Fault-Tolerant Control Systems-An Introductory Overview: Jin Jiang
Fault-Tolerant Control Systems-An Introductory Overview: Jin Jiang
Fault-Tolerant Control Systems-An Introductory Overview: Jin Jiang
Jin Jiang1,2
1 (Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, N6A 5B9 Canada)
2 (Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, East China Jiaotong University,
Abstract This paper presents an introductory overview on the development of fault-tolerant con-
trol systems. For this reason, the paper is written in a tutorial fashion to summarize some of the
important results in this subject area deliberately without going into details in any of them. How-
ever, key references are provided from which interested readers can obtain more detailed information
on a particular subject. It is necessary to mention that, throughout this paper, no efforts were made
to provide an exhaustive coverage on the subject matter. In fact, it is far from it. The paper merely
represents the view and experience of its author. It can very well be that some important issues or
topics were left out unintentionally. If that is the case, the author sincerely apologizes in advance.
After a brief account of fault-tolerant control systems, particularly on the original motivations, and
the concept of redundancies, the paper reviews the development of fault-tolerant control systems
with highlights to several important issues from a historical perspective. The general approaches
to fault-tolerant control has been divided into passive, active, and hybrid approaches. The analysis
techniques for active fault-tolerant control systems are also discussed. Practical applications of fault-
tolerant control are highlighted from a practical and industrial perspective. Finally, some critical
issues in this area are discussed as open problems for future research/development in this emerging
1 Introduction
Modern technological systems rely heavily on sophisticated control systems to meet increased
safety and performance requirements. This is particularly true in safety critical applications, such as
aircraft, spacecraft, nuclear power plants, and chemical plants processing hazardous materials, where
a minor and often benign fault could potentially develop into catastrophic events if left unattended
for or incorrectly responded to. To prevent fault induced losses and to minimize the potential risks,
new control techniques and design approaches need to be developed to cope with system component
malfunctions whilst maintaining the desirable degree of overall system stability and performance levels.
A control system that possesses such a capability is often known as a Fault-Tolerant Control System
It is important to emphasize that the key to any FTCS is the existence of system redundancies.
Different design methods are merely the reflection of different philosophies in utilizing and managing
such redundancies. For this simple reason, it should be emphasized that fault-tolerant control may not
be suitable for any application, as redundancies always come at additional cost for extra components
and with added inconvenience, such as increased weight, size, and not to mention about the cost of
maintenance in the life span of these additional components. Clearly, one has to seriously analyze the
problem at hand to justify the use of fault-tolerant control systems.
In any FTCS, the desirable degree of fault tolerance, the amount of required redundancies, and the
potentially achievable system performance are all closely related. Considering the following scenario:
suppose in an extreme, one would like to maintain the performance of a system unconditionally even in
the presence of the most serious faults, it goes without saying that the system would require a significant
1) Supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Received July 29, 2004; in revised form September 10, 2004
amount of redundancies to meet this demand. Of course, the resulting system is very fault-tolerant,
but at a high cost, because, by definition, redundancies are those system capabilities that are not
usually required during the normal operation. On the contrary, the other extreme is that there exists
no redundancy or any other safety margins in the system, any minor failure in system components
would result in a total collapse of the system. The problem dealt with in fault-tolerant control systems
is clearly somewhere in between these two extremes.
In order to maintain a certain level of performance in the event of system component failures, the
system must possess some degrees of redundancies. However, physical and financial constraints often
put utmost limits on the installed redundancies. Therefore, a viable solution is to reduce the demand
on the performance whenever necessary if a fault has occurred in the system. Only the most essential
part of the system is maintained. In fact, for a well engineered system, faults should be regarded as rare
events rather than a common occurrence. Clearly, from a practical point of view, there is a fine line
between the cost invested and the potential benefit gained. Generally speaking, from a fault-tolerant
control viewpoint, more redundancies can potentially be translated into better fault-tolerance abilities.
However, more redundancies will inevitably increase the complexity of the fault-tolerant control system
design and implementation process.
Since the performance of a control system is very much dependent on the power and the maneu-
verability of the existing control actuators, so far as the control system performance is concerned, the
actuators pose the utmost bounds on the achievable performance. One has to be very careful not to
over-work the remaining actuators in the presence of some actuator faults, because they could very
well be the only link to the survival of the entire system by keeping the system controllable. The
remaining actuators should be wisely used normally to steer the system to a safe state, rather than for
the completion of the mission.
Sensors are other important devices in a control system. Failures in sensors will inevitably lead
to wrong control decisions, which can endanger the safe operation of the entire system. Fortunately,
sensors themselves are passive devices in the sense that they do not directly participate in the control
actions, rather than provide information needed for the controllers and actuators. Therefore, it is
often possible to employ multiple sensors and cross-check each other’s operational status to increase
the overall reliability of the measurement system. It is also the trend in industries nowadays to adopt
so-called “smart” sensors with self-validation and self-diagnostic capabilities. As far as the FTCS is
concerned, faults in actuators are more difficult to deal with, as actuators/controllers affect the system
behaviors directly. Therefore, more efforts will be placed on the FTCS against actuator failures in this
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the development of different aspects of fault-
tolerant control systems is examined with a historical perspective. Some examples of industrial practice
of fault-tolerant control techniques are briefly discussed in Section 3. Some open problems and their
potential solutions are summarized in Section 4 with some future perspectives. Finally, the conclusion
is drawn in Section 5 with a list of key references.
to react to the failure. If a corrective action had been taken, the plane could have been saved[21] .
Obviously, under such emergency situations, an automated fault-tolerant control system could have
been extremely useful to alleviate the stress endured by the pilots and the diagnostic information could
have been more effectively utilized to secure the plane. For military aircraft, the concept of active
fault-tolerant control is also very attractive in dealing with battle damages over enemy territories[22] .
In contrast to a passive FTCS, instead of relying on a fixed controller for all conceivable situ-
ations, an active FTCS reacts to the diagnosed failures by exercising the controls accordingly (again
through proper manipulation of redundancies) so that the system stability can be maintained and the
performance still be acceptable[23] . In many circumstances, a compromise has to be made to accept
a degraded performance in the presence of failures due to the limited amount of redundancies. In the
literature, active fault-tolerant control systems are sometimes also known as self-repairing control[19] ,
reconfigurable[24] , restructurable[25] .
Typically, an active FTCS is composed of the following sub-systems as shown in Fig. 2: a) fault
detection/diagnosis scheme; b) controller reconfiguration mechanism, and c) reconfigurable controller.
All three sub-systems have to work in harmony within the real-time constraint to achieve an effective
active fault-tolerant control system.
As far as the reconfigurable controller is concerned, it is usually a digital controller whose param-
eters and/or structure can be easily varied as directed by the controller reconfiguration mechanism.
The working principle is very much like gain-scheduling controls except that the scheduling variable
is the decision from the controller reconfiguration mechanism. In the literature, the research efforts
on active fault-tolerant control systems have primarily been focused on: (i) fault detection/diagnosis
schemes, and (ii) control system reconfiguration mechanisms. As a matter of fact, a significant amount
of research has been accomplished in both areas. In comparison, relatively little work has been done
to integrate the developed techniques from these two areas together to form an effectively active fault-
tolerant control system.
So far as the controller implementation is concerned, there are generally two approaches: one is to
design a pool of controllers off-line and stored in a database, based on the diagnostic decisions from the
fault detection/diagnosis scheme, the most appropriate controller can be selected to be realized by the
reconfigurable controller[24] . The other approach is to synthesize new controllers on-line in real-time.
Clearly, the former is more restrictive with respect to the type of faults being able to deal with, and
the latter poses an even more challenging proposition as time is an essence in dealing with faults in
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A tremendous amount of work has been done in the area of fault detection/diagnosis in the last
three decades. Many techniques have been developed, even though not all of them are initially geared
towards active fault-tolerant control systems. The basic idea in any fault detection/diagnosis scheme
is to compare the expected system behavior against the real observed one. The difference, often known
as a residual, can then be used to assess the system operating condition and to flag faults in the
system. The differences among various approaches lie in the way how the expected system behavior is
characterized. In general, the existing techniques can be categorized as: (i) model-free; and (ii) model-
based schemes. Since the design of a reconfigurable control system relies heavily on the post-fault
model of the system, model-based techniques are most appropriate in this application.
Essentially, in a model-based fault detection/diagnosis scheme, one utilizes the mathematical mod-
els to quantify the expected behaviors of the system. The quantities often used are the system states,
the system parameters, and the system input and output consistences. These three quantities naturally
lead to three model-based fault detection/diagnosis techniques: (i) state estimation; (ii) parameter es-
timation; and (iii) parity equations. Several excellent surveys are available on these subjects[26∼30] . In
the context of FTCS, the performance of different techniques has also been compared. It was found
that the state estimation based schemes are most suitable for fault detection since they are inherently
fast by properly placing observer poles and have the least time delay in fault detection. However, the
diagnostic information on the fault is generally not detail enough for the controller reconfiguration
mechanism to use. Fortunately, parameter estimation based schemes provide an excellent complement.
Thus, a combination of the state and the parameter estimation schemes have been found to be the
most adequate in many FTCS applications[31] .
So far as the controller reconfiguration mechanism is concerned, a lot of research has been carried
out under the assumption that a perfect model of the post-fault system is already available (presumably
from fault detection/diagnosis schemes), and the task of the reconfigurable control is simply to stabilize
the post-fault system and to recover the original system performance as much as possible based on the
post-fault system model. Certainly, the availability of the post-fault system model is a big assumption.
It is seldom the case that the post-fault model is completely known. It will be shown in the later
part of this section that the model uncertainties resulting from fault diagnosis processes have also been
considered recently. The reported work on active FTCS dates back to 1985 when an automatic redesign
approach was developed to accommodate the control element failures for a commercial aircraft[25] by
redistributing the control authority of the failed control surfaces to the remaining ones.
From the point of view of performance recovery in the presence of component failures, a pseudo-
inverse based controller reconfiguration method has been examined in [32]. A necessary modification
to the original scheme is made so that the stability of the closed-loop system after the reconfiguration
can be maintained. One advantage of the pseudo-inverse method is its simplicity in computing the
reconfigured feedback controller gain matrix. By embedding the desired post-fault system performance
into a reference model, a novel reconfigurable control system design using the perfect model following
principle has also been proposed[33] . It is interesting to show that there is an inherent connection be-
tween the perfect model following and the pseudo-inverse approach. To ensure the closed-loop stability
in the presence of component failure and to maximize the performance recovery, an eigenstructure
assignment based algorithm has been developed under the state and output feedback configurations[34]
as an alternative to the pseudo-inverse approach. In this approach, the stability is always guaranteed,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the post-fault system can be placed such that the optimal performance
recovery is obtained.
For a given system, if the component failures can be characterized by a finite set of failure modes,
the system can be described by a set of dynamic models, known as multiple models. Based on such a
multiple model representation, Maybeck and co-workers have developed adaptive control algorithms to
deal with anticipated component failures[35] . The theoretical aspects of such a multiple model based
adaptive control has further been examined[36] . If the actuator failures can be represented in terms of
loss in their effectiveness, an integrated active fault-tolerant control system can be designed based on
an Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) approach[37] .
The philosophy of an integrated FTCS design is essentially to integrate all three parts of an active
fault-tolerant control system in one design cycle. It is shown[38] that the simultaneous state and fault
parameter estimations can be a very useful tool in this situation as it provides the latest information on
the fault as well as on the state variables for feedback control. Based on the knowledge of the fault, an
eigenstructure assignment based reconfiguration control technique can be used to recover the system
performance as much as possible.
There are many other approaches to active fault-tolerant control system design, for example, based
on Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI)[39,40] , artificial neural networks[41] , and intelligent controls [42∼45] .
Recently, the concept of fault-tolerant control has also been extended to nonlinear systems[46,47] .
Since the performance of the reconfigured system, in the presence of faults, is limited by the degree
of available system redundancies, it is naturally reasonable (and often a good practice) to accept some
level of performance degradation so that only the most essential aspects of the system properties can be
maintained, such as stability and basic maneuverability. This is often known as graceful performance
degradation. The design of active fault-tolerant control systems with graceful performance degradation
has been formulated recently[48] by introducing normal and degraded system models. It has been
shown that, with this approach, the remaining heathy actuators do not have to be over-stretched. The
reduction in performance also involves lowering the command control input levels adequately.
Even though an active FTCS has the potential to produce less conservative performance, the
entire fault detection/diagnosis and real-time control actions have to be accomplished within a finite
time interval. In addition, consequences of an incorrect control decision can be even more frightening.
As for safety critical systems, there is normally margin for any errors. In this regard, a passive FTCS
may have its edge over an active FTCS. As a matter of fact, the most desirable technique would be
the one which shares the merits of both passive and active approahces. This is exactly what a hybrid
fault-tolerant control system tries to achieve.
2.4 Development of hybrid fault-tolerant control systems
The bottleneck in any active FTCS is the real-time fault detection/diagnosis scheme. Since it
has to operate in a real-time environment with a limited number of measurements, which are often
corrupted by noise, it is quite possible that a wrong decision could be made, or a correct decision
but with considerable time delay. Time delay is very undesirable in any feedback control system, it is
even more critical if the open-loop system is unstable. In the context of reconfigurable control, it was
shown that excessive time delay in fault detection/diagnosis scheme will contribute adversely to the
stability and the performance[49] . In a worst case, it can pose some serious safety risks. One of the
solutions to such a problem is to employ a passive FTCS to provide the stability cushion and to use
an active FTCS to further improve the system performance. This is basically the idea behind hybrid
fault-tolerant control systems. If designed properly, a hybrid FTCS will be able to provide both the
stability and optimal performance with the stability taking the precedence.
Even though the effect of imprecise fault detection/diagnosis on the overall performance of a
active FTCS was examined earlier[50,51] , the development of stability guaranteed hybrid fault-tolerant
control systems is relatively recent. A newly developed stability guaranteed fault-tolerant control
system framework is proposed in [52]. The method has a multiple controller structure, and relies
on LMI optimization to deal with conflicting requirements among stability, redundancy, and graceful
performance degradation. It has been shown, therein, that the stability of the closed-loop system
is always ensured regardless the decision made by the fault detection/diagnosis scheme. However, a
correct decision will further lead to optimal performance for the closed-loop system. The number of
passive controllers is equal to the number of independent actuators, and there is always a low bound
on the performance for the closed-loop system.
No. 1 Jin Jiang: Fault-tolerant Control Systems—An Introductory Overview 169
2.5 Analysis of fault-tolerant control systems
It is easily conceivable that the fault occurrence time is likely random in a practical system. So
are the disturbances and the measurement noise, which will make the outcome of the fault detec-
tion/diagnosis scheme also non-deterministic. In turn, this will lead to a non-deterministic response in
the active fault-tolerant control system. As a matter of fact, if the random nature in each part of the
system can be characterized by separate random processes, the dynamic behavior of the entire system
can be adequately described, on an average sense, in terms of mathematical expectations. Hence, the
stochastic stability of the active FTCS can be defined and subsequently analyzed. Two Markov pro-
cesses were used to represent respectively the failure of the system components and the behavior of
the fault detection/diagnosis decisions in [53] where the mean square and the almost-sure asymptotic
stability in probability are considered for the closed-loop system under random fault assumptions. In
fact, the above idea has been further extended in a great detail in a recently published monograph[54] .
Very recently, a concept of fault coverage is defined in a probabilistic framework[55] . This concept
allows direct application of reliability concepts to the analysis of fault-tolerant control systems, and it
even provides guidance to minimize the risk for system level failures.
For any practical safety critical systems, detailed reliability evaluations often have to be conducted
both at the planning stage as well as during the course of system operation. The reliability of the
associated fault-tolerant control system is also being examined at the same time from safety, reliability,
redundancy and maintenance points of view[56] . Standard tools are available to carry out such analysis,
for example, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) or fault tree and event tree analysis[57] . In fact,
detailed safety and risk analyses are often an important part of the licensing process required from the
regulatory agencies, such as FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) for aircraft, and NRC (Nuclear
Regulatory Commission), CNSC (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission) for nuclear power plants in
the United States and Canada, respectively.
redundancies themselves.
In other safety critical systems, such as an elevator, broken cables or loss of power will not lead
to serious consequences thanks to the safety brakes invented by Otis some 150 years ago. In many
practical applications, a fault-tolerant control can be just as simple as a common sense. In nuclear
reactor shutdown systems, the shutdown rods are suspended by electromagnetic devices upside down.
The loss of on-site and off-site power will automatically release the rods into the reactor to shut it
down safely. Any other orientation for the rods would not have the same level of fault-tolerance, as the
gravity is always at presence.
In aerospace applications, the concept of redundancy has been utilized widely. Modern commercial
airliners use multiple engines. A single engine is generally all it requires to land the aircraft safely. But
with a single engine, the plane will not be flying as fast or as high as with multiple engines. Clearly,
this is a classic example of the relationship between the redundancy and performance. Failure of some
engines will not pose any immediate threat to the safety, but will have a direct effect on the attainable
performance. In aerospace systems, such as satellites or space shuttles, multiple control computers
are often utilized. Each system is developed independently by different teams with different tools and
hardware techniques to minimize the potential risks of common mode failures.
Process control industries have been a major driving force behind industrial applications of fault-
tolerant control systems. The fault-tolerance capability has been improved by moving from centralized
control systems to distributed ones. Every major process control system providers, Honeywell, Siemens,
Emerson, and Triconex can now provide various levels of fault tolerance. In particular, Triconex
has developed systems based on a triple modular redundant (TMR) architecture using two-out-of-
three voting to provide high integrity. By employing ring-shaped communication networks, the system
basically achieves the capability of no single point of failure, as a break of the ring will not affect
the data communications among distributed controllers. In addition, “smart” sensors and actuators
which are capable of self-checking and self-verifications have become increasingly popular in process
In view of the relationships among redundancy, safety and performance, one industry practice is
to over-design the system to sacrifice some potential performance for safety margins. This is a typical
case involving electrical power transmission. In fact, the amount of power transmitted over existing
high voltage transmission lines never exceeds 35% of the thermal limit of the lines. The main reason is
to provide enough safe margin to ensure that the power system stability is maintained in the even of
failures (often short circuits) in the system.
In practice, before construction and commission of any safety-critical systems, detailed analysis
and stress tests must be carried out in advance. One of such analyses is known as Probabilistic Safety
Assessment (PSA), in which detailed propagations of the initial faults (called events) leading to the
potential failures of the system are mapped out with associated probabilities. Such analysis will reveal
vulnerabilities in the system by identifying potential safety hazards and design deficiencies. It has a
very close relationship to fault-tolerant control system design in the sense that, once the vulnerabilities
are identified, additional redundancies can be incorporated to strengthen the system and to reduce the
potential risks.
It is also important to note that, once a system is in operation, the problem of fault-tolerant control
will be closely related to the issue of maintenance. Different maintenance schemes for redundant systems
have been developed and are in use in industries. The reliability of the redundant safety systems and
the overall risks during the maintenance period are all important issues that have been considered by
industry not only from productivity point of view but from safety ones.
5 Conclusions
This paper presents a brief overview of the existing work on fault-tolerant control systems from
several different viewpoints: theories, industrial practices, and potential challenges. In summary, as an
emerging area in the field of automatic control, there are still a lot of work that remains to be done
in this area. Because the research on this subject involves many areas across several different fields,
cautions should always be exercised to ensure that there is always a clear objective on the desired level
of system safety/fault-tolerance as well as those carefully identified physical constraints when designing
new fault-tolerant control systems. In the wake of widespread applications of computers, particularly
computer network technologies in safety-critical systems, fault-tolerant control systems will no longer
be restricted to local loops or to a small number of sensors/actuators. A more system approach should
be adopted with a full account of the recent advancement in distributed control technologies. To
increase the safety and reliability of engineering systems and processes, the research topics should be
motivated by applications and the results are for the applications. Academic researchers and industrial
practitioners have to work closely together in order to harness the power that fault-tolerant control
technologies yet to offer.
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Jin Jiang Received his bachelor from Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R.China in 1982 and master and Ph.D.
degrees in 1984 and 1989, respectively, from the Department of Electrical Engineering, the University of New
Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. After Ph.D., he held several appointments in Marine Institute
and Lakehead University before joining the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada in 1991.
Currently, he is a Professor and NSERC/UNENE Senior Industrial Research Chair, in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Western Ontario. He is also an honorary Professor
at the East China Jiaotong University. His research interests are in the areas of fault-tolerant control of safety
critical systems, power system dynamics and controls, and advanced signal processing for diagnostic applications.