DLL Applied Economics-Week01 Nov.6-9, 2017
DLL Applied Economics-Week01 Nov.6-9, 2017
DLL Applied Economics-Week01 Nov.6-9, 2017
WEEK 01 C. Learning
A. Content B. Performance Competencies /
Standards Standards Objectives Write the LC
code for each
The learner
demonstrates At the end of the lesson
The learners shall be
understanding of the students will be able
able to analyze and
economics as an to:
propose solution/s to
Monday (Session 1) applied science a.Define necessary
economic problems
and its utility in terms related to applied
using the principles of
addressing the economics
applied economics
economic problems
of the country
The learner
The learners shall be
understanding of
able to analyze and
economics as an .Identify existing
Tuesday (Session propose solution/s to
applied science economic problems in
2) economic problems
and its utility in the country
using the principles of
addressing the
applied economics
economic problems
of the country
The learner
The learners shall be c.Explain the
understanding of
able to analyze and importance of applied
economics as an
Wednesday propose solution/s to economics and sound
applied science
(Session 3) economic problems decision making in
and its utility in
using the principles of solving economic
addressing the
applied economics problems
economic problems
of the country
Prepared by:
Grade Level GRADE 11
Economics by
Introduction to
N/A N/A Rosemary P.
Applied economics
Dinio, Ph.D. and
George A. Villasis
Economics by
Introduction to
Rosemary P.
Applied economics
Dinio, Ph.D. and
George A. Villasis
Economics by
Introduction to
Rosemary P.
Applied economics
Dinio, Ph.D. and
George A. Villasis
Short film
viewing. The
teacher willlet her Buzz Session
students to watch The students
The teacher will
a short are group in to
Discussion of supplement the
https:www.goog documentary film, five and discuss
the of discussion by
le.com, you after the film the different
documentary using MS power
tube viewing the problems in the
film point
students will short
asnwer the documentary
questions given film
Review of the past before the
lesson integrated fillmviewing
from Economics
le.com, you
F. Developing
G. Finding practical H. Making J. Additional
applications of generalizations and I. Evaluating activities for
(Leads to
concepts and skills abstractions about learning application or
in daily living the lesson remediation
Dramatization. The
teacher will group
The teacher will into 3 her students
now close his MS and give each group
The teacher will
Power point a exampe of
now asks the
Presentation and economic problem.
students to
ask the students Each group will now
summarize the
to explain the re-enact or
lessons discussed
terms in his/her dramatize the
own words. economic problem
assigned to their
Essay: the
teacher will ask
The teacher will
let her students to
you think applied
research or identif
economics is
other economic
necessary in
problems in the
country or in your
economic issues
respective places.
in our country?
Why? Or Why
G. What
B. No.of F. What
C. Did the innovation or
learners who E. Which of difficulties did I
remedial D. No.of localized
A. No.of require my teaching encounter
V. REMARKS learners who additional
lessons work? learners who
strategieswork which my
materials did I
No.of learners continue to use/discover
earned 80% in activities for ed well? Why principal or
who have require which I wish to
the evaluation. remediation did these supervisor can
caught up with remediation share with
who scored work? help me
the lesson. other
below 80%. solve?