Advanced Regulatory Control (ARC) or Advanced Process Control (APC) ?
Advanced Regulatory Control (ARC) or Advanced Process Control (APC) ?
Advanced Regulatory Control (ARC) or Advanced Process Control (APC) ?
This was originally presented as Rhinehart, R. R., “Advanced Regulatory Control (ARC) or Advanced
Process Control (APC)?” Proceedings of the ISA Automation Week Conference, October 4-7, 2010,
Houston, TX. Then jointly authored and published as Rhinehart, R. R., M. L. Darby, and H. L. Wade,
“Editorial – Choosing Advanced Control”, ISA Transactions: The Journal of Automation, Vol. 50, No. 1,
2011, pp 2-10.
Both Advanced Classical and Model-Predictive Control are important, useful, functional,
and powerful. The question many process control professionals ask is, “Where should I use
There are many control problems, and for each there is a wide range of technical
solutions, from simple to complex. Once the technical details are understood the audience will
be ready to see the issues related to initial cost, maintenance, personnel training, etc.; and will
be able to choose an approach that best addresses the guiding engineering principles of
K.I.S.S., sustainability, and balance technology within the human situation.
This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of how the progression in
complexity from simple PI to advanced classical to elementary model-based to model predictive
control addresses process, human, and economic features that would make one approach
preferred for a particular application.
Bottom Line:
Use the right tool for the job. Don’t use a wrench to hammer a nail. In process control,
there are many tasks, each with appropriate tools.
Start with process knowledge. This is essential to making right decisions.
ARC (Advanced Regulatory Control) seems to have a common meaning. It refers to
what used to be called advanced process control: gain scheduling, ratio, cascade, feedforward,
decouplers, override, and related and ancillary techniques such as anti-windup, bumpless
transfer, PID modifications, and tuning techniques. The ARC techniques were known prior to
computers and the modern era of state-space and model-predictive control. However, as Wade
Distributed with permission of author by ISA 2010
Presented at ISA Automation Week; 5-7 October 2010;
indicates, “Most of the techniques included in what is called ARC were known during the time of
analog control. However the problems of individual component cost, component reliability and
consistent performance precluded the use of most of them, except for occasional Cascade
loops. Perhaps the hay-day of these ARC techniques was after the introduction of DCS and
prior to the wide-spread use of APC.”
By contrast, APC (Advanced Process Control) has many meanings. Within the model
predictive control (MPC) community, APC means MPC. Since the “big ticket” APC item within
the chemical process industry (CPI) is MPC, APC and MPC are synonymous to many of us, as
are the equivalent of Dacron for polyester, and Ping Pong for table tennis. However, many
control experts recognize that the modern computer era also brings us other advanced
nonlinear and adaptive controllers, automation of supervisory real-time economic optimization of
controller setpoints, computer perception and monitoring of status and health to trigger
corrective action, and computer-based planning and scheduling. Since this session is primarily
about a comparison of feedback control strategies, I will include nonlinear and adaptive
algorithms with MPC in the definition of APC.
Control Algorithms:
It seems that no controller solves every one of the problems listed above. Accordingly,
the users must assess which problems are most important within their process context (this
includes technical, economic, safety, and political issues), and choose a control scheme that is
right for that confluence of issues and concerns.
You should not just make an APC or ARC decision based on CV performance. There
are many other benefits to consider.
How does advanced control impact the operators’ ability to take manual corrective action
in response to process events? This is grounded in operators’ understanding of both the
advanced controller and the process, and complicated controllers can either diminish or
enhance that ability.
The human machine interface (HMI) which displays the process and controller activity to
the operators is a critical element in the success of process management. If operators are not
engaged and the control action is not understandable, then their ability to manage abnormal
events in the process progressively diminishes.
How do the modeling outcomes of advanced control benefit process understanding by
the engineer and subsequent process engineering aspects such as trouble shooting, process
improvement, and abnormal management? The better the process knowledge, the better will
be process management decisions related to predictive maintenance, fault/situation diagnosis,
knowledge dissemination, supervisory economic modeling, and process management.
Controller models based on process first-principles are especially useful for knowledge
validation and dissemination, and automated process health monitoring.
Related to choosing an appropriate control strategy, Darby, et al. (2009) discuss the “…
significant ‘art’ aspect to the application …” and that “… both technical and organizational issues
that are critical …” Experience with the process, classical control and model-predictive control
is needed to consider whether sensors are in the right locations, measuring enough variables,
and reliable enough to be able to provide accurate, fault-free, and complete information in a
timely manner. Can reliable inferential measurements be generated from time compensation of
the measurements? Are valves adequately sized and functioning to prevent sticktion and
constraint issues? How should plant tests be designed to reveal plant dynamics without hitting
future constraints? When is the model adequate? In a hierarchical structure, which variables
should be included in the lower level ARC and which in the upper-level APC? The answers to
these questions depend what operating conditions will affect the plant today, and in the future,
which shape the relative importance of the pros and cons associated with each choice.
With help from Qin and Badgwell (2003), here are my additions to the Wikipedia list, in
alphabetical order by vendor name, including adaptive, nonlinear, process-model based, and
MPC products:
x ABB (Optimize IT)
x Adersa (HIECON, and PFC)
Distributed with permission of author by ISA 2010
Presented at ISA Automation Week; 5-7 October 2010;
x Aspen Technologies (AspenOne, Aspen Target, DMC-Plus)
x B D Payne and Associates
x ControSoft (Mantra)
x CyboSoft (Model Free Adaptive Control)
x Dot Products (Nova, STAR)
x Emerson (Delta-V NN and FLC, and EnTech)
x Expertune (Plant Triage)
x GE (Continental Controls process-model based control, and MVC)
x Gensym (G2 products)
x Honeywell (Profit MAX, Profit Suite)
x Hyperion (DMCplusTM)
x Ipcos (INCA)
x Knowledgescape
x Knowledge Process Solutions (IPC)
x LineStream (ADRC)
x Matrikon (ProcessACT)
x Perceptive Engineering (Perceptive)
x Shell Global (SMOC-II)
x Universal Dynamics (Brainwave)
x Yokogawa (APCSuite)
Additional Perspectives:
Development needs for control:
x Autonomous health monitoring of the process and the control system. Cyber employees
that observe evaluate and advise operators and engineers.
x Sustainment – monitoring and improving both ARC and APC, perhaps within 6-sigma
x Abnormal event (fault, disturbance) recognition, diagnosis, and compensation.
x Normal event (stage completion) recognition and action trigger. The event to be
recognized might be steady-state, transient state, draining complete, emulsion
x Control of perceived situations from visual, acoustic, sniffer diagnosis of phenomena
(cavitation, impending log jams, impending undesired confluence of events, impending
flooding, clinker formation, foaming, froth, agglomeration, taste, customer satisfaction).
This is in contrast to controlling state variables.
x Automation of every routine function of the operators and engineers (data analysis,
transition start & stop, balancing feeds, adjusting cycle times, initiating calibration, last
night’s loop performance, tweeking setpoints based on control chart data).
x Determine how the economic uncertainty can be used to temper control action.
Evaluating the value of intermediate products is even more difficult than determining a
value of the product (considering Sales activities). But RTO and APC actions are
strongly grounded in economic values. How can we prevent RTO and APC from
bouncing operating conditions between constraints when there is an appearance of a
penny to be saved?
x Develop robust accurate in-process cost accounting systems to determine the value of
intermediate and final products.
According to Qin and Badgwell (2003), Bauer and Craig (2008), Ford (2008), and Darby, et al.
(2009) here are additional development needs for control:
x Standard methodology or tool to estimate the cost benefit analysis of potential APC or
RTO application
x Look-up table of benefits from post application audits on a per unit per situation basis to
facilitate estimation of economic benefit of new applications
x Continuous monitoring of economic benefit, total and for each loop
x Evaluation of economic impact of model degradation (actually plant changes that make
model less than ideal)
x Integration of planning, scheduling, RTO, and APC. RTO is a SS model sandwiched
between dynamic operations. RTO uses instantaneous prices and costs, but APC
action is devoid of economics or based on old values. RTO changes make APC bump
from one constraint to another, with no assessment of the impact on utilities cost or
product variability. Scheduling creates a wave of change that progresses through the
plant, but RTO uses SS models.
x Improve the HMI so that operators and process engineers can understand.
x Use of multiple objective functions, for priority shedding of constraints for instance
x Create adaptive MPC that auto corrects the model, preventing degradation.
x Create tuning procedures that are easy to implement (prevent ill-conditioning, reflect
operational priorities, do not need extensive simulation testing)
x Determine how to know when the model is good enough to stop plant tests.
x Plantwide control
x Diagnosing the problem when a controller is performing poorly.
x Automate the hierarchal structure. What variables should be part of the conventional
ARC and what should be inputs and outputs of the supervisory MPC? Should there be
one supervisory MPC or does the plant isolation of effects indicate that several smaller
MPCs, one for each section, is better.
x Can MPC action be made more aggressive when CV is changed by unmeasured
x Automatic and robust updating of inferred property rules (inferential sensors, soft
sensors) which estimate the CV value for the controllers.
x Automatic and robust updating of SS models used in RTO to keep them true to the plant.
x Improve robustness to field instruments (sensor transmitters, communication network,
final elements)
x Static transformations to linearize the process I/O so that linear MPC is applicable
x Models of the unmeasured disturbance so that future model predictions are corrected by
future estimated residuals.
The topics discussed in this paper also present a challenge to control educators related
to the preparation of students within undergraduate engineering programs for automation and
control careers. Here are some perspectives on how education should be changed to support
the automation engineering workforce needs:
x Let go of the technology legacy of PID control to a setpoint, and prepare engineers to
become the parents and coaches of intelligent controllers who can baby-sit their
process. Students will need to understand the rasion d’etre of their darling little process.
They will need to understand and recognize misbehavior and know how to correct and
prevent it. They will need to understand health, recognize symptoms, diagnose the
disease, and implement a cure. Control theory is not the essential issue for
undergraduates seeking to go to industry. Present the math and analysis that is
fundamental to control as a secondary, supporting theme. Don’t let the joy of the
mathematics mask the primary course objective. Drop frequency analysis and z-
transforms from undergraduate courses. Diminish Laplace transforms to the role of a
historical language of communicating process and controller dynamics. For the plant
engineer, Laplace transforms need to be understood only as a carrier of information
such as process order, deadtime value, and gain value.
x Add process control laboratory experience to the undergraduate program. Automate
Unit Operations Laboratory process equipment. Use pilot-scale equipment. Don’t use
bench-top engineering-science experiments or computer simulators for the chemical
engineering lab. Students need to experience valves, sensors, data logging, loop
structure and tuning, signal transmission, etc.
x Add Automation Engineering degree programs to universities, or adequate courses to
obtain a minor in automation. The one control course in the ChE program is adequate
to reveal the “tip of the iceberg” of PID feedback control to students, but it does not
usually cover instrument system calibration, ARC, APC, optimization, DCS structure or
operation, electronic aspects (grounding, wiring protocol, isolation), Safety Instrumented
Systems, health monitoring, permissible industrial tuning practices, etc.
I greatly appreciate the review of this paper and feedback from Harold Wade, Mark
Darby, Dave Schnelle, Jacques Smuts, and Alan Hugo. They broadened my perspectives with
their experience; however, I fully accept responsibility for any incompleteness that remains.
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Distributed with permission of author by ISA 2010
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