NIH Public Access: Author Manuscript
NIH Public Access: Author Manuscript
NIH Public Access: Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Lancet Neurol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 August 19.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Since its discovery in 2007, the encephalitis associated with antibodies against the N-methyl-D-
aspartate receptor (NMDAR) has entered the mainstream of neurology and other disciplines. Most
patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis develop a multistage illness that progresses from
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
psychosis, memory deficits, seizures, and language disintegration into a state of unresponsiveness
with catatonic features often associated with abnormal movements, and autonomic and breathing
instability. The disorder predominantly affects children and young adults, occurs with or without
tumour association, and responds to treatment but can relapse. The presence of a tumour (usually
an ovarian teratoma) is dependent on age, sex, and ethnicity, being more frequent in women older
than 18 years, and slightly more predominant in black women than it is in white women. Patients
treated with tumour resection and immunotherapy (corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin,
or plasma exchange) respond faster to treatment and less frequently need second-line
immunotherapy (cyclophosphamide or rituximab, or both) than do patients without a tumour who
receive similar initial immunotherapy. More than 75% of all patients have substantial recovery
that occurs in inverse order of symptom development and is associated with a decline of antibody
titres. Patients’ antibodies cause a titre-dependent, reversible decrease of synaptic NMDAR by a
mechanism of crosslinking and internalisation. On the basis of models of pharmacological or
genetic disruption of NMDAR, these antibody effects reveal a probable pathogenic relation
between the depletion of receptors and the clinical features of anti-NMDAR encephalitis.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Correspondence to: Prof Josep Dalmau, Division of Neuro-Oncology, Department of Neurology, 3 West Gates, University of
Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA,
JD examined patients, and interviewed physicians and families. JD and RB-G provided synaptic and cell-based experimental data.
EM-H collected and analysed clinical data. EL and MRR did the literature search and examined the mechanisms related to genetic and
pharmacological alterations of NMDAR. JD, EL, MRR, and RB-G wrote the paper.
Conflicts of interest
A patent application for the use of NMDAR antibody determination in patients’ serum samples and CSF as a diagnostic test has been
filed in USA and Europe by JD. EL has a training grant from Talecris, a company that sells human immnoglobulin. None of the other
authors declare any conflicts of interest.
Dalmau et al. Page 2
The discovery of this disorder, termed anti-NMDAR encephalitis, has changed the
diagnostic approach to clinical problems as diverse as catatonia, subacute memory
disturbance, seizures, abnormal movements, and limbic encephalitis.3 It has also led to the
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
In this Review we present our clinical experience in the diagnosis and management of
hundreds of patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis and also discuss reports from other
investigators. We address the clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, frequency of
tumour association, the cellular and synaptic mechanisms of the disease, and the process of
recovery. We also discuss several confounding factors that often delay the recognition of
this disorder, and propose an algorithmic strategy to guide treatment.
The exact incidence of anti-NMDAR encephalitis is unknown, but on the basis of the rapid
accrual of patients and increasing number of case reports, it seems to be more frequent than
any other known paraneoplastic encephalitis. Evidence from intensive care,9–11
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
paediatric,12,13 and neurology departments8 lend support to this idea. In one retrospective
analysis of encephalitis of unknown origin,10 NMDAR antibodies were identified in 1% of
patients (aged between 18 and 35 years) admitted to an intensive care unit. A multicentre,
population-based prospective study of causes of encephalitis in the UK14 showed that 4% of
patients had anti-NMDAR encephalitis; the disorder was the second most common immune-
mediated cause, after acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and before all antibody-
associated encephalitis, including encephalitis attributed to voltage-gated potassium
channels. In another study,15 a series of 200 patients with anti-Hu-antibody-associated
encephalomyelitis was accrued over 13 years, and 500 cases of autoimmunity to proteins
that interact with voltage-gated potassium channels were identified over a 6-year period.16
Thus, by comparison, our experience of 400 patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis in just
3 years suggests a relatively frequent disorder.
The syndrome
Antibodies against the NR1 subunit of the NMDAR (NMDAR antibodies) are associated
with a characteristic syndrome that develops in several stages of illness and recovery, as first
reported by Iizuka and colleagues17 and Sansing and colleagues.18 About 70% of patients
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
In young children, the behavioural change can be difficult to detect because they often
present with temper tantrums, hyperactivity, or irritability as opposed to frank psychosis. In
children, the first symptom to be recognised is often non-psychiatric—eg, seizures, status
epilepticus, dystonia, verbal reduction, or mutism. Some behaviours are hypersexual and
violent (for instance, kicking and biting caregivers and parents). Because of anxiety and
insomnia, some children need intense sedation.12
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
This initial phase of the illness is usually followed by decreased responsiveness that can
alternate between periods of agitation and catatonia. At this stage, abnormal movements and
autonomic instability are usual manifestations. Oro-lingual-facial dyskinesias are the most
characteristic movements, but other types might occur simultaneously or alternate with limb
and trunk choreoathetosis, elaborate motions of arms and legs, oculogyric crisis, dystonia,
rigidity, and opisthotonic postures (see video recordings19–23). The most frequent autonomic
manifestations include hyperthermia, tachycardia, hypersalivation, hypertension,
bradycardia, hypotension, urinary incontinence, and erectile dysfunction.8 Two women
(aged 16 and 17 years) were thought to have Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (or stress
cardiomyopathy) due to high blood pressure (JD, unpublished). Hypoventilation, requiring
respiratory support, occurs as the patient becomes comatose but can occur earlier when the
level of consciousness is relatively preserved. In some cases the central origin of
hypoventilation is noted when patients cannot be weaned from mechanical ventilation.
While recovering, one patient needed nocturnal ventilatory support for 3 months. Autonomic
storms can fluctuate from tachycardia to bradycardia and longlasting cardiac pauses, which,
in some patients, require a temporary pacemaker.18 A transient increase of intracranial
pressure has been recorded in a few patients (JD, personal observation).
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Motor or complex seizures develop at early stages of the disease. The overlap of abnormal
movements and epileptic seizures can lead to under-recognition of the seizures or
unnecessary escalation of antiepiletics for dyskinesias that are interpreted as seizures.24 In
general, the frequency and intensity of the seizures decrease as the disease evolves.
However, seizures and status epilepticus can resurface at any time during the illness.
Attempts to wean patients from sedation can result in status epilepticus.2
During such stages, in which patients are usually managed in intensive care units,
dissociative responses to stimuli are noted. For example, patients often resist eye opening
but show little or no response to painful stimuli.17 This dissociative state is similar to that
caused by NMDAR antagonists, such as phencyclidine or ketamine, which are called
dissociative anesthetics.25,26
Oversimplification of the disease into cortical and subcortical stages and the suggestion that
patients without a tumour have a less impaired level of consciousness than do patients with a
tumour27 is (in our experience) highly inaccurate. Many symptoms with which a patient
presents (such as anxiety, fear, bizarre or stereotypical behaviour, insomnia, and memory
deficits) cannot be classified as cortical. Clinical examination of patients reveals a diffuse
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Diagnostic tests
Brain MRI is unremarkable in 50% of patients, and in the other 50%, T2 or FLAIR signal
hyperintensity might be seen in the hippocampi, cerebellar or cerebral cortex, frontobasal
and insular regions, basal ganglia, brainstem, and, infrequently, the spinal cord.2 The
findings are usually mild or transient and can be accompanied by subtle contrast
enhancement in the affected areas or the meninges.8 Follow-up MRIs either remain normal
or show minimum change despite the severity and duration of symptoms. Earlier reports2,17
of patients who had refractory seizures, or who did not recover or died, showed pronounced
brain atrophy. Lesions can occur that appear demyelinating, do not usually enhance, and are
transient. One patient with severe, relapsing symptoms, attributed to atypical antibody-
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)17,33 have shown variable multifocal
cortical and subcortical abnormalities that change during the course of the disease, although
in some cases early SPECT studies were normal.17 Reversible frontotemporal hypoperfusion
and brain atrophy, not due to corticosteroid treatment, have been reported in two patients
with follow-up of 5–7 years.34
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is initially abnormal in 80% of patients and becomes
abnormal later in the disease in most other patients.8 Findings include moderate lymphocytic
pleocytosis, normal or mildly increased protein concentration, and, in 60% of patients, CSF-
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Only 5% of male patients older than 18 years had an underlying tumour. Detection of
tumours other than teratoma is not very common—eg, of 400 patients studied, only 7 (2%)
had a tumour other than an ovarian teratoma (webappendix p 1). One patient with
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
neuroblastoma and another with Hodgkin’s lymphoma have been reported.38,39 The ovarian
teratomas of 25 patients showed expression of NMDAR in all cases.37 The expression of
NR1 by other tumours has been examined in only one patient with breast cancer and proved
positive (unpublished). Whether tumours other than teratomas are true associations or
unrelated coincident disorders is unknown.
On the basis of these data, the first concern in female patients should be screening for an
ovarian teratoma. The most useful screening tests include MRI, CT scan, and pelvic and
transvaginal ultrasound (if age appropriate). Serological tumour markers (CA125, β-HCG,
α-fetoprotein, or testosterone) have not been systematically assessed but are negative in
many patients. High serum concentrations of testosterone and signs of virilisation were
identified in a 15-year-old girl who, for 16 months, had relapsing episodes of encephalitis
and psychosis. Her serum was positive for NMDAR antibodies and a large mature teratoma
containing 6 L of fluid was removed, resulting in full recovery.40 In some patients,
exploratory laparoscopies and blind oophorectomies showed ovarian tumours,8,35 but in
others no tumour was detected.28
many patients undergo extensive blood and CSF assessments. A few patients had positive
serological tests suggesting an infection (eg, positive serum mycoplasma usually in
children),41 or direct evidence of a concomitant infection (eg, two patients with herpes
zoster; JD, unpublished). In four patients with neurological complications attributed to
influenza H1N1, one had NMDAR antibodies.42 The clinical picture of this patient, but not
the other three, was typical of anti-NMDAR encephalitis. Moreover, none of the above
mentioned patients had CSF findings indicating direct viral involvement of the CNS. The
absence of detection of a consistent infectious agent makes an immune response by
molecular mimicry unlikely.
Two patients developed the disorder after vaccination against H1N1 influenza (JD, personal
observation), and one patient after a booster vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria,
pertussis, and poliomyelitis.43 A 3-year-old child had a microdeletion in the short arm of
chromosome 6 that involved the HLA cluster, leading investigators to suggest a
predisposition to autoimmunity.44 A similar propensity to autoimmunity has been suggested
in patients, mostly children, who had, in addition to NMDAR antibodies, antinuclear or
thyroid peroxidase antibodies, or both.12 These findings suggest that racial and genetic
factors might predispose individuals to this type of autoimmunity, as shown in myasthenia
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
consecutively diagnosed patients in 2009 accord with these findings (figure 3). Although
80% of patients with a tumour (mostly teratomas) had substantial improvement after tumour
removal and first-line immunotherapy, only 48% of those without a tumour had a similar
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Reports exist of patients with predominant psychiatric manifestations that were given
electroconvulsive treatment (JD, unpublished).12 One patient’s disorder resolved without
further treatment,49 but the other patients only had a definitive improvement after
immunotherapy or removal of an underlying teratoma.50
Spontaneous neurological improvement has been reported, but usually occurs at the expense
of longer hospital stay and slower recoveries. Iizuka and colleagues17 described four women
with NMDAR antibodies identified in serum and CSF collected 4–7 years before the study,
providing the best natural history we have of this illness. Despite an absence of consistent
immunotherapy or tumour removal (tumours being identified in three patients several years
after recovery), all had gradual recovery (mean 7 months in hospital, recovery of more than
3 years for two patients). By contrast, one patient who developed the disorder before it was
described as a clinical entity had medical support withdrawn 3 months after the onset of
symptoms because their symptoms were judged to be irreversible. Analysis of the patient’s
serum and CSF and a review of autopsy material showed anti-NMDAR antibodies and an
ovarian teratoma.2 In another case, medical support was going to be discontinued when anti-
NMDAR antibodies were identified; treatment was continued and the patient recovered after
treatment with rituximab and cyclophosphamide (JD, unpublished). Relapses occur in 20–
25% of patients.8,12,27 They can be separated by intervals of months or years, usually with
substantial recovery between relapses. Patients’ symptoms can worsen when treatments are
tapered or discontinued.
Recovery from anti-NMDAR encephalitis occurs as a multistage process that happens in the
reverse order of symptom presentation. Patients slowly wake from coma as their autonomic
functions stabilise, respiration recovers, and dyskinesias subside; they are able to follow
simple commands and can have appropriate interactions before they recover verbal
functions. During this period patients can become psychotic and agitated again, calming as
they recover further (JD, unpublished observations). Social behaviour and executive
function symptoms are usually the last to improve, and recovery can be incomplete or
delayed by many months.
For the acute stage of the disease, many patients need to be hospitalised for at least 3–4
months, followed by several months of physical and behavioural rehabilitation.8,12,17
Patients need close supervision to prevent incidents caused by inappropriate behaviour,
impulsivity, disinhibition, and sometimes hyperphagia, hypersexuality, and hypersomnia.
Patients’ symptoms might resemble those of patients with Klüver-Bucy syndrome (bulimia,
term prognosis, even in the most disabled patients, should be done with caution.
an unknown cause. The only patient who did not die in an intensive care support unit died of
unclear cause in a nursing home facility.
Differential diagnosis
The constellation of symptoms in anti-NMDAR encephalitis results in a characteristic
syndrome that can suggest alternative diagnoses at different stages. Patients, particularly
adults, are often diagnosed with new onset psychosis. Many patients are treated with
antipsychotic medication, such as haloperidol, and then when they develop rigidity,
autonomic instability, increased concentrations of muscle enzymes, or rhadomyolysis are
thought to have neuroleptic malignant syndrome.18 However, these symptoms also occur in
patients who do not receive neuroleptics. Drugs that block NMDAR function, such as
phencyclidine, can produce similar symptoms.26,57
Rhabdomyolysis can also occur as an adverse side-effect of high-dose and long-term use of
propofol (propofol infusion syndrome). Additional manifestations of propofol infusion
syndrome include severe metabolic acidosis, hyperkalaemia, lipaemia, renal failure,
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
hepatomegaly, and cardiovascular collapse.58 We are not aware of any patient with anti-
NMDAR encephalitis who developed this syndrome, but since many of these patients need
protracted sedation with propofol, and also receive corticosteroids (a risk factor for propofol
infusion syndrome), the possibility of this complication should be kept in mind.
Compelling clinical and laboratory evidence exists that anti-NMDAR antibodies are
pathogenic. As previously discussed, antibody titres in CSF and, less often, in serum relate
with clinical outcome. Furthermore, the reversibility of the disorder, irrespective of the
duration of symptoms, suggests an immune-mediated neuronal dysfunction rather than
irreversible degeneration. These features, coupled with the paucity of brain T-cell infiltrates,
places this disorder in a category distinct from those that are mediated by complement or
cytotoxic T-cell mechanisms.66,67 Although patients’ antibodies are of the IgG1 and IgG3
classes,37 and therefore capable of activating complement, autopsy and biopsy studies show
deposits of complement in the tumour, but not in the brain, despite the presence of IgG in
brain (EM-H, unpublished).2 This occurrence is probably attributable to preservation of the
blood–brain barrier and low concentrations of complement in the CNS.
The first study8 showing that patients’ antibodies altered the density of NMDAR used rat
hippocampal neurons treated for 3 or 7 days with CSF or with IgG isolated from serum. The
antibodies caused a pronounced decrease of surface NMDAR clusters that was reversible on
removal of patients’ antibodies from the culture. Subsequently, Hughes and colleagues68 did
a comprehensive assessment of the effects of patients’ antibodies on synaptic NMDAR with
in vitro and in vivo experiments. They showed that anti-NMDAR antibodies cause a
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selective and reversible decrease in NMDAR surface protein, cluster density, and synaptic
localisation that is associated with CSF and serum antibody titres. The mechanism of this
decrease was selective antibody-mediated capping and internalisation of surface NMDARs,
because monovalent Fab fragments prepared from patients’ antibodies did not decrease
surface receptor density, whereas crosslinking with anti-Fab antibodies (linking two Fab
fragments in a conformation much the same as unmodified antibodies from patients)
recapitulated the decrease caused by patients’ antibodies that were intact (figure 4).
Additionally, whole-cell patch clamp recordings to assess miniature excitatory postsynaptic
currents in cultured rat hippocampal neurons showed that patients’ antibodies specifically
decreased synaptic NMDAR-mediated currents, but did not affect AMPA receptor-mediated
currents (figure 4). By contrast with these robust effects on NMDARs, patients’ antibodies
did not alter the localisation or expression of other glutamate receptors or synaptic proteins,
the number of synapses, dendritic spines, dendritic complexity, or cell survival. Results from
in-vivo experiments showed that infusion of patients’ antibodies into rat hippocampus
substantially reduced NMDAR density, much the same as the decrease of these receptors
seen in the hippocampi of patients on autopsy (figure 4).
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These studies show that antibodies from patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis lead to the
rapid and reversible loss of surface NMDAR by antibody-mediated capping and
internalisation, resulting in abrogation of NMDAR-mediated synaptic function. Our insights
are based on studies by Drachman and colleagues,69 which show that acetylcholine receptor
antibodies from patients bind, cap, and internalise receptors at neuromuscular junctions as a
mechanism underlying myasthenia gravis. Our studies further imply that synaptic loss of this
subtype of glutamate receptors eliminates NMDAR-mediated synaptic function, resulting in
patients’ symptoms.
The profile of symptoms caused by antagonists of NMDAR is dose dependent and varies in
much the same way as the multistage clinical course of anti-NMDAR encephalitis does
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
(figure 5). At low doses, NMDAR antagonists cause psychosis, agitation, memory
disturbance, and decreased responsiveness to pain, and at higher doses they cause
dissociative anaesthesia, a state of profound unresponsiveness with catatonic features, and
coma.82 NMDAR blockade disrupts the control of brainstem respiratory centres by higher
brain regions83 and the perception of pain.84 Therefore, progressive decrease of NMDAR by
patients’ antibodies and gradual restoration of NMDAR after a decline in antibody titre
might probably result in the multistage process of illness and recovery seen in patients with
anti-NMDAR encephalitis.
All steps and resulting clinical features of anti-NMDAR encephalitis outlined in figure 6
have been shown in animal models with a pharmacological or genetic decrease of NMDAR
expression.26,80,83 In these models, inactivation of GABAergic neurons, which express
higher concentrations of NMDAR than do other neuronal subtypes, has a central role in
clinical manifestations of the disease. Keeping in mind that in anti-NMDAR encephalitis the
effects of patients’ antibodies on GABAergic neurons have not been studied, we postulate
that an antibody-mediated decrease of NMDAR predominantly inactivates GABAergic
neurons and leads to most of the clinical features of the disorder. The complexity of some
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
does not relate with most abnormal movements; and brain MRI that is often normal or
shows transient FLAIR or contrast-enhancing abnormalities.
Antibody studies should be done in both serum and CSF. Such tests allow comparison of
antibody concentrations during the course of the disease. Periodic screening of serum and
CSF is useful to assess the effects of treatment, especially in the CNS. All patients should be
examined for the presence of an underlying tumour, mainly an ovarian teratoma or a
testicular germ-cell tumour. The very low frequency of other tumours suggests that periodic
whole-body screening, as recommended for classic paraneoplastic syndromes, is
unnecessary.88 However, we do recommend periodic screening for ovarian teratomas for at
least 2 years, even if patients have recovered from encephalitis.17
On the basis of previous experience and data from this Review, a proposal for treatment is
shown in figure 7. Although no standard of care exists, we prefer concurrent IVIg (0·4 g/kg
per day for 5 days) and methylprednisolone (1 g/day for 5 days) to plasma exchange. Plasma
exchange is more difficult to do in children, poorly cooperative patients, or patients with
autonomic instability. If no response is seen after 10 days, we start second-line therapy. In
adults, we use rituximab (375 mg/m2 every week for 4 weeks) combined with
cyclophophamide (750 mg/m2 given with the first dose of rituximab), followed by monthly
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Future studies
In this Review we have shown that anti-NMDAR encephalitis defines a new syndrome,
reclassifies poorly defined disorders, and strengthens previous hypotheses, such as
hypofunction of NMDAR in schizophrenia. Future studies should clarify the mechanism and
timing of how the immune response is expanded in the CNS, the best treatment approach,
and strategies to accelerate the process of recovery. The frequency of the disorder suggests
that multicenter clinical trials are feasible. The idea that GABAergic inactivation occurs not
only in pharmacological and genetic models of decrease of NMDAR but also in patients
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
We thank physicians, patients, and families for providing information, and patients and family members who
volunteered to come to our institution for clinical assessment; Lindsey McCracken for her excellent job collecting
data; and Francesc Graus for critical review of the manuscript. This work was supported in part by grants from the
National Institutes of Health and National Cancer Institute RO1CA89054 (JD), 1RC1NS068204-01 (JD and RB-G),
and a McKnight Neuroscience of Brain Disorders award (JD and RB-G), Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias
F108100285 (EM-H), and a Dana Foundation Neuro-imunology Award (EL).
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Figure 1. Antibody studies in a patient without tumour and extended clinical course
An 18-year-old man was transferred from another hospital after 4 weeks’ of being in coma.
At admission, his CSF and serum were assessed at dilution 1 in 40 for reactivity with
HEK293 cells that recombinantly expressed NR1/NR2 heteromers of the NMDAR. Only the
patient’s CSF was positive (A). B shows the reactivity of a monoclonal antibody against
NR1, and co-localises with patient’s CSF reactivity (merged immunolabelling in C). D
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shows that the patient’s serum did not react with cells expressing NR1/NR2; in E these cells
are immunolabelled by use of a monoclonal antibody against NR1. F shows the merged
reactivities. In C and F the nuclei of the cells are stained with DAPI. The graph shows
NMDAR antibody titres in CSF over time. Titres were measured by ELISA for 13 months.
CSF from control individuals with disorders other than anti-NMDAR encephalitis (eg,
stroke, encephalitis suspected to be autoimmune, cerebellar degeneration, and viral
encephalitis) were less than 500 relative fluorescence units (RFU; data not shown). The
patient was treated initially with corticosteroids and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg)
without improvement, and subsequently with rituximab and monthly cyclophosphamide.
During the clinical course the brain MRI showed mild generalised atrophy. He is currently at
home and able to take care of himself, have normal conversations, and play computer
games, but is still recovering from symptoms of frontotemporal dysfunction. All techniques
have been described elsewhere.8 CSF=cerebrospinal fluid. NMDAR=N-methyl-D-aspartate
Figure 3. Treatment and outcome in 105 patients comparing presence and absence of tumour
and the use of second-line immunotherapy
First-line immunotherapy consists of corticosteroids, IVIg and plasma exchange given alone
or in combination (detailed below). *Second-line immunotherapy, consists of rituximab or
cyclophosphamide, or both. Substantial improvement is defined as previously reported,8 and
includes full recovery or minimum deficits estimated by physicians and family members as
recovery of more than 90% of function. All other patients are judged to have little
improvement or no change. In patients with tumour, first-line treatment indicates tumour
removal and in most cases first-line immunotherapy. Although there was no difference
between the proportion of patients who achieved substantial recovery with or without
tumour (Fisher’s exact test, p=0·16), patients with tumour responded to first-line treatment
more often than did patients without tumour (p=0·001). Those without tumour required
second-line immunotherapy more often and the 5 patients who died were in this group.
Whether these patients had occult tumours is unknown.
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Figure 4. Association between patients’ antibodies and internalisation of NMDAR receptors and
abrogation of NMDAR currents
(A) Hippocampal neurons immunostained for surface and internal (total) N-methyl-D-
aspartate receptor (NMDAR) clusters (top row, stained with commercial NR1 subunit
antibody), surface NMDAR clusters only (middle row, stained with patients’ cerebrospinal
fluid [CSF]) and their co-localisation (bottom row, surface NMDAR clusters in yellow).
Treatment with patients’ IgG for 1 day decreases surface and total NMDAR cluster density
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compared with control IgG. Treatment with patient Fab fragments does not affect surface or
total NMDAR cluster density, whereas treatment with divalent patient Fab fragments (Fab
fragments and anti-Fab secondary antibodies) decreases surface and total NMDAR cluster
density to an extent similar to patients’ IgG. (B) Effects of patients’ IgG, Fab fragments, and
divalent Fab fragments on surface and total NMDAR cluster density. (n=30 cells, four
independent experiments; two samples from patients, two samples from control patients
with unrelated neurological disorders with no immune system involvement). All values are
mean ± SE. *=significant difference (one-way ANOVA test followed by Bonferroni’s
multiple comparison test, p<0·00071). (C) Graphic representation of the effect of each
treatment on surface receptor clusters. (D) Representative average miniature excitatory
postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) recorded in magnesium (Mg2+)- free physiological saline
with tetrodoxin (TTX) and picrotoxin to isolate synaptic NMDAR-mediated currents. In
neurons treated with IgG from controls for 1 day, 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV),
an NMDAR antagonist, blocks the slow decay of the mEPSC (dark green trace). The
difference between the dark green traces is the slow NMDAR-mediated current. Neurons
treated for 1 day with CSF from a patient (right) have no APV sensitive, NMDAR-mediated
current (ie, no difference between the dark green traces). (E) Brain sections from rats
infused with CSF from controls (top left) contain many NMDAR clusters in the cornu
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ammonis (CA1) of the hippocampus, whereas brain sections from rats infused with a
patient’s CSF (top right) contain substantially fewer NMDAR clusters. Presynaptic synapsin
immunostaining is similar between groups (bottom left, right). (F) Effect of 2-week-infusion
of patients’ CSF with different antibody titres on NMDAR cluster density in CA1. Each
point represents the mean NMDAR cluster density from three to five images from an
infused rat, ±SE. Patients’ CSF with higher antibody titres reduced NMDAR cluster density
to a greater extent than did lower titre samples. These findings indicate that infusion with
patients’ CSF results in a titre-dependent decrease in NMDA cluster density (linear
regression analysis; R2=0·32, p<0·03). All values are mean±SE. Data are for nine rats killed
after 14 days of infusion; five CSF samples from patients, and four CSF samples from
controls. (G) Hippocampal section from a healthy individual (left) and from a patient with
anti-NMDAR encephalitis (right) immunostained with a commercial NR1 antibody. (H)
Intensity of NR1 immunostaining is substantially reduced in the hippocampi of anti-
NMDAR encephalitis patients (n=2) compared with hippocampi of controls (3). The
distribution of both patient values for NR1 intensity differed significantly from the
distribution of control values (paired Komolgorov-Smirnov test, p<0·03). All data adapted
from Hughes and colleagues,68 with permission from the Society for Neuroscience.
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