Notes Methods of Philosophizing
Notes Methods of Philosophizing
Notes Methods of Philosophizing
means the study. It is a science of study of that which appears. Zwaenepoel (1974) defines phenomenology as a study of
that which appears as meaningful to consciousness in living experience by means of direct awareness.
When the boys buys an ice cream(Noema), he is aware that what he is buying is an ice cream and not otherwise. Buying
is an intentional act (noesis). This is the reason why he calls the vendor because he wants to buy an ice cream. And lastly,
who is the subject and the author of this activity, it is the Conscious self. The Self is the giver of meaning and keeps on
repeating this activity because he feels satisfied eating an ice cream. He finds the meaning of this activity.
Phenomenology refers to a persons perception of the meaning of an event as opposed to the event as it exists outside
of that person. This method attempts to understand peoples perceptions, opinions and understanding of a particular
situation (or phenomenon). In other words, phenomenology tries to answer the question, such as “What is it like to
experience such and such?”
A question is a problem, from the root word “pros” which means thrown and “ballos” which means ball. Let us discuss
the topic by an analogy. When a ball is passed on you, you have choices. You can either throw it back, dribble it, just
leave it, smash it, throw it away or do anything you like. Having problem is just like you are holding a ball. Metaphysical
question requires an answer that touches your being. It defines what you should do because you are affected by the
situation. The situation poses some alternatives to choose from. A choice you thing that is the best.
1. what will you do when you learn that your brother or sister is caught of shoplifting? This is a problem. Is this a
metaphysical or not?
2. A nice woman who happens to be a victim of rape. Definitely, this is a metaphysical problem for the victim. But what
about you?
2.1. Why this thing happens to me?
2.2. How can I raise this child when I am only a student?
2.3. How will I tell this to my boyfriend? Is this the end of our 2-year relationship?
2.4. How will I tell this to my parents? I understand my father is suffering from heart ailment.
For every question, there is always an answer. For every problem, there is always a solution. No matter how easy and
hard the question is, you will definitely arrive into an answer. No matter how hard and trouble-some the situation is, a
glimmering light shines in different intensity. Some light shine so slow, medium and some light shine so bright.
When a person is in the midst of depressing metaphysical moments, one wants to find “The Light” to ease (in local
dialect: mapagaan) one’s mind or soothe one’s heart. He has the tendency either to interiorize and do some reflection
or opt to find leisure time with others, engage in socializing, drinking alcoholic beverages, and many more.
1. REFLECTION – this is an interiorization process where a person tends to enter into himself, and makes some analysis
about what is really happened?, about himself? And about what is going on? Questions can be,
a. Why does this thing happen to me?
b. How am I now?
c. How am I going to face the situation like this?
d. if what I did was a mistake, where have I gone wrong?
In reflection approach, the person becomes the object of his own inquiry. When a tree is planted beside the river and
you look at the river where the tree is planted what you see is the reflection of the image of that tree.
Whatever answers to these reflective questions for a person in a troubled situation these answers bear an alleviating
spirit to give him a touch of hope – hope to continue life despite the challenges.
2. SAYINGS – (in tagalog dialect: mgakasabihan) – are philosophically inspired thought. The person has the tendency to
become close to nature. Because of the present predicament that he finds unbearable, the thinking person opt to
consider sayings to alleviate his mind and heart from troublesome situation. Their messages can ease the minds and
even soothe one’s heart. There are plenty of sayings that we can use, for example, on the issue of love-
a. Find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate
happiness (Robert Brault)
b. Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. (Robert Bernard Shaw)
3. STORIES – (kwento) –an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment but with moral lesson
in it.
Metaphysical problem: I am not as good as the others; I don’t think I can make it.
1. Ephoche – this is literally defined as “Bracketing”, a mathematical term borrowed by Husserl to mean that we need to
put inside the bracket all our natural attitudes of our object inquiry. Natural attitudes means our advanced concepts like
prejudices, and biases.
2. Eidetic Reduction – the word “Eidetic” Comes from the greek word “eidos” which means in English an image, shape or
form. This is an intelligible term. You reduce an object to the level of the mind. Eidetic reduction is about analyzing
essences: what makes the thing you are contemplating what it is. Example: a boy with a tattoo. Upon looking at this boy
I analyze him as an individual, a man, a person, a friend, a member of any gang. Who is this person free from prejudices?
Why does he have a tattoo?
3. Transcendental Reduction – under this method, one reduces the object to the mere activity itself of one’s own