and development and helping
us identify further trends and trajectories. We are going to use the software, Tiki Toki, to create our time line. To cite readings
in your discussion posts you will need to use APA (Author, Date, Page #).

FALL TERM 2019 2

Museum Visit & Reflective Paper
Every student is required to visit a museum during the final weeks of this course. The purpose of this visit is to
observe the influences of museum history and philosophy on practice. Every student will be required to spend 2-6 hours in the
museum of their choice, taking notes, watching, listening, and examining the forces of history and philosophy within the
museum space. After the museum visit, each student will craft a reflective paper, drawing on the multiple museum readings
presented in this course, in order to interpret the role of history and philosophy in the life of museum they have chosen to
observe. This paper is intended to be a synthesis of readings and experiences and is an opportunity for students to demonstrate
their understanding of the principles of museum history and philosophy. To cite readings in your discussion posts you will
need to use APA (Author, Date, Page #).
Required Texts - Please purchase these books through the bookstore, Amazon, or acquire through &

1. Genoways, H.H. & Andrei, M.A. (2008). Museum Origins: Readings in Early Museum History and Philosophy.
Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

2. Carbonell, B.M. (2012). Museum Studies: An Anthology of Contexts. London: Wiley-Blackwell.

Highly Recommended Text:

1. Bennett, T. (1995). The Birth of the Museums: history, theory, politics. New York, NY: Routledge.

Technology Requirements. In order to fully participate in this class, you will need regular access to a computer and the Internet.
A substantial portion of our readings will be made available via the Course Reserves tab in Blackboard. Each week, please check
the reserves for additional readings. I recommend printing and placing in a 5 inch, three-ring binder. Yes, we will fill the binder by
the end of the course!
Technical Difficulties?
Reach out to me ASAP - I have 4 years experience in a fast-paced IT Helpdesk and I'm rather techy!

Library Difficulties? Can't find an article?

Reach out to me ASAP - I'm also a librarian!

Expectations Regarding Class Participation. This will be a highly participatory course. Students are expected to complete all
readings, participate actively in the online portions of the course, as well as during museum visits. Discussion and active
participation are expected each week that the course is in session.

Grade Point Scale

A+ = 97-100
 B+ = 87-89
 C+ = 77-79 D+ = 67-69

A = 93-96
 B = 83-86
 C = 73-76
 D = 63-66

A- = 90-92 B- = 80-82 C- = 70-72 F = Below 63

Academic Policies
All students should be familiar with policies pertaining to graduate students at Drexel. Please consult the following websites:

Academic and Honesty Policy: dishonesty.asp

Course Drop Policy:

Disabilities Resources:

Students with disabilities requesting accommodations and services at Drexel University MUST present a current
Accommodation Verification Letter (AVL) to faculty before accommodations can be made.


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